Thousands of yards short length Bleaching Special 5c yd. Octagon Soap, large size 6c lit Special Values on Sale Saturday 70-inch table damask, value 98c, on sale 65c New lot white sport skirtings, special $1.25 yd. Ladies' tan sandals, sizes 2 to 8 98c Ladies' silk hose, black, white, brown, grey .... 39c Ladies' mercerized hose in black, white, cordovan . . 25c Gauze vest, only ....... 8c Octagon soap, large size 6c Good quality apron ginghams 10c Wide suiting, worth 25c yd., special 10c Men's unionsuits, good count pajama check .... 48c Boys' unionsuits, all sizes, per suit only 25c Men's socks, a value that will surprise you ..... 10c Jumper dresses for ladies, a bargain at ....... . 79c Ladies' voile, organdy, and dotted swiss dresses, worth $6 to $8, special $3.98 Stephenson-Belk Co. "We sell it for less." mmwniixi rwnjJt; ovyovjjff tryjw ivjww Lrjwitf mvw A BUSINESS COUPE OF STEEL Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of Ameri ca an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. From frame work to window mouldings the body is built of steel. It is the first all-steel closed car ever market ed. This design anticipates every possible requirement of commercial travel. It insures unusual quietness, unusual grace, unusual stamina. It has made it possible to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long been famous. The upholstery is of genuine leather leather that will wash and wear. The seat is wide and comfortable. Carry ing compartments are accessible and spacious. The car is equipped with a heater, window levers, windshield cleaner, cord tires, -Yale door lock and every other appointment neces. sary to the owners comfort and protection. ' Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers Cars. It is the Business Coupe which, business people the world over have been expecting from Dodge Brothers. LAMBETH - ARMFIELD Inc. Direct Dealers Dodge Brothers Motor Car Vehicles ROCKINGHAM, N. C. ftftft Lower Prices EASY TO SELECT EASY TO PAY on Furniture The high price of furniture i3 a thing of the past. Prices have been greatly reduced, and buying is very much easier for all classes. We are right in the van of the low price movement in this commun ity, with a new stock of furniture such as is seldom seen hereabouts. TODAY YOU CAN FIT OUT OR REFURNISH YOUR HOME AT VERY MODEST EXPENSE New arrivals in dining and living-room suites WE. c n IN AIR Cash or Credit Hard ware i 1 i u I b I ft ft to ft i S $ i i i vi ifc 1 to When you want anything in the HARDWARE line, the chances are you want it RIGHT NEW. This Hardware store endeavors to keep your needs in stock and if we haven't it, we can mighty soon secure it for you. We shall be glad to serve you. Of 1 ift ift 3 ift i i ift ift ill i ift s ift to 1 to m I to to to to to i $ to to to Everett Hardware Company Rockingham, N, C I