ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COLNTY, N. 0. MiMWgiiiwuw Mmn i i a mwmr Si feSk T 1 T T At Will Bay 01 SelL 1 will buy or sell second-hand clothes for men. If you have a su:: you want to sell, see me; if yo want to buy one, see me. Red SUsF Pressing Club, Rockingham. sen THROWER & STEWART Civi! Engineers & Surveyor Accurate Farm and City Surveys and Concrete Land Corners Contractors for All Kinds of Concrete Work Commercial Drafting - Blue Print ing - Plans & Estimates PHONE 59-W P. 0. Doi 436 RoAinjiira. - - - - M. C. Tired "1 was weak and run-down," relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, ot Dalton, Ga. "I wag tain and Just felt tired, all tbe time. I didn't reist well. I wasn't ever hungry. I knew, by this, I needed a tonic, and as there is none better than WATSON-KING CO. Funeral Directors and Em ba liners. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Phones: Res. .217 or 159; office 35. RHEUMATISM ' Is completely washed out of the sys ! tern by Ike celebrated Shlvar Mineral Water. fPasiUvely guaranteed by, money-bark ..fTer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by McRao Grocery Co. DR. C. C. STEELE, D. D. S. announces the opening of his office 7 and 8 Rancke Building, for the prac tice of his profession. JL V.. -t -- ""f Sonscam CUM ii i 0 0 i i i Hi II y 0j years the demand for r 1 I 1 buicK cars nas always exr ceetlcd the supply even when Buick production mounted to 500 cars daily. Because of the material curtail ment of motor car production this winter, the country faces a decided shortage of quality cars this spring and summer. Consequently Buick dealers are advising motorists to place their Buick orders now because orders must be sent to factory months in advance of delivery. The reason why the demand for Buick cars has always ex ceeded the supply is more pro nounced than ever in the 1921 Buick. Coupled with the noted Buick power and dependability are added riding comfort, eas ier control and a beauty and grace that fittingly express Buick worth. Authorized Buic insures full return investment. Se on Since January 1, regular equipment on al! models includes Cord Tires v i c : Buic!; P-82) The Woman's Tonic ... I began usins Cardui," continues Mrs. Burnett "After my first bottle, I slept better and ate better. I took four bottles. Now I'm well, feel Just fine, eat and sleep, my skin la clear and I have gained and sure feel that Cardui Is the best tonic ever ! made." Thousands of other women have found Cardui Just as Mrs. Burnett did. It should help you. At all druggists- W. S. THOMAS Atlorney-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. I ancLlilles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, I can put you in touch with buyer or seller. Coington Building Over Dockery-McNair's. Phone 165 BROOKS & HILL Civil Engineers Surveying & Plats Plans & Estimaes Office over Bank of Fee Dee ROCKINGHAM, If. C. F. DONALD PHILLIPS Attorncy-at-Law Rockingham, - - - N. C. Office upstairs over the W. E. McNair Furniture Store. Phone 365 OZ.HER L. HENRY Attorn ey-at-Law Office upstairs over Hicks & Maness Barber Shop and T. R. Helms' Jewefry Store. Phone 344 ROCKINGHAM, N. C. H. S. Bxtu K. I. BOGGAN & McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diligence and promptness. Practice in all courts. Second Floor Rancke Build ing, rear of Court House. Telephone Number 106. Richmond Buick Co. J. V. JENKINS, Prop. R. R SIMMONS, Mgr. in u I , , ,r "- " mm tT-if i w iii iiw w i ii ii i wn-n " ' 1 w CMv 0 Light & t ROCKINGHAM MAI 27' 7" fMATLTQO 1 JUL VV LUJXkD I When in nee. fi diavincr. nhone i truck tor hire. avy Di'aying. of light or heavy We have a Hale Furniture Seasonable cut flowers, palms ana ferns. Floral arrangements for any occasion. Prompt at tention to out of town' ordeis. SCHOLTZ, The Florist PHONES 441-412. CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. N. TUYON ST. W AT SON-KING CO. Agents. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE nil AUTOMOBILE $$P$T REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. i Minor T. Hinson Office over Helm's Jewelry Store Phone 354 Let Your Voice Make the Trip Why travel to see a man when you can talk to him so satisfac torily and so cheaply by long distance tele phone? The toll call clinches, the interview and gets you right down to brass-tacks-business. The low STATION TO STATION rate en ables you to use the toll lines extensively at small cost. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WL Co. phone 208. 3 H W W. 0, dond Si f . i 0 I Succ saor to A. E, 1 arroll ELECTRICIAN Electrical Supplies . tock ip Office next door ti 2 j j me your war ts. mm B - s S FI IVID U Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, I Tr I Sr-iatif! and Periodic Pains. Keneves witnin a it I fan, mmnfac 91 H utlinw wmij H.I vi.u.wwwi t I I m J "Everything S to Eat" I Z 'NUF SED. m 7 Z Z i7i. v: Z " ! GROCERIES S 2 TO SUIT EVERY $f Z TASTE 1 et us serve you. X e. bIjles t Z Grocet Phone 38 X MarTtaciurcr of fine ccmetcrj' memorials in marble and granite. ia'.l in to see them, make your selection ind save the agent's com mission. All work guaranteed. O. W. DOSTER, Prop, Rock:njjhm, N.C. D. J. CASHWELL Attorney at Law and Notary Public Rockingham, IN. C Office in Long Building, , Room No. 4 F. J. GARRETT, M. D. Special attention given to Kar, Eye,.Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12--2to5. Other hours by appointment. Office over FOX'S DRUG STORE. F. B. D. GARRETT, M Office Hours : ' 8-9 a. m.---2-3 p. m. Phones : Office 339, residence 337 Office oyer W. E. McNair's furniture store. fOa SALE -BY L. G. FOX DRUG CO. and all good drug stores COMMISSIONER'S RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court, of Richmond count v, made in the Special Pro ceeding entitled "M. H. Home, adm'r of C. B. Watson, deceased, Vs. Wiza McLeod Watson, etal," the under signed commissioner will on SAT URDAY, MARCH SflHn, MK1, at US o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Rockingham, N. C, offer for re-sale on account of in crease in hid, to the highest bidder for cash, two certain parcels or lots of land, lying and being in Rich mond county, in the town of gllsrbe, and more particularly described as follows, Viz: FIRST LOT: Situate in the town of Ellerbe, adjoining the lands of M. F. Horner and others Beginning at a stake in the edge of the street in the original line, and-runs as said line S. 17 E. 6.32 chains to a stake in said line; thence. N. 85 W. 3.17 chains; thence N. 14 1-2 W. 6.32 chains to the edge of the street; thence as the southern edge of said street S. 85 E. 3.17 chains to the be ginning, containing two acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to C. B. Watson by M. P. Home and wife by deed dated July 11th, 1911, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county in Book 75 at page Richmond county in Book 75 at page 2. SECOND LOT: Beginning at Wat son's corner of the lot upon which he now lives and runs N. 14 1-2 W. 3.11 chains to the graded road for merly known as the Grassy Island road; thence as said road S. 62 de grees E. 4.02 chains to a stake in the original line, thence as said line S. 12 1-2 E. 66 links to his own corner; thence as his line N. 85 W. 3.17 chains to the beginning, containing one-half arce, more or less. This March Uth, 1021. Wi S. THOMAS, Commissioner. Dr J. M. LEDBETTER Special attention given, to Ear, Eye; Nose and Throat. Offle hours: 10 to 13 to 5. Municipal Building Rockingham Dr. L. D. McPhail Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone 94; house 176. .Rockingham, N. C. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Under and by virtus of the au hority vested in the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Rocking .am, North Carolina, by Article 40, uiptcr id of the Consolidated. Itatutea of North Carolina of 1919 ml Hie Charter of said Town of lockingham, and in pursuance of n solution of said Board of Comrmv ioners at a meeting held on the 8tli lay of February, 1921, notice is :ereby iven that an election will e held in the Town of Rockingham, .. C, in the County Court house, .ii Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 921, to determine the question as o whether the Town of Rockingham hall issue bonds m the amount of !ne Hundred Thousand Dollars .; 100,000.00) to provide a fund for the erection and equipment of a uiilding or buildings for school pur poses in the said Town of Rocking ham, and levy taxes sullicient to re tire said bonds. That at sa.d election all qualified electors who shall favor the issuing of said bonds and levying the taxes for their retirement shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words "For School Bonds,'' and all qualified Sectors wishing to vote against issuing salt! bonds and the levying of said taxes shall vote a printed oi written ticket with the words thereon, "Against School Bonds." Notice is further given that there will be a new registration of all qualified voters residing ' in said Town of Rockingham, a. C, and that the registration hooks will ba opened on Monday, the !4th (lay of March, 1021, and will close at su'ni set on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, 1921. For the purpose of con ducting said cew registration and election, H. L. Guthrie is hereby ap pointed Registrar and A. B. Nichol son and Raeford Terry are hereby appointed poll-holders and judge of said election It was further ordered by said Board of Commissioners of the Town of Rockingham, N. C. at said tneet ing, that notice of the said special election be advertised for 30 days in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch inim Jiuteiy preceding said election, and that ..otice of the said new re gistration be likewise advertised for 30 days to the Rockingham Post patch immediately preceding the opening of the books for said new registration. Ordered by said Board of Com missioners of the Town of Rocking-j ham, N. C, at its regular meeting held February 8th, 1921. F. D. PHILLIPS, Mayor. W. L. SCALES, Cierk. DR. W. L. HOWELI Special attention to diseases of stomach and intestines. Office hours: 12 to 3, Ellerbe, N.C. O. D. WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and ENBALMER Hamlet, N. C. Day phone 369 Night phone 370 Dr. HAL J. ROLLINS Veterinarian Ofly:e and Hospitalxon Hancock street Office phone 361 Residence phone 10 Rockingham :-: Richmond County DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE. N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Bank building. Hours : 9 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 22. STOMACH ILLS permanently disappear after drinking the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Posi tively guarnteed by money-back offer Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where by our Rockingham Agents, Mc Rae Grocery Co. Salesmen Wanted. Wanted, salesmen for line ot guaranteed tires. Guaranteed salary $100 per week; extra commissions. COWAN TIRE & RUBBER CO., Chicago, Illinois, Box 784. SALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEE. Under and by virtue of the author ity VeSted 'in the undersigned trus tee by, a Deed of Trust executed by R. .1.. Hinson and wife Rena Hin son on September 14th, 191S, and duly registered in Book 124 at pages 130-31, reference to which is hereby made, to secure certain indebtedness therein specifically set out, and the holder of said bonds therein men tioned having made demand on the undersigned to sell said property under the provisions of said instru ment, no payment or interest on same having been made after de- nand, the undersigned commission er will offer the following property for sale, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Being lot No. 1 in the division of the estate lands of John K. Smith, deed., beginning at a stake 3 pine pointers in the edge of old Speed road, in a line of the McCaskill land, and runs with said line N 73 E 52 chains to a cor ner of the McCaskill land south of a small branch or drain; thence N. 23 W. 10 1-2 chains to a stake, orig inal line . of John K. Smith tract; thence a line made in the division S. '76 1-2 W. 48 1-2 chains to a stake in the original ine; thence S. 4 1-2 ' E. 10 1-2 chains to the beginning. SECOND TRACT: Bqing lot No. 2 in the division tof the estate lands of John K. Smith, deed., beginning at a stake 2 pine pointers, a co. ner of lot No. 1, and in the original line, and runs with said line N. 23 W. 12 ehains to a stake, pine and black gum pointers; thence as a line made in the division S. 76 1-2 W. 44 1-2 chains to a stake, pine pointers in the original line; thence as said line S. 4 1-2 E. 12 chains to a corner of lot No. 1; thence as dividing line N. 76 1-2 E. 48 1-2 chains to the begin ning. PLACE OF SALE: COURT HOUSE ROCKINGHAM, N. C. TIME OF SALE: AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, MONDAY, APRIL 4TH, 1921. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. This March 2nd,' 1921. A. R. Mc PHA1L, ft t ,y. , Trustee.'

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