tDAYy NOVEMBER 10-1938 ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH RICHMOND COUNTY. N.C PAGE FIVF LOCAL mis AND PERSONALS ik. Matter Briefly UmmtUmU. Little Happtniafs. ; Personal Note. CALL POST-DISPATCH OFFICE PHONE 182 J. W. Moore, but in Zion, sends the paper three unusually large turnips. Samuel H. Noel, 98, died in Philadelphia Nov.. 3rd. He was an uncle of Mrs. A. A. Walker. Mrs. Thomas Leath returned Monday from ten days' spent in Raleigh with her mother, Mrs. George W. Connor. Edgar Davis, Jr., and friend, Jack Eubanks of Durham, and John B. Legwin, ' all of Duke, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Fannie Kistler came from Chicago Sunday to spend some time at the home of her son, J. W. Kistler, on Roberson street. ANNIVERSARY EDITION v : The lost-Dispatch will be 21 ears old Pec lstjand in obser vance of this event, this paper will issue a special edition. Iti will be a 21st anniversary, as Well as a Christmas shopping edition. FARM ELECTION DEC. 10TH The farmers of the South will Dec. 10th vote on the question continuing the Government's on of farm program. ARMISTICE HOLIDAY Tomorrow (Friday) is a legal holiday Armistice Day. The pejstoff ice will observe Sunday hours, and no Carriers will' go out. The Farmers Bank will be closed also for the day. DUKE'S 1939 SCHEDULE - Spending the week-end at home from Duke were Louise Corpen ing and friend, .Npie Livingston of OrangeBurg, arid Jessie', Steele Simmons. 'i5ff Mr. and Mrs. .hariielMartin on Nov. 2nd movect from1' Fay- etteville Road tbv an apartment in the fonner ' Wes rhq!me on Rockingham Road. ;' -: Joseph D. Jenkiiis, of East Rockingham, was tambng the 15 young men of thetwojv Carol inas who enlisted in the .army, last week, through the-Charlotte of fice, a '. :? Jim Kelly, of B No 2, is in the Hamlet hosiMl: iujjf ering from injuries lfyje when struck accidentlilyidriven by Luther WilsSlffight of Nov. 5th. Miss Virginia; Lucile ;F. Mock Southern . Shopj 447 West 22nd They are prepars sive shopping. 11U 1U lOlJ ed the ice, . at York. xclu- Mr.1 andMr. ton and' Missr iTj attended . the , or4)aon game ' in ' - Davidson Nov. - 5th- Davidson won 3 AlpVeus or "Bub" plays fbr Woff6rdi tL a heady end; he is a m&Tdr and . in 1940 will enter; Mfce5 4otudy medicine. r;!IJTTfc . -.i A, A, ifVS e PICTURE IS The! Recreate i CfeAtir is sponsoring 'the eaMfi&igD&rbin picture at Richmond- .Theatre for next Monday and-ruTsayr1 You will not only sera4fiharture, but help the Recreation Center by buying tickets nrnxfgh'Mt. ' Federal Hearing Nov.16fK Three Paschal menf., Char lie and Melvin, wili;&iven a hearing before U. SjSQMc Lean on Nov. 16th.fidViWtsih Federal whiskey m0: HOME-MADE P jFootball schedule for Duke for 1939 is as follows: ' Sept. 30 Davidson .at Davidson Oct. 7 Colgate at Duke Oct. 14 Pitt at Pittsburg Oct. 21 Syracuse at Duke Oct 28 Wake Forestry Duke STov. 4Gai Tech at Atlanta Nov. 11 V. M. I. at Lexington Nov. 28 Carolina at Duke Nov. 25 State at Raleigh Carolina's 1939 Schedule. The 1939 football schedule for th i University vis : Sept. 30 Wake Forest at C. H. Oct. 7 V. P. I. at Norfolk Oct. 24 N. Y. U. at Chapel Hill Oct. 21 Tulane at New Orleans 3ct. 28 Pennsy. at Philadel phia. Nov. 4 State at Chapel Hill Nov. 11 Davidson at Davidson Nov. 18 Duke at Durham Nov. 25 Virginia at Chapel Hill. ROBS CHURCH OF $500 Seaboard Diesel Engine Here The huge new Diesel engine that ' will pull the Seaboard's ,$rack Florida Limited, will be at ! Rockingham for inspection on Saturday, Nov. 19th, from 8 :30 to ! 9 :3Q a. m. The public is in vited to go to the Seaboard de pot then and see this marvel. Duvall Personnel to Banquet The personnel of the three hardware stores operated , by E. Walker his brother, H. P. Duvall, in Cheraw, Ches terfield and Rockingham, will be guests of Mr. Duvall the night of Nov. 17th at a supper at the Rockingham Hotel. OYSTER PLACE OPENS FSA Jake Bradshaw has opened an oyster place on Franklin street Jake's Oyster Bar where oysters, steamed, fried or stewed, can be obtained at any time. Won't be necessary now to hie off to Lum-, berton to get 'em steamed. Local Girls at College Two Rockingham girls are tak ing active parts in college life in Raleigh. Kathryn Porter had the leading part in a Freshman play Nov. 5th, in annual "Stunt Night." The play was "Hidden Secrets of our Ancestors." ,Mary Blanche Palmer, also at Meredith, represents the Fresh man class at the mock General Assembly staged by North Caro lina college students in Raleigh Nov. 4th and 5th. She presented a bill for strict enforcement of traffic laws. Farming Richmond Farmers Profit By Use i Business Methods FSA Supervisor Says.-, j Many Richmond County farm ers have discovered that the ap plication of modern business me thods to agriculture pays real dividends, Charlie B. Uteer, su pervisor for the Farm Security Administration here, said today. Fore generations many Ameri can farmers conducted their busi ness in a rather slipshod manner. They figured that if they.. had some money in the bank when their bills were paid after harvest that they had had a successful year. If they added up the crop year in debt, then it had been a bad year. No attempt was made to keep accurate and detailed record of the various phases of their operations When the Farm . Security Ad ministration assumed the task of rehabiliating farm families in this county it insisted that those who borrowed money should budget their expenditures and plan their operations in such a way .that they would have feed for their livestock, food for their table during the winter months and so on ; in other r words1", that 1 ttiey havea definite plan for the opera- tioridf their farms. " These farm plans, which are worked out by the farmer and his wife with the assistance of the Farm Security Administration's county staff, are based on the needs of individual families. There is. no attempt to write uniform plans. - Each farm is given individual consideration. Everything is tak en into consideration, the type of crops best suited for that par ticular soil, the number of live stock to be fed, the size of the family, enough cows' for milk and cream, chickens for meat and' eggs. The plans also include records much the same as that used in business. At the end of the year these records show the farmer how much in come he received from his various crops, the feed . his livestock consumed, the aver Crosland School This Saturday Thieves the night of Nov. 6th broke open the safe in the Taber- nable Baptist church in-Raleigh, and stole the Sunday collections of about 5500. : MARRIAGE LICENSES 3 ov. 4 James Floyd. 17. Miss Sarah. Dunn 16. v ' 4rt-Harnson Clay. Camp bell fdf Washington, Miss Blanche Augusta Holt of Hamlet. : Jov. 4r-Wm. Brady My rick of El erbe, Miss ReBa Barbara Hol co nb of. Pinehurst. : ov. 5 Robt. Curtis Overby of At erdeen, Miss Mary Belle Mc Dcnald of Jackson Springs. ov 5 Delmos Luther, and Laura Spencer, colored. SPECIAL RATES TO FLORIDA $2 12 The Seaboard is giving special rotmdtrip rates to Florida points . 18, 10, 20. Hamlet to Jack sonville $3, Miami $8. Savannah Tampa $6.50. Children 5 to half fare. Returning leave Florida on night trains Nov. 21st. Mrs. Crawford a new way of catering possum- all uniritentipai on nerparx lives on NoriRanlt,f When she went the -tin gar bage can inher; back, yird ; this Thursday monlngd empysotoe garbage-, she unct a lafge fat possum -anuglynihe I ?mI nesting ' among some leaveggnd apple pfcalings. thesIttre Thursday and Friday Morning Show Thursday Dick Powell -.and Olivia DeHavflland in "Hard To Get" with Charles Winninger, and Allen Jenkins Larry Clinton & Orchestra Color Classic News. Saturday Open 10 a .m rRun5Ue Day The :Qe atid 1$$? A His latest and best picture: " and 'Lone JKahger $5 for Best Article The Rockingham Hardware store has finished the four new large windows at that store. On Nov. 15th they will he nronerlv "trimmed" and y m m displayed. The store is offer ing $5 .to that person ; who writes the best constructive jLf 4.f am tt Alf tl1 ATIk -- ni nil four windows, the article not to be over 100 words long. Give your article to the PostDis- natch or Journal : j they will be ine siqre,. iurv ,jih. h store! will nofenow.the name. 6f the writer. Y. This is a good chancei-tq fearn '$5' silyroi thj,r,M; feressive , DuvaU . hardware, Store. - :: The play, "Nobody's Darling," is to be given in the Crosland School Auditorium Saturday night, November 12th, at 7:45 o'clock. It is sponsored by the St. Paul church. The characters are voune oeonle of, the church. Everyone is invited to see this realy worthwhile play. It will please the most fastidious. ESCAPEE CAUGHT HERE .About five weeks ago. Gene Gray; young white man, was, con victed An Anson county of steal- mg - cigareitea aim 8ic , w years , in -the pen. He made , his escape from . the prison camp at Greenville ten days ago. On Tuesday of this week, Deputies Finch and Ormsby saw him m Rockingham and at once took him in charge. He had a pistol and a bowie knife on his person. Pri son authorities came for him; and he is again behind bars. A famous negro died down South and fellow negroes came to nay their last respects. The melodious wailing that accom panied 'the ceremony attracted the attention of a passing wmte man who couldn't resist the temptation to find out what was going - on. About to enter the house of . the deceased, he noticed a little; colored boy posted at the edge of the door. "Why don't you go inside?" the white man asked. ; "Ah cain't go inside," came the reply. "Ah is de crepe." i w PIi Air B fijtlf" - FINE FABRICS MAKE ; I ......-! I I I I FINE FABRICS MAKE FINE CLOTHES The kind, of suits you've always admired rich, smooth worsted r smart, sturdy twists are yours today at a price I you can cheerfully pay ! Come in inspect and try on. No obligation the pleas lure is all ours. blueIloods S25.00 t '; - - " , $30.00 $19.50 and $27.50 $17.50, $22.50, $25.00 CHATHAM HOMESPUNS OTHER SUITS OVERCOATS LAND GOMF HAMLET, N. C mm - - J - H I - mmm ft" J Scientists say woman's foot is getting larger, but maybe it just seems that way because she puts it down harder. Fire Truck Called to Grass Grass on a lot on Leak street. Was afire Nov. 4th, and the truck wjas called at 12:10 p. m. to put i out. COTTON GINNED 3151 bales of cotton were gin-; ned in Richmond county to Nov. 1st,' as compared with 7572 to sairie date last year when; the t tai crop amounted to 8.878. AdHIEVEMENrVliSlr 1Gin ....... Iba, rnjiiiiUijl'Mit ,s?o.o-j.o. UThe home,; demonstration xlubs of the 4punt3!'neta Rockingham thi$i Thjiirsdajf faf terBO0n: at two Cj'clock in their annual Achieve ment Tfoj. STRASROnRG SI LYE R S ElVilGE THE SIX ESSENTIAL ITEMS ;. COST ONLY . V5 WM Complete your Set One Place Setting a Month. " FOUR COVERS ' COST " $69.67 ....Jnquire About Thi it". . New Plan at R. Helms & Son f Caih anar Creiit- JeWelera RQCklNGHAM, N." C;-, ORDFR AUTHORIZING $30,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS WHEREAS, the County Board of Education of Richmond County has certified to this Board a resolution passed by said County Board of Education on November 7, 1938' showing that it is necessary in order to maintain the constitutional six months' school term in Richmond Coun- ty to provide certain school improvements aescrioea m saw reauiuwuu, and WHEREAS, said resolution represents that a grant or allotment is expected from the Federal Government to pay a portion of the cost of improvements; and - . WHEREAS, the County Board of Education has requested this Board to order, and issue $30,000 County bonds in order to secure the remain ing funds for providing said school improvements; and . . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has carefully, examined the facts arid has determined and hereby finds as a fact that the state merits of said resolution are true and that it has become the duty of said Board of Commissioners, acting as an administrative agent of the State in providing a State system of public schcols, . to order the issuance of a f Yit rrMTritv hrmda to provide' sucti school improvements in order malntairr thfecbnstittitiorialssix ntonths school tern; :noW, therefore v ' i '' w :'r - - " ' ' -- '--' . ,: v. - - - BE rr ORpERE-AND RESOLVED BY the Board Of i Commissioners "for 'the County of Richmond: . ; . ;i : ) - - . : - .-. y i-i 1 That bonds of lUchmond County, be: issued pursuanllo, the Coun- ty Finarice; Acd as :- amended, in an Witmm the purpose of paying5 1 portion, of the icbst of rbvMirig the scfieoi-im rovements referred' toln 'trie first prearAblejOJtnls bond praez inder ,to maintain the constitutional six months' school term, wMchimprpve ments consist of the following: V Vocational and physical education building at Rockingham High School.. . ;r)J. '' v'-'. ' y Vocational and physical, , education building at Hamlet High ' School. ... : .shT' i" ', ' , . ' i '?'' Physical education building, at Hoffman;High School.; ' 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. 3. That a statement of the County debt; has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. p v ri a . . 4. That this'Order shall take effect thirty days afterthe first pub lication thereof after final passage, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is fUed under said Act, and that in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election as provided in said Act. ; ' v 11 ' . . . . The foregoing order has been introduced jahd? a sworn statement has been filed under trier County nriahce Act, showing the assessed valuation of the County to be $22,296,513, and the net debt -for school purposes, including the proposed bonds, to be $448073, A tax willMpe leveid for the payment of the proposed bonds and Interest, if the same shall be issued. Any citizen or taxpayer" may protest against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the Board of County Commissionersrto be held at40 o'clock, A.M., November 21, 1938, or an adjournment thereof. MARY H. BATTLEY Clerk of Board of Commissioners. 7 &r fov , ,; 1 . Mi :f VtStSiSSt.- ::?:fS:-:3 .- 3 f- ' 3 0 - SELECT YOUR Winter Coat NOW Sports and Fur Trimmed in Boxy and Fitted Styles. OUR VARIETY IN STYLES AND LATEST MODES ARE SURE TO PLEASE YOU. ''is I A full assortment of Beautiful Twin and Single Sweaters ALL THE COLORS AND STYLES YOU COULD ASK FOR ALSO SKIRTS - LADIES' SUITS - BLOUSES PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER NOW! r .. .- W.&H.CLOTHn;G ANY OPPOSITE tbST OFFICE Roclrinrjham, N. C. l Yfiu tcan" .tell" when, you ? are keeping Up wiikh the Joneses. You j are ; three Japs "ahead of your in come. ' - oi all that remains is to call ' a conference of "statesmen, give China to Japan and end the aw ful war. , , JIotv do you know man thinks with his brani? It's the state of his stomach .'that produces wild and sily ideas. Thevdiff iculty is not in deter mining what is decent, but in be ing as' decent as we know how to WHICH DO YOU USE? God gay eji mlendsr one tdl sit on aid th,e theri tot think with7 Ad man s success depends r on which -end he uses most - It'sa.,,,'. fcB a05& beads you win and,, tails- -i Rencw that subscripts