t I foiLLiJia I.Iarlit Ja3. 31 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear $2.03 Six months. ..jl.Ca Three months .75 Single copies 10c each ct Ccitcn 32c iOJirUhyi;u New Tork F-tsm CIom. Tod&J Mr 33.60 Mj 34.05. 'M 32.83 ROCKINGHAM, N. C THURSDAY Afternoon, JAN. 31, 1924. $2.00 PER YEAR Vol. 7. No. 9. CONCRETE ROAD FROM ! ONLY 5000 R'HAM CIVITAH CONTRACT LET TODAY FOR KLUCKERS PAYING CLUB ORGANIZED RIVER BRIDGE AND ROAD t&gm?? MM ll I FOUR MILLS TO ROCKINGHAM MILLS, COUNTY AND TOWN SHOULD GET TOGETHER ON PROPO SITION TO BRING ALL THREE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY BY MEANS OF CONCRETE ROAD, STARTING AT ROBERDEL NO. 2, AND RUNNING THROUGH HANNAH PICKETT, ENTWISTLE, AND LEAK MILL VILLAGES TO ROCKINGHAM. DOUBLE DAILY FREE DELIVERY OF MAIL THEN. A ROAD THAT WOULD BEN EFIT THOUSANDS. TOTAL COST AROUND $90,000 DIVIDED BETWEEN FOUR MILLS, TOWN AND COUNTY. The dream of a concrete road beginning at Roberdel Mill No. 2 and coming to Rockingham is not nearly as idle a one as might be sup posed and if the thousands who will be affected by such a road will only make their wishes KNOWN and FELT, it can be made a reality in short order. ' The plan which has been suggested and which the POST-DISPATCH is herewith submitting to public consideration, is this: For the concrete road, 18 feet wide, to start at Roberdel Mill No. 2, with Roberdel Mfg., Co. paying for the cost to Hannah Pickett village; for H. P. Mill to pay to Entwistle village', for Entwistle Mills o pay to Leak Mill village, and for Ieak Mills t pay to the edge of its village, where the County would take up the cost. This would perhaps entail a total cost of ?50,000divied among be four mills, and xto one doubts for a moment that either of the four would hesitate or be backward in gladly paying its proportionate part. The distance from Roberdel No. ,2 mill to the edge of Hannr.h Pickett village is two-teniftis of a mile. From Hannah Pickett to Entwistle village line is six-tenths. Prom Entwistle to Leak mill line three-tenths. From Leak" mill line to the edge of its property, four-tenths or a total of one and a half mile, tor the four mills. From the Leak -mill line on Wat son Heights to the town limits at the Seaboard depot is eight-tenths of a mile, making the total 'distance from Seaboard depot to Roberdel -mill 2.3 miles. ."''"'. : ' , ' Now the distance the County "would have to grade and pave, if the proposed overhead bridge 58 adopted, would be approximately five-tenths of a mile, bringing the mills about two-tenths of a .mile nearer the court house than the present road through Watson Heights. So much for the distances of the road. Now back to the Leak mill line, to which point the four mills would bring the road. . Continued on page 11.) JUDGE SHAW HEAVY HANDED. Jodie Shaw lmpoe Total of 34 Year in Prison and Road Sen tences in Wadesboro "Recently. Judge Ray's Record wa 3D Years at Rockingham. Judge Shaw to Hold Richmond County April 7th ' Term. .Vs"." 1r Judge Thos. J. Shaw believes in punishment for crime, and yet he tempers mercy with Justice Inas much as Judge Shaw Is to bold the April 7th term of Richmond county criminal Court, his sentences recent ly in Anson county, at Wadesboro, will be of interest. His total road sentences amounted to 22 years and 11 months; and his penitentiary sen tences were 11 .years. Also, the fines were not inconsiderable.' POST-DISPATCH readers will re call that at the recent Dec. 31st term of Richmond ' county Court, with Judge J. Bis Ray presiding, the total road sentences amounted to 204 months, and prison sentences 156 months. Last fall Judge A. M. Stack pre sided at Richmond county Courts, but his' sentences were mostly of the self-starter type. . Judge Shaw is particularly stem upon tnose convicted oi carrying .' concealed weapons, stealing autos and selling and making liquor. 2,950 CARS IN COUNTY. According to the 1923 registration of cars with.the Secretary of State, as of January 1st, there were 2,950 autos registered from Richmond county. In the whole State, there were more than 248,000. Th figures for neighboring coun- , ties, are as follows: Richmond 2,950 Stanly 2,614 Anson 2,309 Montgomery 1,617 Union 2,983 Guilford leads with 13,790 cars, and Graham' is the tail end with but . 82. Forsyth is second, Mecklenburg third, and Wake fourth. ' ,. II II . ... - ..-)- - M I" GOOD RICHMOND INSURANCE REALTY COMPANY GAME TOURNAMENT Game Tournament Next Monday Night at Graded School Benefit Milk Fund. Admission 50c. Re freshments. The general public may not real ize this," but the Grammar Grade Association of the Rockingham school pays out an average of $32 each month for milk that is' given free to the school children. ' There is no way for this .expense to be met other than from the public. The women give their work arid time in serving fhia milk each morning at the school, and do so cheerfully. The results being obtained are " really astonishing children that were un der normal, "coming out" almost in a night. ' To get some funds, the Associa tion is to have a Game Tournament at the graded school auditorium next Monday night, Feb. 4th,. at 8 o'clock. The admission is 50c, or $2 for a reserved table. Refreshments will be served, but no extra charge for this. The public is cordially invited. Tickets can be secured by phoning any of the committee. Reservations are desired. Any game can be played Hook, "42" or whatnot.. So keen Monday, night in mind, and come to this Tournament, enjoy yourself and be assured you are really helping undernourished children. The com mittee consists of Mrs. W. F. Long, Jr., Mrs. Jno. L. Everett. Mrs. T, R. Helms, Mrs. J. R. McLendon and Mrs. Russell Ford. 86 AND ENJOYS PAPER. if Mrs. S. M. Stogner is a new sub scriber of the POST-DISPATCH this week. She will be 87 next August and yet can read her paper and takes a keen interest In the current local news that appears each week in this home paper,, We trust she will con. tinue In good health; she had a se vere fall a year or so ago, which confines her to the house. 1 i 1 lw'Mll,,l',''MM,''MM'''MIW''MIMMMI,WIJei HUSBAND? "a jH-wfe'wily Was left fatnerIess woul your wife and children be helpless ana destitute? Would they have to depend upon charity and assistance from relatives and friends ? ... Wt,uld they.have t0 -ndergo suffering and hardship because you had not taken the precaution to insure your life; suffering is the. more pitiful because it is so easily avoidable. r . Insurance provides the best and most practical protection for your family. Insure yourself today. You cannot tell what tomorrow will bring. JUDGE GRADY CORRECT IN SAYING HE RECEIVES NO SALARY FROM K. K. K. POST DISPATCH HEARS THAT ONLY 20 OUT OF 5 CHAPTERS ARE PAYING DUES. ONLY 5,000 NOW PAY INSTEAD OF 30,000. WILL DIE A NATURAL DEATH. From common report, the POST DISPATCH is now convinced that Judge Grady was correct in saying that he was receiving no funds as Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan of North Carolina. There are supposed to be around 75 chapters, or Klans, in this State, with a membership of 30,000. Each member is supposed to pay 25cents per quarter, or $1 a year, this as a Grand Dragon tax- or assessment. The Grand Dragon was supposed to get this, which would give him a sal- (Contlnued on Page 11) REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The executive committee of the Republican party of Richmond coun ty met in Rockingham this (Thurs day) afternoon, at the call of the Chairman, J. F. Stafford, and named Monday night, Feb. 18th, at 7:30 at the courthouse as time and place for holding the County Convention. Due notice of this is elsewhere in the POST-DISPATCH. The precinct meetings will be held Thursday night, Feb.. 14th, at 7:30 in the various precincts. DENTIST HAS PNEUMONIA. Dr. C C. Steele is confined to his room at the home of Mr. R. R. SimraoBs with pneumonia; this hav ing developed Tuesday. His fever was 105 WeWdnesday night, but is lower today and he is getting along nicely. M iss Dowd, of High Point, is his nurse. TURKEYS 32 He PER LB. The Curb Market will have tur keys en .ale Saturday, Feb. 9th, for one day only, at 32 c per lb. Orders can be given me. Mrs. Anna Lea Harris, ,,. -, . - Home Dem. Agent. GINNING TO JAN. 16TH. The number of bales of cotton ginned in Richmond county to Jan- uaxy io.n ior me ia3 crop, a mounted to 20,277 bales. This com pares with 15,569 to the same date 4liL 1 -inn. last year. ; ' ' ' , This is the last ginning report to be issued until the final Government report about March 20th. Between the 16th jof January and final gin ning report In March last year there were 54 bales ginned in this county. However, it is expected there will be perhaps 200 bales yet to gin, which will probably bring the total crop tor the county to 20,500. 64 AND BUT 15 BIRTHDAYS. John R. Courtney, of Atlanta, is one of those unfortunate men whose birthday is celebrated only on Leap Year. He is 64 years old, brt has had but 15 birthdays. He had no birthday from 1896 to 1904. Any one in Richmond county Born on reb. 29th? . DR. WEBB HAS OPERATION. Dr. W. P. Webb underwent an operation by Dr. Scruggs at the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte last Sunday afternoon for appendi citis. His friends back home will be glad to; know he is getting along nicely and should return here within two weeks. .. Job Printing Post-Dispatch bend the Paper Your' News II II I -w CLUB ORGANIZED AT ROCKING HAM, AND CHARTER PRE SENTED AT BANQUET LAST FRIDAY NIGHT. ORGANIZED TO PROMOTE INTERESTS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. OFFI CERS ELECTED. CLUB FUNC TIONS. MEMBERS WANTED. The Rockingham Civitan Club was formally organized last Friday night with about 25 charter members, in the dining room of the Rockingham Hotel, where a good supper was served.' The Civitan is a National Organi zation, with the object of promoting good fellowship among the members, and advancing the interests relig ious, moral and commercial of the town and county in which such a club is located. The need of some active organi zation for pushing forward the com- (Continued on Page 11) DERBY AND OSBORNE FARMERS The farmers of the Derby section are requested to, meet the Co. Agt. and Paul W. Mack, of the Cotton Marketing Association, next Monday at the Derby school, Feb. 4th, at 7:30 p. m. Farmers of the Osborne section will meet us at the Osborne school, Feb. 7th,, at 7:30 p. m. W. H. BARTON. BANKER KILLS A BIRD. Banker, Cotton Mill President and Ex-SenatorW. L. Parsons is not one to be accused of vain-gloriousness; nor is he given to a spirit of brag gadocio. On the contrary, he is self- conscious, rather than otherwise. But for the past few days he has borne quite a prideful air, and to more than one has he confided quite a feat he killed a partridge on the last day of the hunting season, last Friday, lie and young Watt were hunting; a covy of birds arose; three shots were fired; three birds fell and Mr. Parsons is morally sure one belonged to him. And Watt is too dutiful and loyal to dispute it. BIRDS AT $1.00 EACH. Hugh McDougald, down in lower Wolf Pit, acquired ten partridges one day last week, across the State Line, at $1.00 per bird. And Hugh does not rate as a multi-millionaire. SHOT MAN IN FOOT. Tom RobinSon, colored, was lodged in jail Tuesday by Chief .Covington on the charg. of shooting John Cole, also colored, in the foot Saturday night at the' Jenkins Covington boarding house on Greene street. John is not much 'hurt, and will be able to attend a hearing for Tom in a few. days." Tom, as usual, insists it was an accident. KITCHEN SHOWER AT SCHOOL. The "kitchen shower" planned for Friday night by the Parent-Teachers Association is postponed to Friday night-week, Feb. 8th. It will be at the high school auditorium at 8' o' clock. Light refreshments will : be observed and a program rendered. No admission every one in the town and community cordially invited to come whether you bring any kitchen articles or not. The Grammar Grade Association is given an especial invitation. Donations are desired of any ar ticles of kitchen ware saucers, tum blers, bowls, pitchers spoons and forks. . . And especially do the chil dren need trays for the lunches. So rake out the old things, you housekeepers, and come or send them to the "shower" Feb. 8th. o v have plenty of New Year money to spend right now. Those Who didn't save may find it difficult to spend. Begin now to save for Christmas, 1924;; Put it in this Bank and forget to draw it out. ' ' ; If you save for Christmas you will also save for other purposes. Saving is a mighty good habit. The Richmond Counjy Saving i"r o CONTRACT AWARDED TODAY AT CONCRETE 1685-FOOT BRIDGE ACROSS PEE DEE RIVER, AND 6.25-MILE GRADED ROAD FROM ROCKINGHAM TO RIVER. TO BE HARD SURFACED BEFORE BRIDGE IS COM PLETED. REQUIRE ABOUT TWO YEARS TO COMPLETE BRIDGE. Plans in Process of Formation for Making Standard Gravelled Road From Montgomery County Line to South Carolina Line. Splitting County North and South. The POST-DISPATCH is in receipt this (Thursday) afternoon just before going to press of the very welcome news from Raleigh that the State Highway Commission has today let the contract' for a- concrete Ellerbe Road While the East and West road is being taken care of, the road from the Montgom ery county line to the South Carolina line North and South is not forgotten. Mr. Everett informs this paper that he has the matter of this road now for considera tion with Commissioner Wil kinson and that something definite about this road will shortly be forthcoming. The roadway will be 46.8 feet above ordinary water, and 26 feet above the high water of 1908, which was the biggest flood on record. . It will require approximately 18 months to two years to complete the bridge. The Road. '. The road, for which the contract was let today; will start at West Rockingham, at Hitchcock creek, and is 6.25 miles long. The contract for just the grading is let now, because it has been found that where almost (Continued on page 11.) WESTERN UNION HUMOR. Western Union .telegraph operator J. H. Starr tells of a strange tele gram a wild-eyed man gave him at a town in South Carolina where he last worked. The man rushed into the office and wired his wife's rela tives as follows: "Twins today; more tomorrow." ' . . MARRIAGE LICENSES. Jan. 28 Dr. Felix A. Blanchard and Mary Gilchrist Tatum, white, both of Marlboro county, S. C. APPLE HOUSE ROBBED. A thief Monday night broke into John Shepard's apple house, on Bar rett's alley, and stole two barrels of apples. ' HEAVY RECORDER'S COURT. 38 cases were tried in Hamlet Re corder's Court Monday the largest docket in its history. The Peele case was perhaps the most interesting. Martin, Arthur, and Alvin Peele had to pay $170 in fines and costs for assaulting Alvin Gibson and forcible trespass upon the County's school truck. Alv inGibson paid $25 and $10 costs for slapping a Peele boy, R'HAM 45, HAMLET 24. Rockingham Highs defeated Ham let Highs in basketball here on the indoor court Monday night 45 to 24. Capt. Harry West and his players had the opposition outclassed. Tomorrow (Friday) night the Hamlet boys will again play here at the graded school, and the Monroe girls will play the local girls here, the' two games alternating. Games Istart at 7:45. , Ellerbe will be played here the 12, and at Ellerbe the 15th. The schedule is as follows, with all games at 7:45: Hamlet here Feb. 1st. Wadesboro there Feb. 5th. Wingnte here Feb. 9th. r People Who and Banked RALEIGH FOR ERECTION OF bridge across the Pee Dee river, and for grading a road from Rockingham to the river. The ' Commission . was - in session in Raleigh today, and receive:! bids for the construction. The specifications for the bridge a.id the new road .Ve as follows: Tne Bridge. The bridge will Le approximately 1,685 feet long, and will be the longest bridge in the State of the "arch type" of construction. The 200-foot arch spans will be 60 feet longer than those being used on the Yadkin river near Spencer. The structure will consist of three 200-foot open spandrel arch spans across the main channel, with 13 deck girder approach spans ' on the west side and seven on the east. NEW ROUTE STARTS New R. F. D. .Starts From Rocking, ham Feb. 1st. Know Route 6, J. A. Dawkins Temporary Carrier. Traverses Section East of Rock- " ingham. The new R. F. D., known as Route 6, that Postmaster Long and the POST-DISPATCH so vigorously fought for some weeks ago, will go into effect tomorrow, Feb.. 1st. On January 26th a Civil Service examination was held at the graded school here to secure a Carrier, and eight men took the examination. It generally requires from two to threr months for. the results of such aw examination to be known, and the eligible list certified. In the meantime, Postmaster Long has appointed J. A. Dawkins, son of Alec Dawkins, of West Rockingham, to carry the mail as temporary Car rier. .. . The new Route is 25 miles long, and covers that large section east of Rockingham. The Route goes out of Rockingham by the hard surface road, and leaves same at the creek one mile from Hamlet. y DRIVING CAR WHILE DRUNK. Dewey Pearson, white, of the Os borne section, will be given a hear ing before Magistrate J. M. Smith at Rockingham next Tuesday at 11 o'clock on the charge of driving a car while intoxicated. It is alleged he an into W. J. Butler on the Hoff man highway Jan. 19th and injured him. His bond is $300. IS IT A LIVE PAPER? 'Kind Reader, will you glance through every page of this paper, beginning carefully with thi3 front page, and read? And if you do, we unhesitatingly say we know what your verdict will be that it is a crackinf? good LOCAL TOWN and COUNTY paper. If it happens, you car. depend on finding it in the POST-DISPATCH. o o o o o o o o o t ) ( )

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