SECTION ONE PAGE SIX ELLERBE NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST TOBACCO CENTER OF (By Mrs, Wall Henderson, E Her be, N. C.) Power Off Sunday 15 Minutes for Ellerbe-Roberdel Areas. "For necessary maintenance work the Carolina Power and Light Company's Substation at Roberdel, a fifteen-minute in terruption of electric service for Ellerbe, Roberdel, and surround ing area is planned for Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6, from 1:30 to 1:45 o'clock," said E. P. Baze more; District Manager for the Company here in Rockingham. "This short interruption of service is necessary because the work cannot be done safely with lines energized, and the time for interruption has been se lected so as to cause the least inconvenience possible to cus omers affected," said Mr. Baze more. Basketball Begins The Ellerbe High School bas ketball teams officially opened the season Tuesday night tak ing a twin-win from Mt. Gilead. The girls won 38-31, boys 46-39. The two teams are showing Women Are Smart Smart women know that ZpiJ tasting BONNY BLUE COAL leads to leisure, because it requires a minimum of attention. Heating with Bonny comfort and increased It responds with plenty of heat quickly, when you need it. It is easily controlled to carry through long periods, giving comfort, without undue at tention. Our long list of satisfied customers will be glad to tell you about the SUPERIOR QUALITY of Bonny TELEPHONE 2224 rockinghaM' m COAL FUEL OIL Bert McLaurin, Mgr. PLANT & OFFICE WEST ROCKINGHAM lemr Vhmstmas with I Trade Everyone for whom you select a Merriam-Webster this Christmas will appreciate your - thoughtfulness and good taste. It's a gift of quality and lasting usefulness that will remind them of you all year round for years to come. MM Ntw Coffooivtv Dictionary to $12.50. n journal itauonery Office Supplies Furniture Printing Phone 4056 DEPARTMENT IN THE THRIVING RICHMOND COUNTY. r promise of another successful season. Both girls and boys teams lost stveral players by graduation bi t the vacancies are being filler, rapidly and the two teams should win most of their games thi s year. Candor comes to Ellerbe this Friday night, Ellerbe goes to Lilesville Tuesc ay night and the remaining thr;e games before the Christmas holidays will be played at home, December 10, Rockingham; December 15, Troy and December 17, Star. HELMS-tBENNETT Miss Sarah Joan Helms dau ghter of Mr. land Mrs. Tate Helms of High point, and James Morgan Bennetjt, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Leo Bennett of El lerbe, were married in Bennetts ville, South Carolina, November 21st. The bride graduated from High School irj High Point and is attending Rryce Commercial College in Hfgh . Point. The groom is a graduate of the El- BCjNNY BLUE cBal Blue Coal means more economy. Blue Coal. EC - Mark ' is an accurate, up-to-date KwrM ef informado m handy desk size. Clear, concise definitions. 1,196 pages; 125,000 entries; 2,300 terms aBustrated. Ideal for friends at home, in school, m business. Untodexed $5, indexed S6. De luxe bindings, in hsndamwc gift box. A Wsbstsr's New International Dictionary, Sscsaa Edition, is the ideal gift far every family, particularly with children. It gives facts coveting the whole range of roan's knowledge. Equivalent in type matter to an8- volume encyclopedia. Over 600,000 ntnes, 12,000 illustrated terms, many other j features. From $3S including selection of gift bindings St r,6re I. .. Rockingham, N. C. lerbe High School, he attended State College for two years and is now attending Guilford Col lege near Greensboro. The young couple will live in Greensboro. P. T. A. Meeting. The Ellerbe P.T.A. will meet Monday evening at 7:30 in the School auditorium. A very in teresting program has been ar ranged; the Rockingham High School Band will give a concert of Christmas music. Everyone is urged by the PTA President Mrs. W. S. McRae to attend this meeting Monday, December 7th. Ellerbe People Attend Wedding. Several people from Ellerbe attended the wedding of Miss Rebecca Hill and Robert Hen derson in the First Baptist church of Wadesboro Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vuncnnon, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Henderson, C. J. Sugg, Max McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Griffith, Mrs. and Mrs. Harris McRae and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McRae and Becky, Mr. and Mrs. Wall Hen derson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wrenn, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Capps, Mrs. Porter Sugg, 'Miss Johnsie Sugg, Mr. and Mrs. Clin ton Comer and Carolyn, Mrs. Herbert Cook, Mrs. B. C. Nance, Miss Jean Olive and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson will make their home in Ellerbe where Mr. Henderson is em ployed. A.F.C. Committee In Final Meeting. The, Finer Carolina steering committee met Monday night in the Town Hall for the final meeting of the year. The year's progress was received and Chairman R. B. Deaton stated that he was well pleased with the progress made. The publicity committee is now preparing the final report to be submitted to the Carolina Power and Light Company by December 15th. Locals Miss Johnsie Sugg student at W.C.U.N.C. spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Sugg. Mrs. J. H. McRae entered the Memorial hospital in Charlotte, Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lineberry and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Wooley of Lynchburg, Va,, spent the Thanksgiving week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Henderson. Mr. and ; Mrs. JVC. Stanton, ,Jr., and children of Asheboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stanton. Fred Henry, Jr., student at W. C. T. C. spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Henry. Clyde Townsend Is a patient in the Moore County hospital. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cox, Jr., and children have moved to Dee land, Florida, to make their home. Miss Reba McCall Student at W.C.U.N.C. spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bryant and son spent the week-end in Washington, D. C. The dignified old lady, a pil lar of the congregation, shook hands with pastor after the ser vices. "Wonderful sermon, wonderful sermon!'' she exclaimed. "Every thing you said applies to some body or other that I know." TODAY - FRI. "The Stand At Apache River" STEPHEN' McNALLY JULIA ADAMS HUGH MARLOWE Technicolor SAT. ONLY" Double Feature TIM HOLT "Mysterious Desperado" Hit No. 2 "Mask of the Dragon" Ch. 11 "Lost Planet" SUN. - MON. - TUES. ( Thunder Bag 99 JAMES STEWART JOAN DRU DAN DURYEA Technicolor News Cartoon Over-seas Mailing Boxes For Sale At Journal Stationery Store. ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, 4147 Phones Here Rockingham Phone Exchange Has 4147 Phones in Our Very Fine Dial System. As the nation last week ob served the installation of its 50,000,000th telephone, at total of 4147 telephones were in ser vice in Rockingham, L. B. Eisen hart, Group Manager of the Southern Bell Telephone Com pany, revealed here. North Car olina has 690,000 of the U. S. A.'s telephones, including 395, 000 Southern Bell telephones and about 295,000 operated by 57 other telephones companies in the State. "Telephone progress here in Rockingham is symbolic of Communications progress throughout the nation," Mr. Eisenhart said. "The number of telephones here has more than doubled since 1948, and the number continues to increase. The heavy demand for more telephones service that we have experienced in North, Carolina and Rockingham has been felt throughout the nation." Presentation of the symbolic 50,000,000th telephone to Pres ident Eisenhower as head of the nation was made at Washing ton November 18th by the Aiaer ican telephone industry, repre sented by Cleo Craig, President of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and War ren B. Clay, President of the United States Independent Telephone Association. Mr. Eisenhart pointed out that additions to North Caro lina's telephone system are, a barometer of progress in the State and fhe South as a whole. "Since 1945," he said, "South ern Bell telephones throughout Dixie have more than doubled, reflecting a great surge of business, industrial and agricul tural activity throughout -this section of the country. Southern Bell and Independent companies working in close cooperation, have had an important part in the development of the commer cial, industrial and agricultural South," he said. Rural telephones in North Carolina now total over 6f ,000 an increase of about 200 since, 1945. "Since 1876, when the tele phone was invented," Mr. Ei senhart said, "the history of the telephone in America has been one of great strides forward. In 1899, the nation reached its first million telephones. In 1914, America's telephones : totaled 10,000,000. America, first na tion to achieve 50,000,000 tele phones, now has one telephone for each three persons, while the average of the rest of the world is one telephone for each 65 persons. More people share in the ownership of the tele phone industry than in any bus iness in the world, the Bell Sys tem having well over 1,250,000 owners. The Difference This is old and heard o often during the Depression. Maybe some of yon younger readers haven't heard it: Socialism If you have two cows, you give your neighbor one. Communism If yon bar two cows, you give them to the government andthe gov ernment gives yon some milk. CAPITALISM If you have two cows, you sell one and buy a bull. "Woman came after man and she's been after him ever sinpe." "Common Cold Cure May Be In Sight Now." Iz zad zo? TODAY - FRI. "Take Me To Town" Color By Technicolor ANN SHERIDAN STERLING HAYDEN SAT. ONLY Silver Nite 1st Prize $25.00 Double Ft&af-iifA "Renegade Girl 'f9 with ANN SAVAGE And "Queen of the Amazons" with ROBERT LOWERY SUN. - MON. (it The Great Sioux Uprising 99 Technicolor JEFF CHANDLER RICHMOND COUNTY, N, The firemen have been working on Christmas toys for the needy for several weeks how. Above F. M. McBride takes a few minutes off for a little horseplay while he and Wade Smith do a little patching. If you have any old clo thes or old toys, how about phoning the Fire Department 3111 and the Firemen will co me and get them. They will be used for the under-privileged at Christmas. Flying and Fishin On every flight we made out of Washington, I noticed that my fellow pilot always looked down intently on a certain val ley in the Appalachians. "What's so interesting about that spot?" A THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY First Showing In The Nation HUMPHREY BOGART t,.t EDWARD G. ROBINSON RANDOLPH SCOTT LAUREN BACALL "Thunder Over The Plains" "Key Largo" In Color By Technicolor SERIAL AND COMEDY EVEN BETTER AMID THE. TERROR-TEEMING TROPIC WILDERNESS - YOU'LL THRILL TO JUNGLE LOVE AND JUNGLE ADVENTURE SUCH AS THE SCREEN HAS NEVER CAPTURED BEFORE! 1 TlPN:" Pi 3UVsle cats or tne 111311 bi I'g-gyi -n-nnmmSifwnnnrr mm mm 4 1 NEVER SUCH SUSPENSE . beautiful girl is trapped in panther pit at the mercy of cruel fangs and daws I Vjf IT MEANS "THE GREATEST" ADMISSION - THIS ATTRACTION ONLY ADULTS MATINEE 50c NIGHT & SUNDAY 62c CHILDREN 25c THE IT KEEPS ON I , Gkace Ksijy .,.00$ "1 Tickets to Happiness -On Sale at the Box Office $1.00 - $2.50 - $5.00$ . C. ' ' - I asked him one day. "See that stream? Well, when I was a kid I used to sit down there on a log, fishing. Every time an airplane flew over I would look up and wish I were flying. Now I look down and wish I -were fishing!" ' THAN "KING SOLOMON'S MINES Battle of the Sexes The jungle reveals true human nature in its prim- 1 itive cunning! Two beau tiful temptresses fight like BATTLE OF THE GORILLAS! First time ia films, man battles gorillas in their native lairs! LATE SHOW SATURDAY NITE SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY imsDa?ai)!i IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIVING HAPPINESS LONG AFTER CHRISTMAS thkati?!?. aii?T annus: There was a man in Dubuque In love with a cute little snoo-que. Said he, in her ear, "I'll marry you, dear, If you'll promise to work, keep house and cooque." 99 m. SAYAGE TRIBAL RITES in their authentic savagery filmed in the Dark Continent! THRILL AFTER THAILU rest of Courage as the Jungle Boss faces spears of natives ! " NATURAL WONDERS breath-taking grandeur match the jungle thrills J."p" " ADMISSION LATE SHOW ALL SEATS 62c GIFT E" v -' - '' "3iffKy jfru -notifr 'j4&h sj 1 sis,. m THURSDAY, DECEMBER -3. -1353 Atkinsons Come for Christmas. Mrs. Hal Atkinson and youns son Henry (Obie) will arrive on Dec. 3rd from" Cambridge, to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. H. C. Rancke Bfid relatives in Wadesboro. Mr. At kinson will come by plane for a couple of days near Christmas. We Will Remain OPEN Each Friday Nite 'Til 9 P. 31. BEGINNING Friday, Dec. 4th WOOD'S 5 & 10c Store . And' ROSE'S 5-10-25C Store 01 U: wax TODAY - FRI. "Francis Goes To West Point" DONALD O'CONNOR SAT. ONLY Cash Nite $95.00 First Prize Double Feature CHARLES STARRETT in "Riders of Black River" - - Also "Aladin And His Lamp9 SUN. ONLY "The - Sniper 99 . with A MARIE WINDSOR Hamlet "'Theatre SAT. LATE SHOW SUN. - MON, DEC. 6-7-8 TODAY - FRI. "Young Man With Ideas" GLENN FORD RUTH ROMAN SAT. ONLY Jackpot Nite $50.00 Cash & Mds. Double Feature "Riders of the Pony Express" ' And Hannah Picfioii THEATOO THURS FRI. "Dangerous When Wet" In Technicolor ESTHER WILLIAMS FERNANDO LAMAS JACK CARSON SAT. ONLY Double Feature "The Gunfighter" GREGORY PECK JEAN PARKER ( Also "Take Me To Town" In Technicolor ANN SHERIDAN STERLING HAYDEN Ch. 14 "Captain Video" SUN. - MON. "Scared Stiff" DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS m mmrcw mi i 1