ROCaOKGHAM fOCT-DIfiPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. "Orion Cherry King Jr., 6th" "King Ultimus" DUROC FARMS Second Annual Duroc Sale FRIDAY, FEB. 25th, 1921 40 HEAD ALL IMMUNE 40 HEAD The offering consists of 30 bred gilts, 8 bred sows and 2 boars, all in the best of condition and the kind that go out nd make money for the purchaser, whether he be a breeder or just raises good hogs for his own use. Our herd boars are two of the best, "Orion Cherry King Jr., 6th" is a litter-mate of Orion Cherry King Jr., 8th" 1920 Champion of the South, and half brother of Quality Orion King Jr., 1919 International Grand Champion. "King Ultimus" is a worthy son of the famous Ultimus of Mayf ield Farm and is out of an Orion Cherry King dam. While thece boars have not been shown we feel sure that they rank with the champions, for they have what it takes to winHeight, Length, Bone, Good Eyes, Good Feet and Good Legs. It is with pardonable pride that we refer to our last March offering. One gilt raised by us and sold in this sale for a little lets than $300.00, sold in a Georgia sale four months later for $1000.00. Sale will be held in a new, well heated sale pavillion on the farm, one mile from Rockingham, on the Rockingham Hamlet road. Lunch will be served for the out of town guests at the farm promptly at 12 o'clock. Sale begins at 1 o'clock, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921. Duroc Reirms, Rockingham, N. O. Write far catalog J. F. D1GGS, W. E. CR0SLAND, H. F. LONG, Owners 40 HEAD ALL IMMUNE 40 HEAD l o c a l Sawing. Any one desiring plain sewing, neatly done, see Fannie Leak, the daughter of Vina Leak, on Stewart street. Prices reasonable. Advt. Valentines at Kaywoods. J. E. Haywood has a large assort ment of Valentines comic, lace, post-card, etc. Key Found. Found, a bunch of keys on ring. Has sii keys and a belt hook. Call at Post-Dispatch office. New C-Raon Cartage For Sale. Just completed on lot 50x150, front ing street west of Rockingham Rail way station four large rooms, bath and ktichen, with hallway 6x22. Built of best material, and has not been occupied. For terms and par ticulars, apply to W. L. Parsons or to G. W. Coggin. ) Caaaaa Lost Lost, a cameo pin between Steph-enson-Belk store and Fifth avenue Saturday, Feb. 5th. The finder will please return same to the Davis 10c store and receive reward. FOR SALE. A tract of land containing fifty four acres, situated about one and one half miles from Rockingham, on the Rockingham and Roberdel road. Apply to Mrs. Luther McLaurin, Mc Coll, S. C. Land Fox Rent For rent, that fine pasture tract of land with tenant house thereon situated a few miles south of Rock ingham on Yadkin river and com monly known as the "Armistead pasture place." See Mr. Egerton, supt. of Power Company, Rocking ham office, or address Land Rental DeDartment. Carolina Power and Light Co., Raleigh. Typewriter Tools Lost LOST Between Wadesboro and Marshville one portfolio with Typewriter tools and forms bear ing the name of Underwood Typewriter Co. $5.00 reward for the return of same to J. E. Gard ner, P. O. box 154, Columbia, S. C. C. O. D. Parcel Post. Buildings For Sale. For sole on terms: A garage building, 50x150, at The Rockets. A 8-room house, on lot 100x200, on East Washington street. A G room house on Watson Heights, including 3-acre lot. Apply to J. W. JENKINS. Farm For Rent For Rent on shares, a five-horse farm. If interested, see W. T. Hamer, Route 2, or phone 2213. Reduces Garage Prloas. To Our Costomers: Effective February 1st, we reduced our charges for mechanical wbrk 20 per cent, and will now charge $1.00 per hour instead of $1.25 as hereto fore. RICHMOND BUICK COMPANY. Corn for Sale. For sale, 300 bu. corn in shucks at my farm in Beaver Dam town ship W. B. Cole, Rockingham. Harness is cheaper. See us. Everett Hdw. Co. Slfl fiTl ahnac frsr tfi OA of TWL- ery-McNair Clothing Co's. PUT IT UP TO PAYNE "Honestly it's the best Policy.' House For Sale. On account! of a change in business of Mr. R. H. Moore to whom I rented my home on Scales Street, my home is for sale or rent Any one who would like to buy or rent, com municate with me . W. G. Lowry PineviUe, N. C. Chevrolet for Sale. For Sale, a 490 Chevrolet taken care of. New top, painted, excellent condition. only. A bargain. B. T. PAYNE. well newly Cash Down to $1 Par Hoar. We have reduced the price of work In this garage from $1.25 per hour to $1.00 per hour. We have five good mechanics and all .rk is executed promptly and to your sat isfaction. Let us scve you. Pee Dee Motor Sales Company, M. L. Tucker, proprietor. Seed Irish potatoes. All kind of garden seeds at Allen-Morse Co. TRESPASS NOTICE. RICHMOND COUNTY, North Carolina. We, the undersigned, hereby give notice to the public that all our lands in Rockingham township, Richmond county, North Carolina, are hereby posted, that all persons are hereby forbidden to hunt on said lands with gun or dog, fish, trap, or camp or otherwise trespass upon any of the aforesaid lands in any manner. All persons are hereby given notice that anyone trespassing on the lands of the signers hereto will be punished to the full extent of the law. (Signed.) W. C ELLERBE, MINOR T. HINSON, W. T. Hamer, W. P. M'RAE, E. C. COLE, All land of estate of N J. R.COLEY. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Rebecca Cov ington Hines, deceased, this is "to notify all persons havine clnimo against the estate to present thehJ to me undersigned on or before Feb ruary 15th, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. MRS. D. E. STEELE, Aadministratrix, Exway, North Carolina. SMILES COME AGAIN TO PRETTY FACES The Charm of Good Health Has Its Source ia Rich Red Blood. Nothing ob Earth so Nec essary for Beauty PEPT0-MANGAN BUILDS BLOOD Restore the Quality of Your Blood, Brings Back Your Color and Renews Vitality Personal charm is like a light It sheds its rays everywhere. Is the light of your personal charm hid den under the bushel of bad blood? Instead of habitual smiles do you wear a tired look almost a scowl? Do you tire easily? Are you pale and lacking in vital energy and am bition? You are not really ill. Your blood has become weak and sluggish. It is half starved. What you need is the blood-making qualities of that splendid tonic, Pepto-Mangan a lit tle while you will feel a big improve ment. The smiles will come back. People will see a difference in you. You will make friends again. You will have plenty of rich, red blood and feel stronger. Pepto-Mangan has been building red blood for years. Physicians prescribe it right along. It has just the ingredients that starved blood needs. Sold in liquid and tab let form. Both have the same effect. But be. sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan. Ask for "Glide's" and be sure that the full name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan," is on the package. Advt Clothes at the prices we are offerinc them are an invpsrmpnr Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. Water Wheel. For Sole, a second-hand 21-inch water wheel. Apply to Roberdel Manufacturing Co. s HAMLET OPERA HOUSE JUST ONE NIGHT THURSDAY, FEB. 17 The 100 Efficient Musical Trent of Any Season. VICTOR HERBERTS LATEST '"'GREATEST MUSICAL SUCCESS r AJ M S1 -BBBBBBBBBBBBB DIRECT PROM IT'S MEW YORK RUN AT THE CASINO THEATRE SPECIAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOTABLE CAST - CHORUS DE LUXE ' "Another Victor Herbert triumph with a wealth of music, clever danc ing, catchy lines and pretty girls." N. Y. American. A Aappy, Joyful, Colorful Sensation that will Linger in Your Memory with 24 Delightfully Distinctive Herbert Melodies. , Original and Only Road Company Entour with Virginia Burt! Loretta Sheridan, Mildred Goodfellow, Harold S. Orr, Jack Paulton, Russell Lennon and An Excellent Cast, Assisted by a Wonder Circus of Pretty Girls and the "My Golden Girl." AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA. Prices $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, Plus War Tax. Seats on sale Saturday, Feb. 12th, Seaboard Drug Co, Hamlet Entire Balcony Reserved for White People Only, Owing to High Coat of this Production.