PAGE TWELVE ROCKINGBAM POST-DISPATCH, BICHMONO COUNTY, N. C. THIRD PLACE ESSAY IN aVITAN ESSAY CONTEST Civitans Held County Contest at Rockingham March 28, 1946. WT1MXTI?1JG Miss Margie Everett, Rockingham Miss Norma Key, Ellerbe $10.00 $ 7.50 J$ 5.00 JUDGES FROM MT GILEAD: Prof. A. H. Nanny Rev. E. J. Starnes Mrs. George Dixon Building Citizenship (Norma Key, Ellerbe School) I am a student in an American High School. I am obligated ,to my parents whose sacrifices have given me the foundation up on which I am building, to my school which is offering me the opportunity to develop my natural pliers, to my community Which makes possible the educational advantages, to my country which gives me freedom and to : my own future as an individual and citizen. What am I doing to prove my self worthy of these advan tages? My goal is to become a good citizen. Just exactly what is citizenship? Citizenship may be defined as a membership in co-operating groups family, neighborhood, community, town, city, county, state, na tion, and world. Membership in one of these groups is not alto- I My ideals will form character and habits that will remain throughout my life. I should realize the influence that they carr in my home, in my church, in the lives of my friends then strive to make them rul. I must not be dis courage if sometimes I fail, be- caus they would not be ideals if they did not test my strength. must hold fast for the sake and and help are born in them. always seek to do for each member something which he cannot do for himself. My membership is in my school. To make my member ship worthwhile I must realize my own qualities. What I am, measure my worth to myself and to others. Not money, fame, or power but sincerity, joy in life, intelligence, friend liness, resourcefulness, genero sity, and nobility, of conduct should be the markings of every true citizen. In order to attain these qualities I must endeavor to work daily at personal im provement. I must begin where I am. My home life, my wealth or lack of wealth, the influence of my neighborhood and friends are to be considered. The real Jmilding of my life will be the result of positive thinking and constructive action, so my life must be planned. A planless life is like a sail boat without a breeze to carry it on its course. I must con sider what I desire to accom plish in life and then work out a plan to go by. I must give sustained attention to spiritual development, occupation and avocation. I must overcome weakness and study the lives of great citizens. I know that in order to be come a good citizen I must keep fit at all times. A weak or di seased body is not the home of a strong mind. The practice of good mental and physical habits is very necessary. The part that a good citizen plays among his fellow citizens is determined by the skills of the hand, mind and body. Can I walk with ease and poise? Drive a car? Take shorthand? Make a speech? These are all skills. If I am to become a good citizen, 1 just Choose one skill after another and wfork at each until excellence is acquired. At this point my membership in school should be of great bene fit. Good citizens should attach importance to their families. People who do well within their families are likely to succeed at other under-takings. I must learn goodwill, loyalty, co-operation and I must learn to make important decisions. These are the roots of a demo cratic government and they all begin in the home. A good citizen makes worthy friends. I must choose friends for what they are ; not for what they have. I should be loyal to them and make myself worthy of their friendship. I cannot begin too early to ob serve how the world's work is done and think of my relation to it. What can I do that would be of benefit to others? I should use my ingenuity and earn my own way. In whatever I undertake I must strive to be happy. Thru' happiness I can accomplish more work, mean more to my family, and have a greater in fluence on others. Each day should be full of kindness and good deeds toward others. It is important to build high Ideals and hold fast to them. ing. grows shou ed. I should learn to estimate and criticize my own work. Pood for my mind should be selected as carefully as food for my body, because my mind is the master key to a good life. One of the first marks of a citizen is an appreciation of the worth, dignity, power and usefulness of his own mind. T live in a democracy. My forefathers amid sacrifices laid.; the foundation for this great nation with its government bas ed on the fact "that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Each succeeding generation has held to this idea of democracy George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln with the "Get tysburg Address" all are mile tones in our age of history. Through loyalty this democracy has been obtained and through loyalty this democracy must be preserved. The worst war in history has been completed. Democracy must now take its stand. A democracy is built of loyal citizens farmers, mechanics, ! lawyers, all colors and creeds. Certainly the high schools have a great part in training citizens to continue the building of this democracy. Good citizens will carry out the qualities of a good citizen. I am more determined to work with undying love for my home, school, community and country. I must always re member that only persons pos sessing and using these quali ties are truly worthy of being American Citizens. BONNY BLUE COAL Rockingham Ice Co. 0--: WPNESfaAY, JUNE 19, i94fi ' ' wmmzr- ' .- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Slabs for Sale For sale, large loads of slabs 12 inches long. Phone Moss Bros., 55. i 3 m FERTZ i srether of our own choosine- we I of my home, myself and human- trained today in youth These groups ; lty- make good citizens in the world 1 must strive to keep on learn- of tomorrow. Like a muscle the mind i As I think back through the with use. Hard tasks historv of this nation, nhase bv d be undertaken and solv-j phase, I am more determined to May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with its hurry and worry, irregular habits, improper eating and drinking its risk of exposure and infec tion throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan'B Pills. Doan's help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your neighbor! We Manufacture ALL GRADES OF FERTILIZER PHONE255 McLaurin's, Inc. Gob Humor "Congratulations. I hear you married one of the pretty Jones twins." "Yeah." "How in heaven do you tell them apart?" "I don't try." Standard groceries. We handle the best. Glad to serve yon. eawell J. A. S Grocer Phone 274 NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION m i North Carolina, Richmond County. In the Superior Court. Frank S. Townsend vs Ruth F. Townsend To Ruth F. Townsend, Defendant: The defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Richmond County, North Caro lina by the plaintiff above nam ed for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separaton. The defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, North Caro lina at the court house in Rock ingham, N. C, on the 1st day of July, 1946,. and answer or de mur to the verified complaint herein filed within twenty days thereafter or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded therein iThis, 30th of May, 1546. Thomas L. Covington, Clerk, Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C Fred. W. Bynum, Atty. (June 5, 12, 19, 26). NOT ON YOUR TINTYPE ! Grandma looks calm and collected as she poses for posterity, but she wasn't not on your tintype! Getting her family ready for this picture was a long, weary business. The day this photo was snapped, Grandma was up at dawn, wrestling with the old wood stove, coaxing the kettle to boil, cooking breakfast. And the day before, she ironed the mountain of starched clothes that had needed such hard scrubbing. The day before that But that was Grandma's life. She didn't know any other kind. Her way of housekeeping took lots of time, lots of elbow grease. In Grandma's gayest dreams she never imagined the time would come when a woman would have dozens of electric servants daily for the cost of a bar of soap. Electric service ready and willing around the clock and calendar -is a modern miracle Grandma missed by being born too soon. But electrical dependability (and cheapness, too) didn't happen by accident. Not on your tintype ! They're the result of plenty of hard work and practical experience on the part of your; neighbors who operate this company. Hear NELSON EDDY in "THE ELECTRIC HOUR' with Robert Armbrwster'c Orchetfra. Sunday, 4:30 P. M., EDST, CBS Network. oodXrAtnr NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the Mortgage Deed dated February 6, 1939 and executed by Isaac Jenkins and Lessie Jenkins, his wife, to R. T. Poole. which said Mortgage Deed is recorded in Richmond County Registry in Book 217 at page 288, there having been default made in the payment of the note secured thereby according to the tenor thereof, the under signed, Bessie P. Poole, Execu trix and Trustee of R. T. Poole Estate, will on the 29th day of June, 1946 at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Rock ingham, North Carolina sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands: Beginning at a stake the cor ner of Jim Terry's and John Gladden's and runs thence N 33 E. 4.50 chains to a stake John Gladden's corner; thence S. 55 E. 3.12 chains to a stake; thence N. 34 E. 1.25 chains to a stake, Sallie Baldwin's corner: thence N. 30 1-2 W. 9.80 chains to a stake in the new State Highway survey same being a corner of Sallie Baldwin's, De lia Mahue and James Allred; thence S. 55 1-2 W. with said Highway survey, 7 chains to Jim Terry's and John C. Wright's corner; thence S. 30 E. 6.64 chains to the beginning, con tain 5.45 acres, more or less. This, 27th of May, 1946. Bessie P. Poole, Executrix & Trustee, R. T. Poole Estate. (June 5-26). HAY Save money by buying: your hay from E. B. Morse at the depot. E. B. Morse Feed and Seed Store, phone 672. Corn Mill For husking, shelling and bagging your corn, come to Allen's Mill at Lilesville. We have big capacity machine. electric. ALLEN'S MILL Lilesville, N. C. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE nor onri hv virtue of an ' - order of the Superior Court of RiVVimnnH Pmmtv made in the Special Proceeding entitled "Lillie Lowe, Administratrix of the Estate of Ella Lowe War ren," the undersigned Commis sinnpr will on thp. 25th day of June, 1946, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Rockingham, North Carolina, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land located in Rockincrham Township, Rich mond County, North Carolina and more particularly describ ed as follows, to-wit: Being in Rockingham Town ship, said County and State and described and denned as tol- lows: BEGINNING at a stake a corner of Lot No. 1 in the origi nal line and runs North 19 West (original bearing) 5.23 chains to the original corner, a stake: thence as an original line North 46 East 2.70 chains to a corner, in the Midway road; thence along said road about North 27 West 7 chains to a corner of Lot No. 3 ; thence as a line of Lot No. 3 South 75 West 13.50 chains to a stake in the original line; thence as said line South 11 1-2 East 13.25 chains to a. corner of Lot No. 1; thence as line of said Lot North 75 East 14 chains to the beginning, containing 16 1-2 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 2 of the lands of Jacob Lampley and Emma S. Lamp- ley, Jiis wife, according to a di vision of the same as made and agreed upon between the heirs-at-law of the said Jacob Lamp- ley, a plat of which has been made by N. A. Graham, Countv Surveyor, and being the tract of land conveyed to Mrs. Ella M. Warren by Henry E. Lamp ley, widower, by deed dated De cember 9, 1933, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Book 219, page 122. This, June 8, 1946. J. Elsie Webb, Commissioner. (June 12, 19). NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolian, Richmond County. In the Superior Court. Lillian Johnson Friend vs Robert Leon Friend. To Robert Leon Friend, the defendant: The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C. by the plaintiff above named for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce from the defend ant on the grounds of two years separation. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior court nf Richmond County, N. C. at the court-house in Rockingham, N. C, on the 10th day of Julv 1946. and answer or demur to the verified complaint herein filH within twenty days thereafter or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand pH therein. This, 7th of June, 1946. Thomas L. Covington,, Clerk, Superior Court of Richmond Countv. N. C. Fred. W. Bynum, Attornev (June 12-July 3). Having this day qualified as Executors of the Estate of the late Albert J. Little, this is to notify all creditors having any claim against said estate to present the same to the under signed Executors, or their at torney, on' or before the 18th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, 18th of May, 1946. Calvin M. Little, Julian H. Little, W. M. Little, Executors of the Will of Albert J. Little. Fred. W. Bynum, Attorney (May 22-June 26) Dissolution Notice . This is to give public notice that the partnership existing be tween C. A. Macon, N. W. Dock ery and John C. Dockery, under the name of Service Equipment Co., was dissolved as of March 31, 1946. C. A. Macon N. W. Dockery J ohn C. Dockery NOTICE OF SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE On Saturday, June 22, 1946 at the residence of the late Margaret Sears in Wolf Pit Township, the undersigned ad ministrator will expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following: 1 bed and springs 1 wardrobe - 2 rocking chairs 1 straight chair 1 laundry stove 1 dresser. John B. Sears, Adm. of the Estate of Margaret Sears, Deceased (June 12, 19). NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Richmond County. In the Superior Court. Joseph Black Home Myrtle L. Horne To Myrtle L. Horne, the de fendant: The defendant ahnvp nam will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C. by the plaintiff above named for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce from the defend ant on the grounds of two years separation. The defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C, at the court-house in Rockingham, N. C, on the 6th day of July, 1946, and answer or demur to the verified complaint herein filed within twenty days thereafter or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed therein. - This, 3rd' of June, 1946. Thomas L. Covington, Clerk, Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C. Fred. W. Bynum, Attorney. (June 5, 12, 19, 26). Dr.N. G. Nicholson Honrs 9-5. Sundays 9-12. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat BONNY BLUE COAL Rockingham Ice Co. W. S. THOMAS ATTORNEY AT LAW Rockingham, N. C. Office Upstairs in SHAW BUILDING Phones: Office Residence Dr. F. B. Garrett EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Office Over Penneys Store. FULL-O-PEP FEED Just received, another car of Full-o-pep chicken feed. E. B. Morse Feed and Seed Store, phone 672. BURIAL ASSOCIATION Join the Watson-Kin n Mutual Burial Association fnc. W. W. Kinir. Need Any Money? If you had rather have money than real estate, sell it to ME or place it on my available list to be sold to others. H. W. Snead, Rockingham.