PAGE TEN ROCKINGHAM POST-DIspaTCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. a Man-Henley Married in Durham Nov. 8th. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1S38 Dur Maa mar- St Miss Edna Lee Henley of ham and Rev. Robert MartirJ of this city, were united in riage in a ceremony at Josephs Church iri Durham, on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 8th at ' " viuvu. iJiOIIup JJjUWIII .fl. Penick, assisted by Rev. A. Strat- ton Laurence officiated. Music was furnished by N. T. Yancy of Durham. Ushers were Eugene E. Henley, brother , of the bride and George Long I of Burlington, Mis Mary Florence Cum- mings::-of Raleigh was maid-of Mrs. THE NOVEMBER ELECTION (Continued from front page) to give a majority against Bur gin 27 for Jones to 18 for Bur gin; whereas it gae- Bob- Key nolds 37 and Jonas 5.f In brief, it was a whale 01 a qao or. . '1 small county and district-wide j yotes Qut of a total ot 5u The vote. The folks simply - stayed j 3Q2 electoral : ii the 35 at home. And considering the.' . toe -,arr:pj Kvnm. :u j. Tjil- in . Dewey 2,316,Q7$. In Pennsylvania the Republi can majority.; for Governor was around 00,009; Democratic "Gov. Murphy was defeated in Michigan by a large majority. 4 On the basis of Tuesday's election, the Democrats would size of the vote, the Burgin ma jcrity is all the more pleasing to his supporters. Vote in the Nation. out counting Indiana with 14 elec toral votes and where returns are still incomplete, are much more tbfti'ijfe$2B .majority ip th4 elec 1 ne vore in tne nation iexicu . faKjeiow the 523 electpral votes heavily towards the Republican received by Pres. Roosevelt in side. New York elected a Demo-jinQfi when he carried it. ; "V . . . Vit. oi, u B1UC- L,cvv -vv- lvao wiieii ne carueu every- s nonor. bne wore a becomincr xt. . . V1,yi ? , - , , . 1 . - cratic governor, juuu tiie iuiivwmb exeunt Maine and Vermnnf'i T dress of blue Chiffon velvet) withTsfcaW blin: lMM iff Ve: tHUCt, A v,xx WisconsinvTew Hampshire, bananas. That should make a roses and pom-pom Chrysahthe- Jersey Iowa Ohio. The Repub-' nice little thin to, slip on. when Stingy A certain man was so stintr he wouldn't drink all, the water he wanted from his own well. ! Told by the doctor that he had but an. hour to live (he died of rheumatism caused by cramping his fingers so tight over his purse) he hurried to a barber shop and asked what they charg-' ed for shaving a corpse. "One dollar,"; was the reply. "And for 4n tordihary shave for a live per son?" "Twenty cents," answered the J)rher.,The man jumped into a .s he arose he Jointed out ;the 20 cents and remarked to the barber: "Eighty cents saved" and) rdrpped dead. t v K D ) A w iiiierence Promoter: "There are two sides Hana era ivwari -ahrnit. 70 seats 'fri '- 'trvrii'o in a ifr '-. ': man " - 5. i ..'A i - if J . ' ' , Jv'ir.t -. """ congress, ina; o- new -oeiiaiors ?v?r toea- question.? ;f; pspct : Jes, anl fire 'are iw smes toijsneet or ny paper mums Rev. Man had as liis best ritt Ellington Of ThOmaston. Vs-Mow VrV TTrhprt' 'T,nnlr'-t: vnnr 1Ka! ,t 4." i a.. , ana. the Knispnnnl Thnlnori t ,.t t nrr tret "'- ..i? ..'-'v .. . . .. - x 1 r.& iieiimaii as uovenior uv o .jw ! - . a 10 tniTiv wnifrr aiio ho lnvooi Va. plurality Lehman 2,383,584, Torn! SUBSCRIBE POST-DISPATCH gates." mar- ' Dixon. cal Seminary of Alexandria The bride was given in riage by her father, S. Henley. The bride wore a Molyneau model of white bride satin. The dress had a shirred bodice with shirred neckline and sleeves puf fed at the top and gradually fit ted to the wrist. The finger-tip veil of illusion fell from a be coming cap of the same material. The bride carried a white prayer book with a shower of white or - chids and lilies of the valley. ! Mrs. Man is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dixon Henley of Durham. She received ( her education at W. C. U. N. C. at Greensboro and studied in! the Army Medical School at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, specializing- in PhvsiotheraTvk Rev. Man is the son of Mr and If TT -L-- . I mrs. xienry ivian or rsiew jiork City. He has made his home in Rockingham for the past seven months and is rector of I the Episcopal churches in Rocking ham, Hamlet and Laurinljurg. He was educated at WheatonljCol lege, Wheaton. 111. and the Epis copal Theological Seminar at Alexandria, Va The young couple will be at home, after Nov. 11th, at their apartment on South Randolph Street STOPIF DANCE AT COUNTRY CLUB The Cotillion Club will hav'e its fall dance on Tuesday night, Nov. 22nd, 10-2 at. the. Country Club. The music ?iH;vbe .furnished by t t: T'i..iUi:l .1. .Li... me tjiiumie juiviiigsion orcnestra The dance will be formal. SQUARE DANCE FRIDAY is to the The B. & P. women's club sponsor a square dance in Steele building this Friday night. at 7:30. A good bunch of players have been engaged for the mu sic, and the public is cordially invited. person. The "tax" is 25c per CLAY C. BELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rockingham. N. C. (Office over Tommy Leak's Filling iiauuji, ionrinouse and Federal bldjr.) I The best legacy for your child ren is education for other child ren. Yours won't be safe if their neighbors are ignorant. TV NOW OPEN ON SOUTH LEE ST., ROCKINGHAM OPPOSITE HALLUM FURNITURE STORE BIG OPENING SAILE Friends, we urge you to heed this call and visit the New Dollar Store during this honest to goodness bargain event. Visit us and save. Look over the prices and you will find bargains you can not get elsewhere, because we have reduced our prices in many instances to below the actual cost of the goods we offer. Really and truly, in the interest of economy, you owe it to yourself to come in and look around. NOW GOING ON sra llFREE MERCHANDISE I " and boys' WORK SHOES ,00 CMERS.. f ALL HA1S $ AQ to enter the store oh Saturday ill UP r lr morning at 9 a. m. ' V 3 C - " " '" " ' ' - BOYS' WELL TAILORED CHILDREN'S SUITS $3.97 OXFORDS 79c up LADnvnfooALL Children's Print Dresses and OXFORDS Boys' Wash Suits All Colors and sizes Straps, Ties, Pumps Q $1.97 43c . MEN'S HEAVY SILK dSeS $1.97 up UNION SUITS 69c SPECIAL! MEN'S ladies new fall ,Blt DRESS OXFORDS $1.98 imiJOyC BLACK OR TAN Shoes, Dresses, Clothing Furnishings for the family! Rockingham New DOLLAR STORE, Joe Levine, Prop. THESE 3 THINGS CAW HAPPEN TO YOU THIS WINTER . . . to Ways To Get Quicft Relief From Winter Grief! NEW-TYPE BATTERY SO RUGGED, SO POWERFUL IT'S GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOU El CAR 9 lnat s our guarantee on tne new Goodrich Kathanode Electro-Pak with w- ".Vrf its exclusive Power-Saving Top Cover. f- If you want to save battery grief and expense this winter ... next winter and for years to come, let us put this amaz- : ing superpower battery in your car to day. That's the way to get off to ".flying starts." Other Goodrich BATTERIES as. low as $6-65 and Old Battery NEW KIND OF TIRE DRIES WET ROADS Windshield -wiper action of tne J-ire-baver Tread gives quickest non skid stops on wet roads you've ever seen ! Fa mousGoldenPly blow-out protec tion, too. No ex tra cost. ' ; Other Goodrich TIRES as low as 30x3 Tha JJnMr.Candrich m w .-.j 'KATWAMOOB f ill I w?S55ss MMLilsss lr 1 VI SAFETY .-A I JWal A I 4 'Prices subject to chanae without not F R EE 6-PoI n't Batterv en 1 c n Regardless of the make of battery in your car, we'll gladly give you our free 6-Point Money-Saving Battery Service to keep your battery fit and save you trouble. Come in today. No obligation. ; ' , : IBIV PRDCES W WATS f TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BRIGHTEN rvJ UP THE FLOOR OP YOUR' CAR AS LOW AS What bargains! Mde of ISfl OO tough, long-bearing rubber. J - Make your selection today! GOODRICH FLOOR MTS QflB ffTjijQT) mtlfr i"n:i: (fl mS. CIb W ma asm ec gws Economy Phone 63 u : i M i.a L . n"" . "' . .. 1 : . .Tift ' " .it '- - .... .--; Auto Supply Rockingham Be Sure To Attend The - ' i o3n V Ik Dr! J 1 Staisi Estate and on laiiilet-M rViv-Z'kifc F ROCKINGHAM - 40 LOTS AND SMALL TRACTS - GOOD EASY TERMS - PLENTY CASH PRIZES 200 POUNDS SUGAR IN FIVE AND TEN POUND BAGS GOOD BAND CONCERT ALL FREE! --&& est .. Realtv JSr Autim Cjnmrh PMmmM J. T w J -