f AOK JSItlHT ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND OOtJWTY. ff. C. SAViNOS DEPOSITS LARGELY INCREASE CHECKING ACCOUNTS REDUCED SOMEWHAT DURING PERIOD OF INDUSTRIAL STRESS. CONCLUSIONS SOUNDLY USED Are Perhaps Fifteen Million Savingi Bank Depositors In United States and the Number Is Growing. Washington. America has no! touched her savings bank accounts during the period' ot industrial stress, except to increase It. The business man s bank balance Is reduced some what from the fat figures ot last year and the farmer can't sign his check (or what he Used to, but the man who has mone yln the savings bank has more there today than he ever had be fore. All ot which goes to show, a cording to the Federal Reserve Board's presentation ot the facts, that, while we've been tightening our belt And consuming less during the past sii month's we haven't drawn on our re serves but have strengthened them. The figures upon which this analysis 1a made are admittedly incomplete but they form the soundest sort of premise upon which to baso the above conclu sions. The board's report shows that the eight hundred and seventeen banks had on deposit this week the huge sum at $2,942,901,000 in savings. There are perhaps fifteen mlllioc savings banks depositors In the Vnlted States and the number Is growing. uossrie num-m-mta mam Lower Prices on Nash Cars Samuel Gompera is Re-elected. Denver. Samuel Oompefs, labor's 71-year-old general, stands triumphant. The fortieth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor be fore adjourning crowned him leader of the American labor movement for the fortieth time. In the most sensational and bittet contest the federation has ever had, It re-elected him president. Oldest Georgian Is Dead. Moultrie, Ga. Moses Walkor, negro, believed to have been the oldest res ident of Georgia, died here. Moses claimed to be 128 years old. He could recall incidents of the Creek vlndian Wars and other events of the first tew years of the nineteenth century. Child Awarded $24,000. New York. Arthur L. Riley, four nad a half years old, was awarded damages of $24,000 .because of injuries sustained when struck by a truck. Four Burned to Death. Baltimore. Two women and two children were burned to dearh when Are destroyed the home of Meyor Sandler. Farmers Need 500.000. Washington. The labor department estimated that more than 500,000 men can be used on farms in the aext three months to harvest crops. Will Marry Stepfather. New York. In fulfillment of a vow made at her mother's deathbed, Miss Isabelle Gordon, 21, will marry hex stepfather. Six Drownings. . Wilmington, Del. Six drownings In the past 48 hours is Delaware's record. AH six of the deaths were due to inability to swim. Socialists Not to Affiliate. . Detroit, Mich. The socialist party In annual convention here, rejected motion to affiliate with the Third In ternationale of Russia. Effective July 2 will be reduced, effective Since then every effort of the Nash organ ization has. been centered on effecting sound manufacturing economies. Nash prices July 2nd. This conforms to our statement mude last October that Nash prices would be main tained until at least July 1, 1921. The reasons were plain. Until manufac turing costs were lower we could not cut price without cutting value, as Nash prices were not inflated. We pointed out then that while the aver age rise in the price of motor cars for a four-year period had been 76 per cent the price of Nash cars had been raised but 31 per cent. This 31 per cent included the addition of cord tires as standard equipment and many other additions and refinements which added materially to the value of Nash cars. So we re-affirmed our fixed intention of rigidly upholding the high quality of Nash cars. The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Here Are the New Nash Prices Effective July 2 popularity of both bride and groom. From the gift room Mis Pearl Jor dan directed the guests again to the back hall invited each guest to re gister in the bride's book, presided over by Miss Mary Fairly. Mrs. Bessie Wilkinson then invited them innto the dining room, artistically lecorated with baskets of yellow flowers tied with tulle, where deli cious, cake and cream were served by Miss Laura Wall Everett, Mary Henlley, Ruby Gibson and Martha Gibson. The guests were then in vited hy Mrs. W. H. Cox to-the front portch where refreshing fruit punch was served by Misses Kmma Neal Covington, Roberta Coble and An nie Ferre, and Messrs. Neill Gil christ, J. L. Paylor, Ernest Smith and P. S. Bethea. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill motored to Hamlet and boarded a northbound train. Mrs. McNeil! wore a becom ing suit of blue tricotine with gray accessories. They will be at home in Hamlet after July 1st. f i ALBERT KORPANTY. Albert Kbrfanty, "director" of Upper Slleela, who has been trying to drive the Germans out of that region. New labor-saving devices were added and production practice so perfected that every process of Nash manufacture is a model of efficiency and economy. The savings have been substantial. And they demonstrate as nothing else could demonstrate the remarkable Nash ability to produce fine cars at the lowest possible cost. Even while working production costs downward we were improving Nash cars still further. Now we can announce for July 2 a great er Nash value than ever at a reduced pur chase price. At the new prices the leadership of Nash cars is even more emphatically apparent. HAMLET OPERA HOUSE HAMLET, N. C. Clean Entertainment for the Whole Family PROGRAM FRIDAY, JULY 1st " OTIS SKINNER "KISMET" The White Population Showed Only a IS Per Cent Expansion and the Negro 6.5 During the Decade. In which America's Greatest Re- mantle Chars cior Actor Perpetrates His Supreme Success. SATURDAY, JULY 2nd. DOROTHY GISH v "FLYING PAT" A Gingery, Jazsary, Just-wed Ro mance that Shoots High in the Air and Ezpodes with Fan. Added "SON OF TARZAN" Episode '4 Roieoe (Fatty) Arbuckle "HIS WEDDING NIGHT" NASH SIX PRICES: 5 -passenger touring car . $1545 2- paf s inger roadster . 1525 4-passenger sport model .. 1695 7-passenger touring car T: 1695 4-passenger coupe. .. i. 2395 7-passenger sedan 2695 f. o. b. Kenosha NASH FOUR PRICES : 5-passenger touring car $1195 2- passengcr roadster 11 75 3 - passenger coupe 1735 5-passenger sedan 1935 f. o. b. Milwaukee All Nasb models, both open and closed, have cord tires as standard equipment Pee Dee Motor Sales Company M. L. Tucker, Owner MONDAY, JULY 4th DAINTY MARY MILES M INTER In- "DON'T CALL ME LITTLE GIRL" Added "SELZNICK NEWS" "TOPICS OF THE DAY" "DOWNSTAIRS AND UP" Washington.-rThe racial composi tion of the population of the United States in 1920, as announced by the census bureau shows the country to contain 94.822,431 white persons, lo 4(1,013 negroes, 242,959 Indians, 111,- 025 Japanese, 81,688 Chinese and , 485 others. The Japalnese race ex ceeded by far the rate of growth In the last ten years of all other classes. Unofficial estimates ot the increase In the number of Japanese in the United States, particularly on the Pa cific coast, were borne out in the offi cial tabulation, which revealed a rate of expansion of 5S.9 per cent during the decade of 1910-20. California ab sorbed 30,596 of the total grow of S8.868 Japanese in this period. Janu ary t, 1920, there were 71,952 Japanese in California. The white population showed only a 16 pW cent expansion for the decade and the negro 6.5 per cent. Both the Indian and Chinese groups dwindled 8.6 per cent and 13.8 per cent, re spectively. The growth ot the white "xipulation was considerably less than the rate of the previous decade, which v is 22.3 per cent. This decline, the statement said, was due principally to the marked reduction in immigra tion during the world war. TUESDAY, JULY 5th SIDNEY FRANKLIN in "NOT GUILTY" A First National Attraction Added "BUBBLING OVER WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN "WHISPERS" Added "DARN FOOL" M'NEILL GIBSON WEDDING Laurinburg Exchange. Eleven Found Guilty. Toledo, Ohio Eleven of the 13 men and women tried on a charge of con' spiracy in a million-dollar postoSIc robbery here were found guilty. Grasshoppers Destructive. Colorado Springs, Colo. Millions ol grasshoppers are invading El Paso county, destroying vegetation. Greeks R&ject Offer of Allies. London. Greece has rejected the of fer of the Allies to mediate for peace between Greece and Turkey and the war in the Near East will continue, said an Athens dispatch to the rail Express. Bungalow Prices Dropping. Chicago. Building costs on Small homes have decreased 20 per cent in the last year, according to Barton O'Toole, of the Chicago Real Estate Board and head of "Own Your Home" movement. ' 20 Killed; 30 Injured. London. Twenty persons were kill ed and tnirty injured when the Lille Paris express was derailed at Van court HameK says a Central News dis patch from Paris to news headquarters here. Hoover Splits With "Bloc.' On Wednesday evening, June loth, at 8 o'clock, there was solemnized at the Methodist church in Laurin burg a wedding of unusual beauty when Miss Annie Prince Gibson be came the bride of Mr. William Key McNeill of Hamlet. The church was decorated with cut flowers and ferns and under the soft glow of candles the interior was a scene of beauty and splendor. Mrs. L. T. Parker, of McColl, S. C, handsomely gowned in midnight blue, embroidered in gold and carry ing yellow roses,' presided at the organ and beautifully executed Valsi- Bleuo" (Lawson) and "His Love SonsT iChonin). Before the entrance of the bridal party Eva CoVington, in her usunll charm ing manner, sang "Beloved, It Ii Morn,' by AvJland. Then to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, the bridal party entered in 1'nc following order: Messrs. Neill Gilchrist, David Easterling, of Ham let; Ernest Smith and J. Lester Tay lor, ushers, crossed in front of the (altar and stood at either side. The I flower girls, Misses Grace Gibson and Annie Cox, wearing fluffy blue organdie, and Elizabeth Smith and Kfrihiirlnri 14illllll-n At Hamlet., in Washington. Secretary of com-1 . i,..ta merco Hoover has split with the seniP'"- "'puure, i.j.e atorial "agricultural bloc" on the b-j- of- roses, took their places within stc r-i "-iiple of the so-called farmers th(? chancel. Next came Hie bridecs relW legislation. This was admiUed groomsmen; Miss Kath- by those identified with tie coalition. I " ' ryn Bailey, of MarshviHe, in blue organdie and carrying pink Killar- was of bride's roses and valley lilies ney roses, with Mr. L. J. Wilburn and orchids. The words that made of Hamlet; Miss Josie McLaurin, them man and wife wjpre impres in blue organdie and carrying Kil- sively spoken by Rev. W. A. Cade, larney roses with Dr. B. W. Wil- pastor of the bride. During the cere liamson of Hamlet; Miss ArriS mony Mrs. Parker played softly the Fletcher, of McColl, S. C, in pink "Wedding Song," by Mary Bosa. organdie and carrying Killarney Mendelssohn's was used as a reces roses, with Mr. George V. T. Dow sional. of Hamlet; Miss Edith McLeod, of, The bride's gift4o the bridesmaids Rockingham, in pink organdie and was beautiful lingerie clasps, and to carrying Killarney roses, with Mr. ii0 ring bearer and four flower girls, Albert Lytch; Miss Thelma Gibson, dainty rings, and to the groom a in lavender organdie and carrying lovely diamond stick-pin. Killarney roses, With Mr. P. S.' The bride is a daughter of the Bethea; Miss Pearl Jordan in lav- Jate A. P. Gibsons and Mrs. Martha ender and carrying Killarney roses, Gibson of Laurinburg. She is one with Mr. Oscar J. Fletcher, of Mc of Laurinburg's most charming Coll, S. C. Tlie bridesmaids crosseil young ladies and is greatly admired in front of the altar and took their by all who know her intimately, places within the chancel. The r.ho will be missed especially in the Mi , groomsmen stood on either side of church. The groom is assistant the altar, ihen came the maia ot cashier of the Bank of Hamletj and honor, Miss Elizabeth Gibson, sister js a young man of sterling qualities of the bride, in a lovely creation aiid business ability, of Nile green taffeta and lace and Immediately after the ceremony ranying yellow roses; and then an elegant reception was given at the ring bearer. Miss Martha Hayes the home of the bride's mother. The Myers, in a dainty frock of yellow guests were met at the door by Dr. embroidered orgam!ie( carrying the ring in a rose. The groom with liis lu'st man Mr. ft. E. Young, Jr., of Charlotte, entered from the side door and awaited his bride, THURSDAY, ' JULY 7th THE KENTUCKIANS A Paramount Picture Added "SELZNICK NEWS" who entered on the arm of her. brother, Mr. A. P. Gibson, Jr., who .cave Ker away. The bride was hand somely gowned in ifory Duchess satin, trimmed with real lace and orange liossoms, and wore pearls, the gift of the groom. Her bouquet and Mrs. J. L. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Myers directed them to the re ceiving line in the parlor. The room WAB beautiful in its decorations of swei t peas an,d asparagus fern. Rockingham, N. C July 1st, 1921 Like a Flash of Ligtning. It whistles through the air. You hear it. You see its smoke. Its the aeroplane in "The Sky Ranger." Speedier than any oth er invention of man's brain. . It girdles the globe in a few hours. See it fly. See it destroyed. It's only one of the thousands of thrills in this fifteen episode Pathe serial, fea curing JUNE CAPRICE and GEORGE B. SEITZ showing July 7th at the STAR Theatre. At the STAR THEATRE li Thursday, July 7th, 1921. APINESE RAPIDLY INCREASE "Raiding Parson- le Dead. Philadelphia. The Rev. Robert B. Joh.ison, of the Methodist Episcopal church, who, as a Federal prohibition agent in Pennsylvania, became known as the "raiding parson", died at "his home here, the result. It Vas said, ot his strenuous work In keeping after violaters ot the liquor law. Canadian Lumber for Egypt. Vancouver, B. C Egypt has Just placed one of the largest orders for manufactured lumber ever secured by British Columbia. Cablegrams hav been received by Vancouver bank confirming the purchase of 24.000,009 feet of railway ties . Decrease in Foreign Trade. Washington.. Heavy decreases in the country's foreign trade with- Eu rope and South America during May as compared with the same month last year was shown In the monthly re port Issued by the department of commerce. Debate en Soldiers' Bonus. Blew for Pot t Royal. Washington. A report of army en gineers that improvement of Fort Royal sound In Beaufort river, Soufe. Carolina, up to Beaufort, is inadvto able, wu transmitted to congress fef Secretory Weeks. . Ambassador to Chile. Washington. William Miller Col lier, president of George Washington TTniversity, this city, was nominates! by President Harding as American ambassador to Chile. Crown Prince to Blacksmith. Weerlngen. The former crown prince of Germany has taken to black smithing to while away the idle hours. Rotariane Received by King. London. Officials of the Interna tional Association of Rotary clutoe were received at. Buckingham Palace. TtiH Kin, tfie Queen, the Prince ot Wales and Princess Mary ehook hands with the visitors. Pueblo Loss le S.17,000,000 Pueblo, Oolo. The financial loss re sulting from the Pueblo Hood amounts to $16,784,sS8, according to a report by the committee named to supply data on damages to the United Stotea Reclamation service. BE From here the guests were invited by Misses Lizzie Dowdy arid Grace Gill into the gift room, decorated, with nasturtiums and ferns presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Grady Gibson, where numerous and handsome gifts showed in a small degree the Putting it off today won't get it done tomorrow. An advertisement in this paper today will bring business tomorrow. 3B Arrested and Released. Dublin Bamonn de Valera, the Irish republican leader, was arrested nejir this city and later released, It was definitely established. There had teen earlier denials from the Sine. Fein authorities. Linnty Contest Heard. Washington. 'Protests against, the eonlrmatlon of Prank A. Llnney to be Untied States attorney for the western district of North Carolina were heard behind closed doors by a senate jadt ciarfcaubcommttte.

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