ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. pa rue wtwip. Special AT THE STAR THEATRE Monday, Mar. 7th. 3 iSENN Bi$ New five-Reel Sensation DOWNONTUI am a. wmtd The simple life r-with all its complications and an All-Star Sennett Comedy Cast to make you like it A bumper crop of thrills and laughs. Johnny Ray in "Jiggs' Close Shave." A "Bringing Up Father" comedy. Matinee at 2:30 Night at 7 p. m. Admission 20-30 cents. AT THE STAR THEATRE Monday, Mar. 7th. NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. In Superior Court, v NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Tom Craig, Plaintiff s VS. Ella Craig, Defendant The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Richmond county for divorce upon the grounds laid down in the statute, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of Rich mond county to be held on the 2nd Monday after the first Monday in March, 1921, in Rockingham, North Caroliiia and answer or demur to the complaint of said action or the plaintiff will apply to the cour for the relief demanded therein. J. A. M'AULAY, Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortage deed executed by D. W. McDuffle and wife to the Pee Dee Motor Sales Company on the 14th day of May, 1920, and duly registeied in the office of register of deeds for Rich--mond county in Book 131 at page 271, the undersigned will, at the court house door in Rockingham Sn Richmond county on Wednesday, the 9th day of March, 1921, at 12 o'clock m. offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the j-16 undivid ed interest of D. W. McDuffle and his wife in and to the following de scribed tract of land, to-wit: That tract of land in Richmond county, N. C. adjoining the lands of Archibald McKay and others, on the waters of Cartleges creek and bounded as follows: Beginning at Archibald McKay's lin , also a cor ner of Mrs. Isabella Nicholson's land on the north prong of Cartleges creek and runs as said Nicholson's line to a green pine corner on the top of a hill by the side of Mrs. Nich olson's field, thence south 50 degrees west 148 nolei to a rock pile on the hill between the Currie house and the Ming house; thence south 66 de grees west 120 polos to the Ming Spring, a sweet gum, thence as John Hadley's land to the north prong of Cartleges creek, thence tip the vari ous courses of 'aid creek to the be ginning, containing 205 acres, more or less, and being the lands formerly owned and known as Anguish Mc Duffle lands. The entire interest of D. W. Mc Duffle and wife in the above lands will be sold. This February 7th, 1921. PER DEE MOTOR SALES CO., t Mortgagees. CAGE BRINKMAN. Eage Brlnkman, president of the Siberian-Danish Importing Corpora tion, came to America for the Durooas of promoting Danish-American busi ness relations. A "ROUND TABLE" DISCUSSION Mill Men at the Convention Asserted That the Textile Markets are Not As Good aa Ninety Days Ago. Greenville, S. C Two hundred su perintendents, overseers and textile agents interested in the cotton mill in dustry convened here at a meeting of the weavers' section of the Southern Textile Association. Representatives of the weaving department of cotton mills tn Aalabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina are holding what they termed a "round table" discus sion of manufacturing problems. Mill men at the convention asserted that the textile markets were not as good as 00 days ago and they said no Improvement is expected so long as there Is a declining cotton market. It was stated that most cotton mills are running merely to keep the organlza. tion of employes Intact and to pre. vent financial ruin of stores and 'other business houses In vicinity of the mills. I Verdict Against Ford Upheld. New York. Damages of $60,000 awarded by a trial court to the Hotel Woodward company against the Pord Motor company were upheld here by the United States court of appeals. Failure of the Ford company to com plete a contract was the basis for the suit Divorce Is Made Easier. Raleigh, N. C Divorce on the grounds of separation was made eas ier In North Carolina when the Cle ment divorce bill, reducing the period of separation as a ground for absolute divorce from ten to five years was passed by the senate. Newspaper Plant Is Burned. Breckenridpe, Texas. Starting In a bedroom over a gasoline filling sta tion, fire here destroyed 27 business houses, hotels and apartments in the business section 'and caused an esti mated loss of $500,000. The plant of the Daily American newspaper, was destroyed. U. 8. Cannot Prevent It. New York. Federal Judge Augus tus N. Hand handed down aa opinio denying the petition of the United States government tor the right to prevent the Western Union Telegraph company from laying the cable from the Barbadoes to Miami, Fla. Day and' Night Service. New York. A continuous day and night air mail service between San Francisco and New York city will be establiibed on May 1 as the result of the record-breaking cross continental trip completed by postal airplanes. Irwin Given One Year. Belfast, Ireland The Rev. J. A. Irwin, a Presbyterian minister, who was arrested in January was convict ed by court martial of having a revol ver and ammunition in his possesion and sentenced to one year in prison. Eight Buildings Burned. Pascagoula, Miss. Eiight buildings, Including the plant of The Pascagoula Chronicle, in the business district of this town, were burned with a loss estimated at $75,000. Liquor Raids In Washington. Washington. Federal prohibition agents picked from the Maryland and Ohio forces visited many hotels here arresting employes In the flrst-flffort on a large scale to break up tne al leged traffic in whiskey. Whipped by Night Riders. Scottsboro, Ala. Silas Blevins, ten ant on the farm of Henry Caperton, was taken from his home and given a severe whipping by night riders, ac cording to the victim's statement to county authorities. Washington An appropriation at $35,000 tor the infantry school at Gcmp Benning, Georgia, is contained in the army appropriation bill has been reported to the senate. , Hughes, Friend of Italy. Rome. Satisfaction with the ap pointment of Charles E. Hughes as American Secretary of State, which was reported here early this week. Is voles:! by a number of newspapers, which profess to see in Mr. Hughes s Wend of Italy. THE KITCHEN CABINET Ed (.1921, WMlira Newspaper tn.un.) Truth and honesty, like precious stones, are perhaps most easily Imi tated at a distance. Dickens. A GROUP OF SWEET BREADS. This Is the time of year when cakes of various kinds may be made and kept for weeks, improv ing with age. A store of good things is as much a source of com fort as a bank account for a rainy day. The fol lowing recipes are some old and some new, but are all worth keeping in reserve. For an ordi nary loaf two cupfuls of sponge and any variety of fruit, spice and flavor ing to suit the taste, may be added. Caraway Loaf. Take one-half cup ful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of shortening, one cupful of raisins, one tablespoonful of caraway seeds, one egg and two cupfuls of sponge. Mix the sponge with the ingredients, add ing as little flour as can be handled to knead ; make into a loaf, and when double its bulk bake In a moderate oven. The flour may be stirred In without kneading, and If well mixed so that the yeast plant is distributed in all parts of the dough, the bread will be even grained, light and ten der. When a rolled dough is desired more flour will be needed. The fruit and spices may be added to the loaf as It is ready for the oven, or spread over the top, rolled and baked either In a ring when very light, or cut In smafl slices. Fig Loaf. Is prepared as above, us ing onehalf cupful of figs finely chopped, one-half cupful of walnut meats and one-half teaspoonful of grated nutmeg. The figs tdke the place of the raisins. Seed Loaf. For this the same foundation with one-half cupful of rais ins, two tablespoonfuls of poppy seeds and two tablespoonfuls of thinly sliced citron. If the poppy seeds are not agreeable, try cardamon seeds. Ginger Fruit Loaf. Take one cup ful of mixed, dried, chopped fruit, one fourth of a cupful of candied ginger. Marmalade Loaf. Use one-half cup ful each of raisins and orange mar malade with the other ingredients as above. Coconut Date Loaf. Take one cup ful of chopped dates, one-half cupful of coconut, and a teaspoonful of al mond extract NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Under dnd by virtue of the au thority vested in the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Rocking ham, North Carolina, by Article 40, Chapter 95 of the Consolidated Qtutl.fno r.f Vnrll, Pomlma nf 10IO 'JllllM H .1 .II ,11 V.UUI VII I . lit and the Charter of said Town of Rockingham, and in pursuance of a resolution of said Board of Commis sioners at a meeting held on the 8th day of February, 1921, notice is hereby iven that an election will be held in the Town of Rockingham, N. C, in the County Court house, on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1921, to determine the question as to whether the Town of Rockingham shall issue bonds in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) to provide a fund for the erection and equipment of a building or buildings for school pur poses in the said Town of Rocking ham, and levy taxes sufficient to re tire said bonds. That at sa.d election all qualified electors who shall favor the issuing of said bonds and levying the taxes for their retirement shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words "For School Bonds," and all qualified electors wishing to vote against issuing said bunds and the levying of said taxes shall vote a printed oi written ticket with the words thereon, "Against School Bonds." .Notice is further given that there will be a new registration of all qualified voters residing in said Town of Rockingham, N. C, and that? the registration books will be opened, on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1921, and will close at sun set on i&turday, the 2nd day of April, 1921. For the ourpose of con ducting said new registration and election, H. L. Guthrie is hereby ap pointed Registrar and A. B. Nichol son and Raeford Terry are hereby appointed poll-holders and judge of said election. It was further ordered by said Board of Commissioners of the Town of Rockingham, N. C, at said meet ing, that notice of the said special election bo advertised for 3ft days in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch immediately preceding said election, and that police of the said new re gistration be likewise advertised for 30 days in the Rockingham Post patch immediately preceding the obening of the books .for said new registration. Ordered by said Board of Com missioners of the Town of Rocking ham, N. C, at its regular meeting held February 8th, 1921. F. D. PHILLIPS, Mayor. W.'L. SCALES, Clerk. Spring Suits or Shoe Laces Chewing Gum or Grindstones As A General Store We would carry them all and everhthing between. But as a matter of fact we carry nothing of the kind. We most decidedly are NOT a general store. Each of the above four items are all right in their place. But this store is a FURNITURE store, and one of the best equipped in this part of the State. Every inch of our space, including warehouse room and basement, is crowded with furniture and hous furnishings goods. We have never carried such a huge assortment, or such excellent material as this Spring. We invite you to look our stock over; call for what you want and we can supply you. Our goods are priced with the times; and we sell on cash or credit. W. E. McNAIR Cash or Credit Rockingham, N. C. i pp. Garden and Fertilizer Seed 2 m I have garden seed in all varieties. Come and pick yours. Of especial interest to those planning to garden or truck is the fact that I have an especially prepared fertilizer on handf orgarden, lawn'and trucking pur poses. It comes in 10, 25 and 200 pound hags, though I will sell it in any quantities desired. Let me serve you. Grocer Phones 38 and 371 Rockingham i i IS!

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