iription Rates Rockingham Center of tlUl Activity. Richmoii'dACpuiity: Agriculture & PearchCalture One "Year 1 Six Months Three Months Single Copies 5c each ROCKINGHAM, N. C., THURSDAY-AFTERNQQN jULY 7 1938 VOL. 21 NO. 34 ISAAC S. LONDON, Editor: and Proprietor OF TEACHERS IN CLOSE BATTLE FOR CONGRESS Comparison of the Estimated and Actual CITY SCHOOL Majorities in July 2, 1938, Primary The Sun Docs Rise as Usual. Anyway, a Reading of the Estimated One More Teacher Than Was , r Used Lest Year. And There Are Five Replacements. Majori ties and the Actual is Interesting. J l . VT ' i 6" ' " "T""'" i, i i LIST FOR 1$ Much was said in the primary about the eight counties of the lower half of the district sticking together. Let's see how those eight counties voted: Union, Anson, Richmond, Scotland, Hoke, Lee, Moore and Montgomery gave Deane 16,584, to 9,e73 for Burgin, or a majority in these eight counties of 7,211 for Deane. The four upper counties Davidson, Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie gave Burgin 9,968 to 2,683 for Deane, or a majority of 7,285 for Burgin. The Deane majority in the eight lower counties of 7,211 subtracted from the Burgin majority of 7,285 obtained in the four uppper counties left Deane trailing by 74 vites. And it is the huge Democratic majorities of these lower eight coun November elections. Well, just how let's see... To begin wi it seems that the majori But study our ties that elects a Democratic Congressman in the badly did we come out in our pre-primary estimates; h, Deane did not get 5000 majority. He did not get any majority, insofar as the first and present count shows. In fact, he did just that very But where we by is on the other foot that Burgin has it. " original figures. Give us credit for this much 'we at least correctly giiaged the counties each man would carry. We said Deane would carry eight, and he did. We said Burgin would carry four, and thing. slipped up grievously was in the Davidson and Richmond votes. We estimated Davidson would cast about the same num ber of votes as was past in the first primary around 6700, and that Deane would get 1025; he got 962. But that county rolled up a huge vote 7900, and while Deane received about what we estimated, on the other hand Burgin got 6938 1 instead of our estimate of 5838. In Richmond county we erred badly. We estimated there would be only 6400 cast and Deane would get 5575. As a matter of fact, 7121 were cast, and Deane received 5440. We missed Deane's vote only 135! But in the increased vote, Bnrgin got a total of 1681 instead of the 825 we estimated he would get. Now for the brighter side of the picture. We predicted Deane would carry Lee count; r by 300 majority. He carried it by 306. We said he would carry Union by 100; he carried it by 130. We said Burgin would carry Yadkin by 100 majority and Burgin did exactly that, to the letter, an even 100. j What is that Shakespeare, Solomon or Omar et cetera said about "casting the first stone?" No alibi is offered, but after all, how much closer could YOU have estimated than we did as regards Lee, Union . N and Yadkin? - 'a We give here the prediction as to the majorities, then in next -row - Tf5 is given the actual majority. .Also is given our estimate as to how many votes -would be cast, and on the last column , is the actual number cast, fei Now read and digest these figures: . . ' .WM Anson . t - V ,fS.:-v -- Esti ,2500estimatedDeafi t. -vr'v Estimated Actual Epc totalftotal -1 r.- Davidson Davie Hoke Lee Montgomery Moore Richmond Scotland Union Wilkes Yadkin ui . c ted C ;2ih majority 6650 976 , actual uri rAajorUy?u- 350 estimate I Durgin Tnajorit3r800 503 'aciVBSWi-iaaj'cr 7900 127i 1500 1 100 estimated Deane majority. 237 actual Diene, tnajonty - 300 v estimate4 Deanijiiajority 2950 306. actual Deane majority 700 estimated , Deane majority-. 2500 267 actual Deane majority . 700 . estimated; Deane majority- 3300 984 actual Deane majority 4800 estimated " Deane majority- 6400 3759 actual Deane majority - 1200 estimated Deane (majority-. 2800 528 actual Deane majority 100 estimated Deane majority- 5700 130 actual Deane majority 300 estimated Burgin majority-; 1900 706 actual Burgin majority - 905 2584 ' 1743 3204 7121 1868 4984 2376 100 estimated Burgin majority. 100 actual Burgin majority 1500 1100 40,000 38,609 r The followng is the list of teachers for the Rockingham wu uisxricx. mere is one more teacher than was had last ?year. There are five replace ments. i The fall term will open Sept. sEfth. xhe schools oeprate on a gine months, 12th grade basis. r L. J. Bell is supt. of the city Schools and of the countv schools. f Miss Kate Finley is principal of tne High school, and Misses Jessie Terry and Frances O'Dan- are principals of the Ele mentary schools. The following is the list: Rockingham High School: Kate Finley, Principal rNita Andrews Alice Adams Mrs. Margaret O. Garrett I, Geraldine M. Fletcher . Warren B. Dezanson . Rose Smith Mrs. John B. LeGwin 5 Virginia G. Allen Sarah E. Boger John D. Farmer I-' M. Hazel Meacham Edith L. Ivey Peggy Nickels Mrs. Lambe Wm. Foy Martin Mrs. Gertrude H. Pruitt : R. T. Grant Ruby Tolbert ; ; Mrs. Sara J. McDaniel Helen Long Annie .Howard Sisk ,r Margaret J. Owen Bessie Terry, Pr in c ipal :The1nia,frB. Wheeler y rj J mm C. B. DEANE W. O. BURGIN Out of 38,608 votes cast in the July 2, 1938, Con gressional primary for the 12 counties of this 8th district, W. O. Burgin received 19,341 to 19,267 for C. B. Deane of Richmond county a majority for Burgin of just 74 votes. Both candidates have filed applications for recounts in. Richmond, Davidson, Montgomery and Union counties. The Richmond recount starts Friday morning, July; 8th at Rock ingham. BURGIN LED DEANE IN SECOND PRIMARY BY 74 ftlAJJORITY. RECOUNT DEMANDED IN DAVIDSON AND RICHMOND COUNTIES Recount' Starts at Courthouse Friday Morning for Congressional County Ballots, and for Senatorial in at Least Two Precincts. In the July 2nd primary, a total of 7,121 votes were cast in Richmond county the largest! vote in the history of the county. And the various races were so close that only-:the nalpfficja icahvass, and recount 'in certain -XCtlnnediCbn page Feur) r instances,; - may determine ? the d5i winner. The Board of Elections consist- i ing. of Isaac London, chairman, . Carl , McLean "and.V Jesse Leigh, fnet at, the Courthouse ,at 11 Vcloclcf-Tuesday, -; July 5th - to tabulate. the. returns! '-.-Just before; Tthe'vBo.ard : "waa ;called to , order, vvrijyten -tr r.oie si w as uanaed lUltllitJaIllllAL VU1L D V LUUW 1 Ii Reaves 6ri behalx ;6f J. -Cfc Jewell: SOFT BALL LEAGUE The Baptists are now in the lead in the town four-team lea gue, as well as having won the first half of the split season. The Independents are second, the Civitans: and Presbyterians tied for the cellar. Standing through July 6th: won lost Baptists 5 Independents 4 TOBACCO INFORMATION Presbyterians Civitans- m 2 2 2 3 4 4 The schedule of games is: July 7 Indep. vs Baptists July 8 Presby. vs Civitans July 11 Civitans ys Indep. July 12 Presby. vs Baptists July 14 -Civitans vs Baptists July 15 Presby. vs Indep. July -18 Indep. vs Civitans July 19 Baptists vs Presby. July 21 Baptists vs Indep. July 22 Civitans vs Indep. BANK STATEMENT? The Statement of the Farmers Bank is in this issue. O. O. Dukes, County Agent, states that all Richmond County tobacco growers who did not furnish tobacco information to the Committee at Rockingham on Tuesday or at Ellerbe on Wed nes of this week, should furnish this to the County Agent's office AT ONCE. Marketing cards cannot be is sued until certain information is received from each tobacco grower. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPEN SATION EXPLAINED HERE TONIGHT POSTAL RECEIPTS Deane Carried 8 Counties, Burgin Had 4. Actual Vote DEANE BURGIN Anson Davidson Davie Hoke Lee Montgomery Moore Richmond Scotland Union Wilkes Yadkin 2274 962 386 571 1445 1005 2094 5440 1198 2557 835 500 1274 6938 889 334 113.9 738 1110 1681 670 2427 1541 600 Majority DEANE BURGIN 1000 . 5976 237 306 267 984 3759 528 130 706 100 19,267 19,341 7211 Burgin majority 7285 - 74 Comparison of Votes in Both Primaries: Receipts at the Rockingham postoffcie for the first six months of this year totaled $11,779.83 as compared with $11,592.89 for the first six months of 1937. This is a gain of $186.69. Business for this past quarter showed a bigger gain $6,432.03 from April 1st to July 1st as com pared with $5,803.52 for the same three months of last year a gain of $628.51. SAW SHIRLEY TEMPLE Courthouse at 8 O'clock. Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Wicker, Mrs. O. W. McMillan and Grace Far low of Hamlet, and Lois Brown of Star, returned July 3rd from a ten days' auto trip to northern While in Washington FIRST PRIMARY VOTE JUNE 4, 1938. For Congress: C. B. Deane W. O. Burgin State Senate: J. G. Jewell W. E. Harrison House: R. T. McNair Thomas H. Leath Recorder: W. H. Covington H. F. Brown Chas. U. Harris, chief field ex aminpr for tViA TTnoTvirlV"rvio4- points Compensation department, will they happened to be on the White speak at the Courthouse tonight, Huse lawn when little Shirley July 7th, at 8 o'clock, in explana- Temple came to see the Presi tion of the work and its adminis- dent' and they "glimpsed her. invited". PUbHC Crdially CIVITAN MEETING TONIGHT Solicitor: Ammie A. Webb -. Thomas L. Parsons Sheriff: W. E. McNair E. B. Morse 4502 213 2414 2220 3174 2458 2402 1746 2393 1706 2998 2313 SECOND PRIMARY VOTE July 2, 1938 For Congress: C. B. Deane W. O. Burgin State Senate J. G. Jewell W. E. Harrison House: R. T. McNair Thomas H. Leath Recorder: W. H. Covington J H. F. Brown Solicitor: Ammie A. Webb Thomas L. Parsons Sheriff: W. E. McNair .E B. Morse r 1 4.: f i-V, a Pivifan Kenew that subscript n Club tonight, July 7th,. at 7:30. County Commissioner: James W. Hamer 2393 L. F. McCa skill 1837 Constable: Wolf Pit Township: Mack Wallace 799 Clifford Dutton .334 Rockingham Township: Ruben - Pierce .. 705 Willie Diggs 531 County Commissoiner: James "W. Hamer 3720 L. F. McCaskill 2904 Constable: Wolf Pit Township: Mack Wallace 1394 Clifford Dutton 824 Rockingham Township: Ruben Pierce : .1158 Willie Diggs Hr6 candidate 'for ' the"Senate,: who .. apparently trails 'W. E.' Harrison by 16 votes. . . This protest con- -cerned the counting of certain absentees in Hamlet No. 1 and Rockingham No. 2 prceincts, and demand was made for a recount as it affected the Senatooral vote. At noon a telegram was received by the Board from W. O. Bur gin, from Lexington, demanding a recount of the entire county vote for Congress, and "especially re quested and demanded that all votes cast for the respective can didates for Congress whether in the ballot box labeled as the Congressional ballot box or any tabulated, counted and included other box adjacent thereto, be in the returns? When this wire was read, a letter was presented the Board, written by ,C. B. Deane on July 4th, stating that in event Mr. Burgin asked for a recount, he (Deane) would offer no objec tions wou Id waive the required affidavits for special instances. Thereupon the Board ordered a recount of the Congressional boxes, this to begin Friday, July 8th, at 8:30 a. m. The candidates affected, or their authorized re presentatives and attorneys, were notified to be present for the recount. Willie Diggs, who was appar ently beaten " by . Ruben Pierce J for Constable by just two votes, filed a demand July 6th for a recount of the Rockingham Nos. 1 -and 2 boxes. This demand will be passed upon by the Board when it meets Friday morning. The Board granted the Jewell request for a recount for Hamlet No. 1 and Rockingham No. 2. 2707 The Board then 1 adjourned to 2312! lilVW A M. A V J " ----- m, the deferred matters. Mr. Lee, member, left .for Hamlet, and Messrs. London and McLean re mained after adjournment and added up the totals for each can didate, as checked from the of ficial returns from each precinct registrar, and publicly announced the result of that tabulation. The final official canvass will be made, and the returns certified to the State Board and to the Clerk of Court,', upon completion (Continued on page Eight) - 5440 1681 3441 3457 3515 3481 2623 2924 3346 3765 ... 4, ; 1

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