WESTERN VINDICATOR. Monda) Mornlngr, Augusts, 18C9. Advertising Hates: One Square, ton lines $1 00 F.ach subsequent insertion 60 3T Liberal rates to monthly and yearly advwrtisvtS. Special Ad.vertiftihT Ratei I mo 2 M 4 (Ml 6 Ml 7 U 10 (Ml II (HI 50 (HI 2 tnoa $ S 74 6 Oil H OO 10 00 14 00 21 Oil 30 00 3 mo 5 (Ml 8 00 11 40 11 00 17 00 24 IN) 34 00 G mod 1 1 rear One square. Two square. Three " 'our " column, 7 00 f 10 (Ml 12 00 lti (Ml 20 00 25 00 30 (Ml SO 00 IS 00 26 00 35 00 40 00 50 00 00 00 Two Dollars jkr year in advance. CLUB KATES: Ten Subscribcr.s, : : $17 50 Twenty " : : 30 00 Agents for the Vindicator. The following gentlemen are author ised agents for the Western Vindi cator : Capt. W. D.Jon ks, Patterson, N. C. Tiddy & Brother. Charlotte, TO THOSE WHO OWE FOR THE VINDICATOR. We want every subscriber who is m arrears, to come promptly to our office and settle up their indebtedness. If you owe but one dollar come and pay it. We must have money before the 20th of August to meet our own obli- j gations, and we depend only on those who are indebted for sub scriptions to aid us. This is plain, please act at once. ttfCuioN & Mill have just jteuived a fresh supply of goods from the nirth. i'ron. the dull appearance of our streets ono would hardly suppose Ihey could nead such frequent u-iuiitioits to keep 11 their stock, but so it is. (3 Cotton is looking up. Twenty-six rents per pound is now being offered for it in advance, on the growing crop. We nee by rur exchanges that the prosjicct is good in the Kouth for an average yield, and, if it should io turnout, money will lw plenty in the cot on States by another year. y The cloud have been promising rain for nearly week, but as yet have given us the go by. It never Tilled to rain lu re after n drought, nid so we still have f.iith. As I'atuk k Mus ky saiil, " we have no way to judge tho future Kilt by the past. VV hope all our exchanges on't copy this joke. 43f We hd the pleasure of meeting Hon. O.ai mis 'JVumu on Friday, who, as our n aders will remember j edited h paper in our village before the war. )to is rl'i a member .I the" South Carolina legislature. We leani from iiini that Spartanburg county has recent ly befn visiU-d with a heavy freshet, which lias done considerable damage to both laud And erps. sj'l'he eclipse of tUv mo whkh will occur .n the ?th, lit aboHl fivfl oVloeV in the even ing, will be well worth looking at ; but peo ple should look through a smoked glass, th- rwiso there is great danger of injuring the yes. Congress appropriated several thousand dollars to enable si i ntilic men to view tliis relipse from different parts of the country, and it may bo expected they will give in much new information on the subject of eclipses. A Swindle. A few weeks icc a. certain Dr. I); T. Taylor come to S. Hitc h ell's in Mont ford' Cove, reporting that he had had has horse stolen and was out of funds. Me remained there two or three weeks, ingratia ted himself into the favor of Mr. Mitchell nd others, and was getting into a good prac tice as a physician Finally he sold checks to the amount of $330 to Mr. J., bought a hors5 which be did not pay for, and left for parts unknown. The checks had been sent him, doubt lens by a confederate, and of course were protested. Hand him round, and watch out for the clan, of whom there is doubtless u good number traveling mound. Ijsy Attention is called to the Advertise ment of Jr. Walker who will pay highest prices for Old Bank Notes. JJow to 1VEEP Uool. A he loliowing pimple hint from the Scientific American can, are useful to remember durinjr the warm weather of the present season : " lie Sparing in your diet, which should consist principally of fruits, ber ries and vegetables. Avoid everything of a greasy catnre ; also spices, condi ments and streets. Drink nothing but water. Chew nothing but food ; chew that well,' but do not chew too much ot it. Excess in eating is ono of the prin cipal causes Of that lazy, listless, relax ing feelings experienced by so many persons in hot weather. Dress .lightly, and change often. Wear nothing at night which iJ worn during the day. Bathe body every morning with cool or Cold water. Keep n clean conscience ns Well as body and clean clothing, and don't get excited. If uiic6mibrta blv warm at any time, immerse the hands, or feet, or both, in cold water for a short time, or let a stream of cold water run upon the wrists and ankles. This will cool the whole body in a short time." Tdk Bars? Bcbxing in Orange. The HilUboro Recorder has the following in relation to the barn burning in Orango county on Friday night last: On Friday night last throe of the hardest working farmers of our section were reduced to poverty by the torch of the incendiary. The barn of Franklin Minor with 700 shocks of wheat, of Jes se Morrow with 6l0 shocks of wheat no telling the amount of oats, besides a a mare aud two flue mules that were destroyed and the barn of Wm. Jones with about 800 shocks of wheat ma chino everything. All were on fire at the 6ame time, aud the distanoj was about throo miles apart. (f Koskoo, the great Liver Invigoraior, Blood Furifier, and Renovator , prepared by Dr. J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist, is a safe, pleasant, and bei.i.v- hle remedy, for the prevention and cvre of all diseases caused by a Torpid Liver, I m ruiiK Blood, Disorders of the Kidneys, or Dkrility of tho Nervovs System. It regulates the secretions, eradicates all humors or taints, restores lost or wasted ner vous power, and at the same time builds up end imparts tone and rigor to the vhole system. , ... For Family use, and the Medical Pro fession, " Bininger' s Old London Dock Gin" is now cnuorscd by prominent physi cians, chemists and connoisseurs, a possessing all those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic ami diuretic) which belong to an old and pure gin. The Chemical Journal and Medical Gazette says of it: "The writer must remark that Messrs. A. M. Bininoer &c Co., 15 Beaver Street, New York, merit the gratitude of the entire medical profession, as well as the world at large, for having introduced a stimulant of such unexceptionable purity and unequivocal Kwcr, both as a preventive and curativo agent, and a harmless cxhilarative beverage." Mere is what tho New York Frtss says of tho Biningers : Tho Biningers, Vo. 5, Beaver Street, have a very high reputation to sustain as the oldest and best house in New York. Home Journal. Tho House of A. M. Bininger & Co., No. 15, lloaviT St., has sustained for a period of ninety years a reputation that may well be envied. X. Y. Evrning 'ot. The name of Bininger Sc Co., No. 15, Beav er Street, is a guarantee of the exact and lit eral truth of whatever they represent. X. Y. Coin. Advertiser. The impoitinghouso of Bininger & Co., No. 15, Beaver Street, is conducted upon princi ples of integrity, fu'rness and tho highest honor. A. 1 . Evening I-pirts. This superb Gin (Bininger's Old London Pock Gin) has attained a ttopularity without precedent in the history of the trade lltrald. The Memphis Convention. From the Courier-Journal.J The convention at Memphis for ob taiuing Chinese labor got through its business on Thursday and adjourned. Its work is said to h ive been satisfac torily done. The Mississippi Valley Immigration Labor Company, with a capital stock of SI, 000,000, to be in creased to double that amount in shares of $100 each, was organized, and $50,- 000 was subscribed ou the spot. Thus tho Chinese movement i3 fairly initiated in the Valley of the Missis sippi. It is entered upon under cir cumstances that cauuot fail to give it a strong impetus. Tho times are prop -tious. Tho disposition of the peoplo i favorable. Labor is disorganized, and laborers are demoralized. Employers nro tyranized over by tho employed. They are prepared to give the fullest trial ti whatever holds out the promise of relief. We have not long to wait to see tho pending experiment in its in cipient stages. In kss than sixty days the Asiatics will bo showing what they can do. If the result be a success, it will mark the beginning of a new era iu the history of our continent. To say nothing of the vastly impor tant labor in the fields, innuaierublo families in Kentucky as well as in other iStates havo been and are now su.icring extreme inconvenience for tho want of the right kind of female house servants. It is hard to obtain those that are worth having, and often impossiblo to keep them when they have been obtained. Ladies keeping house are in a constant state of annoy ance. Not un frequently they are con strained to do their own drudgery for weeks together, to say nothing of the insolenco to which they are compelled to submit. To sucli persons Chinese domestics, if as quiet, as docile, as obe dieut, as faithful, and as industrious as they are represented to be. will prove invaluable. Undoubtedly they have their faults, which we shall all discover soon enough if wo employ them, but we trust, that, if a change shall bo made, tho new order of things will turn out less insufferable than the old has do'tie. We havo all hoard so much about the cheapness of Chinese labor that upon this subject we shall undoubtedly experience considerable disappoint' nieut. Capable of living at an incred ibly small expense, the Chinese can afford to work for exceedingly small wages, but they are shrewd, money loving, and almost miserly, and they will be sure to get for their work all tho money thoy can. If they do not kuiw, when they first come among us, what comp n sat ion their labor can be made to command, they will not be long iu learning all about it and turn ing their knowledge to the best advan tage. If at any timef in any locality, or in all localities, labor shall be in ex cess of the demand for it, the Chinese will underwork the negroes, Germans, Irish, &c, but still they will be satis- tied with nothing else, than the best terms they can get. They will sell their labor to those who bid highest. Our conclusion is that the immigra tion of Chinese labor will bring very speedily a reduction of the price of labor, but not so great a ono as we have been accustomed to expect. And possibly we nave been expecting a greater reduction than would be for the pnblic good. Matters will adjust themselves. The dog constable of Dudley, Mass:, means business; his proclamation reads as follows: "By virtue of a warraut to me directed, dog-dayswill commence July lUth, and all owuers of dogs not licensed, residents of Dudley, will do well to call at tho town clerk's, otfico forthwith, as there will be a howl ing in the dog family after that date." m a Fire ix Wilmington. A fire broke out in the Barrel Factory of Strauze and liieo, iu Wilmington, on Saturday evening last, by which the establish ment was destroyed loss 826,OijO; in sured to 80j500. Some other buildings, contiguous, were also damaged. Model wives formerlj' took a "stitch in time ;" now, with the aid ofsowinir ' machines, they tako one iu up time ''I go through iny " inrork," as the needle said to the idle boy. "But not till you're hard pushed," as the idle boy said to the needle. "Mr. Showman," said a green-horn at a menajrene "can a leopard chancre his spots ?" "Yes, sir," replied the in dividual who stirs up the wild Deasts ; " when he is tired ot one spot can easily go to another." During a thunder storm at New- borne, Tuesday, the lightning struck in the water and threw such a quantity on the wharf that a boy was washed over board and nearly drowned before rescued. Unprecedented Yield. Doctor C. J. Powell, of Orange County, Va., from eight bushels of wheat seeded out upon one acre and a half of land, with 1,000 pounds of guano, has realized 210 bushels. This is said to be without precedent anvwhere on the Atlantic slope. Newberne has been visited by one of those remarkable tornadoes and lightning storms but seldom seen on the Atlantic coast. Several houses were set on fire by the lightning, and a steamer badly injured. Doing Well. We are rejoiced to hear that the cotton crop along the line of the Wilmington, Charlotte andRuth erfurd Railroad is looking remarkably well, having been greatly improved by late rains. It is thought now the effects of the drought haTe been over come. Journal. Important Decision. We learn that the Supreme Court has decided in the case of Martin vs. McMillan, that a note given by an agent of the late Con federacy, for mules purchased in the military service, is founded on an ille gal consideration and no judgment can be rendered thereon. A St. Louis dispatch dated the 23d instant, says that the agent of the St. Louis & Chicago Railroad received a dispatch to-day, directing him to pro cure transportation to New Orleaus for 5,000 Chinamen, who aro going on Southern plantations as laborers. Reg ister. Stinr. IIbadino Capt. Tyler. We learn that His Excellency. Governor Iloldeii, sued out an injunction before Judge I Watts, last night, to keep Cebe from interfering in the Stockholders' meeting of the W. C. & K. K. Compa ny, to coma off in Wilmington on the tiOth. l'oor Cebe ! The Governor is hedging him in on every side. Sentinel. Wade Bolton, shot in Memphis, some days since by a Dr. Dickens, is dead. He bequeathed a hundred thousand dollars to charitable purposes, including ten thousand dollars to Stonewall Jack son's widow, and fifty acres of land to each of Jackson's former slaves. MKurnrs. July 2G. A severe earth quake was felt at 2 o'clock thi morn ing, bevcral large meteors fell during the night. Earnest Edwards, an English photo grapher, claims to have discovered a process by which he prints his pictures permanently in colors. Websteu's Unabridged, New Illus trated Edition. As the traveler at the eternal city gazes with rapture upon th5 wondrous dome, and upon each re curring visit beholds something new, some new feature he had not seen be fore, so it is with the student of Web ster. The oftener one turns over its almost endless pages, the more his ad miration is challenged. It would be superfluous to speak in detail of the merits of this great work ; yet it would be impossible to say a word too much iu its praise. Charleston (5. C.) Gazette. Calumny. Take a great, illustrious revenge on your calumniators by seek ing to do better; constrain them to si lence by your excellence ; this is the true road to triumph. If you take the other if you plead your cause, justify yourself, or make reprisals, you open for yourself a store ot woes, and vou lose the tranquility which you require for your work, aud the time in disputing which should have been consecrated to labor. in:i. On the 26th ult.. Martha Lee, youngest daughter of Dr. lhoinas ldgei-ton, aged i ycarst On the 1st instant, Wm. Dobbins Cook, in the 44 th year of his age. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. District Meetino. The Spartanburg Dis trict Meeting will be held in the Methodist Church in this place, embracing the fourth Sunday in August. The opening sermon is to be preached at half past 7, p. m., Wednes day, 18th inst., by Dr. W. Smith. J. W. McRov. alternate. The people generally are invited to attend the sessions or the meeting. V. A. SHARPE. Sale of Real & Personal ESTATE; rpiIE undersigned, Execntdrs of the last JL Will and Testament of William White side, dee'd, late of Polk county, by virtue of authority rested in them by the said Will and Testament, frill expose for sale to tho highest bidder, on Saturday, the Uth day of September, 1669. at the late resid ence of the deceased; in Polk county, N. C tho following real and personal estate, to-wif : One tract of land known as the Sbeppard place, acres ; one tract of land known as the Case place, acres; dne tract of twenty acres adjoining the above. These lands adjoin the home place of the decca:sed. Also a lot of Oats and Rye. The lauds will be sold on a credit of twelve months, the purchaser giving note bearing in terest from date, secured by lien on property sold. The oats and rye on a eredit of six months, note and approved eecurity. The title deeds of the above lands may bo seen at the office of Churchill & Whiteside, attorneys, at Rutherfdrdton. i. tT. WHITESIDE, t JOHN WHITESIDE, -xton- auO-td NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BLACKBERRIES OA pounds Dried Blackberries want Mi jjJ ed, for which 10 cents per pound will be paid, if thoroughly dried and deliver ed at our stoie in Rutherfordton. D MAY Sc SON. july 19-tf NOTICE. THERE will be a public meeting of (he Conservative party held at Burnt Chim ney, on Friday, the 23d instant, for nomina ting candidates for township officers. A full turnout is requested on that occasion. MANY CITIZENS. july 19-lwk University or North Carolina. rpHF Fall Session of this Institution will A commence on the 18th day of August, prox., and continue twenty eeks. Prepara tory and Normal Departments, and a General course of University Lectures, will he open cd. Entire expenses, including board. ?S5 to S100. All the benefits of the Institution are offered, free of charge, to a limited number of residents in the State. Apply to the Presi dent. SOLOMON POOL. Chapel Hill, July 6th, 18G9. July 21 4 w Carriage and Blacksmith Shop. W. D. JUSTICE, EUTHERFOEDTON, n. C. X1TAVING permanently located at the old IX stand of J. S. Ford Sc Co., and having secured the services of competent and relia ble workmen, both in wood and iron announ ces to the public that ho is prepared to fill all orders for Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts, &c, &c, In fact, anything in tbo lino at most reason able prices. AH work warranted. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for work. july 12-tf PUKE Rye and Com Whiskies. Distilled in the Cld Sty e, PURE & UNADULTERATED, AT the Old North State Distillery, G ROOT, KUCK Sc CO., Proprietors, Charlotte, N. C. ALSO want to purchase 500 or 1000 head of Cat tic and Hogs. And pay highest cash price for Corn and Jiyo. julyl2-Cin Especially designed for the nse of the Jff- cal I'roffttioH and the Family, possessing those intrinsic medicinal properties which belong to Old and l ure Gut, Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Put up in eases, containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grocers, &c. A. JU. Binninof.r & Co.. established 1788, No. 15 Beaver Street, New York. july!2-6m H. M. MILLER, Agent. GET THE BEST. Webster's Unabridged DICTIONARY. 10,000 Wurdt and Mtanimt not i other Dictionaries. 3000 Engravings: 1840 Pages Quarto. Price S12. Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no other liviujj laniruage has a dictionary which 60 fully and laithliilly sets forth its present condition as this last edition ot Webster does that of our written and spoken English tongue. Jlarmr't Magazine. Those tnreo hoeks aio the wt total of great libraries; the Rible, Hhakspeare, and Webster' Roual Quarto. Chuogo Evening Journal. This work well used in a family, will be of more advantage to the members thereof than hundreds of dollars laid up in moncj-. Alliane Monitor. The most useful and remarkable compendium of human knowledge in our language H. Clarke, rresidttft Mass signcuuurai vouege. WEBSTER'S RATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1040 Pages. COO Engravings. Trice 86, The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the million American Ed ucational Monthiu "In manv respects, this Dictionary is the most convenient ever published." Rochtster Itemocrat, " As a manual of reference, it is eminently fitted lor use in families and schools." -V. 1. " It is altogether the best treasury of words of its size which the English language has ever possessed. llartjoad frtss. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spring- field, Mass. july 12-tf OFFER EXTRAORDINABY. Nearly Six Hundred Pages of the Choicest Beading Matter for Fifty Cents, tZnS beautiful masrazine. OSCK A MOM11, the publishers will send the first 6ix numbers of this vear for 50 ceutjs. Each number of " Once a Month " contains 96 double column pages of the best stories and entertaining and instructive reading to be found in any maga zine in the country. Its typographical beau ty is not excelled. Send 50 cents, and you will get this beauti ful magazine from January to June of this year, containing 576 pages of reading. Address, T. S, ARTHUR & SONS, 809 & 811 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. WAITED -LADY A GENTS, in eve ry To rn and Village, to sell what every ladv will purchase at sight. Address Mrs. WILLIAMS, 139 Fulton Street, New York. junc28-lm NOTICE. To the Citizens of Polk County. 17ACH month hereafter, till further notice, J ono of our firm will be in Columbus during the week, commenting on the first Mondav, thus affording our clients and par ties desiring it, a favorable opportunity to consult us. Mr. Churchill will attend in August. Office in the court house. . . CHURCHILL k WHITESIDE, fuaOUtf trro?7Te. DR. LAWREKGES COLUHIIf. KOSKOO! THE GREAT LIVER INVIGORATOR, BLOOD PURIFIER 1SD EENOAATOE. DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT OF A safo and effectual reined v for all diseases arising from Torpidity of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, Disorders of Urinary Organs, Debility of the Nervous System, &c. F0RMVLA AROVXI) EACH BOTTLE. This is an ELEGANT, PLEASANT, POW ERFUL, and RELIABLE Remedy, and one that admits of a wide range of application. It is adapted to fulfill the morbid indica tions of disease to, perhaps, a greater extent than any other remedy yet known. It is an INVALUABLE AND Unrivalled Remedy! For all SCROFULOUS, STRUMOUS, SYPHILITIC, CANCEROUS, CUTA NEOUS, HEPATIC, RHEUMATIC, URINARY, and NERVOUS AFFEC TIONS, In fact, in evert form of Chronic Disease it may be adcantafevmly used. The IXoskoO formula has been submitted to, thoroughly tested, and approved by some of the most eminent mem bers of the Medical Faculty. KOSKOO! CCKES Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Affections, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Obstinate or long standing Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Urinary Organs. Nervous System. &c. &c. PURIFIES and ENRICHES the BLOOD, Eradicates all Syphilitic or Scrofulous TAINTS. Restores the Liver and Kidneys to a Health v action; Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, and INVIGORATES the Nervous System. Not a Secret (luack Medicine. FORMULA around each Bottle. Recommended by the best Physicians, eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Merchants, Arc Tho best and most popular Medicine in use. prepared only bt J; J. LAWRENCE, M. (An Experienced and well-known Phy sician and Chemist,) Laboratory and Office, No. 6 Main Strcce, NORFOLK, VA. Price, - - 91.00 Per Bottle. For sale by Druggists Everywhere. For sale by Dr. J: M CRATON. I! COBHOEBCIAL. Ruthei-Ibi'dton Markets. Bacor 15a20c Beef, nett 4a 6c Butter 20c Beeswax 25c Candles, adamantine 33a40c Castings. 8a 10c Coffee. 33c Corn 75c Cetton. 22c Cotton Cloth 16a2oc Cotton Yarn $2 25 Egg8....;i 10c Flour; per sack; '. .. 27 00 Fodder, per 100 cwt. 80al00 Feathers 30a40o Flax Cloth. i:: Hides Dry 25a40c 15a20c 7a 8c 40a75c 15a20c 90c 10c 70c 3c 75al75 30a35c Iron Janes, wool Lard Meal per bushel. Nails Peas Rags Itock Island Casimerc , Rope Salt (per sack $4 75), per lb 3c Sugar. 16a20c Tallow ; 15c Charlotte Market. Charlotte; July 20. Cotton a few bales sold for 2G!c. Corn 9oc Bacon (hog round.: 18e Oats 70c Flock 575 Laud . : ; ; ; 20c Butter" . 30c Beeswax , 33c Tallow ,...12ic Dkied Beep HaMs H to 10c 5c ; 13c ....7ic .: ..90c ...$1 00 50c . .. .15c Apples, peeled , PEACUE3, " ........ ' utipeeled. Peas Mountain Potatoes. . . Feathers Eggs fiexv York Markets. New Yobk, July 20. Governments steady. Five-Twenties of '62 1221. Southern securities firm North Caro lina's 591; new 551. Money easy at 7 per cent, premium. Sterling Exchange irregular at 1091. Gold 139i. Cotton firmer sales bf 5,500 bales at 29! cents, r lour heavy State Superfine, 5 30a $7 00; Common to Fair Extra Southern, $6 30 a$7. Wheat favors , buyers. Com better Southern yellow, $1 00. Mess Pork lower new, $31 50a$3l 75, old, $30 87a?31. Lard 19al9i cents. W hiskey quiet. Sugar Ha- Tana, Ual5t cents. Baltimore Markets. Baltimore. July 20. Cotton quiet at 28 cents. Wheat dull. Corn firm white 85a88 cents, yellow S3a85 cents. Bacon Shoulders, I5talos cents. Lard, 20i cents. North Carolinas, old C3i; new 59. Charleston Market. Charleston, July 20. Cotton active and cent better sales 500 bales; middling 28c Receipts 129 bales. Exports coastwise 200 bales. Augusta Market. Acgcsta, July 20. Cotton active and prices higher ; middlings Ztc. sales oil bales. Receipts OS bales. Savannah Market. Savanxah, July 20. Cotton active quick sales. Receipts 196 bales. Exports coastwise 6, loo bales. Mobile Maikct. Mobile. July 20. Cotton dernabd limited iull : low mid dling 26iv2G!c. Sales 490 bales. Receipts 43 j bales. No exports. Foreign Markets London, July 20. Consols 921; Bonds 83; Liverpool, July 20. Cotton quiet. Uplands 12a2ld. Orleans 12ial2ld. Sales of 15,000 bales. Other articles unchanged. Cotton easier but not lower. Lard 71s 6d. Pork quiet. Tallow 43s. Manchester advices hv favorable. Havbe, July 20. Cotton opens quiet on the spot 142. Charlotte Directory. BOOTS AND SHOES. B. K. 8mith S. B. Meaeham, dealers in Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Shoe Findings and Kubbcr Beltiug. HOTELS. Ms.tthws Ilouse, Trotter IIoum. BANKERS AND BROKERS. T. W. Dewey Sc Co., Trya street, New Bank Build ing, next door to Smith's shoe store. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. F. Scarr, Dr. J. IT. Mi-Aden, Smith & Brrtn, Dr. James N. Butt, dealers in Drugs, Medicines, tcr.. DRT GOODS. Brem, Brown ft Co., Wittkowoky & Rintels, duelers in Dry Goods of every etyle and quality. GROCERS. Stenhouse ft Mamuley, II. B. Jtatnntond & Co., S. Grose ft Co., dealers in Groceries aud "io visions. At'CTlOX AND COMMISSION. it. L. VTriston & Co., Auction fc Commission House. CONFECTIONERIES. D. G. Maxwell, D. M. ltiglcr, Confectioners. HARDWARE. Brem, Brown & Co., Oaten, Walter Brem 4: Co., wholesale and retail dealers in Hardware. Mail Arrangement; Crerrtville Mail. Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 m. Leaves tho same days at 1 p. m. Arheville Mail. A-rivcs Monday and Friday at 6 t. n. Leaves Ttasday and Satur day at 6 a.m. Greenville Mail. Arrives Saturday at 7 r. m Leaves Ihursaay at 6 a. m. Coli-mbus Mail. Arrives Ttlesday at 7 r. m. Leaves Tuesday at 6 a. i. Mohgantox Mail. Arrives Saturday at 7 r. m. Leaves Friday at 6 a. x. Cocntt Mail. Arrives Thursday at 12 m. Leaves same day at 1 p. x. Marion Mail. Arrives Tuoeday arji prj. day at 6 p. m. Loaves Wednesday ad Satur day at 6 A. M. JOHN T BUTLER, practical Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELLER. Ac T MAIN ST.; CHARLOTTE, A'. C. DEALER in Fince Watches and Cloclw, J ewclry, Spectacles and Watch Materials, &c. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry of every description repaired and warranted for twelve months. 6 Work left at tho .Vindicator Office will be forwarded at ray expense. janl5 MENS' and Boys' Boots and Shoce, LadicV and Mi95 Shoes and Gaiters. J. W. CLARKE, MISCELLANEOUS. DRIED QLACKDERRIE0. 'TMIE most expeditious wav to dry Blach X berries, is to make frames tw by tars -feet, and cover them with thin domestic or sheeting, put your berries on the cloth and fix the frames so that tho air can pass over and under them. .'fhe highest market price will be paid foe Fifty Thousand pounds dclivnred to me at this place. w. s. GUTHRIK. je 28 QUEENSWAUE FOR the fciek and the well, the aged and young, always 4o be found at aprlO D. MAY & S0N8. Harness Manufactory. A. Dr Farnsworth, LOG AX" 8 STOREi X. C. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has opened a new Harness Shop, near Logan's Store, who c he is prepared to do all work in his line and at prices to suit the hard times. Give us a call. fc21-ly JOHN COO ft, r HOUGE CARPENTER. ORDERS for Work left at the VINDICA TOR office, will bo promptly attended to. decl5-tf GROCERIES. DMAY & SOK have just received a heavy invoice of Groceries. They sell cheap, and their Coffees and Sugars' are prime. jezi-tt . . Important Sale. AT AUCTION ! I WILL affer for sale, at the Auction and Commission House of M. 1. WRISTOT A C6 Commencing on Thursday, 6th 'day of May, $12,000 worth of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ilatu, Boots. Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Notions, Sec, all of the very best quality, arid such only as are found in first-class Drv Gdods' store in the South. These Goods were selected with' great car for the retail trade of this city. We invit the especial attention of Jerchants ahd otheis to this splendid assortment of goods. . , S. 1 ALEXANDER Assignee of A. Sinclair, Bankrupt. Charlotte, N. C. niaylOVtf Photography. HAVING added to my already lsrga aai complete establishment a Patent Solar Camera; I am prepared to furnish pictures from tha smallest sio to life size. J. S. BROAD A WAY, Tryon street, opposite Charlotte Hotel. apr2(i-tf Charlotte, N. C. FORTUNE IN ANY STATE Rights XjL for sale New patent article' for every female. Sample 2. Address INVENTOR, P. O. Box 2438, New York. k28-lm FOR LADIES 0EY.--1 or an arti cle having a remarkable sale, address Mrs. MORGAN, 139 Fulton Street, New York. le'iS-lm Tinware. I A M now prepared, at my . old atacd in Ruthorfordton, to furnish the public with Tinware, I have secured the services of a No. t work man, enabling me to till all nrdors. REPAIRING done at short notice. Tinware sold by retail or wholesale H. D. CARRIER. fel5-tf Wanted. IRISH FOTATOES, 50 cents; OATS SO cents; CORN 75 cents; Rye fl. I will give the above prices for the above ar ticles. ial8-tf II. M. MILLER. Boots and Shoes. OF every style and quality, at the Excelsior store of niar-tMf ' JONES & BRYAN. BOOTS AND SHOES. HEAVIEST stock of hoofs and shoes evar brought to this town. aprl'J 1.MAY& SON. flats and Caps THE largest stock ever, brought to this market, for sale very cheap. aprl9 D. MAY & SON. .. Wanted. I vv to act as Agents to sell the Balm or Life. At least $100 po. month can be mad clear. A. R. HOMTiSLEY & SON. mal-im Shelby, N, C. Latest Parisian Styles. Mr. R. 31. ROimsOX, . WITH an experience of 30 years, respect fully inforiiis the public that he is now, as in the past, prepared to make up, in tha latest styles, Wearing Apparel for the gen tlemen. lie has just received tho SPRING FASH ION PLATES, and will be pleased to see bis friends and patrons at his establishment, over Jones & Bryan's Store. (iive him tt call, as he will both please and fit. mar22-tf Undertaking. OFFINS made to order at fchort notice. jan- W. D. JUSTICE. Factory Yarn. T FACTORY Yarn, at tho store of apr 12-tf a No. 1 article, for wt X M. CRATON. Hals and Cnpa OF tLe htcrt V;'leB, at the ehaapott sto: intci, scaiV ONES & BRYAN. 1339 ACEES OF GOOD FARMING LAND, in Ruther ford county, upon tho waters of the three Floyd's Creek, Robinson's creek, and Second Broad River, on OLD TIIICKETY for one milt! heat, against any Horse, Mara or Gelding, of his own age, in tho United States, Jacks and mules not excepted. For further particulars apply to tho present, groom, and bo accommodated. may31-tf E. M. CARPENTER. Lincolnton High School. Trof. II. H. SMITH, ) . . . Kcv. W. R. WERJIORE, J Principals. Tuition from $3 to $4 per Month. BOARD from $8 to $15 in clubs at cost, room rent being hw. The Trustee, ara thoroughly repairing and new-furnishinj tho Academy. Session commences i July I'Jfth. For circulars, address either Triaciral,