SECOND SECTION NINE ""WEDNESDA, JUNE 19, 1946 THETOWNOFHMtlLET Population in 190p 639 Population in 1940 5111 Started from "Saw-mill in 1877. Now a Thriving Railroad Center. Hamlet 1900 & 1940 First is given the population of Marks Creek township, then Hamlet: 1900. 1910. 1920. 1930 1940 T'ship .2089 ' .3843 .6569 .9155 .9248 Hamlet 639 2173 3659 4801 5111 tii Pnst-Disriateh editor is a stickler for dates and factual matters, and things historical. This editor was asked the question a few days ago as to how old the now thriving rail road center of Hamlet is. And ruminating on this line, is the cause of this little article on our sister-town. In 1888, John Shortridge came from England, and in 1874 he hnncrht much land at where Hamlet now is, and erected a saw-mill, and a bit later a foun dry. The place was called "Shortridge's Mills." In 1877 Mr. Shortridge chang ed the name to "Hamlet," and he built a small woolen mill, manu f acturinc woolen tweeds. . On Feb. 9, 1897, the Legisla ture incorporated the town, with the following as the first set of officials: Mayor: L. C. Spear. Board: A. S. Cowan, R. B. Terry, C. C. Smith, O. F. Good win and F. Shortridge. The area of the town is three fourths of a mile from the Sea board passenger depot with the depot as the center. The following is the Act in corporating Hamlet Feb. 9, 1897: Private Laws 1897. Chapter 14. Section 1. ; That the town of by incorporated under the name and style of "The town of Ham let." and said town shall be subject to the provisions of Chaptfer 62 of THE CODE, not inconsistent with this act. Section 2. That the corporr ate limits of the said town shall be and include all the territory embraced wfith a circle, the cen ter of which is the Seaboard Air-line Passenger Depot in said own, and the radius of which! is three-fourths of a mile. Section 3. That the officers of the said town shall consist of a Mayor, five Commissioners, a Constable, a Clerk and Treas urer, and as many policemen as may be necessary for preserv ing the peace and good order of said town. That the Mayor and five Commissioners shall be elected by the qualified voters of said town as hereinafter pro vided. That the other officers shall be elected by the Commis sioners. That until the first election under this act L. C. Spear shall be Mayor, and A. S. Cowaii, R. B. Terry, C. C. Smith, O.F.Goodwin, and F. Short ridge shall be Commissioners, who shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall be elected and qualified, and that the said Commission ers shall elect the Clerk and Treasurer, Constable and policemen herein provided for whose! terms shall expire with the tej-ms of the said Commis sioners. Section 4. That there shall be held on the first Monday in May A. D. 1897, and every year thereafter an election in said town for Mayor and five Com missioaers thereof; said elec tion shall be advertised four weeks prior thereto, by notices posted at four public places m said tdwn; that all duly quali- V r i -r :z-4riA. fiilect6raH of the Comityof mond,e, and the same is here-1 Richpd .who sh.aU, havere- sidect ninety days in said town next preceding the day of elec tion shall be qualified voters of the said town, provided they shall be registered as herein prescribed; that the Commis sioners each year shall appoint a registrar and other judges of election who shall hold the elec tion each year; the registrar shall register in a book to be provided for that purpose by the Commissioners, all qualified electors who shall take the oath prescribed for electors in said Pnnntv. and also an oath that they have been residents of the said town for ninety days pre ceding the election; that the registraion book shall be kept open for the registration of voters on the four Saturdays preceding the Saturday before the election in each year be tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., at which time and no other all electors shall be registered who shall present themselves and comply with the provisions of this act; that on the second Saturday preceding tlie election anv voter of said tnwn mav challenge any person ree-i stered. and the Constable shall serve a notice on the per son challenged to appear before the registrar and judges ot eiec tinn on the succeeding Satur day when and where the chal lentre shall be heard and de rided: that no challenges shall be heard at' any other time; that the registrar and judges o eiec tion shall attend at the polling place with the registration book on the day of the election ; tnat the polls shall be opened at o'clock A. M. and shall be clos ed at sunset; and the vote shal be bv ballot. One ballot to in the nerson voted for lVli iAr. v f for Mavor and the names of the five persons who shall be voted for for Commissioners, which ballots may be on paper of any color and may be with or witn- out device. That before enter ing on the discharge of any of their duties the registrar and judges of election shall take the oath prescribed in section 7, ohaDter 159 of the laws of 1895, before some justice of the peace of said County ; that at tne ciose of the said election the said T-eo-istrar shall count the votes 4 rVTTriiKioiiers and the. 'person xeceiveing"!the highest number of votes for the j office of Mayor shall be duly de clared elected tnereio; and the five persons receiving the high est number of votes for office of Commissioners shall be duly declared elected thereto ; and the said registrars and judges shall post at some public place in said town the names of the persons voted for and the num v,Pr of votes received by each; and town Clerk and Treasurer 0v,oii -forthwith notify the ner crme SO declared elected of the OVA" . fo of their election; and that AVV the registration and poll books of the said town snau be de posited with the Clerk of the Court of said County - - immediately alter tne said elec- to pass orainances, io ue emuit- -- ed by suitable penalties for the corporate limits of the town of preservation of the peace and Hamlet, as set forth m this act, regulation of the good order of be and the same are hereby ra- said town; they shall also have pealed so far only s the said the power to levy and cause to chapter 234 of the laws of 1881 hie and said laws and clauses ol J V'VSJ.AV'W X privilege taxes as they may deem proper on the professions, callings, occupations, teacher and businesses carried on in said town. Section 10. That the Clerk and Treasurer, and the Consta ble shall each give a bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars laws apply to the territory en braced within the corporate limits of the said town of Hamlet. Section 12. That the Com- Putwv missioners of said town shall have the complete regulation r.nTTil of the sale of auu oTTMtiioiis. vinous and malt with sufficient surety, payable liquors m said town and of the to the State of North Carolina, conditional for their faithful performance of the duties of their resnective offices, and uiay - I . to be safely kept by him for the proper accounting for f inn until needed for the purpose of the next eletcion. Section 5. I hat no person oViail he elieible to any office in said town unless he be a duly qualified voter therein. That the term of office of Mayor and rnTnTiKsioners snau begin on .. . the Tuesday following the eiec tion in each year, and before onferin? on the discharge of the duties of the said office thev shall each take the oath j nrescribed by law tor public ot ficers before some justice of the neace of said county Section 6. inat the Mayor shall nreside at all meetings of the Commissioners, and shall hflvo nower to call special meet ings of the Commissioners, when he shall deem the same proper. That the Commission ers shall elect one of their num- Arthur L. CapelJ County Commissioner, who is ask ing your vote for re-nomination in the June 22nd pri mary has worked day in and day out for many months to get the Highway Commission to pave the road from Beaunit mills at East Rockingham, eastward to Ham let by way of Hylan avenue. Capel's efforts aire succeeding. The Commission will receive bids at Raleigh June 25th for the contract for this road. Here is a letter from Louis B. Peck, the division engineer: Albemarle, June 10, 1946. Dear Mr. Capel: 1 am outlining below the status of the road leading from East Rock ingham by way of Hylan avenue to Hamlet, in which you have shown consider able interest in the past. This road is a part of our Federal Aid Secondary System, and was set up in our program for construction this year. The survey has been completed on this road and plans have been prepared and submitted to the Public Roads Administration for their approval for advertising in our next letting, which s oiv scheduled for June 25th. If these plans are approved by the i IVllUv. . .... ... , , , kind we believe that tney win oe, i see no reason for the construction on this road on June 25th. Yours very truly, L. B. Peck, Division Engineer of the Seventh Division. Public Roads Administration, why we would not call for bids and paying over to those entitl ed to the same of all sums of money which may come into their hands, by reason or under color of their respective offi ces; that all policemen shall cive bond if reauired by the Commissioners, in the sum to be fixed by them, conditional for the faithful performance of their duties ; that the term of office of the Clerk and Treas- ; urer shall be the same as that , of the Commissioners electing i him: PROVIDED, that the Com- j missioners may remove any per- i son holding this office for cause; the Constable and Po licemen shall hold office during the pleasure of the Commission ers. Section 11. That Chapter 234 of the laws of 1881, entitl ed "An act to prohibit the sale licensing thereof, with full pow tT- and discretion to grant or refuse license; that the license tax shall not exceed three nun aa AnWava. a vear: that li- Lcr oiioil h& orranted only to v;c.ia o rrsons of crood moral charac tpr. who are residents of free- TmMprs in said town; and that the said Commissioners snau have full power and authority: fft revnke anv license at any time without refunding any part of the license tax. Section 13. That all ordi nances passed by the said Com missioners shall not take effect until the same have been posted for five days at four public places in said town. Section 14. That this act shall be in force from'and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this 9th day of February, 1897. TRACTOR WOteK Plowing, Etc. See Thomas D. La -alter or Lacy E. Parker, R. F. D. 4, Box 98, Rockingham, N. C -. Look at Your Label. I i- "MAKE IT A MILLIOn!" ENLIST IM A GQABE VJVNfl YOU El AQMV DO S CX o oiiaii wv --ww x ber Mayor pro tem., who shall of spirituous liquors in certain I I - I ill I . 11 ETELflDM Ijl II r v , n nnnnn n nn n n III I IskefflaoDuDtt- Uouu li mwmi HAS WORKED IT IELESSLY ON THIS PROJECT. CONTRACT TO BE LET IN RALEIGH JUNE 25. fill the office of Mayor during flip absence or disability of the Mayor. That the Mayor shall c that the ordinances of the tiT are enforced, and shall W ww . - have the criminal jurisdiction of a justice of the peace within the limits of the said town Section 7. That in addition to the Dowers conferred upon rwrmiissioners bv said tll ' chapter 62 of THE CODE, they shall have the power to open, change, enlarge or discontinue streets in said town, and may condemn land for that purpose upon making just compensation to the owner thereof. That in case the said Commissioners shall decide-to condemn" any annoint - three disinterested freeholders in said town, who shall view the land proposed to be condemned, and after, giving- the owner theerof notice of five davs to appear before them and contest the matter, if he so. elect, they shall, if they deem the land necessary for said pur pose, assess the damages at whatever sum they think just, which sum shall be paid by the cqi'H tnwn. and the owner or owners of the said land shall have the right to appeal to the superior Court of said county from the assessment of the said appraisers, notice of appeal to be given within ten days. Section 8. That the Commis sioners shall have the power to lew taxes upon the real and personal property and polls in said town, the property tax not to exceed ten cents on the one! hundred dollars valuation, and the poll tax not to exceed thirty cents on each taxable poll, and the valuation of all property to be the same as that at which it is assessed for State and county purposes. That the taxes shall j be listed with the Clerk and Treasurer of said town during the first twenty days in June in each year, and all persons fail ing to list his taxes shall be liable to a double tax: PRO VIDED, the Clerk and Treasur er may take a list of the taxes for each person failing to list from the returns for taxation for State and county purposes for the current year, which shall be as binding upon the tax payer as if his taxables had been duly listed. All property and polls in said town on the first dav of June in each year shall be listed; the Town Clerk and Treasurer shall make out and complete the tax-list and place a copy thereof in the hands of the Constable on the first Monday in September m each year, which shall have all the force and effect of an exe cution. That said tax-list shall he a lien on all real property m said town, and all personal I property shall be liable to be i seized and sold on ten days' no- J tic& for taxes;: and real estate ; . 1 J r , i li ! I maxr re suiu ior raxes uv uie ;i Constable m the game manner as sales are made under execu tion. Section 9. That the Com missioners shall have the power localities" and all other laws and clauses of laws which pro hibit the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt licruors within -rim-:? ttfr Army veterans who held certam Military Occupational Speaalue mav xeenlist in a grade commensu rate with their skill and experience, provided they were honorablys charged on or after May 12. 1945 Zd provided they reenlist before July 1, 1946. Over three-quarters of a million men have new Regular Army already. MA IT A MILLION! Full facts are at any Army Camp. Post or Recrmlina Station. third floor Postoff ice building in Rockingham, N. C. (s nrmsumsnnu You borrow from this bank the money you need above your down payment or trade-in to buy a car. You pay the auto dealer CASH and repay us monthly: from income. No co-makers required. You can insure locally and include the cost in your loan. Local Financing Is Best .... When you borrow from this bank to buy a car, you deal with a local insti tution that is interested in YOU, and in all of your financial needs. You can fice here up to two-thirds of a new car's ost (usually so2 used car) and repay us monthly from your present income. IT 1SS f T NECEb SARYTOBE A DEPOSITOR IN THIS BANK TO BORROW HERE. Local Insurance Is Best Financing your car the Bank Way enables you to place your automobile insurance locally where you can get prompt, personal attention, f o Lurance coverage, and careful protection of your mterests m ease of fire theft or accident. Your initial insurance premium can be included in yotrr auto-purchase loan. Our Loan Cost is Low We are so confident that OUR WAY of financing an automobile nurchase is the most economical that we make this suggestion: Compare our costs with those of any other lender. Our charge is ien and above-board. There are no extra fees, hidden charges. All we ask is that you compare COMPLETE , FINANCING COSTS. Then choose the plan that is most economi cal and offer you the most advantages. We Give Fast Action Your application will receive immediate attention and as soon as it is ap proved the money will be made available promptly. You Get More Than Money When vou borrow from us and repay as agreed, you build credit standing twv come in handy again in the future. You become better acquainted us andThus wVll be'able to make fuller use of the various banking services and facilities we offer. FINANCE YOUR NEXT CAR THE BANK WAY ASK FOR LOAN FACTS Farmers -Banfe. & fr.u ipapy OUR 4STH YEAR OF SERVICE 'A DEPENDABLE BANK it '9f T