v.. ! LOCAL ITEMS AND PERSONALS Matters Briefly Mentioned little Happenings Personal Notes 0 CALL POST-DISPATCH OFFICE PW 182 - fl II i i o Watch your label. Phone Post-Dispatch 182, your Items of news. Does your label show your sub scription in arrears? Look at it. Bom, Nov. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Covington, Fayetteville, Route 7, a daughter, Mary Helen. Prof. C. L. Newman, formerly of State College, has been secured as farm demonstration agent for Scot land county. He will begin his work January 1st. Mi. M. L. Morrison, of Pee Dee, over in Anson, was in town Satur day, literarlly as "chirp as a crick et. Mr. Morrison was born June 12, 1887, but one would not judge him to be over 70. He was in the Confederacy in Co. B, 33rd regiment, Lane's Brigade. Trinity College tied New York university in New York last Saturday 77. Our own Reid Garrett played the entire game, even though his dislocated shoul der and bum knee are not healed. Trinity plays Wofford at Spar tanburg today (Thanksgiving.) The November issue of the Web-Foot Cadet. rjuhlishpH at- Hendersonville by Scott Thomas, has an article by Mrs. L. P. Rus sell on "the largest book in the world" the huge tire signs of the U. S. Tire Co. And also Charlie Russell's "The Trouba dour" in which is depicted the life of Wat Hines. Mrs. Douglas Walters, left Wed nesday morning for a davs' stav at Salisbury. Mrs. A. G. Corpening and lit tie Louise are spending this week in Raleigh. Miss Altie Corpening is visiting at the Cor pemng home now, Mts. John C. Dockery and chi dren, Nicholas, John C. Jr T-i M mm . . Eleanor and fan-lax. will soend the week-end in Raleigh with Mrs. Dockery 's parents. Tom Guthrie, of the University spent the week-end at home. He brought Jack Bennett to Wades- boro frnday night, where on Sat urday the latter was operated upon for appendicitis Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fowlkes and son expect to move into M 1 . . ... tneir pretty new brick veneer bungalow, at corner of Green and Lawrence streets, next Mon day. They are moving their furniture in this week. Mrs. J. Rufus Howard, in Savan nan. Mrs. T. L. McRae spent three days last week in Charlotte where she had her tonsils re moved. The Woman's Club will meet Thursday, Dec. 8th. instead of the 7th, as incorrectly given on the program. R. F. Lowe resigned as Carrier for the Hamlet city delivery some weeks ago, and is now traveling for the Eagle Supply Co. Among the many out-of-town people here for "The Birth of a Nation" Monday nitrht was Edi tor G. J. WatSOn. Of the Morven Sentinel. Mrs. W. L. Maulden came rom Greenville. S. C on Werl. nesday of last week to visit Mrs. Lstella Cameron and her father ex-sheriff Smith. Dr. Maulden comes tonight (Wednesday) for a lew days stay. Spending the nicht at the Rockingham Hotel Sundav nie-ht was J. R. Hopkins, en route from the North to Atlanta. Mr. Hor kins is the inventor, discoverer "!- IV.,I. - 1 A ' t ji uitmei ui wnai is Known as 'No Kink" a concoction that is quite popular among the colored Social (Contributed) Will be clad to welrnme Mies Turner back to Rockingham, even for so short a time. Mrs. A. C. Everett celehraterl in honor of Dr. Everett's birth day this week with a family din ner, and a few close friends of the Doctor's. Prof. Mitchell, Miss Capel, and Miss Profit, of the Ellerbe Hieh School, and Misses Pat and Mam ie Monroe, of the Rohanen School, are attending the Teach ers' Assembly in Raleigh this week. They made the trio through the country in Prof. Mitchell's car. The North Carolina Confer- Population ence, in session at New Bern last week, availed itself of the new Roberrlei PAr.nni. - - . viuuilUIO women eaual richts with men . .Mr-bnernl Reynolds and sister by electing Mrs. J. LeGrand Ev- M,!s ?essie' the week-end :.... r t . . . IWltn their narento Mr mA lf ereit. or KockinEman-L as its first- " " 1 "" mts a , I I D D. Ij. woman delegate to the General " v Conference whirh meetc nnvH Mrs. Nel ho Cmnrh nnrl n; - " aw.w iiv.il I U11U ATI 1 OO May at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Maggie Stogner have returned inisisa distinct nonor to our irum a visit to wi mineton townslarlv anrl a HecerveH nno I : e . . -" miss rean iovinffrnn is m I r v in Watt Davis is njw connected Char,otte for a few days she will siup over at Monroe on her re If YOU find it Hard to live Within your income, how do you expect your WIFE to get along WITHOUT it? PAYNE TODAY?einedy' Him Tomorrow Man Be Too Late! "HONESTLY ITSHE BEST POLICY" k$ks, Lodge turn home wut Ktus uasitet Dan team m improving rapidly: thevexnert tn piay lillerbeone day this week We are glad to renort that Mr J. K. Williams, who has been quite sick for some time, is im proving. The fruit suDDer at Mr T T Hudson's Saturday nierht was a success. Everyone enjoyed the oc casion. Mr. N. A. McNeill returned home. Sunday after spending two weens in Hamlet. Mr. Edwards, of Crumnler. has been here for the past week giv ing lectures to the Masonic The Rockingham Library Com mittee has arraneed for the rhil. dren nf tk imvn . ., wm iu uoyc me, tvn. ueorge s. Steele has re- pi.v,,eKeora story nour" in the turned from Lake Waccamaw nurarynau every baturday af- where he has been on a deer n o clock. I hunt, bringing with him nice Mrs. Lucy P. Russell and Mrs. i deer meat. T. L. Covington (Mrs. Sue Thorn-! Mie V- . . . n , as Covington) have volunteered ! Jfffifft ?S hoSA to give the children this delight- ?ehkM"1 Bnde and ful entertainment every Satur-! Rk Pa? 0n Tuesday aft" day afternoon. The Librarian Tn " cl'? compliment to asks that the parents who wish IS, "Z recent their children to mlnv fVioco ; Dnae. m the conclusion of sev- esal hard-fought rubbers the CA- -J ri ... cat us wne iaKen up and refresh ments in two courses were served to Mesdames Henry, Har- vev Terrv Pimmu Cfi - i The many friends of Mr. Alex ; Smith, Misses Ruth Harrison Monroe are delighted to give j Emma Grey Ledbetter, Alma him the glad hand of welcome Sparger, of Greensboro, guest of back to Rockingham. Durim? 1 Mrs S 3 Qtooio rw..u. r o . . wvv.., wutua vyttttuiiu, several years he has been orated Rdith Hrmonri ii.i...' lu I , . I JcaiicLi'dlllCV UC- m Charlotte and later in Colum-, tavia Scales, bei ta West, Laura u o. . rtiex nas nnanyaecid- f age bteele, Hallie, Marie and cu mere is no piace Detter than Florence Covington Rockingham. Mrs. M. B. Leath was a delight- j ful hostess to the members of the j Fruit Cake $2 5Q Rook club and severa sner-a guests on last Saturday after-! ou can buV a five-pound fruit noon. The home was beautifully i cake for 2-50 at E- B. Liles. decorated with yellow chrvsan-! adv themums ifternoon. The Lil :hat the Darents wh their children to eniov these stories, told by these lady perts, will see that the children , come promptly at the timei named. NOTICE! We, the undersigned land owners, for bid any and all rersons from hunting with gun or dog or trespassing in anyway- whatever on our lands in Rockingham Township. Violators will be punished to the full en tent of the law: John W Lassiter Robert L Steele J Gus Covington T C Covington Jess B Covington Z O Ellerbe R L Nichols R T Nichols A C Nichols Mrs. J C Docker W P McRae Henry C Wall W E Covington P S Covington John C Ellerbe Mrs. Mollie E Cole J H Nichols J C Nichols W C Nichols T C Leak, Agent 1 for d Home Investment paytntf dividends every J months. yo to YcidMn River Power Co. As the guests arrived, they were given attractive score . We nonestly believe our hat cards, dfrecting them to their 5"? J0'88 much place at one of the ten tables . SfS "WM ,com' At the conclusion of the game, ' McNair Clothing Co. advt ine nostess, assisted by Mrs Our Bank and Your Future They are inseparable. A good future without saving is something that doesn't often happen, you know. Our institution is a progressive money, saving and investing bank. We solicit the patronage of those whose personal attributes are likewise and those who earnestly desire to become such. Wood for Sale. For sale, oak and nine vtmnA 7 (""v. TT UUU y cut into any lengths, in car lots, 1 loaaea on car at Usborne, on S. I - w w WildttttJ, at Bennettsville, S, C. You never regret money saved, no use to regret when it is gone. There is The Bank of Rockingham j M. w. McKae msident Dr. A. C. Everett, Vice-Pres B. F. Reynolds, Cashier Open till 6 o'clock P. M. on Saturdays. Have your watch renaired hv I "-A , , , . an expert, mi work guaranteed. Three doors east of Rockingham Hotel. Howard T. Helms. A Real Keepsake Throughout the year, the Photograph you give this Christmas will stand as a constant reminder of your loving thoughtfulness. Morgan's Studio ROCKINGHAM (Over Ford Strrice Station) "A MAN'S HOME" Oil Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 28th 29th. STAR THEATRE E. A. Allen, and Misses Jamie and Elizabeth Cole, served delicious refreshments consisting of chick en salad, beaten biscuits, cheese straws and coffee, followed by orange sherbert and cake. Mrs. Jesse H. Page is exDected on baturday to spend sometime at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S W. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dunlap, of Ansonville, will ac company Mrs. Page to Rocking ham for the day. Messrs. George Coggin, Tete Steele, and Misses Gaither and Sheridan motored to Statesville and spent the week-end with Miss Bernice Turner. Mrs. John Watts returned Tuesday night from Laurens. whither she has been the guest of Judge Watts. Mrs. W. R. Jones entertained the members of the Duplicate Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. Autumn flowers were used throughout the house. At the conclusion of s series of verv en thusiastic rubbers the cards were laid aside and a delicious two course collation of creamed chick en in patties, fruit salad, cheese straws, saltines, pickle, hot cof fee topped with whipped cream, followed by pineapple ice, cakes. Present were: Mesdames Walter Parsons, Tom McRae, W. N. Ev erett, Isaac London, Henry Wall and visitor, Mrs. Douglas Wal ters, R. R. Simmons, W. N. Ever ett, Jr., J. M. Ledbetter, Jake Hinson, Willie Fowlkes, Maurice Purvis, Fairley Long, Misses Rosa and Jennie Parsons, Kath McDonald. This was the first meeting of the Fall and thorough ly enjoyed by all who availed; themselves of the invitation. Mr. T. C. Leak was accom-i panied to Fayetteville Wednes- ! day by Mrs. Leak to attend tie1 Fox Hunters' Convention, now in session in that city. The friends of Mr. & Mrsjohn Armistead will be sorry to learn that their little daughter.Coroline Armistead, who is visiting with Mrs. Armistead in Atlanta.devel- oped scarlet fever last Sunday. News from the bedside of the lit tle patient is to the effect that she is doing as nice as could be ex pected; so far she has no com plications. Miss Bernice Turner is expect ed this (Wednesday) night from Statesville to spend the Thanks giving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Helms. Her many friends 1 I Yadkin River Power Co.. Investment Dept., Releirft, N.C. Send me free Illustrated booklet and more information about your Preferred Stock. Name Street City j " . Special Notice Giant tires ars now being sold from a Giant tire statiou at West Rockingham. Giant tires are guaranteed to give you 6000 miles. ?SXQXRAb' FaSric ,r Non-Skid .$ 7.95 31x4 joyn 32x4 ' T 1340 34x4 ' " rg v 35x4 20:25 We sell Cord tires also, in any size, at a big reduction. All tires sold less 5 per cent discount for next thirty days. The Giant Tire Station J. H. YATES, Prop. w.lt R0,itj..t.m wrbhfa a You can get the "bank book" habit only by STARTING it. Start TODAY. Rrina intn rmr hanV tKnr "Innco rtianm," m. Lmm : i . - o juu nave 111 yuui uotKei. Open a bank account with us and get a BANK BOOK. Then to INCTEASE the balance to ynur credit will be easy. But you MUST start. Start and you will thank ur. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Modern Equipment Progranve Methods Efficient Sorvice The Bank of Pee Dee Rktunood Cvutj