COUPON TO DOWNIE CIRCUS p "3 .-;- mmmmmmm&jM. OIL iyiy Circus scenes as pictured above! will be enacted once more when Downie Brothers, now Americans Number One Circus, comes to Rockingham for two performances at the Flowers Circus Grounds on Friday, Sept. 16th, at 2:15 and 3:15. mm rsmr itmw si bus POST-DISPATCH in KIDDTE PARTY To T7ie DOWNTE BROS. CIRCUS This coupon and only 15c presented at the circus ticket wagon on circus day will ad mit one child under 12 years of age TO THE CIRCUS and MENApERIE and include a general admission at the MATINEE ONLY ROCKINGHAM, Friday, Sept. 16 1 day 2 and 8 p. m. CUT OUT THIS COUPON! itAlWAlWAWi i It -CSEKMML EEAYS AEH3 HIEEE AAHN THE SCHOOL AND COLLEGE PARADE IS ON! i7! I S fljwJlj STUDENTS, l 'tjMrW yYOm FIRST LESSON yCfe Y SMART AND HAPPY If Wr TRAVEL EG 0M0 MY , Go Back To - - - .-A J School And ! "SV ,7 ' Everywhere , HT 'l By ,r . I 1 1 ' s" s " 1 4 QUEEN CITY BUS 1 Jl I AN0 SAVE THE DII 7ERENCE ! I ' PHONE BUS STATION j of Rockingham M. E. church, all were invited to come forward and 'take, part in this big feast, which 'was .probably no larger or better than the ones in the past for the Simple reason that, having- al 'ready? reached so near perfection, little else was left to be done. Noticing that big baked ham that Mr. London has made famous, land the crowd that was swarm ing around it, the writer, who is no ham eater as long as anything else is in sight, insisted "that Mr. I W. Cole Nichols make his helping Home Coming Held Sept. 11, 1938. very small. Going to one side o j 0 .- . to bite into it, we instantly re- Sunday, Sept. 11th, Zion Metho-1 ... . t- t. ord. m dist church held its 18th con- .4. aiAiAa secutive "Home Coming." Among . of ,Wh 'mnrnmv 1 IIC : IIIUOIK - V X ZIQN CHURCH jthe old country churches of the d afternoon services was one r , T. 8 I : of the most . enjoyable parts 01 ut uic hxl, w uu-uycxaue m th whoje program. The home eservedly popular movement and choi never lacking in talent, widening circle of former Zion- 0 QCtsl.a0q hv voad sincrers tes and loyal friends of the vfvh-m and Hamlet. bhurch now look forward to the Pov Mr! -RiiGrbe a native of Second Sunday in September with fr,a ' Hrm nleased with keen anticipation The attend- zion,g progreSs. He thinks -that v.c ,4ow ,uuwuajr ""i both church and Sunday cnooi .usual, due no doubt are in much better condition than 10 -ine -inreaiening storm ciouas iv fPW vears a-ro. of -the early morning hours. The The Sunday School has an en absence of John F. Everett of roiiment of 168 and a good aver- tsennettsviiie, was a cause 01 age attendance." Since last Home many expressions of regret. Mr. Coming a new carpet has been avereu jomea me cnurcn in iaid, pew cushions provided and September, 1863 75 years ago! other improvements made. . ne laier xransierrea nis memDer- nrvioi- oro manv ; nlri churches ship to Bennettsviile. For 18 in Richmond countv. representing months, including the whole of several denominations. Together 1900, the writer was employed they have a powerful influence in the office of the Pee Dee Ad- for good and as long as they can vocate and there learned to know continue to go forward and make TS 11. 11 1 ' lvir. n.vereti wen in nis nome gains we should have no tears town. For all these years we that our civilization will not hold have admired him. Hardly could jts own. a man possess more good quali ties of citizenship than does Mr. Everett. He is a brilliant-minded American citizen in all that this term implies, and the writer sin cerely hopes he may yet be spared to attend more Zion Home Comings. I shall not attempt to write in much detail of this 18th Home Coming. It is enough to say that the program measured well up to the . high standard Zion has maintained from the beginning of this special series of services. Also, no attempt will here be made to revive the history of this famous .old church, since this has been rather fully covered, as far as- it ' is 'known, ' by several newspaper writers in recentsyears. . The, congregation ,wa called to order . at .11 a., m.? Pastor tM. D. McLamb conducted the devotional services. r Other numbers included: Words of Welcome Mr. W. -W. H. C. Strongth - During IDDLE LIFE Strength is extra-Important for women going through the change of life. Then the body needs the very best nourishment to fortify It against the. changes that are taking place. In such cases, Cardui ha proved helpful to many women, v It In creases the appetite and aids diges tion, favoring more complete trans formation of food Into living tissue, resulting in improved nutrition and building-up and ? strengthening, o the .whole system. Cole Nichols. Offertory Mrss. Fred Henry. Solo Mrs. J. Hi Ellerbe. Sermon Revi M.' CEllerbe. An address -by "Commissioner Chairman John W. Coyington featured the afternoon program, which began at 2:00 o'clock. TMr. Covington spoke in a much more serious -vein than is -.customary with him, pointing out the de sirability and the necessity of personal righteousness. His talk lasted 30 minutes. Among other speakers called to the floor for short talks were Julian Carr and Dr. J. H. Ellerbe. Mr. Carr, who lives at Stone ham, Mass, and had to travel farther than any other home comer, spoke feelingly of his early recollections of Zion the home church of his deceased mother and father and of the other members of the family. To him Zion means much more than just a little white building, and this trip back to it is one of the real joys of his life. Then came Dr. Ellerbe, always witty, who may have saved the life of a future preacher. Rev. Mike Ellerbe and himself were in school together when they were small boys he didn't say how long ago. One day at recess he heard agonizing cries for help. Dashing over behind the school house he found a drove of puppies chasing Mike with all the fury of a pack of hounds in, close pursuit of a fox. He stopped the dogs and brought relief to the fleeing Mike. "The puppies would hardly have hurt Mike," said Dr. Ellerbe, "but he would have run himself to death." Mr. W. C. Ellerbe (Mr. Bud) was present but for the first time took no part in the program. No man in the last 50 years has worked harder for the success of Zion in both church and Sunday School. He well deserves a rest, but no doubt many were disap pointed in not hearing his talk, which has been such a bright spot in former Home Comings. As usual, dinner was served from the big table across the road. After the blessing was in voked by Pastor J. F. Herbert, A Poser Aunt Kate: "When I was younger I could have married any man I pleased." Little Junior; , "Didn't you please anybody Aunt Kate?" We Strive to Please In our service and method of doing business,- we do our best to satify every customer to deal fairly and give hon est groceries, etc. for the price. We want your trade and appre ciate it. J. A. Seawell Grocer Phone 274 YOU CANT GO WRONG giving the public the best possible in any business. Especially is thil true in the filling- of prescriptions. Fresh Drugs expertly compounded Prescription Specialists FOX DRUG STORE "WE SEND IT QUICK Phone 20" GRADE "A" Pasteurized Milk Two Deliveries Daily. MAPLEWOOD DAIRY O. L. O'Brien, Manager PHONE 223-M Dr. Reid T. Garrett DENTIST Office la Steele Building ' PHONE 213.