w . nwtwvnp cnim-nr n c v .. . . : ; , . :.. KulKlNGHAiil TOPS fUBALL lUBi KAEFORDBY 20 i WO NEW THTjreDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1938 10 BBS John Legwin is Winner. FORD V-8: Now five inches longer from bumper to bumper. Roomier bodies more luggage space. New styling. Hydraulic brakes. Scientific soundproofing. Triple-cushioned comfort. 85 or 60 hp. V-8 engine. Priets begin at. . . .$584 ford V-8 Tudor Scdaa: with 60-p. mqIm. $624 -with 85-hp, gin. $664 DE LUXE FORD V-S: Pro Tides all the basic Ford fea tures, with extra luxury. Remarkable amount of equipment included in price. Hydraulic brakes. 85-hp. V-8 engine. Sets a new high for low-priced cars in appearance and performance. Prices begin at. . .$684 Do Loxo Fprd V-8 Fordor Sedan $769 AN THE 1EW MERCURY 8 for 1939 one game- Post-Dispatch L. Minor T. Hinson Atty. Chas. Allen, Hamlet Mrs. W. S. Thomas Leo Morse The Morevry V-8 Towa-Sodoo $934 The new cars in the Ford Quality Group for 1939 give you a hroad choice. Whichever you choose, whatever you pay, you7 get top value for your money. That is tajue of the lowest priced car or the highest. All have one impor tant thing in commoninherent quality. - Their quality comes from fine materials, precision workmanship, and frbm'the fact that back of these cars is tne only automonne piani MERCURY 8: An entirely new car. Fits into the Ford line between the De Luxe Ford and the Lincoln-Zephyr. Distinctive styling. 116-inch wheelbase. Unusually wide bodies. Remarkably quiet. Hydraulic brakes. New 95 hp. V-8 engine. Prices begin at... $894 of its kind where production processes are controlled from iron ore to finished car and savings passed along as extra value. Things are happening in the automotive world this year! Nowhere is the advance more marked than in the-Ford Quality Group. See our dealers before you buy any car at any price. Delivered fa Petrel taxes extra FOftO MOTOR COMPANY MAKERS OF FOKD. MMCURY. LIMCOIN-MFHYR AND LINCOLN MOTOR CARS " .'. ' ... . t... s -. -Ii. .......... .:...-:.. : , . ...-.i. ,; ....; ',-j...,',.:.,...'.f.,.,,.', i AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Excellent Garage Service. All parts of Fords kept in stock. New Models and Very Desirable Trade-in Values. WWtirtbn steet. Phone 139 Rockingham, N. C. a "fc , I ' m - - -1 mm Pictimre of a un crossomig f go Locals Push Over Markers In 2nd and 3rd Period To Down Hoke jt county Lads. GamM Plaviul fin TTar Sept. 30 Rham 13, Lumherton 7. Oct. 7 Rham 24, Elise 0. Oct. 14 Rham 19, Sanford 0. Oct. 21 Rham 0, Hamlet 0. Oct. 28 Rham 13. Wadesboro 0. Nov. 4 Rham 20, Raeford 0. Nov. 10 Rham ?, Hamlet ? Rockingham high school's high ly geared football machine rolled over an outclassed Raeford eleven here Friday, Nov. 4th, 20 to 0, before a "Home Coming Day" crowd of about 500 fans. Captain Hubert Maples and Leon McCaskill provided the punch of Rockingham's offensive. (joach J. Jr. Holton's cohorts out- rl r vorl fViQ XT nla nnntv lads in ell ten first downs to Raeford's three, one . - 1 Tl ot which came on a penalty, it ... ..i -i-k f a was the worst deteat the itaeiora team has suffered this season. Joe Norton, speedy halfback, returned to the Rockingham back field after a week's absence due to an injury and turned in a bril liant performance. In the sec ond quarter Captain Maples whipped a pass to Norton and the 45 vards over the troal to give the locals their first score. Maples attempted to add the point through the line, but was stopped cold. A well executed lateral pa in the third quarter netted the 1 1 1 J lnk their second toucnuuwu- Aftor TnQT-riiner from their own to T?a0,v,TvV Cant. Maples snox a m 1 J pass to Meacham. end. who iaxer- alled to Tutor. The seeay oacs thp sidelines and th o-oal standing up. t i r,ciA r Mpacnam 1U1 lviapies pdoacu Hie CAtia Ful"" . Rockingham was neaaeu xv, another touchdown three minutes later. Tutor returned a -punx to rtaeioru s Ti . v 1 1 . u t innii iwi iiii inui.A w a rpnter for b-ana men mcv , . Mch.m on Raeford's Ben Ussery, Wake Forest 11 yard line. Mapies waa j .orain and then two o-rniinded. With the feount fourth down and nine yards to go, Captain mapies eiecicu w run with the ban ana weavcu his way to the two yard line for a first and ten irom wnere ne crashed over on the next play. Meacham' split the uprignts wita a placement to maKe tne scure read : Rockingham 20, Raeford 0. The visitors threatened twice ? v v,o f mirth ouarter. driving to ill - the 7 and 11 yard line where the locals braced and tossed tnem back. So superior were the lo cals that they didn't have to punt a single time. Sharing backfield honors with Captain Maples and McCaskill were xuior, iuxi- - i i .i.i-i jt v oKKo moxtatu wxifTP!" PROVES and Mcmtosn. oxncKiauu. oiw,. f APTfinM TnTin "R T-ptrwin. student at i Duke, is winner of the $1 offered by the Post-Dispatch tor tne one predicting closest to tne tnree state games played INov. otn. There were 60 guesses. He and Jim Fowlkes were nearest. We first figures Jim had won, and paid him the dollar; out a du oi second figuring shows that John B. was the winner and so he also gets a dollar. Pnr tViis Saturday, there are a bunch of guessers to three hard games: Carolina vs loranam, Duke vs Syracuse and State vs Detroit. Glance over the list oi guesses in this paper. For Nov. 19th, there is oniy PACT THREF at Durham. Make your guess for that one just one game. - And then in next week's paper we'll receive guesses for . the final games-r-Thanksgiving games of Carolina vs Virginia, Wake vs Davidson, and- Duke vs Pitt for xtw 9Af Vi N TTnwe.ver- the guess you are to send in now is for the Nov. 19th game of Duke vs State. Scores for Nov. 5th were: Carolina 7, V. P. I. 0. Wake Forest 6, V. M. I. 6. State 0. Manhattan 3. Jim's guess was Carolina 7, V. P. I. 0. Wake Forest 14, V. M. I. 7. State 7, Manhattan 14. t,Oi Tawin's guesses ' were: '.Carolina 14, V. P. I. 6, Wake For- est 13, V. M. I. 6, State u, Man hattan 6. He was closest to all three. VTh Pnst,Disoatch guess was ' Carolina 27, V. P. I. 0, Wake 7, ov. itn, mere ia , 15 e that of Duke vs State V. M. I. 6, State 7, Manhattan 13). t j - r Nav 1 2Vi dame. $1.00 for best guess from Post-Dispatch. Less Morse, Jr. Tracy Reynolds T. Berry Liles, Jr, Archie McNair Red Covington Robert Lee Walker Reese Hart W. T. Stankwytch Rip Tutor Buddy Ivey . Howard Stogner Charlie Terry Lyde White Scott Thomas James Fowlkes W. L- Scales E. R. Baxley S. H. McCfacken Red Hines Richard G. Covington William Stancell Bruce Goodman Hill Parsons Howard Atkinson Gene Poe Caro. Fordham 7 -9.fi- ... 7- ---14 0- 13 7 13 7 20 " 0 14 , 7 -19 . 0 10 0 13 0 13 n 7 n. 20 0- -21 ... 7 13 0 13 " 6. 21 0 -19 - 0 13 . 6- 20 . 7- -14 fi 13 7 13 ' 7 0 0 -7 012 ft 18 7 -13 . 0 21 7 O ' 7 1 7 . 6 13 Duke Syracuse 13. 13-14- .0 .6 -0 13- 13-13. -13 -0 J) 20-20-14- 14. -0 -12 0 -.6 13-13-21-14-13. -7 -6 IS. 14. 14-19-14-13-14. -0 .6 -0 -6 6 .6 -6 -.0 GUESSESxFOR NOV. 19th GAME: $1.00 cash will be given by the Post-Dispatch to that person who guesses nearest the games listed below, that are to be played Nov. 19th: ' Fill in this slip and mail or give it to f' and e will print your guess in next week's paper; write in your score: Duke State Name I Address . . . '. I i ' ... - ,. . .,- We've all heard 0that famous brigethe one that some people try to cross before they get to it. Fret, Worry 85 Fear buil : it and did a bad job. It's wobbly ... and it fcevef gets anybody anyWhere. There's .another bridge Confi sl ence that is strongly engineered to earry heavy loads. Confi dence sailed rar pioneer forefathers a toss tre tur bulent' Atlantic. ConGc ence helped cur grandfathers exter d the stub born frontier and mnde, ours the strongest and most abundant land -Rarrh todav. Confidence is' ready -30W to take America further still. . : . , ,. ' l I '"'xii " J Whitlev. Odom and Meacham - ' m. j were the standouts in the line. Tiio lor.als sauared off witn their arch rivals, Hamlet, at Ham- . . . let this (Thursday) afternoon ior UTio-Fmirtli district title. The two teams met earlier m the season Coming to The Little Theatre for 4 Days Nov. 21, zz, z, Thanksgiving is only two weeks off riaTiv'si first feature-' , If. i aaoann 1 " teams met eamei m . - inrV, animated production, at Hamlet with the battle e ; ; , the SeVen in a scoreless tie i he locais definiately not an were conceded a good chance of avenging last year's deteat. rmusical feature is done in squads were pronouncea m guuu tones of color, not in the shape. The winner will meet the soft to n otf , winner of the Dunn-rlii sooro -r- - ahor. Each game on Tuesday, Nov. 15th. " - " ;miiaite imposition Dunn wins the game will be piay-1--";- ahldin: Each frame ed at Raeford and it 1s film could stand alone, corn wins the game will; be jayed . at of fdm coum ; the most Hillsboro. Klizanetn ity, - ,ntin. ner in the No. 1 dis , mereashe Dney short sub Whiteville, champion in : Drict one -ontinuou3 : laugh 2, will meet aturu . finiah his nrst Rocky Mount. , Uof-o presents all the elements Rockingham Raeford reat entertainment: romance, Yates ; . rathos; - suspense and humor. . Strickland LT- Mclnnis Although the other established . jonnsou -.:,- rharacters are an am- Giles , crtW wbite' he has Saturday was a sloppy day first real rain in many weeks. And we are ap io have many more shortly. Are you prepared? Are your shoes properly repaired.' ii iu, -- o -titnli in time and i take a stitch in our shoes. We do them, ngnt win j wait. HUDSON SHOE SEOP Across street from bank. J&fc. . . Cttf qMwi nMttOe Mr.Croskev LG Odom v- Share RG- Stubbs RT- Green , Koi-ntrs with human Sinclair nfon tn be as real Yarborough the audience as flesh-and-blood - McDiarmid , ' Upchuruch - Nothing Unusual 71 hi i n i i MAKE THIS TEST I nsiNK Bodweissr for Five days. 1 W ' - J I ON THE SIXTH DAY TRY TO DRINK A SWECT i beer, you win want budweiser S . flAVOR THEREAFTER. , g Meacham RE. Maples QB. Tutor , HB McCaskill HB Mcintosh . FB COP. I9SS. AHHUE-USCM. IMC ST LOUIS. MO. c-r SEAGO'S BOTTLING CO., WHOLESALER JExpert Advice Nora: "What's wrong, Johnny?" . Johnny: "I-burnt my h-hand in the hot water." Nora: "Serves you right. Why didn't yoil feel the water" before you put your hands in it?" Little Dorojny: a nere vyo .ana neip uw - A friend who has his shirts) , e man ' called to see you j housecleaning. . washed bv one of the local ladies don't like to refuse you," said oT tbd who untO last her: "Did he hav ,a bill?'' the colonel "but I've 3ust re wppV had been neglecting his TlrtWThv. No. pap: he just had ceived a. letter from your wile A soldier went to his colonel a .v f nr leave to go home I itUU Of" " : , . rrv.Q txras a j i,nin hia -wife witn me bills, found the following note m his laundry: . "Dear Sir: You nave ow -jiioo nrv-ttr f nr three weeks. I suggest you pay it and you do Dnrothv: "No, pap; he just had a plain ordinary nose." North Carolina ranks third in saying that you are no use aiu the house." ' The soldier saluted and turned jNortn wiv,u-- " a in ttf w r At the door he stoppeu. iu innome from crops, ana,. to po. . . aarm I surest you pay it and Ih ith; total acreage amon ".' handle the not pay it. Now if TOU do not nay, 20th. . .n th 1 1 r:' a?,.' CordiauV.' the State Department of A.cm, .Mrs.' v : iHi-

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