r r "i i i r r-s rj t f t CIRCULATION NEARLY 2,000 EVERYBODY READS IT V :x ,1 I ) 1 W V WLA ,r-J ,3 A FINE JOB WORK AT REASON ABLE PRICES ( THE PRESS THE "TONGUE" OF THE COUNTRY; MAY IT NEVER BE CUT OUT ' VOL.2. ; . ROCKINGHAM, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924. . - NO. 47. a3 TI ii (U mfT (ft ff(Fn jr J SmmV MmmJI W wJ f Albemarle streets were crowded from early morn until late at night, Saturday. The occasion was the Rural Commencement of the County cho.ols. Thousands of school children and parents and teachers and those who did not have school children were present. The parade started down at Hearne's grove about ten o'clock. ! The parade was over an hour passing a given point. Each school was in a crowd by itself, accompanied by its teachers as Captains. Most of the girls in each school had a dress of distinctive color. Some very fine floats were in the parade. Floats were in from East Albemarle, Richfield, New London, Aquadale, Endy, Oakboro, Stanfield Clairmont and Millingsport. After the parade the following program was carried out at the Court Ious'e. : 10:45 A. M.-Debate-City School Auditorium-"Resolved Thafthe Inter-Alien War Debt Should be Cancelled." r Affirmative-New London: Christine Miller, Mary Ross Ritchie. Negative-Endy: Dolleta Bost, Nora Burleyson. : Preliminary Singing Contest, E. Albemarle. New London, ftichfield and Clairmont. . 10:45-Court House-Affirmative-Endy: Bertha Smith, Margaret Morton. Negative-New London: Clay Miller, Jennie Lee Blalock. .r Preliminary Singing Contest-Millingport, Stanfield, Oakboro, Endy and Aquadale. AFTERNOON PROGRAM: 2:00 P. M.-City School Auditorium-Reading Contest. ! Beulah Parker-E. Albemarle-Tse Bad." MildredRogers-Richfield-"Under the Buggy Seat." Annice Huneycutt-Clairmont- "Naughty Zell." Annie Lou Sides-Millingport-'Kentucky-Belle." Nettie Temple-Locust-"How a Girl Saved the Lightning Express." Mary Alma Hinson-Oakboro-'Before the War." Bertie Hinson-Endy-"Mrs. Smart Learns to Skate." Merle Tausch-Aquadale-"Nothing' to Do Till June." Eugenia Lanier-Norwood-"Entertainining the Missionary Lady." 2:00 P. M.-Court House-Declamation Contest. ' :'"" " Ramie Turner-E; Albemarle-"The Poker Scrape." Bennett Crooke-New London-"Mother, Home and Heaven." Alvin Rowland-Milling-port-"Paw's New Car." James Love-Stanfield-"My Trip to Chicago." Edgar Lambert-En dy-"The Unknown Speaker." Alfred Ledbet-ter-Hinson-" America, a World Power." G. G. Lampley-Norwood-'Bud's View." Awardin g prizes at City School. CONTRIBUTORS r h:.:: : . V -v-v-' Morrow Bros. & Heath Company; International Harvester Co. (Charlotte) ; Albemarle Real Estate & Ins. Co.; Stanly Hardware Co.; Cabarrus Savings Bank; F. W. Austin & Sons; Austen-Wolfe Motor Co.; General Seating Co. (Charlotte) ; E. E. Snuggs; Stanly Auto Co. ; Hickory Handle & Mfg. Co.; (Conover) ; Albemarle Plumbing Co.; Stanly Bank & Trust Co.; First National Bank; Riff s Department Store. , Forced to Sell Out For wan oi Proper Baching During the past year several people have wanted to buy Selders' Weekly," Newspaper and Job Plant. The plant was not' for sale then. How-' ever, it was not then nor has it ever been a paying investment, owing to several reasons which we might mention, but we abstain from particular izing. : '' . v ' ''-" -V'v": We have been in hopes that matters would right themselves and that things would "look up," but not so. We have done our best to give the people their full money's worth, both in the newspaper and in job work. The latter has been good and we had to use what we made off from the job work to keep up the paper. It has been a great annoyance to us and also worry and that is worse now as my aid in that has given up the job Several years ago I hired an old colored woman to do my worrying at FIVE dollars a year. She did a good job and took all the worry off my shoulders buttheunforseen happened. She died, and since then I have had to do my own worrying and that adds an extra load to my duties. The plant has been sold to the Stanly Republican However, the local news will be looked after the same as usual. All advertising contracts and subscriptions will be taken care of by: the new company: . . . .1 will devote the most of my time in special writing. The only part of the newspaper, business I care about. - ; A new serial will be started in the first paper issued by the new company. " - It will be of interest to a great many as it will take up Southern life with its many idiosyncrasie s with a love story combined. My stay in Rockingham has been very pleasant and I have made some warm friends as well a s some who are not. Any man who has a bit of personality does that or else he does not amount to much. I will have to oversee the dismantling and re-installing 6"f the plant. ... " ' ; T All claims against Selders' Weekly or A Selders will be paid by him and all accounts 'owing to the Newspaper should be paid to him as soon as possible, as we wish to have a clean slate as we go hence. ' . ' " ' . ' - ' ' - 1 A. Selders. .: An Epidemic of Lawlessness 'Saturday night and Sunday were Red LetterDays in. Rock ingham for lawlessness). But if a person should take note, they vrtt I'alvvays find that right alter1 a criminaHerm of court t he re is more law breaking than at any other time. D. D. Yates was arrested Saturday night by Chief pi Police for reckle?S driving. He gave bond. In less than forty minu tes afterward the Sheriff arrested him for driving a car while drunk and carrying concealed weapons. He' was jailed. . K. D. Grant, Jr.; was arrested for operating a car while drunk and carrying a concealed weapon.! Jailed. v ; v Jy Cain was- arrested for being drunk and transporting whiskey. Jailed.' , " ''- . - Dpbb Singletary was arrested, for being drunk. Jailed. These were arrested Sunday. . : ., ' Saturday night the Chief arrested Jajnes Buckles for reck less driving. , . . - Carrie Ingram, Mary Cook, Albert Skipper and Coy Sto ver, all colored arrested for F & Div Deputies Reynolds and Darby Covington captureda fine copper still near Hoffman, Sunday morning. - ' , Darby Covington went Monday to Salisbury to get John Ward, who is wanted for breaking into The Farmers' . Union Store at Ellerbe, about a year ago.-; - . . , Sheriff Baldwin recovered the car stolen from the Stand ard Oil Company about a week ago, about five miles from town in the vwood3. The car had been stripped of about everything that could be removed. , This completes the list for a 24 hour stretch. . Col G. D. B. Reynolds, . . , National Delegate Col. G. D. B. Reynolds of Albemarle was elected a dele gate from the Eighth Congressional District to Cleveland, last Friday at Statesville. ' This is a well deserved honor that has come to Col. Rey nolds.' He is one of the. Republican, wheel horses 'in .Stanly county. He is a very clever speaker and when the campaign is orb he is out nightly making addresses to the voters. He wields a big influence and almost the whole West Stanly will' swear by him. He is one of those Republicans, who is a Republican the whole year around. He is riot like some, only a Republican, when the offices are to doled but, in fact he never has been greedy for office. In our opinion no better choice could have been made. .. ' , i ' ' ' . ' " . "' . ' ' ' ' i M. L. Tucker and Att'y Boggan attended court at Wades boro, Friday. " , ' 1 Mrs. M. L. Tucker and cl :ldren took in the Commencement at Albemarle, Saturday. " :- ' ; ; t- i i ii' r v i r : Miss Tauline Williams and two chums spent Sunday out of town. Bailey Makes "Issues" Clear Speaking at Wake Forest College Josiah William Bailey, candidate for the democratic gubernatorial nomination, de Glared, htv recognized that thn presnnt ariTninjst.rntinn ' nf- fh state was against him and that he' welcomed the issue and would fight it to the finish. . He also declared that there was nothing of importance in control of the state convention, and that the primary rally would decide the issue. Mr. Bailey als outlined? his stand on certain questions, lie spoke in part au follows:.' '' "I am standing for the following causes: 1. Political liberation, which means an honest election and primary law, a secret ballot, and the prevention of the use of money or other corrupting means in "politics; the curbing cf the power of public servants. This puts the professional politi cians against me . ' , -"2. Tax reform, which means the shifting of the burden of taxation from land to other sources. I propose to have tki state to either take over more burdens of government, now rest ing land, or to turn back to the counties in order to relieve? land. :-' . : . ; v "3. Sound economy in the expendiature of public money. A dollar's worth of service for the tax payer's d:"Iar. "4. I stand also for justice for the people i i tr i ."r cf freight rates. I oppose the monstrous disci' ' ' i i i :' . o'f Virginia cities,;-and I advocate lower Kitrs t! : 'l.,,ut V : state. , . '