- ; T; ' . i ' , " - ' , Subscription Rates Roclunrjhara Center of Mill Activity, Richmond County Agriculture and Peach Culture. One Year Six Months . Three Months $3.00 $1.75 $1.00 Single Copies 7c Each. ROCKINGHAM, N. O, WEDNESDAY" AFTEBNOON JULY 30, 1952 VOL. 35 No. 38 ISAAC S. LONDON, Editor and Prcprfitci I I I -W i I I n i 77TT r y- . I . .J.'S h 145 I I b I ' 1 t 9& I 1 9 .? n 7 8 M I.. fa- So. s vf, 3 I 5! High Lots MANY OF THE ORIGINAL LOTS IN 1788 MAP OF ROCKINGHAM WAS OWNED BY MRS. MOURNING RAIFORD ROBARDS PICKETT. Mourning Raiford tyas born about 1733 in old Bertie coun ty; the family shortly moved to Edgecombe county and about 1749 moved to Cumberland county where she married William Robards. He was prominent in the affairs of that county and owned much property. He died in the fall of 1760 leaving three small daughters and a sin. His widow early in 1761 married Sheriff William Pickett Jf Anson county. Mourning and Wil liam Pickett had two children Hannah married Walter Leak in 1786 and they had eight children; and the son James Pickett married Sarah Kimbrough. Major and Mrs. Mourning Robards Pickett owned many lots in the baby town of I Rockingham, and in her Will filed in March, 1803, she left most of her property to her daughter Sally Chiles (later divorced from Thomas Chiles and in her Will, Mrs. Pickett directed that Thomas Chiles should not be allowed to "intermmeddle with his wife's business affairs.") James Terry was bprn Nov. 19, 1746, son of William and Mary Raiford Terry, thep oldest son. He married in Anson May 24, 1771, Anne Robards, daughter of William and Mourning Raifords Robards, Anne b )rn Feb. 13, 1756 and died in Richmond county March 22, 1801. James was a deputy in Anson under Sheriff William Pickett 0 ho married his wife's mother Mourn ing in 1761). James and Anne Terry moved to the baby town of Rockingham in 1788 and bought Lots 26 and 29. 01F DCSKING!!! AM FILED AT GOUEITEIOU SE JULY 16, 1700 -Zf2. ... wo x3o 0) Si W s3i 1 CFress A i i I I k - Spots Rockingham 1784 1775-79 Flora Macdonald lived in upper part of county. Feb. 1, 1779 County of Richmond authorized. Oct. 23, 1779 Law passed dividing Anson. April 19, 1784 County-seat authorized Rockingham. April 1, 1785 Commissioners met and "bought 50 acres. July 16, 1788 Map of new Town certified and filed. Nov. 3, 1788 Act passed establishing Richmond Academy. 1797 Act empowering (Town to elect 3 Commissioners. April 19, 1801 County orders Hitchcock Creek navigation. 1820 Act appointing si sven Town Commissioners. Feb. 28, 1829 Rocking lam postoff ice established. Nov. 4, 1833 4 p. m. Wake Forest College born at C.C. Church Dec 1833 Richmond Cjotton Mill chartered (open 1837). 1845 Act incorporating Town and elect 5 Commissioners. 1887 Act amending incorporation, extending limits. Sept. 1, 1924 New $225000 courthouse dedicated. Nov. 14, 1930 Confederate monument unveiled. Elevation Rockingham SAL Ry. depot (low point) 211.135 feet. Rockingham incorporated 1845, (1861?) and 1887. County bought 132 acres in 1851 for County Home. Population Rockinghamj 1870: 454. 1950: 3356. 1929 Dec. 16 First Talkie movies Richmond Theatre. No. 26 and 29 Back in So - re. 38 jrs I I- - - j l - 1952 1788 J5r m m m di a : 7' J mm 68 jr u Si N 4 66 4 i i i i 6 I 5 1 2. 2 . S0 AS. ROCKINGHAM Town Established (By Isaac London) On April 19, 1784 the General Assembly passed an Act (Chap ter XLV) for "establishing and laying out a Town In Richmond County by the name of Rocking ham." (See elsewhere in this issue for these various Acts in full). The late Mrs. Lillie Moore Everett in her "Methodism" Sketches as printed in the Post- Dispatch of May 3, 1944, gives the following sketch: "The following seven men were named Henry Wm. Har rington, John Donaldson, Wil liam Legate, John Cole, Robert Webb, Robert Thomas, Richard Pemberton ; and these were "empowered to agree with workmen for building a court house, prison, and stocks at such place as they, or a majority of them should agree upon, as near the center of the county as possible, and purchase of the owners of the land selected, 50 acres for erecting and build ing those public buildings up on." At the same time, a suf ficient tax was also authorized. The following report was made in July, 1788: "John Cole and William Henry Harrington, Commissioners for laying out the Town of Rockingham in the County of Richmond in the State of North Carolina, hereby cer tify to the Court of said County and to all others whom it may concern, that they have laid off said town agreeable to the above plan in lots of little more than j a half acre each, and have num ( Continued on page 2) tans peqtmjbhg to nsGMcm FDGr.! YEAil704 TO VEAM007 Boundaries of 1887 Listed in Act. Incorporated in 1845 and in 1887. Limits Enlarged in Year 1861 ? n 1784 CHAPTER 45 An Act for Establishing and Laying Out a Town in Rich mond County by the Name of ROCKINGHAM: 1. Whereas the establishing and laying out of a town in the county of Richmond ;6n the public land at the courthouse thereof would be of great ad vantage to the inhabitants, and be a considerable means of raising money for building the public buildings of said, coun ty; -v 2. Be it therefore Enacted by the General Assembly pf the estate of North Caroiina,iand it is hereby Enacted iby the au thority of the same, THat the commissioners heretofore ap pointed for contracting for the buildings of the publicl build ings of Richmond county, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorized and em powered to lay out all the pub lic lands by them purchased for the use of the public at Richmond court house into a town of half acre lots, with proper streets, etc., which shall be called and known by the name of Rockingham; one or more of the said lots to be reserved for the use of the public buildings, and-the other lots id Jbedispose4i o . by; the said commissioners f t 6 w a r d s raising the money .for complet ing the said public buildings; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized to make good and sufficient titles in fee sim ple to the respective purchasers for the said lots. 1797 CHAPTER 72 An Act to Regulate the Towns of Rockingham and Wades- borough, in the Counties 'of Anson and Richmond. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enact ed by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing ing of this act, the inhabitants of the said towns of Rockingham and Wadesborough, in the.coun ties of Anson and Richmond, be, and they are hereby empowered to assemble themselves toge ther, on the last Saturday in January in each and every year, to elect three Commissioners for each of said towns; and such persons so selected shall be freeholders of said towns: and after being duly elected, they or a majority of them are em powered to make such rules and regulations for the good gov ernment of the inhabitants of said towns; as they may deem necessary; which rules and re gulations, when made, shall be binding to all intents and pur poses on the inhabitants of said towns. PROVIDED, That such rules and regulations shall not be repugnant to the constitution or laws of this State. 1820 CHAPTER 44 An Act to Appoint Commis sioners for Town of Rocking ham, in Richmond County. 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same, That Walter Leak, sen., James L. Vaughan, Charles Robinson, Thomas Crawford, William P. Leak, James Cole and John L. Campbell be, and they are hereby appointed Com missioners for the town afore said ; and that the said Commis sioners, or a majority of them, shall have power to make, or dain and enforce bye laws, rules and regulations, for the government thereof; to levy, col lect and appropriate town taxes; and to do and perform such other matters or things, relating to the prosperity and well being of said town, as they in their discretion may think proper, having a due regard to the constitution and laws of the state. , 2. And be it further enacted, that if any of the said commis sioners should die, remove, or refuse to act, the remaining commissioners shall have power to fill such vacancy by the ap pointment of others in their stead. 1845 CHAPTER 52 Jan. 4, 1845. An Act to Incorporate Town of Rockingham, in the the County of Richmond. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enact ed by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Rich mond, by himself or his lawful deputy, on the first Monday in February next, and annually thereafter on the same day, in the court house in the town of Rockingham, to open polls for the election of five commission ers" in and for the said tbwhdf Rockingham, who shall continue in office for the term of one year. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That any citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who has re sided within said town for one year, shall be eligible as com missioner; and every inhabitant of said town entitled by the constitution to vote for members to- the House of Commons, is hereby declared to be qualified to vote for commissioners ; and such elections shall be conduct ed and regulated by ballot, as elections for members of thO Legislature are now conducted; and in the event of a tie, the Sheriff or his Deputy shall give the casting vote. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said commissioners, af ter their election, and before entering upon the discharge of their official duties, shall take an oath before some Justice of the Peace of the county afore said, faithfully and impartially to perform said duties; and up on so doing shall be constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the com missioners of the town of Rock ingham. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That a majority of the commis sioners snail constitute oi a quorum to do business, and that they shall have full power to appoint a magistrate of police, who shall be an acting Justice of the Peace for said county, and a town treasurer and cons table, and to require the proper bonds from the same, for the faithful performance of their duties; and to lay and collect a tax on the person and prop erty of the town, not exceeding seventy-five cents on the poll, twenty-five cents on the hun dred dollars worth of property, per annum; to appoint patrol, to remove nuisances, to provide against disease and fires, and to enact and adopt all such bye laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for the good order and government of said town, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State or of the United States. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That the town constable afore said shall be the collector of the town taxes, under the direction of the commissioners ; and for that purpose shall have all the 3 snvo This copy of the old Laws of Rockingham and a britf History of the Town is pre pared by Isaac S. Lonlon, Editor-Owner of) the Post-Dispatch; and at left is Map of the baby Town as filed July 16, 1788. ; Mr. London gives this copy to you with hi compliments and as a Histori cal record. Isaac S. London. powers and immunities of Sher iffs in collection of police re venue ; and said taxes, when collected shall be applied to the improvement and benefit of the town. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted. That the author jty and Juris diction of the commissioners shall extend in every direction to the limits of the plat of said town as recorded in the Regis ter's office of said county of Richmond ; and on the west end one hundred and fifty yards be yond the limits of said town, as represented by the plat of said town in the Register's office. SEC 7. Be it further enacted. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. (Ratified the 4th day of Janu ary 1845). 1887 CHAPTER 101 March 7, 1887. An Act to Amend and Consoli date the Acts Incorporating the l own of Rockingham. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That the town of Rockingham, in the county of Richmond, be. and the sacts is . herebyncbrpdorated-jKids t name and style of the town of Rockingham; and that W. T. Co vington, R. A. Johns on, J. IX. Covington, H. C. Dockery and J. S. Goldston, the present com missioners of said town, and their successors in office, shall be and are hereby declared a body corporate and public, with successsion during the corpor ate existence of said town, and shall be styled "the commission ers of the town of Rockingham," and as such shall have power to sue and be sued, plead and he impleaded, and have and use a common seal, and acquire real and personal estate to the amount of thirty thousand dol lars. That S. T. Cooper, the present mayor of said town, and the commissioners aforesaid shall continue in office as such, and perform all the duties per taining to their offices of may or and commissioners of said town until their successors shall be elected and qualified as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. That the corporate limits of said town shall be and. are hereby declared to be in cluded within and up to the fol lowing boundaries, v to-wit : De ginning at the northeast comer of G. J. Freeman's lot, (now Mrs. Ruby Burroughs Sedberry) on Fayetteville road, and runs due south to north Drone: of Falling creek; thence down the various courses of said creek to Great Falls factory pond thence down the various courses of low water mark on the northern edge of said pond to Falling creek below the Falls ; thence with said creek to Hitchcock creek, thence up the various courses of the southern edge of said creek to the old Leak pond thence with the southern edge of said pond to the line of Pee Dee village, thence with the southern line of said village to the southern edge of "Pee Dee" pond, thence with the southern edge of said pond to a point from which a line due south will strike the beginning, thence from said point on Pee Dee pond due south to the beginning." etc. (The remaining twelve page of this 1887 Act da tail the duties of a Mayor and five Commissionera. ' The Post-Dispatch has th foregoing Acts on file, in full, and wMl be glad to show any one. ISL).