PAGE SIX ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1946 Smithey's Car Damaged. .Last week Henry C. Smithey bought a new 1946 Pontiac from Penegar Motor Co. Sunday night he and Mrs. Smithey and Mr. and Mrs. Heath Pene gar, were out riding in the new car. When near Morgan's tour ist camp, 5 miles northeast on Highway No. 1 a car. from the rear tried to go around the Smithey car at a rapid rate of speed, and evidently cut back in too sharply, thus side-swip ing the left front fender. The driver of the other car was Harold Gilliland, 34, of Char lote ; his car continued for 99 yards into a corn field; no one was injured. The damage to the new Pontiac will be around $150, to say nothing of the men tal stress at having a brand new car thus mis-treated. Gilliland was put in jail, but was released June 18th under $300 bond so he could continue on to Ft Bragg: he will have a hearing June 25th. Johnny Lentz at Bethesda. Johnny F. Lentz Jr., son of peach Lentz of Ellerbe, is now a Hospital Apprentice 1-c in the N- N. Medical Center at Beth esda, Maryland. " Je expects to be discharged in August, and then re-enter Duke this fall as a Soph. Presbyteriajns Sunday. Rev. Homer Spencer this Sun day will b at- the Roberdel Presbyterian church, at il, and Cameronian cnurch at 8 p. m. subject, "Facing Life's Reali ties." Thompsori-Ni Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Williams of Hemingway, S. C, announce th ; marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Carrie B. Nichols, to Mr. Cnester H. Thompson Sr-, of Rockingham on June 15th at Bennettsville, by John F. Ken- ney. !drs. Thompson was dressed in a complete navy blue outfit wii h gold accessories and she wore a corsage of red rose buds. Only the immediate families were present. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are away on a trip to various parts of the Caro limis. They will be at home in Rockingham after June 24th. Pee Dee Mills vs Cheraw Saturday. The Pee Dee mills team will play the strong Cheraw team at the high school here in Rocking ham at 4 p. m. this Saturday. The local Bus company will op erate a special bus for the game, leaving the Mcintosh store at 3:30. FOR SALE For sale, peanut parcher and pop-corn popper. Charlie White. Phone 198-J LESPEDEZA HAY For sale, Lespedeza hay.- Dan Gore, Rockingham Feed Store. Pvt. R. G. McDonald's Paper. Billy is sending the paper now to Private Robert G. McDonald, whose address is 76th Qm. Training Co., 14th Battalion, Camp Lee, Va. Robert was in J the group of six inducted last May 22nd; he was 23 last April 4th. Next Door to Richmond Theatre tJ,u t LvJ I IM J BONNY BLUE COAL ". Rockingham Ice Co. TmWMSwiH not detract from the smartness of this Elgin DeLuxe.The beauty of its dean lines reflects the true American styling. AN IL6IN DI LUXI he will show with pride and trust for accuracy. Has easily rtad dial, sturdy strap. YOU'LL U CLAD YCU wait ed for an Elgin. There are not enough ye$ for every one but each one, like thist is! worth, waiting for. See them now. ' j!i;!f' diP'i miiiiijlilillllUllll lili liukiiMiHiMiHi Postyar Studebaker on Display Here "'" ' " ' f If r iviv; ; - v y y F.'.VV. ::&-' :y I ......if" ' ' " - - s rrrz?r',s ..::zt?;:j& r Mt. Plrasant SS Metho. 200 Weil Bros., Memphis 150 Cartledge Creek Sunday Scnool , v ; ' : 150 ' Ellerbe Presbyterian Sunday, School .. 114.50 Charles Benoist 100 Fred W. Rainwater 100 Lions club, Ellerbe 100 H. A. Thompson 100 The miirJiadioeiiflsed 1947 Studebaker. described an 'th firat vmnm nnatm antnmnk!Ii.M fvnn traced on diply at dealer showrooms here. Lower and wider bodies, re-engineered weight distribution that adds imineasurably to riding safety and comfort, mechanical adrances that include self-adjusting brakes and stronger rbof-cecLion frames are among the many bighspots. Pictured above is the four-door iJFL trI n3 TH) Jl oJlTo FOR THE if 1 I u a I wish to thank you for the fine vote you gave me on May 25th, and I am looking forward to your continued support on June 22nd. If elected, I will make every effort to justify your confidence in me. In advance, I wish OPPOSED TO WINE Asks your vote for Commissioner from Wolf Pit in June 22nd primary. Most of you know that I ant in the second race for County Commissioner from Wolf Pit township. , I wish to thank the good people for the nice support that you gave me on May th, and if you see fit to vote for me on June 22nd, and nominate me for the office, I shall endeavor to serve the people to the best of my -ability. In regard to the Wine question that has arisen, 1 want the people to know that I am opposed to it and al ways will be or any other issue that may come up that is not for a clean, government. -j My Motto is for a clean and sound government. I sincerely solicit your support. THANK YOU, JULIAN P. GADDY L. MEMORIALS Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Rivers 100 Cox's Store 100 Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Canipe 100 Dr. R. T. Nichols 100 Mr. and MrsR. L. Nichols and family 100 Labouisse & Crouch ,... 100 W. S. McRae ' ,,, 100 Harris McRae 100 Mr.-Mrs. W. H. Parker 100 "Ellerbe Lions Club 100 Harris McRae 100 S. H. Richardson . - 100 Mrs. Florence Dawkins 100 Roy Newton 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker , " : ' ' ' ; - ' ' 100 R'ham Fire Dept. 50.00 Webb's Store, employees 67 Mrs. Lucy Parsons 50 H. E. Duvall 50 Mrs. W. A. Wentz , ; - " 50 J. W. Jones , 50.00 Mrs. Caroline C. Thomas 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Walker In Memory of Loved Ones for Memorial Hospital L. A. Donahue Jr. Miss Janie and Mamie Baldwin , ,. J. D. McLean Dan Allen ,, . ... L. J. Bell ?. Robert S. Leak in memory of wife 2000 Mrs. John D. Chalk and Mrs. W. Sinclair Stewart in memory of parents, Mr.-Mrs. H. C. Watson 1000 Leak-Parsons Co., for W. L. Parsons Jr. $1,000 Rotary Club, in memory deceased members 'L. 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Covington in memory of Walter S. Covington Jr. Mrs. Pearl Pearson in memory of husband, W. S. Pearson Mrs. Sam S. Steele for husband Sani S. Steele Grade 9-A, with Miss Sara Rice, teacher W. A. Reynolds D. A. Connell ,.,",,; Mrs. LeGrand Land Mrs. W. E. Allen Mrs. Julia M. Ussery James B. Parsons William Hunter .,.,., Frank Andrews -.,; Cox Barber Shop, El Miss Nina Lampley J. B. Baucom, Ellerbe Nancy Ellerbe' 1,000 1000 j Brewer Webb, Ellerbe Mrs. George Crump Henry Wall Mrs. T. R. Helms for father 1000 1000 to thank you for any effort you may make in my behalf. 8 ill likU hS ItB ikm m a iwfi mt YmlLlULU NOTICE OF 6TH RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Richmond County made in' the special proceeding entitled Guy L. Webb, Adminstrator et. al., vs Ethel W. Webb, et. al." the undersigned Commissioner will be on the 3rd day of July, 1946, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Rock ingham, Richmond County, North Carolina, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Mineral Springs Township, Richmond County, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows : All that certain piece or par cel of land situate, lying and being in Mineral Springs Town ship, Richmond County, North Carolina, containing 172 acres, more or less, bounded on the North by the lands of L. W. P. Webb, on the East by the land of L. W. P. Webb, on the South by the land of A. T. White and S. C. Chappell Estate ; on the West by the land of the D. B. Bethune Estate: and more par ticularly bounded and describ ed as follows: BEGINNING at a rock cor ner of Lot No. 1 and runs South 43 degrees East 180 poles to Little Mountain Creek; gum corner on bank of creek; thence down the various courses of said creek South 28 degree West 50 poles to a pine corner; black gum pointers; thence North 41 degrees West 140 poles to a stake and rocks: thence South 32 degrees West 46 poles to S. C. j vuocuis une; thence rsonn 20 degrees West 20 poles to a stake ; thence North 69 degrees West 60 poles to a corner ; thence North 60 degrees West 100 poles to a stump corner; thence North 42 degrees East 142 poles to a corner; thence South 73 degrees East 52 poles; thence South 29 degrees East 106 poles to the beginning, rock corner ; containing 172 acres ; as calculated and platted by N. A. Graham, County Surveyor, February, 1923. This, June 18, 1946. ' J.Elsie Webb, . Commissioner. (June 19, 26). WE URGE YOU TO GIVE GENEROUSLY TO COUNTY HOSPITAL Mrs. Hallie S. Covington in memory of her mother, Harriett Crawford Steele 4 and husband, W. M. Coving- . ton , 1Q00 Miss Nan Little, Gsboro John & Robert Bostick -Miss Fleeta Green . Mrs. Anna Lea Harris -W. H. Covington r, - . Miss Lizzie Covington Mrs. Cassie Reece H. J. Smith , W. L. Mills m ' - Miss Elsie Quick Baxter Richardson Mrs; Laura Mills American Legion Anieri. Legion Aux. Dr. Z. F. Long in memory of father, Zachary F. Long Mrs. Claude Gore for Claude Gore , L. M. Williams for Robert Williams 500 500 1 500 500 500 Webb'a store, Ellerbe Mrs. J. H. Bryant Frank Allred :" :' :' W. N. Jarrell Mrs. C. C. Brown Mrs. J. R. Garrett 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50 40 40 33 30 25.00 . 25 25 - 25 25 23 20 20 20 20 15 16 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 A WELCOME ALWAYS AWAITS YOU HERE. LADIES' and MENJ READY-TO-WEAR W. & H. CLOTHING CO. Rockingham, N. C Hon women and girls may get ivanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul Is a. liquid medictno.vhlcb, many women say h&s brought relict from tbe cramp-like agony and ner vous strain of functional periodlo distress. Here's how It may help; 1 Taken like a tonic. It should stimulate appetite, aid diges tion, thus help build re sistance for tbe "time to come. 2 Started 3 days be fore "your time", it should help relieve pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. Try Cardul. If It helps, you'll oe gxaa you uav Mr. and Mrs. C. R. White for Callie Raymond White Jr. 500 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rohlederj Jr. for Andrew Hamilton Rohleder 3rd - . 500 Mr. and Mrs. Athos L. Cockman for Mary Ann Cockman - George Onnsby 500 .$ 500 6th grade Rockingham grammar, 100 (Mrs. Souther $25) ' total . Mrs. A. Baldwin Jessie Baldwin , .. Mrs. R. M. Mclnnis C. T. Thrift C. K. Rhyne Mrs. J. A. Allred Otis Young Carl Young J. A. Cobler . Paul Mabe - ' " R. A. Millikan J. E. Munn Mr. and Mrs. Picket Ellerbe " ' : " ' ' " - Mrs. William Ed Harri son Jr. for father, F. C. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. John Entwistle Mrs. Ed Kennedy for Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fowlkes f. INTO A V help1! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson for James Wesley Ferguson O. B. Smith for Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Smith Mrs. Minnie S. Leak for father, Dr. J. M. Stansill 500 500 500 500 500 500 Mrs. Mary S. Terry ' , Miss Daisy Nichols Mrs. Mattie N. Stansill Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Linton Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nichols James C. Nichols Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole Nichols : ; ; ; Zach C. Nichols R. Tom Nichols Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnston '": - : Carl SPECIAL GIFTS VAST A uAJ2,T TO CrET YOUR ATTEMTIOM WE PUTIN OUR' SUPER- SUPER TERRIFIC 1HR PfSJNTI KI(5 u w 1 Luther G. C. Luther Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Grant A. B. Green D. C. Bruton D. D. Troutman ' " -T. E. Henderson R. E. Henderson Miss Bessie McCaskill M. L. Parker Mrs. Henry C. Wall $10,000 ! Colonial Mills 1,000 H. Hohenbrg Bros. Co. 1000 Rebecca Anderson Mrs. Ruby Hardister , T. C. Hardister ; ; Anderson, Clayton Co. Household Credits, with 18 employees ' ' '''V Hoffman Baptist S. S. Mrs. Kay Whittemore S. A. Hallum : ' Woman's Civic Club Dillon Cotton Co. Robt. M. Mclnnis Rham Hardware Mrs. T. C. Hardister T. C. Hardister Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Nicholson ;V ;' ': : : W. W. Harris Jr. : ' W. D. Barksdale - B. & P. Women's Club Mclnnis Motor Co. . Senior Class R'ham School j ' ' Allenbrg Cotton Co. Commonwealth Hosiery (employees) , , " 1000 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500. 500 475 350 j 253 V Thomas Henderson Mrs. W. W. Harris Jr. O. S. Anderson Jr. Rebecca Anderson Mrs. O. S. Anderson Mrs. W. D. Barksdale William P. Harris ; Richard P. Anderson . Mt. Pleasant School M. E. Key 66 10 5 5 10 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 2S 10 5 10 10 5 25 5 5 10 20 10 5 5 10 25 15 15 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 75 10 . s ':