PAGE TWO 0OiaHiiM POST -DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. . a A million men have turned to One Eleven Cigarettes a firm verdict for superior quality. 15 ia cigarettes LOCAL I I ADVERTISEMENTS I MANGUM ITEMS. Midway Pleates. Tlu. fnll.iwiiii' nimniont on the Lew DuFour siiows (that will make! up the Midway for the. Richmond County Fair hero next week) ia liinoctf from the Gastotiia Daily Gazette of October HUi, and will ive Post-Dispatch readers some idea as to th Midway lor our Fair: "When the gates of the eighth an nual Gaston bounty Fair were thrown open at 0 p. in. last night Lew DnFour, the youthful owner and manager of the shows tearing his name, gave the word to his corps of electricians and the most dazzling midway ever witnessed at the local fairground was displayed to the remarkable large crowds of fair visitors for an opening night. "The officials of the Gaston Conn ty Fail' today expressed themselves as more than pleased with the mag nitude hltd general excellent ap pearance of the DuFour shows. 'A splendid midway of bright, clean and worthy attractions, nearly all of which are new to Gaston County Fair visitors," was the expression of one fair official today. "The general cleanly appearance and -e.xee'.lent conduct of the -hundreds of DuFour employes surely reflects upon the managerial ability of the show's owner and manage ment.. "The. 1922 edition of the DuFojur Shows which were 'Made in Dixie,' offers to Fair visitors this season every conceivable riding device, ail of the old ones and every new de vice that the amusement market has atforded to this date. "An official of the DuFour Shows stated today thai every member of the organ iniitinn has put forth a special effort to please Gaston County Fair visitors on this initial visit to Gastonia so as to cement the friendship of a real amusement nrganization umja real community. "It is fair to assume that under present conditions the Lew DuFour Shows will make and keep a host of friends among patrons of the Gaston County Fair." Mrs. N. B. Stutts, of Mt. Gilead, spent the week-end in the commun ity. The Euworth League held its reg ular meeting at the home of Mr. D. N, Currie Sunday night. New Perfection Stows The Post-Dispatch is now run ning a series of advertisements of the New Perfection Oil Stoves for the. Standard Oil Companv. It may interest our readers to know just Trimming and Upholstering We do all kinds of work from auto top building to upholstering any kind of house furniture. All work guaranteed to be first-class. Pee Dee Motor Sales Co., M. L. Tucker, Prop. ' dvt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith returned , what dealers in tnis county handle to their home Friday after an ex-'.the New Perfection; the list is as tended visit to the former's parents, follows: Hocungnam, N. c. Long Furniture Company; Wood Heaters. For Sale, three wood heaters in good condition. Will sell cheap. W. R. Cole. Rcoms For Rent I have for rent two. rooms Reynolds, Roberdel, N. C. J. S. VAUDEILLE Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday ?HE GARDEN DjtHl Lost. Lost Or strayed from my home, a male bird dog setter; white with black spot on right hip; also left side; black ears. Answers to name of "Fred." Reward offered. Com municate with Dr. N. Mt Gilead, N. C G. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith. Rev. A. J. Groves spent Sunday niirht at the home of Mr. W. P. Johnson. Mr, W. C. Lisk and family spent Saturday afternoon in Wadeshoro. The school children rendered a very interesting program on Moth ers' Day at the school house on Fri day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Near ly all the mothers were present to enjoy the program. .Misses Kate Johnson and Lena Harris spent Saturday in Mt. Gil ead. , A social event of Very much inter est was the meeting of the Ladh s' Missionary society at tile1 home Of Mrs. Claudine Dockery Thursday, October 12th. Among those present aside from the regular members i were Rev. and Mrs. Lacy L. Little, returned missionaries from China, and a bunch of young people repre senting the Epworth League. The program, which was a splendid one, was followed by some beneficial ami very appropriate remarks by Mr. Little. Cake, cream, sandwiches aiid other dainties were served at the end of the program. Bobolink. Everett Hardware Companv; W. E. McNair; Steel's Mill Store; 0, Leak Wall and McRac. Ellerbe, N. C. Nance-Presnall Hardware Co. Richmond Hardware Co. Hamlet, N. C. N. W. LeGrand and Co. C. A. Alfprd and Co. Spencer Bros. Hardware, L. A. Patrick; Hamlet Hardware Co. E. N. Htiodis. Gibson, N. C. W. D. Reynolds and Co. Z. V. Pate. TOWN TRUCK FOR SALE. On Saturday, November 4, 1922, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the court house in Rockingham, N. C, the Town of Rockingham will sell at public auction, for cash, a one-ton Patriot truck. This October 16th, 1922. W. STEELE LWWDERMILK, Mayor. BY FAR THE BEST Parents, Teachers et al interested in the happiness and education of children, should see "Compton's Pic torial Encyclopedia (just off the press). This work entertains, charms and educates the child "and benefits every member of the fam ily. This is by far the best refer enre work for school children. It is more USABLE, more entertaining and in all respects superior to the "Book of Knowledge," or "the Won PP. worm or tne world Book or MKr' other similar publication on the market. Write for free sample pages and descriptive circulars. J T. Norsworthy, The Book Man, Gas tonia, N. C. Kays last and Found. Lost, a bunch of keys October 15 with my name on them. Abe Spen cer, colored, Rockingham. Found, a bunch of keys contain Jng about 20 keys; can get same at Posf-Dispateh office. Rolicing- Fun At The GARDEN Monday, Tuesday, Wed nesday VAUDEVILLE PUSH ROCKINGHAM WARD. FOR- VAUDEVILLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday "Black Faces" THE GARDEN USED CARS PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN The Candidate Is around Mitting the Voter, who Is Receiving Gobs of At tention for a Change. After Election he Will Tell the Voter Go Take a Gal lop for Himself, bat Right Now the Candidate will Promise Anything. We'd Hate to be a Candidate and Promise Things We Couldn't Deliver. If you have visitors and the fact is not mentioned in this paper, don't blame the paper We want all the items of interest we can get, so when company emes to you, phone r otherwise et the POST-DISPAIXJH :now. FOR SALE CASH OR CREDIT We offer for sale the following used cars;, they are in good shape. They must and will bo sold at Some price, for cash or credit: 7-Passenger Nash. BuickfSix Roadster. Hudson Speedster. Davis Touring. Hupmobile. Maxwell. Dort. Oakland Six. Overland Touring. ; Overland Club Roadster. Buiek Four Touring. Ford. Ford Coupe. PEE DEE MOTOR SALES CO. M. L. Tucker, Prop. (Advt.) GET RID OF THAT "TIRED FEELING" DO you feel run down and half sick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired no energy,' no ambition, no "pep"? Now is the time to take Gude's Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, give you a delightful feeling of vigor and ambition, enrich your blood, builfi firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy color back to your skin. Your druggist has Gude's Liquid or solid, aa you prefer. Gude's Pepto-Ma,Man Tonic and Blood Enricher Been to The Garden yet? A dandy orchestra, first claw pictures am' plenty of them and the price Is 10 and 25c. Adv. PUBLIC SPEAKING The Richmond County Democratic candidates will address the voters of this county during the pres ent campaign on the issues before the public. Especially will the candidates address themselves on County affairs which is so vital to all of the citizens of the county. The women voters are especially urg ed to attend these speakings. p The candidates will speak at the following times and places: ; Mangum . . Thursday, October 19th, 10 o'clock, a. m. Covington Thursday, October 19th, 3:00 o'clock, p. in. Norman - Friday, October -20th, 3:00 o'clock, p. m. Ellerbe - Friday, October 20th, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Roberdel No. 1 Monday, October 23rd, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Ledbetter's . Tuesday, October 24th, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Pee Dee No. I.... ....I -Wednesday, October 25th, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Hoffman Thursday, October 26th, 3:00 o'clock, p. m. Roberdel No. 2, l Friday, October 27th, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Crosland School House Monday, October 30th, 3:00 o'clock, p. m. Zion School House Tuesday, October 31st, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Steele's Mills ..Wednesday, November 1st, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Midway ..Thursday, November 2nd, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Hamlet . Friday, November 3rd, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. Rockingham, Courthouse Monday, November 6th, 7:30 o'clock, p. m. v Respectfully, Fred. W. Bynum, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee The Hub Last Four Days of our Removal Sale October 25, 26, 27, and 28th. , FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS jTZSZT 2SE aJinj Now is your opportunity to buy new Fall and Winter goods At Cost. We want you to tell everybody about it, and be sure to be here October 25, 26, 27 and 28th, for, there will be some great surprises in store for you. Extra heavy Sheeting . j. 5 cents yard Good quality Dross Ginghams... .... 10 cents yard Heavy weight Outing. : ..' 10 cents yard Wool Serge, blue, black and white 49 cents yard One rack full of ladies' and children's Gingham Dresses 98 cents One lot of ladies' Coats, $12.00 to $20.00 grade ...... $8.95 One let of .ladies' Coats,' $10.00 tol$12.00 grade. $4.65 One lot of misses' Coats, 98 cents One lot of men's $18.00 Suits.... $8.95 One lot of $27.00 to $37.00 Suits $16.65 Men's Work Shoes, $3.00 to $3.50 quality. $1.95 One lot of children's Shoes 1 1. ...85 cents Children's cotton Sweaters, heavy grade 49 cents . One lot ot ladies' and men's Sweaters ..'. 98 cents . Ladies' solid wool Sweaters, in all colors, $2.50 to $3.50 grade $1.98 One lot of children's UnionSuitS- 33"cents Onelot of ladies' UnionJSuits 1 . 98 cents v We are selling all our Household goods af cost r ' ii . ii ii Remember Saturday, October 28th is our last day in our'old stored We are moving to E. B. Morse's new three-story tbuildingion ' New street.. Watch for our announcement and circular. THE HUB Rockingham North Carolina mm