NtmcD ui :... er &asjo. ; isortn Cb4Tou.'u, itichnioud CotuHv. 1 Under ar.a by virtue of a judg ! I have bought the Gibson mill; One-ton truck in perfect con- merit of Uie Surior Court at the pro pertv from Mr j R Bennett ! dition. Will Sacrifice; terms. ""J&J"hFv. and have thoroughly overhauled ' R. L. Stetle, Jr., Town of Rock- icRae vs. g. vv. Lee et ai," to all the mills and the cotton gin. lose a deed of trust executed j xhe wheat, corn and feed mills ryrwhSVeU run by water; I have just put corded in the office of the Reg of Deeds of Richmond county, Jook lsM at page rl!, the under signed commissioner will offer for tie to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the court house door in the tcWn of Rockingham on Satur day, the 22nd day of July, 1922, at 12 o'clock M. two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Richmond -county, North Carolina, and described by metes and hounds as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stake in Spring Branch and runs North 39 East 20 chains to a stake; thence North 33 50 50' West 6 chains to a stake in the Everett line; thence South 48 50' West 23.50 chains to a stake; thence South 59 SO East 9.75 chains to the beginning, containing 17 acres, more or less, and known as lot number One in the division of the W. T. Currie lands and which was conveyed by W. T. Currie to his daughter, Mar garet L. Perkins, by deed duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county, and conveyed by said Margaret L. Per kins and husband to Lilly L, Mr PfceJJ by deed dated May , 19, ; id dluy registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county in Book No. 113 at page 20, imil' ttlan another tract of land ad- i. lining the above described tract. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at the mouth of Spring Run Branch, marked with stake und pine pointer-, and runs thence North-Westerly wilh Spring Run Branch and i Is various courses iO.rrfJ chains to a comer in the Everett line, with (wo pine pointers; thence M the Kvcrctt lino running North 45 East 28 chains to a stake near the head of White Face Branch, two black jack pointers; thence South 35 East i ,50 chairs to the head of White Face Branch: thence down and with (he various courses ot saia nraiun 46 chains to its mouth at Beaver ' n Creek, marked by two gum iters: thence down the run of ver Dam Creek, 24 chains to beginning and containing 123 tg, (pore or less, and being the t of land conveyed by George Heame to A. R. McPhail by deed (j the day of . 19, and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Richmond county in Rook -, page . This the 2tst day of Tune, 1922. J. C. SEDBERRY, Commissioner. $75,000 RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, GOLD BONDS. Scaled proposals addressed to the undersigned, will be received until 2 o'clock p. m. August 9th, 1922 by the Board of Commissioners for Richmond County for $75,000 Road Bonds of said county maturing an nually July 1st, $2,000 1923 to 1937, and $3,000 1938 to 1952, all inclusive and without option of prior pay ment. All bonds dated July 1st, 1922; de nomination $1,000; principal and semi-annual interest (J. & J. 1) pay able in New York in gold; coupon bonds ith privilege of registration as to prin- al only; general obligations; unlimited :; bidder required to name rate of in rest not exceeding six per cent. These bonds are to he prepared der the supervision of Ore United ates Mortgage & Trust Company New York City, which will certify- as to the genuineness of the signa 1 res of the county officials signing same and the seal impressed there on. The approving opinions of Chester B. Mnsslich, Esq., New York (itv, and J. L. Morehcad, Esq., Dur ham, N. C, will be furnished the purchaser. Delivery on or about August 22nd, 1922, in New York ('.itv; delivery elsewhere at pur chaser's expense, including New- York exchange. All bids must be on terms to b$ furnished, with additional Informs iion as to the County, the bonds, and the conditions of bidding, by the un dersigned or said Trust Company, and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked, "Proposal for Bonds," and addressed to the un rVrsigned, ami must I e accompa pied by certified cheek 'or cash) payable to the order of the Treasurer oi Richmond County, upon an in corporated bank or trust company ;for $1,500 to secure the county i against any los resulting from the tawture of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. No hid of less than par and accrued interest Will be received. The right to reject all bids is re served. R. L. JOHNSON, tegister of Deeds, Richmond Coun ty, Rockingham, N. C DON'T FORGET US When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. Notice. in a new No. 10 bolting cloth. If you want some good burr flour like your grandmother used to have, brine me your wheat Hi 1 . you want good water-ground meal, come to this mill and you will get it. I am an experienced workman and Leep the mills and cotton gin in fine condition. So bring your wheat and corn to one that knows how to grind it. I attend to the mills myself and you will find me here every day. J. W. Currie, Gibson's Mill, Rt. 5. Jitney Line. The Troy-Rockingham jitney leaves Troy at 7 a. m. and arrives Rockingham at 9:15, coming by way of Biscoe, Candor, Norman, Ellerbe. Returning, it leaves Rockingham Hotel at 9:30, arriving Tioy 11:30. In afternoon it leaves Troy at 1 arrives Rham at 3:15, leaves Rockingham at 3:30, arrives Troy 5:30 Atkins and Warner. Salesman Wanted. Wanted Salesman to sell high grade mouuments and tombstones on commission; good money to the right man. Write us for our liberal proposition.- Henderson Granite and Marble Works, I S. Blue, proprietor. Henderson, N. C. 6t Fred. W. Bynum Owner L. Henry Phone 366 Phone 314 BYNUM & HENRY Attorneys-at-Law Offices over Bank of Pee Dee Rockingham, N. C. Dr. HAL J. ROLLINS Veterinarian Office and Hospital on Hancock street Office phone 361 Residence phone 10 Rockingham W Richmond County Dr J. M. LEDBETTER Special attention given to Ear, Eye; Nose and Throat. Offle hours : 10 to 13 to 5. Municipal Building Rockingham WILLIAM G. PITTMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 46 Office on First Floor Under The Cen tra! Office. Peach Trees. We are now taking orders for fall delivery for June budded Peach trees, grown at Marston. lace your orders now. Cumber land .Nurseries, Marston, N. C, or Winchester, Tenn. , DR. W. L. HOWELL Special attention to diseases of stomach and inte -tines. Office hours: Ellerbe, 12 to 3. . N.C. O. D. WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and ENBALMER Hamlet, N. C. Day phone 369 Night phone 370 Just received new Edison and Okeh Records -W. E. McNair. Dr. L. D. McPhail Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone 94; house 176. Rockingham, N. C. REPORT all the news happen ings that come to your attention to this office. It will be appreciated for every piece ot news will make the paper more interesting lor you as well as others. We want and with your help will print all THE NEWS For Sale. inghani. SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by a Judg ment of the Superior Court of Rich mond County, North Carolina, on the ..... . . - . 1 rjtn uav oi June, ivcc, iu a towiui ,1. , I i , i ,v Kiititli'il UCUUU UiCiCl" vin.i".f ... "Claude Gore vs. Esther Douglas and others, heirs at law of Scipio Douglas, deceased," the undersign ed Commissioners will sell at public auction in front of the Court House door in the town of Rockingham, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 24th day of July, 1922, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tracts oi land, to wit: First Tract Beginning at an iron stake on the South side of the right of way ol the Rockingham Railroad and runs South 81 West 2040 feet to an iron4 stake in the old Quick road; thence down the various courses of said road as follows: North 21-15 East ,'.40.7 feet; North 17-5 East 308 feet; North 12 1-2 East 324.3 feet; North 11 1-2 East 429 feet; North 11-15 East ;lu;!.5 feet; North 14 East 2C7.5 feet; North 8 East 405.3 to an iron stake; thence North 89 East 378.4 feet to an iron slake; thence South 04 35 Kast 1504 feet to an iron stake; thence North 28 Kast 069.8 feet; thence South 71-15 East 1272.5 to a stake, pine pointer; thence South 3245 West 087.0 feet to tlie beginn ing, and containing 106.31 acres more or less, and after deducting railroad right Of way. This being the same land purchased by S. D. Douglas from Fairly Gibson and Wife by deed dated Nov. 20th, 1919, and recorded in Book 123 A at page Secoad Trr.ct. Beginning on Crooked Creek, 8 chains above the original corner ol Lot 7 in the division of the John Smith .estate lands, according to plat and survey of same Us record ed in Rook of Plats No. 1 at page in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond Count y. said original corner being designated as the Mat thew Cole and Parny Mwsoji corner, and runs thence parallel with orig ilia! lino of tract or Lot 7, North 7;! West Z chains to a corner in the original line, now a corner of W. D. Smith and David I'eele lands; and runs thenee in a North east direction with w. i. Smith line to another corner of the original lino of Lot No. 7; thence with said original line North ;'7 Kast fi chains to a corner: thenee as a line of tract No. 8, North -15 West 23,50 chains to a comer; thence North to a corner ,-.d the M. AV. Moore tract, which is a part of the original tract of the John' Smith estate lunds designated as tract No. 9: thence in n North east direction with the dividing line between tracts 8 and f) of said divis ion with M. W. Moore's line to his corner and now a coiner of S. D. Douglas; thence with S. D. Doug las' line in same direction as the original dividing line to his corner (his comer being extreme Northeast corner of Lot No. 8, according to plat and survey); thence as another line of Lot No. 8, South 17 East to a corner; thence as another original line South 72 West 20.50 chains to a corner; thence as another original line South 4 West 22 chains to an other comer; thence as dividing line between tracts 7 and 8, North 85 East to the run of Crooked Creek; thence down the various courses of Crooked Creek to the place of beginning. This the 20th dav of June, 1922 OZMER L. HENRY, A. R. McPHAIL, Commissioners. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors ol Mary E. Cole, deceased, late of Richmond County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned ou or jefore the loth day of June 1923s or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, this June 15th, 1922. W. C. THOMAS, R. T. NICHOLS, Executors. THE SUMMER PORCH, to be inviting must have Hanging Baskets, Wall Pockets, and Flow er Holders of new and original designs. TAM O'SHANTER has them. Bennettsville, S. C. GROCERIES TO SUIT EVERY TASTE 1 et us serve you. e.bIjles Groc Ph. oe 38 S3 jj Indigestion Many persons, otherwise B I vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Q I indixottian. The affects of a I disordered stomach on the SJ system are dangerous, and J B prompt treatment of lndlges- D Uon is Important "The only fg B medicine I hare needed has mm been something to aid dlges- Q tion and clean the liver," Q B writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a mm McKlnney. Texas, farmer. J B "My medicine to S Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Bfor Indigestion and stomach . trouble of any kind. I have I never found anything that Q touches the spot like Black Draught I take it in broken B doses after meals. For a long Q time I tried pills, which grip Si ed and didn't give the good B results. Black-Draught liver n medicine is easy to take, easy ui to keep, Inexpensive." 2 Get a package from your j dmggi3t today Ask for and B9 Insist upon Thedford'a the B only genuine. B Get it today. E84 I El El D 13 E3D 13 BSD Of ROCKINGHAM MARBLE WORKS Manufacturer of fine cemetery memorials in marble and granite. Call in to see them, make your selection and save the agent's com mission. All work guaranteed. O. W. DOSTER, Prop. Rockingham, N. C. DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE, N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Bank building. Hours : 9 to 12, 1 tc 4. Phone 22. H.S. Botes A. R. McPkail B0GGAN & McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diligence and promptness. Practice in all courts. Second Floor Rancke Build ing, rear of Court House. Telephone Number 106. WATSON-KING CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmers ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Phonep Res. 217 or 159, office 35. F. J. GARRETT, M. D. Special attention given to Ea- Eye, Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12--2to5. Other hours by appointment. Office orer FOX'S DRUG STORE Chester Sedberr, F. Donald Phillip. SEDBERRY & PHILLIPS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROCKINGHAM, N. C. J. Chesley Sed berry and F. Donald Phillips announce the formation of a partnership for the general practice of law under the firm name of Sedberry & Phillips, with offices over W. E. McNair's furniture store. Phone No. 365. W. S. THOMAS Altorney-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Land titles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, I can put you in touch with buyer or seller. Covington Building- Over Dockery-McNah-'s. Phone 165 "Everything to Eat" NUFSED. Watson-King Company doom. DR. C. C. STEELE, D. D. S. announces the opening of his office 7 and 8 Rancke BuiWiug, for the prac tice of his profession. BWELECTRiCW WO.OOO SATISFIED USERS Dealers Laurinburg Electric Service Co. Laurinburg, N. C. Piano Sacrifice. Due to inability to keep up payments, we have had a high grade piano, in the best of con ditio turned back to us. This instrument we can sell for a rare bargain, giving terms to respon sible parties. For full particu lars address Ludden and Bates, Atlanta, Ga. The newest in ties for young men, just received by mail; see them. W. E. Harrison & Land Co. over Forwamed is Forearmed HOW ABOUT IT ? Don't gamble with your life. It isn't fair to your family. Keep them protected. Have your life well insured. It is a duty you owe them. SEE . PAYNE Upstairs over Bank of Pee Dee. NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURE STATE COLLEGE STATION Technical Education at State Colleee prepares Its graduates for personal success and Tor leadership In Industrial progress. The college otters FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: Agriculture Inrinc:....' V iw-r.il Agriculture and Specialized Courses in Farm Crops. Agricultural Eng'neermg, AmC.il Husbandry and Dairying, Biology. Horticulture, Poultry Science, Soils, Veterinary Medicine, Vocational Education. Cnemlstry, Agricultural Chemistry. Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. Civil Engineering, Architecture aud Highway Engineering. Eleetriesl Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Textile Textile Engineering, Textile Manufacturing. Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. gricultural Economics, Business Administration. Rural Lift. TWO YEAR COURSES IN: . Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Textile Manufacturing. On Year Course in Auto Mechanics. Winter Course in Agriculture for Farmers. Summer Session for Teachers, for College Entrance and for College Credit. Excellent equipment In all departments. Session 1922-23 Leglns September .1. ... o,., a, Entrance requirements for Freshman Class. 13 unlta-Engllsh, S; History, It Mathematics. 3 ; Science. 1 : Elective, 6'. nwru n.ni.trar For catalog, Illustrated circulars, and entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN. Registrar. ANSON BRICK & TILE CO. LILESVILLE, N. C. Concrete Brick, Tile, Sewer Pipe, Culvert Pipe and all kinds of building material. Wise Men Even Foolish Ones The cost is too small to consider. The benefits are Peoples Insurance & Realty Co. W . B. OLE, Pre. ROBT. N. STANSILL, Sec.-Treas Office over Hicks & Maness barber shop. Phone 354. DIRECTORS : W. B. Cole, Robt. N. Everybody Spots a New Suit We can keep your old ones looking like new all of the time. Our c leaning, repairing and pressing keeps you looking spick and span SHOE REPAIRING while you wait. GARNER, HINS0N & BOONE I I City STATE COLLEGE OF AND ENGINEERING RALEIGH. N. C. are- not the only ones who insure their property against destruction or damage by fire. know better than to run the risk of having everything swept away in an hour. J. W. Porter, Minor T. Htnson, Stansill. 1 .M bMLHflsKsliifislitfsisslsUslsliflsM lBBBBfiflHlfiti