ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. PAGE TWO ELLERBE BOYS CHAMPS Ellerbe Team Wins Basket ball Championship of Coun ty in Final Contest with Rockingham Last Friday. Columbia The Big gHGND Menagerie W$r Sfl street isMostrl&aScadc! 3jT ,PAiiADE Noah's Ark. ai many Yf W - TO oi CHCtrioj Spkador. ot (be aoinab sre y A ' .:s NS novei ideas, UWDwepaJr h&M 'ill BRASS BANDS- SENSATIONAL " j " V!t- I IIORSEs! j MACKaa a hod ' V J- "Wl causing niics 1 1 One Day Only Wednesday, Apr. Bigger, Better Than Ever TWO PE.tFCRMANCES 8 p. s. After Every Meal Still 5C W RIG LEY'S has steadily kept to the pre-war price. And to the sares h.2h stand ard of quality. No other goody lasts so Ions-costs so iiftie or does cc mycf) fcr you. c.v to caflv pcaeiicsai y g IVOGCf! LEii old. 1 flip r lMIAk . iif,.i'rrwTTvr'- 310 Buy It Either Way Tablets or Liquid PE-RU-NA For Coughs, Colds and Catarrh Mr. K. W. Marshall. Brampton. Michigan, suffering from Systemic Catarrh involving Head. Nose, Throat and Stomach, claims a complete enre. His letter is convincing- "For the past two years I have bean troubled wltb systemic catarrh 1 used several oozes of Pe rn-na tablets and they bave affected a complete cure. 1 do not hesitate to recoasmend Pe-ru-na fo. all catarrhal conditions." Mr. Marshall is just oneofmanythonsands who have been benefited by Dr. Hartman s famous medicine in tie past fifty yean. It is by stimulating the digestion, enriching theblood andtoningupthe nerves that Pe-ru-na is able to exert such a soothing, healing influence upon (he mucous membranes which Hoc Ae body. It is a wonderfully effective remedy to restore strength after protracted sickness the grip or Spanish Influenza. I aw f OR UUP. CDacn coio J, utmjmai One of the fastest and most exciting games of basketball ever staged in Richmond County was played last Friday afternoon in Rockingham, when the fast EL'erbe. team won the High School Championship in basket ball of Richmond county. The two teams seemed to be equally matched at first but after about ten minutes of play the Maroon and Old Gold boys began j to come to the lront and from that time on they were never in any danger of being defeated. Rockingham rook the lead by shooting a foul goal. Then Eller- b? tied the score dv shooting a foul goal. Rockingham again took the lead by shooting a field goal; Ellerbe again tied the score j by shooting a field goal, then El- lerbe tool: the lead for the first time by shooting a field goal, and from that time until the whistle blew at the end of the I game Ellerbe kept the lead, but nv Limes Rockingham was jus: one point in iLe rear. Curtis Price was the individual star for Ellerbe, shooting 12 out of 18 points for his team. Caudle and Key for Ellerbe are due much credit for their wonderful work at guard. Not only did they hold Rockingham to a small margin, but throughout the en tire series they have kept their opponents to a small score. Capt. McAskill altho slow on his feet stays in the old game all the time and always "rings" one or two just as they are needed most. Broadway has many "hard-Arch shots but he is fast on his feet and a splendid field worker, and with Price to work with him al lows him to make some wonder ful plays. Rockingham had no individual star: the Dlavinc of the whole team were the features for Rockingham. Smith at guard did some wonderful playing and broke up many of Ellerbe's plays. When the final whistle blew the score was 13 to 18 in favor of Ellerbe. The following is the line-up: mmm n-wmmmm ' 9 I nWtfB3 K H aHsVWsWRyMPf I n I H e--v 1! ' i imam n 3 hhdi B isnu a mm ji I HNM r- I W 1 1 I W V D II uraronolas . A' Fre-War 'rices The price cf the E-2 Standard Model Columbia. Grafonola, ihe most popular mcdd mad?, and the prices of cur entire- line of Columbia Grafonolas I have been readjusted lo pre-war levels. I You Save $40 on This Model This is the most radical readjustment ever made in the phonograph industry. And these new prices, below the pre-war level, are for much improved models equipped with the exclusive Non Set Automatic Stop and the other exclusive Col umbia advantages which make the Columbia Grafonola the only modern phono graph. Come in today and see for yourself what big value thee new prices give. W. E. McNAIR Cash or Credit Rockingham. N. C. Ellerbe Price, F Broadway, F McAskill, C Key, G Caudle, G 12 4 2 0 0 Rockinghim Webb, F Coble, F Steele, C 0 Smith, G Ellerbe, G Harrison Piedmont Circuit Sunday. Prof. R. N. Wilson, teacher of chemistry at Trinity College, will address congregations of the Piedmont Circuit next Sunday on Sunday school organization. All of the officers, and teachers of the tour churches of the circuit are asked to meet at Pee Dee church Sunday afternoon at three o'clock for a round table discuss ion led by. Prof. Wilson. He will speak at eleven at Midway, and at night at Roberdel No. 2. Ticute Three News. Mrs. L. C. Covington has been on the sick list; hope for her a speedy recovery. We were sorry to hear of Mrs. Peele, near Hamlet, being sick. Hope she will soon get well. She was a Miss Covington of our community till her marriage last fall. Rev. Mr. D. P. Bridges, of Eller- bs, pent Sunday p. m. at Mr. J. M. Lowe's. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harrington, from Rt. 4. Don't forget that Friday night is the time for the debate at the school-house. Be sui e and come. MissionaryJBay at Cartledge's Creek Sunday morning. Come and bring someone with you; you are welcome. Ti?5P ! SlgijfcjRAD E . MAR K Front the Sea to; jewv Land THERE 13 nothing fc that surpasses j.ah cs a source of nitrogen (-T r.T.ra'Cvo field tests made it' Southern Experiment Ltutic-'.j prove this point. Vrito your State College cf Atr-iculture for its opinion. FISH !3 the base of the AM.OU3 .SOUTHERN 1 RF-CIO rt.Kt.13 Ths Southern rertiiizer C Chemical Co., manufacturer of FAMOUS SOUTHERN FISH FERTILIZERS, maintain an extensive organization. Owning r.-d operating their fishing ficet tind erfher sources cf supply, they ere able to msintoin a high ctandard of qual.ty for the manufacture cf the FAMOUS SOUTHERN FISH FERTILIZERS. (2) Southern Fertiliser & Chemical Ca oavannan, jra. ISH FlulTILIZERS. II I ier 111131519 is enrich your 'r fttttifl .?"tkebest'' AND k CHEMICAL CO, II MS SAVANNAH, GA- For Sale by DOCKERY MERCANTILE & MFG. CO. ROCKINGHAM, N. C Kf In tht HotiM