KOCKINGHAM FCST-DlSPATCfi., RICHMON., COUNTY, N. 0. "Moat of the Shadows of Life are Caused by Standing in Our Own Sunshine" Emerson. How about Your Shadow? Better see AYNE! "HONESTLY ITS THE BEST POLICY" W. L. Scales, Jr., in charge of office, over Bask of Pee Dee, during the temporary absence of PAYNE from the city.) ttoooof Get In 1 The Game ! You have sporting blood and like a good clean game and what normal person does nothave you tried the game of saving money ? It's an old game and a good one. Those who play regularly are very enthusiastic about it. Try it, if you are not already a player, and you'll like it too. And if you keep at it, you will surely win ! That's the beauty of this game all who play regularly and persistently are bound to win. Come to see us and get in the game. We will help by adding four per cent interest compounded quarterly. The Bank of Rockingham M. W. McRae President Dr. A. C. Everett, Vice-Pres B. F. Reynolds, Cashier Open till 6 o'clock P. M. on Saturdays. MILLINERY OPENING AT Ellerbe Wednesday, Sept 21 I am establishing a millinery shop in the utore A. Z. Williams, at El lerbe, and will have first Fall Open ing on Wednesday, Sept. 21st. The ladies of the entire section are cordL ally invited to call either on that date or any day and give me the privilege of showing them my offer ings. I shall carry a splendid line dear to the feminine heart, and will do my best to merit the support of the public. ST i 1SS BERTHA COVINGTON at A..Z. Williams store EIJUElRBEi V LOCAL ITEMS AND PERSONALS Matters Briefly Mentioned Little Happenings Personal Notes CALL POST DISPATCH OFFICE Phone 182 --- Watch your label. Phone Post-Dispatch items of news. 182. jour Mrs. R. B. Waddell's addrefs in Charlotte is now "204 West Palmer." i . Born, Wednesday to Mr. and Mra Mack McKenzie, at Rober del, a son. Born, Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snuggs, on Route 4, a son. Miss Louise Hurley arrived Sunday to resume her work as head of the millinery department of the E. B. Terry store. Miss'Mary Louise Everett left Tuesday for Raleigh to resume her studies at St. Mary's. She is president ot the Senior tlass this year. ' Mrs. W. B. Hicks and Miss Bertha came down from Biscoe Wednesday for the dance, re turning today; they were the guests of Mrs. F. W. Leak. The Hamlet Chamber of Com merce Wednesday elected J. P. Gibbons as its president, and H. P. Austin as vice president. T. L. Moffitt is secretary. Rev. A. D. Wilcox, pastor of the Trinity church, Durham, was in town Thursday looking over some future improvements on the Piedmont Circuit. Major A. McCullen expects to go to the Pryor hospital, at Ches ter, S. C, on Friday of next week to take treatment. He is being ordered there by the War Risk Insurance Department. The front of the Jenkins Buick Company building has been pret tily painted, and the name of the company, and other informative matter,lettered attractively there on. Tenkins and Keller seem de termined to "go and get ? Miss Bertha Covington, daugh ter of Mrs. John Sandy Covington the county I home demonstration agent, will run a millinery store at Ellerbe, using a part of the" A. Z. Williams store. The Opening will be next Wednesday, 21. Mr. C. C. Cape! wishes the pa per to state that he will keep the Ellerbe Springs hotel open during the fall and winter. The summer season has closed, but he is in charge until Summer rolls around again. The revival meeting that has been running at the West Rock ingham Methodist church came to a cloce Wednesday night. Eleven were received into the church. Dr. J. W- Harrell, of Troy, did the preaching. Carpentry work begins Friday in preparing the room for the U-Save-It store in the hotel build ing for the Leak-Jones Co. The new firm expects to Open up within three weeks. Buren O'Brien will be manager of the cash-and-carry store. A script dance participtated in by 25 couples and nearly a score of stags was held at the Library Wednesday evening, the music being by the "Pennsylvania Ser enaders,",an unusually clever set of musicians. It is possible that this same orchestra may be secured for the annual Marshals ball for the night of Oct. 28th. Miss Vara Durham accompan ied Mrs. Bruce Benton home two weeks ago, from Winnfield, Louisiana; she will remain here a week or so. Miss Durham is teacher of domestic science in Louisiana College, at Alexandria, La, (he Baptist State coeduca tional college. Mrs. Lucy P. Russell is spend ing several days in town with Mrs. W. Ellis Thomas. f Miss Bertha Covington went to Charlotte this a. m. to take in the Made-in-Carolinas Exposition, Miss Lillian Hasty left this (Thursday) morning for Colum bia, S. C, to enter Chicora college. Miss Rose Biggs left Tuesday for Red Springs to enter Flora McDonald college there; she will study voice. Mrs. Howard Hartzell is ex pected the last of next week from Smithfield to spend two weeks here with her mother. Miss Dorothy Lea, of Monroe, came here for the dance Wednes day night as the guest ot Mrs. W. P. McRae, her sister. Mrs. Vernon Dowless and daugh ter, Lugenia, came here Sunday to spend several weeks with Messrs. W. C and J. B. Williams. Miss Emma Porter, who is teach ing in the Pee Dee school that start ed Monday, is stoDnins with Mrs. Claude Williams, in town. Mecklenberg Presbytery. The Post-Dispatch received this a. m. the following card from Rev. Mr. Coppedge: "Sharorr Church, Sept. 14.. About fifty ministers and fifty ruling elders are attending the meeting of Mecklenburg Pres bytery. Rev. R. S. Burwell was chosen Moderator. Dinner and supper are served on the church grounds. Delic ious viands in variety and pro fusion are enjoyed by the mem bers of Presbytery and other visitors. Rev. Messrs. Dallass, Rourk, Young and Coppedge and ruling elder Graham, of Hamlet,, axe m attendance from Richmond county. Rev. C. H. Little is a princely host. W. R. Coppedge." Do you know you can roll cigarettes for lOcts from one bag of Mrs. C. B. Kelly and infant, Hamlet, went to see her father, M. Davis, near Ellerbe, Saturday spend a week. He is sick. On last Wednesday from four I to six oclock little Clyde Black 1 entertained a number of his! friends celebrating hts fourth j birthday. After many games I were played, ice cream and cake ! wore served, and all departed wishing him many more birth-1 days as happy as this one. k GENUINE ' Bull'Durham TOBACCO We want you to have H best paper tor "BULL. So now you can rwoahw with each package a book of 24 leaves of ffiUfe the very finest cigarette pr.psr in the world. Ellerbe School Topics. Continued from page five The yonug son of John W. Cov ington got a cotton seed up his nose last Saturday, and it requir ed the services of Dr. Everett to extract it. Miss Helen Long will leave the 24th to resume her studies at Columbia University. This is her second year there in the study of physical culture. Mrs. Rosa Henry, of Logan, W. Va Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Maddry, of Durham, Mr. G. J. Henry, of Morven, spent last week with their sister, Mrs. J. M. Seago. A Ford driven by Miss Clark, of Candor, collided with H. D Baldwins heavier car Wednes day afternoon on the R'ham-El-lerbe road. The Ford was dam aged, but no one really hurt. A car driven ba Miss Lizzie Cole struck Miss Sarah Dickin son, aged 14, Wednesday as she was crossing the street near her home. The young girl was knocked down, but escaped with a few bruises. Miss Ethel Covington left the uth for Fairmont to resume her duUes as teacher in that school. She has the 6th grade this year. Miss Katherine Covington left the 13th for Alhe marie to teach the third grade in the Wiscassett school. Rev. and Mrs. A. McCullen re turned last Friday from a visit in Wilmington; they were accom panied home by their daughter, Mrs. J. B. LeGwin and young son, who will visit them for a month. Al ten ling the Exposition in Charlotte Tuesday were Mrs. J. N. Hasty, Charles McCollum,and Misses Lillian Hasty, Mary Leak Scales and Sudie Jenkins. The two latter went from there to Spartanburg to enter Converse College. Misses Jean McAllister, of Greensboro, and Susan Malone, of Georgia, arrived Wednesday night to remain until Sunday with Miss Concord Leak. They are on their wav to Aenes beott. Decatur, where Miss McAllister graduated last spring and where Miss Malone is a sedior. Miss Leak will leave on the 25th for New York to enter the Finch School. The handsome two-story brick parsonage, just completed by the Baptist congregation, will be the occasion of an open house to the public next Tuesday night, to which the public is invited. Mr Benton has a short notice to this effect elsewhere in this issue The achievement of the Baptist congregation in building, and completely paying for such a dwelling, is splendid. Mrs, E. P. Seawell, of Carthage' who has been visiting her son in Newbery and Union, S. C, stop ed over with her soft, Mr. J. A. Seawell, Wednesday night, on ber way back home; she will return home Sunday. Special attention is directed to The pupils taking part in ath- the advertisement of W. E. Har- letics are very glad to have their rison & Land Company, who are coach of last year. The football now opening up and placing on : team is practicing daiiy under the racks a large and complete:. t . , ? c-, , assortment of men's and Wh training of Mr. L. R Sides who school and boys' clothing, all of j was Ior lour 'ears 'on college s wnicn nave Deen rjougnc on tne ; most uisimguisnea ainiete. ne low market and will be at an attractive price. offered advt. Ik furnrther ' Pure Blood is Foe of Thursday Health Talk 31 By Mary Lon Miller, D. C. Pk. C. Where the blood is pure there is no rheumatism. Rheumatism is due to faulty elimination of poi sons from the body. It is principally due to weak ness of the kidneys. , In acute inflamatory rheumatism the joints, usually the wrists, ankles elbows and knees, are (he seat of inflamation. Move ment of the joints affect ed causes great pain. To minimize pain the mus cles will remain contract ed. The bones may be come deformed and the joints stiff. When the spinal nerves to the kidneys and bow els and lungs are free, every eliminative process of the body is active, an J the blood is pure. Chirp practic spinal adjustments freeing spinal nerves to these organs will remove the cause of rheumatism. Began Suffering at 13 "I was 13 when I first suffered an attack of in flamatory rheumatism Last winter for 3 weeks I was unable to move a muscle, except my ton gue. I was f?d- with a spoon. Sorted Chiro practic and today 1 feel better than for many yrs. I make this voluntary statement that others may know what it has done for me in this terrible mala dy."H. H. Knock, C. R. B. Statement No. 1275H. MARY LOU MILLER Telephone M9 Room 2, Long Building Rockingham, N. C. has a squad of about twenty-five men from" which to choose the teams. We won't have such a heavy team, their weights rang ing from 160 to 220 pounds. The iteamjs taking two and one-half hours of hard training each day, and so far there are mighty good prospects of a hard-fighting and a winning team. The probable lineup of our team will be pub lished in next week's issue. He has organized a twenty two piece band among the High School pupils. We have several new teachers with us this term who are very well known in the county. Miss Ruth Covington, of Eller be, who has charge of the first grade, is substitute for Miss Rus sell at the present, Miss Russell not being able to be here for the j first month; will be here at an i early date. Miss Ruth Covington has had two years experience in the pri i mary department. She attended I summer school at Greensboro i last summer. Miss Russell is a graduate of jWhynot High School and has j been teaching for eight years. I She attended summer school at j Troy this summer. SENSIBLE PEOPLE will give you credit for saving we will give you interest. Perhaps you hesitate to ave money because of the gibes of the so-called ''good-fellows." Many a young man is taunted i into wasting money by the atti tude of worthless fellows who I have a contempt for anyone with ! ambition. You will be wise to disregard j them and to respect the opinions I of sensible people who will con ! sider your thrift as praiseworthy. This Association not only re spects the young man who saves a part of his income but we pay him a more liberal interest rate tfian he can secure elsewhere with absolute safety. Th Rptrv Walps dresses, for Your money deposited nere is character and style, have no su-, safe. You share in the earnings perior in this country. They can 0f thjs Association which is a,co SSivfaS 'S t.e inaituta chartered by E. Harrison & Land Company tne laws oi rms. owie. Every dress absolutely teed to the wearer. guaran adv That Stat Program. Friday "The Greatest Love." Jersey Bull. . For sale, a Jersey bull See or write to W. E. Covington, on ! Route 4. RICHMOND COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASS N. V. P, McRAK, President. A. G. CORPEMNG, Sec.-Tre.s. Office iu Hotel Bldg. Checking and wrapping posi tion open tor youn lady. Apply W. E. Harrison & Land Co. iPT It bP TO PAfrM "Honestly It's the best PoMcy.

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