WElWiiSDA, WHft 1$, 194S ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N, C. PAT3E SEVEN CONSERVATION FARTJ NEWS Weekly Items Interesting to Farmers in the County, by W. H. Abrams and D. E. Campbell J; E. Ussery, conservation farmer of the Wolf Pit section, had his land terraced a few years ago. He has maintained his terraces and farmed on the contour since he had the ter races built. He says that what he puts on his Jand stays and does not wash off. Oscar H. McRae, conserva tion fanner of the Green Lake community, has a strip of seri cea on a steep hill side. He uses this to furnish hay and at the same time helps control ero sion nJthis .field. Clyde Roberson, whose farm is located near Rockingham, is now making a plan with the Brown Creek Soil Conservation District. As a part of this plan he will construct a fish pond and put in a wild life border in the near future. The district will assist him in carrying out these practices. K tty" at Hamlet On June 20th and 21st. TY", opening at the Jack Cotton, conservation farmer of the X-Way section, has sown six acres of sericea lespedeza on an old steep wash ed away cotton field. He says that he will use this for grazing and at the same time keep this steep hill side from washing away. Highest Cash price paid for USED CARS Phone 675 L. & G. Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Sales and Service. Hamlet . Theatre June 20-21, deals with an incident in the life of Sir Thomas Gainsboro ugh, B titan's famous painter. The director of "KITTY" is Mitch 11 . Leisen, who happens to be si stickler for detail. o much so in fact that the re search ; completed by Leisen's staff as background material for tbj picture, is a more com plete encyclopedia of London in the 1780's than can be boasted by mcst libraries. The information deals with all soijts of subjects, from foods to card games. But more re searci was necessary for this particilar filni than is ordinar ily required, because of Gains borough's reputation as an ar tist. Since so many of the scenes were filmed in his studio, Leisen's staff checked American musei ms containing his paint ings s i that they could copy his portra its. As a result, Leisen has the best collection of; the cojuntry. LEISEN INCIDENTALLY, is somet ling of a connoisseur of 18th :entury art. He owns a beaut ful hand-rubbed pine panel ed living room, imported from a castle built by the Earl of Scarsdale at Sutton-Scars-dale, : erby. The panelling was bought by a collector, who had it cut in to sections and numbered, crat ed and shipped to the United States. He later sold it at auc tion, land Mitchell Leisen bought it. The director-owner rented the panelling to Paramount for use in "Kitty" at exactly what it wojuld have cost to build a set almost like it; but he stay ed around to see that the grips and electricians were careful ' about handling it. Scarsdale Castle, in Derby, ed street waif, Kitty, whom Sir Thomas Gainsborough engaged to pose for his portrait, "Anony mous Lady." Kitty remained in London, When her portrait created a stir, and enjoyed an exciting life, which in those days, bor dered on scandal and romantic adventure. Ray Milland is co-star in the new picture, which has received much favorable comment where ever it has been shown. KArfAr?A V- 1 .1 - . ! I "If it had fewer spats The world would have more fats." How about those old shoes? Let Hudson fix 'em. HUDSON SHOE SHOP Across street from Rockingham Hardware FOR SALE Dr. LeGears Stock Remedies Morse Feed Store. which the panelling was J is no more; it was hit by an bomb early in the ; from taken a Ge war. PAULETTE GODD A R D plays the. part of the dishevellr I WASHING GREASING SIMONIZING GOODYEAR TIRES ORDERS TAKEN FOR SEAT COVERS TIRE REPAIR SPARK PLUGS COVINGTON Sinclair Station Perry Covington, Mgr. ' PHONE 62 ran ABE o ni EilI?l?Ii I mim) I Eppmeet Put out and Recommended by U. S. Rubber Co. FACTORY mm TRAINED m PTT3o Wo Phone 322 Rockingham Gore Building PROOF NEXT WEEK Proof of Last Weed's Statement Men Are Not Naturally Better Mechanics Than Women According to the; Minnesota Ability Tests, published ; by the Univ. of c Minnesota Press , in 1930, there are ' no sex differ ences in mechanical aptitude." You never have trouble be ing satisfied if you patronize us, for here we have.no substitutes for honesty, courteous and fair dealing. , f -V I - TYPHOID SCHEDULE Clinics for Health Dept. Monday, June 3, 10, 17, 24 Bohanen School: 9:30-11 a.m. . Hoffman Clinic: 2-3 p. m. Tuesday, June 4, 11, 18, 25 'Hamlet, City Hall: 9:30 to 11:30 a. nL Holly Grove: 10 to 11 a. m. X-day Store: 11:30 to 12:30. Mangum Clinic: 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. Wednesday, June 5, 12,' 19, 26 Cordova School: 10 to 11:30 a. m. Thursday, June 6, 13, 20,27 Boberdel Store : 9 :3ft to 10 :30 a. m. . . : Ledbetter's Store: 11 to 12 a. m. ' ': ; Friday, June 7, 14, 21, 28 St. Stephens School : 9 :30 to ll:30a. m. -vBoscoe Filling Station-. 1 tSO to 2:30 p. m. : ;r".'-'!i?"3-" J Saturday, June 8,U5i 22, 29 V Rockingham Health Dept.: 9:00 to 12:00 a. m.' . !' ; Monday, July 1, 8, 15, 22 ; .Brutons Store: 9:30 to 11:30 a. in. FORMATE for control of ' BLUE MOLD on tobacco beds. A Dupont product For sale by E.B.MORSE - Seed & Feed Store And More Powerful Tommy : "They say two heads are better than one." Johnny: "Not with four ears to wash!" DR. RICHARD C. BAKER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 414 Leak street Hours: 9 to 12; 2 to 4 and by' appointment Phone 571 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Richmond County. In the Superior Court. Bertha Lee Gallop, Plaintiff S. ; : ; Glynn W. Gallop, Defendant. The defendant, Gfynn W. Gallops, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above hag been commenced in the Superior Court of Rich mond County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff named for an absolute divorce from the de fendant on the grounds of two years separation ; And the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County at the Court House in Rockingham, North Carolina, on the 16th day of July, 1946, and answer or demur to the verified Complaint filed herein within 20 days from said return date or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. ..... This, June 15th, 1946. Myrtle WV Hawkins, Ass't Cler SuperioV Court. Jones & Jones, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (June 10-July 10). from Dolf Pit Township Earl Greene is well qualified to represent the peo ple of Richmond county on the Board of County Com missioners. He is positively NOT obligated to any group or fac tion or to any individual, but he will be free to exercise his vote and influence for the best interests of ALL the People ; and for the welfare of the county as a whole. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE ON JJNE 22ftb WILL BE SlNcfeRLY APPRECIATED. Greene had a plurality of 415 over his next high man. Let's give him a rousing vote of endorsement Saturday. (This advt. inserted by friends of Earl Greene). - ' '"Ik ( :feL fill I? V "T" " ..:r-m,,? ,-;;n 5 t 9 Ill r f'M't'ZMW jmfo , 0 til . sav SV Mm Mi II it fyiTI IJ9 if ikJ -j -5 'A"Ay,rr; L,'iv - .:....twlmi-i ' A Pii DLL! O N D O CLAIMS W O RIM Better make it $35,000,000 worth, if you want to take the whole order at one time. Steel, crossties, tablecloths, coal, lumber, chinaware, fuel oil... and thousands of other items from paper clips- to locomo tives went into that order for the equip ment, materials and supplies purchased by the Seaboard last year. And, as in every other year, a large por tion of that $35,000,000 was spent right along our lines. Those purchases helped to maintain employment and keep the wheels of industry and commerce humming in Hie Southeast. They also represent concrete evidence of the Seaboard's constant desire to make " every contribution within its power to the advancement of the territory we serve... For Seaboard is that kind of a railroad-- mi a l Avi rt AIR LINE RAILWAY THROUGH THE HEART OF THE SOUTH i i ! I ! ! t ! I w li ! 4