PAGE FOUR playerpianqj?bargain Instead xf sWptfeiiig factory $700.00 aPi' PiSno, like neW can be Had for, unpaid balance f $48.65 remaining . on contract. Write at once to Edgar O. Net zow, (Department of Accounts), 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, Mil waukee, Wisconsin, who will ad vise where : piano can be seen Kindly furnish references. BICYCLE FOR SALE For sale,- bpys'Excelsior bicy cle ; good condition, new tires. $10 cash.Seei Rt L. Hinson, care uity water uept. HI-WAY FLOWERS Get your shrubbery, now in November. 50 best varieties 25c and 45c each. Pansy, Giants mixed, 75c per 100. Iris, 30 sorts, 75c per dozen Narcissus $1.00 per 100. 2-yr-old roses 20c each. See Mrs,. Ed C. Thomas, West Rockingham. ''v GOAT At Stud: Purebred Registered French Alpine. Empire State Sun-Tan No. 55215. Beautiful buck from 6-quart Dam. Service fee $5.00. J. S. Mercer, Hannah Pickett St., East. Rockingham, N. C. GLASSES LOST Lost, in or near Richmond theatre a pair of glasses in case. Reward for return to Post-D patch. PIG LOST j T.ns n hlsnV fma! nio- ahoiit 3 months old. Finder notify I Dunk Reynolds, Ellerbe. SEED WHEAT For sale. 200 bu. of re-cleaned seed wheat, Coker Red Heart, ohejwas the Saturday night guest of year from Coker, No. 4 strain, $1.25 per bu. Hector Little. FOR RENT 3 room apartmenti , Fayetteville Road. CaR ;!3jrs0 :R.. .;P. Dicks, phone ; 538. ' f HlilSf: : " V ROOMFOSPSREIP One f urnished: omrwj S. Randolph t.? AppiyM"rs. pD. I C. Throwei at Hillside Florist, j TYPEWRITERS fk. For , sale, portable Corona and Remington typewriters; I easy terms. Phone 9117 or write Box 623. PIANO FOR SALE Piano : ' Upright 'piano medium size, looks andy. plays like new. Will transfer to any responsible party for the balance owihg tm the account. This Piano carries ' , r , I i the account. This piano carries our stanaara guarantee ana can be seen by writing Credit Maria- ger, Lee Piano Co., Lynchburg, i Va. SEED WHE AT For sale.' v recleaned ? strain Coker Red Heart seed wheat; $1 bu.-H; R. Carrie, Ellerbe. : I Beef Cattle ntd , I will pay market price for good beef cattle - See or write Lionel S wink ROCKINGHAM, "NT C. Pansy Plants ; for Sale The ladies ;' pf the Episcopal r Church are taking orders for those lovely pansy plants,-$ll(0 per hundred., - Place your 5order -early. - " ... .. , . . '-- Call Mrsf A. G. Corpening at 137. , COKER SEED WHEAT ' For sale-Redeaned Certified Coker Red Heart Wheat Strain 4, First year from Coker, yielded bu. per acre $1.60 per bu H. Currie, -Ellerbe, N. C. Dr. C. D. Dawkins Office NosMd and I2f n 25 R. 2nd floor WatsmBun Nicholi 5Ellfe: r " DENTISTS ; .. y Room ;and 2, 'second ilod cnif stiWm Service StatJca. j. t B. T. NICHOLS mod Jf. OL JSLLERBa ROBERDEL NEWS ' 1 rhefJf oliowing from Kannapolis sjehtr 'the week-end with' their respective parents : , Mr. and Mrs. George Italic Mr!, "and Jrs. Kemp Garris and children, Ev;elyn, and. Beverly, Robert Crouch, t Ray: Sedberry, Fenner Garris and Archie Easterling Mr. and Mrs. Sherril Reynolds and little daughter, Mary caru- - - r tA 1 lyn of Union, S. C, and Miss Maude Reynolds of High Point, were the week-end guests of their mother, Mrs. L. R. Reynolds. Miss Mary Louise Wicker of Montreat spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wicker. Mrs. Snyder of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her. son,, Rev. D. K. Sny der and Mrs. Snyder at the Pres byterian Manse. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crouch and young son, Richard, of Fayette ville, were the . week-end guests of their ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leach and Mrs. R. IL Crouch. Mrs. J. W. Childress, of Kan napolis, was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Betty Gibson, j Fredrick Lupton. oi iurnm, the week-en with nis i" " . parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Lupton Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomas 1 and children, of Charlotte visit-1 ed Mr. and Mrs. a. . vv llsuIi j Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jolly and children, Jerry and Peggy, have moved from this community to Darlington, S. C. Mrs. D. K. Snyder and infant daughter, Christine Louise have : returned home from the Hamlet hospital, where Louise was born ; Saturday. October 29th Mrs. Carl Crouch spent the week-end in Charlotte and Shel- by witn relatives. Mr. and Mrs. fcneiDy jacKSon and little daughter, Peggy, and Miss Alyce Ross, all of High Point, spent the week-end with Mrs. Fred Ross. Mrs. Harris, of Wadesboro, her sister, Mrs. Ada McKenzie. Mrs.; Willie Reynolds spent the :fiilt of last week in Durham vith ;her mother, who is a , patient at Dlite hospital. ; MrL! land Mrs. R. CM or.H IllirtA aon. Rohbvand" Mr, igluce, , all of Trioy, spent Tuesaax afternoon with Mr. and Mrsi ;JM. Sedberry- "-r J: m Missll Mary Reynolds spent ' Sunday Charlotte with Mr. the ana ; mrs. su. o. ivcuwiuo, former r her son. Hoffman School P. T. A. Raises Funds for Basketball Equipment. TV. ITnffmon T T A ViolH ita regular monthly meeting in, the uuuj auuxxvixuxu j , night, Nov. 8th. In the absence j . mr. n M T?w- of the president, Mr. DM; Bry ant Mrs Charles Odom, vice resident. Dresided. The devotional, which consist ed-of a series of Bible verses on peace, was conducted by- Mrs. W. J. Butler. The program, based j on Armistice Day, was as fol- The Meaning of Armistice- Mrs. W. J. Butler. In Flander's Field Grace Rob ertson. Pnom Tn a Sn1rHfr . Mc- n7alrf I A Pravpif Fnr Peae Dean Coin.. During the business session which followed the program, several reports were made, in- eluding a report of $45.00 made: i : a JtiaJIowe'en. Carnival new 0at the schoeLAist equipmenfewhich: the::'P. n,A.jv will present to the teams, was iestfrtt'e btr lt -'Lingerf eldt, athletic! director. ma Clothing Co. STYLE and QUALITY LADIES' and MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR Cash or Credit NEXT TO BUS STATION HI We hold these truths to bi self-evident that all men are created equaL7homas iiJelferfSfew u Tlx iooiiw-vZ-if Jn snJ 7 1: Mr and MrS:.W. HrMcCaii:and ctitI Kaveutf'bne lamp; by wBIcli ? JtfTiet I are guided, and, t Miss months,- has retnj s.'i tme 'lamo oi exDenence..: iratriCKiforis I' armer : a. student in win ? SDena tne :Hnryivr - - i .! Coker ; College, ' ;- v ; - - : ner mother, Mrs. J. R. - 4- rr1' v.i, - - . i - - ' - -- - . - r - - - - cx, -yiiiw . ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C ; S 0 'C 1 IT I Bridge Club Meets with Mrs. McMillan On riaay -evening, xsov. 4th, Mrs. R. T. McMillan entertained the members of her Bridge Club with several extra guests. ' The Club prize was won by -n-r , ,, i Mrs. . waaswortn, Mrs. Paige uaaay won tne visitors prize and the: floating prize fell to Mrs. W. A. Doniel. Delicious refreshments were . , , ii served! to Mrs. L. T.! Wadsworth, Mrs; i.i Paige Gaddy, Mrs. W. A.j Doniel; Mrs: Woodrow O'Brien, Mrs. James Threadgill,-Mrs. Fred Henry, Mrs. Carl Key, Mrs. J. E. Wells, Mrs. Heath Pehegar, Mrs. C. B; Cash, Mrs. Clyde Robertson and Mrs. James Kistler. Contract Club Meets with Mrs. Edwards Mrs. T. I. Edwards was hostess to her Contract Club on Wednes day afternoon, at her home on TpQwotpvillp "Road, with Mrs J 3 clark ag speciai guest. . score prize was won by Mrs. M. T. Poovey. Contract was played at two tables by Mrs. M. T. Poovey, Mrs. , , nr1. Mrs T. p. rhonlin rs j R Garrett, Mrs. Heath penegar, Mrs. O. W. Doster, Mrs. Lee Ellerbe and Mrs. J. A. Mc Falls. Bridge Club Meets With Miss Dockery "IVTioa F.loannr Tlnnlrpw wn a hostegg to the members of her Bridge dub Qn Friday evening, MftVPTnhpr 4th at her home on North Randolph Street. Mrs. Thomas Lamb won the high score prize and Miss Maude Morrison won the low score. A salad course was served to Mrs. Thomas Lamb, Mrs. Sher rod White, Misses Martha Led better, Susie Mae Porter, Mar tha Curtis McNair, Maude Mor rison, Sairfax Dockery, Sara Lily Liles, Terry Cockman, Suzanne Covington. Martha Everett and Eleanor Dockery. . Mrs. MaFalls Entertainis Mrs. John A. TflcFalls was hostess on Wednesday evening at her home at Entwistle No. 1. Bridge, Setback and Bingo1 twerc played"; at six' tables. ,Mrs. A. A. Webb won the Bridge prize; Mrs. John Patter son won the Setback prize, the floating prize fell - to Mrs. Thomas Wheeler, and Mrs. M. T. Poovey won the Bingo prize. ; Invited guests were Mmse. A. A. Webb, Thomas Wheeler, J. T. Byrne, A. B. Brannon, James Threadgill, George Entwistle, W. Clark, Cliff Terry, J W. Jenkins,; j ff;, Entwistle Ella Napier, fiw, . , . "u T u h renegar, B- Garrett, K. C. Heyward G. C. Heyward. Sam Snoddy, JtfHn Patterson Mrs. Price, T. Hardy Hunter of Laurinburg and Misses I Mary V Linton of Raleigh anC Lenora Smith of Gastonia. Miss Farmer Has Weiner Roast Miss Lucy Farmer celebrated V Leak, Mrs. Lucy Phillips Rus her 16th birthday with a delight- sell. Mrs.- W. C. Leak, Jr., Mrs. ful wmer Roast at McCall'stW. E. Crosland. Mrs. Robt. Dicks Club House, on Everett's Lake, Friday evening, Nov. 4th Those attending were Misses I Rachel Bell, Hannah . Pickett 'Steele , Cecilia Dicks; Kathryn :' jMcRae, Betty Dicks; Florence kdditional guests, on Friday ? Share, Lula Fowlkes, Virginir:evening, Nov. 4th. ! McRae. Betty Walters, Gertrude ' Mrs. John ;Porter . wa Jthe winr J, i 7"e onuon' oyinress Wmer, Cora Lon?, Josephine., T"1 anaKicnmopa. npuseBruest . oir nerLaew members have been welcomed ward Egerton, Jr., Leon McCas 7 rj"rrsssssK trtdtAH rh orlia M itrf - "Tim Dutch Supper Given" by "Idlehour" rday evening, November 5th. Each guest received an attrac- tivp smivpnir at flio nnnUi of the Bingo games. . Supper was served to Mrs. C. WHartley Mrs. Frank Sincrlptnn M " n . o xxevi - vc,v oixiiiii. J.TXIB. rv. j XlUggms, Mrs. W. W. Hooks Mrs. Genro-i tmji Mrs T,. M WiiiioT0 Neil. Mrs. L. M. Williams arA jece.icjVFJr.ier spent : "Sun- "x ""vpci wt given at - FeJ ix tannon, ivirsieaa oi i . M, t t t j j - the homeVof Mrs. Lewis Boggan Hamlet apd Mrs.C, BKelly of,,.' AL ?' Byrd and friends, by the IdlehOfur Club pnSatl .'gSlet Road, adeflie Demo- mm 1 1 - i - - - - , ,,, . i - Myrick-Holcomb Married in EUerbe Nov. 6th. Miss Reba Holcomb of Pine hurst and Tocca, Ga., was married frt ; William. ;Rra.dv i'Mvrick- of lerbe, Sunday afternoon, -Nov: 6th, at 2 o'clock, in the Ellerbe Baptist Manse with Rev. C. E. b.;flFi ffi,.iincr Th Wnr noUnr,v..w9!, in a simnle UH ittmraive eeremonv. Onlv - " -r x - close friends of the bride and groonf attended. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. J. Elsie 'Webb played 'Indian Love Call" and while the yows were being spoken. ;1 "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and "I Love You Truly" were softly rendered. The bridal "chorus from Lohen grin was used as "the . procession al, and TUtehdelssbhh's recessional concluded the ceremony. The bride was attractive in a travelling ensemble of royal blue with black accessories and wore a ' shoulder corsage of Talisman roses and lillies of tlie valley. i Mrs. Myrick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Ter rel Holcomb of Tocca, Ga., and is a graduate of the School of Nursing at Moore County Hos pital at Pinehurst, where she is now employed. The groom is the only son of Mrs. Rose Thomp son of Chapel Hill and the late Robert Myrick of Greensboro. He has made his home in Ellerbe for the past six years and during the past two years has been em ployed by Webb Grocery Co. there. Immediately after the cere mony, the couple left for a honeymoon to southern points, after which they will be at home in Pinehurst. Among out-of-town guests at tending the wedding was a large group of nurses from the hos pital at Pinehurst. Jeanne Gamble Entertains A Scavenger hunt was given by Jeanne Gamble, on. Friday evening, November 4th, in cele bration of her 14th birthday. ; Iary Catherine Threadgill anj& I Jetta Funderburk were V the winners of the- prize and -Mary Al jjfiq J ehkins'' ' and Carolyn Eller blivon the ;booby;iirize: 'iJitierfding-' Threadgill,- Jetta " Funderburk, Mjary - Alice J enkins, Carolyn EI lerfk Martha Stansill, Mary Jane White, Goldie Knowles, Betty Renfi-oj. Martha Ann Wheelis, Bertha Garrett, s Margueritte Smith and Gean Gamble. Booklovers Meet with Mrs. Dicks On Monday afternoon Mrs. Robert P. Dicks entertained the Booklovers Club, at her home on leaK Street. Mrs, John L. Everett, vice pres ident, presided over the meeting. The topic for the afternoon was "Early Opera in America" and was discussed by Mrs. Nancy Leak. Members present were Mrs. John Everett, Mrs. Nancy Leak, Mrs. John Armistead, Mrs. Pick ett Leak, Mrs. Robert Johnson. j Mrs. W. H. Entwistle, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. W. B. Cole. Mrs. Hinson is Club Hostess Mrs. Minor Hinson was hostess to her Bridge Club and several er of the high score prize. Miss Pauline Benton of .Monroe - and wnpiTMnor gifv? A salaH cburseMwas 'served Vtti w.rsm Mmmrnrt i iiT'ii? tv. .iA i'j'-.-6S5,TVi. i - II l. Jraunne fisenton. Mrs. Archie cJ)Quald, Mrs. rratic Rally in Sanford, i8th. Wilbur iKeljy and Bennett Nai pier of Rlaleigh. pent the week- Hf Wa IfitK with "their nari ! Cliu ' entS xvutiv."1" 'iirtunBi. T?rad. Both boys hold positions Ui in Raleisrh. i Pnlpitrh. I las heidre lira Archia MoTlniieram M fa i . ... I iWiina's red McLendon, who i rpsDonsioiB Dosuiun in: -Wilmington,-vDel-j for several; ;a; tOtiier-jngxnJB winter witn McLendoh; ' Fun jand How! :. y.i v it.f.? vi. Tfc TfiAr, rwf. viaif. 1 ed every day by 'growtt'1 Teachers at the. High school an who feonie.regularljr to the Center, The children are enjoying the Center more every day and the TTandcraft or, am0O o-n nn fiverv day and this week the children Hnintr riass naintinff. The glass is furnished by Watson- King Hardware Store. Monday and Tuesday the Re creation Center is sponsoring the picture "That Certain Age" with Deanna Durbin at the Rich mond Theatre. The Post-Dispatch printed the tickets free of charge and the Center . gets 25 per cent of all tickets taken in at the door. . Mesdames Gibson and Doniel Mrs. Carlisle 'Gibson and : Mrs. W. A. Doniel served. as hostesses to a lovely Bridge party on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Gibson on LeGrand Street. Mrs. Doniel also entertained the I members of her Bridge Club, the Le Huit. ! Mrs. Harvey Hough was the, winner of the Club prize, Mrs. Mial Leak won the high score prize for Bridge. The floating prize went to Mrs. A. A. Webb and the Bingo prize to Mrs. R. M. Bardin. Guests present were Mesdames Harvey Hough, Mial Leak, A. A. Webb, R. M. Bardin, W. A. Vick, Jessie McA. Eby, Lynwood Fowl kes, John Hammond, W. S. Love, Jr.. E. G. Snipes, John Hamer, A. B. Brannon, Wilson nasty, Athos Cockman, Thomas Wheeler, Rob McNair, W. G. Pittman, J. T. Byrne, Felton Hall, Ella Na- , oier, Arthur Corpenmg, Carson Ratliff, Scott Thomas, W. A. Biggs, J. A. McFalls, Cliff Terry, ; James Threadgill, Roy WalKer, M. C. McLeod and Misses Mary V T.intnn of Raleiirh. Lucille Eudy and Mary Liles. Brideg Dinner Given by Mesdames Dicjc and Mullowney Mrs. Robert P. Dicks and her daughter, Mrs. Richard Mnllow ney of Bronxville, N. Y., are en tertaining this everiihg; -Thursday; at a Bridge-Dinner at the Dicks' homei n'Leak Street. After a course dinner Bridge will be played1 at four' tables' by Mrs;; John Chalk; Mrs:' Frank Leak,' Mrs. Fred. Bynum, Mrs. T. C. Leak, Mrs. George Bowes,, Miss Mary V. Linton of Raleigh,? Mrs; Eva. Walters, Mrs. Henry Wall, Mrs: Arthur Corpening, Mrs. M. C. McLeod, Mrs. William Leak, i Mrs. Boyce Henry, Mrs. John Armistead, Mrs. John Everett, Sr., Mrs. Richard Mullowney of RrnnYvillo M V rA TUVa nA i Blanton of Shelby. Table prizes will be presented. ! Legion Auxiliary Meets in namiei j T1 1 Oil. T;AfA A 1 A 1 1 iuc xismct oi me Am erican Legion Auxiliary held a meeting in Hamlet; Monday af ternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock in the Methodist Church. ; . uut-oi-town guests present were Mrs. Herbert Taylor 1 of Dunn, State President, Miss Aelia Adams of Dunn, State Secretary, Mrs. George Burkhead of Ashe- boro, Area Chairman, and Mrs. E. 'A. Pitkin of Troy, District Committee Woman: Asheboro, Mt. Gilead, Troy; Wadesboro, Southern Pines, El lerbe, Rockingham and Hamlet were well represented. There were 21 members of the Rockingham Unit present Five a; HaHum;Mrstry Mniy water,? Wrs-l H. -feoggsV immediately -ftiliowing the meet-1 1 insr. -a :chamfng! tea wasgiven 1 gfc the i ttom 16V 'Mrs. KAfit ''Rfelnff ii bn Jefferson Street, from 4 to 5 o'clock. were visitors at the home of Mrs. 1 y . . 15. jeiiy on Hamlet Koad, and JJf8 Ed c- Tohmas on Oct. 30th. T f ! CKingnam to at- tend tne funeral of MlSS Mamie Ctoola. Over' one-third of North Caro- crop lahdjjar locpiedb corn qr! more acreage than -alb of tne casn crons. inrmaina.zaiuun cotton, peanuts, Irish" pbtktOes! uweet potatoes ;and track;rapAV reports tne estate s ljepartmettf mz Agriculture. ' t r ' st, i. , uuii vcu ouu iuia. iiiurne THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1938 . Mrs. Chalk Entertains une oi tne javeiiesi isriage parties of the season was. given - WUT "'w JpWcajgJer hpme onWat- son Heignts. f ' Chrysanthemums, ,and roses of pink, fiitel-d; red " were used throughout the flower, flood. Mrs. Roy Walker, won the prize for the highest score,' Mrs Jack Land of Hamlet received ! the low score prize and Mrs. Le- Grand Land won, . the floating prize., - x ', A deliciousr salad i course was served to Mrs. Edgar, Jones, Mrs. Ned Covington, Mrs. William Ed. Harrison, Mrs. M. C. McLeod, Mrs. W, W. Fielder, Mrs. John Porter, V Mrs. Roy Walker, Mrs. Jack Land of Hamlet, Mrs. Ar thur Corpening, . Mrs Horace Steadman, Mrs. LeGrand Land, Mrs. W. E. Covington, Mrs. Wil liam H. Entwistle, Mrs. Robert Stansill. Mrs. Lynwood Fowlkes, Mrs. Pickett Leak, Mrs. John Armistead, Mrs. William Leak, Mrs. Robert Simmons and Miss Ruth Covington. ; THAT, ARE, EXPERTLY TAILORED OF GUARANTEED FABRICS IN THE .LATEST FALL STYLES DVHICOSrS THAT WILL) GIVE YOU WARMi?SERVICE FOR SEVERAL' SEASONS. Our Credit K Terms Make i if Buy And Easy toPay. BOYS'SOM : SIZES 8 TO 20 HATS SWEATERS PANTS : JACKETS MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY AND PAY AS YOU GET PAID. W. & ff. GtOTHBIG jgTpptisiTE postofice '" . :. bom .' ! "... ; . i

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