' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i One Year 1$2.C0 Six moBilis J1.C0 - Three month... .75 Single copies 10c each M 2S'.(3 Kc 27.40 Ju 27.2S itocLiiistan f "aiket Auj. 7 "CVS 8" ROCKINGHAM, K G, THURSDAY Afternoon, AUG 7, 1924. $2.00 PER YEAR Vol. 7. No. 36. NEGRO TURNS TABLES TONSIL AND ADEKOID CLIKIC IIOI.IICIDE III COUNTY TAX RATE PENSIONS FOR RHAM SCHOOLS OP01 SEPT. 8TII HAMLET TOWN TO BE SI 40 ON HIS BETRAYER CONFED. VETERANS i BEGINS NEXT TUESDAY AT ROCKINGHAM GRAD'D SCHOOL AND LASTS 'FOUR DAYS. CO. SCHOOL CHILDREN AGES 612. NEGRO WOMAN KILLS MAN IN HAMLET. BOTH DRUNK. DOES EN'T CLAIM THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT. The State Board of Health is to put on a tonsil and adenoid clinic for the school children of ' Richmond county, between ages of 6 and 12, inclusive, this to be at the graded school at Rockingham beginning next Tuesday morning, August 12th. It will continue for four days. Dr. Murphy, of Wilmington, will do the operating. He was the doctor in charge when' a similar clinic was held here several years ago. The clinic is being held this week at San ford, and the stalf of nurses etc Will come here from that place. Miss Cleon Hobbs, of Clinton, is here this week making final arrange ments for the clinic, she taking Miss Birdie Dunn's place who last Spring made an inspection of the school chil dren of the county. . The clinic is provided with full emergency hospital equipment, with eight registered nurses, an operating physician and an ether specialist. The cost of the operation is $12.50, but totally free for needy cases. CREDITOR'S MEETING AUG. 8TH. RICHMOND COUNTY TAX RATE FOR 1924 TO BE 30c HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR. TOTAL VALUATIONS ABOUT THE SAME. POLL IS $4.20. Coroner A. M. Smith held an in quest in Hamlet last Friday morning over the body of George Brawley, who at 5 o'clock that morning had been killed by Anna Benton. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was that deceased came to his death at the hands of this woman. She was given a hearing before the Hamlet Recorder Monday; the defense mit on no testimony, and she was bound to Sept. 29th term of , Court under $10,000. She was unable to raise any such amount, and is in jail. Atty. Sedberry represented her, and the State was represented by Atty. Morgan, of Hamlet. It seems that Anna and George had been living together. On Thurs day night George arid she both got drunk, and they had several rows during the night. Finally about 5 clock the next morning it is said she awoke, .still drunk, to find that he had forsaken her and had gone into another room in which was perhaps a rival for his affections. One report is that she started into the other Referee Cheshire has changed the time of the meeting of creditors of Garden and Star(theatres to Aug. 8th instead of 17th.f The time is one o'clock, at Atty. Nash's office in Ham let. 4 ' ' RHAM LADY GOOD HEALTH. Spending Sunday In Morganton were Leake S. Covington, C. ' B, Deane, and J. W. Jenkins. . While there Mr. Covington called on Mrs. Fannie Wood Steele, with whom he spent a very pleasant hour in con versation. He found - Mrs- . Steele feeling quite well, - and ; Weighing around 102 pounds now.1 She asked to be remembered to her Rockingham friends und kindred. ;. room, and another is that he unex- noiint $225,000 is for the new court- Tne negro, John Cokes, was there- House, as a matter of fact, Rich- j uPon arrested. L,ast weeR he was tried at Richmond, and Walter was carried from a prison camp near Asheville to Richmond to testify against his former partner. And he has the satis faction of knowing that the other man got a longer sentence than he did 25 years. Here is the story as sent out from Richmond regarding Walter 'and the man he took into his confidence. (Continued on Page 2) TWO JURIES DRAWN tfectedly set upon her to administer another beating. At any rate, a scuf fle took place, in the midst of which she drew a revolver from her bosom and pressing it against his ; chest, fired. He qicd in a very few minutes. She then ran to a neighbor's, told what had happened, and upon her return to the house found he was dead. '.She then hired a car and came to Rockingham, where shortly after wards a Hamlet officer found her hid behind a hedge at "Lying" Bill Leak's house ; and she had apparently sober ed but little. FIRST VISIT BACK HOME. ' Mt and Mrs. Preston McCantt and four children came to the county last Friday to spend a week with their uncle,' Mr. Jack "Harrington. Mr. Me-' Cann lives at Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and this is his first ; visit to North Carolina. His mother, Mrs. Mary Harrington "M-tCann, died Dec 13, 1922; she came to this county on visit five years ago, and that was the first time the "brother and sister had seen each other in 48 years. 200 CARS OF 'LOUPES. Despite the rains in June and early July, a total of 200 cars of canta loupes were shipped from Scotland county. Normally this should have been fully 600 cars. About 15 cars of watermelons were shipped from Scotland county, where- as with good weather the shipments would have amounted to 200 cars. ASHEBORO-SIXER CITY ROAD. The State Highway Commission let the contract Tuesday for Route 75, from Ashehoro to Siler City, 13.20 miles. The road work went to C A. Ragland for $91,208; and the structures and "bridges to Piker and Yount for $85,635.25. WHITE LEGHORN HENS. For sale, at $1 each, 150 white Leg horn hens. This is their first laying year: Good stock, and a real value at this price, R. S. Ledbetter, Jr, Rockingham ' COW FOR SALE. For sale, one full-bred Jersey cow, fresh to pail. Sea S. W Covington, -TsOO-FaTetteville-RoadRockfegha Tax Rate: ' - 1924 1923 County .2'0 .20 Gen. Co. .15 Co. Home 02 Bridges 02 . Upkeep Co. . ' Bridges ...01 Co. Bonds . 25 Co. Roads 35 Co. Schools 60 .15 WALTER DOCKERY SQUEALS ON VIRGINIA NEGRO WHO HAD TURNED HIM UP TO POLICE. WALTER GOT 12 YEARS, VIR GINIA. NEGRO GOT 25. Readers of the POST-DISPATCH will recall that a Richmond county negro, Walter Dockery, was arrested in Richmond, Va., last Spring upon information of a Virginia negro. He was brought here and tried on April 11th before Judge Shaw" for killing Ellen. Terry several years ago. ' He shot her one night in June, 1920, and .25 ishe died from the effects of the bullet 50 i eight months later. Walter escaped, land his whereabout remained a com- ANNUAL PENSIONS FOR RICH MOND COUNTY CONFEDERATE VETERANS AND WIDOWS NOW READY. 58 WILL RECEIVE $55 EACH. AMOUNT LAST YEAR WAS $55. County Auditor J. D. Covington is this week writing checks to amount of $55 each for 25 Confederate veterans and 31 widows of Confederate vet erans, making a total of 5G NEW TEACHERS ADDED TO FAC ULTY. COURSE IN PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC INTRODUCED. GRADED SCHOOL WALLS RE PAINTED LIGHT CREAM. MRS. McINTOSH MATRON OF TEACH-ERAGE. The city schools, white and col ored, will open for the fall term on Sept. 8th. Most of last year's teach ers will return and the vacancies have Last year the number receiving I been filled with teachers who have checks was 52, and the checks had splendid training and come .".mounted to $65. The county levies strongly recommended. The' high a tax rate of one cent on the $100;school faculty will be as follows: The foregoing gives in detail what the tax rate for Richmond county will be for 1924. In 1920 the rate was 58 cents, but this proved far too low to defray current running expenses. Each year since then the rate has been raised, but even then the ex penses were not met. $1.40 $1.10 'p'ete mystery for four years. Finally, by information of another negro he .was located at Richmond. The jury found him guilty, but recommended mercy. Judge Shaw sentenced him to the pen for not less than 12 years nor more than 20 years, this de pending upon his good behavior. Walter evidently became sors that a friend should have turned him up, and he harbored revenge. Scarcely valuation in order to raise this amount for the Confederate veterans and widows. And now the rate is raised to $1.40 (4.20 on the poll.) The valuation re-had he set foot in the penitentiary mains around $31,250,000. The bonded indebtedness of the before he informed the Warden that the negro who had turned him up county is about $492,000. Of this in Richmond was himself a murderer. mond county has a much smaller bonded indebtedness than many coun ties in the State, and at the same time we have more taxable property. The tax rate for the Town of Rockingham has not yet been com puted, but it will-probably be about ten cents higher. It was $1:55 last year. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Aug. 1 Sam E. Dabbs and Zuta Clyde Alleni white. y, Aug. 5--James ,Lee Price and An nie L. Haigler, white. 4 FIRE ALARM WEDNESDAY." The fire alarm, was sounded Wed nesday morning at 10:30 for the first tune in over a month.. It came from Box 41--at McRae Grocery Co. cor ner. Sparks had ignited the roof of the J. T. Jenkins house, at corner of Koberson and N. Lee streets, tmt it is put out without the use of the hose. At 2:50 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon Mr. J, E. Cape! dropped dead in' the lobby? , of the ; Farmers Bank & Trust Co. . He came into .the bank about 2 :30 to tell. Mr. Covington . that, he was going to a Greensboro institution for treatment,' and to ask him to look out for his two children who were to hae thejr tonsils tkaen out at the clinic here next week. He thert complained of not feeling well, and was given a seat In a few minutes he decidd to go on out to his car, and was being ( Continued on Page 4) UNION SERVICE. The Tegular union service wall be held Sunday 'night at the Episcopal church, with sermon by Rev. J. D. Bandy, subject, "Fools." Rev. J. A. McQueen is the week holding a revival at Woodsville. He will held his regular service Sunday morning, subject, "Improving life's Way Hew?" The suhject of Rev. Howard Hart- sell's sermon Sunday morning at Episcopal church will be ' Growth. ATTENTION, PUPILS. All pupils of the Rockingham graded school (from fourth through the sixth grades) who have condi tions to work off, can stand exam inations for same on Friday, Aug. 29th, at 9 o'clock at graded School building. Those wishing to take these exams 'will please get in touch with me beforehand. Miss Bessie Terry. BRIDGE AT ROBERDEL. Work on replacing the old wooden bridge across the creek at Roberdel No. 2 with a nice concrete bridge, is about completed. The concrete work will be finished this" week, but 20 days will elapse before it will.be eadyfortrafflc. CAPEL DROPS DEAD E. Capel Dropped Dead Thi (Thursday) Afternoon in Lobby of Bank. . Kate Finley, Principal; Annie May Ashcraft, Ann Eliza Brewer, Eliza beth Cullom, Lucille Parker, Connor Auditor Covington requests tl'e Jones, lhelma Mallard, Louise Sim POST-DISPATCH to ask all the vets nions, Mary Wall, Lottie Burnside, and widows who are entitled to these checks to call or send for same; or send him their postoffice address so he can mail the ,checks out to then promptly. SAMPSON OFFICIAL RESIGNS Charged With Miiapproprlating Con federate Pension Fundi. Was Chairman of County Committee. Republican Juries for September Civil and Crim inal Terms. The County Commissioners on Aug. 4th drew the following names to appear here at the September civil and criminal terms of Superior Court to serve as jurors: ' ' ' ,. Sept. 1st Civil Terms ;f M'roe Warburton David F. Rice A. N. Graham M TV n Clinton, Aug. 5. Entering a plea of guilty to charges of misappropri ating funds intended as pensions for Confederate veterans, W, Fleet . Ses soms, for more than twenty years clerk of Sampson court, is at liberty ur.dcr five thousand dollar bond for his appearance at the October term of court when the degree of his pun ishment will be determined. Just before court convened this morning, Mr. Sessoms tendered his resignation to Judge Henry Grady, who was out of town. The resigna tion was accepted by wire. So culminates one of the most in teresting cases ever to come before a, Sampson County court. For nearly John W. King, Wade H. Beck, J. B. Lawrence. The faculty of the grammar school building will be as follows: ' Bessie Terry, Principal; Bernice Hornaday, Lula Logan, Louise Gol phin, Margaret Wilson, Maude Moore, Marguerite Maddry, Sallie B. Mc Cown, Anne Redwine, Julia Roddey, Marion Mabry, Elsie Sparger, Mar garet Motz. Of the new teachers, Miss Mary Wall is a graduate of Converse and Columbia University; Miss Lottie Burnside is a graduate of North Caro lina College for Women, and both have had several years of successful experience elsewhere. John W. King is a graduate of Wake Forest and Wade H. Beck of Trinity. Both are highly recommend ed. Mjsses . Wilson and Redwine are graduates of North Carolina College for Women ; Misses Mabry and Motz of Winthrop College, all being teach ers of several years' experience. ' ' , Public school music, or sight sing ing, will be introduced this year, and this course will.be given by Miss Margaret Motz, who has had special training for it. , The buildings are being overhauled OPENING BOTTLING PLANT. The formal opening of the new Orange Crush bottling plant took place Tuesday night The enterpris ing management kept "open house'! from supper time until nearly mid night, and scores of folks visited this new sanitary plant and saw the ma chines m operation. Souvenirs were given away, as well as around 5,000 bottles of freshly made Orange Crush. Jazz music was furnished throughout the evening by a seven-piece orches tra, "Tommie's Tar Heel Seven." This new concern has Anson, Rich mond and Scotland for its territory, and has three large orange-colored trucks in operation. The capacity will be around 600 cases a day. The drink doubtless :will prove a popular one, since it is made of pure fruit juices and combines a nutritive value in addition to the beverage enojyment. Paul Harmon,.of Charlotte, is resi dent manager. Assisting him this week in the opening and getting started, was Mr. C. J. Washam, of Greensboro, who- operates there the largest plant of its kind in the State. Jas. K. Watson " Neil Prevatt A. M. Gibson ' C. R. Baucom P. F. Palmer J. M. Hutchinson D. L. Wicker J. R. Hines J. A. Allred B. L. Finch C. K. Rhyne C. J. Covington R. S. Gaddy J. A." McRae . W. H. Kellis A. C.Davis R. C. Cole O. T. Goodwin Marvin Terry W. W. Covington Sept. 29th Criminal Term: a ouarter of a eentiirv Tin hat hpri chairman of the Republican County 2nd everything put into ship-shape. executive committtee here. J ?lne wans oi-tne.. grammar school J " ,", , ...1 ; , il'iiftg.a.re! being freshly painted a' EACH WANTED BEST POSITION I. I.creanT which is neatly improvi. is iw abearance. " j- The teachers' home on Everett sf " formerly the Dr. McPhail residence will be gotten ready and furnished before the- opening of school. It will ' Misses Mary Belle and Ledonia Thomas returned Wednesday night from a ten dcys' visit to their uncle, W. J. Thomas, in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Miss Frances re turned with them and will remain "here" through. Saturday. ' L. L. Odom W. D. Smith S. A. Williams R. N. Stansill Henry T. Roller D. E. Reynolds J. T. Efird ' -W. T. Black Joe Eudy . W. H. Napier J. W. Webb W. A. Poplin J. C. Hancock B. E. Davis J. T. Strickland W. C. Nichols . E. J. Covington J. F. Crouch T., A. Shaw J. J. Boyette S. T. Haywood Gaston Green N. A. Campbell I. J. Neff NO SPECIAL TERM. The County Commissioners were last Monday requested by the Solici tor to ask for a special term of crim inal court to be held this month, but favorable action was not taken. BUILDING WALL DAM. The portion of the H. C. Wall fish pond dam, down in Wolf Pit, that washed away in June, is now being replaced with a solid concrete tumb ling dam. This work will be com pleted by the middle of September. ROOMS WANTED. ,, Wanted, two rooms for light house keeping. Phone 372. v . The city of. Raleigh has a certain section of street set apart for the curb market, and charges each wagon or car ten cents a day parking space. But much bad feeling resulted amon . , . ate t.en teachers. The school the curh marVpt nrnlw i 00ara Ieels that it has been verv the curb market producers over "po sition." Each wanted the choicest stands. And to remedy this the city commissioners passed a rule that a drawing should be held daily, to de termine where the various wagons, etc should stand. , TOOK IN $68,000. 1 fortunate in securing Mrs.: S. R. Mc intosh as matron, andtthat thereby the success of this new undertaking is assured and that the teachers there will be given a really home-like place in which to live and work. . , Everything points to an increased enrollment and an unusually good year's work. ; Owing to a recent ruling of the State Department of Education, spec-;, at tuwwreu acnooi can no longer av The Rockingham branch of th State Auto Licensing department, Lloyd Jenkins in charee. ha taken in a total of $68,000 for licenses since 5ep outside Pupila on a tuition-paying tne last of June. 3900 automobiles oasls- 11 Bucn PUP1U attend a special and 350 trucks have been given jj. . charte"ed school it must be by per-, cense plates through this Rockinr-,mission of the County Board of nam omre. . . i .uucauun. wiLn me latter nrnviimo for the expense; therefore, pupils will not be admitted to the Rocking-, ham City Schools on the tuition plan during the coming school year. , , LEGISLATURE CONVENES. The Legislature convened in special session at Raleigh today (Thursdav) at U o'clock. Gov. Morrison's address consumed an hour and a half, and dealt principally with the water and ship bill, for which consideration tho Legislature was convened. The session will last at least , the full 20 days (no pay after 20 days.) Richmond county is represented by W. E. Harrison, , of Rockngham, in the .Senate, and Jas. R. Bennett, of Ellerbe, in the House. These twd men went to Raleigh Wednesday night to be on hand promptly when the Leg- CLYBURN TO DIE NOVEMBER 28. Vance Morgan, alias Vance Cly- burn, negro, found guilty last week at Monroe of the murder of Mr. But ler Funde'rburk, was sentenced to the electric chair Friday, Nov. 28. .'. PUPS FOR SALE. For sale,' five beautiful English setter pups, 2 V4 months old. Two islature met this morning. Mr. Ben- solid white, three white with tan nett is in favor of Submitting the j markings. These pups are from best waterways proposition to a vote of breeding, and are .guaranteed to give the people; we have not learned Mr, satisfaction.- J. - Gus Covington, Harrison's views. Rockingham, N. C, Route 4. 3 ;c PIP UNTIL YOUR CAR IS STOLEN, BURIIED, DAMAGED You can't stay tho hand of fate if it is turned against you. You can't avoid accidents . 4 ' by tho most extreme, caution. You can't match a safety lock against the ingenuity of an auto thief. lie acts when you least suspect him. " FIEE IS AN EVER-PRESENT MENACE TO YOUR MACHINE. PROTECT YOUR , ,. : ' SELF WITH AN INSURANCE POLICY. OUR RATES ARE LOW AND OUR COMPANIES SOUND. . . . 'IPiTI"' "fr f"n ffni ? TPT? nr pT?.A J'r pf)n TO A f Tr o o 0 I'i o o ' "O t, MS W M118SS , V W w w V 0 o ( t t While it is your business whether you save 'any iwrt of your .enrninss, it is our businens to help you in the matter if you decide to iviule saving a icular weekly habit. ; . ' . ' ', Thrift hr.sits champions Emoiig lcrdors ih every walk 'of' lire. Pro-jivlcnt Coo!-' idge rays: -"The o;ic who saves is the ono who will win." Savb.j is tha d;!ly rractice of ail who win. . START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY Our -bank makes a spcciaL'elTort.to develop this phare t!.o b:-.'.!-: , ; ' ' because we believe we ore performing. a real rvice for our iniL: c.,; rs v,': . . ; -induced to save; regularly. " 1 '

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