New Yodt Futures Cloud f&h-y rt 25.73 23.37 25.C3 Kocki-jgLan Market A:: J.2 1 0-e Year $2. CD Six ecc1Lj.....$1.C3 Three moE'Jii .75 Single copies 10c each Vol. 7. No. 38. ROCKINGHAM, N. G, THURSDAY Afternoon, AUG 21, 1924. $2.00 PER YEAR TIIE iiaim;g 0? liEIITAL DEFECTIVES SUPT. McNAIRY WRITES IN A VERY INFORMATIVE WAY ABOUT THOSE MENTALLY DE. FICIENT, AND EXPLAINS THE BRAIN. The following is an. article pre pared by Dr. McNairy, head of the Caswell School for mental defectives. It is 80 very interesting that the POST-EISPATCH feels that its read (TJonthiued on Pago i !SOLD MUCH FLOUR. S. L. Webb sells more flour for tHe size of his store, than perhaps 'any similar -store in the county. He Tuns a small grocery over on -Watson Heights, and for many months "has advertised his King Patent ftour in the POST-DISPATCH. He is 'a iirm believer that this advertising has materially assisted him In selling 12 car-loads of flour since January 1st, and he expects to round out 18 'car loads by the end of December. SCOTLAND TAX RATE. Total valuation in Scotland county is $18,JtTD0,000, and tax rate for 1924 is $1.17. KEEP AN EYE ON MARS. The planet Mars will swing near er the earth on this coming Satur day night, Aug. 23rd, than for any time in the past 100 years. ,'For some weeks now it has aeqtiired a rich red luminous appearance, and on Saturday night it will be brighter than any of our people will ever have the chance of .seeing again. Keep as 'eye on old Mart 'Saturday night STATE VETS IN CHAKLOTTE. The annual Reunion of the North Carolina Confederate Veterans will be held in Charlotte Sept IE, 17, 18 ANSON COUNTY PICNIC. A countjwide picnic for the folks of Anson comity viis ,io held att Blew ett Falls:- the. afternoon 3L.Aug 29th. That is a .splendid idea a get together of She people, and -a plan that our Richmond folks could prof itably follow. What about R, Mrs. Harris, and yoa Demonstration Uubs? !RAINWATERS CUTS BRIGMAN. On the 12th of August Herman Hainwaters and Bill Brigman had an altercation in front of 'the Seago tor;e, down at Evemtt't anill, and Rainwaters right severely .cut Brig iman. The matter was aired before Magistrate Smith bene Aug. '15th; the defence introduced no. teVidence and Rainwaters was bound to Sept. 29h :ttrm of f Court under' $500 band, Which was given. Atty. Boggan represented the defendant, and Atty. Sedherry appeared for Brigman. The litigants and witnesses are close kin. -. OTHER MURDERER CAUGHT, John Leak, negro, sought in con nection Vitb the killing of Charles Garwood, white taxi driver of Lexing ton, whose boy was found near that town Aug, .8th, was captured, near . Cross Mills, S. JC., Aug.' 15th. The other murderer .Kenneth Hale, had already hue n captured, and now both men have at last been rounded up, and will face trio, at once at Lex ington; " . ... GREi?N LAKE AUG. 22ND. The public is cordially invited to ' a gathering at Green Lake church Friday night, Aug. 22nd, at which re freshments of ice cream, cake, candy and cold drinks wjU be erved, and a social time enjoyed. J j You can't stay the hand of fate if it is turned against you. You can't avoid accidents : - by the most extreme caution. , ' . ' . . v - -- ' ," "' You can't match a safety lock against the ingenuity of an auto thief. He acts whens . you least suspect him. " : ' ' FIRE IS AN EVER-PRESENT MENACE TO YOUR MACHINE. PROTECT YOUR- ' , SELF WITH AN INSURANCE POLICY. OUR RATES ARE LOW AND ' - !" .' OUR COMPANIES SOUND. ' ." ' ricu:.:o:id iusuratice, Cz realty 'co:,i?aiiy i:o?jqr kk;g writes a letter SLAYER OF MAJOR McLEARY WRITES TO CANTON PAPER AND SAYS HE BELIEVES GOD HAS FORGIVEN HIM. WILL SIN NO MORE. CORRECT THERE. The following is a letter that Mor timer King last week wrote to the canton Enterprise. He is the murder er, it will be recalled, of Major Mc Leary, who was killed July 2nd and whose picked bones were found July 17th 1.1 miles south of Cheraw. ' King's Letter: . "Mr. Editor, please let it be known through your paper that I have asked the Almighty God and Father above to forgive me. I have given myself to him, soul,, mind and heart to be clfeansed, so that I might be saved. "I can never forgive myself for this crime, so I have called on '"God," our Heavenly Father to forgive me and J am resting, assured that he has heard me. .Although I have been a sinner, I will sin no more '. "God never does anything wrong or half way, he forgives whole heartedly and gives the weak strength that they might carry ;on and do His will, to gain a place on the bright road thru this wicked world instead of the crooked byways that lead to sin and everlasting torment I, Mortimer King, an Also a mem ber of the Baptist Church of North Adams, Mass., and President of the Royale Buddie's Bible Class which was organized in the 38th Infantry in Camp Pike Arkansas. "I will close now with the best of wishes .and my regards ito the person or persons that wrote me this won derful letter of cheer. God only knows that I need all the kind words and prayers given me. I remain, iSftweiwtet r MORTIMER KING. 1431 Lincoln St., Columbia, S. C. P. S, M write to me that care to." SEEN A STRAY MULE? This Se not written as an adver tisement, Ibut as an act of real char ity. On the night of Aug. 10th a mule belonging (to :a negro, X. R. Rose boro, escaped from, his barn, three miles east .of ttown on the John S. Covington place, and she has not been heard f ahrae. TJae negro 'is a hard worker, and the loss is a heavy one upon him. M any of your readers hear of Htm stray mules a sorrel animaL 5 years .old, with, black legs and blade steak down back-bone you will be doing a real neighborly act by letting this negro know. Write this paper,-r a "him direct at Kock lngham. ' :i " ": .' - V '" UNION SERVICE.S Union service Sunday night at the Episcopal Church. . Subiect' of sermivn Sundav morn. ing at Episcopal church will be "The Mystery of Temptation." REDUCES 10. Ten days ago the big Cone mills at Greensboro resumed full time, but with I2hb reduction in wagesl. Now comes word that the big Riverside and Dan River mills at Danville will start full time Sept. ; 1st, but with lU.Vf wage reduction.. CIVITANS FRIDAY.' The Civitans will have their ree-ular semi-monthly supper at the Hotel Fri day night at 7:30. ' SENT TO ASYLUM. A. negro., azed about '35 .Hairv Easterlinj? was sent to the "negro asylum at Goldsboro this (Thursday) morning, preacher J;m Little Carrying him. .-- - ' UNTIL YOUR CAR IS i i id trTP V Mm f Tf fn V SUPERIOR COURT Jury and Calendar of Cases. The regular September term of civil Court convenes SeDt. 1st. with Judge Lane presiding; but due to the dedicatioriexercises of the new Court house, there will be no court the first day. Litigants and witnesses can be governed by the calendar of cases on page seven. s The jury for this civil term is as follows: , . ' . v Sept. ltt M'roe Warburton A. N. Graham Jas. K. Watson CM Term: ' David F. Rice M. D. Braswell C. K. Rhyne C. J. Covington R. S. Gaddy J. A. McRae W. H. Kellis A. C. Davis R, C. Cole O. T. Goodwin Marvin Terry W. W. Covington Neil Prevatt A. M. Gibson C. R. Baueom B. F.' Palmer J. M. Hutchinson D, L. Wicker J. R. Hines J. A. Allred B. L. Finch ELLERBE-HOFFMAN ROAD. 11-Milc Stretch With Bat Om Carve Entire DUtanc. ' The County Commissioners a few weeks ago let the contract for build ing a clayed road from Ellerbe to Page's Landing, two miles north of Hoffman. There will be &ut one curve in the eleven-mile stretch this as the rohd approaches McLean's bridge. Morgan & Moore have the contract from Ellerbe to McLean's bridge, and Mr. Tulley from there to Page's Land ing. The road will have six inches of clay, 18 feet wide, aith roadway 24 feet If follows the ld plank road, and comes towards Ellerbe through the Xovin neighborhood. Work was started a couple of weeks ago. The Tflley end costs $1,000 per mile. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Aug. 16 -Henry James and Callie McBae, colored.: Aug. 16 Thos. ILeCGrand and tella Patterson, cofered. TAYLOR GETS CHURN PATENT C C. Taylor Tana Inventor. Tea Years a .Job. C C. Taylor went to Washington Tuesday morning, meturning this (Thursday) morntatg. His little flight to the National Capital was not on pleasure bent fcut strictly busi ness.'' : For ten years he has been working on an invention that ; would make churning easier and better, and he has at last: perfected his brain-child to the point where he this week se cured a patent for same. He has not decided bow he will starket his in vention. i ' " STAGGERED TOO MUCH. John Russell, white nan of West End, staggered a bit too much when he alighted from his muddy Studebok- er in Rockingham Sunday night. And the eagle eye of officer George Sea- well quickly perceived that ho would be the law's meat In his car was found a pint or so of whiskey. Russell was put in jail till Monday when the Mayor fined him $5 and costs. for being drunk, and bound him under $300 bond to Sept. 29th term of Court for transporting and driving car while drunk. Vivian Tucker, of West End, stood the bond; Sheriff Baldwin has the car in cus tody awaiting trial of Russell. ' - CONCRETE REPLACEMENT. i Some weeks aco the concrete tiave- ment to the width of three feet was torn up. around the old courthouse square, so that larger water pipes could be put .in, 'It was necessary for the excavated dirt to be allowed to settle before the concrete could be replaced. The Tucker & Laxton forces Wednesday began this concrete re placement work. - V. ws, a s Amsk STATISTICAL REPORT COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS for year ending June 30th, 1924. Census, Rural children, 6-2L-. ,1.-. Census, Hamlet children, 6-21 Census, Rockingham children, 6v21 ' Total for County Enrollment, Rural, 6-21 .". .... Enrollment, Hamlet, 6-21.'. Enrollment, Rockingham, 6-2L ...... Total Enrollment for County... Attendance, Rural, 6-21 Attendance, Hamlet, 6-21 . Attendance, Rockingham, 6-21-.-.... ;. Total Attendance for County ... l4o. Teachers, Rural ; ... ...... ....... No. Teachers, Hamlet lo. Teachers, Rockingham.... . ; Total Teachers for County . ... Value School Property, Rural..... ... Value' School Property, Hamlet Value School Property, Rockingham . Total Value for County........ No. Auto Trucks No. Pupils Transported daily. No. Miles Traveled daily Total Yearly Mileage, all trucks..: Total Yearly Salary Truck Drivers Gas, Oil, Repairs &c Cost of Transportation per day COURTHOUSE OPENING Formal Opening f Handsome New Cowrthous To Be Held Sept. 1st. Speeches ani Exercises. The forma! opening, or dedication, of the handsOTBt new $225,000 Rich mond county courthouse will take place Monday, Sept. 1st That is the first day of the September civil term of Superior Court, but actual Court will not convene until the fol lowing day. The new courtroom will be used for the first time at this Sept 1st term. , i The full program of exercises, speakers, ete w2Q be published in full next week. M..' A WEINNIE COMES TO LIFE Poodle Locked in Refrigerator Car and Clerk Gets Nerroas - Prostra tion. " . "Happy," a little brown poodle dog belonging to Miss Hazel Dixon, who works at the Seaboard freight depot here at Rockingham, was missing Tuesday night. Search throughout (Continued on Page 5) MILLS A BIT BETTER. Roberdel Mill No. 2. which has been standing last week and this week, J will start again next Monday, and until further notice will run four days a week. IJ is understood the mill has around four million yards of cloth stored away, unable to get a satisfac tory market for them, Roberdel No. 1 has not been shut4none neafd the endearing terms that down at all, but continues on four days a, week. Midway was closed last (Continued on Page S) STUTTS KILLS AND KILLED Grover Stutts, Who Killed G. L. Mc Knight Near Mooreivilla WJn. day and In Turn Was Killed, Lived Near Rockingham Several Years Ago. G. L.oeke McKnight, business man and farmer of Mooresvilie, and Grov er. Stutts, a tenant on the McKnight farm ' four miles from Mooresvilie, are both dead as the result of a shotgun and pistol battle between (Continued on Page 10) O While it is your business whether you save eny part of your earnings', it is O ur business to help. you in the matter if you decide to make saving a regular weekly ( .'..habit O , t Thrift has its champions among leaders in every walk of life. President Cool-' () 5d Favs: "The one who saves is the one who will win." Saving is the daily practice ()''' " ' a'l who win. v , g START A SAYINGS ACCOUNT TODAY O 0ur bank makos a special effort to develop this phase of the lankir.g lu;ners WHITE COLORED TOTAL 4119 3702 7821 972 363 1335 951 476 1427 6042 4541 10583 3506 3128 6634 972 363 1335 901 434 1335 : 5379 3925 9304 2402 21241 4526 820 239 1059 666 282 ' 948 3888 2645 6533 92 49 141 34 7 41 26 8 34 152 64 ; 216 $314,996 $ 30,004 $345,000 192.500 15,000 207,500 217,000 25,000 242,000 724,496 70,004 794,500 22 722 V . 404 64,640 $1680 : per pupil...... 6623.28 .07 BLOCKADERS CUSS AT SAFE DISTANCE Officers Break Up Blockade Still But Fall to Find Blockaders. On Leav ing, However, the Blockaders Emerge . From Hiding Place and Have Cussing Spell. Sheriff Baldwin and Officers Rey nolds and Covington made a raid on Big Island, about a mile above the Blewett Falls dam, Tuesday after- noory They iouna a Dig oiocnaao outfit, with two men preparing to fire it op, and 1000 gallons of beer just right for a run. The two men, how ever, did the running, and despite the fact that tha officers beat backward and forward over the 20-acr3 island for sometime they failed to flush the blockaders. Anson officers were oncates. The principal. James C. Wie the Anson side of the river, in wait iliams, is 34 years old, is an A B grad should the game have come that way. uate of Fisk University, with post--Finally, just as darkness was about graduate courses at A. AT. College to descend, the officers decided to ' and Shaw University. He has served leave. They had rowed perhaps half ;as principal of schools for 3 veara M a mile, when from back on the island last work being as principal of Scho there sounded two voices in a terribly 1 field Normal and Industrial School, vituperative strain and cuss words .of Aiken, S. C. All other teachers ox cnuice vimuge was wuiteu w me unwilling ears of the departing offi- cers. The two Diockaders yelled to their hearts content, secure in the knowledge that the darkness would , -. x j officers did decide to turn around and come DacK. But the Sheriff had called it a day, and all three officers directed their conversation about the weather, the state of cropsnd whether a port can be developed on Falling Creek-and were still echoing from hill to hill. BILLS INTRODUCED. Among the bills introduced this week in the Legislature was: Provide a six months Grand Jury for Scotland County, and provide for the election of ft1 Auditor for Scot land county. I Another bill is to repeal the law providing for a popular election of the attorney for Montgomery county. The Legislature will probably ad journ Saturday sine die. UNION TAX RATE $1.34. The 1924 tax rate for Union county is $1.34, with $3.50 on the poll. HAMLET HOSPITAL HAS SHALL BLAZE FIRE UNDER ROOF OF HAMLET HOSPITAL EARLY TUESDAY MORNING. NO PATIENTS WERE ENDANGERED. APPENDICITIS PATIENT ASSISTED IN REMOV ALS. Tuesday morning at 5 :20 a nurse on the second floor of the James hos pital at Hamlet observed a trickle of smoke coming from the attic space overhead. With no excitement or un due haste, Dr. James was informed, and almost immediately the nurses quietly began the work of removing the patients, starting first on the second floor. There was no smoke filling the rooms or corridors at all during the removing process, nor were the patients over-wrought or unnerved. In the meantime Dr. James and (Continued on Pag 3) BRICK VENEERED CHURCH Rockingham Episcopal Church To Be Brick Veneered. Unique Plan to Assist in Building Fund. The congregation of thft Rocking ham Episcopal church has plans for brick veneering the church building. The congregation is the smallest of the various denominations here, and it is quite a big undertaking and an ambitious program that is mapped out. : ' The members have pledged loyally to the building fund, and to supple ment this they are seading to friends out of Rockingham a "Buy a Brick" card from which plan it is hoped to raise sufficient funds to complete the projected building operations. . . RHAM COLORED SCHOOLS Opens Sept. 8th With 8 Teachers. James C. Williams is New Principal. The Rockingham city colored' school will open Sept. 8th. The' teachers for the coming year are as follows: ... ; , . James C. Williams. Prin T,u Gordon, Vinie O. Murray, Minnie C Blue, Jessie McLendon, Mary W Murray, Elsie G. Steele, Theresa Mae Benton. The teachers have been carefnliv selected and all hold State Ortifi. are wen equipped lor their work PEACHES SOLD WELL, The two carloads of Sale and El- iKoger A. Derby and Edward A. Man ice, of upper. Richmond county, to England, brought just double the prices that prevailed on the New York market They sold from four to six dollars a carrier. The peaches were carefully packed and shipped on Aug. 6th from Rich mond county, by way of the Norfolk Southern to Aberdeen, and thence by ; fast freight to New York. There they were rushed aboard the fast liner, Olympic, which sailed from New York the 9th. The peaches were on sale in London on the 18th. . It will be interesting to know just what Messrs. Derby and Manice real ized from their experiment whether the big expense ate up the larger price obtained. If the shipment cleared a fair margin, why it will likely be the forerunner of shipments on a much larger scale to the Euro pean countries. . ; ; Wash silk dresses greatly reduced. The new stripes, neatly made, $14.75 now $9.00. W. E. Harrison & Land Co. .. advt W' W w tS. ,V ' W W o o ( ) C ) i ) ( ( Hie - . ; we tencve we are perlormmg a real service for our cations v.hen V k ' , induced to save regularly. The Richinobd Counlv Gnvi::-- A. G. CCm: $.c-Teas. cr;;ce in r i 2

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