THE VINDICATOR! CEDAS CREEK. X w. .. A Goodly Land, and Progressive People VWT TZtn. Cr89 ? y0,lr V W.t Oood Schools. paper it means your time is f ,. , . either out or about to expir- A e 9 no moro ,ov y val,ey or Renew or the paper will ston ' ""'her section in Rutherford county I "'an MH IOOC-U1JIS OI Hie Xlie iv ugc Local & Personal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 189o. through which runs Cedar creek, bub Dling down from Bald mountain till it enters Cove creek at Bird's mills. The people are hardy mountaineers with a knowledge of the ways of outsiders far beyond our conception of the back woods citizen, and anions them are found many who are the pcer3 of the in Mr. Claude Hicks, of Cam leeu, was in town yesterday. Mr. B. A. JnatiMi want people of more favored sections , , . . I Dili tit, nt I l (xliinhMnit. unanotte Saturday returmne " oixucir juuepenuence ana courage ui Sunday. their convictions are indellibly stamp- COMMISSIOJfERS MEETLNfc. Mr. S. B. Tanner, of Hei ed on the5r features, and you need not netta. srent Snndav in 4U stP OI lar cre.-k if you are searcn the guest ot Senator Justin. ' ,nJ ;smr,,,t or thriiti people I Their school iliyitrict has been so ar- Mr. A. F. Morgan, of White ranged by the authorities as to create House, visited Washington Citv Kat dissatisfaction, and Monday a la.3t wejL. retnminir Hfnr, " Petition was presented by the citizens , , J ' of that district for athange and relief iur. o. vmuerneit today for from the situation under which, with the city of Raleigh, whore he goes I a large territory and at least one hun- on a easiness find pleasure triD dred children of school age, tnei raver T?ao.,: w , , age school attendance has been less -Representative McFarland than a dozen. They have made up a has introduced a bill to amend the subscription school on Cedar creek, charter ot the I'olk County I taught by an accomplished and success Railroad. ful teacher, Miss Pearl Logan, but with T .. 1 T T-, , IIIC BtUUUl 1UIIU lint liici uci;j ui taj , -Mr and Mrs. Louig B. Forney they demand thejr right and a hear. are in the city, guesta of Mr. W. ing in the location of the school house, A. Mills, father of the handsome and the selection of teachers. They and accomplished bride" complain that many of their children iw t u t i . I have to travel four miles, cross Cedar Vr-tV oi ine At- creek several times, to get to the pres- lanta Mills Co., of Sweetwater, Unt school house, and that it amounts Teno , was in town yesterday, and to an absolute phohibitinn from the eujoys an enviable reputation with nefits of the public school fund. The next meeting, and we hone a satisfac Our people have always been tory solution of the question at issue economical in theline of education, may be reached. There is no politics but many of t hem are anite shiftv in tb!s from what we have been inform in a trad-. Neither are they an d, and a majority of the signers of the J netilion are Rennhlicans. gluttons tor work. r' . ... ... . The Boue Tard . . . ... va. uuui Mnnrlav ven a mnrfe v mndd P dv on Charlotte where he has been laid the boulevard, and notwithstanding the up for repairs. His sciatica still inclemency of the weather, the "jock give's him trouble but we hope the ey and hoss swapper" from Hogtown enrintr woetha ;n u; Switchback and coon hollow were in nf l, him f their element as they descanted upon J I the merits and erood points of their own The cemetery needs a few days stock, and described the value of that of work to put it into presentable their rivals in the trade of frameworks ahune. and m soon na mir Wn Wle One who had been quite num , , ... I erous at the tank, declared his animal people can arrange for it, we will couldoutrun ju' or throw down we giau to announce me ume set, any otner hosg on the iott and rac,ng and lend a helping hand. him round he failed to make the circle, Mr. T. F. Manning, general but fell sprawling at a six inch sleeper f u c i rp that he failed to get over. His rider 7U"6" "4 uu7l" " get up first, and with the aid of by- r company, is in in me city gfanders set his beast on foot again. regulating the Klltherfordton sys- Another tried the street for a quarter tern, which is now working ad- heat, but the result was a broken leg, mirablv 1 considering the double and the uiarshall had to shoot him to - : . , , , . , put hnn out of pain. Much bug juice servioe it has had to undergo. .. . . , ,,. ns uau uuucieU. wag digposed of and re9ultS Will follOW. The Vindicator called atten- The bone yard is a nuisance which tiou last week to the filthy condit- ought to be taxed out of existence, for ion of seme , parts of our town, t turnislies too much cause for crime j ,i t " n i aiiu law urtHMiiiT, onH afviA r thn ntM7ano haVanolL I ed to endorse what we said. We Sndden Ieatl, hone all our nonnl wll h,vv l Mr.Jno L. Cofield, who has been . , , I living here several years, was taken 6Ci4 KuiuB uF, ii wioy suddenly ill last Monday morning, and to aump on tne streets. ine sending for a physician .Dr.T.B.Twit Council will no douot remove to ty attended him, having prescribed places where it will be of service, treatment and returned to his drug I store to send the necessary medicine. new- Advertisers. Before the messenger reached him the If von want anv kind of machin- messenger of death came and claimed , - I him for its own. He leaves a mother ry,Bee tne aaverusement M and wIfe who live in thp subarb3 of leveiana aianuiacturing uom- our town. pany 1:1 this issue. The Calton Rev. Father Francis, of Charlotte, Bros, are former citizens of Ruth- held funeral service according to the erford county and well known for "tesofthe Catholic church, at the - t.hAir inTccrntw Thoir will trpat. I ' c j . - j nhnrlrt.t nn t.h 4. nV.lnnk train. you right. iive them a chance at your orders. Bis Revenue Raid. Au wunnu ixni aiuyB , g n and Denutv Alexander knock the -"prophets" into next closed in on moonshine factories in the week, and give their customers the I valley recently, captured and destroy benefit of the bargains their im- ed seven boilers, with thousands of mense purchases enables thbm gal lous of beer and arrested nine of . r . the brethren who love to listen to the to place on their counters. Their giren mnsi(i of the tricklin? nm a8 it advertisement snows everyiuiug runs ,nt0 the doubling keg. Two oth from ft tin whistle to a two-horse er establishments in Polk county were wagon, at rock bottom prices and also confiscated, and now there is you cannot fail to be pleased it " 'a,u J ... UP aSm the government for this mter- you give mem a wrmi ference of what one of them said was Should Wave fin. their vestal rights. In Segslon Two Day Petitions for ifew Roads Filed -Aecoo Ms Audited. The Board of County Commis sioners were in session Monday and Tue6'ay and trfit)6icted tbe following business: S. Gallert was elected county attorney. The following persons were re leased from poll tax B B Lan caster, D M Hollifield, J B Walk er, J T Lewis. The following were released from taxs Lamed H L Setzer, 5.84; Mary Bradley, 2 OS ; Will Bowman, SI cts ; J A Davis, stock law tax ; C C Uolorth, on $150.00 value of real etale ; M L Hofl'uer, on $43.00 valuation 51 cents The following accounts were audited and ordered paid D S Crawley, box for M L Edwards" coffin, 60 cts; P C Wood, juror in quest, 2 00; J S Bridges, same, 2.00; W M Kennedy, same, 2.00 ; J M Patton, sei vices ou ame. 1.00; J G Simmons, services in same case, G.00; P H Hardin, holding inquest over Lewis Edwards, 12.50; same, for robe and coffin, 7.00: P H Hardin, inquest Nelson Kar ris, 8 80 : G H Mills, services as J P, 1.00; C. W. Wilson, laying off load, 1.00; Edwards & Broughtou, stationery, 1.25; Walker, Evans & Gob swell, deed book, S00; same, note heads, 2.15; J P Jones, cash advanced for stationery, 3.40; same, services as clerk of board, 9.50; J E McFarland, service 4.00 ; Edwards & Bioughton, magistrates dockest, USU, 22 07; T B Jus tice, county attarney, 20 00; J B Long, burial of pauper, 5,00; Sni der & Johnson, work on well at jail, 16.05 ; Henrietta Mills, 800.00 ; E A Martin, jail expenses for Jan uary, 26.00; J 15 Palmer, services as commissioner. 42.00; J F Ed wards, same, 31.40; A S McDowell, same, 38.40. Petition filed to make a cartway of the Sugar Loaf public road. Petition filed to lay off public road from Cove road, from near J Flack's, by way of Darlington to Millwood. Treasurer Miller presented 61 Three C's K R coupons at $6 each, $366 and $5.95 interest, for which he was receipted. An order allowing W S Scog- gins $7 for painting jury room, was revoked, same having been paid by commissioners. Ordered that county attorney be and is hereby ordered to foreclose all tax liens owned by .the county at once. Curtis Twitty was appointed creek cotnissioner for Mountain creek, A P Hill overseer ot middle division, C W Owens overseer of upper division. A G Thompson to furnish Franky Stewart $1.50 per month Dillard Hunnicut allowed $1.50 per month tor insane child ; Joel Jiarwoou $1 per month lor insane child; and that Geo. Elliott, of Edneyville, be sent to the poor house, keeper to go after him.. TOWN A1D COUNTY. Bits of the Local Happening Around Rntfe-rfordtoa. Mr. T. E. Mitchell, of Atheville, s in thf? citv. Mr. D. B. Harrill, of Ellenbo- ro. wrh m the city Monday. T. F. Fleshman, of Lynchburg. was a visitor Tuesday to our busi ness nouses Call at The Vindicator office if you want a package of ' tobacco seed if you want to give it a trial. C. C. Reid talks low prices in another coin mn. It will pav vou to give him a'call before you buy. W. T. Dnnlap, of Richmond, representing Watkins, Cottrell & Co.. hardware, was in the city yes terday. Mr. Dave Baker, a popular hardware man, is on the rest for a few days at his home in the old town. Mr. S. B. Lumpkin, of Blacks- burg, division freight, and passen ger asreut of the S. O. & G. rail road, was in the city yesterday. Meagre. W. H. and J. J. Har rill, of Ellenboro, brothers of our townsman, W. A. Harrill, spent several days in the city this week. Dr. J. G Reid has had a suc cessful week, and more work than he could well attend to. His brother will permanently locate here next month. Mr. J . J. Byers, of Ellenboro, who reads The Vindioator reglar ly, was a visitor in town Monday, aud looks spry enough to make calculations for matrimony if he is fortunate enough to meet a good running mate. Late Again. 0in; to ihe non-arrival of our supply sf punting paper which was dlayti in transitu The Vix DlcATon behind time again. Wo make 'rfpt.dogies till we are tired, aiul a know our pa irons it re, but we will try aud beou time in the future. NEW YORK WORLD, THKICE-A-WEEK EDITION. Half Dozen. Yes, Vs another gal baby that come to see Mr. Will Dalton and Bettie, at Gil key, last week which makes six little mouths to fill, four boys and two girls. And you need to go there once to see what nice treatment- and hospitality Billie and Bettie will give you. Hodge Cnllahan. Wednesday'evening at 4J o'clock, by Rev. C. B. Justice, Mr. 6. W. Hodge and Miss Amice Callahan were united in Hymen's chains, aud their many friends tender congratulations and good wishes. SmartFaulkner. On the 29th of January Mr. A. B. Smart, of Rutherford, and Miss Lou Ffulkner, of McDowell, were united in matrimony by Esq. C. C. Oofortb, Jr. C7IF you want to plant nut bearing trees and grape vines, write to PinehlutT Grape & Pecan Co., Pmebluff, N. C. s. GALLERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROTHERFOKDTOH, X. C Prompt and careful atttention and considera tion given to all business entrusted to his care. aprSS-ly JjS. J. G. REID, DENTIST. ' RCTHEBFOEDTOM. N. C. Will be In hl3 office, over Carpec'er & Tay lor's, tbe first and third weeks in every moats. VJATT HcBBATEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KCTHEKFORDTOM, It. G. Office up-stairs in Dixon-Dickerson building. Rooms 6 and 7. 18 ANO SOMES 24 PAGES A WEEK. 156 PAPERS A YEAR FOR $1.Q Published Ever) Alternate Day Except Sunday .LIMITta. DOUBLE DAL SERVICE TO A IX POINTS.. North, South & South we' The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New York World is first among all "weekly" papers in size, fre- - quency of publication, and the freshness, acsuracy and variety of its contents. It has all lhe mer its of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as all its read ers will testify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, having special correspond ence from all important points on the globe. It has brilliant il lustrations, stories by great au thors, a capital humor page, com plete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special departments of un usual interest. Wevofle; thi unequaled news- SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DECEMBER 11, 18S. SO JTHBOUNU. KO.40S 1- I Lv. New York, Penn. R. R.ll 00am a - Washingtin 4 40pm 4 .m Richmond A.C. L. wuupm -SO. i: " Portsmouth 8. A. L. a4fipm Ar Weldon 11 10pm 11 be i Ar. Henderson " l'J67am 1 &' Ar. Raleigh u a 16am M Southern Pines 4i:tam 6;? i Hamlet 607am oMSj.n Ar. Wimlngton 8. A. L. lifOupni .i Monroe - " 4aam - Charlotte " 7 60am llg-r i Chester " "SOHam W'"..a Ureenwooa Madam K'Ttin Athens " ll.tpm S-iiT Atlanta (Central time) iWpm ta Lv Charlotte JftOani Ar. Rutherfurdton 12 jQpm NORTHBOUND. 1 No. 403 Ko. HS Lv.AUanU(C.time)S.A.L. loopni 6i-pru Ar. Athens SICpm lllWm Ureenvoood " 6 41pm t Wm Chester " Ktpm - Monroe " 80pm 5 cfv ; Ar. Charlotte 1U 'Jopm -7 im Hamlft -11 16pm 7 ii'arck Ar. WilmtiiKtun " -l'uTYin Southern Pines ' -1.' osam -0 (t-lam Ar. Raleigh v 2 loam illSoia " Hendx-rson " SAarn M5w;m " Weldon 4 65am si 30pm Portsmouth S. A. L. 7 iiSam 6 aorm " Richmond A. C. L. -S 44am -7 12; ui - Washington Penn. K. R. ii 31pm 11V m " New York " i 29pm 6 o&im Lv. Kutherfordton " 4 iWpui '. .ii Ar. Charlotte " ??5P1! -or Daily. f Daily fcxeept Sunday. Henrietta ills Ho 2, CAROLEEN, N. C, Febr'y Bargains! During January we made a special effort to have a good month and while other merchants were complaining of dull times we were having tbe best trade we ever had at this season of the year. Febru ary is usually a dull month also, but we are offering such bargains and leaders, that we are sure will turn the scale. No. 40i and 4t. 'The Atlanta pecmi.'f Solid Ytstibuled Train of Pullman Sleep r and Coaches between Washington, and Atlan ta, also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth, and Chester. S. C. Nos. 41 and S3. "The S. A. L. Express." 8 ol id Train. Coaches and Pullman t-leeperg Be tween Portsmouth and Atlunta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate connections at Atlanta for Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans. Texa, California. Mexico. Chattanooga, Nabh villa, Memphis, Maeon, Florida. For Tickets. Sleepers, etc.. apply to B A. Newland, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Kimball paper and The Vindicator togeth er one year tor $1.50.' The regu lar subscription price of the two papers is $2.00 a year. Address, THE WESTERN VINDICATOR, Rutberfordton, N. C. . We have gone over our clothing and put nearly everything down, and where there are one or two suits of a kind left, they are cut down without mercy. It don't pay us to keep odds and ends. We have great advantages in the clothing business and a look at our stock will convince you of it. We have an imenense shoe trade and it must be because we are right on them. Had You Thought ...Of It? It makes no difiVreuce now whether tun shines or not. You can have that Photograph made anv dav. rain or shine. Come in and let us show you samples. Manes, at the Dixon Hardware Go's store Our remnant table 19 a-popular place to get bargains. We re plenish it every few days, as we sell down the regular stock to small pieces. Breezy and Cold. Our northern visitors are taunting us this morning with the balmy soft sunshine aud southern breezes wbioh runs the mercury so near zero in this land of flowers. Well, well its only some of their own weat,her following them to remind them of home," and it will not last long if our bureau man will just do his duty and open the southern window. We keep this stock complete all the time, and are getting in new goods every week. Bur lot Lace and Embroideries just received from the importers. We are still selling Best Indigo Blue Calico at 4cts a vard. It will be impossible to call your attention to all the good things we are offering this month. Come and 6ee us. Keep an eye on this space it will be changed every two weeks, THE HENRIETTA MILLS, NO. 2, Caroleen, N. C. We are now selling Standard Fertilizers, Kainit, Cotton Seed Meal and other material for composts. 1 A telephone agent says the con-1 Death of Mrs. w. r. Lynch tented woman is one who has a We regret to announce the death of telephone in the house. It saves Mr. W. R. Lynch, which occurred at 2 I , i t ill : 1- much shoe leather, time and mus- cloc w iuuvu omvo cw:, v I hopes were entertained of her recov- cie wnenyon can seep 10 ine Urvybuta chanse for the worse was phone and order the sugar that notiued In the evening, and at 2 o'clock papa forgot, the medicine for ba-1 her spirit took its flight to God who by, the wood that should have gave it. mrs. inon was me aaugn- been cut for the stove, and to know er OI "u ' " whether the poultry you sent home hUnly esteemed by all who knew her. got there safe, or to hear from our sincere sympathies are tendered your dearest dear friend and cou- her bereaved husband and tbrea moth- atn erless children left to mourn an irrep- , . - - - arable loss, spsuusn torn trout tuna. A SDanish Com from Cuba laVS Cowan and Grayson Movad rr , . i-! 'round loose in The Vindicator y8n office-Mr. Clarence Wilkie being lnd door beJow Second gtreet) ea8t the fortunate holder Of a 1 en I B1j .10PP hia natornera are invited I '-, . Pesetas gold coin, worth $1.9o in to call. A larger and better variety American money, sent him by Mr. in bis line will e. kept in stock, and A. O Reid Cn. L. -Firot. North a" at reasonable prices. " 7 I mk. n M rtAH.An -A- Tflniro lias nnnn n.. n a, - i 1 JL lie lirm UI VVWu Ub Jiitno naa wtu vtw14U xWc.. uw dl890iVed, ana Mr. T. C, Cowen has at Havana. I mnvod his stock nf irooda into the new store room second door below Second HCW TOWH Marshalt Street, where he wants his friends, the Mr, Willie Hampton was elect- Publlc to come ,or bargains cd Town Marshal Monday by the slow lB gBOWlBf; Vp, Town Uommissioners, and evil owing to the condition of the public doert may look out for prompt r0mds, and high water, consequent to performance of his duties in keep- tne recent redundancy of rain, the tag oroer in tne city. Board of Education failed to pot in an mcDUACOLDixonDAT. appearance Monday, and many people tv tantin imna oninin Tablets. All I who are flrenerallv nromrit in their at- arocrsta mana ui money 11 w w-, ,11, if. latA Jim Crow can. Many, yes many, people are clamarr. ous for "Jim Crow" cars on our rail roads, but we must say that their, ex perience in railroad travel must be very limited, if they imagine that dumping all sorts of white people indiscrimi nately into first-class cars will be any improvement upon the conditions as they now exist. Wheat Prospect. The farmers whom we have talked with tell us the wheat crop looks fine, and present outlook is for a very large and fine crop. This indicates that our farmers are not going too heavily in cotton, but will look out for the pro? duction of home supplies first the money crop next, Death of Mr. Barton. We regret to learn of the death of MKF. F. Harton, which occurred at his home on Broad river last Saturday morning. He was a good honest citi zen and leaves a wife and several chil dren to mourn his sad departure. Deputy Sheriff. TUV- James D. Justice, our former efficient town marshal, has been pro moted to the dignity and emoluments of the-offlbe of deputy . .sheriff and" we congratulate him on his preferment, A Happy Mew Year! We are thankful to our many friends for the generous patron age extended to us last year and hope that we may be favored with a continuance of theame through 1899. 'Phone us when -you need anything in the groo ery line, We deliver goods free anywhere in town. 'Phone 20. G. H. MILLS & SON. Fine Fancy Groceries. Rutherfordton, N. C. A. L. GRAYSON, Books & Stationery, Rutherfordton. ALSO FIRE INSURANCE AGT. ooocooooocoocoo o o o Julius C. Green, o V o o runnrnl llirnnlnr ruiicidi uncuiui,:: o O o o Anything from a cheap Cof- n -C fin to the finest Uloth Casket. n fVATw IT! rt a l-loo rCA r 111 V 1 II io 0 is offered to the public. Pat- 0 u ronage respectfully eohcited 0 Wae AtlanU, Oa ; Geo. McP. Bajie, Travel ing PassefcaWfriteat. i'iaWfye. JfTcl'- E. St. John, H. W. B. Gltvkb, ice-rres. ana uen. Mgr. Traffic Mgr. . E. McBee. L. s. Allen, Gen. Superintendent. Uen. Pals. Agent. GENERAL OFFICES. PORTSMOUTH, VA. SALE OF LAND. Br virtue of a deed of trust executed to J. F. Flack, trustee, on the 8th day of January, ls-js. XI W 1 i . . If . - . . ... mkai u ins wilt;. Anmw. LAJKUU, to secure a note to W. J. Mode for UU9.12) one hundred and forty-nine and 1'MiW dollars due Iee. Bth, 1KMS. which Satd deed of trust Is reg istered in Hook H-il of Deeds. No. ly and iii 6 to which reference is hereby made, and whereas default has been made in the payment secured by said deed of trust, 1 the undersign ed trustee, on Monday, February 20tb, 1899, will sell at the Court House door in Rutber fordton, N.C., to the hiphest bidder for each, the following described property viz: Firt tract ; K nown as the dower lands of Mrs. Col la Legan lying on the waters of Second Ilroad riv er and bounded as follows: Beginning at the west end of the bridge on said river and rnun S 17 E 1-J poles to a stake tu the road ; thence 8 41 E 13 poles to a stake in the road ; thence 9 8 W 12 poles to a stake In the road; thence S 43 W 20 poles to a stake In the rend; ihc-ce 14 W 10 poles to a stake in the rood ; thence H T2 W 20 poles to a stake in the fond; thercc H SH W 87 poles to a titakc in the rond : 'tiov c 41 W 88 pole to a poplar on the !ifii k .i u branch below the ford ; thence S ; . a to a stake in the road : thence S y i-v:s : ;i stake in the road at the getc: ih(!r. N i, i ltK poles to a large W. O. on the out ; : ; then -e N Itf E polos to a rook at the head i f n branch ; thence S 83 E C8 poles to n 11. O. nt ii pine at the head of the lane: thence N 45 V. poles to a pine; thence N. Co E llo ;ole:.i to a sycamore on the bank of the river; thej:c; down the oid run of the river and includir g The cane brake to the beginning, containiu about -J07 acres ; except alxut tyi aeies sld to T. I. Watson where the mill stands. This tract 15 free from incumbrance. 2nd tract: known as the Anderson Ledford land lying In Dun can's creek township, on the uutce of r tret Broad river adjoining the lands of Alfred Sisk, James Black and others, containing about Hi acres, more fully doscribed in a deed from Ed Beam. Tax Collector, to M. W. Logan dated the 17th day of J'ine. 1M5. Said landa will be sold to satisfy the the debt secured by said deed of trust and such title will be given as is vested In enld trustee. This January lbtu, 1'JV. J. F. Ki.ack, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Uavtng ijuallftcd as administrator of the es tate ot W. A. Bridges, deceased, all persons having claims or demands against said deceas ed are hereby notified to exhibit the name to me on or before the 12th dav of January 1V00 or this notice will bepleadin bar of recovery. All persons indebted to Ba d estate will pleutH make Immediate payment. This January 12th, 1SK9. J. A. Harrill. Administrator, of the Estate of W. A. Bridges, Deceased. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Application will be made to the ticneral Assembly now In Ses sion to change the name of The Levi Bank urd to extend the time for its organization end auuaryO, ISM. 31. LEVI. otherwise amend its charter. (Mgncd.) when services are needed. A WSend all your job printing SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA RAILROAD COriPANY. TIME TABLE NO. 15. IN EFFECT 1201 A. M., SUNDAY, OCT. 2, '98, WEST 1st Class Dailt. Leaves, am, 7 10 a m, 6 20 am,2o a m, 10 10 ..Charleston.... . . . Augusta .. .Columbia .. Kings ville EAST 1st Class Dailt. 8 00 Arrives p m. 10 43 p m. sao pm. 488 " pm. West. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. East. 81 2nd A. X. 15 2nd A. M. 830 850 tt! 1010! 1080 1040 11 60 12 13 160 810 3 601 4 40 610 5MM 6 46 6 201 740 800 810 00 86 48 1010 10 85 1100 1145 12 85 P. M.lF. at, 1st. A. M. 11 40 . . 1200 .. 1212 .. 12 40 .. 12 65 .. 100 .. 120 .. 1S5 .. 160 .. 215 .. 285 .. 2 48 .. 8 03 .. 318 . 8 80 .. 885 .. 410 .. 415 .. 425 .. 445 .. 4 62 .. 602 .. 510 .. 6 84 .. 660 .. 680 .. r. ii STATIONS. Leave. Aekive. ..Camden .DeKalb Westville .Kershaw .Heath Sprin Pleasant Hi .Lancaster. Riverside ...Catawba Junction. Rock Hill Tirzah YorkviUe Sharon Hickory Grove... Smyrna Blacisburg Earls ....Patterson Springs. Shelby Lattimore . Mooresboro Henrietta Forest City Rutherfordton... Thermal City..,. Marion 18 74 1st. r. m SOri 4 80 2 40 2 28 815 J45 110 120 106 12 EM 12 25 12 06 1IC2 1187 1122 U10 10 46 10 801 10 26 1013 V 55 t4 38 21 00 8 41 810 A. M. 2nd r. x. 4 00 S40 Slot 2101 200f 120 2216 11 20, 60 815; 7 60 716 0 S0i 0 00 8 2r.d r. n. 7 23 7 01) 64 SO 610 4 52 425 400 8 80 2 60 2 00 r. U. West. GAFFNEY BRANCH. EtkMt. .".I -88. 1 STATIONS. viixtdMd Mixed Mixed Arrive. M,5ted Mlsed i - : : Blackabura; 7 8 taw 0 80pm 600pi!20am ,- Gaffney 6 40am 5 40pm paaaengera if provided with ticket. a. L. A. EnmsoH, Traffic Manager. S. B. Lrmnm, Div. rass. Agent. ae, n gtaniat am h, m. q. ob t-.:i mpms w r"

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