ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATOH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. PAGE ELEVEN CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS See George B. Seitz Thursday, July 7th, "THE SKY KANGfcK, a new serial at the Star I heatre. Gastcmia. As he stepped from be hind a closed jitney, W. F. McCanless, of Charlotte, was run over and serious ly injured by a car driven by Miss Charlie Huss. Carthage. The wheat crop of Moore county has been harvested and is the poorest in years, averaging seven or j eight bushels per acre against a state average of thirteen bushels. Graham. Alamance county has signed up more than 35 per cent of her tobacco growers as increased in terest shown around Eton, Glen Raven Isley and Stony Creek committees. v - Charlotte D. Luke Johston's large barn was burned and his finest horse was killed by lightning that struck the barn and set it on fire during the electric storm. ' Spencer. Suffering from Injuries sustained by failing down a stairway three weeks ago Mrs. T. C. Blackwell, . aged 84 years, died at thb home of a daughter, Mrs. L. M. S. Ketchie, In Spencer. Greensboro. The North Carolina Public Service commission has lost In Its initial effort in the federal courts' to win a Judgment ordering that the Southern Power company continue ' furnishing it current for distribution in Greensboro and High Point. Winston-Salem. Heart trouble and an overdose of morphine were as signed by the coroner's Jury here as the cautfc for the death of Dr. Andrew J. Smith, of Garner, N. C, who was found dead on the floor of his room at a local hotel. " High Point The second day of the Southern Furniture Exposition, which opened in High Point's new ten-story building, proved a distinct success, ac cording to the managers of the South's first furniture show. Winston-Salem. An incoming Nor folk and Western passenger train struck a motor truck at the crossing leading to the Mayo cotton mills at Maycdan. One negro was killed in stantly while another was fatally in Jured. Hickory The North Carolina Post masters association will hold its an nual convention in Hickory August 16, 17 K?d 18. Postmaster Bagby an Bounced. Winston-Salem The oonerstone of the new 9alena Methodist church was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Winston-Ralem. Caught in a burn i-tr tiai-n in fno her father. A D, Sto'rUon, near Kernsville, Alice Stockton, t years old, was hurned to death. P-'.atesville. William Sigmon, of thlM Mo;nno, was probably fatally in jured and his son Ralph, age 17, was badly bruised when their car over turned. , j Asheville. Rust which has made its appearance in the wheat crop of this county is expected to result in damaging the crop one-third, C. C. Profltt, county agent, stated upon his return from a tour of inspection. AsheviUe Sentence of six months on the roads and to pay a fine of $1,000 was passed upon Noah Wil liams, aged 65, and whiteheaded, in Polk county superior court. A still said to have been found on his place was of the old government type. Fayetteville. Mrs. Leon McGinnis, wife of Sergeant McGinnis, battery A, 21st field artillery, and Private James Howell, battery D, of the same regi ment, were killed at Camp Bragg when an crmy bus in which they had start ed to Fayetteville tun. el over. Mount Airy. O. N. Swanson. of Pilot Mountain, died at the Martin Memorial hospital in this city. He iwas the victim of an automobile ac cident which occurred on che -oad be tween Pilot Mountain and Westtieid. Morganton. Miss Hariotte G. Cole, aunt of nr. X. M. Taylor and James C. Taylor, died at the home of the latter here. Nearing her 94th birthday, she was one of the bldest persons in this section. ' Kinaton..-A dozen persons, men, women and children, leaped from the roof, second story end flr3t Btory win dows of a boarding house before fire men could be summoned to rescue them from flames which had spread throughout the house. The building, a frame structure, was gutted. ' Salisbury. City Engineer Webb has Issued a permit to the Paul Rub ber company for the bni'Jing of a $100,000 plant in the southern section of the city. Work ias already begun on this new home of a new Salisbury concern that is to be quite an addition to Salisbury's industrial life. i Marion. He Marion school bond election carried here by a good ma jority. There was a small registra tion ! a heay vote. A hand:tone high school building will be erected os the preseat grade school camp Don't forget the date of "THE SKY RANGER" which will start on Thursday July 7th, and each Thursday thereafter with George B. Seitz in the cast. At The Star Theatre. Broach Lost. T.OST:..On the nicht of Tune IRth.. a ronnd rupeed f.dee cold broach with diamond in 'center surrounded with pearls. Finder will receive satisfactory reward by returning to Mrs. J. T. West. 1 Cow for Sale. For sale, fresh young Jersey cow. E. B. O'Brien, phone 2711, on Route 3. i - S. L WEBB'S Weekly Review Corn, $1.10 per bu. by sack. Oats, 60c per bushel per tack.. Shipstuff, $l'.75 per 106 lb. sack. Occoneechee Flour $9.00 per barrel. Rice, 16 lbs., $1.00. 1 doz. Tomatoes, $i.0ff. Ai buckles Coffee, 5 Mb pkgs.. $1.00. Best Cheese, 5 lbs, $1.00. 10 lbs. green Coffee, $1.00. 10 lbs. meat, $1.00. 10 lbs. Lard, $1.00. Ouart Frui Jars, 1 do:., 90c. 4 lbs. Corby Cake, $1.00. Sugar too cheap to advertise. Bring your wagon and a little money and get a load. These are cash prices and good for this week only. See me. I will do you right. S. L. WEBB, Phone 25ff. Painting. You would not make a mistake to get W. A. Scholl to do your painting a man of long exper ience. See him or write him at Rockingham, Box 317. advt 2t Sow Pigs. For sale, four sow pigs, 6 weeks old, full-blood, registered Durocs. See or write Robert Parkser, on Diggs Farm, Route 1. Soda Received. Just received this week several cars of Nitrate of Soda. Let us serve you. McRae Grocery Co. "THE SKY RANGER" is a Pathe serial with the star, Geo B. Seitz. You will see it at the Star, Thursday, July 7th, the real starting date. Cigarette Case Lost. Lost, June 14th, Silver cigar ette case on the road between Pee Dee River and Rockingham. Liberal reward. Finder please communicate with A. D. Keys, Box 877, Charlotte, N. C. Draying and Moving. . I am now operating a truck for drayage and moving purposes. Any work given to me will be appreciated. W. A. Seawell, phone 301-W. Furniture Repairing. Your furniture repair work solicited. I do smaller jobs at your home Phone me at 292-W, or see me G C. Coble. Plain Sewing. For plain sewing, see or phone Mrs. G. C. Coble, phone 292-W. We are looking for you on Thursday, July 7th, to be sure and see the great new serial, "The Sky Ranger," with George B. Seitz on the job, at the Star Theatre. Summer is Here. Now is the time to cure tired, sweaty, aching feet. Put up at Biggs Drugstore. Sold under a guarantee. Free if it ails. Trv it Orders for Soda. We are takine orders now for Nitrate of Soda, aDd will be glad to .serve vou. Dockerv Merc. & Mfg. Co., West Rockingham. Notice. I have just received a Regisrered "Thor oughbred" Stallion which is placed here by the Government Only one in the State. $10.00 fee. Gauranteed service. R. W. Pumpelly, Samarcand, N. C. Awnings. Let us take your measure for awnings We are well equipped to handle this work. -W. E. McNair. Bring us your chickens, eggs, tc Allen-Morse Co. Pedigreed Leghorns. For sale, pedigreed S. C. White cockerels, 10 weeks old. J. Rollins. -Dr. H. Allen-Morse have agency of Firestone tires. A sensational serial in 15 epi sodes will start at the Star Thea tre on Thursday, July 7th, named "THE SKY RANGER with George B. Seitz as star. Jones Springs Water ON SALE AT . S. Biggs Drug Store 5 ml. containers at $3.50. Allowance of $1.50 for return of empty crate. ' Net cost of water : $2.00 for 5 gal. Jones Springs water is well known to the people of this county as a water of merit and health-giving properties, and needs no other advertising. Just say "Jones Springs" and that is sufficient. Situated between Ellerbe and Jack son. Send your order to BIGGS DRUG STORE Rockingham, N. C. Tf vnn want to see a real serial that has thrills and action ' in it whv not start with Georce B. Seitz in "THE SKY RANGER" next Thursday, July 7th, at the Star Theatre. Ship and sail under the Stars and Stripes to all parts of the world THERE was a long period when it was not true, but today it is proudly true once more trade and passenger routes are so established that you can ship your goods, or. you can sail, to any part of the world under the Stars and Stripes. The program of routes is being carried out' with an eye to the future as well as present needs of American exporters and im porters and all American pros pcrity. See that the ships you use are owned and operated by American citizens or by the U.S. Shipping Board. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Line, 17 State Street, Ne York, N. Y. Matson Navigation Company, 26 So. Gay Street, Baltimore, Md. Munson Steam Ship Line, 82 Beaver Street, New York, N. Y. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co.. 1 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pacific Mall S. S. Co., 4$ Broadway, New York, N. Y. U. S. Mail S. S. Co.. 4$ Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ward Line. (New York and Cuba Mail S. S. Co ) Foot of Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Free use of ' Shipping Board films Us of Shipping Board motion picture films, four reels, free on request of any mayor, pastor, postmaster, or organi zation. A great educational picture of ships and the sea. Write for inform ation toH. Laue, Director Information Bureau, Room 911, Hl) "F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C SHIPS FOR SALE (To American citizens only) Steel iteamerai bath cil and coal buraera. Alio wood teamen, wood hulls and oeean-(nin tufa. Further information obtained by request. For sailings of passenger end freight skips to all parts of the world and alt other information, write any of the above lines or U S-SHIPPING BOARD WASHINGTON,! July Series Opens Saturday, July Second The foundation may be laid now for a home in the fu ture by subscribing to shares in this series. Richmond County Building & Loan Association A. G. Corpening, Secretary Hotel Building Rockingham W'" 'SSMi A"... Beautify Your Home Your floors, furniture, wood .work can be finished quickly, easily and attractively if you use FLOOR FINISH Especially made to resist the scuff and tread of grinding heels on floors, it is for that very rea son the best finish for FURNITURE aid ALL WOODWORK Either the clear vanish or eifht beautiful colors from LUht Oak to Dark Mahosaoy. Coma in-let as show 7 on what Kvaniix wiH do. Paints, Varnishes, Colors, and Painting Accessories. Whether you want to paint a chair or a house we have the material. Everett Hardware Company Rockingham, N, C.