ROCKINGHAM P03 IDISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. N. C. PAGE SEVEN LOCAL ITEMS AND PERSONALS 1 Matters Briefly Mentioned Little Happenings Personal Notes CALL POST-DISPATCH OFFICE Phone 182 - - -00 ---- Phone Poft-Dispatch 182, your items of news. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. S. Leak re turned Saturday from Spartan burg. The T. C Leak family went to Ellerbe Springs Wednesday to remain until Sept. 1st. Mrs. H. C. Tysor returned to Goldsboro Sunday after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. B. Purnell. Mrs.. B. R. Yarborough and son, of Concord, are the guests at the home of her father, Dr. E. S. Davis. T. D. Miller, of Indian Head, Md., came by Wednesday for a few days' visit to his sister, Dr. Mary Lou Miller. ( Mr. John A. Durham, who di ed at his home in Charlotte Tues day, was an uncleby-marriage of Mrs. Eugene Payne. Misses Myrtle McMillan and Eula McGugan have returned to their home in Red Springs after attending the summer school here. T. D. Treece passed through town today to Hamlet to have a saw fixed. He and five broth ers are operating a saw-mill about two miles from Norman. In this issue can be seen the advertisement offering the stock of A. A. Todd, at Osborne, for sale at auction on Aug. 8th, at 10:30. It has been assigned to Atty. Wm. G. Pittman who will sell it in a lump. Mrs. Oscar Young is spending ten days at Fuquay Springs with Mrs. J. F. Johnson. E. H. Aycock and Eugene Bailey spent last Thursday in Charlotte on business. John M. Stansill, assistant cashier of the Bank of Farmville, came home Tuesday to spend a week with relatives. Messrs. Fred and George Maurice took advantage of the cheap excursion rate to spend from Friday to Tuesday at Wash ington. Members of Charter Oak Camp, Woodmen, arerequested to attend the meeting at the hall next Tuesday night, as business of importance is to be transacted. Miss Mary Louise Everett un derwent an operation for appen dicitis at the Charlotte Sanator ium Wednesday morning by Dr. Pressley. She is recovering nicely. The Auto Inn Service Station, of Hamlet, of which W. R. Bog gan is proprietor, is putting on a special tire sale. The 48-inch advertisement of this appears in this issue. About 30 agents of the Malloy insurance agency at Cheraw pic nicked at the club at Everett's lake Monday evening. An or chestra furnished music during supper, and for dancing afterwards. Angus McKinnon, aged 70, died at 2 o'clock the morning of July 17th at his home in Laurin- burg. He was once Mayor of Laurinburg, and for 15 years was official cotton weigher for Scot land county. Melvin Eastridge, of Bennett, aged 17, died at the Sanford hospital Sunday morning. He was injured at Carthage last week when a truck collided with a car in which rode young East ridge. Miss Viola Kivett, of Carthage, in the truck was badly hurt, but she will recover. Pat Taylor, of Wadesboro, is attending the reserve officers' training camp at Camp McClel lan, Alabama. The contract was let last week for the erection of a new Meth odist parsonage in Carthage to cost around $7000. MissHattie Ellerbe, daughter of Mr. Zack Ellerbe, left last Sat urday for Charlotte to enter the Presbyterian hospital to study to become a trained nurse. Miss Sue Taylor left Thursday morning for Norfolk to spend two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Joe Powell. Mrs. Powell will return home with here. The Presbyterian church and Sunday school will hold their an nual picnic on Thursday after noon and night of next week, July 27th, at Ellerbe Springs. Mrs. J. W. Cockman, the effic ient stenographer for the L. & W. Lbr. Co., was operated upon last Sunday for appendicitis at the Charlotte Sanatorium by Dr. Brenizer. M. W. Nash, of Hamlet, and Z. V. Morgan, of Union county, be- i came associated June 1st for practice of law, under name of I Nash & Morgan. Mr. Morgan ' made his first speech in the Free-1 man-Railroad case this morning. j The Sunday schools at Peej Dee mills (M. E., M. P., Baptist I and Presbyterian) will open Sun-! day at 9:45, and at 10:45 the tour j will assemble in front of the Pee Dee Baptist church and march ' in a body to the "Cyclone Mack" tent wnere ouu special seats in the middle section will be re-1 served for them. Messrs. Leake Covington, Arch ! Biggs, Bled Cole, and that arch fisherman, S. W. Steele, went to j Bridgewater July 4th, returning j the 6th. Their fishing netted them but little; plenty of fish there, but "wrong time of moon," "too much wind," "water too clear and calm," and other sun dry excuses. 'Twas ever thus. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bolton, of Montgomery county, were visit ors in town Tuesday. Mr. Bol ton lived at Capel's Mill until eleven years ago. Here from Friday until Monday with Miss Fleta Green were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Parsons, of Kings Mountain, and Misses Mary and Ruth Hunter, of Charlotte. They motored here. This (Thursday) night Mr. McLendon preaches to men only at the tent; and a service for women only will be held at the Methodist church tonight by Miss Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Crawford two weeks ago began building a six-room bungalow on Wat son's Heights, between the King and Brady lots. His bungalow is on an acre lot, and the build ing will be completed in a month. "The Garden" will very likely open for business about Aug. 10th. Owner French and Man ager Atkinson are preparing one of the handsomest picture houses in the State, out of the old opera house, tt will be a thing of beauty. Mrs. Edgar Davis and two children, Edgar, Jr., and Robert, and Miss Alice Davis left Mon day night for Reidsville, Va., where they will visit Mrs. Davis' parents. Mrs. Davis will be gone two months and Miss Davis one month. Mrs D. F. Morgan and Miss Myrtie Hamilton have taken charge of Bland's studio at Wades boro. They will begin work there August 1st. Miss Hamil ton will be manager of the Wades boro studio, while Mr. Morgan will still operate in Rockingham. The Scotland County Savings Bank at Laurinburg June 29th declared a 50 per cent stock div idend, increasing the capital stock from ten to fifteen thousand dol lars. In addition, a semi-annual cash dividend of 8 per cent was paid. A. L. James is president, and Hinton James is vice president. Mrs. Bennett Nooe, Jr., came from Clayton Saturday and spent until Tuesday night here with her husband who is stopping at the home of Mr. R. R. Simmons. Mr. Nooe is in charge of the con struction work for the Hedrick Co., of Lexington, doing the street work for the town. Beginning July 20th, Gasque's Original Southern Serenaders will play every night at Lakeview. The roundtrip fare from Rock ingham by rail is $125. Boyd Gasque has been playing at Myrtle Beach, but the orchestra has now gone to Lakeview for the rest of the summer. The announcement of the en gagement of Miss Camelia Ruth erford London to Mr. Frederick Duncan Jerome, of Goldsboro, was made this week by Mrs. H A. London, at Pittsboro. The wed- j ding will be at Pittsboro in Octo ! ber. Miss London has on several occasions visited her brother here. George T. Jones, of Charlotte, was drowned at Morehead City Sunday. lie was a member of ! Co. F, of Charlotte, in camp at Morehead. He was 1(5 years old. !rle was a first cousin of Miss ; Mary Lou Sharpe and Mrs. Pen dergrass, of this place, and Miss i Sharpe and Mrs. L. C. Sharpe at 1 tended the funeral in Charlotte Tuesday. j On the trip of the Governor's 'party inspecting the fish and oyster industry of the waters of ! Eastern Carolina last week, the member to catch the first fish i was Representative W. N. Ever- ett. (It was a ten-inch cat, by the way.) For his feat he was presented with a handsome paper knife, with his name inscribed on j it, by the Rotary club of Eliza ! beth City. Gov. Morrison was given a handsome vase for hav- I ing caught (by proxy) the largest Irish. Sheriff Baldwin entertained entertained about 150 of his j friends out at Ledbetter's pond I at a fish-fry last Friday evening. SOCIAL (Contributed! i Wednesday morning Mrs. C E. D. Egerton was hostess at a very pretty forenoon party, hon orin her attractive neice, Miss Louise Egerton, of Dillon. Tables for rook were arranged on the porch, where the game was en thusiastically enjoyed for more than an hour before the tables were cleared and a luncheon served. Guests of Mrs. Egerton were: Misses Grace Haywood, Egerton, Rebecca Haywood, Ray Covington, Eleanor Covington, Lelia Cameron, Mary Leak Scales, Tessie Covington, Louise MonJ tague, Minnie Bonner Guthrie, Caroline Covington. Juanita Taylor. Walter S. Covington is expect ed home ;-bout Friday after a i very successful operation for ap pendicitis in Charlotte, some two weeks ao. Miss Florence Covington, who has been visiting friends in Lin colnton, Lenoir and Blowing Rock, returned to the city on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McRae, and Mrs. J. D. Cameron have gone to Wrighsville , Beach to spend a week. I ! Mrs. Estelle Cameron and Miss J on.- Cameron are in Charlotte; they are i s pected home the latter part of this week Mrs. James Crosland and children, of Charlotte, who have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crosland for sometime, down in Wolf Pit, are ex pected to arrive in Rockingham today to i be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John C. ! Morrison. Due to the pains and ingenuity of Mrs . Goode and Mr. Jones of the Mcl.endon party, Rockingham enjoyed one of the most inspiring sights witnessed in a long time, when on last Thursday night 150 children marched down the aisles of the huge tent carrving National flags and banners with "Boosters Will Shine To ' night" and "Boost For Cyclone Mack." From start to nnisn tne progimu tilled with bright, snappy songs both Kunwtrnim and S3CrP d Lack of space : will not permit personal mention of every child taking part, but the two recitations , t,u p Tatpr atid Wait" bv Sally Maner, and "Entertaining Sister's Beau" by Lola May Cockman, were especially (Continued on Page 12.) Terry s iifi Kevivsl Scilc New goods coming daily. New values thrown out at prices that will more than please the most thrifty shop per. Read the following prices, which are only a few of the thousands of extra values we will throw out regard less of cost or price. Meet your friends and neighbors at Terry's Great Revival Sale. If you couldn't get waited on last Saturday, come again this Saturday, July 22, and and we will do our best to have enough help. r C PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION 2000 yards 36-inch Bleaching, as good as made, Sale arM n j 1 O M 1 I Men's real good sox, sale price 8c pr price ioc yd MhN Read and Smile, and Join ; 1 3 J ' Ladies real good no;-e, sale price . he pi 3000 yards 40-inch Sheeting, real 15c value, Sale j YourFriends at Terry S All men's and boys' clothing will be blown away in this p 2C y j rj. n I q i storm of price cutting. Come and see for yourself. 3000 yards of the Best Dress Ginghams, both 27-inch D1S revival oaiC and 32-inch, guaranteed fast color and the best Wo An,tMa 'hu0a ku.q .,0,k Entire stock of men's, women's, and children's shoes and made, real 25 and 35c value, Sale price 19c vd Men f! W". chaJ?braiW0 , m, slippers to be knocked out in this big SALE, RE- -T f nr- , , ,T. J , shlrts' worth double ,r Pnce, sale price.. 48c each GARDLESS OF PRICE OR COST. Don't stay away 20c1alue Saterice" Ginhams- real yd MelTs $4.50 and $5.00 Faln7Behlm1sale price $29 and regret it; come and be glad. 1000 yards of good fast color ChambreylT Men's pin checked pants, sale price 95c pr One lot men's Panama hats sacrificed, only $1.98 colors, Sale price 12c yd """ I OOK HERE! Men's genuine Palm Beach suits, sale price $9.95 36 inch real honest-to-good ness Curtain Scrim, Men's real dress shirts to be swept away at 50c each Real 75c value ladies' silk hose, all colors, sale pr. 39c pr real 20c vataeSajejMTce 10c yd . , ' summcr suits worth S60Q ' """ One lot ladies' $5.00 silk shirtwaists, hand tailored, 1500 yards of 94 Pepperell Bleached Sheeting, " lie price $3 45 to be swept out at only k $1.98 each real 75c value, S?le price 49c yd Boy' overalls, "sate'price '"" '17r 29c value Lad Lassie cloth, sale price 19c yd 1TOagjte I:aWn'all0"")VS: "I150 .. - 8c vd . Men's real iTpT 42-inch white organdie, real 45c value, sale price.. 25c yd 1200 yards of 36-inch Voile, all colons, real 25c Men's real good, well made union suits, to be 'iglriT' f 10r enrh . value, sale price . .. 15c yd swept out at only -. 48c each Pnce 1Uc eacn Thousands and Thousands of values are awaiting you and your family that we cannot mention in this adver tisement. Remember Terry's name and reputation stands back of each and every price. So come to Terry's Great Revival Sale and join your neighbors and friends they will be there. "You can judge the price by the goods but you can't judge the goods by the price." E. B. TERRY DEPARTMENT STORE, Rockingham, N. C.