THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 Rockingham Pot-Dispatch, Richmond fmrnfy, K r PAGE THREE 'J 17 11 new model of savings 2 "i k : . Hp k aann THB PHAETON - THE ROADSTER 1 SPORT ROADSTER WITH RUMBLE SEAT Pee 1) I! T, VA! NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE ; By virtue of the authority vested -in the undersigned Commissioners by a tieeree of the Superior Court-of Richmond County, N. C, in a certain .action therein pending entitled "W. X. Parsons, Jr.; W. C. Leak and J. 'LeCrand Everetti executors of T. C. mTT r iiU Lai Leak deceased, and others, vs Mrs. 'Mary L. Leak, widow of T. C. Leak, deceased, T. C. Leak, Jr., and Hal L. Leak, the last named being inf ax ts, Southern: , Cotton Oil ' Compa ly, Wadesboro; NrHC.,. a corporation ; H. S. Ledbetter, Jr., administrator, c ! t. a., ef H. S. Ledbetter, deceased ; Era ana S. Ledbetter and others," said de cree being dated June 16, i 1930, we win , expose at, public outcry to- pie highest bidder or bidders .for eash at the Courthouse door in the Town of Rockingham, N.- C, at 12:00 o'clock M., Monday, December y-1, 1930, the same being the first Monday said month, the following described ' real' estate situate,, tying and being in Richmond County, North Carolina, :- to-wit: i . :' ? i :-: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a 'Corner in .. the rua of Mark's Creek being the eorner of lot No. 2, and ' raw N: 17 71 caa. to the U&--niag,--comer of Lot No; j thenceN. 76 1-4 E. 30 chs., to a . Corner in the ead of a small branch 5 1-2 feet from a gum; thence Si 117 - E. 49 .chs., to the run of Marks - Creek; thence down the -; various -courses of " said creek to the begin- .. ning, containing 180.4 acres, more or less. ( Surveyed November J 1 1 , ' 1912, by C. M. Furman, Jr.) - Being . -the same- land conveyed "to H. S. led better by R.S. Ledbetter by deed , v bearing date Nov. 19, 1912, refer ence to which is hereby had." I' SECQND TRACT : Lying in Bea rer Dam Township, containing 200.4 " acres 'and being Lot No.i 1,. inj the - division of the Ledbetter property, 1 according to a survey and plat of - the - same made by J. S. Utter, C. E,. - which said plat is of record in the of- fice of the Register of Deeds for Rich . rnond County, in Book ' of - Plats No. '. -1, at page 230, and being the identical tract of land described' ln:.the- deed I i im W (DIE .Today the Chevrolet Motor Company, presents the Bigger and Better Chevrolet' Six,' a the six-cylinder car which has . enjoyed such wide popularity. In both the chassis and body, you will find expressed, as never before, Chevrolet's well-known policy of progress through constant improvement.! ; - - . - The new Kjhcrrqlet is longer, lower and strikingly smart. The radiator has been deepened and its appearance enhanced by a curving tie-jar and chrome-plated parabolic headlamps The long hood sweeps back gracefully into the new body lines And AT MEW ILK Chevrolet has long boon om of the lowest priced iears hi . the: world. , Yet doe tothe of veluaae pcoditetion and Increased tfce Big for $510 $475 $495 THE COACH STANDARD C0UPB.,-.: STANDARD FIVE WINDOW COUPE : SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTRA Chevrolet Trucks from $355 to $695 All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan Rockingham, N. C. 4l (I QUO tfrom Rosa S. Johnson, et?al., to H. IS. Ledbetter, which is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for ' Richmond County in Book 140. at , Page 17. The same being the identical real estate described in that certain mortgage deed from Emma S. Ledbet- ter. Widow, to W. C. Leak. W. L. Parsons, Jr., and J. LeGrand Everett, trustees of . the estate of T. C. Leak, dated August 1, 1929, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 184; Page 437, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond 'County, N.1 C This,; October 30, 1930. J. C. Sedberry, ; Fred. W. ' Bynum, H. P. Taylor, ; Commissoners.' . (Nov. 6, 19, 20, 27.) ? t Ki ' . . NOTICE ; .: Haying formed an" association for the practice of law with Mr. Garland B. Daniel, at High Point, N. C, this is to advise the public that from this date my address will be at High Point, N. C, " and the name of my law firm will be Nash and DanieL I . I wish to advise all my clients that all ; business heretofore intrusted r to me will be given proper attention. - I will attend the Courta of the County, and" all cases now in court ; will be carried to a conclusion by me tt rr I will be in Richmond County at such times as will be necessary to give proper attention to any matters inerusted to me. : . i - M: W. Nash. Nov. 5, 1930. NOTICE OF SALE North. Carolina, Richmond County. Pursuant to an order of Hon. W. S. Thomas, Clerk of the Superior Court, of - Richmond County in the action therein pending entitled The Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh vs Lewis C. Dockery and wife, Florence L.- Dockery et al, the undersigned ' Fred. W. Bynum, Com missioner, will, at the Courthouse door in" Rockingham, N. C, on; ' ' .MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF ... DECEMBER, 1930; at It Vclock M. it WIlff.tUfirsV'!,r?l Vl annt 7 i fl WM(ILIBiL never was Fisher's fine craftsmanship more evident than in the bodies of the new Che v. rolet Six ! They are roomier, more comfort able and throughout exhibit that attention to detail which is the basis of true quality. Mechanically, too, the new Chevrolet Six ia better. The wheelbase is longer. The frame stronger. The steering easier. The clutch more durable. There is a smoother, quieter transmission. Wherever finer materials and more advanced design could increase Chev rolet quality and coonomy- improvement has been made. The new Chevrolet Six ia an outstanding - achievement it - is the Great 'American Value! u j - -- W IPIHIKDIES lt Pottor Chevrolet is offered at new low prases. Coxae hi today See and drive the Hew Cbe rolot Sfau Learn the economy of ; owning a laudorn, fine qi iality,eia-eylfado eotomobflo. $545 SPORT COUPE WITH RUMBLE SEAT STANDARD SEDAN "1! 1 -1 SPECIAL SEDAN . J $535 $545 : Monday in December, offer, for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot. or parcel of land, to-wit: AU that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being iin Marks Creek Township, Richmond County, N. C, bounded on the North Kir Mm mi W Dock- ery, on the East by the lands of C. V. Williams and Charlie Evans; on the South by the lands of Z. V. Pate, on the West by the lands of Z. V. Pate, L. E. Dye and the road leading from Hamlet, North Carolina to Bennettsville, S. C. and more parti i v -j-j j j -vj cularly bounded and described as 06 ODD J follows . jWees, m saia lown ana ooundea on Beginning at a corner in the edge 8NK hf ndof1R of the Hamlet to BennettsviUe road fnTs' nJhe b . lands of R. and-runs thence North 85 degrees DTav ?3 the South by lands 30 minutes East8750 feet to a cor- J ii-JVl-"?! 0!l theJW,est ner, thence South 7 degrees 30 minu- by.. N?rh Raolph Street and des tes West 3623 feet to a comer; cnbed by metes and bounds as fol thence South 85 degrees 35 minutes OWr.TxrvrT1kT : 1 M n West 1204 f eet to a corner, thence i &J01Tl,ot h North 3 degrees West 2030 feet .to Eas? Slde a corner, thence North 63 degrees pi? Stree!J m the own West 1002.5 feet to a comer in the . ffaf gham' M!? cof ne,r beJn 3 74 aforesaid road, thence with said road i:' . Northwesterly direction to the place of beginning aafoUows: the intersection of North Ran- North., 3 degrees West 396 feet, -folPh:ad Roberson Streets in said thenc -NorthOdcgroes West 535 feet, containing 198.4 acres, of .r01?11 ortn 6 degrees and being the.aame land conveyed by , S? n"nuteS ;WesJ .100 feet to a the Bank of Pee Dee to Lewis C. ?r " . r ? E oritanaoipn acreet; Dockery by deed recorded in the 0.thence North 83 degrees . and 30 fice of Register of Deeds for . Rich- J mmuef East 375 feet to a stake, said mond County.- - - This, Norember ' 1, 1930. Fred. W. Bynum u . . Commissioner. (Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27). . NOTICE OF SALE OF. REAL ESTATE , Under and by virtue of the power and authority cdhtairied in that, cer tain deed of trust, '. dated January 10th, 1928, and recorded in Book 196, Page -146, Richmond County Regis try, and executed by Millard C. Davis and wife, to the Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, N. C. , :TrusteeV "de fault, having :beent made, in the'vpay ment of the indebtedness .secured i $575 $635 $650 I d indebtedness became due and J?Dif fd. deJaandff -hfjing been L.e olde5 saw note upon .Jf ed therein to adver- Paf?5 Ia T Pf0Pifrty escPhed .Sii"?6,? 0 tFus the undersigned "f, I0las PubVc lXZ LnV I- ounn ar Rockingham, Richmond County, N. nuwwuAi. on uie vuuruiviue uuor in C, at noon on Friday, November 28th, 1930, the following described real estate: All that certain lot or tract of Jand' situate lying and being ,n the Richmond rA "A A"rui rotnia, located on the East side of Randolnh'o' r it ri fat sia ?z ttana. . - -A line being perpendicular to-Randolph (Street; thence South degrees and 30 minutes East-100 feet to a stake j said line being parallel to Randolph ocx est ; inence south 83 degrees and 30 minutes West 375 feet to the be ginning, and being the same lot deed ed to the said Millard" C .Davis by R. SI .L. Davis and wife, Louise C. Davis by deed; dated December. 17, 1927, and duly recorded in the office of the Register, of Deeds for Richmond County in Book 194, Page-216. - This, 22nd of Octoher. 1930. The North Carolina Bank and " ' " Trust Company, Trustee, - .- j-? : ' ' Successors to " Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, N. C:r Tmstee, By : John P. Stedman, ". . . , Vice-President. OBERDEt SCHOOL ai Program for Educational Week Held In RoWdel School Two Week Ago. : " Monday 2:00 p: m. . " Song"Thc North Carolina Hills." Play "In Brooklyn" by Grades 4 and 5.--. - " - " - Song "The' Old North; Stated? Tuesday "2:0 p. m. .v ' Soner "America, The Beautiful." Talk by Mr. Reilley "How the Schools Promote Patriotism and TV orld Understanding." ; Song "Onward, Christian Sol diers." ' " Song "Wonderful' Peace." - Wednesday 2:00 p.- m.- Son? "Auld Lang Syne.". a. esxk. 1 a kj. v3ba ucsjr by Mrs. T. L, Covington. . . . Song "Long, Years Ago." Play "Ye Deestrick Skule," by Grade 7. Song "Church In The Wild Wood." Thursday 2:00 p. m. Song "Hail To Our School." Talk "The ' Modem School," by Mr. Reynolds. Song "I Love Thee, Carolina." Play "Jolly Health Clown And His Helpers," by Grades 2 and 3. Friday 2:00 p. m. Play by School. Song "There Is Sunshine "in My Soul." Talk by Mr. Ellerbe "The Schools of Tomorrow And The Future of America." Songr "Where He Leads ' Me I Willi Follow." ROBERDEL CHARGE FACTS Ten Reasons for Family Worship. It will sweeten home life and -enrich home relationships as nothing else can do.' ' - - It wiH resolve all misunderstand ings and relieve all friction that may enter the home. It will "hold our boys and girls to the Christian ideal and determine their lasting welfare.. It will send us forth to our work for the day, in school, home, office, store,, and factory, true tp.qur best and determined in what we do to glorify God. . . It will give strength to meet brave ly any disappointments and adversi ties as they come. It will make us conscious through the day of the attending presence cf a Divine Friend and Helper. It will hallow our friendship with our guests in the home. ; It will re-enforce the influence and work of the ehurch,' the Sunday School, and agencies helping to . as- 4-oVvUciVi ftic fVivJcwH ay Maal rrTi oris out the world, v - - . I - It .will encourage other . homes to It will honor our Father above and express our gratitude for His- merey and blessings. Selected. No preaching in the ME. churches this Sunday (Conference Sunday.) If your pastor is returned to the Roberdel Charge for another year there will be preaching at the Led better church at eleven a. m. on the 5th Sunday November 30th. If your pastor, is moved -the matter of services will be placed into the hands of a new preacher. M. C. Ellerbe. $1.00 Hats - Special -at The Hat Shop SALE OF VALUABLE FORM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ority conferred upon us in a. deed of trust executed by Peter S. Covington and wife Commeta'M. Covington on the 11th day of Mareh, 1927 and re corded in Book No. 190, page 167, we will on Saturday the -' ' 13th day of December, 1930, 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Rocking ham, N. C, Richmond County, sell at public, auction for cash to the highest bidder the- following land, to-wit: . .. ; ; - All that certain ' piece, - parcel or tract of land containing thirty-five (35) acres, more or less, situate, ly ing and being three, and one-half miles almost west from ;the Town of . Rockingham, on the North Caro-' liria State Highway No. 20, in" Rock ingham Township, Richmond County the same being bounded on the North by the lands of A. A. Covington, Jr., on the East bythe old WaHs Ferry Road, oh .theSouth by the lands of Mrs. Commeta-M. Covington, on the West bythe ldofje' Crawford' fc": MMf ana ,emg a pan or f comedienne, ,seen with Ruth Cbafc the tract of land . conveyed by 'deed , terton . in i "Anybody's -Woman," is x . vjuYiugwuoi aaie ucio-' ber- 20th, 1911, said deed being duly recorded in Deed Book No. 70 at page 219, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Richmond County, State of North Carolina, to which reference- is made for "more complete description of the same. ; ' . v "This sale is made by reason of the failure of Peter. . S. Covington and wife Corrfmeta .M.- Covington to pay off . and- discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. J A deposit of 10 per cent will be required of the purchaser ''at. .: the sale. ' - This, the 23rd of October, 1930. First National Bank 'ot - Durham, Trustee. ; M. C. McLeod Attorney. , i v. (Nov, 20, ,57, Dec. 4, 11.) , THE OPTIMIST'S CORNER Arranged by Lorotta Soawofl. ' Let yourself and not your words speak for you. 1 " Things turn up for "the man whs digs. ; - . . It's not doing the thing we tike' to do: but liking the thing we have ts do, thaKmakes life blessed. Don n't givenyor you needt nyone a piece of your mind- all yourself. , No man knows howlittle he knows until his children get old enough to ask him questions. A friend : is the first person rho comes in when the whole world haa gone out. ' ' " If you cannot make light of your troubles keep them dark. ' "De man dat's alwarys kickin' said Uncle Even, "ain'.got any real trouble on his mind. ' When, real trouble - comes you is generally too stunned to kick." You'll never develop " eye trouble from looking at the bright side . of things. Mrs. Knag: You deceived me be fore I married you. You said that you were well off.. Mr. Knag: I was but I didn't kaow it. J umping ' at conclusions is about the only mental exercises some people take Mr. Trance: I saw Dr. Brown ts day about my absent-minded . epeCs. Mrs. Trance: What did he eay? Mr. Trance: Asked for his foe ia advance. -..:''' -.. . . ..1, , it A Roal Ortimset! Hall : Blythe is a pretty optimistic character, I hear. Wall: I should say so. If. he fails in business he'd thank hcarn' he had his business, and if he failed In both he'd say there was no use havinflr oa without the other. NOAH was six hundred years ski before he knew enough to buHd tas ark. Don't lose vour rrre. Calamity is really" opportunity aid ing behind a shadow. A little opportunity is chance to do your best. - BIG .i The . greatest essentials of aappi ness are something to do, omethis to loveand something to hope fr. Dr. Chalmers. -. - . The shortest days of the year eoate in December, also in January, February,- March, April, May, June, July, August," September, October aad November, IF THEY ARE YOUR BUSY ONES. . People who are always comphunmr of hard luck are like taxi drivers they just miss everything. r Playboy of Paris if Richmond Theatre Monday aad Tuesday. A triple comedy treat has been prepared for -moving picture patrons in j Maurice Chevalier's "Playboy of Paris," which opens its two day run at the " Richmond theatre, starting Monday next. In addition to the joy ous singing star ' of this fast . and sparkling Jaugh and love romanee, Eugene Pallette has' an important fun-making role,' and Stuart Erwin, the dumb Axel of "Sweetie,' is in the east. Chevalier, Pallette and Erwin are cast as a trio of restaurateurs in "Playboy of Paris." Chevalier ia a singing waiter, with dreams of be coming a wealthy and heart-breaking man-about town. Pallette is the ro tund -chief. . - Erwin is PaDette's kitchen boy. They play for laughs in the kitchen, until a surprise legacy sets .Chevalier up in the world, al though a twenty-year contract holds him to his job as waiter; The comedy elements of "Playboy of Paris" are almost as strong 6 the feminine side as they are oa the male. , Dorothy Christy, . the livery and irrepressible Ziegfeldian beauty who inspired a lot of action in -the stage productions of Good - News," "New Moon" and "Follow Thro! is cast as an aspiring golddigger. Cecil Cunningham, internationally famona unevaiiers blond pursuer, The story of "Playboy 'Playboy of Paris" is set on the boulevards and ia the cafes of Paris', where Chevalier, aid ed "by his stellar supporting cast, makes light-hearted, lilting ' love to scores of Parisian beauties. - He sings three new song hits, reported to be as hummable and catchy as "Sweeping the Clouds Away," You Brought a New Kind of , Love to Jlle" or 'Louise." BUY r" - NOW , i-' Wise Spending is an Investment