AGE EIGHT B0CB.1NGHAM POSI PISPATCa RICKJOlfD COUNTY, K. C. Farm Demonstration Department. (Continued fiom Frost Page.) iibly you havlp never handled it be fore. Don't Become Panic Stricken. The weevil has come to "gather his Jewell" the fanners who will iollow Mother Nature's laws in their agricultural practice. Such will make better farmers titan they now are. Others will go into "outer dark ness where there shall be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth" iinancialU. Smile at this if you will, but remember that "he laughs best who laughs last." We have recently made a co-ope-ative order for vetch and other cover crop seed of several hundred pounds, but this represents only a very small percent of farmers who should begin improvement this fall. Early in August, we published a notice of this service and offered our assistance with the caution not to be too late "you can lead a horse to water, hut you can't make him drink." "The Trucking Business?" Remember Rockingham's market last spring and summer and then remember how you fed those cab bages to cows an t hogs at a loss. Rockingham ate nil she cotjd, but she is not (if elephantine proportions nor has she the capacity of a herd of mammon ths. No, there's nothing doing in that line except for, a few who know how to specialize and have been at it for years. ' "A Track Growers' Association For Shipping?" Oh, no! Not for Richmond county & 1mm farmers! .That would require co-op cration such as is seen in the Peach Growers' Association of Moore Coun ty and of the eastern section of Richmond. No, we won't do that NOW, but we will when the weevil gets through with us if we are yet able. Then we will sign a co-operative contract for a period of years, to giow and sell a definite number of acres of cucumbers, melons, sor ghum (for syrup), potatoes, berries, or anything else, and agree to stick in order to sell truck in distant markets at a profit. "Plant Peaches?" Yes, if you'll, first of all, become a member of a Peach Growers' Asso ciation that is reliable. Then wisely select the orchard site and be very certain that you know how to plant, cultivate, prune and spray for best results or be willing to do (and do it) absolutely every thing advised by those who are competent to advise. But, thus again requires co-operation the biggest word in the fanners' "dictionary." If you don't want to co-operate, just do as the little calf did after running off at milking time, with the "dry cat tle" "learned the difference 4 when he came to suck." Under weevil infestation, we must be agriculturally "bom again." We haven't yet entered the gestation period. (Bring something to the County Fair, October 26-29.) W. H. BARTON. Report of the condition ot the Bank of Pee Dee at Rockingham, N.C. n the Sta of 'North Carolina, at ctoae of business Sept. 6th, 192L RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts unsecured North Carolina State Bonds . . All other Stocks, Bonds and , MoT-gages Ranking House. $9,000.00, Fur niture Fixtures 31.000 All other real estate owned Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies . the $831,659.77 . 2,014.68 , 25,000.00 18,400.00 10,000.00 650.00 t2 7,998.90 $1,015,723.41 $100,000.00 100.000.00 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 30,064.58 Dividends unpaid . . 617.00 Bills Payable . si 175,000.00 Deposits Due Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies 5,698.43 Deposits subject to check . 479,072.24 Cashier's checks outstanding T.iV.SS Certified Checks Time certificates of Deposit, Due on or after 30 days Report of the condition of BANK OF ROCKINGHAM at Rockingham. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept 6th, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts, unsecured U S Bonds and Liberty bands Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures All other real estate owned Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies . S414.C32.29 $1,552.33 8.700.00 5,475.00 18.917.35 59,331.97 Total $508,608.94 LABILITIES Capital stock paid in . $50,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 19,122.26 Bills payable 132.500.00 Deposits subject to check 306.003.94 13J.31 12,400.97 Total , . $1,.5,723.41 State of North Carolina coumy of Rich mond. Sept. 14th, 1921. I, H. C. Parsons, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. C. PARSONS, cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of Sept., 1921. W. L. SCALES, Notary Public Correct Attest: T. C. Leak W. N. Everett Wm. Entwistle Directors GEORGE WARBURTON Report of the condition of The Farmers Bank at Rockingham. N. C in the State of North Carolina, at the close of businessi'Sept. 6th, 1921. RESOURCES t Loans and Discounts . 309,240.06 Overdrafts, unsecured . . . 30.01 United States Bonds and.Liberty Bonds .... 22,765.01 North Carolina State Bonds, 8,554.47 Bond Account 220,600.00 Bank House $499.00; Furni ture and Fixtures $1.00 . 500.00 Cash in vult and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers Trust Companies - 136,94659 Checks for clearing 18,514.96 $717,151.10 $15,000.00 30,000.00 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Uudivided profits, less current .expenses and taxes paid 15,890.14 Unearned Discount - 3,533.14 Dividends unpaid . . 105.00 Notes and bills rediscpunted NONE Bills payable . . . . NJNE Certificates of Deposit repre senting money borrowed NONE Deposits due Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies Deposits subject to check Cashier's Checks outstanding Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or after 30 days Accrued Interest due depositors, and reserved for taxes . 12,500.00 Bond Account . . 220,600.00 5,409.89 411,909.72 1,297.21 900.00 Total $717,151.10 The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church of Rockingham, N. C, desiring to express their sense of loss in the recent death of Mrs. George Warbuton on August 1st, 1921, have adopted the following resolutions: 1st. That through the death of Mrs. YVailiurton we hav lost a member wlise untiring energy, ac tivity and zeal have been an inspir ation and stimulant to us all, during th matiy years in which she has been one of our most faithful work ers. 2nd. That we hold in reverence her example of devotion to her fam ily, her chirrch and her friends. That we recognize that working for the objects of her love was the delight of her life, that her generosity and hospitality were limited only by her frail health 3rd. That we offer to the bereav ed family our deep sympathy and commend them to God whom she loved to serve. 4th. That we send a copy of these resolutions to the family, that a copy be spread upon the minutes Of our society and copies be seato the Presbyterian Standard and the Post-Dispatch for publication. MRS. L. P. RUSSELL, MRS. W. E. HARRISON, MRS. W. E. THOMAS. State of North Carolina County of Rich mondSept. 12th, 1921. I, R. L. Phillips, Assistant Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. L. PHILLIPS, Asst Cashier. Subscribed and sworn -to before me, this 12th day of Sept., 1921. H. C. RANCKE, Notary Public Correct Attest: L. S, Covington, M. H. Fowlkes, F. J. Garrett JWrectors Total . . $508,608.94 State of North Carolina County of Rich mond, Sept. 14th, 1921. I, B. F. Reynolds, cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. F. REYNOLDS, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of Sept, 1921. W. C. Nichols, Notary Public. Correct Attest; R. T. Nichols, VV. P. McRae, A. C. Everett, Directors. $205,322.09 Statement of the condition of the Richmond County Savings Bank i ai Rockingham, N. C. i at the close of business Sept. 6th, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts, Stocks and Bonds " Cash on hand and due from banks Cash items Real Estate owned Furniture and Fixtures $246,177.35 2.50 22,600.00 6,333.16 4,661.30 10,500.00 666.00 $290,940.31 $15,000.00 15,000.00 9,970.44 20,000.00 V7.50 230.872.37 Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Bills Payable Dividends unpaid Deposits .... Total . . $290,94031 State of North Carolina, County of Rich mond, I, W. L. Scales, Cashier of toe above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) W. L. SCALES, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 16th day of Sept., 1921. H. C. PARSONS. Notary Public. Correct Attest: William Entwistle J. Stansill Covington . W. N. Everett Directors Report of he ths Condition of Bennett Bank & Trust Co . Report of the Condition of u Bank of Ellerbe at Ellerbe In the State of North Carolina, t close of business Sept. 6th, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . - $15C,328.5S Overdrafts secured $ 412.80 unsecured $ 152.15 Banking House $2800.00; Furni ture and Fixtures $251 3 JO Cash m vault and net amounts due from Banks. Bankers and Trust Companies . Total . LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expenses & taxes paid Bills Payable Deposits subject to check Cashier's checks outstanding Time certificates of deposit, Due on oi after 30 days Total . . $205,322.09 State of North Carolina -County of Rich mond. Sept. I2th, 1921. I, Prince O'Brien, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly affirm that above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. PRINCE O'BRIEN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th day of Sept., 1921. C. M. BRADT, Notary Public. thet OX ul 564.95 II am , Tb"7V If n Make .your Y Nw. 5.413.90 ShOVify C 7I ".Q14.69 Luxury "IjX wim our ytlv MMM $10,000.00 111 P 'Xl WlNk I 15,000.00 in onovind 'c vr 5n5 Hi Took JJL. Svyfu 57,500.00 I Correct Attest : B. B. Farlow . W. L. Howell J. H. McRae Directors - 1 -jy ' LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS ill House for Sale. acre lot on Watson Heiehts. See A. W. Porter. Draying by McNair. I have decider rn dh nnhli draying in connection with mc store, and. can furnish a hand.y 10 lbs. Green coffee at S. L. Webb's for $1.00. (advt.) Coal $9.00. Soft coal $9. cash on delivery. See us. Operatives Trading Company. SEED OATS. - For sale, Fulgham Oats 99 per cent germination, $1.00 per bush el, also full line pure, field seed for fall planting; writer for prices The Pure Seed Co., Cheraw, S C at ELLERBE, N. C. in the State of North Carolina, close of business, Sept. 6th, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Overdrafts, unsecured -Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures -All other Real Estate owned Cash In vauit and net amount due from Banks Bankers and Trust Companies Bond Account at the $82,697.11 5.68 5,834.64 3,30529 7,272.91 2,200.00 AGENTS WANTED We Want lady or gentleman agent to handle city trade in Rockingham and other vacant cities. This is a won derful opportunity as you will re tailing the genuine J. It. Watkins Produ-.s including Watkins Co coa i. it Oil Shampoo, Garda Fa-:e Povv , Fruit Drinks nn 1 over 137 other products. lodny for hm sample and pnrtirnlan. The .1. f. Watkins Ojimmny, 6S New York, N. Y. DON'T FORGET US When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in -Undivided Profits ' -Bills Payable Deposits subject to check -Time Certificates of Deposit, Due m les than 30 days Cashier's Checks outstanding Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or after 30 days Savings Deposits Bond Account $101,315.63 $49,020.00 239.86 10,000.000 18,196.91 4,789.36 76.90 13.955.00 2,837.60 2,200.00 Auto Number Lost. Lost, automobile license num ber 80805 between Morse Bros.' sZore and Midway. Reward for return to James Sheppard. Is your razor dull ? Do the bristles fall cut of your shaving brush? Does your soap make a thick, softening lather ? Is your strop any good. If not come to us and get son NEW SHAVING STUFF. When you want anything in the drug lins buy it from us and KNOW it is right. .. FOWLKES PHARMACY ZZZZZ The Drug Store w& a Welcome! ET IT QUICK!" Ma8Z!BI Phow IV Fresh Caadi ROCKINGHAM, N. C Fountain Drinks ... i iff INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE LIFE 11iTriMnR.11 v ACCIDENT FIRE AUTOMOBILE HEALTH REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD Minor T. HInson Office net Heh'i Jewelr, Store Pboee 354 1 1 n Hunting Forbidden. All persons are hereby piven no tice that they are forbidden to hunt with gun or dog, or otherwise tres pass upon my property in Wolf Pit township, under full penalty of the law. Violators will be prosecuted. This Sept. 10th, 1921. 4t WADE SPENCER. Hal tor Sal. I have for sale a 'good mule. OTTO REYNOLDS, Roberdel, N. C CodledgewHygrade Patnts andwVarnlther The difference in price between the best paint and ordinary paint is only a tew dollars. The labor cost is the same for both and over the same period of time, if you use poor paint you will have to pay for labor twice. OH HOUSE PAINTS last for years. Poor paints don't. An attractive booklet, Tie House Across At Wr," illustrates the value of paint harmony in the home. Ask us for free copy ana color charts. ALLEN-MORSE CO. ROCKINGHAM, N.C. Total - $101,315.63 State of North Carolina--County of Rich mono, Sept. 12th, 1921. I, J. R. Bennett, Cashier of the aborfl named Bank. lo solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledze and belief. J. R. BENNETT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of Sept.. 1921 C. M. BRADY, Notary Public Correct Attest : J' E. Nicholson A D. Nance J. M. Maness Directors Tractor for Sato For sale, one new Cleveland trac tor and complete set of Oliver imple ments at distribution prices. This tractor is similar to the one now in use by the towp ot Rockingham; none betten Address W. G. Temple ton, Statesville, N. C. 7 Job Printing We are equipped to handle any kind of Job Prtntlna, ana wnea it comes to Service, we can only refer you to our customers or ask that yov. give us a trial. Handbag Lost. Lost, black walrus leather, hand bag September 9th on road Between Aberdeen, Rockingham and Pee Dee Ferry, containing ltadles' wearing ap parel, toilet articles and gold watch marked "LidJa." Finder please wire T. M. Abbott, Charlotte. Reward. : fP(RINTIN)G; Seaboard Air Line Railway INFORMATION BULLETIN Niagra Falls, N. Y. Tickets Special Excursion fares. On sale july 6, 14, 20, 28; August 3, 11. 17, 25, 31; September 14, 28; October 12. Limited 17 days. Round Trip Fare from Rockingham $30.40. Special Excursion fares to Atlantic City and other New Jersey resorts. Tickets on sale July 5, 13, 19, 27; August 2. 10, 16, 24, 30. Limited days. ROUND TRIP FARES FROM ROCKINGHAM $20.55 Raleigh-Portsmouth-Norfolk All Steel Sleeping Car Line Open Union Station 90 to 1:00 a. m. Dair, -Arrive Norfolk 9:00 a.m." Raleigh-Washington All Steel Sleeping Car Line Open Union Station 9:00 to 1130 p. m. Daily - ArriveSWashington.' , D. C, 9-.40,a. m. SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES TO NdRgOLK.VA. Round Trip Fare From Raleigh $4.00 Tickets good in sleeping cars upon payment of berth fare. Effective each Sunday Jane 5th to September 4th, 1921 Be sure and see that your ticket reads SEABOARD. For all infer mation desired call on Ticket Agents or the undersigned - JOHN T. WEST Divi-ion Passenger Agent Pkone 621 t t Ralelin, N. 51 i m 0 n