ROCKINGHAM P08T-D1SPATOA. MCHMO!i, COUNTY, N. C. PAGE ELEVEN STREET RESOLUTIONS TOWN ROCKINGHAM Resolutions Etc. Passed by Town Commissioners Re garding Street and Pave ment Work. Upon (notion of Commissioner J. N. Hasty, seconded by Commissioner E. A. Allen, the following resolution was adopted: That Whereas, a petition has been pre sented to the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Rockingham by the resident and property owners of North Washington, Sooth Washington, Bungalow and Franklin Streets and the Rockingham Road, request ing said Board to pave with some suitable permanent pavement, the said North Washington Street from its intersection with South Washington Street at the M. . Church corner eastward to corporate lim its, South Washington Street at the M. L Church comer eastward to Steele Sueet, Bungalow Street from Washington Street to the Rockingham Road, and Franklin Street from Caroline Street to the city limits on the Rockingham Road, including the Rockingham Road, which said petition has been duly filed with the Clerk and by him certified to the Board of Com missioners as having been signed by a majority in number of the owners, who represented a majority of all the lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting upon the streets proposed to be improved, and the said petition and certificate having been received and examined by the Board of Commissioners, and the sufficiency thereof having been found and duly de clared by said Board: Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Rockingham, That the petition for the said local improvement of North Washington, South Washington, Bungalow and Franklin Streets and the Rockingham Road, within the limits above set forth, be and the same is hereby granted, and that the said North Washington, South Washington, Bun galow and Franklin Streets and the Rock ingham Road, within the limits aforesaid, shall be paved with what is known as sheet asphalt payment, same to consist of 1:3:6 concrete base, 5 inches thick, 1 1-2 4och binder course, ami 11-2 nid. wear ing course, the said three-inch wearing course to be sheet asphalt; the curbs and gutters shall be ol the combination type, consisting of one course concrete 1:2:4 mixture, dimensions conforming to those given in the Plans of Construction submit ted by Mees & Mees, Civil Engineers, or they may consist of two course concrete, -base course being 1:1:5 mixture, with finished face or wearing coure concrete mortar 1:2 mixture, one-half inch thick. Be it resolved further, That one-half of the cost of the said improvement, exclu- Resolutions by Board of Town Commissioners Regarding Street Paving Upon motion of Commissioner R. R. Simmons seconded by Commissioner J. N. Hasty, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: THAT WHEREAS, The Town of Rockingham contemplates the improvement of North Washington street from its intersection with South Washington street at the M. E. church corner eastward to the corporate limits, South Washington street from its intersection with North Washington street at.M. E. Church corner eastward to Steele street, Franklin street from Caroline street to the city limits on Rock ingham road, and Rockingham road from Leak street to town limits and Bungalow street from Washing ton street to the Rockingham road, with sheet asphalt pavement. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF ROCKINGHAM, That a six-foot concrete sidewalk be laid on the south side of North Washington street from its intersection with South Washington street at the M. E. church corner to the corporate limits of the town, and that a six-foot concrete sidewalk be laid on both sides of South Washing ton street from its intersection with North Washington street at the M. E. church corner to Steele street, and that an 8-foot concrete sidewalk be laid on both sides of Franklin street from Caroline street to Law rence street and 4-foot sidewalk from Lawrence street to Leak street, except that along the brick buildings on Franklin street the sidewalks are to conform to the contour of the buildings, and that a concrete side walk be laid on both sides of Rockingham road from Leak street to town limits and on Bungalow street from Washington street to the Rockingham road; and that all of the cost of said sidewalks, exclusive of the cdst incurred at street intersections, be specially assessed against the lots or parcels of land abutting di rectly on the improvement, the balance of the cost to be borne by the Town. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Engineer is authorized and directed to notify the property owners affected by this resolution that they shall immediately construct said sidewalk, under his supervision, and that unless said sidewalk is constructed and laid on or befor, the 2nd day of August, 1922, the Town of Rockingham will proceed to construct said sidewalk and to charge the cost thereof a gainst the particular lot or parcel of land for and in connection with which it was made. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, That the property owners on and along said North Washing ton, South Washington, Bungalow and Franklin sts.-and Rockingham road within the limits above set forth, shall immediately connect their respective premises with the water and sewer piains in said street, one water and one sewer connection to be made for each lot fronting snid street or at such points and in such numbers as may in the discretion of the City Engineer be best and proper for the future development of suph property the entire cost of such connections to be borne by the property owners. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, That theity Engineer is authorized and directed to notify "the said property owners effected by this resolution to, make the connections as aforesaid, and that unless same are made on or before the 2nd day oi August, 1922, the Town of Rockingham will proceed to make the said connections and to charge same against the particular lot or parcel of land for and in conn -.lion, with which it was made- v. ' BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER That a oopy of this resolution shall be published once in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch. sive of so ra-jch of the cost as is incurred at street inteisections, shall be specially assessed upon (lie lots or parcels of land abutting directly on the improvement:, according to the extent of their respective frontage thereon, by an eaual rate per foot of such frontage; an 1 the balance of said cost shall be borne by the Town, as is provided for in the said petition and in Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 1915, and the amendments thereto. Be it resolved further, that the cost of the said improvements as herein set forth shall be assessed as hereinbefore provid ed, and that the property owners against whom the cost shall be assessed shall have the right and privilege to pay for same in ten equal annual installments. Said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the date of the confirmation of the assessment and shall be payable to the Town Tax Collector, and the first install ment shall be due and payable when the taxes for the year in which said assess ments is made and are due and collecta ble, unless the said assessments are paid for in cash, as provided for by the said Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 1915, all of said assessment and said collections to be made under and in accordance with the said law. Be it resolved further, that a copy -of this resolution shali be published in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch. This 12th day of July, 1922. t LAND SALE Jiy virtue ol an order of the Stipe riur Court rendered at the Juno Term, 1922, of Richmond Superioi Court, in the 'case therein pending entitled: "J. E. Treecc vs. J. P. Had ley," the undersigned Commissioner will, at the court house door in Rockingham, N. C... on TUESDAY, the lath day of August, 1.922, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following' rlowprihnrl tract n land to wit: A tract of latwd in Mineral Springs Township, Richmond County, N. C, beginning at a comer in the County Ime road near Joiin Husseus tiouse, being the corner of A. McNair's land the beginning corner of this tract, thence South 22 East 34 chains with John Russell's line to his corner; thence South C8 West 12.50 chains to Verdie McNair's corner; thence South 22 East 30 chalrts to Verdie McNair's other corner; thence South 68 West 54.44 chains to a stake cor ner black gum, black jack and hickory pointers; - thence North "imak(.s North W est NO. 45 chains to the county ime road being a corner of E. H. Burt's land "a stake" oak pointers; thence with the various courses of said Richmond and Montgomery County line road to the. beginning about 72.53 chains, containing 415 acres, more or less, excepting 100 acres on the south side, and 80 acres on the c-ast side which has been deeded off from this tract. This Julv 11, 1922. FRED. W. BYNUM, Commissioner. ! MACK'S SERMON Continued from page 5. You say when John speak here in the revelation of this wonderful city, these flashing jewels and these hovered over Him in the wilderness and administered to Him in the hour of crucifixion, and rolled uway the stone at the sepulchre, and escorted him upward on Ascension Day, they will all be there. And those two angels that Jesus sent hack to his heart-broken Disciples I to tell them just as they had seen him go away in the clouds, so He was coining hack in like manner; they will be there. There, we shall enjoy the companionship of all these lofty intelligencies. "What a grand place old Rock ingham would he if a lot of people would only die or get converted, or mqve away. I am glad that there is one place where the black-winged vampire bat of pcidition will not be and that is heaven. The lewd vulgar and obscene will not be there, the covetous, avaracious, penurious, sordid and selfish will not be there. The back-biter, the knocker, slan, derer nd liar will not, he there. The infidel and agnostic and bias- ! Phemr will nrt be there; no money. I no influence, no wire-pulling, no pan-handling and placating will get them in. "Heaven will be a place of glad reunion, for the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with tlie voice of the Arch angel, and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall arise first Then we which are alive shall be caught, up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; so shall we ever he with the Lord We have had our old soldiers re unions, neighborhood and family reunions, hut what a reunion we will have in heaven; wife will meet her husband, mother you will meet .,, MmA ..,.,, fl.jn,ic and all those we love, and have been separated from for years, there we'll meet to part no more. Heaven Will be a place that is free from everything that curses or mars our life here. Wouldn't this be a grand old world if it were not for a lot of things in it The only thing that Carolina a decent phice to live in is the religion of Jesus Christ. There is not a man that would live in it if you took religion out. Your great manufac turing plants would rot on their foundations if there were no Chris tian people of influence here. It there were no sin, poverty, pain, sickness, want or death, this world would he good, but these things mar and well-night ruin this present world; hut thank God, there will he none of these things in hcaxn. There will he no poverty, everyone w ill hm-a all the. ,.m nf r.H ot his disposal. There will he no ser - vile grinding toil. There rcmaineth therefore, a rest to the people of God. I tell you there are a good many poor men and women that never and on earth and under the earth have any rest. They have had to singing eternities anthems, Holy, get up in the morning early and ' Holy, Holy. work all day, but in heaven there! "A few years ago, the railroad rcmaineth a rest for all the people men were having a meeting in New of God. There will he no sin. j York city and an engineer was Everyone will perfectly obey the ' speaking, and he said, 'Fellow la will of God. There will be no sick-j borers, the word heaven is the ncss, nor pam. John says God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away. No more darting pains, no more aching limbs, no more throbbing temples, no more emaciated bodies, no more pale faces, and sunken eyes. No watching the undertaker as he screws the coffin lid over your loved ones. No white-gloved pall hearers, no black hearses backing up to the door. No funeral process ions going down the street, no crepe hanging from the door knobs, no preaching, saying 'Dust to dust and ashes to ashes.' as the dirt falls with that dull, remorseless th-! on the box. No quartett singing, "Nearer my God to Thee.' In heaven they never mar the hiils with spades for they dig no graves. In heaven they never telephone for the doctor for nobody gets sick. In heaven nobody carries a handkerchief, for nobody cries. In heaven they never 'phone the undertaker for nobody dies. In heaven none of the things that enter your homes here will ever get there. No sickness, death or sorrow will ever get in, because old things have passed away and all things have become new. Heaven will be a place of praise. 'After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude which no man could number of all nations, and kindreds aud people, and tongues stood before the Throne and, before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and palms in their hands.' John says it will be a cos mopolitan crowd. It, is made up of all nations, kindreds, people and tongues. I do not see how sonic of us with our pin-headed, narrow mindedness, and racial hatred and prejudices will get along in such a crowd. John says that the people in this crowd had white robes on, white is the sign of purity and holi ness, and so they were pure aiuJ ?lean. I have wondered sometimes where they got their white robes. Surely there is no side station be tween the grave and the judgment where Vn can get off and wash our robes if they are to be white in heaven, they must he white before we leave the earth, washed white in tlie blood of the Lamb: They also had palms in their hands. The palm leaf is a sign of victory. These millions and millions of people had been victorious over sin. 1 have wondered where they got their palms, for surely the trains of the judgment do not stop at palm for ests, if we have palms of victory in heaven they must be obtained be fore we die, We must overcome sin by the power of God's Holy Spirit. Let us not be deceived, en trance into heaven must be preced ed by a thorough preparation here. There is one thing that we have down here that we will have in heaven, and that is music; men will have open eyes to see God as He is, to see Jesus Christ as He is. souls will throb and pulsate and burst forth with praises to our God. We are enchanted with the harmonies of tfie Mastered quivering upon vi brating strings or rolling from gol den throated trumpets, or leaping like winged angels from the lips ot j those who are gifted in song. "Many years ago Jenny Lind came j registration book at the voting place, for to this country. At her first enter- j 'he registration of voters. tainment in Grand Opera in NewL?1'0" 3. That Alex Mcintosh is . , , herebv designated and appointed Recis- ork, tne people pan! large sums trar and W. P. Ellerbe and L. R. Rev- of money for the privilege of hear ing her. She sang until you would forget your debts. She sang until you would forget, your enemies. She sang until you forgave ovc-ry- body ane sang imti lined everybody. She j Section 5. That a' copy ol this res-. la it seemed as if von wro tion. signed bv the Chairman ar.d Cicrk lilted into heave:). She sang until , -be was transfigured befere-'yoii and see'ricd to be ail ainrel Wc believe of election, at least twice beginning not svoniea ipue un u.igei. ve i,ter than Au?nst 3. 1922, said publkvt il" it had not bsou lew j4:i, -mid tiur . tbms to be made in the Rockingham vocal charts not b-vn jarred out of ' PoaMdpateh. a newspaper in Rich rd ' . , , . ' , , . county and caxulating v, ithing- &aid dis tune by wicked speech, harsh words trjCi and profanity, we Would have, s"v,ch Done bv order of the Beard of Co-ji-vingcrs everywhere. These' mam-' 1 miss.ior.ers for the County of Richmond, , ., ' , .. this the 3rd day of July, 152?. , Ions .gifts and greater await us yen-, ..... u F . . ' . Rank upon rank, choir beyond choir, ' cloud above cloud, of the saved and redeemed ones, singing the songs of UnE nnH ?h Ijimh Harmonies ' rarer than our earth has ever known; melodies sweeter than have ' ever ravished our ears here below. Every creature wrhich is in heaven, sweetest word in the English lan guage to nie.' He said when he first started out on his run, and made his first trip and that after noon as he swung down through the hills and across the valley, and as he passed through the suburbs of the town in which his parents lived, he blew his whistle and rang the bell, and the back door opened of a little humble cottage, anil an old woman with her head ripening for the cemetery waved her little hand, and then looked hark and said, 'Pa pa, Bennie is home.' He said after awhile he had to take that old mother and lay her over on the hill side under the dirt. Hut the next afternoon as he came down through the suburbs of the town, he rang the bell and blew the whistle as he had done before, and an old man stood at the door on the crutches of decrepitude and waved his hand, and said, 'Thank God, Bennie is home again.' He said, 'Boys, when I open my throttle and start on my final run, with the Bible for my hand lamp and the ten command ments for my schedule, and the blood of Jesus Christ my orders, and when I have run through the dark tunnel of death, and finished on schedule time, and have rolled into the Grand Central Station, and the Superintendent of the universe says, Bennie, well done, come up and sign your payroll and receive a check for eternal happiness;' and as I pass through the gates where the. .flower never withers and the rain bow never fades, a city on whose blissful streets there falls no shadow and rests no stain, 1 believe that there will bo an old father and mother that will shout. 'Thank God, Bennie is home, home at last." " Notice of Special Election in Roberdel High School Disl't. Be it resolved by the Boaid of Com missioners for Richmond County. Section 1. That under and by virtue of the authority contained in Chapter 87, Public Laws of 1920, ai d amendments thereto, and pursuant to a psti ion of the Board of Trustees of the Ruberdel High School District, tiled with this board, an election is hereby ordered to be held in the said Koberdel High School District, Richmond County, on the 12th day of September, 1922, for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified voters of said district, the question of issuing $25,000 of serial bonds of said district, for the purpose of erecting and equipping school buildings, and the levying of a sufficient annual tax to pay the principal and in terest of said bonds at the maturities thereof; said district being bounded and described as follows: "Beginning on Hitchcock creek at the North corner of the lanels ot John S. Covington and running on the East side of his lanels and the lanels ol .las. A. CovihgtOil and Mis Eliza MeLaurin and along the West side1, of J. A. Baker's place to the Fayetteville road; thence Eastward with the old Fayetteville remel to the old road to Ledbetter's mill; thence with saiel roael to Hitchcock creek: thence down creek to Bear branch; thence up Bear branch to a point opposite the Hair place; thence Southwest to Lick branch opposite John Welch's place; thence elown creek to beginning, including the lanels of J. J. Bennett em both sides of Bear branch." Section 2. That a new registration of vrters of said district is hereby ordered and for such purpose, the registration books for saici new registration shall be kept open between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and sunset each day (Sunday ex cepted) from the 14th day of August 1922 to the 2nd dav of September 1922. both inclusive. On each Saturday during the period of new registration above set forth the Registrar shnlt attend u-ith hit nolds are designated and appointed judges for the said new registration and election. Section 4. That for the purpose of said election and new registration, the polling in district shall be at i John McJIeiir store. ti ... '.;,,,,;;' , ,MCt .'. " . ' I later than July 24, 1922, and as a notice ! Loans on Improved Farm , Lan(J8 jn Amounts Ranging j AIH -ft ftflfl i rrm $J,UUU. tO $3U,UUU. Representing in Richmond countY the Atlantic Joint-Stock Land Bank, of Raleigh, N. C, we are prepard to receive and;handle applications for Long Time Fed eral Farm Loans. 6 interest on the amortiza tion plan. No commission. No stock subscription. No joint lia bility Liberal payment privi leges. Call and get any desired in formation. THE BANK OF PEE DEE Rockingham, N. C. SALE OF LAND Pursuant to an order of the Supe rior Court in the case therein pend inr entitled: "Z. V. Pate vs. James L. Dobbins and J. W. Odom, Trus tee," the undersigned Conunissioner will, at the court house door in Riulrlni,h.m V (- ri UANnAV L. ' , . . ' ,,. a o'clock M., offer for sale to the high est bidder for casl. the following de scribed tract of land, to-wit: - " All the undivided interest of James L. Dobbins in and to that tract of land beginning at a pine, three pine pointers, the beginning corner of the Hadley 100 acres, and runs as its last line reversed South 65 degrees East. 4:1 chains to it last corner; thence as its other line re versed North 25 degrees East 2 chains to Jedm Wooly's corner; thence along his line North 32 de-. grees West 45.43 chains to the cor ner in the Hailey Ferry road; thence as said road about North 32 de grees East 12.87 chains to Wooly's other corner; thence as his other line reversed North 41 degrees West 56 chains to a stake, a corner of the third tract mentioned in the deed from Sol McLean and wife to Jas. M. Dobbins and John Wooly dated April 6, 1881; thence South 75 de grees Wetst 9.70 chains to a stake in Falling creek, the beginning corner of the fourth tract describeel in saiel deed; thence South 40 degrees East 45 chains to its corner; thence as its other line South 68 elegrees East 3 chains to the second line of the Sanburn McKcthan tract; thence as its line South 30 degrees East 6 chains to its corner; as its other line North 00 elegrees East 1.25 chains; thence along the Long line South 26 degrees East 18.20 chains to the second line of the Hadley tract; thence as said line reversed North 65 degrees West 7.75 chains to its second corner; thence as its first line reversed South 25 degrees West 20 chains to the beginning, contain ing one hundred and forty acres, more er less. The above tract being the same that was conveyed to James M. Dob bins by John Wooly and wife, Clarky J. Wooly, by deed dated Oc tober 17, 1891, ami recorded in Reg ister of Deeds office, Richmond county, N, C, January 5, 1894, in Book CCC, page 232 fet seq. This Julv 11th, 1922. FRED. W. BY NUM. Commissioner. Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court in the action therein pending en titled: "Z. V. Pale vs W. A. McNair and Elizabeth McNair," the undersigned Com missioner will, at the courthouse door in Rockingham, N. C, on Saturday, the 19th day of August, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts or parcels of land, to-wit: 1st Tract: Known as the W. A. Mc Nair home place, the tract on which he now resides, adjoining the lands of John W. Smith and others, beginning at a pine on the North side of Marks Creek necr his old land and runs North 24 degrees East 14 chains to a pine; thence North 42 degrees West 18.50 chains to a pine near the head .of Reed Branch, thence South 48 degrees East 20 chains to a cor ner, then e South 42 degrees East 20 chains to a corner, thence South 33 de grees West 33.7i chains to a corner, thence North 42 degrees West 5 chains to the beginning, containing fifty acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Situate in Marks Creek town-hip, Richmond county, N. C. as tirst tract acd adjoining said first tract, bounded hy the lands of Robert Gregory and others, beginning at a large pine and runs North 80 deirrees West 32 chains to a corner, thence Not th 28 degrees East 23 chains to the Speed road, thence with said road 25 chains, thence South 24 de grees West or direct to the beginning, containing 82 acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to W. A. McNair by Elijah Mormon bv deed dated Oct. 15, lt'03. and recorded in Register's office, Richmond county. N. C. June 24, 1911 in brok 70 of Deeds at page 170 etc. This July 18t 1922. Fred. W. Bynum, Commissioner. Hauling. Light and heavy hau&gg, local and long distune:. We make a specialty)!" moving household goods. . Rockingham Transfer Co. J. C. iMcKenxv, Mtg. Phone McNair's. Store, No. 156. ufii i t u rc Sflft blouses -. i h