I WESTERN VINDICATOR. Jlonday ItYornfnK, August 2, 1869. L. P. ERV7IN, Proprietor. Special Newspaper Advertising and General Collection Agency for North Carolina. A. IIEARXE A CO., PuWiwhcrs and Special Agents for tho North Carolina Press, and General Agents for tho Collodion of Claims of every description throughout the State. Office, Granger's Hotel, Goldshoro', N. C. Aro authorized Agents for the Vindicator. T. V. DEWEY & CO., BANKERS AND BUOttEU, CHARLOTTE, X. C. WE entered on our second year of busi ness on tho first day of October last, and return our thanks to our old friends and new friends for their custom and patronage j during tho year now closing. We are now prepared, with increased means and ample capital, to transact any safe and desirable banking business which may be oS'ercd us. We will receive deposits and pay same on call, and when left on time will pay interest on same according to agreemeut. We buy and sell Gold and Silver Coin, and Bullion, Bank Notes, &c. Will discount for customers good business paper. Purchase and sell on commission, Stocks and Bonds, and give our best attention to any other matter in the Banking or Brok erage lino, entrusted to us. lievenuo Stamps always on hand and for sale. Hours of business to suit customers and dealers. TIIOS. W. DEWEY & CO., At building (formerly Branch Bank) one door below Smith's Shoo Store, Try on bt. fe'22 The Alabama Claims Kcportctl Alliance of England, France and Spain ! ! rllE subscriber having just r turned from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, takes pleasure in announcing to his numerous friends, and tho public generally, that ho is now receiving tho best selected stock of Summer Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Groceriof, Hardware, Quconsware, Notions, &c. &c. &c. Ever brought to this market. Terms Cash or Barter. Prices casv. S. MITCHELL, jeT-3m Otter Creek, N. C. W. P. LOVE &, Co., SHELBY, N. C, WHOLESALE dealers in Lifll)rs of all kinds. The trade supplied at lowest rates, and dealers are respectfully invited to xnoiino their largo stock. aprl2-tf CONFECTIONERIES. CONFECTIONERIES. "IAN DIES, Nuts, Fruits, Cheese, Crackois, J Pickles, SiC, at maySl J. M. CKATOX'S. New Store &New Goods. A. R. NISBET & BROTHER, (LATE OF NISBET AX1 MAXWELL,) HAVE formed a copartnership for the pur pose of conducting a first-eliiss COS FECTIONERY AND Grocery Store, Under tho Democrat Office, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ARE now receiving a full Stock of Goods in their lino, all fresh and new, which the public generally aro invited to call and see Having had several years of experience and by strict personal attention, they hope to bo able to merit a liberal share of public patronage. A. &. MbBET, W. B. NISBET. may 10-tf D. G. MAXWELL , 8VCCT.S80H TO NISHET & MAXWELL, Wholesale and Ke ail Dealer in Groceries and Confectioneries, Toys, Musical Instruments, and Manufac turer of Plain and Fancy Candies. 2t Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. may 10-tf AUCTION & COMMISSION. M. I.. WUI1TOK. Lult qf Hark -land S. V. it. c. tcrt.K Tll!. II. OA1THER. Of lrrdell Co., (if Morksritle, A . V. M.L.WRISTON&CO, Auctioneers & General Com mission Merchants, 17011 tho sale and purchase of Cotton, To bacco, Grain, Flour, Produco and Mer chanxlLrc of all kinds, Mansion House liuild ing, Charlotte, N. C. REFERENCES I T. W. Dowry & Co., Hankers. Charlotte, N. C; M. Peguim, Cashier, First National liank, Charlotte, N. C; W. J. Yates, Kditor Western Democrat." fe'22-ly Charlotte Marble Yard. HAVING secured tho CHARLOTTE M AKULE YAHD, it will bo conducted under tho name and style of TIDDY A MrCOr. Persons wishing anything in our line, can he accommodated upon extremely low prices. We aro now manufacturing Monuments, Headstones, or anything in our lino, in a workmanlike manner, at very low pr.ccs. Call and see us. TIDDY & McCOY, Near tho Post Office. J. A. MIL LEU & CO., Agents. mar22-Gm OLD THICKETY. f "VlIE champion of Limestone JL Springs Turf, S. C, will stand the ensuing season in lluthcrford county, N. C. Ho is a beautiful mahogany bay, and is full sixteen hands high ; is nineteen years old, this spring, and will serve mares at $10 tho insurance. Trading tho marc for feits the insurance All dues will bo taken in produco at cash prices- Ho is now owned by Carpenter & Co., and will bo kept by inalS E. M. CAliPENTEPv. Hides Wanted. WE will pay 18 cents per pound for good Dry Haw Hides, in cah, or 20 cents in Goods or Leather. apro- 1). MAY & SON. READ WHAT THE Hisztiest Insurance Authorities SAY OF " A company that makes such iuVe that it will fulfill its trust peJ BrooMynyfe! sufficient." Hon. Elizuh Wright. " The Brooklyn Life has placed itself in the vanguard of insu rance reform, and is the first company that has done full and com plete justice to ihe insured." Insurance Times, January, 18C9. " The Brooklyn Life has made no half-way work of the adop tion of this inestimable featuie. It is noteworthy, in this connec tion, as a merited tribute to the excellent Company (Brooklyn Life) which has so gallantly raised the standard of reform in Life ' .1 i ii . i i . i? a i i.: n Insurance, mat we una in uie wnoie nsi oi twisting companies, few competitors which deserve so much credit in respect of econo my of management, or care, skill and judgment in the selection of risks." Ins. Spec, January, 18G9. The BROOKLYN LIFE, alone of all other Life Insurance Companies, guar antees a definite surrender-value in cash, and every jiolicy issued by that Com pany bears a certificate stating what its exact worth vill be in dollars and cents at any time after the payment of two or more premiums. The Brooklyn Life has paid, and now pays, to its Policy-holders larger divi dends than ever before paid by a Life Insurance Company. Dividends are paid in cash, or applied to the permanent increase of the policy, or loft with tho Company to accumulate at interest, in either way, at the option of tho policy holder. CHRISTIAN W. BOTJCK, TWdent ; D. T "FACKLER, Actuary ; WM. M. COLE, Secretary; DANIEL AYERS, M.D., LL.D., Medical Director. J. R. GRIFFITH, General Agent for Western North Carolina. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. J. II. Gilkey, for McDowell; John M. Craios, for Rutherford, and V. P. Andrews, for Cleaveland. may 10- THE VINDICATOR IS TILE ONLY LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN Western North Carolina. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! TEEMS : S2.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. T II E endorsements, gives the strongest faithfully, and keep its reserves STEAMSHIPS. " OLD DOMINION" STEAM SHIP COMPANY. fkom: XEW YORK TO PORTSMOUTH Three Steamers Weekly. Two additional Steamers for Richmond, Ya., touching at Portsmouth, Loading and Unloading. INSURANCE can bo obtained at one-quarter of one per cent, by application to the office of the Old Dominion Steamship Com pany, No. 187, Greenwich, correr Dey street, New York. Parties desiring to insure Goods bound for New York, can do so by addrrwing T. L. McCREADY, office Old Dominion Steamship Company, as above, enclosing cash order on New York for one quarter of one per cent, of amount desired to be insured, stating marks, numbers, description, value of Goods, with date of shipment. Shipper will receive, imme dirtoly, certificate of Insurance. Merchants purchasing in New York, order your freights via IVrtsmouth, theseby insuring safety and dispatch, with the great advantage of reduced insurance. WM. W. DA VIES, GenT Ag't, Seaboard Inland Air Line, apro Charlotte, N. C. New York and North Carolina Steamship Line FROM New Yrk f Wilmington, X. O T "MIIS lino will comprise Steamers : FAIRBANKS . CAPT. A. nCNTER. . " D. P. MORGAW. WM. P. CLYDE REBECCA CLYDE O. Chichester. 1 John Mooke. UflARY SANFORD With such additional Steamers as may be required to meet the Demands of the Trade. Sailing from New York Every Wednesday and Saturday At 4 p. m. from Pier 15 E. R. foot of Wall St. The attention of SHIPPER4! is called to the LOW RATES and facilities offered by this Line, which are SUPEIilOl. to any heretofore one-red. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to all points on the North Carolina Railroad and its connections. tioldsboro. J. A. SADLER, Soliciting-Agent. WoRTn & Dasiel, Ag'ts, Wilmington, N. C, James Hand, " 119 Wall St. N. Y TIDDY & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Booksellers, Stationers, AND DEALERS IX Sheet Music, Fancy Articles, Ac, Springs' Corner, Cbarlotte, N. C. "VRDERS by mail when accompanied by the cash, or ordered O. U. v., wiu re ceive prompt attention. Also agents for the Western Vindicator maylOtf For the Gentlemen. TROADCLOTHS, Beaver Cloth for Over -AJ coats, Cassimeres, Kock Island Jeans, Sheetings, Shirtings, Domestic and Heavy Good of all kinds, Furnishing Goods, Sec, at the following apr!2 J. M. CRATON o. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. CYTIIE Blades (A 1 article), Hoes, Trace O chains, Spades and Shovels, Locks, Bntts and Hinges, Drawing Knives, Files of all kinds, Axes, Patent Awls, Tea Kettles, Pre serving Kettles, Smoothing Irons, Coffee Mills, Sifters, Cotton and Wool Cards of a superior quality. Hand sawsj Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, fck.-iss.orfe, Shears, Curry Combs, Shov els and Tongs, Andirons, Gimbleta, Shoe knives, Planes and Plane-bits, Horse-tho-s and Nails, at J. M. CKATOX'S. may 31 CROCKERY & CLASS WARE. A LARGE supply at reduced prices, just received by may31 J. M. CRATON. HARDWARE ! w ALTER more ISRim is North buyinj to enable us more fully to mt the demands of a large and increasing Wholesale and Retail Trade. S3T Call and see ns. OATES, WALTER BREM ft CO., New Hardware Store, Mansion House Corner, mar29-tf Charlotte, N. C. ERErfl7BR6WNfaC0. To the Wholesale Trade. Q ff DOZ. Pocket Knives, OUU 1,000 doz. Table Knives, 200 doz. Hoes, 75 doz. Grain and Grass Scythes, 200 doz. Chess. Drawer and Tiunk Locks, 140 doz. Pad Locks, 90 doz. Door Locks, 600 pair Trace Chains, 1,000 gross Screws, 100 gross Puckles, 90 doz. Carry Combs, With a full ftock of all kinds of Hardware. Call and examine our stock. Charlotte, N. C. apr26-tf. Hardware. OPADES, Shovels, Axes, Hoes, of the very best quality at mar22-tf JONES & BRYAN'S. Cutlery- KNIVES end Forks, Pocket Knives, Shears, Scissors, &e., at mar'22-tf JONES & BHYAN'S. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. RIO Coffe No. 1, good Sugars, Teas, Salt, Soda, Orsters, ire, at may 31 . " J. M. CK AXON'S. S. GROSE & CO., WHOLESALE AND HKTAILDKALER8 IN Groceries, Provisions, AND General Family Supplies TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, A". C. V 70U LD respectfully call attention to the T f merchants of Western North Carolina to their well selected stock of Grocerit-s, which they offer very low. Call and examine before you purchase else where, as thev will not be undersold. SAMUEL UKOSE & C'U., Trade street, nearly opposite post-office. fe22-ly Sr-erics. LUGAR, Coffee, Tea, Candles, Molasses at O the one-price store. marJ2-tf JONES & BRYAN. H B.rOT.CND. J. M LA'JGHLiN. R. BT. MILLER- H. B. HAMMOND & CO., WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Grocers and Commission ?i i; II a vi s, Corner Trade and Collecre Streets, CHARLOTTE, A. C. TEALERS in Grain, Country Produce, JL and every other article usually found in a first-class wholesale and retail Grocery es tabliohmeut. fc22-ly VIRGINIA Grocery & Liquor Store. W. 6. GRIFFIN & CO.. Trvon Street, Charlotte, X. C. ALWAYS on hand a great variety of Gro ceries and Liquors suited to the Whole sale Trade, at very low prices. A call is solicited. apr5-tf W. S. GRIFFIN & CO. HOTELS. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, X. C. W. M. MATTHEWS, J. L. STEGALL, PROPR1F.TOKS. THIS well known House is now under the control an d management of the under signed, who solicit a share of the public pa tronage. The House has recently been thor oughly repaired and re-furnished, and no ex ertions will be spared to make patrons com fort able. Til K TABLE will be furnished with the best the market affords. Refreshments of all sort9 can alwavs be found at the Bar. THE STABLES attached to this House will be found sufficient to accommodate the Horses of our country friends who may pre fer a safe place and good feed. V. M. MATTHEWS, Jr., J. L. STEAGALL. Charlotte, N. C. apr26 TROTTER HOUSE, First Class Private Boarding House, Tryon btrect, opposite City Clock, CHARLOTTE, N. C. rrAELE supplied with the best the market 1 affords. Permanent and transient board ers accommodated. dec 15 GRANGER'S HOTEL, (FORMERLY GRISWOLD'S,) T. A. GRANGER A CO., Propyls. GOLDSRORO", X. C. RAILROADS centering at and passing this point, have their ticket offices in this Hotel. Passengers going South, East and "West, dine at this Hotel. tgr Baggage taken to and from the House free of charge., and checked to any desired point. apr26 Toilet Soaps, PERFUMERIES, and other Notions at the J. store of JONES & BRYAN. mar 22-tf Bitter Root Wanted. -I AAA TOUNDS of BITTER ROOT JLJJv wanted, for which lowest cash price will be given. roods at the apr 12 JONES & BRYAN DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Drugs, Medicines, &c. CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE F . SOARft, DRUGGIST & CHE31IST, 1 tLPS for sale Pure Drugs and Chemirals, . vf i e ii i j Patent Medicines, of all kinds, varnishes, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &c,, of first quality. Kerosene Oil, No. 1 Lamps and Burners. Country Merchants supplied with Drugs, Essences, &c. F. SCARU. feg-2-tf PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH supply just received, consisting in part of Jayncs' ExjK-etorant, Sanative Pills and Expectorant, Deem's Liver Pills, I5ranureth s 1'iUs. All of Dr. Kadway's med icines constantly on hand ; Dr. Ayer's medi cines, Cherry Pectoral and Narsaparilb, Mus tang Liniment, Opodeldoc, Pain Killer, Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wine of Tar tor co :ghs, colas, or consumption, (od Liver Oil, Worm .Sugar drops, Dead Shot, Carolina Bitters, German Bitters, and everv other kind oi reliable parent medicines, ice. Also, Fine i Brandies and Wines for meditinal purposes : a superior article of Lemon Syrup, superior quality of Trusses, all for sale at Lmay31J J. M. C11A OILS, PAINTS, &C. RED Paint, Chronic, Green and Yellow Varnish, Siiris of Turpentine. Red Janders, Indigo and Madder, pure White Lead, Tanners' Oil, Linseed Oil, Machine Oil, mdow Giass and Putty, and a thousand and one other articles not enumerated, at may31 J. JI. CRATON'S. . SMITH & BREM, Wholesale and eta 11 DRUGGISTS, Charlotte, N. C, (opposite Mansion House.) HAVE on hand a large supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Notions, Taints, and Oils, which they oner to the Western trade as cheap as can be bought in this market. Dr. Smith has had several years experience m the Drug businet-s in one of the largest Drug Houses in New York City. T C. SMITH, M. D. C. F. BBF.M, M. D. fel5-3m DRUGS AitD MEDICINES, JUST received pure and fresh, comprising the following in part : Camphor, Opium, Morphine, Ijtocac, Calomel, Blue Mass, Blis ter Plaster, Spirits Nitre, Laudanum, Pare goric, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Cream Tartar, Sulphur, Borax, Alum, Balsam Copabia, Sul phuric Acid, Aquatortis, Soidlitz Powders, Mustard, Soda Powders, &c, at mav31 J. M. CRATON'S. LAMPS AND BURNERS, 4 ND good and puro Kerosene Oil, for sale j:v by may31 J. M. CIIATON. D . John H. McAden, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, CHARLOTTE, X. C. "VTOW offers the largest and best selected Jl stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Oiis and Paints, ever offered in the State of North Carolina Special attention given to supplying Phy sicians and Druggists with rel.able Medicines. Merchants supplied with Drugs, Essences, and Dye-StufFs, at lowest market rates. Prompt attention given to all orders and satisfaction guaranteed. fe22-tf SPEAR'S Patent Fruit Preserving Solution. IT is a perfect" Antiseptic, the cheapest and best method in tho world for preserving all kinds of Fruits, Jellies, Tomatoes, Cider, Wine, Slilk, Vegetables, &c, &c. It saves Sugar It saves the expenseof seal ing or Air-tight Jars or Cans; it is "60 per cent, cheaper than any other method. One bottle will preserve 128 pounds of Fruit, or 48 gallons of Wine or Cider, or 123 gallons of Milk. Warranted to contain nothing inju rious to health. For sale at mav31 J. M. CRATON'S. INSURANCE. Encourago Hvino Enteprise! NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL Home Insurance Co. Incorporated December, 1SGS. Chartered Capital $500,000. Amount T A1A Ann now liauie ior ij06bes civ,uuu. OFFICERS: JAMES n FOOTE, President. W. E. PELL, Vice-President. SEATON GALES, Secretary. R. II. BATTLE, Ti easurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : G. Lewis, A. W. Iawrence, J. II. Davis. R. General Apent for Western N.Carolina, Gen. R. B. Vasck. General Agent for Eastern N. Carolina, Tnos. Thompson. Office First Door South of Raleigh National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. THIS Home Company, chartered by the Legislature of North arolina, insures projicrty against loss or damage by Fire, L.tglitr:iii? or Tornado, and does business on tho mutual and joint stock plans. The character of those who control the af fairs of the Company is a sufficient guarantee that it is what it proposes to be a Home En terprise offering amide and liberal protection against loss by tire, &c, on the most easy and j liberal tei ms to insurers. The twenty thousand dollars of N. C. bonds required by the charter of the company to bo deposited with the Public Treasurer, bave been promptly so deposited, and tho receipt of the Treasurer obtained therefor. Policies are issued for a term not to exceed five years. No other Company offers greater induce ments to insurers- Now is the time for all who feel any inter est in a Homo Institution to come forward and encourage this Company, receiving as they will, reciprocal benefit in tho enhance ment of value and protection of thoii property. For full particulars, address ho Secretary, ; or consult General or Local Agents, who will, in due time, be announced. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. SEATON GALES, Secretary. W. H. Murdoch, Ass't Sec. and Loca lAg'L aprl'J-ly . Wanted. A LOAD OF FODDLH or OATS. mal L. P. KRM IN. DRY GOODS. New Summer Goods! Cheap for Cash. ! 1 Would respectfully invite the attention of mv friends and the public cenerallv. to I the large and desirable stock of goods which -haJe frm V'h? 'lfxv nd S 1 ork, and which were selected with especial care oy Mr. u. ii. AIills. I feel assured that my friends will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock be fore purchasing ciehere. Great pleasure will be taken in exhibiting my stock, and my prices will compare favorably with Spartan burg, Charlotte or elsewhere. I shall con tinue to sell as heretofore GOOD GOODS only, which I can conscientiously recommend at prices as favorable to purchasers as any man can sell good merchandise. Call and examine osr goods, and we will not be offend ed if you do not make purchases. Bring your cash, corn, bacon, butter, eggs, rags, or anything you have to sell, and wc will give you the hijjheht market rates in goods at cash prices. Believing it is best for all parties, I shall endeavor to do strictly a CAfrH business niay31-tf J. M. CRATON. DRY GOODS. SUMMER Casimercs and Cloths, Tweeds, Kerevs. Linens, calicoes. Prints, Cant- bries. Domestics. Slun-tinirs. Shiitintrs fbleaeh- ed and unbleached Dnliinirs, Tickings. J aquard Diaper, tot ton Klanueis, Gingham.-, M ualins, Popiiiis, 1 )ress Goods, Glove&, Stock ings, llalf iiosc, Skit t Braida, hii t Fronts, Collars and ,'u2s, Fans, Knitting Cotton, Kibbons, Laces, Velvet KiLboiis, Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, &c at may 31 J. M. CRATON'S. LADIES' SUMMER HATS o F latest styles and varieties at the cheap store of J. J. CRATON. may 31 D. MAY & SON, ARE daily receiving a Dry Goods,' Groceries, choice selectioc of , Hardware. Call and sec our goods, as wo offer bargains, apr 12 New Spring Goods. DR. J. M. CRATON respectfully an nounces to his friends, customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving a large and well aborted stock of New Goods, which he offers on most reasonable terms. aprl2-tf J. M. CRATON. Ladies' Dress Goods. JUST received, the latest styles and best quality Ladies' Dress Goods. aprl9 D. MAY & SON. Very Latest from Cuba ! ISDEPEABOiCE DECLARED ! "f ESSRS. D. MAY A SOX have just -LtJL received a larire and well selected Spring nud mnirr Goods to which they invite the attention of those de siring goods. They propose to sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be sold at any other house in town. Call and see us at Bartlctt's old stand, op posite Dr. Craton's stoic. apr 19 Spring Importation. BREM, BROWN & CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic, Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Motions, Fancj Goodr:, Embroidery, Carpets, Hats, Boots, and Shoes. VE have received cur second stock of Spring k Summer Goods, embracing the most extensive and varied assortment. We have certainly the largest Stock of Goods 6ver brought to this market. Having bought after the regular spring trade was over, during the dull season, with one of the greatest mo ney panics in Northern cities since 1857, we can and will sell at either Wholesale or Re tail lower than can be bought in this market. As an evidence of what we say, all we ask is an examination of our Goods and Prices. Give us a call before buving. BREM, BROWN & CO., West Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. apr26-tf Dry Goods. EVERY style and quality of dry goods for sale low down bv atrl9 D. MAY & SON. Staple & Fancy Goods ! JOII L. MOORE, Shelby, X C, announces to- the )eople of Rutherford and Cleaveland counties that ho now hah on hand a large and well selected stock of Si pie and Funcy Gootls which he offers to the trade on most reasonable terms. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cut lery, Croeker3'ware, Groceries, and other goods suited to the wants of his customers, apr 12 CTAiS'CY Goods and Notions, in great Jl variety at ruar'22-tl" JONES & BRYAN'S. Ladies Dress Goods, MUSLINS, Challice, Prints, Delains, Gren adines, at mar22-tf JONES & BRYAN'S. Furniture Emporium. ROBERT F. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN 3?TJR2STIT TJIE, Of every description, Tryon st., opposite cit j' clock, Charlotte, N. C. Also, Metallic Burial Cases of va rious styles, kept conbtantly on hand. apr'26-3m VERY LATEST ARRIVAL OF THE REST AND CHEAPEST GOODS! JOXES A; BRYAN are this day ret civ ing largo invoices of Goods, embracing every variety, which they ofier at figures lo suit buyers. Greenbacks, Gold, Silver and Produce taken iu exchange for goods. mar22-tf DRY GOODS, BROADCLOTHS, Casimeres, Jeans, Sati nets, Domestics, o:id other goods for gen tlemen's wear, at mar22-tf JONES & BRYAN'S. Ladies, Attrntin ! HOOP SKIRTS, Corset, Balmorals, Hose, Sec, at the first-class house of mar22-tf JONES & BRYAN. Stationery. BOOKS, Paper, Pens, Pencil, Slates, Inks Envelopes, at mar22-tf JONES BRYAN'S PROFESSIONAL CAkttS. DR. B. WPAIbttZfti (A rcprular graduate of the Baltimore Colleg of Dental Science, and an opera tcr on th Teeth, of twenty cars personal ' , experiexe.). RUTHERFOKDTON N. C,. I ALIj to thecountry, by leU v- ter or otherwise, promptly attended to. Terms moderate for cash. may3l-2m . J. F. ALEXANDER, CIVIL & M. NINd KJonrEER. SIIELBY, N. C. lt r S'UUVBYS made of Mineral Landa, Assays-., 7 of Minerals, and reports of Mineral Landa 1 maie. fel5-;m T thiircliill ATTORICETS ARO & Whiteside' eCUJISELORS kvih. KUTIIKRFOKDTOX, N, m ern JNorlli Carohn olina. in the Sunrnniv Court of tho State, and in the District, Circuit ' and Supreme Courts of tho U. S. . . . i I.. F. ClU ttCHltL. O. M. WHITESIDB, Pi'ofes?sionaJ Card.; Y i DR. J. IVf.CKATOX having-refurned lrom the North, will attend 16 all pro- fessional calls as heretofore. pro- fe22 Dr. J no. W. Hartisi ' WILL give prompt attention to all pro fessional calls, and hopes to merit continuance of his long established practice. lias constantly on hand a fine supply of ' pure Drags at Lis office inliutherferdtoni N- c- dccl , Dr. Hicks, EUTIIERFORDTON, N. C. ' CONTINUES. the practice of Medicine, Surirerv and Midwifr. in Pii),.l.r....i and the surrounding counties w . ' I Charges mod' eratc. mal Jos. L. Carson, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLIC- ITOIl IN BANKRUPTCY. RUTH ERFORDTON, N. C. WILL give his undivided attention to thtf practice of his profession in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and will attend to all business entrusted to his care m the courts of Law and Equity for th Seventh and Eighth J udicial Districts of North Carolina. dec 1 5 Dr. Thos. S. Duffy, CONTINUES the Practice of Mediein. Special attention paid to Operations in Surgery. Ollice houra.from nine o'clock, a. m ., to one P. M aoclG 31. II. Justice, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RUTH ERFORDTON, N. C. LA I MS collected in all parts of the State. decl5 Drs. Huckcr & Tivitfy, HAVING associated in the practice of M.dicino in all its branches, respect fully offer their services to the public. Thankful for past favors, they hopo, by prompt attention to all calls, to merit a cou tinuanco of their established practice. Charges moderate. OiTjoo in tho Andrew Mooro House, first door above J. A. Miller & Co. janll CIDNCY & fVVAFEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SHELBY, N. C. J3RACTICK in the Superior Courts of Wcst - ern North Carolina. . may 10-tf TOWN ORDINANCES. The Commit tionera of the 7W of Ruthnrfurdton, 4o ordain : 1. Tbiit all pnrson living within the incorporate limit!) of said town, liable by law to work on the pub lic mail, be nud thi-y are hcrehy required to work on the stmets and roads in mud Town aiz days in each year, or lorfeit and pay to the Mayor 75 cents for each day that they may fail so to work, to be sued tor an recovered as o'.Ikt taxi s ami lines are : Provided, that in the discretion of the Mayor, such work may be ren dered by substitute. 2. That any person or persons who shall engage ia any fight, riots, or unlawful amemblie, or who shall be gilty of unbecoming language, or shall curse or swt-ar, to the annoyance of the Citizens of faid Town, shall be fined, at the discretion of the Maror, not to exceed twenty-five dollars. 3. That if any person shall discbarge any fire-arms, except in cae of actual necessity, or by permission of the Mayor, Within the following boundaries, commen cing at Miller's old Tan Yard, and then with the brunch to where it crosses muin street, then fctraigbt line east to Ciughorn Creek, then with said creek to opposite the Male Academy, then a straight line to the beginning -shall pay a fine of one dollar for oath such offence. 4. That any person or persons who shall engage in driving, raciug, or running horses through the street as to endanger life or property, shall be fined at the discretion of the Mayor not to exceed five dollars. 5. That uuy person or persons who shall allow bia or their horses, mules, or other dangerous animals to run at large through the streets (drovers excepted), shall le faned one dollar for each such olftnse. 6. That unv Person or nersons who shall obstruct any public street or sidewalk by placing thereon any wood, timlier or other thing, and allowing the sauia to remain more than twenty-four hours, hall pay a fine of one dollar for each day such obstruction shall' remain. 7. That any grocer, bar keeper, or other person n- guged in the sale of spirituous liquor, shall sell or give away, any spirituous or malt liquors en the Sab bath day, shall pay a fine of one dollar for each such offense. a. That any person who shall rido or hitch any. horse, or other an mal, upon any sidewalk in said Town, Khali pay for each onense one dollar. 9. That all persons residing within the limits of said town be, and they are hereby required te return to the Miyor, on or before the litii day of June, a hill and complete list of all subjects of taxation under the or dinauees, and upon failure to list the tame shall bo liable to pay a double tax. ... It. That in default of the payment of any fine luo for the violation of any of the Town Ordinances, tho person or persons ao defaulting may be imprisoned not more than thirty days, at the discretion of tho Mayor: l'rovided, thut they may bo released at any time upon payment ot the fane and costs. 11. That any person or persona who shall "retail spirituous liquors within said incorporation, except those who obtain a regular license, shall pay a tine of twenty-hve dollar for each oCeiit, one-haltreOOTUwd to go to the informer. - , 12. That these ordinances shall go into effect tea days from day of publication. . , 13. That all pel sons having claims due tnem from the Town of Kutherfordton be, and they are hereby required, to present the same, duly authenticated, bo fore the Commissioners of said Town, to he audited and passed upon, before such claim shall bo pavd. U. That the regular meeting ot the ComuMMuonert of the Town of Kutherlordton shall he on the first Thursday in each month. Ii. That any person allowing his or her bogs or goats to run at large on tho streets, longer than 24 hoars, shall forfeit and pay for each and every hog or goai so running at Urge s tine of one dollar per head. This Ordinance to go into ctloct from and after tho 20th day of June, lo9. 16. That for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to defray the necessary expenses and for making re pairs in said Town.' the following tax bo levied, and collected on the subjects of taxation mentioned below; Ileal and I'ersonal l'roperty (subject to exemutiob of two hundred dollars of household and kitchen fur niture), IS cents on the 100 Lawyers, S ; Pbysi. cians, $1 ; Circus or Menageriv $25 ; Side-shows, $5 ; Sleight ot hand performer rV; Magie Lantern, Lec turers, or other exhibition for pay, 5: Itinerant Auctioneer, ti ; Silversmith and Jewelers, 9 60 ; Itinerant Silversmiths and Jewelers, ai ; Lfeatiata, resident, f2 M; Licutistft, itinerant, ti; lie tailors bt Spirituous Liquor, $10; Hailing Alleys, flu; Vry Ciood Stores, $i ; buruerrean or Photographic artist, ft; Tailor shops, $2 50 ; Blacksmith Shops, 12 50; Wagon and Carriage Hhopa, $2 50; Cabinet (Shops, 2 5V; Printing Offices, $3; Insurance Agents, . ife or Fire, 2 50 ; Tan Yards, 92 50 ; Hotel. ?2 50 ; Boot and Shoe Shops, 92 50 ; . Harness, and tiaddle Shops, $2 50 ; Tin Shops, 2 50 ; every Hog over sis month old, 25c; every itinerant retail dealer in Carriages, Uuggies, Wagons, Ouns, Tobacco, or Tinware, not the growth br manufacture of Rutherford county, Clerk of Superior Court, 3 ; llegisterof JUotd. 2 ; Coun'y Treasurer, 92. 17. 1 hat these ordinances are published and declared tbU2;thdvy of Way, 1S09. It. W. LOOAlf, Mayor. Test : A. T. K. "WAU-atr, Town Clerk. j-7-tf

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