ABERDEEN OFFICER KILLED Aberdeen Chief of Police Killed Jan. 10th by One-Arm Negro Pri.oner, Who U Then Killed by Deputized Citizen. NEAR-EAST RELIEF. Chat. D.tne Appointed Chairman of Drive for Richmond County. County' Quota i $1,930. Mr. Charles R. Denr nf tnr: Aberdeen, Jan. 10. Chief of Po-, irr-ham. has hopn imnninW rhi?. lice W. P. Page and an unidentified for Richmond county of the negro, with only cne arn-., are dead j Near East ief fcr tha current here today as a result cf a fiht put j year and wlll put on n ;nt,rsivc by the negro vhen he was arrested j dr;ve for funds-for. this erect hu ar!y this morninjr on a cha.pf nianitarian causa 'in tV knvim. . Mr Burglarizing siores in ucciora. ine negro s!ut Chief Fr,re and v.p.s iii turn shot and killed by .lean Jtor ritt, "a mechanic, who had accompan ied the officer. i-ast nijrnt isc negro oroKe nuo man at charlotte. Mr. Deane and stores oi meum ana i.icAeui. lorn i numbers of his committee, when ap- 0' a. ROUTE 5 ITEMS. Leake G. Covington, last year's chair j man, is named as county treasurer. This announcement was made fol lowing receiptee' information from Col. Gecrtre H. Bellamy, state chair- iownsenn ana uore in Kaeiora. ro lice at that place discovered the ne gro at an early hour and fired ,sov eral shots at him, but he escaped un hurt. He left Raeford in the direc tion of Aberdeen. Officers at Aber deen were notified and at nine o' clock spied the man. After a short chase, he was captured near the ice plant here. Chief Page put the negro in an automobile, on the rear seat, the chief and Merritt occupying the front seat. The negro in the mean time was searched and apparently had no arms concealed. While on the way to the local jail, the negro whipped out a pistol he had con cealed in his shirt and ordered the car stopped. Chief Page drew his pistol, but the negro fired point blank at him, he dying almost in stantly. Mr, Merritt quickly seized the dead officer's gun and shot the negro three times, killing him in stantly. It is believed that the negro was the man wanted in Siler City and High Point on charges of robbery. It is also said that Greensboro police have been on the lookout f nr a one armed negro for sometime in con nection with robbery in that city. Buy Apinol Now In :. Original Two-Ounce Bottles at 30c. Your Druggist is Glad to Sell You Thai Way And You Save Money. Under the rev,- Pine 'Spray Trade Mark, -Apiyol conies now in original fcrownrstripeJ -cartons' at SOe for the two-ounce si.:e. ir you buy Ar-hiol in .any - smaller 'quantity, it costs you ana yc ,jr d: ; -i-t nio'ie "per. o'.uie:. . For cats, .fciuTiiv bruises, -soratches, and. tK;ni, hi tae average; family, a tvu-urii l;ot'i!u ni A?'ino! Iv;'7;' ;e, i:Ki ni'-homos' vfhei'e .tveri 'ci . t tv.'b ;cbii;r.en., .it. ii. o- point-ed, will receive funds for this cause and forward them to John M: Scott, state treasurer at Charlottte at all .times. However, in order to' assure the thirty-three children assigned to Richmond county from North Caro lina s quota of their lives during the next fiscal year, Mr. Deane will find it necessary to put on an intensive drive sometime this f winter or spring. Richmond county is asked to provide $1,980 to feed, clothe, shel ter and educate thirty-three of the State's quota of 3,334. Sixty dol lars is needed to keep each child for a year. These children are now in North Carolina orphanages at Tre'bizond and are being given a Christian ed ucation and taught useful trades. As fast as they become old enough they are placed in self-supporting positions,' but children as young as three years, of which there are many in these orphanages, cannot support themselves. Their parents were mur dered by the Turks or killed during the War and the generous. American people are salvaging an entire nation 3,000 miles away. . It had been planned to reduce all quotas this year, but the infamous treaty of Lausanne, Which threw 1,150,000 adult refugees from Ana tolia on the hands of Near East Relief workers, prevented this. Or phan food stocks . were depleted on faith that the American public would replenish 'them 'to pivvent wholesale starvation on the shores of the Black Sea. ' '.' -...'. A Sinking will be given at the hon;e of Mr. and Mrs. John L., Mc Donald Saturday 'nfcht, Jan. 19th. , Misses Mi-.ltie ard Nancy MeRae, of Hamlet, were visiting Miss Elma "W ilson Sunday, p. iu. . . Preaching Sunday p. rc at McDonald's church ., Jan. 20, at 3 o'clock. . Mr. Dan McDonald and children are visiting parents this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lisk were visit ing friends at Entwistle Sunday. A crowd from this community at tended preaching at Ledbetter's Sunday night, and are more than pleased with the new preacher, Rev, Mr. Johnson. "Bobbed Hair." ROBERDEL NO. 2 ITEMS. Furaiiuj'c Repaired., 7 7 I am. in the furnlturo rcprin pusmcss, Fir'st- arvr.Uocd." Do work Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crtine were visiting in Harrisviile Sunday. , Mr. Archie Hailcy was in our com munity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and young son, Fred, were visiting at the home of Mr. D. R. Bolton Sunday. , Mrs. Roy Coble was visiting Mrs. Homer Brown Monday afternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs; S. Snead, a son. Mr. Snead says that he doesn t lack but a few more of having a ball team. Miss Edna Fielders, of Georgia, has returned here. . "Karo." CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks-to the people of Ellerbe for their kindness and help rendered- us during the sickness and death of our sister, Ruby Covington. Grady Covington, brothers and sisters. Mr. Lock Mclnnis and family are leaving Roberdel No. 2. They are going to Pee Dee No 1. Mr. William McPherson is on the sick list; hope he will soon recover. Xittle Miss Mildred Cox, after a brief illness with measles, is able to J be out again, we are glad'to note. Sorry to note the condition of Mr. Jim Gay; he is no better. Sorry to note the recent illness of Master Harold Gordon; hope the lit ie boy will soon be out again. Mrs. Rich Campbell seems much improved, after an illness of several days. ' ' Mrs. Annie Bowles and children visited relatives in Nichols, S. C, Saturday and Sunday.- Mrs. J. H. Bean and Mrs. Geo. Ilinson, from one of our nearby vil lages, visited friends ' at ' Roberdel No. .2 Sunday .afternoon. 7 Jan, ::,' 1 Facts About Coast Line. M. K. PEE DEC NO. 1 ITEMS. ana. pamtif " yt'tif hoys?. lonr: ar? ; c .- - inoi n-v.-tiia ;p- -' '".-,' '; v'' a fa : ..&" : ,-, ,;i 'i". Fn"ki;ir;ha-n by Fo:l o r.y,d -'.FowlUes Pharmacy. - ' (advtj ; . t-ry ciieap price. ' , :--.':. v7 adv7 ' ;.H-t. 'Annic',3 n 'Kendc-raon S .. hnut.n Avas. visitmg it unlay and Sunday. (Continued from Front Page) president of this road. With President J. R. Kenly were J. N. Brand,. D. W. Gross, J. F. Post. n. i.i. uroniy. Tin Tynem mon m, . . luiji-uiurAitn is g!vinT the following interesting sketch of tne t-oast Line system, inasmuch as our own Rockingham Railroad is a part thereot ; - , ie Auuiuic ioast ijine was formed by the gradual consolidation ot about 100 railroads stretching a long the Atlantic Coast from Rich mond, Virginia, to Ft. Mvers. Flnr. icte. It has a total of 4,860 miles of track in Virginia, North -and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, -and it "serves 129 counties with n total population of 3,850,000 people. Its -territory 'is.' one' of tho most productive agricultural regions in . the world, and tl-e 'Atlantic Coast Line is. one of the most im- uits and t portunt carriers of f; tables In" America. H nnv owns 931 loro-.r.otives, S2, 61C'fixiht cars; ar.d 777 pasonWi cars. . ' . U:. operates tin passenger- trains e r.o!,k was vi present tourist I through trains 'J ': :. t .-fun Ne.v "if-!, of 21 ' tey-t '?or ;! ter- tr;.;,--s f,-( to -I t h r t rre i. i or!; a;).! Cr t!iro:;;jh Northwest for jcg r Your 'y I.-i'is'.ni!iu'o' :ri"o::i soulh.'r o . oliier -pH'.-v The fcrt .'tic Cuai r.rr C'"T,.S C-'.-; P.M i '!,;,(: II; mm a: U;.. X ; la.. !'.: e : ?4 V4.''W v ks?-.,v--'.wy y- ,: "s. ' 77 !,. ' V:V h'A- ieVnond 'i-U.fitVt. iv.-attv,'-'. Wb i : : !i ! i' 1 i 1 7 C'-.- ::::.'" 7! ill ' j' t i s i f -I i v " ,., i ':' ' ' " a :! ! Kii M'r- ' i pi u,, v - ) ' 'ill, i s- t 9 tea in Victroias and "Victor - - e cords We are proud to. sell you the musi cal result that is possible when Victor, Records by the great artists are played on any of our various models of Victrola instruments. Hear them here today I THE LONG FURNITURE CO. iu 7 .:i!yf,-7:, "-v 'r.. . .. ' " '.v sVii,i'';i S..JS '-? !.fi"' ' " ' - It '-7. ! 4 ', jiy n Vr. ::'BV" : :7J; 'O .:-' i-o-:' r)- ...... ,:,-, .V-- ,iouth Lee itleet- 0 or S; ; t rhort. in, 3 ri S 0 n. IS; 5 K2 i I t'v iiat:c.,oltica 03- by int-;ri'0'; co'sinKa by inter!. eafctvda-','-icf,!t, - ' -'-the "Cr-iht lAc. VrJ junction !5 V t i'ule.;!.;-;; I;; MKh, - till -draW O'.'-CnT llill'lf'; . .'r.iii. rc 11 t i i p . ast : week of Manhattan Shirt Sale ! :; , , 7.. ; r V "Special sale "ch: Men's Velours-and 'Beaver enVandBoys, 'Bathrobes :;-.-.;'.y T--i'-:. oys'Suits'aiid Overcoats;.;; ;;;;-::7A:- W:ai:;:,y n.ahe tho Atianiic CKfi Line RjfiliisCy vorihy to l;e known as "The tanaarJ i.aiiroad;of the South.", ;.: . . . " "' - v'-:' -Sxehanffe,. '-- :l-4off 1-4 off 1 i' : 1 1 1 ftrT7tii tfi1 "F1 Hamlet, E C. : If ; you . suuor backae1Jo,,"s!eeplei!3 oighls, tired dull 2Sy '.and C.'strosBine. Ufin'i exijerimoiil. ur.iitiry .a.sortiurs, ..Read this f.,-ic..-t-.ild testimony, . Il'a Rockiai'haju aidence doubly pro ven., ' ' "... .'.., '. :- " J.: B.'Lltt!c,' Steele St.,-, says:: "My back ached a great (lea!. . There was a heavy, ".bearing down feeliu; that made mo tired and run down. When I tried to lift :or beat over a sharp pain . shot - through ray back. ' Morn ings I wa? I;u2i8 and sore. My kid neys were weak end the secretions wore scanty and paiuruL I purchased Doau's Kidney. Pills at..-Bigg' Drug Store and they relieved mo In , a Ehoit time.' (Statement given May 18,4911)- .,.'..-, . On Ayri! 13, 1923, Mr. .tittle added: "1 -.think as much of Doan's now as when I reeommendod them in 1913. l havo had no rsturn ot the trouble. I am glad to qonflrav my cither stater ment." 60c, nt:all dealers. Fcster-Mi.burn Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. . ,- 0 ;. In I .... ' i-Mi '.'.A :7:.-7 I tJL. DoK't.'vyaij: Ley until in a ccki supply weai.icr svocps . -new,' . vrhile'.ihe ' price is reasonable! .ccaL'i '. ,,-..-.$.9.00 ton:..-:, $10.00 tea MOSS' BROTHERS West Rocjdngham -7 Phoie 53 HAMLET, N. C. Dr. Will D. James ,Dr. Albert W, James 7 ;i. 0 0; 0 V rA it " r--: r.t Yc::r L-lcl