, I SUXCRIPTION RATES: One Year...:.$2.CD Six DODtb J1.C3 Three months. . .75 Sinjle copie 10c eack 34.23 64 28 45 27.50 j ' JaSI & ffi ' W U ROCKINGHAM, N. C THURSDAY Afternoon, JULY 24 , 1924. $2,00 PER YEAR Vol. 7. No. 34. i'. COTT0KR0P KOW 11,934,000 GOVERNMENT NOW ESTIMATES THAT COTTON CROP WILL AMOUNT TO ONLY 11,934,000 BALES. NORTH CAROLINA CONDITION 56 WITH INDI CATED YIELD OF 720.000. THIS COUNTY UNDER 50. The Government issued its report Monday on the condition of the cot ton crop to July 16th: This report 6hows the condition to be 68.3 of normal, as compared with 71.2 on i (Continued on Page 6) HEAVY RAIN WILMINGTON. MIX IIARRELL IS CAPTURED ACCOMPLICE OF KING IN SLAY- ING OF ARMY OFFIC'R CAUGHT WEDNESDAY IN NASHVILLE, TENN. HARRELL TELLS DIF FERENT STORY. HIS WIFE WAS THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN IN RICHMOND COUNTY. ' Wilmintrton had its heaviest rain fall Sunday morning. The waters de scended in sheets for six hours, the total fall being five and one-half in ches. The culverts and drains became clogged, and many streets were two and three feet deep in water. NEGRO ROBBED OF $27. Three White Hoboea HoM Up Nera on Main Highway Near Roclcuig- bam Sunday and Got 527 Ti Pockets. Tom Lilly, negro painter of fiock ingham, no doubt was glad to part with $27 to three white hoboes Sun. day afternoon, so long as they Tvere content to. leave- him -his 'Ford and breath in his body. Tom has an aver sion to being fed to the fowls f the air; he prefers to rest under the sod in due time in the negro cemetery .here. Sunday afternoon s Torn was com ing along the main highway, just a short distance, from Blewett Falls ferry, a white man stepped mxst in the road and flagged him down. "As he stopped, two other men tepped from the bushes and with pistols leveled at Tom demanded his money. Tom of course lied manfully -that V he didn't have any. Eat with pistols still "pintrng"they searched his pock ets and found $27. They then gener ously allowed Mm to go -on his way. Yes, Tom should not Begrudge that money. Perhaps if he hadn't had any the highwaymen might have slipped a bullet into his anatomy, dragged him to the bashes to Jrwait tthe ever- ready buzzards and then hied onward with his car. Frank TTArrell. whom Mortimer Kine says helped him Kill Major Mc- Leary July 2nd, was arrested in Nash ville, Tennessee, Wednesday. His story of the killing differs somewhat from that -told by King, His account is published further along m this article. It had been reported that Har- rell's wife had come to Rockingham from Union, S. C, about May 1st, after the Excelsior cotton mill shut down; but no trace has been found of her in Richmond county. On Tuesday a man answering some what the description of Harrell was arrested in Mt. , Gilead. He was brought at once to Rockingham, but soon established his identity, proving to be a man from Concord. : Mortimer H. King,' the self-con fessed slayer cf Major Samuel H. MeLeary, of the United States Coast Artillery, whose bones were found 200 feet from the Cheraw-Columbia highway on July 17th, is now tn the State penitentiary at Columbia await ing trial at Chesterfield at the term ef Court thaf convenes Sept 22nd. By the way, it may he ot interest to note that King is not a native of this State. A was born and reared (Continued on Pag 6) CO-OPS MAILED CHECKS 130,714; Bale rlraoW. ' Raleigh, July 22.--The first checks in the final distribution and settle ment made ay the 'North Carolina Cototn Growers Cooperative Asso nation for the cotton crop of 1923 24 "went fete Che mails Friday night and the work will continue until all oi tne more than twenty-two thou Band checks and final statements are mailed, y General Manager Blalock saya the members f the association will receive twenty nine cents a lb v, for middling cotton instead of 2S.80 as announced some days ago. The as sociation handled 130,71$ bales of cotton the past season and the total payments to members for this cotton will amount to something over eight- en n minion dollars. LEGISLATURE AUG. 7TH. Gov. Ttforrison ,has called for special session of the Legislature to meet in Raleigh Aug 7th. The Leg islators can be paid for but 20 davs. Richmond county is represented in the Senate by W. E. Harrison and in the House by James R. Bennett. CIVITAS FISH FRY. The Rockingham Civitans will -vary ineir semi-monthly meetngs with i fish fry, or catfish stew, on Friday at terticon at 6:30 on the Anson side of the river at the Ferry. AliSOIIMAH IS MURDERED GREEN LAKE CHURCH. CHALMERS SEDBERRY IS SHOT TO DEATH NEAR WADESBORO. MUCH EXCITEMENT ATTENDS ARREST OF NEGRO AT ROCK INGHAM. WAS WRONG MAN. All who are interested in Green Lake cemetery are asked to be pres ent, or send a hand, on Tuesday, July 29th, for the purpose of cleaning same off. If you eatft do either, then send a contribution to Mrs. Geo. G. Terry or Mrs. T. J. Fletcher, Kober- del, N. C. r The Home Coming will be at this church the first Sunday in August.. One of the coldest blooded mur ders perpetrated in this section in a long time was that of Chalmers Sed- berry, in White Store township, An son county, last Saturday morning. Jim Collins, the negro who shot the white man, fled. Mr. Sedberry died at Wadesboro hospital Sunday morn ing. His funeral was at Camden Pres byterian church, 5 miles south of Wadesboro, Monday afternoon, at tended by his brother, Atty. J. Ches ley Sedberry, from Rockingham, and other relatives. There came near being a lynching of the wrong man at Rockingham Sunday as the result of the murder of Mr. Sedberry. A neero was ob served stealing a ride on a Seaboard freight, as it passed Wadesboro, and so the officers at Rockingham were notified .to be on the lookout for hinj, as he was thought to be Jim Collins, the murderer. Officers therefore sta tioned themselves at the depot. About 4:30 the freight pulled in, and the strange negro was seen to jump from the train and make off through the Shaw woods, to the south. An officer fired several times to stop him, but this made his going' "the faster. A crowd of men gathered as if by mag ic, armed with almost every conceiva ble weapon, and in short order per haps 150 men were scouring the Shaw woods. He was finally .found hiding in a ditch, scared literally to death. He repeated over and Ver that he (Continned ob Pago 6) Sentences 178 Months Many Cases Handled at This Week's Criminal - Term. Hawley Found Not Guilty in Klucker Perjury Case, garner Being Tried Today on Involuntary Manslaughter Charge. Total Road Sentences to Date Amount to 178 Months. Jude Lane Makes Pleasing Im pression. Special Criminal Term Probable in August. Boggan Ellerbe Foreman New Six Months Grand Jury. TONSIL AND ADENOID CLINIC CLINIC WILL BE HELD AUG. 12, 13, 14, 15, IN THE ROCKINGHAM SCHOOL BUILDING. Road Sentences July 21st, 1924, Term: Dave Owens, white, -'drunk and assault....... -.5 years on roads Waiter Bostick, colored larceny ..3 years on roads Fred Rye, larceny of pitol, colored 1 year on roads James McRae, coloredjarceny ....... .1 year on roads R. H. Ballard, white, blockading.. ............ 30 months on roads K. D. Grant, Jr., white.op. car drunk.... 60 days' on roads Cecil Shepherd, white, prostitution.. ........... 12 months on roads Robt. Harding, white, blockading.......... ....12 months on roads The Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic Emergency hospital to be established in the Rockingham school building on Aug. 12, 13, 14, 15, will be con ducted by the state board of health. This tonsil and adenoid clinic will be for school children between the ages (Continued on Page 2) THEATRES BANKRUPTCY Mr. French, Rentor of Garden and Star Theatre, Went Into Volun tary Bankruptcy July 16th. Meet ing of Creditor Committee at Hamlet Aug. 8th. McPHAIL NOT DEAD. Dr. L McPhaiL dentist of Hamlet. who has been in a Charlotte hospital for two weeks suffering from blood poison caused from a boil, is now convalescent and returns to his Ham let home this week, It was reported last Friday that he' was dead, but this proved to be slightly exaggerated. SEABOARD SCHEDULE. Effective July 15th, a small chanee was made in the trains passing Ham let, Ino. Z, from Jacksonville to New York, arrives Hamlet at 7:45 at night now, and leaves at 8: No. 3, south bound, arrives Hamlet at 8:45 and leaves at 9. There has been no change in the trains passing Rockingham. RURAL POSTOFFICE AUG. 1ST The new annex, or sub-station to the Rockingham postoffioe. at En twistle mill will be opened August 1st, with Druggist S. Biggs in charge. Ihe address for mail for that com munity will be: -y "- . - "Mills Rural Station, Route Rockingham, N. C." 2, SANDFORD TO HOSPITAL. , Mr. Marvin Sandford. of Rober. del No. 2, and wife will leave tonight lor Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, to be treated. Friends in the community and in Rockingham have raised a purse of $300 to defray the necessary hospital expenses and enable him to seek the relief so earnestly desired, Wednesday was the hottest day since the intense heat wave in June. The .thermometer touched as high as ,98 here. . .. , , . ; : ; . , - , GRIST MAJORITY 32,535. Complete returns from the July 5th primary for Commissioner of La bor and Printing show that Frank D. Grist won by a majority of 32,535. Ihe total -vote was: - , Grist 69,382 Shipman 36,847, worsetiiaiibIars MAN WHO STANDS' OFF AND REAPS BENEFIT OF CO-OPER-ATIVE MARKETING, AND YET TALKS AGAINST . ASSOCIA TION, IS A MEAN ENEMY. When we meet a farmer who is not o member of the Cotton Associa tion, but who admits that co-operative marketing has been a help to him in getting snore for his cotton, but who (Continued on Page 7) Hamer Manslaughter e. As the POST-DISPATCH went to press late Thursday afternoon, hte case aganst James Hamer, of Dillon, was beihg tried. It began with con vening of Court this morning. Court will continue its session to at least noon Saturday. It is probable that a special session for criminal cases will be held in August, to"dis pose of many cases that cannot be reached this week. The next regular civil term is Sept. 1st, and criminal Sept, 29th.-' y - - - This Hamer case is the result of an auto wreck June 8th at the over head bridge ROuth of Hamlet wherein Charles Brigman was killed. It is charged that Hamer, the driver of the car, was drunk. The case is being especially hard fought in order, it s believed, to lay the foundation for a civil action by the Bridgman family against Hamer. Involuntary man slaughter is the verdict the State is asking. NEGRO TEACHERS Negro Teacher Attending the Sum mer School That Started at Rock ingham July 14th, 1924. It hut Six Week. J.' B. Prother and A. B. Aacrum in Charge. ' 1st, and criminal term Sept. 29th, with Judge Lane here. The Grand Jury for the ensuing six months was drawn, with Boggan Ellerbe as foreman. E. J. Hale was made officer to the Grand Jury. The Judge's charge to the Grand Jury consumed perhaps two hours, (Continued on Page 5) The Garden and Star picture shows at Rockingham have been closed since the first of last week, and there ap pears to be no immediate prospect of their re-opening soon. , On July 16th Mr. M. H. French filed a voluntary petition in bankrupt cy before Referee J. B. Cheshire at Raleigh. A Trustee to handle the affairs will be elected at a Creditors Committee meeting at Hamlet August 8th. The liabilites and assets as listed by Mr. French as as follows : Liabilities: Priority claims $ 1,438.00 Secured claims 14,116.00 Unsecured claims 7,532.14 CIVIL TOM COURT CASES TRIED AT LAST WEEK'S TERM OF CIVIL COURT. TWO DIVORCES. Daisy Bowden, Ida Mai Beckham", Venetta Bostick, Hattie Crump, Ha Mai Carroway, C. W. Dockery, Mollie Dobbins, Mary Douglas, AnnieMay Fletcher, Hattie Frieson, Argatha Hasty, Mary Hines, Rosa G. Harris, Hattie Joaes, Rosa Iak, S. J. Leak, T: J. Leak, Elizabeth Leak, S, C. Mc Millan, Kuth W. Mumford, Susie Mitchell, Corinna Nichols, Daisy Pat terson, , Amanda Pemberton, Georgia Swinnie,. Sara Spencer, Servillis Watts, Musa E. Wall, Florence Wood- ard, Hattie1 E. Womble, Caroline Wall, Flora L. Williams, Alberta Williams, Annie L. Covington, Mamie Davis, Rosa Love, Lily McEacherri, Cora McBride, Rebecca Settles. ; Hawley Not Guilty. The case against J. L. Hawley, charging him with perjury in swear ing he was not a knight of the Ku Klux, when he later admitted being a member, was tried Wednesday. The jury found him not guilty. The full account of the trial is further along in these Court proceedings. In dismissing the jury after they reported Wednesday night at 8:45, Judge Lane took occasion to tell the jury that this was a' case of utmost importance and gravity, and that he hoped they had very conscientously weighed the matter in their minds, and that he hoped their verdict of "not guilty" was in accord with their conscientious judgment. Was there any inference to be deduced from what the Judge left UNSAID? To show that Judge Lane could find no distinction or difference be tween being a "knight" and a "mem ber," can be gathered from the fact that the Judge ordered Atty. Plum mer Stewart in his speech to the iury to cease arguing1 on that line, for, in the record of any difference." said the Judge, "there ia no evidence Only a few cases were tried last week at the civil term of Superior Court. Judge Lane presided. Court convened on Tuesday, July 15th, and adjourned Friday, the 18th. The suit of Miss Betsy Long vs the Town of Rockingham was con tinued for the Plaintiff, but the Court directed that it be set for trial at Sept. 1st term, directly after the di vorce cases are disposed of. A divorce was granted Sadie Allen from D. M. Allen, Pete Murphy from (Continued on Page 4) $23,066.14 Aiaet:" Realty 500.00 Bills and notes 535.00 Household goods . $ 100.00 Machinery etc j 125.00 Lease value probably nothing) $ 6,000.00 Stocks and bonds $ 191.00 $ 7,451.00 PRIZE FOR SLOGAN. ' 9' i $5 and 50 Gallon Cat. .... i : The Pee Dee Motor"Salee Co. has closed a contract with a concern to furnish a large number of aluminum signs, with "Rockingham" in raised letters, and underneath will be a slogan appropriate to the town. These he will then place on the market. But first, Mr. Tucker, the manager. is anxious to secure an appropriate- jan one that will distinguish the (Continued on Pago 5) , MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mr. Coppedge's sketch of his recent trip to Mexico begins in' this issue, on -page seven. Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases convened Monday, July 21st, with Judge Henry P. Lane, of Reidsville, presiding. : The next civil term begins Sept. ! cers, Claud D. Smith and Blanche Rey nolds, white. ' July 15 Wm. F. Lane and Jewel Fletcher, white. July 16 Stephen Wall and Ila Ty son, colored. July 18 Edward R. McLean and Essie Kennedy, white. July 19 Isom Ingram and Alene Wall, colored. . TRAIN KILLS TWO MEN. Seaboard .Shoofly from Hamlet to Raleigh shortly after dinner struck a Ford tourng car at a crossing three miles east of Hamlet, tearing the car to pieces and instantly killed Harlse Terry (McLean) and injuring James Covington so badly that he died a few hours later in the Hamlet hospi tel. Both negroes lived between El lerbe and'Gibson mills, V WATCH YOUR DOGS. The Mayor requests the POST DISPATCH to advise owners of dogs that are inclined to bite at folks to keep them up or muzzled; he states that the next instance of a dog biting at a person in town, the said dog will be summarily dealt with by the offi- HAMLET PEACH SHOW Annual Event July 30-31, i' The annual Peach Show at HamW. to be held next Wednesday and Thursday, July 30-31 promises to be even larger than the very successful one held last year. , (A , . . The exercises open at 10 o'clock July 30th, and the peaches will be arranged in a horse-shoe effect in the big tobacco warehouse. Gov. Morri son and other notables expect to be present, and music will be furnished by the Camp Bragg military band. $2,000 STOGNER-BALLARD Two White Men Held at Charleston in Default of $2,000 Bond Each, on Mann Act Violation. Herschel Stogner and Clyde Bal lard, who left Rockingham two weeks ago with George Lineberry (alias George Henderson) and two girls of ill repute, for Charleston in a Ford, and who were arrested in that city, were on July 17th given a hearing there, on the charge of violating the Mann Act. Both men were bound to Federal Court under bonds of $2000 each, which they so far have been unable to give, and both are still locked up in Charleston. (Continued oa Page 5) 1 - ii ii ARE YOU . lira ?. What Wcdd Be Year Condition if Your , Property Vcre to EDIT, 177) IT'0 Have you ever considered what it would mean to start, ( ,,'!. , .... all over again? , That, is what a loss by fire Without Insurance means. But With Insurance, you . are-protected by tha resources' of the strong companies we repre sent and a fire means nothing more than an in convenience. ': . Let us explain the kind of " insurance service we give. Don't wait until it is too late. OOQOOOCOOOOOCOOaCOCOCOOOCOGOObCOOCCSCSr: SAVINGS ARE THE MAINSTAY OF ANY HOME ' EVERW COMFORT, every luxury, every article in the household, which makes life so pleasant, is made possible by your, best friend, MONEY. , A savings account, will enable you to follow the natural course your position in life dictates. . It will be your friend in both fair and stormy weather, and will grow rapidly under the impetus of 4 per cent interest. . ' If you have no checking account, start one tc-J.-y and learn how convenient it is. mGHr.:orn) ir:suRAKCE .realty company a. c. c: r:r:ce ii r- i r y i