PAGE TWO ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. V i When we buy a pattern of clothes we buy enough SIZES. We do not confine our patt rns in "Slims" and "Stouts" to just a few old fashioned dead colors. We carry "Slim" wits for slim men, and "Stout" suits for stout men, in STYLISH MATERIALS. Be you long or short, small waisted or big around the belt, we can fit you. And the PRICE will be as low as GOOD STUFF can be sold for. Wear our good"Nifty" clothes. Everything here going at 60c on the dollar Dockery-McNair dotting Co. Outfitters far Men and Boys. IT'S YOUR MOVE ELLERBE TOPICS School Newt. (Written by Edwin Key) , The D'Esta Rhodes Entertain ment proved to be quite a success here last week. The performance; each night was enjoyed very much. Twenty-fire percent of the proceeds were given for the benefit of the school.- The vacancy in the faculty has been filled by Mr. Lonnie Sides, of Rockingham. Mr. Sides is a graduate of Eton College and was one of the leading athlets there He will be in charge of all ath letics here. The Richmond County High school Basket-Bail Schedule was arranged last Saturday at Rock ingham. Mr. Sides- who repre sented this school succeeded in getting four of the five games to be played scheduled to be played on the Ellerbe court. We will have quite a lot of work this week improving the basket-ball court and doing other things necessary for the opening game Friday, February 11th. Rockingham will entertain us on that day. "The last loaf to be given here next Friday night by the high school is one of the best amateur plays that has ever been given here. If you want to have about two hours of real fun don't miss it. The play win begm promptly at 7:45 o'clock. Admission will be twenty and thirty-RYe cens The entire proceede will go for the benefit of the school. T9WR MWS. Everyone will be glad to know that Mr. Herbert Greene, one of the boys that was badly broken up in the automobile wreck against the Bank of Eilerbt and who has bean in the Presbyterian Hospital in Charclotte since then, has returned home. Mr. Teddy Ingram, who had the misfortune to get shot Christ mas, has returned from the hos pital at Hamlet. It am sure everyone is glay to see him at home again. . DEATHS Pfiliy C. CwrlBftoa. After an illness lasting two years, Mr. Pressley C. Covington departed this life on Friday night of last week, in his 39th year. The inter ment was held Sunday morning at the Covington graveyard, four miles north of town, the service being conducted by Rev. A. L. Ormond. The choir from the Rockingham Methodist church attended in a body and sweetly sang as the re mains were laid away. Mr. Covington was born May 4, 1882. He was married to Miss Bessie Sinclair, daughter of C. D. Sinclair, and she with two children survive, Perry Cole and Bessie Glenn. Out of eight children only three broth ers are now living, they being W. H. (Billy), and H. G., both living Rockingham; and J. B. Coving- But when you're getting settled in your new quarters, that's where we come in. There are always a lot of little things necessary to fixing up the new home and we handle just such articles of small hardware as are always essential. Make it your business to come in at once and let us furnish you. Our stock of shelf hardware is full and complete and bought in anticipation of just such occasions as Moving Days can be. STEEL'S MJLL NEWS. Mrs. R. H. Webb spent a few days1 last week with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Reed. Work on the new office and board ing house has begun. Born, Jan. 27th ,to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reed, a daughter, Johnsio Pauline. Mrs. P. P. Melton Is on the sick list this week, hope she will soon re cover. We are glad to learn that the Methodist Sunday school is rapidly progressing, having to organize two new classes. Mrs. Ben Livingston m on the sick list this Week, hope she will soon recover. Uf MZSOWAH. In sad, but loving memory of our dear sister, Mrs. Minnie Ethel Grant, who died January the 21st 1910. "Sister, thy gentle voice is hushed, thy wam true heart is stilled, and on thy pale and peaceful face is resting death's cold chill. No more your kind and loving face shaU light the gloom of home, yet in Heaven you are safe while in sorrow we are a lone. It was so hard to part with you, oh so hard to see you die; but we hope to meet with you some sweet day bye and bye." Gone but not forgotten. Her sister, BESSIE COLE. rOB SALE. For sale, a Thompson One Minute Camera for making 11 different styles of pictures, including post cards tin types and groups all made and finished in one minute. Cost $33.00 but will sacrifice to quick buyer; it is a money maker. Fully 200 per cent profit on every sale. Good reason for selling. Write quick and beat the other fellow to it. s W. E. REED, itockingham, N. C, R. F. D. 7, Box 177. New Store Now Open By Sea well ENTIRELY NEW STOCK GROCERIES. I hive just moved into the large store room recently vacated by W. G. Lowry, next door to the Post Die itch office, and have over twice as much room as was available m my 4d quarters. My new store is supplied now throughout with an entire NEW stock of gro ceries, and a much larger stock than formerly. I haVe no goods on hand that were bought at "high" prices. I bought new goods, and can give you right prices and treatment. Let me serve you. J. A. SEA WELL Two doors east ef peetoffice. Pheae 274 ITS SURE TO BE RIGHT if the watch comes from here. No matter whether you buy the cheapest or most expensive in the place, every watch we sell is a guaranteed time-lceeper. We invite you to inspect our exhibit of the new thin model watches at various prices. They take up little more room than a sil ver dollar and therefore do not bulge the pocket out as a sign to thieves. Have a look at them. GAIRBALDI & BRUNS