- r Subscription Rates Rockingham Center of Mill Activity. One Year Six Months Three Months $2.00 $1.00 .75 Richmond . County Agriculture & Peach Culture Single Copies 5c Each. VOL. 23 No. 7 ROCKINGHAM, N. O, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 11. 1940 v ISAAC S. LONDON Editor and Proprietor A Review Plans Underway Of Happenings Grand Jui5ays the Courts Should Act More Severely County Court, Collects $4,820 in Fines In 7 Months Compared with $2256- in Fines from Old Recorder's Court for Entire '38. to rgamze Band at R'ham High School For Last 6 Months of 1939 i - " Matter Will Be Presented Tb The Pupils Week After Next When The Mid-Term Examinations Are Completed. MEETING WAS HELD JAN. 10TH TO FEASIBILITY OF A HIGH Plans are taking definite shape for organizing a band in the Rockingham schools. A meeting' was held in the Mar chants Association office the night of Jan. 10th, called by President Tom Wheeler, to dis cuss with Supt. L. J. Bell the feasibility of such organization. Present were R. EL Cartier, director of the school band at Wadesboro; J. T. Matthews, Jr., band insrtuctor, and Philip Seapark of the Bruck Instru ment "company, both men of Charlotte. " And several local (Continued on page nine) Much Construction Here During 1939 Estimate Around 50 Homes Were Built In And Around Rockingham In 1939: Home-building activity in Rockingham continued at a high rate during 1939, with construction prospects for the coming year indicating another busy twelve months. Residential construction' was a feature of the. year's develop ments, and it is estimated that at least 50 new homes were built inside or within a stone's throw of the city's boundaries. This is just a conservative estimate. It may have been more or less, and does not in clude the many new residents built in the rural sections, Jjear the city. The past year seemed : to - mark a trend toward more - town homes attributable in part tb : ' Rockingham's beautiful '4-RtyrrrrT- Patfrr- which ' ijay new homes ;go up there; And will doubtless be still fur ther increased by the availabil ity of the new northern exten sion of Richmond Park now be ing developed by H. C. Wall. Construction activity other than residential continued at a high rate in 1939. Looming large in the public eye was the new $25,000 Little theatre which will be formally opened next Monday. A number of buildings were remodeled or otherwise improv ed during the year. Fire Alarm Sunday Night Sunday night during the sleet would have been a bad time for a fire. About 10:30, John Gore phoned the department that a Car. Power pole on N. Randolph street was on fire. The bell was not rung, though Brock and the truck responded. Blaze on pole, coming from a live wire; Brock phoned Mana ger Egerton, and the linemen quickly clipped the wires there and the blaze went out. The town lights were off for just a moment while the adjustment was being made, but several breaks occurred during the nicrht from sleet-laden limbs falling across wires and for a few minutes putting light out in that particular section. STRAND THEATRE FRIDAY, Jan. 12th Jane Withers in "The Arizona Wildcat" with Leo Carrillo Fox latest World News SATURDAY, Jan. 13th DOUBLE FEATURE George O'Brien in "The Cowboy Millionaire" and Jane Withers in "The Arizona Wildcat" Serial and Comedies. Sat. Night Last Show starts 10:15 p. m. Morning Shows, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs. at 10 a. m. j DISCUSS THE SCHOOL - - AND HERE. 1939 Reviewed In Jan, a review 4th issue we gave or Chronology of the happenings locally of the first; six months of 1939 the deaths and chief events. And now in. this Jan. 11th issue is gjven the review of the last six months of 1939. We suggest you file these for some future reference. t $125.50 CONTRIBUTED From Richmond County Demo crats to Jackson Day Dinne Fund. 5 Went from County County Chairman J. C. Sed- 1 " (j fl-t rr r r j? i uerry raised $io.ou xor uu Jackson Day dinner held at Raleigh Jan. 8th but the bulk of this will be used by Demo cratic National headquarters in liquidating the 1936 Part deficit. Attending the dinner irom this county were Bob Steele, Mrs. Archie McDougald, Miss Virgie Perry, Ed: Cox and Robt Sherrill. Others contributed, but did not attend. WPA SCHOOL PROJECT WORK! BEGINS JAN. IS Wire Today From Reynolds. T- Supt. tsen Jan. llth re ceived a wire from Senator Reynolds jthat the county WPA project for building $40,000-, Home Ec-Gvra-Voca .buildings at Kockingham and nanuet -naa ueeu approvea and would) , be released " this week, so that work can start J an. 18th oh the Rockingham unit. The county pays 55, the WPA 4-5. BISHOP PENICK SUNDAY At 10 o'clock A. M. Bishop Ed i i - i win A. Penick will maa.e nis annual visit to the Episcopal cpurch at Rocking ham this Sunday morning, with services at ten o'clock. Two persons will be confirmed. The public is cordially invit ed to hear t:iis gifted preacher one of ;he silver-tongued speakers of the South. You can attend ;his service at 10, and then hi ve time to go to your own service at 11. No Marriage Licenses Only 7 marriage licenses were issued by the Register of Deeds for the entire month of December and not a single li- cense has Dec. 20th 11th. been issued since and it is now Jan. "Gone with the Wind" It is likely that the "Gone with the Wind" picture will be shown at the Richmond theatre the latter Dart of March. Thp picture will come intact just as shown Atlanta at it's premiere in December. Ma '-V. S5 xnrivers licenses Issued Here Jan. 2nd Thirty-five drivers licenses at the local state were - issued j highway patrol office oh Jan 2nd by License Examiner N. R St ell, Jr., of) Raleigh, who has control of issuing licenses in Richmond and Moore counties. Newspaper Institute The 16th Session of the an nual Newspaper Institute will be held at the University Jan. 18-20, with a banquet at Duke the night of the 19th. News paper men o f national repute tion will spe; Seaboard Leonard 34, fireman ireman Killed 'erbert Hoffman. n the Seaboard, was Killed al 4:45 p. m. Jan 4th when struck by the over head bridge iiaer Vass. He was standinglon the tender pre paring, to taking on water at the Vass tan Chronology of Events in Richmond, County for the Last Six Months of 1939 as Condensed from Post-Dispatch Files. IN JAN. 4TH ISSUE WAS THE REVIEW FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1939. . HERE ARE TE LAST SIX MONTHS. July, 1939 June 30 Farmers Bank statement shows . Resources of $1,315,624, loans of $233,440 and deposits of $1,068,711. July 1 Officers capture 50-gallon still in Marks Creek. July 1 Alton Hartman leaves as news editdr of Journal. His place is taken by Billy Whitted .of Fayetteville. July 2 Mrs. Sallie Shankle and party returned from 5,360-mile motor trip since June 16th, to Wyoming. July 2 Leonard Holcombe Cox and Miss Mary Louise Liles married in Presbyterian church at Chester. :i July 3 Margaret Reese, of Asheville, succumbs to injuries received in wreck July 3rd 5 miles west of town. Her com panion, Myrtle Bartlett, is injured. July 4 Carl Wall, negro, dies of broken eck when car loaded with 7 negroes overturns near Hamlet; 5,Others injured. July 5 "Bing Crosby," canary of J. A. Seawell, died. July 5 Leake Terry becomes agent for Anson and Rich mond for Provident Life & Accident Co. off Chattanooga. Office over Penney store. U July 6 Postal receipts for June total $1,685, a decrease over the same month in 1938 when $2,012 was collected. July 6 H. B. Meiselman leases Little theatre.building. July 9 Guy Mullis, 28, of Rockingham, is cut in affray at DEATHS for MONTH of JULY, 1939 July 1 W. M. Hatcher July 1 Edward A. Watkins July3rr Catherine Kelly, co July 5 Mrs. O. L. O'Brien July 8L. W. McCaskill July 9 Mrs. Sarah Thomas July 16 Mrs. H. L. Hale July 17 Daniel E. Hooker (Continued on Many Cases Of Drug Stores Report Big Demand for Medicines. But Schools Not Hurt Much. ' In manycities of the state, flu seems to be in much ; worse form this winter than for many years in some places almost like the bad -days of the World War. Here at Rockingham there are about the normal numbei' of cases of colds and flu, but so far they are not severe. However, a full check, of flu cases is net available at the County Health office for the reason that all the doctors are not reporting their cases promptly. Inroads are being made in school attendance, but so far not sufficiently as to cause any school to close. If you get a cold, stay at home and begin doctoring it; don't move about with any fever. Succeeds London as Sec. On Jan. 8th Alston Stubbs, lawyer of Durham, was named as sec.-treas. of the N. C. Bar Asso. to succeed Henry M. Lon don who died Dec. 30th after being sec.-treas. for 21 years. On Jan. 2nd Atty. Wofford Humphries, of Asheville, was named Legislative Referenc Librarian. Edmund Caulk. Injured Edmund Caulk, of Bennetts ville, who is well known thru out this section, received a fa cerated chin and two broken teeth Jan. 1st when his car was run into by a truck on the bridge over the Pee Dee river at Socie Hill, S. C. His car , was practically demolished nil- rtomnUaVioi DAVENPORT TO MOVE Harold Davenport has rented the building just vacated by the former Culberson Motor company, and will move there Feb. 1st. He handles Chevro lets, and opened here June 15, 1937, in the former Page build ing, owned by Gore in Great Falls section of town. Born in January: i Alexander Hamilton, Jan. 11. Banjamin Franklin, Jan. 17. Robert E. Lee, Jan. 19. Stonewall Jackson, Jan. 21. Pres. Wm. McKinley. Jan. 29. Pres. F. D. Roosevelt, Jan. 30 Judy Garland, Jan. 10, '23. Kay Francis, Jan. 13, '05. Cary Grant, Jan. 18, '09. ... Oliver Hardy, Jan. 18, '92. Eddie, Cantor, Janl 31, '93. July 18 Mrs. B. T. McBrydt July 23 William E. Hamer July 24 Mrs. E. E. Spittle July 24 John R. Hooks July 27 MrsiB. H. Trues- July 29 Coy C. Bethune July 29 OdelH Bryant Page Eight) ; ; J. Flu In County COUNTY NUMERATORS The busiril&sf enumerators for -this and neighboring coun ties for the 1940 ; census, who began work, J'H.nd,; are ? Y :' RichnionSEw; StiEliei&e; -' - Montgomery iJ. w-tsruton. Chas; B. Cameron, Hoke Luke Marion, Jr., Moore Walter V. McCall, Scotland John W. Liles, Lee Quentin Veach, Davidson Stokes A. Smith, Davidson Rike L. Willson, Davie A. S. Cassel, Wilkes R. L. Huffman, Jr., Wilkes Frank Woodhouse, Yadkin Wm. H. Rooker, Union. Names of population census enumerators will not be an nounced until the last of March; that census begin early in April. County Visited by Ice, Snow, Sleet Mean Temp, for First Ten Days 27 Lower Than the Aver age for 21 Years. Sleet and Cold. Schools Out 2 Days. The first ten days of Janu ary, 1940 have been much be low normal winter weather Continued on Page Nine) POSTAL RECEIPTS Postal receipts for year 1939, were : Rockingham $26,380 Hamlet ; 21,103 GEORGE McNEDLL DEAD Member State Elections Board. Col. George McNeill, 58, died Jan. 9th at his home in Fay- Jn .f,ra a nisjiome eneviiie. tie naa oeen a mem ber of the State Board of Elec tions for about 10 years. ' TAX LISTING NOW Listing Changed April to January SEE YOUR TOWNSHIP LIST-TAKER NOW! New Theatre Opening Next Monday, Jan. 15, 1940. The . new Little theatre, with 465 seats, will open next Mon day, Jan. 15th matinee 10 and 20c, .night 10 and 25c. The Post-Dispatch on pages 4 and 5 has a very complete history of the -movies and the atres of Rockingham, dating back to the time the opera house was built in 1908. Read and save it. McLEAN LOSES EYE Owen McLean had the mis fortune of having a forty penny hail hit him in his left eye while driving it into the new overhead bridge on Rice Street, where he was employed as a carpenter. His left eye was lacerated which caused complete loss of sight in that eye. Dr. W. D. James removed his eye at the Hamlet Hospital Jan. 6th. Mr. McLean's father is Law rence McLean at one time a Deputy Sheriff. Moran in Roofing Business . Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Moran spent Dec. 29th here wit friends. They last summer moved to Raleigh where Mr. Moran established a roofing business at 303 N. West street under the name of the Moran Roofing & Supply Co. "Oc BANK STATEMENT . . The statement of the Farm ers Bank, in this issue, " shows the largest amount of resources in the history of the bank. The total is $1,577,305, of which $1,338,564 represents de posits. The loans amount to $225,588. WPA PROMOTIONS Ed. Hurst who has been WPA roads -project time-keeper for the county for some months. was promoted to WPA keeper of records for Richmond and Montgomery counties Jan. 8th Bill Everett who had been at Charleston since 1936, came home Sunday and began work Jan. 8th as WPA time-keeper for roads projects. Roy Kelly Scheduled To Die January 19th Unless given a reprieve, Roy Kelly, former Albemarle man, will die in the gas chamber at Central prison in Raleigh on the morning of Jan. 19th, for the murder of M. P. Robertson. former sheriff of Alamance county, which occurred during the robbery of a filling station at Burlington early last year only a few days after Robinso had assumed the duties of hi office. MERCURY 8 COMING A Mercury 8 sedan started from Charlotte some days ago in a tour of Ford agencies over the state. Prizes are given, to the one guessing .how many gal lons of gas it will take for the car to go 2400 miles. The car will reach Rocking ham at 1:45 this Friday, at the Mclnnis-Rummage agency and be on display for a couple of hours. - You are invited to call and guess; you may win. New Rector Wadesboro Rev. W. M. Latta arsumed the rectorship of the Episco pal church at Wadesboro Jan 7th. He was formerly at Lum berton and, Windsor. He gra duated at Duke in 1926, and from the Seminary in 1933; i? a Pi Kappa Alpha; his wiff was Elizabeth Harding of Washington, N. C,. and she ! graduated from St. Mary's and the University; they have a son, aged 3. He ;s succeeds Rev. Frank Pulley who resigned to accept a church in Florida ' last fall. SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE THIS WEEK. LIST OF CASES TRIED BEFORE JUDGE CLEMENT. CASES TRIED Judge John H. Clement con vened . Superior Court Jan. 8th. on the stroke of .10 -and he lets no grass grow under the court. He pushes matters. In fact; the first day kept Court in ses sion until 5 :45, ' and convenes daily at 9:30. The next terms are : civil Feb. 5th with Judge G. V. Cow per; cvil March 18th, Judge Clement; criminal April 8th, Judge Clement. A Six Months' Grand Jury was drawn, with H. E. Gibbons, of Hamlet, as Foreman. This Grand Jury made it's report Jan. 9th and was discharged for this term. However, they will be on hand for April 8th term. The Report is elsewhere in this issue. In it, the Jury urges certain repairs in jail and courthouse, and that a phone be installed in a room next to the main Courtroom. It com mended the officers for their efforts to keep the county clean, but felt that violators were not (Continued on page ten) WCHMOND COUNTY PAID $89,470 SALES TAX TO STATE AT 3 PER CSJl For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1939. The 3 on sales paid by - 'consumers to the State of North Carolina for. the fiscal year .ending June 30, 1939, amounted to $10,948,761. ?; . - Five counties paid almost a third . of this Meckleur f burg,-Guilford; Forsyth," Wake and, Buncombe. : ,y- v . rir peoioJIi rCar county paid the smallest $2,540. It is interesting to see how neighboring counties" came out Richmond Anson Moore .$99,470 70,382, 86,904 i 29,363 45,179 Montgomery Scotland Chatham Union .' Stanly m Lee 34,3941 65,626 ocVq-j ' Golf Course Committee Is Trying To Make Town Golf-Minded. The Committee of the local Country Club golf course is trying to make Rockingham golf -minded and to get every person to go out and play on the Country Club course. If you're a "greenhorn" at the game, but interested in learning to play, then buy your self some clubs and go out and join the fun. If you haven't played on the course since the sand greens were transferred to grass, then you re in for treat. Just Jump in your auto any a round. There is only a small fee. VhjiJi'Llhj AStt-Uili 1U LIST TAXES EARLY Around 300 Listed in R'ham Township Last Week. The annual work of listing taxes in the county for tax ation went off fairly well the first week. Around 300 per-- . 4 M - "Wfc t 1 . sons 1 ustea . in itocKingnam: township, leaving 2,700 yet to list. - I County tax supervisor Tom my Covington issued an appeal for taxpayers to list their taxes early and avoid the last-minute rush'. Persons who fail to list this month are subject to penalties. PACKARD AGENCY HERE On Jan. 1st Garland Norwood and Glenn Baxley acquired the agency for the Packard line of cars, from the C. W. Upchurch & Co., of -Charlotte, state agency. Friends here will re member Mr. Upchurch as hav ing been at the Seaboard depot about 22 years ago. . ; The new agency will be knoTn " as the Norwood Auto Service; two new Packard s are now !on display. $4,820 COLLECTED BY COUNTY CCURT In Just 7 Months This Money Goes to the County School Fund. ., A total of $4,820 in fines was collected ' by the County Court from May 2nd of 1939 up to Dec. 1st, 1939! The court was formed on April 14th by the County Com missioners after the old Re corder's court ; was abolished j by the Legislature on April; 4. The first session of the court was held on: May 2nd, 1939, with J. Chesley Sedberry as Judge and Tom Parsons as Solicitor, the former having been appointed Judge : by Gov. Hoey. H. F. Brown, judge elect of the Recorder's court, was ousted - from the bench (Continued on Page 10) Joined the Marines A Number of ' Local Boys. A recruiting party was at the Federal building here from young single white men for the l Marines. I The following have so far : joined, and will be furnished i transportation to Raleigh for further examination and then enlistment. They will be' sent to Parris Island, S. C. for six weeks of training, after which they will be assigned to for eign stations, Marine barracks or ship duty : Daniel Earl Lathan Everett Morris Lathari Grady Henry Turnage Rufus "Pete" Johnson . Horace Geary Shoe, Jr. Leroy Smith ! . ttf j..4.j lhe two Lathan boys are from Hoffman high schooi. Turnae is from East Rockinsr- ; ha S attended ' RockingJiam high, and has been working at the local A. & P. "Pete" John son goes to Rockingham high, 1 '. 4-1 1 n.oinof.v n; 1QAf rrtoll ; luuwo" tcoiu, no utwc Horace is 19: Leroy is also 19, and was in llth grade El lerbe school this past fall. RICHMOND THEATRE . Friday :r':.; Robert Montgomery, v Edw. Arnold in "The Earl of Ghicago,, ; Metros Latest Release. S aturday Big Double Feature Program F g All Star Super Western "The Bad Lands" with Twenty Stars. Also Robert Montgomery and Edw. Arnold in "The Earl of : Chicago' 9 . Cartoon and Serial.. GET THE HABIT! . r fS3l