PAGE S '.jiir.miaMa'jiiuJt'g ; Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Kichrnond County, N. C. FHUFISDAY, AUGUST NEWS AMP VIEWS TRH The Baldwin-McCaskill Weddin. The Methodist & Presbyterian Charches Beautified. New Cars Btought. rersonai items comings ana vo ings. m AM i ) n cjntnvrlair nftprnonn Anir 6th j-ioLiitJi -"j " Unm- mcmuci ciin11 --. "" sc",cu v-uiwuj, L owib siae OI tne grave auuut ui a j.-- Montgomery ot saiisoury T V,. ' TVT, . ineton, an uncie 01 nei uxum ag a tramea leaaer 01 men m i i -j iit i iii tec' MT-ncii ivi r .bearers. The Diggs of late generation i'avG been western, southern, and northern pioneers. They have occupied posi tions of prominence in all walk'- ox life. Dudley, a son of Governor Edvard Diggs of Virginia, married Susanal Cole. Their son, Cole Diggs was f the Virginia Council ana . - -, . t A, n r H - i daughter of William oovingwn c, his son William, was member ot con- 'his wife, Nancy Wall. ' vention of 1776. Another Dudley IS, 1927 (Continued from front page) Nancy Covington, a daughter of Ben jamin Covington and his wife Fran cis Moorman, and a sister of "Sugar Rinmin Covinsrton, and grand- Ailenijah. ! owned a large tract of land embrac- Thomas Gorton Blewett son of ;ng the above mentioned Falls. He Thomas Blewett and Annie Randle owned also a ferry, known as Blew was born at Blewetts Falls July 4th, etts. Ferry this one fourth of a mile 18 J. He attended college at Chapel below the Falls. A road leading f rom j Hill, University of North Carolina. Cross Creek, or Fayetteville, to An- j He married Regina Graffenried of son .Courthouse, then located on the Chester District, South Carolina in hills west 'of Pee Dee river and on 1815. She descended from Baron de the road then and for many vera'-; '".affenried of Berne, Switzerland known as the "Cat Fish RoadV' Eliza! oth married Samu-.l ,1'sher. Naor.. married Solomon Towns end. Ann narried John Rush. Mary married Williams. - Elijah's wife was a sister of Gen eral Do kery's wife. ; Elijah's wife was a sister of Major S. M. Ii:gr?.m. Her father was Mont gomery Ingram, who married a Miss vho m 1710 got a grant of land from The tomb of Thomas Blewett was Newberry. Her grandfather was he English government of 1 0,000 : niade of a slab of granite on each Edwin Ingram, who married a Miss Mr. Leo isaiawin.ana ivuss np c- : as Dockerys wife. 'stormy period. Patrick Henry, Lee, asKin were nappuy uiuiu , Hannah married liichard mason. :c Madison, Randolph and Ham jvi. s. parsonage, me ceiemuuy ucmg , v,ildrpn of Thomas UocKery, o . rar.a TV10T1Kprs of f n;s rnr,r.tion periormea oy tneir pastor, nev. w. u. , , wife Nancy were W. T. Baldwin who is mastei- me chanic at Roberdel. Leo is one of j the county's most progressive far- J mers. Miss McCaskill is a former j teacher in the Rohanen school and a- young lady of winning personality.. A large number of our folks have gone to Lake Waccamaw on a camp ing trip this week as the mill closed down Satui'day, 13th, to give their employees a vacation. Messrs. R. H. Allen, D. R. Thomas and Zeb Grant left Saturday for Asheville, Blowing Rock and other ponts of interest in the mountain sec tion to be gone a few days James Dockery. Benjamin H. Dockery. Alfred Dockery. John Dockery. Henry Dockery. Isaac Dockery. Hannah Dockery. Frances Dockery. Sallv Dockery. Hannah married Solomon Bostick. j Frances married W. L. Covington. ! The last named was connected to the ! Diggs family by marriage. Cole j Diggs above mentioned was a majr jof cavalry in the war of 1776. His !two sons were in the war of 1812. Marshall Diggs of Anson county, North Carolina, descended from the above family. He was the father of Thomas, Marshall, Sally and other children. Sally married George Hailey, af ter his death she married John Mc Alister. They resided three miles from Rockingham on the road lead ing to Cheraw on it at New Bern, North Carolina. feet wide 6 or 8 inches thick. The. Children of William Bostick and he children ot this marriage were: ; length of the grave. A piece over Naomie Townsend. his wife: James married Mary Covington The Methodist church is neanng j Confederate States Army Sally married Rev. Petty. Isaac Dockery did not marry. General Alfred Dockery married Sally Turner of Stanly county. Their children were : j Anson county before the civil war Thomas C. Dockery, Major in me , ttled in South West Virginia. Allen. Thomas born 1818 died 1892. Regina born 1820 died 1890. Allena born 1822. William. Florida. Randle killed 1862. Annie born 1832 died 1865. Mary born 1836. James Thomas born 1839 1855. John Armstrong. ! foot and head stone on which is the j following: "Thomas Blewett born ! 1754, died 1835 in his 81st year." On the top of the grave is a slab of ! the same kind of rock, carved on this j is a portion in the shape of a coffin j elevated 4 or 5 inches above the '.edge, that is, the shape is made by ' cutting the edge or border down 4 died or 5 inches. Some years since the Ihead oiece had fallen down. This i .Thomas and Riley Diggs lived and completion, having added eighf Sun- oliver H. Dockery, Lieutenant j d in Anson county. day school rooms; ana giving -"; Colonel in Confederate Mnes Army. Three sons of Riley Diffgs came to church a fresh coat of paint in ana j John M Dockery, Lieutenant in j Richmond county soon after the out has changed an old ont-room Confederate States Army. LiftSP of thp war. viz: William s.. Alfred Dockery, Captain m Con- Th E d JoseDh K. Die.o.s The lso un- . fpdprate states Army. der construction which will bfe very ( Benjamin Dockery, Sergeant in . . f. c;stpvs m;co Mni. beautiful when completed; th are , Confederate States Army. ,- H xTorriett DeBerv. PrHH,- : Henry C uocKery. i ters of the late Hon. Edward DeBerry ! 1840. He was a member of the V are , aq TT'lio rinVerir marrrpn Cn . I ... , , ' .. , , y, building into a model church. The Presbyterian church is a addinsr Sunday school rooms. Mr. D. J. Fisher and fami spending the week in Durham with Morresy relatives J. R. Dawkins, District State Junior Order United America chanics. The children of Mrs. Rebecca Hill and W. T. Cole, who have been Spend ing the summer in Hanover, Mary land, with Mrs. H. H. Waldenl have returned home. Rev. W. T. Yarboro, W. L. Dawkins and L. C. Stogner are purchasers of new cars the past week Misses Maggie and Kati beawell are in High Point with their sister, Mrs. W. A. Greene, who has been critically ill, but is somewhat at this time. Martha Dockerv died in the prime Depu- o f voune womanhood. ty, leaves Sunday, 21, for Wiljon, to i Mary Dockery married Mr. W. D. attend the meeting ot fctate uouncu , Smith, of Fayetteville. me- j ;prom the above it will be observed S that all of their sons who were of was kindlv replaced and connected They moved to Mississippi in 1834 by the engineers in charge of build and settled in Columbus. j ing. the dam at the Blewett Falls, Thomas Gorton Blewett was killed thoue-h entire strangers to any of in June at Gains Mill. His company the Blewett family or any of thi con- !of 104 men were armed, equipped ami nections of the family. Lnter they Marshall Diggs and his family left , uniformed by Major Thomas Gorton j enclosed the grave yard with a neat blewett his lather, at his own ex- iron fance at the expense of Gen. penses. j Stephen D. Lee, of Mississippi who Thomas married Laura Martin of ! married a great granddaughter of Tennessee. They had one child ; this Thomas Blewett. However, be Claude. His second wife was Mary j fore the completion of this fence, Witherspoon. jboth General Lee and his wife died. Their children : j There are two graves on the Dock- Thomas, i ery level, about one mile wast of the Clara. j residence of the late General Alfred Mary. j Dockery. On the headstoro of ore Regina married J. T. Harrison in iS the following: "Nancy slewett, died in the year 1789. Remember pray as you pass by, of Montgomery county, who for many Confederate Congress. terms represented this district in Con- j Their children grses. j William Diggs died some years ! military age served in the war of 1861-65, and with distinction or they could not have attained the rank of first Lieutenant to Colonel. A family remarkable for physical manhood, vigorous intellect, hospital ity extended to any and all who visit- family who nQW reside in this coun. since. He with his brother T. E. j Diggs were in the 31st Regiment, ! North Carolina Troops in the wa' j The latter now resides in Anson coun ty. Joseph K. Diggs was in the 43 Regi ment North Carolina Troops. He was wounded in his hand while in service. He died in 1892. His fam ily are the only members of the Diggs As you are now, so one was I; As I am now, so must you be, Prepare for death and follow me." On the other grave near by only I the initials "A. E." ed their homes or to any who came in contact with them. General Alfred Dockery was often in the State Legis lature, both Senate and House, a i Ji.flll VVl A J. V- OO 11 Vlll LlllO U1C" . trict. His son. Col. O. H. Dockerv. Miss Gladys Fields, of Rosemary, is likewise in Legislature arui a mmhor visiting her uncle, J. A. Howell, at 0f Congress. Dr. Henry Dockery and Isaac Dockery sons of Thomas Dock- Hanrjah Pickett. Mr. Joe Smith and family spent j the week-end with relatives ir Hope Mills and Lumberton. Mr. J. V. Meacham has gone to Thomasville, to visit his siste Mrs. T . H. Mansfield. ' Rev. W. D. Yarboro leaves Sunday to help Rev. W. F. Trawick, p stor of Ellerbe M. E. Church, in a revival jneeting at Concord church. Z Correspondent. ty, two sons and three daughters. They have one sister who lived and died in the county, Mrs. Josephine Flowers. She like wise had one son and daughter in the county. The family of Diggs have been noted for their industry, integrity and morality. They with their fami- ery, Jr., at times represented this ; Vit tnwnsllin from winn nH : 4.1. T -1 J- r r " Regina. Thomas. James Thomas.' Allen. Mary. Regina " married D. Lee in 1865. Their only child was Blewett Har rison Lee. James Bostick came to North Caro- James Thomas Blewett (Lieutenant ; Una from the state of Main i and General of Mississippi) married ran General Stephen THE BOSTICK FAMILY county in the Legislature. THE DIGGS FAMILY Leonard Digges of Kent, England, a son of his, Thomas Dieeres. ' married a daughter of Edward III of Eng-! at tne R,ley Etegs homestead.. land, .from their son Col. Edward lawfulness. Jensin Diggs a sister of Thomas and Riley Diggs, married Sanford Liles of Anson county. A daughter of Riley Diggs, Miss Helen married Berry Liles and they reside t Digges all the Digges claim as their i .'common ancestor. l he usual ortho- NOW ENJOYS EATING, THANKS HIS WIFE "For years I suffered with stomach trouble. Then, my wife got ine to take Adlerika. Today I f eal f ne and eat what I like." Wm. Opp. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Ac ing on BOTH upper and lower bowe , it re moves old waste matter yov never thought was in your system. Let Ad lerika eive your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how much better you will feel. It will surprise you! L. G. FOX, Druggist Rockingham, N. C. advt. graphy in this country is Diggs. When and by whom the final "e" was drop ped is not now known. nie S. Moore. Their children were: 1 James Thomas. Antoinette. Eugene. Lee. Richard. Allena married of Alabama. Their children were: Regina mraried Dr. R. Schlater, of Louisiana. J. M. Weissinger settled in Richmond county. Do not know the maiden name of his wife other than "Ann." The children, as far as can be as certained at this date were : James. John. William. Nathaniel. Bunion. Tristram, and probably o' liers. All of the above named save Wii- ' liam have passed out of the recol- Thomas, her twin brother married j lection cf even our older citizens. He Nan Robinson. (William) married Naomie Sprolls, a James killed by a tall trom his daughter of Solomon Sprolls, a rand- THE iiBtfeWETT FAMILY t William Blewett headed a party of Quakers with Land Grant from !King George II in 1768 and settled oif The above Edward Digges came to Pee Dee. Virginia in 1650. He purchased; William Blewett was born in Eng 1250 acres of land in York county, (land in 1719. He brought a colony va., owned a portion o Mulburn Is- of Quakers to North Carolina in 1746. horse. Allen married Mary Means. i-tTheir children wfere : ' Mary. -....-'. means. --h- ... . Guy. ; ' Mary married R. Woodriger who had one child. Thomas Blewett who Jived, died and was buried near Blewetts Falls, Look at Your Label Post-Dispatch for Job Work land on the James River, was the first to introduce and promote the cul ture of silk in the colony. Edward was a members of the Royal Council and second Colonial 'Governor of Virginia. As governor he received a. compen sation of 1250 pounds of tobacco worth about $1000.00. He married Elizabeth Brage and they were blessed with a baker's dozen of children-5 six sons and seven daughters. From 1650 to the present date mem bers of this family have been state officials of Virginia. One of them daughter ot Richard Thompson, a sister of Richard Sprolls and first cousin of ,the--wife.'of Isaac 1C Wing; Sr., their mothers being sisters. . The children of William 'nd Nao mie Bostick were as follows:' .' William, married Naomie Towns end. ' :.v: - Tristram married Sallie Roper. Elijah married Elizabeth Turner. Elisha married Rebecca Ingram. James married Ann Capsl. Ann Eliza married John ' Wesley Children of Tristram Bostick and Sally Roper, his wife: William. Dorsey. ' James. Mary Ann. John. Thomas T. Several died while small. Children of Elijah Bostick and Elizabeth Turner, his wife: Sarah married Peter Nichobon. Mary Ann married Rhodes. Jennie married Parker. Cornelia married Robert Hobinson. -Annie married Thomas Steele. Martha married P. R. Capcl. Children of Elisha Bostick and Re becca Ingram, Jus wife: William Montgomery married Miss Bennett. Columbus married Miss Hart. Martha married Winfry. Eliza Ann married Cary Bennett. Rebecca married Marion Jones. Children of James Bostick and Ann Capel, his wife: William married in Alabama. Starling F. married Elizabeth Cov- Solomon married Katie McRae. Bunion married Miss Moffitt. Eliza Jane married Isaac Allread. Annie married Moffitt. Naomie married Thomas Roper. Mary married McDermid. Sally married in Alabama. Amanda married Dan McRae. Children of Solomon Bostick and Hannah Dockery, his first wife, and Rachel Northlan, his second wife. James killed at Gains IVjll. ' Tristram J. married Miss Temple. William W. married Miss Temple, second wife Miss Luther. Sallie married John Usher. Rachel married Robert Manship. Mary mai'ried Thomas Cape!, sec ond husband Dr. McLendon. Ann married Lawhorn. Elizabeth Bostick married Sar.tuel Usher. Their children : S. T.' Usher first married a Ewir:g second wife Miss Thompson. Naomie married Solomon Towns end. William D. first wjfe Jones; second wife Alice Covington. . Thomas maB'4i .Miss Walker. - Richard ftrsl wife Baldwin; WMcLehdon. . " f , - - . , . . .1.1 ;j t 1. : narcissus umnieu iiaiaes puiuis. Francis married a Leggett. Benjamin died in the army. Lucien. - Hastletine married Hy JdY.ea. Sally married MacMartin. (To be continued) I was a great friend of General Wash- ! at the age of 94 Held under a grant from George II. He landed and located in Bladen county, now Richmond county on the Pee Dee River. His wife. Miss Gor ton came from England with him. Their children : William. j Thomas. ! 'Jean. j Rebecca. i In the year 1779 the William Blew- j ett first named above, at the age of sixty married a young girl in the; neighborhood. They had an unusu-1 ally large family. He died in 1813 1 ington and acted as one of his pall- 1 i .. i 1 i mJ $ . I mJ I W Vi iiiw 1 - 1 o YELLOW- F ave w -1 ONT STORES enaer s Follow the Practice of the Economy-Wise COLONIAL OR MISSION SLICED PEACHES, No. 1 Can 13c ALASKA SALMON, Tall Can 13V2c Van Camp's TOMATO SOUP, 3 for 22c OCTAGON SOAP, large size, 3 for 17c Comp. Lard 18c SALT PORK RIB BELLIES, lb PLATES, lb. I FAT BACKS, lb. Our Pride BREAD Giant 21-oz. Wrapped Loaf 10c 19c 16c 16s WONDER or PALACE FLOUR Patent or Self Rising 12-lb. Bag 21-11). Baa: 52c $1.00 Land o' Lakes Sweet Cream Butter, 53c Pound, Cut from Tub William Blewett, Jr. married Miss i Rebecca Thomas in 1799. She was a sister of Clubfoot Billy Thomas, Dr. Robert D. Thomas, Henry Thomas and other brothers and sisters. Thfeir child, en: William born 1799. Thomas bc-n 1800. Sarah born 1802. John born 1803. Eli born 1808. i Calvin born 1810. ! Wiley born 1812. j David born 1814. ! Rebecca born ? j Thomas born 1752, died 1835. K married three times. His first wife's ! name not known to the writer. Sec- ' ond wife was Annie Rendal. She died at' the age of 17. The only child . Thomas Gorton Blewett was born 'July 4th 1789. He was the grand father of the wife of -Gen. Stephen D. Lee who advanced to the rank of , Lieutenant General in the war of 1861-65. Thomas Blewett's third ! wife was a widow with one son. They ;had a daughter, Sallie, who married I Chenneitt Laneer. Thomas Blewett served as a mem jber of the North Carolina Legisla ture -the years of 1789-'90-'91 and ! in the Senate 1805. Thomas Blewett i owned, lived and died and was buvied ! at the Blewett Falls on the Pee e river. He and his brother Wi'K-im j went into the Revolutionary war :is privates in the company of their i brother-in-law. Thomas was nmmoi- ed to Quartermaster of the Regiment. ni Blewett married Betsey Ann Wi "ams. They moved to Warren con y, Kentucky hear Bowling Gr ir children: omas. j i vard. J ; land. itores. Liary. ANEW CAM whose Reliability Power and Style Mark it Mi-American Reliability? Look at the longer, heavier frame of the Ail-American Six the big new engine, transmis sion and clutch the longer wheel base (117") and larger tires all the result of pitiless testing on General Motors' great American proving ground! Pover? Get behind the wheel! Thrsfi to the pull of the biggest engine used in a six of Oakland's price. An engine whose might no liVil can tax whose smoothness and steadiness are the result of a 7812 lh. counter-balanced crank shaft with Harmonic Balancer, a new type of combustion chamber developed by General .Motors' re search st aff,. and Oakland's famous rubber-silencing principle. Style? Instinctively your eyes will look for that famous emblem "Body by Fisher" for here are PRODU CT OF GE new heights of beauty and fashion in the best American tradition. Longer, lower, more rakish lines. Richer and more alluring Duco colors.. Sweeping crown fenders and luxury features by the score. Oakland has set the nation taljking by building the new All-Aiiierican Six and offering it at new low prices! See this history-making car today! NEW LOW PRICES 2-DOOR SEDAN i Landau Coupe 10-13 Sicrrt BoJ&tcr 1075 i-I)aor Sedan 11 15 Cabriolet - 1145 Landau Sedan 1263 Ml price at factory. 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