On - Year v Six Month 1 ,1930 , f $2.00 PER YEAR 4 vc v . y- , , - -p.,r. - --- i a , i , v.w- - . -: rr i11- 1 - K.-i"r'' ( i f s ' '--vl1;--;' r.IclSaond Coav . . DAILY per pupa cost of " i.'-3: : DAILY- per pupil cost of ; VCSrs Wrecked ;7 aUed But No Dead. Officerand the 'County Coroner were called to, the hie-hwav nwnsif.A the. PllJe Sillgs hotel about ,mid- z2Wan almost impenetrable cats had collided , on High-- ?ro"- ound nobody dead, We"aen(njsly injured. W4rs-'?"took Anderson Jones, lieCPant of one car, into cus tdJynd on Sunday arrested John You negro driver of the same car. gpfn were put in jaiL sVJiwwiswjiMVMWViJ y. pc '4 -. JOVbt7l'M; "WC put 1X1 Jail. ' mmiismmf Xoj0 giKUief rom me& "lfANNOAtrs& , iAJ-WAJifi,ii cos,xransportavw" pet pupil m STATEftjpP tit;iJUAljVc6sttraibrtation -iohty T6:cbtintle umK;h;qcJisi ed5;28- 42 j :fev . pupils transp. .'daily r152(X ilyjnileage, all .truck 943 ;.Totalrnrollmeht, 'white " X : IMBj 33t8y:oIdred 2679 '?:U&fXS white 2624, colored 18?4 t4498 . Average term in days, ' " white 158, colored ) 125-0X)M, Number teachers employed -in Frpntof CniederatclrManumem (Confederate 1861 ERECTED IN. 1930 BYl(TilE M865 pPEEDEEj GUARDS CHAPTER, OF THE" UNITED DAUGHTERS. OF THE CONFEDERACYf OF RICHMOND COUNTY; IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR CONFEDERATE SbLDIERS : . Monamcntr (Sword throu I4uyeIiWjrjatb, Rear of Confederate .1865 : V--- -. - ., eago Died NoV. 16th from Injue Sustained in Collision. , Jani M. Seago died in the Hamlet hosjtel:,Sunday afternoon, Nov. 16th, strom effects of injuries re ceiv,el;when his car and a Queen City became entangled ' two days prevfoui': -fit seams that Mr. Seago, who was driving la new Chevrolet sedan, was attempting to turn back across the - bmldingsj county,; -. ;G3e02iIbr923?ip erl-teaclierchtplsg-y; fiSfcliiS M havin stopped at Dock jjipyas. station 3 miles souths eaat wA-iiinnam; tnis was aoout im&rSfi.. iNov. 14th. I "SEED LOAN COMMltTlfl;S f f Th Seed Loan;: Committee Richmond county is asked to;meet at the office of J L rDove- in; the. .courthouse, . ; this' iSaturday ; ater-; ,noontv.05bor It; is.;' art' be got jinl3erway looking to, Fede?-; al IpaiiAJ thet scheIeitiieWe Jloanaiwill likjbe aitl4iffer?Y ent i& .order to-promote., the liTfeV- OaNFEBEEATE MONUMENT UNVHLED Unveiling Ceremony was Held Nov. 14, 1930. 12-Foot Pink Granite Monument Weighing '20 Tons Erected on Site of Old Courthouse, Fronting Washington Street. Built by Public Subscripicn Through Efforts of Pee Dee Guards Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. After' 22 Years Futile' Effort, W, Steele Bags a Deer. Speeches Printed Below, Taken Down in Short-hand. fiw&T-Q ic n r,i7 erocteH fin t( nilh lie Mnare of Rockingham a 20-ton to the dead of Richmond county of r. OT, 19 hirh. that ALIJ wars. llus provision was m will bear" witness for all time to the ' corpbrated by the .tote Senator W 0 rtof p;mftn nntv nrouH N. Everett m the bill that permitted orthTpaH in the .the dounty to issue $300,000 in bonds War Between the States from 1861 Ior to 1865. Though 65 years have elapsed .since that fratricidal strife his Courthouse, The Unveiling Exercises I he unvoilmiy ceremonv at 11 a. ended, yet the memory of their valor . m FHdav, Nov. 14, 1930, came off and deeds are ever present, and will w;thXut a hitch. The entire exercises remain as long as time shall last, lasted but 50 minutes. Promptly at 10:50 the paz-ade hove (Continued on page five) ATTENTION, BAPTISTS The Pee Dee Guards Chapter of the U. D. C. have labored for 'years j in raising funds for their monument,! and now their efforts are crowned i with brilliant success. The monu-1 ctA? sr a testimonial nf thfiir i wor . t l tere vnil be a meeting ol tne . Anl right here it might be men-! Rockingham district of the Pee Dee tioned that bronze tablets , are being : Association this Sunday afternoon, prepared for placement on the walls : J dock, at Roberdel Baptist church. For at least 22 years, and possibly reaching on up to the half century mark, William Little Steele has vainly- sought to Kill a deer. It was an am bition that perhaps even he really had no idea of attaining, but miracles sometime happen; and one did hap pen last Monday. On the annual deer hunt at Council's, Mr. Steele got his deer: We haven't learned the size, but it would by now have assum ed the size of a steer were it not that he had a score of companions in camp to check and double check on him. Attending the hunt at Council's thia week from Rockingham were Henry Wall, D.n Phillips, William Fielder, Robert Stansill, Wm. H. En twistle, Dr. Rollins, John Chalk, T. B. Hunter, E. B. Liles, E. S. Roger son, W. G. Pittraan, W. L. Steele. Mr. Steele's deer was not the only one killed Monday. E. S. Rogerson also killed a deer, and Walter Lam beth of Charlotte got two. DRUG STORE CLOSES Fowlkes Pharmacy went into volun tary bankruptcy Nov. 17, 1930, and its doors are closed. Mr. Wm. M. Fowlkes is now with Fox Drug Store, and he has an advertisement in this issue., inviting his old customres to call on him at Fox's. mi. inov. i4tn. There is some ; "df eren ce of opinion as to whethertihe Seago car had cleared to the ? Jper side of Highway 20; at any jaVe of the large Queen City tSikcar almosVHi the center of tine lemer viae caJ was hung or pushed, by. the bus about 50 feet, to the, left of the road before ioth came toiP ,ilr,Sago: was . found 'd:;jat'bat outside the car rntireat--havin; been- forced througKheear. Her was rushed to the Hamlet hospital, but it Was realized IMs 1 recovery -was hopeless. Iloweveri in a' futile effort to relieve Iheprfstoe 'from a fractured head, ife vperwn Was performed Sunday. Bui: lie was too badly hurt io" survive. f - death5 yesulted Sunolay af tejfnoon High School Friday Book Week Being Observed This Week in Rockingham Schools. ' - This is Book Week w.th the schools of. Rockingham, an d the -high scho ol nd grammar school are .putting on programs tomorrow (Friday): in keeping with the idea. Both schools will have programs" Friday, in their i-espective auditoriums, and the parents and public generally are most earnestly invited. After the pro gram, the visitors will be asked to inspect the libraries in the schools one in the high school now numbering 4337 volumes, and the grammar school just opening a reading room and library. y"- ; The public, -is' also asked to con tribute books for these libraries books that are in good condition ; and cash will be very acceptable for use in subscribing to dailies and magazines. vjictue v-a win render the pro-1 gram at the high school at 9 a. m and the grammar school will be held at 2 p. m. :e. funeral " was 'conducted ?f rom the-Capt at Htrhoon church, and having, charge of ;13ie service at Eastwde - cemetery. The pall-bearers were, H, M- Smithey, O. L. .Henry, John Henry, J. M. McKen zie, W. C. Leak. James M. Seago was born Dec. 16, 1881, at Lilesville, the son of the late James Thomas and Catherine Diggs Seago. . For years he has been a traveling salesman, but in more re cent years he has been a commission broker and enjoyed a wide trade. He was a Mason, Woodman, Odd Fellow and Junior Order. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Gertrude Henry, and four children, these being Geneva,. Thelma, Georgia Mae and J. M. Seago, Jr. There are nine brothers and sisters surviving: Ed Seago of Charlotte, ill, John and Roy Seago of Rock ingham, Mrs. Nettie Henry of Rock ingham, Mrs. Pearl Cornwell, Mrs. Tempie Hinson ancLMrs.- Grace Diggs, all of Lilesville. MR. J. M. SEAGO MRS. S. W. STEELE MRS. ZOLL HAYWOOD MR. CHARLIE L. BOWEN MRS. ZACK PAUL DELILIAH DASHER, Colored (Coulinued n pag twelve) ; HIGHWAY, NO. 1 DETOUR SERIOlfSCONDITiON MIDWAY eOMMUNlTY Not Charity But- Work is Urgent 1 "Need of Men of -Midway Village. . Serious Situation Exists for SeveVal "Hundred Men, Women and Child ren for Food, Clothing and ' Heat. The State highway forces 'placed a detour sign today for No. 1 (50) south of Rockingham, on account of construction by the South Carolina forces. .Traffic is diverted from Rockingham by way of Hamlet, thence . down the newly oil-surfaced road to Cheraw. THANKSGIVING DAY Union Serrice ; Preshyteriaa Church. Dear Mr. Editor: : ; Permit me to say a word about a matter that concerns the people of Rockingham and surrounding com munities. I refer .to1 the-. Midway mill community, ' - : ' . Perhaps it is generally known that the Midway mill has been shut down' for about six months, and that pre ceding that time the mill was on a half-time schedule for a year; Under such conditions it has been a marvel to many of us - that the" community has held together,' and that, so far, cases of real need have1 been so 'few in number. The fact that the shut- program Mown came during the ; summer months has been "of some advantage. The people had their gardens, no fuel was necessary, the clothing , bill was less, and some obtained work for a few weeks in orchards, on the roads,' and elsewhere. But the coming winter, with no employment in view, threatens need on a wide scale among the three or four hundred people of Midway. Conferences with hem have revealed the plain fact that, they are at the end of their resources. Also, they are very ; emphatic in sayhur that they do tiot, wish to be - thrown.; on . the charity of others. -Their plea is for WORK.: Voicing their plea, ; Mr.; Editor, .1 appeal .to all Y employers, merchants, i eontraetdrs, county offi cials, to give the workers of Midway a place on the pay roll. In the pre sent national distress of unemploy ment, it is reasonable to appeal to local employers first of all. for re lief. The people of Midway will either have to be given work or be supplied with the necessiteis of. life from - charitable sources. ; " i , Jno. B.'Reilyi ; . r Pastor. Midway Presbyterian .. , ......v - '; r:-- Church, . CIVITANS TO BENNETTSVILLE of the 6300. uiu (jourthouse, on Franklin street, on which tablets will be carved the names of every Con federate veteran ?nd every World War veteran from Richmond county the Courthouse being-a Memorial ROHANEN-LEDBETTER Honor rolls and perfect attendance records of Rohanen and Ledbetter schools next issue. A committee from the Rocking ham Civitan Club, consisting of L. L. Osteen, C. B. Deane, Bobt. L. Steele, 3rd and S. A. Hallum, spent the day in Bennettsville Tuesday in the interest of organizing a Civitan Club for that town. PAPER EARLIER NEXT ISSUE On account of Thanksgiving Day, this paper wil next week be printed a day earlier on Wednesday after noon, Nov. 26th instead of the regu lar time Thursday afternoon. ;There -11 b . XJnWn -Tbankssiving aEwcesaitaielT ntt J0;n; TI have a full turn out and show that we appreciate God's mercies. . . i. - $90 CLEARED - The ladies of .the Methodist Church cleared $90 from the turkey supper served at the church annex last Mon day night. This goes on the build ing fund. CHANGE YOUR BOXES The Postal regulatinos require that all boxes on R. F. D. routes MUST be on the right side of the road in direc tion Carrier is traveling. There is a number of violations of this on the five routes leading out of Rocking ham. It is hoped this reminder will be' sufficient to cause those box-holders to make the proper changes. MARRIAGE LICENSES Nov. 6 Arnold F. Safrit and Miss Mildred K. Meredith. Nov. 8 Elliott Berkley Harris and Miss Rebecea Wilson Land. Nov. 11 tieo. Washington Reed and Miss Stella Reed. KING WITH WATSON-KING Chas. W. King, who for 23 years was with the late Everett Hardware Company, became associated Nov. 17th with Watson-King Co., as mana ger of the store department. SATURDAY Jack London's GREATEST STORY "THE SEA WOLF' With Milton Sills Jane Keith Raymond Hackett HE HITS' FIRST THINKS SECOND APOLOGIZES NEVER: THAT'S "The Sea Wolf" TarH'eel: nnis.V."fiWun.!4.W'tor-. acton'toay-.No-ZSr'tn: the opening of , the quails turkey, rabbit and dove season. Dove season closes. Jan. 31st, quail, turkey and - rabbit season close Feb. 15th. Law allows bag limits of 10 quail in one day, 2 turkeys, and 25 doves in one day; no limit as to rabbits. REGIMENT PASSED TODAY The 69th Coast Artillery, anti aircraft regiment of 3 50 men and 1 5 officers, passed through Rockingham this (Thursday), in 83 trucks and cars and a number of " motorcycles, en route from the Proving Ground in Maryland to a new base at Ft. McClellan, Alabama.' The distance is 1924 miles; the regiment left Aberdeen, Maryland, NovJ 13th, and will reach Fort McClellan Dec. 2nd. The outfit spent Wednesday night at Aberdeen, 26 miles northeast of Rockingham. The huge trucks be gan, passing through Rockingham this morning at 7 :20 o'clock, and then continuously for a couple of hours the big noise continued. Due to the fact that work is being done on High way 1, from the South Carolina Line to Cheraw, the big trucks were de toured westward by the Morrison Bridge, and thence down through An son into South Carolina." BREAKS INTO STORE A thief last Saturday night broke a' glass and prized open' the bars in a rear window of the Austin-Clontz store,-but got only $1.30 for his trouble.' SCHOOLS THANKSGIVING The city schools will close next Wednesday afternoon, and . remain closed over Thanksgiving until Mon day, Dec. 1st. " After the Fire-Wlhat? WHAT besides regret? ashes? - ruins? disap pointment? Few You do not. We hope that you at sojne time, most expedience is alw people actually expect to have fire. kvill not. But the fact remains that, people'do have loss or damage. The ys a blow to any home or business. Nov, in the Fall, is the season of fire danger. If you do not have enough insurance, we earnestly wish to help you to become completely protected. RICHMONP5jWS0RANCE & REALTY COMPANY CHALK, ; . President ROBT. N. STANSIZX Secretary- A. C. CORPBNING, U, Kilond - . ; ' AMONG MANY THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR at Thanksgiving time is a member ship in the Richmond County Build ing & Loan Association. Every cent you pay into this institution together with the liberal dividends we allow you, goes to pay for that home of yours. " Truly a big thing to be thank ful for; a- membership to be proud :,of,:i z . . , " 53RD SERIES STARTED OCTOBER 1 GET.iY. some; County BuOdin - - OFFICERS: C K. D. Egerton, Presides W, L. Parsons, Vicc-PresidSS& A; . G. i Corjening,. See.-Treaj ?:llRECTOSi,i;x-'-i ;Wm.BEhtwjstI r;B IV;PIar : 'W: IParsomv-: --.tf-Ci E. 'D.:Ererton rt-jC'-G..Corpening - ! v 1111 - r t m mm m SHARES t . - r. v '

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