vC iv'v-f --.v.Ti' PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY, MAY 193ft Rockingham P U Dispatch, RichnjoncT CotmrV. N. C. L O C - A! L ADVinTIOCDEHTO ROOMS FOR RENT Tor rent cheap, 3 rooms furnished -T JT I A 1 TLx ryyiy w srvsv- (22) or unfurnished Dispatch KEYS LOST Lost, a bunch of about a dozen keys, leather case. Reward for re turn to Post-Dispatch. AUTO LICENSE LOST Lost, auto license No. 483,082. Please notify Alec Richardson, 5 Skipper street, Rockingham, or leave at Post-Dispatch "office DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE LOST Lost, April 21st, 1930, a Certi ficate of Deposit on Bank of Pee Dee, in my name, for $98.50. The finder will do me a kindness by returning same to me, or to the Bank of Pee Dee. Thank you. Ella RathffJ transportation of mmils has been 1 -Teacher .Schools None in Richmond . County. v Raleigh, April 16. The one-teacher school so characteristic at the be ginning of the North Carolina system of public education is disappearing at the rate of about 200 per year, ac cording to the number of "State School acts, official publication of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. In 1901-'02, that publication points out, there were 7,867 schools of that type in the State. In 1928-'29, the number had been reduced to 2,096, of which number 988 are attended by white children and 1,108 by colored children. The entire number, School Facts continues, are rural elementary schools; for under the law no one- teacher hisrh school can be establish ed, and the density of school popula tion does not warrant hte establish ment of such scall schools in city sys tems. The decrease, it is stated, has come about largely as a result of the pro- grom of purposeful consolidation and adoption of the principle of pupil transportation at public expense. The Hoffman School Commencement (colored), Route 1, Box 31-A. DAHLIA BULBS FOR SALE iJeautiiui mixed varieties 35c per dozen; 3 dozen for $1.00 delivered in Rockingham. Mail orders 10c ex tra. Now is the time to plant for beautiful fall blooms. Mrs. G Stewart, Blewett Falls, N. C. National organization can use one man for local territory to caD on 2000 customers. Average , earnings $1.10 per hour. Car and references necessary. Write Manager, cfo Post- Dispatch for appointment. ESKIMO DOG LOST .Lost, from Kicnmond Hotel, an Eskimo Spitz dog, about 4 months old. Heward for return to Wallace Dunham, at hotel. FOR RENT Two furnished . rooms for light "housekeeping and two unfurnished 127 Robeson St., Phone 414-J or 526. ATRDALE PUPPY LOST Xost, an Airdale puppy, male, three months old. Reward for return, or Information. Mrs. E. Burt McLaur- in, 113 Scales street, phone 403. (8) BROILERS FOR SALE Milk fed and pen fattened R. Red spring chicks. Phone 235.- James W. Hamer. made possible and consequently con solidations effected more rapidly dur ing the past decade by the building of good roads throughout the State. This improvement of State and county highways has accentuated the speed of elimination of one-eacher schools, the departmental paper con tinues. With the improvement of transportation facilities, a greater percentage of one-teacher school has been eliminated. From 1901-'02 to 1908-'09 there was a 21 per cent de crease in number of one one-teacher schools; from 1908-'09 to 1918-'19 a 29 per cent decrease and from 1818 '19 to 1928-'29 a 52 per cent de crease Thirteen counties, Brunswick, Cam den, Culberland, Durham, Edgecom be, Gates, Greene, Hoke, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Pasquotank, Richmond and Wilson, do not now have one teacher schools for white children. In five counties, Avery, Dare, Haywood Jackson, and Macon, there are noe one-teacher colored schools. "LAUGH WITH THE WORLD' Begin May 9th. Sermon Ma 11th. Graduating Exercises May 16th. The commencement program for the elementary grades of Hoffman High School will be given Friday evening, May 9th, at eight o'clock The exercises will consist of drills and songs by the first, -.second and third grades; an operetta, "Goose- land," by the fourth grade; a play, "The Way to the Wishing Gate," by the nfth grade; and a negro minstrel by the sixth and seventh grades. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached Sunday afternoon, May 11, at 3:00 o clock in the school auditor ium. The speaker is Rev. B. P. Rob inson, pastor of the Methodist church in Hamlet. Special music will be given by- the Hoffman Glee Club. Wednesday evening, May 14th at eight o clock the Senior Class will present "Bashful Mr. Bobbs," a 3 act comedy by Walter Ben Hare. The play is one of swift movement with pans for sale at every corner. Mrs. Wiggins, the easily excited land lady of a small town hotel, is always busy trying to keep up with Obadias Stumps, the fresh country product who serves as bell boy. The hero, Mr. Bobbs, goes to the hotel and is mistaken for a burglar. The sur prises continue through a "happy-ever-after" ending. The roles are al most equally important, and hence there is no lull during the entire drama. Friday evening, May 16th, the graduating exercises will be held in the school auditorium at eight o'clock. (By Happy) COW FOR SALE A fresh cow,, second calf. Greene, Ellerbe, N. C, Rt. 1. G. 1 BUNGALOW FOR RENT For rent, 7-room bungalow, good condition, on Roberson street. $20 rent per month. E. S .Rogerson. HOUSES FOR RENT For rent, house on Everett stree one onXeGrand street and one on W. "Washington street. See Claude Gore. (15) "FOR SALE For Sale, an electric Maytag Wash ing Machine, complete with wringer: $75.00 for cash or will make terms to responsible party. See Mrs. H. D Spaugh, upstairs over Rockingham Bakery. (8 EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. Rhode Island Red hatching eggs at $1.00 per 15 from very best stock: carefully mated. Phone 235, James W. Hamer. P. W. WEST is representative salesman for CHRYSLER, HUDSON and ESSEX CARS. SEE HIM FOR A TRADE. Rockingham, N. C. Hillside Florist ph'ne8 FOR RENT For rent, a six-room bungalow; macticallv new, m desirable loca tion ; has garage nad chicken lot. Apply X crae of Post-Dispatch. Whv wear a frown When the rest of the world is gay? Whv net the blues. When a smile will chase them away? Here's my motto: 'Though I admit it's hard to do, To smiler, sing When you're lonely and down-hearted too. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Hit the nail upon the head. She wrote a pretty poem And this is what she said, "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and weep alone! For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is last on the air The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shirk from voicing care. Rejoice and men will seek you; Grieve, and they turn and go, They want full measure of your pleastre, T5nt thev do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and you lose them an, There are none to decide your nec tar' d wine. Rut alonp vou must drink life's gall. Feast, and your halls are crowded; Fast, and the world goes by Succeed and give, and it helps you live. But no man can help you die. There is room in the halls of pleas ure For a large and lordly train But one by one we must all file on Through the narrow aisles of pain." TRUCKS FOR HIRE For hire, trucks day or night for long or short hauls. Central Filling Station, phone 222. -' i 2Q) "HOUSE FOR RENT For rent, 6-room modern bunga low on Watson Heights. Apply D. L. Wicker. NYE'S PED-I-TONE mo TlRPn ACHING. SWEATY SWOLLEN AND ITCHING FEET. Price 50 cent Sold by L,. G. Fox Drug Co. MICHELIN TIRES When better i tires are made, we will sell them. ! We are now selling -MieHirt tires-the tire with a real onntoo. Central Filliriei Station CCA- w j j rhnne 222. ' ? (May B) X- . -s . ? J. M. Ledbettery M. Ef; Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nor a and Throat. v I : Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. 1:80 tM ... UVMb0 f m .... -i Office over Keela Dept. Store. East 'EVENINGS FIRST STAR RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Passed by Rockingham Merchants Association to Memory of Mr. S. B Smith, born 1869, died April 5, 1930. Kill this pest-it spreads dissasa WHEREAS, it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from our midst our friend and co-worker, Samuel B. Smith; and WHEREAS, Mr. Smith has been a faithful member and one of the Charter Members of the Rockingham Merchants Association; and WHEREAS, he. at all times trave Sn, whole-hearted cooperation; and, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in the death of Mr. Smith, this Association has Inst r,no rf ic mnef Vh VS.ftV IVkJ AAAVhV valued members, one who at al! nmes was ready and willing to lend a helpincr hand in nnv nnrlprtaVino- vf the Association, honest, upright, con scientious in every way, commanding the utmost respect and confidence toli with vft0m he came in contact. RESOLVrcn ttttrttttt? 1,0 fv,,-c resolution be sm-pad nnnn th minn. tes! of "ur Association, that it be published in our semi-mnntblv hnll- tinj, and that a copy be sent to the Artmuy oi our deceased friend. W. L. Parsons, Jr., W. N. Everett, Jr., j M. D. Lipman, Resolution Committee. SUBSCMPTIONS New and Renewals (By Preston Mcintosh) A star comes forth at evening, To shine half blushingly, And twilight dons a purple robe To make the night more kindly. Timidly, as if afraid, The evening star the myriads leads, Forth from the azure atmosphere, A thousand starlets golden deeds. Ah , twilight star shine first At nite when stars are rare, Let me look to you for hope; When I breathe my evening prayer. Beautiful, evening star, Faith has made you so! Shine loves' forgiveness on this world, As did a star in the long ago. TWO TRUCKS FOR HIRE i We are now operating a 1-ton and 2-ton trucks for all kinds of hauling; furniture hauling a specialty. Prices reasonable. Dav and nieht. Phone 447-M. W. H. White and son. Renewal Subscriptions Dr. J. M. Maness, Hamlet Mrs. Evie Dunn, citv Titus Hagans, route 5 Rev. J. B. Reiley, Roberdel Ernest Thompson, Marston M. B. Leath, city Mrs. R. O. Bateman, city Miss Irene Parsons, Southport Mrs. J. L. Hawley, Tampa Lee Morse, Charlotte R. W. Blakeley, Ellerbe rt 3 Dells Ingram, East Rockingham Jessie McAulay, Indianapolis Knox Jones, Bunnell, Fla. New Subscriptions Neil H. Covington, 20th Squadron, Langley Field, Va. Hillside Florist ph'nb 83 Arthur Dove (Colored Undertaker) will in a few days throw open . his qowwcr at izi W. Franklin street, . in Rockingham ; and will be at your service in Hamlet at 106 Hamlet ave nue. Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. fcJ Mosfiultoes lM Roaches Bedbugs Ants Msths (At aid in NORWAY) Bet Hp k5pe for p SEE S. L. WEBB 12 cans string beans Meat 12 12 cans kraut 4 Sunflower sausage 12 pkgs. grite 30 bars Octagon soap 8 lb. bucket lard 10 cans big hominy 2 lb. cans pie cherries 6 plugs tobacco 6 lbs. good coffee 12 boxes snuff Salmon, can 10 tall cans Carnation Milk 4 quts. lima beans 7 lbs. dried apples 12 cans soup 24 lbs. best self-rising flour 48 lbs. best self-rising flour -98 lbs. best self-rising flour 1 bushel meal 1 sack shipped stuff Cotton seed meal 50 lbs: can pure lard Peck new Irish "potatoes Best molasses, gallon Country ham, lb. --- Come to see me. . S. L. WEBB 98c l-2c lb. 98c 98c 98c 98c 98c 98c 29c 98c 98c 98c 15c 98c 98c 98c 98c 75c $1.65 $3.25 $1.38 $1.98 $2.00 $6.50 60c 75c - 25c Ask Yoar Soldier Boy How "Cooties" Got Such a Hold. ; Vn' tell you that the battlefronts of Europe were swamped with rats, which carried the dangerous vermin and caused our men misery. 1 Don't let rats bring disease into your home. When you see the first one get RAT SNAP. That will finish them quick. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold ad guaranteed by , L. C Fox Dru Co v ' Watsoa-Kins; Co., and E. B.- Mre Hardware Co., a& Rodrfmf ham, N. C , - ; but the way it is said in the United States and Can ada is "the best moneg ean teu$." Budweiser Barley Malt Syrup stands without a parallel in the sphere of malt making because it is guaranteed free from substitutes, adulterants, fillers, artificial flavors or artificial coloring. . . . It is 100 per cent pure. That's why it yields more satisfaction than brands of ordinary quality Aged 3 Months in the Making Look for Tonv'a mV ture on the top of every can. A book let giving receipts for good things to eat, will be sent to any address upon request. Sold Everywhere. Anheiiser- LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY . NOT BITTER Leak-Parsons Co., nc. Distributors, Rockingham, N. C ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS . AUo Maker oj Butch Extra Dry Ginger Ale ' DM-156 ' HARDWARE BRIEFS VOL 1 MAY 8, 1930 NO. 1 Announcement We suppose everybody some time has wanted to run a news paper of their own. We plead guilty, not only , on that score but also to wanting to be an editor. We'll promise to be interesting all the time. I. S. London of the Post Dispatch says running a newspa per is full of grief, but if we in sist, he'll rent us this little corner each week, and it'll be up to us to make good. So we'll be here every Thurs day with this paper, in which we will talk about You people, Our Community, It's Improvements. and maybe a little bit about our hardware business. But we'll need your help with criticisms, comments, and contributions. The Post-Dispatch has recently published big fish stories. Carl Shores caught two bass on one hook, Watt Long landed a 7 pounder, etc. Of course all 'this is true, but it is remarkable the rapidity with which fish grow out of water. We carry plenty of fishing tackle in this store the kind guaranteed to catch big fish. .EVERETT HARDWARE CO. W. Washington St, Rockingham, N. C CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Farmers Bank & Trust Company ROCKINGHAM, N. C. . AS REPORTED TO CORPORATION COMMISSION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 27, 1930 ' RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts - J 1 $326,339.63 Overdrafts 12.28 U. S. Bonds 55,681.12 N. C. Bonds : 10,874.34 Bond Account 366,050.00 Other Stocks and Bonds 1,392.09 . Banking Hours, Fur & Fix 93,260.75 Cash in Vault and due from Banks 326,491.85 Checks for Clearing 12,769.03 Real Estate Owned-, : 3,500.00 ' $1,196,371.09 4 LIABILITIES: ' Capital ----i I $ 30,000.00 Surplus ---r 60,500.00 Undivided Profits ---1 12,062.31 Reserved for Contingent Liabilitiei -1 16,500.00 Reserve for Depreciation 62,760.75 . Bond Account 366,050.00 . Deposits ' ---r : 648,498.03 'r'W $1,196,371.09 APPRECIATES YCip i J i -