THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1 930 CONFINED TO BED WEEKS AT A TIME "I used to be in" bed for weeks at a time with terrible nervous spells; I Buffered with indigestion . and my ( MRS. MIND A ALFORD whole system was out of order. I was hibituany constipated and my nerves were almost worn 'ragged'. Sargon brought a wonderful change to me. I'm not nervous like I was, I sleep fine and am rested and full of life when I get up mornings. .My appetite is wonderful and I've gained, five pounds. "Sargon Pills entirely rid me of constipation without the least bad effects." Mrs. Minds Alfod, 806 N. Austin St., Durham, N. C. Sold by L. G. Fox Drug Co. at Rockingham; Warner Drug Co., at El lerbe; Steele's Mills Store, Cordova, Agents. John Gilbert Coming; In Two-Fisted Role Seen s Fighting Rogue in "Way' for a Sailor," with Wallace Beery. At The Richmond Theatre Next Thursday and Friday. John Gilbert is starred in "Way for a Sailor," the new Metro-Gold-wyn-Mayer talking picture which will open Thanksgiving at the Richmond Theatre, with Wallace Beery in a prominent character part. This is Gilbert's first picture since ""Rorlomnf nin "'n-nd is rewarded with particular anticipation because of the virue roie ne piays as u-amp steamer sailorman, ready for a fight or frolic in any port any time. It is a wide departure from Gilbert's uniform type of part and packs a mighty dramatic wallop as well as gripping romantic interest. Wallace Beery, whose talkie debut in "The Big House" was an outstand ing performance of the season, plays another "light-heavy" role as the bo's'n's mate who drinks with Gilbert one minute and fights with him the next. The trio of shipmates is rounded out by none other than Jim Tully, hobo-author, whose fist fights with Gilbert recently occupied expansive headline space. Tully, having patched up his troubles with Gilbert, makes his action debut in' the comedy characterization. Tully is best known for his authorship of "Jarnegan," "Circus Parade" and "Beggers of Life." BUY NOW The Start of Better Times is Here NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, - Richmond County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority in the undersigned com missioner vested by an order of the Superior Court entered on November 10th, 1930, in an action therein pending entitled, "The Bank of Pee Dee, a Corporation, and W. L. Par sons. Trustee. Plaintiff, vs. Minor T. Hinson and Emma Gray Hinson, his wife, et al.. Defendants," the under signed commissioner will on MON DAY, the 15th day of December, 1930, at 12 o'clock NOON, at the eountv courthouse door in the Town of Rockingham, N. C, offer for said to the highest bidder, for cash? the) following described lot or parcel oE land in the Town of Rockingham J Richmond County, North Carolina viz: Lying and being in the Town o Rockmeham on . the West side o Randolph Street, bounded on the North by the lands of J. F. Diggs and wife, Mary Diggs; on the West by th6 estate lands of W. I. Everett and on the South by - the lands of J. WL Brigman and wife, Mary A. Brigmanj Beginning at a stake in the Western edge of Randolph Street, the Northj east corner of a lot . sold by W. I. - - . . jr w 1 L -Jfiverett to A. M. JiiCAUiay, ana run in a Northly direction with Randolp Street 140 feet to the Southeast co Tier of the J. F. Diesrs lot: thence wit said lot in a Westerly direction 20b feet to its Southeast corner; thence hv a Southerly direction and parallel with Randolph Street 140 feet to the Northwest corner of the ; McAulay . i t --r l a v - a l . iL ioi now irigman iouj ; mence m an Easterly direction 200 feet with a line of the said lot to the beginning. This, 12th of November, 1930. B. F. REYNOLDS, Commissioner. ; (Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11.) CORDOVA SCHOOL Sent in for June of Not. 13th.) Our -, grade made a much ; better average.' m scholarship this month. Two or three are still behind. ': We hope they will soon meet the grade requirement- Addie B. Carlisle, Grade 6. Friday afternoon we made candy our room. We used the pulverized sugar and did not have to cook it elen Diggs, Evelyn Cann and Grace Collins made it. In a part of it we used peanut butter, and in the other w;e used chocolate. ; All of the stu dents in our room who had been neither absent nor tardy during the month ate the candy Woodrow Yandle, Grade 6. Every morning this week for half an nour we will assemble m the auditorium for an "Educational Pro gpam '; some our parents and friends have met with us ; after the exercises they will visit with us in our class rooms. We are glad to have them for we want them to see what we are doing. We like to go to .the au ditorium to sing and have special programs, but we would like it much better if it were seated; now some of us have to stand when we have our mass program.- Ollie Evans, Grade We are glad to welcome Mildred Cox from the Rohanen school into our grade. She comes well prepared and i quite an asset to our school. Ro hanen, send us some more good stu dents. Helen Diggs, Grade 7. The first grade in our room have made "Domino Cards' I this week. We will use these in domino games which will help us to' count and learn the umber combinations. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is Report Jard Day. The first grade, are very happy that' they will have something tjo show Father and Mother when they go home tomorrow afternoon. 4 Miss Watkin's room. We are making "Toy Booklets" in our room. After we read about the tjoy, we cut out and color the hecto graphed copy and paste it in our booklet. f We are observing "Education Week" in our school. The first grade has charge of the program for Thursday morning. We are going to sing a group of songs for our part. f First grade, Miss Conrad's room. We are glad to welcome Robert Harris to our room. He comes to us rom Greensboro. Myrtle Goodwin, Second grade. There are two boys and one girl our room that have not missed a ord in spelling since school started: hey are Jim McKenzie, Marshall ssery and Nellie Yandle; Helen onds and James Watkins have miss ed just one word. Bernice Kelly, Second Grade. We are going to chapel everv day this week. Monday Miss Poole e-ave program and Mr. M. C. Ellerbe piked to us. We enjoyed listening fto him very much. Miss Waddell's pupils gave an interesting program luesday morning. Miss McCall's grade will give "The Old Fashioned School" Wednesday morning. Miss Watkins and Miss Conrad's room will have a program Thursday morn ing.Miss Little's and Miss Wheless' pupils will give one Friday. We are enjoying going to chapel.-Jessie Thomas, Third grade. We will get our report cards Wed nesday. There were six who made the Honor Roll last month. They are Mildred Bray, Eva Wilson, Ruby Ross, Margie Cann, Theodore Bow ers and Kellard Clark. ; There were twelve boys and ten girls who made a perfect attendance record last month. More of us are trying to have a perfect record this month.- Hallie Glenn Gaddy, Third grade. We are delighted to have Ralph Dawkins, a fifth grade pupil, to move into our community. He comes to us from Rohanen school. J. P. Quick, Fifth grade. Fra: cis OShields and Colon Bol ing were absent from school a great deal last month, on account of sick ness. We are glad they are back in school to begin the new month. Jeanne McKenzie, Fifth grade. f The smallpox vaccination caused several of our pupils to be absent last week. Viola Forbis, grade 4. Our teacher read us a book. The name of it was The Eskimo Twins. I like very much to hear about what the Eskimo Twins did. Their names weer Mertie and Monnie. Their friend was named Koko. Ie was a funny book. John Wright, Grade 4. Honor RoUe. Grade 4 Marion Collins, Cather ine Moore, Margaret Hawkins, Eva Lee Simmons. - j Grade 2 Helen Ponds, Catherine Owens, Ernestine Collins, Jim Mc Kenzie, Jr. Grade 5--Johnsie Rogers, J. P. Quick. Lenoir: Parker. " i Grade 3 Mildred Bray, Margie; j Cann, Ruby Ross, Eva Wilson, Theo-j jdore Bowers, Kellard Clark. I Grade, 6 Lucille Collins, Clara Hall, Murtis Wilson. nisnatch, Grade 7 Grace Collins, Mary Cox, Ollie Evans. CORDOVA Local Item from the Village of Steele'. Mill, Cordovai ' (By "Fido.") (Written for Issoe Nov. 13th, 1930) Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Mc Kenzie and family were Mr. and Mrs. fcFall of Gastonia. They were just passing through. Mr. Mc au at one time was Supt. of bteeie s Mills. Miss Ethel Cann entertained a few friends at her home Friday night with a candy making. Those present were: Misses Ethel, Irene, Evelyn Cann, Alma Goodwin, Grace Collins, and Virginia, Gertrude, and Edna Pittman; Messrs. Robert Diggs ana Bill Whitley. Miss Alma Goodwin spent the week-end with Miss Irene Cann. Mr. Leon Russell and Misses Ger trude Pittman and Grace Collins had supper with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cann and family Sunday night. Mr. Cornebus Spittle spent the week-end in Monroe with friends, v Attending the "Air Show" in Char lotte Sunday from Steele's were Mes srs. F. L. McKenzie, Ed Gibson, Les lie Haddox, and J. M. and Jones Bolt and Mr. Bob Rush. Mrs. Lillie and Mable Gilbert had friends visiting them over the week end from Kingsport, Tenn. Steele's Baptist Church Rev. T. W." Hearne, Pastor Worker's Council meeting Monday night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. y' We were glad to have Rev. Haerne with us again Sunday night. He has been seriously sick for a few weeks. Rev, Hearne preached a wonderful sermon Sunday night from Deturomy He brought us out that . we might be In." How Moses worked to car ry the children of Isrel over in the promised land. He said there was three classed of people that made up the children of Isrel. A brief out line: First Class: Were the "Go-back" crowd, who were always wanting to turn back, the faithless crowd. There are some of the "go back" or "back sliders" crown in our churches today. Second Class: Were the "Satisfied Crowd" perfectly satisfied to stay in the wilderness; didn't want to go on, didn't want to go back. The type that see the wrong thing must y, "Let the other fellow do it, I am perfectly satisneld -my consci ence is clear." There are some of that" crowd in Our churches today. Third Class: The "Let's go For ward" crowd who were willinsr for God j to, guide them to : Canaan land. They were the crowd who said, "The God that forgave our sins, saved our souls, can deliver us" and they went on, although they were in the minor ity. The churches of today would be better off if the "Go-back" crowd, and the "satisfied crowd" were out. It would prosper if all members were of the "Let's Go" crowd. Rev. Hearne asked everyone this question: "Which crowd are you a member of ?" Do you belong to. the "go-back" crowd? Do you belong to the "satis fied crowd?" or Do you belong to the "Let's go" crowd?" If you do not belong in the first two classes rthen what are you doirig to better your church and make it a more "Let's go" church? Let's everyone resolve toNbe mem bers of the "Let's go" crowd, and push . God's work forward, and his kingdom will prosper. "Fido" rBEFoaa I started taking Black Draught, three years ago, my health was very bad," writes Mrs. C. C. Caraon, 945 Concord St, Beaumont, Texas. "I suffered constantly from constipation. I had headache when I got up in the morning, and I felt dull and sluggish. I hardly ate a meal that my food agreed with me. Frequently I would have gas on my stomach, and felt awful. "I read about Black-Draught, and I thought' it might help me. After I had taken it a little while, I ' felt much better. It relieves constipation. I keep it on hand ' so when I need a laxative I will have it. In the three years I. have been taking it, I have never found anything as good for con stipation." . , WOMEN who are run-down, nervous, I or suffer every monta, should take! CAXOaULr Used for over 60 years, v I Richmond County. N. C. CIVITANS ENTERTAIN TEACHERS Senator Bine -Speak. 0n Richmond County Schools at Banquet. (The Post-Dispatch Through its Re gular New Channels Carried a Story Nov. 13th About this Ban quet. But the Following Received Too Late Last Issue is So . Very Cleverly, written That W Printing it Also.) are Thursday evening, Nov. 6th, Rock ingham Civitans paired-off with our City School teachers at a very de lightful banquet in their honor at the Methodist Church Annex. In comparison with the usual semi monthly .meeting of Civitans with their greys, brown and blue serges seen thru a haze of cigar smoke this meeting was a riot of color with carnival paper hats, ballons of every color, and the loveliness of the teach ers in their evening gowns of every hue. To each teacher a box of Mer ricks chocolates was given as a favor. The club desires to make this an annual event and judging by the success of this first banquet the others will be looked forward to eagerly by both Teacher and Civitans. Lawson Osteen, President, called the meeting to order following a de lightful menu of turkey, etc., and gave to the visitors a few brief words on Civitan, emphasizing the fact that Civitan stands for "Building of Good Citizenship" and kindred acti vities. And that Rockingham Civi tans are ending their eighth year with a live and vigorous member ship. At thiis point Ozmer Henry, Toast master, welcomed the Teachers to which Mis Kate Finley responded. Perrirt Edwards, Civitan song leader sang "On The Road to Mandalay," followed by a little "horse play" on the parted several Civitans. The Teachers were given an op portunity to show their gunnery by shooting balloons from the wall with an air rifle. In this Miss Lottie Burnside came out victorious and was awarded a genuine cap pistol. (luests -and Cmtans were rfortu- nate to hear at this time, Mr. L. M. Blue, of bcotland County. He has served his County for ten or twelve years in the State Senate and has been a member of the State Board of Equalization since its organiza tion. , Mr. .Blue spoke with author ity on school matters, having traveled over the greater part of the State studying the school systems. In the course of his remarks he emphasized the fact that Richmond County should be proud of its School system as run and operated. Givinjr figures from the State Board of Edu cation he stated that Richmond Coun ty was one of the 12 best organized school systems in the State from the standpoint! efficiency and economy. lhe average daily cost per pupil m the State beiner 30c. in Richmond County per pupil being 16c. And in - reference to the cost of transportation s of school children he reported that Richmond Countv stood '6th, in the State with a ner capita cost of $8.61, as compared with his own County of Scotland of $16.00 per capita. In other words 94 Coun ties in the State it cost more than in Richmond County. Continuing he praised the standing of Richmond County Seniors, who. in a recent competitive examination conducted by the School authorities placed Richmond County ahead of 92 other; Counties of the State. A comparison of Richmond County in 8th plaeewith Anson in 30th, Moore in 39thy and Montgomery in 90th place. He praised highly the work of Prof. L. J. Bell, County Superinten dent of Schools and how high he stood in the estimation of the School authorities throughout the State. And that thru the office of the State Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Equalization it has re marked that confidence was well plac ed in Mr. Bell. The Senator further said that the plan of Richmond County of combin ing the County- Superintendent with the City School Superintendent un der one head is rapidly being recog nized as. the most efficient and eco nomical form of administering these offices, - .And. that the . Commission appointed thru Gov. Gardner during the last (Legislature to study ;the school systems is recommending this plan to the next Legislature for all the Counties of the State. Following Mr Blue's remarks every body sang, "Civitan, My Civitan" and adjourned. D. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMO BILE TO SATISFY LIEN Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested by Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned will, on Thursday, December 4, 1930, at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the front door of the garage of E. L. Maner on Washing ton Street in the Town of Rocking ham, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described personal property, to-wit : One 1925 Model Four Door Pack ard Sedan automobile, Motor No. 21X006,: Serial No. 210974. The above described automobile will be sold for the. purpose of satis fying the lien which the undersigned has on the same for the expenses and seeping ana selling xne same, it being the automobile of Lee Davis. This, 18th of November, 1930. E. L. Maner. (Nov. 20, 27.) - J FLOYD GIBBONS MME. LOUISE HOMER ANNA CASE 30 PIECE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA UNDER DIRECTION OF CESARE SODERO An outstanding musical program brought to you through the courtesy and cooperation of K BANK OF PEE DEE Rockingham. N. C. Our New CHRISTMAS CLUB will soon be open for membership. CALL FOR PARTICULARS. iiULLER MOTOR EXPRESS FAST AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE Daily trips from Charlotte to Monroe Wadesboro, Rockingham, Hamlet, Pineville, Ft. Mill, Rock Hill, Chester. We also make moving trips Anywhere Anytime REASONABLE RATES Rockingham Headquarters: Linton Tire Co. & Pee Dee Motor Sales Co Phone 200 Phone 219 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Richmond County. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. F. Hardaway and wife, Ella Hardaway, to the under- signed John A. Cutchms and r red. j wjfe, Dora Allen, Jim Cameron and W. Bynum, Trustees, on the 24th day wife, Laura Cameron, to Watson of September, 1927, which said deed . King Company, on the 27th day of of trust is duly recorded in the office January 1926 and duly recorded in of Register of Deeds for Richmond : Book 171, page 254 in the office of County in Book 196 at page 58, and the Register of Deeds for Richmond default having been made in the pay- j County, reference Jto which is hereby ment of the notes secured thereby made, default having been made in and demand having been made upon the payment of the obligation there the undersigned Trustees by the hold- by secured and demand having been er of said notes to advertise a sale made and payment neglected, the un of said property as provided in said dersigned will on Monday, the 1st deed of trust, the undersigned John day of December, 1930, at twelve A .Cutchins and Fred. W. Bynum, o'clock, M., at tbe Courthouse door Trustees as aforesaid, wUl, at the mthe Town ofRockmgham,off er f or eourthousedoor in Rockingham, N. f fie .to-the highest bxdder, for cash. C, on MONDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1930, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot, to-wit: One lot in the Town of Hamlet, is. v.. Known as w o. xx ox Longwood Park addition according to T j XT -t f i v ine survey oy o. o. vtLxf,v by J. S. Utter civil engi- Terry and Ed Dove lands; thence S. in January, 1914, and re-the Ed Dove line to the begin aok of Plats No. 1 at page , ningf containing 50 acres, more or neer, maae corded in Book 87 in the .office of the Register of; Deeds for Richmond County, N. C, to which map or survey reference is hereby made for an accurate descrip - tion, and being the same lot conveyed to J. F. Hardaway by deed dated bep t mber 22, 1919, which is recorded in said Register of Deeds' oflBce in Jook 121 at page 190. This, October 25th, 1930. JOHN A CUTCHINS, and Fred W. Bynum, Trustees. Fred. W. Bynum, Attorney. (Oct. 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20.) James E. Garrett Glenn T. Garrett Garrett & Garrett Attorneys-at-Law Office Opposite Courthouse Telephone No. 390 Rockingham. N. C. v C. O. BRISTOW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office on ground floor of "Central Building, next Rbam Hoti Office phone 288, house 252 PAGE NINE TUNE IN WEDNESDAY NOV. 26TH 8.00 P. Eastern Standard Time Over Station WE A F New York O On a Coaat-to-Coat hook-up oi National Broadcast inf Company V UUK chrTstmasclub PRO V NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE North Carolina, Richmond County. Under and by virtue of the power and . authority in the undersigned vested by that certain deed of mort gage, executed by Jim Allen and me louowing aescnuea reai esww, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stump in the Bill Terry line, on the North side of Steelement Road, and running thence with said road North West to a pine stump and black jack; thence North , WVr c ViavA guiu uvnu vu .. vumv v , Branch; thence said branch East . t 0 f fae Bob Reddick Lotlis Terry and Ed Dove lands; thence S. jesg This being the" land conveyed to the said Gus Allen by W. B. Covington ! and wife by deed dated December 8, 1899. See Richmond County Records of Deeds Book No. QQQ at page 116. This Mortgage Deed is intended to convey and does convey only hree fifths undivided interest in the above described 50 acre tract. This, October 31st, 1930. Watson-King Company, Inc. . Mortgagee. - Ozmer L. Henry, Attorney. (Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27.) PUBLIC NOTICE Dissolution of PrtirsWp. This is to notify the public that J O' Powell and C. A. Paul have dis solved the partesnship formerly operated by them under the firm name of "Paul's" and that the busi ness is now owned solely by C. A. Paul. Signed, , J. C. Powell C. A. Paul (Nov. 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4.) '. X: