THURSDAY, AUGlj ST 18, 1927 Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Richmond County, N. C PAGE FIVE PROGRAM AT THE GARDEN THEATRE WEEK OF AUGUST 22 99 MONDAY, AUG. 22: Raymond Griffith in "TIME TO LOVE With Vera Voronina and William Powell. A laugh for every tick of the clock! A crowded hour of girls and gaiety! Time to Love the time of your life! When my sweetie's . eyes stop telling lies, then it's time to Love. When your car you park by a roadside dark, then it's time to Love. When her old man's voice says I'm his jihoice, then it's Time to Love. A comedy BUSTER S GIRL FRIEND. Mat. at 3 p. m. Adm. 10 and 35c Night at 7:30 and 9:15 p. m. TUESDAY, AUG. 23: (FEATURE PICTURE TO BE ANNOUNCED LAlfcK; A comedy "THE FABLES." ( Mat. at 3 p. m. Adm. 10 and 35c Night at 7:30 and 9:15 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, AUG. 24 AND 25: Billie Dove and Lloyd Hughes in "THE STOLEN BRIDE" She was a countess proud and beautiful daughter of aristocracy. He was an orderly son of a peasant. But he stole her from under the altar and made her like it! The screen's bird of Paradise in her most 3-eorgeous role. A comedy "TITLE LATER." Mat. at 3 p. m. Adm. 10 and 35c Night at 7:30 and 9:15 p. m. FRIDAY, AUG. 26: Mnrv Astor and William Collier. JrL in "THE SUNSET DERBY' Like a leap in the dark, disgrace needed his nerve now to show her he daring to love. "Ride for me, Jimmy! that Jimmy Burke is a COWARD!" A comedy "BUSTER'S PICNIC." Mat. at 3 p. m. Adm. 10 and $5c LOCAL ITEMS AND PERSONALS 1 Matter Briefly Mentioned Little Hap s&ings Personal Netei CALL POST-DISPATCH OFFICE fhone 132 Mr. John W. Cole left Friday for Washington after spending four I months here with relatives. I Miss Augusta Hobbs came from I Raleigh Saturday to spend ten days i with Miss Jennie Wall McRae. . 1 WITH THE CHURCHES Max and Harry Levine will leave Sunday for New York and Baltimore to buy goods for their two stores. Mrs. J. L. Hawley returned Tues- day from spending two or MOUNT GILEAD CIRCUIT August 21 Eleven a. m. at Wade- more ; ville Methodist Church; 3:30 p. m. at -months with her daughter in Montana. Hebron Methodist Church Were you at church for the last Mr. E. H. Aycock returned to his preaching service? If not, can you duties at the Bank of Pee Dee Mon- afford to miss another service? We . - -P j i i i i . . . . day an nuiess oi several uavs neea people wno attend services with erysipelas. twelve months in the year. Expect- ,T t, , ... , , . 'ing you at church on "time" next :.7aJ !2e5- Sunday. Come praying. day) morning to spend two weeks with her father, A. Levine. overturning about two miles south east of Hamlet, on Route 20.The car turned completely over on its top, then landed on its side. There were 8 in the car and , no one was really hurt, other than some abrasions and scratches. The car doors were not sprung, and but two windows broken, which is remarkable for such a turn over, and going around 40 an hour. In the car, en route to White Lake for the day, were Mrs. Robt. Stansill and baby, Mrs. IJarvey Terry and baby, Mrs. Minnie Hicks, Mrs. Mattie Stansill, Alice and Garrett Hicks. ASKS FOR THEIR PRAYERS S. W Mill, S (Tebe) Steele is now at Fort C, with Tucker & Laxton, death, if he missed. He had the courage to dare and the for US! Don't let them ever say Night at 7:30 and 9:15 SATURDAY, AUG. 27: Yakima Canutt in "TWO FISTED SHERIFF" "THE BEAUTY PARLOR" with Al Cooke, Kit Guard, Lorraine Eason, Thelma Hill and Denny O'Shea. A comedy. Open at 1 and continues to 11 pm. Admission 10 and 25c COMING ATTRACTIONS: "THE COWARD." "LONESOME LADIES." "WHITE PANTS WILLIE." "THE CAT AND THE CANARY." "THE BtJSH LEAGUER." I A new reader of the home paper is Archie T. Nicholson, of Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Manship, now living in Asheville, spent the first of the week here. Born, the night of Aug. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Osteen, in the Hamlet hospital, a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. John Lentz, Jr.. of Ellerbe, announce the birth of a son, John Lentz, 3rd, at St. Peters hospi tal, Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McKeithan re turned the 12th from a week's stay at Mountain View hotel, Chimney Rnck Mrs J W T.Pak. and Mrs. Vrol. bhipp zanders, oi tne latm Dibert jackson will return Friday department at Carolina, will in a few from a months visit to Mls Charles 1 T . 1 i 1 4- aays sau irora nome, wnere ne Pastorfield in New Haven. Conn the summer in special study. M. C. Ellerbe, Pastor. Mt. Gilead, N. C. D. L. Coppedge asks the prayers of the good people of the community for the safe recovery of his wife. MISS BODDIE INJURED Mcdonald church The annual Home Comins' at Mp. having been recently transferred at I Dnald Baptist church, out in Beaver conclusion of their Mt. Airy job. j Dam wil1 be held the fourth Sun- day, at which time the church roll Miss "Jack" Davis left Tuesday j will be called. The public of all for Carolina Beach to attend for ten j demominations invited, days a house-party given by Miss Services at 11, 3 and 7:40 fourth Friends here will be glad to know that Miss Sallie Boddie was not seri ously injured in the bus wreck in Durham last Sunday afternoon. She was on her way to visit her sister in Sanford, on a Durham-Sanford-Ro'ck-ingham bus, containing 14 passengers. Just before getting out of .Durham, Grace Pridgen, of Wilmington. (Sunday, and 11 and 7:30 each day! the bus collided with a car in which ,tnrougn the week. The pastor, Rev. ! ivr n win r;n u j t Tuesday to resume her work as trim- W.HW " '""l "y . eV Her friends 1 1 T , -uT ' opeigms' !ot Hamlet will have charsre of the ! mer at The Hat Shop. are glad to. have her "home" agani. j singing. Misses Ruth and Lottie Porter, of Dillon, came Monday to visit the J. A. Porter family. They expect to re turn to Dillon Friday. Mr. Ben tJssery motored to Tar boro last week and brought back to his home for a visit, his aunt, Mis? Ella Ussery. Mrs. John D. Watkins and son, Charles, returned Wednesday night, after a visit to her sister in Columbia, and the week-end at Tybee Beach and Savannah. Another new subscriber who is in terested in the Capt. Everett family histories now running in this paper is J. H. Covington, from Hockessiu, BRASS RULED OUT Wanted: a few extras, 9:45 A. M. Sunday. Apply Berean Religion Foundry, i EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church School 9:45. Subject of sermon at 11, "God's Presence in the World." Union service at night on Methodist church lawn. were a bunch oi negroes, une negro died a few minuses later. The bus was turned over and every window glass broken. 1 he negro's car was jammed againr!: a phone post and al most completely wrecked. Miss Bod die sustained a small scalp wound, and went to a hospital for the rest of the day, but was able later to return to her home. PIG CAFETERIA RICHMOND REALITY Pigly-Wigly Style. Marion Lee Hinson has thirty-five pigs out on the farm really having meals at their own cafeteria.- Cafe teria style evidently is very popular with the pigs for it nearly seems that their growth is visible. Also this pig cafeteria is Piggly-Wiggly tyl3e. They seijve themselves and save feed and money by rapid grow th. From the success of this type of pig feeding one does not hesitate to predict that Richmond county will loon have a chain of Piggly-Wiggly cafeterias. f If one wants to see Mrs. Palmer, Marion Lee's mother smile, just ask ler how the 35 customers of Piggly CViggly are progressing. L. L. Osteen R. H. S. Julius Keels, for the local store, "cm,v'uc and E. C. Keels, for the McColl store, Miss RoSa Biggs with mtle Bobbie went Monday to New York to buy Fetner came from Washington the goods; they will return next Monday. 10th for a visit of ten days ghe ig Mrs. R. T. McNair and infant jth the National Geographic Society daughter, Margaret McQuiston, came m Washington. home Wednesday from the Hamlet bosnital. where the little ladv was I born Aug. 8th. Spending, this week with their un- jde, Mr. James Alexander Seawell, are Joe Seawell, of Union, S. C, and Mv M r wall 'flnH Mrs J. F. Alec Seawell, of Carthage Diggs "returned Sunday from Blowing lads are nine years old Rock where they spent three weeks at the Wall cottage, with Mrs. Nichol son and Mrs. Walters. Both i Ybior Gredit Is the most valuable resource in business life, and used wisely it may well prove1 the keynote to fortune. Possession of an active Sayings and Checking account with the Bank of Rockingham entitles many men to credit even as it reflects credit upon them. A SAFE INVESTMENT A checking account with this bank is one of the best invest ments vou can make. It stands for insurance against loss and mistakes: it saves time, conserves credit and reduces the tempta tion to spend thoughtlessly. We invite personal and household checking accounts, small as well as large, and pay interest on Savings. Come In Today Born, Friday morning, Aug. 12tn, o Mr. and Mrs. James Horan, a son, James Wadsworth, Jr. Mrs. Horan Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ratliff leave was formerly Miss Helen Burroughs, tomorrow (Friday) for a week's stay Mr' Horan 1S manager of the Fox at Blowing Rock. They are keeping dru store house in the D. S. Warburton cottage, j Mrs Rufus Howard and daughter, on McDonald street. jMathilde, came from Savannah Tues- i a. Fox isUhavine- the fW r:. ' day nfeht to ; be the guest of Mrs. F. MY Hobbs house, on Fayetteville Road, METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Hawkins preaches at both ser vices at the Methodist church Sun day. Morning subject, "A Thorn in the Flesh." Some of the meanings of the afflictive experiences of human life. At night, "Not Ashamed." These evening services are held on the lawn, and are highly enjoyed. THE NEIGHBORS HAVE A NEW CAR- I WISH , AFFORD ONE.'. CAR OVERTURNS, NONE HURT Dodge Steel Frame Unbroken. next to hisV two-story dwelling, re modelled within and without, pre paratory to moving therein".. shorUy. W. Leak for a week, when thev will then visit her mother, Mrs. J. W. Leak. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Helms and Jay will reach Rockingham tonight (Thursday) from their trip to Lan caster, Penn. They left here July Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitesell, Miss Eleanor and their mother, Mrs. WVlit.PSPll. nf OrppncKnrn cnori 3nn day and Monday here with Mr. and inJhei Car' and Came back by Mrs. T. T. Smith. Rocky Mount. Mrs. R. L. Waddell and two child-! Misse! ?allie and Ella Davis have reiurnea nome alter naving visitea their sister, Mrs. B. R. Yarbrough, in Kannapolis, and their brother, Mr. C. W. Davis in Marion, and other points in Western North Carolina. ren, of Devereux, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Van Carpenter, of Charlotte, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. LA. E. Waddell, at Ellerbe. Miss Rebecca Fayssoux returned to Gastonia Wednesday after having spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Jones. Miss Virginia Favssoux will remain here a few. days longer. Mrs. James Brice returned to her 'home in Greensboro Sunday after a week's visit here to her parents. Mrs. Brice, prior to her marriage six weeks ago, was Miss Gladys Lampley. They live at 321 Murray street, Greensboro. Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and Frances and Jewell left Monday for a week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Reynolds, at the old home place four miles The Band of Rockingham M. w. B. F. Reynolds, Cashier. Open till 6 o'clock P. M. on Saturdays. McRae. President Dr. A. C. Everett, Vice-Pres. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Longman and two children, of High Springs, Flori da, came here the 11th for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Dumas. Mrs. Longman was formerly Miss Zoe Dumas. Mr. Longman is an engineer on the Seaboard, in Florida. Dr. W. P. Webb Wednesday night left for New York, carrying Mrs Schwartman, the mother of Mr. M. Schwartzman proprietor of the Un dersellers jStore, for treatment by New York specialists. She is suffer ing from the heart. Mr. W. E. Harrison left Sunday to The fact that the Dodge Sedan in which they were riding is of steel frame construction doubtless saved the Hicks-Stansill ladies a serious injury. Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock the Dodge Sedan, owned by Miss Mary -Hieks, but being driven by Mrs. Robt. Stansill blew a rear -tire. and in some way got beyond control. You can afford to own a Ford and have the same pleasure as the other fellow whose pay ing higher prices for some other make. And as for a second hand qar, we have them at attractive prices and terms. Rockingham Motor Company 207 Wf,WUncton Strt. Free innertube Free Just One the Presbyterian hospital in Char lotte Aug. 2nd for treatment, and retui'ned home the 12th. Mrs. W. W. Covington left Satur day morning with a party from Row land, spending Saturday night with friends in Clinton, S. C, and motor ing back through hte western part of the state returning home Monday night. ' &MM&S& I , I in r ypci A I YA'E SAID 1 UI8T6M J QUARREU H6 WA UIS9US HB'S UBPT GOlNp FOREERJ s THINK. UP SOMETHING YOU, VANT HI A TO BUY YOU- I SAW HIM START SACK. FROM CHINA A MIAJUTE A6G' 7 V C R. P. LYON DRUG CO. i Rockingham, N. C. Phone 141 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Atwater Kent Radio, Sheaf fer Pen and Pencils, bltubeth Arden i ouet reparations, Nyal Family Remediw PROMPT COURTEOUS . RELIABLE We deliver by means of motorcycle quick and sure. west of Ellerbe. Jewell was taken to pend. this week in the New York mar- Kets buying goods for his store. He will return this Saturday. William Ed. Junior, assistant manager, is in charge in his absence and he is a 'chip off the old block,' courteous and attentive. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wiliams and babv Wednesday moved into the T. A. Covington bungalow on South Ran dolph street. Mr. Williams is a mem ber of the Wilibuck Chevrolet firm. The T. A. Covington family Tuesday moved into the Teacherage, on Ever ett street. friends will regret to know that Mrs. W. N. Everett is this week in Rex hospital, Raleigh, suffering from an attack of sciatica. Mr. Everett is much improved, following an ill ness in Julyt and is back at his office. Mrs. I. S. London is still in Raleigh with her mother, whither she went on Aug. 2nd. Leaving Sunday to spend the week in the mountains, but with Caroleen as their base, were Misses Lizzie and Janie Covington, Misses Katie and Virginia Hicks, George Covington, Theodore Thomas, all of this commu- Inity, and William Covington, star operator for the Christian-King com pany at Durham. Mrs. Elizabeth Mcintosh left Satur day for Greenville, S. C, to spend some months with her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Haywood. Miss Allie Mcintosh is staying here with the Ruf lis Mc Nair family, and Miss Julia Mcintosh will go in September to Granite Quarry to teach. Mrs. T. A. Coving ton will have charge of the Teacher- f P LYON SRUG CO. Day only 111 S i? I '' Saturday, August 20 th With every Miller Tire purchased from this company on Saturday, August 20th, we will give to you FREE an innertub to match same tire. W. R Smith & Sons ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Phone 96 J. 207 West Washington Street U I NOTHING BUT It isn't just luck. Our Used Cars are so consistently good because we handle NOTHING BUT. HORACE M. NEAL, Inc. Dodge Sales and Service A USED CAR IS ONLY, AS DEPBNDABL AS THE- DEALER WHO SELLS IT V s age this year. i

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