- v - PR---! One fech. one inurtion Oa inch, eaoh sabseqaent imertioa Qartrlj, HemUannnAl or Tearlj tracts will be male oo liberal terms. w.f2 00 - : Vbitotrifi and Tribates of rharged for at adrertisin rates. ;-.-. No communications will be published on. 1. In writing on buunesa be sure to give . I it &' the Postoffice at which you get your mail matter. - ; -uuwmpBnjea dj toe loll name and ad 1, ie iUr- These are not requested ir publication, but as a guarsiitee of good 2 In remitting mouev. always fire both name and Fostoffiee. . , ' - aii vraninneatiors for the paper, and 3. Send matter for the mail department ':'i'f,; :.! ' . ieuers, should be addressed to on a separate piece of paper from my, thing THE BANNER, for publication. asox, 19. 1iLyj PUBLISHED AT RUTH ERFORDTON, JN.-P., EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. 4. Write communications mil side of the sheet. - bates' or ADTrarxsiwcL I T7 '!- , ; , w . . . . ; ; ..j- -. . ..!. .i : r "1 ' ' ' T"" ' ' ' rT ; " T : : - . - - -- - -: - , " ? . - I fill II 111 II II III III II 11-11 II II II II i II:- I I ' I I ; - Ii I W II I t I I m ll l ll lf ll n ; I v i " 1 11. RM I II IIII IX. I III II II II II II II 111 II- ll ll - II II II 1 I I I I I 1 I II: : II II . I I I I I I II ' . I T. A. HAYDEN, Proprietor. f ! A Fan,ily Newspaper i Devoted to BomThtT : T- : 1 ' : . ' - t3rTf( , ?! l ' s- i - ; i ; . HEWS GLEANINGS. Ii' iJ1161 are 271'46l negroes in Kentucky . iuscaloosa,. Alabama, is to have : . gieet railroad. . forth-Carolina has 26,900 colored ; f -the locusts have appeared in middle Tennessee. " -a - - 'v . ; vorn prospects throughout Florida are very iine. , xxmsvil!e, Kentucky, has a public Jiorary of 50,000 volumes.; A 250 pound -turtle was caught on Pensacola beach last week. . Iast year , Bullock county, Alabama, uougnx, 4 V tons t guano ; this year she buys 416 tons. V. H. Pillow has shipped from Pen saqDla, Plorida, this season, thirty-nine thousand quarts of strawberries The Goldsboro (N. C.) Advance says bushels, barrels and hogsheads of straw oernes at five cents a quart, and acres in the fields red with them for picking-. Mr. Alger, of New York, has taken charge, and will begin and push through water works for Charlotte, North, Care lina. .'" ;'; H - - . ,; Mr. L. O'Neil, of Nassau county, Fla., cleared $600 on a small patch of celery during the pas winter, . , During last week, 50,000 pounds of 1 strawberries were, shipped from Chattan " ooga . to Cincinnati. , They brought X;W. Willis, of Crystal River, Flor lua, nas a neia i corn inat averages betwen eleven and twelve feet high and not yet tasseled. The center of population of the United States is placed in Kenton county, Kn tucky,.a mile from the south bank of the "Ohio 'river. , - . . a wo men recenuy iouna a cypress tree in Clay county, Florida, that meas ured four feet from the ground 25 feet . in circumference. , A't Goodlettsville, Tennessee, "a few days sirce, 653 Iambs were sold at five cents pir pound, land were shipped to New York by a Bowling Green man. -It will take forty thousand bushels of corn to run the Dale county, Alabama, - farmers this year. So they will have some $60,000 to pay for that article next fall. i ;- ;' , ... ' The Tecumsch furnace, at Rome, Ga., is said to be making an average of twenty tons a day, and not to bave been cool in six years. . ; Rer. Dr. S. G. Hillyer Jias resigned ; the pastorate of the Baptist church at Forsyth,- Ga , and received a call from the church' at Washington,- Ga. This leaves vacant also the Presidency of Monroe Female College. ' : Nashville, Tennesee, is well pjrovided with schools. Among the, most import ant ' institutions of learning are the Nashville ' University, " Vanderbilt, Ward's Seminary, with its 250' young ladies, - Price's Seminary, and Fisk's University, the latter being a colored institution, well endowed, and provided with 'magnificent buildings. , v M Going :ta School." j , : v-U -. Class in geography, stand up; Now, H "who can tell; me who was - King of the Cannibal Islands 400 years ago? What, ; can no one answer this gravelyimportant - query? Is it possible that you have Vi- knowingly kept yourselves in the dark on ft point which may one.day decide the i . fate of the nation? Very well;, the j whole class will stay , for i an hour after L; school as r. punislunentt- -, . - '. ..If. j J - The "B" class in geography will s please arise and come forward for trial -and sentence.' ! Now then, in what direc- ; tion from San' Francisco are the Man t grove Islands? What! can no . one an l v ; swer? And you boys expect to grow up '-. yjj ahd become business, men, and you girls i to' become wives; and yet don't' know whether the Mangrove Islands are north, east or' southwest of Sau -Francisco! I shall . send the boys up to the . principal , to. be thrashed, and tne girls avUI nave no recess. The class in history will now take ths prisoners' box. aud tell the jury whether n - -i ; ; .11 1 sunno weT seeus are auujug -uie eApui w of Afghanistan.1 No answor? JNone .ol you posted on this momentuous ques tion? Two-thirds i-f you on the point of leaving school to mingle in -the busy scenes of life, and yet you do not know whether Afghanistan exports sunflower seeds orr jgrindstones! For five ye."js I have labored here as a teacher, and now I find that my work has been thrown away. Go to your seats and I will think up some mode - of punishment befitting your crime. . ' ' ". . ; The advanced j class in mathematics will now step forward. One of you please step to the blackboard and illus trate ' the angular rectangle northeast ! , corner of a quadrangle. What! No one .it.- in all this class able to make that simple i illustration? I James and John and Joseph ;- and Henry, you expect to t become mer- I - chants, and ; Mary and Kate and JNancy and Sarah, you are all old enough to be married, and yet you confess your igno rance of angular, rectangular quadrangu lers before the whole school ! J ohn, " suppose you become a wholesale grocer. f Do you. expect to buy tea and sugar and , coffee and spices, . and . sell . the same again without reference, tos quadrangles? ;Iary, suppose . you go to the store to , buy four yards of factory at ten cents a i yard. How are you going to be certain ! that vou haye not been cheated if you - cannot ngure tne ngnt angie oi tnaa ele? - Ah,' me! I might aa well resign my .position, and go iome and die, for the I next generation "will be so ignorant that till educated persons jwill feel themselves strangers: au4 Outcasts, Detroit Free A WEIL, KOI1 THIS ETEK1NO. Twas a bright and moonlight erening -,her wandered on the shore, A"i ahe gently pressed hii coat-sleeve, Aa she oft had done bsfore, And they talked about his college, While she charmed him with her looks; Then she called him very naughty, Not at all well up in books. " ?STa you eTf r d." ne murmured, ?aets' Memoir? 1 wishyou would," Well, since you Jnost," he whisixred, , " I wiU try and be eo good." " Take your aim away you monster! - rem my waist, you awful man! -. Th1 snot what 1 meant at all, sirl . There, you're breaking my new fan!" " ne lifeo Joseph Squees, sir, And 1 think vou're awful bad I Am I angry? Take nie home, sir, ; Yea, Ijim just fearful mad 1" . 'Twas a bright and moonlighi evening As he wandt red on the shore; But no maiden presat d his co.it-slegTe As she used in days i yore. THE PAINTED FAN. 'You won't foreret me. little one ?" said Earl Lysle, in his softest acuents, looking down with earnest eyes into the sweet flower-face, so 'trustfully. ulif ted to his own. - ' ' . t . "No, I will neverforcet vou." answered the girl. And the blue eyes errew moist, and the red lips trembled.. The cromise broko down the last remnant of her strensrth : the next i moment she had burst into passionate, bitter weeping. It seemed : as though the branches in the tree above them bent pityingly down upon them; as though the sun lingered a moment in its tenderest sympathy, ere breathing his crood night to the world: though the robin checked liis notes to listen to the sobs which echoed through the silence of tho wood, and stirred Earl Lysle's heart as it had not been stirred before for many a long year. tie naa won the love of many women wfan it often for the mere pleasure of winning; sometimes . he had woil and worn it until it wearied him. but always believing that had the condition been re versed, the woman would have done even as he did. In this case he knew differ ently. iWhen he first i met Xiena Man ning she had been a child. It had been his hand which had guided her wavering steps across the boundary line from jehildhood to worn anhood ; he who had wakened her child-heart from its slum ber. . For what ? For this! It had been in his life a summer-idyl, a passing folly; in ners,- tlie one spot , from which all things henceforth must date, lie was a ahan of the world; she a child of nature. wnose world nencefortu was bounded by the horizon of his presence.' "Hush, Lena hush!" he entreated, passing ins arm about her waist. "Do you really care for me like this ?"' ' A passing pride stirred at his que3- tiou. ' ' "Do you care for ma so little that you can hot understand it ?" she answered. "Nay! I love you very c'earlv so dearly,, Lena, that, "miglit l carve out my own desires, and foreret mv dntins' r would never go back to the great citv. and the life which has grown Wearisome. As it is, I must go; but. Lena, if I may. dear if I can so shapa my destiny some day I will leave it all behind me, and come again, this time to pluck and wear my sweet woodland rose next to my heart forever." Pretty words were very natural to Earl Lysle; yet even as he spoke these words, he knew that ere another year had run its course, he was destined to lead' to 'the altar his heiress-cousin a tall, haughty brunette whose letter ot recall now lay in the breast-pocket of his coat. ' ' "But tbutif things should -go amiss not as you fancy?" There was absolute terror in the girl's tones-terror so great tliat, to the man;, it seemed cruelty not to ouiet it: and. besides, ' his heart was stirring within him to nobler, better purposes Perchauce he might avow to his be trothed the truth, that, instead of a mar riage of convenience, he sought a mar riage of love, and ask her to free him. from chains which already began to gall ere they jwere fully forged. tSo he only arew closer to him the girl's .slender figure, until the blonde head lay on his shoulder, as he stooped and pressed his lips to its golden crown.' "Have no fear, my little one. I will- comeback with the first snow." "Yon promise, Earl?" 'I promise!" Lena had always loved the summer rather than-winter. The leafy trees, the birds, the flowers, the blue sky all had ;been to her as welcome friends, to be greeted ' rapturously, to be parted with almost tearfully; but this year she could scarcely wait for the turning of the foliage, or the southern flight of the birds. r ': ' ' . She f smiled from her window; as she looked; out one. bright morning upon tho first frost. She laughed when people . said that it would be an early winter. All her painting for she possessed great talent with her brush depicted winter scenes- snow and ice. But iustat the Thanksgiving season her father, a sturdy farmer, -wa3 borne senseless, ' one day, to Lis home, and died before he recovered consciousness. It was her first real grief. . She had lost her mother when an lafant. It seemed to her that she could not have had strength to live through it, but that, as they low ered the coffin into the grave, a few flakes of snow came whirling down 'rom the gray sky, and she welcomed them as heaven-sent messengers of hope.- When she came back , to the.qiun bouse, through whose rooms the dear, cheery voice would never mora echo, she almost expected to find some one 'waiting for her: but all was still and desolate, .', - . , . i - Tliey;were dreary weeks that followed the imore dreary' that she found a heavy inortgage. lay on the farm,, aud tbat.when all things w"ere cfeared up," there would be' left to her but a few hun dred dollars. ,." ; "JJe will not care." she murmured. "It will prove his love for me the more." The week after the .funeral, 8t in the first heavy snow-storm, and the papers told how it had spread from one end of the country to the other. - - i Lena was almost i barricaded in, her lonely home, but she sat all day, with folded hands, looking upon thV toft, feathery flakes watching the drifts grow higher and higher-i and knew that it was all bringing summer to her heart. The ' neighbors- cam to take her in their sleighs, when the Wi peeped ont again and all the earth was wrapped in its whit mantle. They said that her cheeks were pale and her hands fever ish, and that she must bave more of this clear, bracing air. p ' But she shook her head and refused to go. Could she leave the house, when at any moment he might come? Besides, she had sent to him a paper with the announcement of her father's death, and this must surely vhasten him. . f . But, 'day succeeded day, until week followed week, and still she neither came nor ent Tier word. $he anow-clouds had formed and fallen many times, and each time her heart grew sick with long ing. - j . ! She loved him so wholly, she trusted him so completely that she thought only sickness or death oouldl have kept him from her. - j . " . .. ; The hours dragged very slowly. Her little studio . was neglected. She sat all day, and every day, beside the window, until one morning she wakoMed to know that the first robin had returned, and the first breath of sprinjg was in the air. He had failed to keep his promise to her.. . ' , ' That same day they told her that the farm . must be sold. Many neighbors offered her a home, but she declined them alL 1 - J A sudden resolution came to her. She would go to the city Where he lived. Her pride forbade her seeking him, but maybe, if he were not dead, as she often feared, she might one day meet him in the street, or at least hear some news of him. ' f ' The hope of meeting him of hearing him vanished, when she found .herself in the great metropolis, : and realized its size ahd immensity. X' ; ' She had secured a comfortable home with ' good, motherly woman, but her purse. was growing scanty, and she could not tell how long it might hold out, un- less she could find some means of sup-j port, when one day, . sauntering idly on the street, glancing into a shop-window,-she saw some fancy articles, painted by hand. ' Gathering up her courage, she went in :', and ask$d if there was sale for that sort of work, land if she might pe allowed to test her skill. f j From that hour all dread of want yan-t ishedj and. now that hands were . busy, she found less time to brood and think.. "I waiiff a fan painted," the man said to her, one day. "You may make- cn; original design, but if must be very: beautiful." ! " 1 Lena's heart had been very sad all day,; as, at evening, she unfolded the satin, and sai down, brush in hand, to fulfill this latest order. I "It is.agiftto an expectant bride, "j the shopkeeper had said; and the words had recalled all the long waiting, the weary disappointment those words might bring. f j ; . " - ' And, its she thought, she sketched, and the hours crept on and the evening grew t into night, and, the night into morning, and still she bent over her work, silent, engrossed.!' The next day, the gentleman who had given the order for the fan sauntered, ijitoi the store. With an air of pardonable satisfaction, the man drew it from the box. 1 1 .' ' - ' ' i ' I - - ; "The ypung artist has outdone herself, sir," hel said. "I never .saw a 'more, beautiful piece of work; and the. design' is entirely her own. I But he checked his sentence. j The gentleman had Itaken the fan in his hands, ' and wa3 examining it with; startled eyes,' and face from which every! trace of color had fled. ! .. ; Could it be that the : word Nemesis was painted upon the'j satin ? j No, this: was all he saw. On l one side was a: woodland scene, while seated ' on .a log; beneath the leafy branches of an old oak, were two figures,! one a man, and; one a woman j His arm was . about her waist. Her lips seemed to move, her; whole expression was j full of loyff, and trust, aud his of promise. ""A little laugh7j in g stream rippped at their feet. Aj bird sang overhead. i " I Where had he seen just such a scene before? He turned the fan ou the other: side. . Summer had vanished. It was; winter kere. jNaught but the fast-falling; snow drifting in white' heaps upon the; ecrth. . ' ', ' '-'' ; '-. '-' ' . "Who painted this?" he asked, in hoarse, changed tones.! ' The man gave the name and address.' How well he had known it! but how came Lena liiere ? ' And what was this which stirred through ! every fibre of his. being?, Could it.be fjhat his manhood might yet redeem him ? ? . With swift steps he walked to the house of hfa betrothed. Stately and beautiful,, she came into the drawing room to greet Him, and bent her head that he might touch her forehead with his. lips. v . J ' : . ' . ! "Helen, do you lore me?" ' . She had known him for long years, but never had she' heard such earnestness such real passion, in his tones. ... ; It was as though his very soulhung on her answer. I Strange, she had never dreampt his love for her was more than friendship, such as she had felt for him. A tinge of color crept into" her cheek. "I have promised to marry you, EarL You khowJthat I am.: fond of you, and I highly respect you. j Will hot this sat isfy you?" ; ' -! ; :,; ' "!No. J want all the truth! Is your heart mine all mine, so that, to tear me from it, would be to tear it asunder?" j No, Earl. If it were for your happi ness or mine I could i give up my love and still hold my friend and cousin." ! v He seized her hand and carried it to Insr lips more fervently than he had done even y( the moment of his courtship. Then, taking the fan from liis pocket, he" unfolded it, and told her all the tale of his summer romance. t ;; ' ' t ... "I thought I teould forget her," 1 said, in enchngj "and that when the snow fell and I did not return to her, she would ceaser to remember me; but see, Helenl She still remembers, and I still love. I da-not know what brings her here. I have' heard1.-nothing from her since mi summer. But, tell me, cousin mine, what must l'd? I leave it all to you." I? ' I ' j I "I said that I wouil be your friend. Now, I will be hers s veil. Go to jher, Earl. Tell her all tie truth. Theo, if she forgives you, make her y'our wife. If she is alone in the worlL as perhaps she may )e. brin? her tam. She Bhafl be married from my house as my sisteR I accept this fan, not as a lover's gifibut a pledge to the truer, more honest bond which heiicef orth binds ns." ' Lena wks exhausted , alef her s&ep less night audi throwing .herself oxi the lounge ixt the sittijig-roon of her kind hostess, she had fallen into dreamless slumber, f ! . ' -r fh Long Iarl tysle stood and, washed her, until; the jmagnetjtfn of; his glance aroused her. pie thought that she was dreaming of the fan; but as he Stopped and took jjier i4 his arfiasj she knew;that it was reality, j . k She listened silently while he told her all even' his struggle f ctf forgetfuliesb and his ignorance of hisj own heartland its demands. ' She heajd that she? ha'(i' sent tho paper with the news jof; he. father's death to the wroig addressjthal he had known nothing of -.thetong lonely winter to which had : succeed ed this wontferf ul, grious summer-piu o hopei' . ' - Poor child! She had no room fa pride iiv the heart so filled by his image. She forget" that there was soret neel for forgiveness. ; ; t He lovd her now! Of that shijwas assured; knd after all, the snoY hadonly lain upohi the ground to warm the eKrtb, and f oster the rich, sweet violets, which now bloomed and clustered at herfeet. ready for her to stoop and pluck them. Perhaps some women, in! their"" pride, would have Rejected them. -She' could not; but, stoopiDg. kissed - themthen transplanted ithem to her heart; there to shed sweet fragrance forevermore.l A Leadville Minister. The f5lloiing remakable i; retort of Protestant Episcopal life in Leadvrli'e was made byj the Eev. T. . Maekay, mis sionary ip. charge of that church, ;on a recent Sabbath in one of - the large churches' of thatdenominati(3 (Dr." New ton's), in Philadelphia. After stating that when he went to Leadville,lhe found, instead of a hamlet, a thrivingiownwith churches 'v of h every denomination' five banks, five j daily newspapers i etcs, he. said: . ;; j;. ' O "My first vestryman could dfinS inore whisky uian kny man in the town; Shortly after I made: my appearance in thelown mJ parishioners invited me to a church sociable, 'and upon goin I was astonished to see the worthy people waltzing and dancing in the most scandalous manner. To add to this thercfffe "two streets -hose entire length were made up ofjowance houses.1 How was I to overcome loch a gigantic pvil? I secured a hall, haxl the floor waxedj and after engagingfi1and of muic, I sent out inviralions) all the .ycaing; men of the placer tjj3ome down and hkve a dance. I-insijrucfeulmy floor manager who, by the waynade lots of money and skipped-not tr allow .any waltzing. The result was, after on joying square dances until Ijl dficiock, the participants quietly dispersed. Borne few said: ("Wait until the prjcher goes, the'n we'll have a waltz',"! but was too smart for them I carried they of the hall in my pocket, and did nol jeave until all had departed. ' Every mher week .1 'gave such a sociable, aif$ the results are remarkably good. ThisJhar acter of mission woujd not do" in Phila delphia dr Boston, but it will do' inad ville. It may seem" nngodlyjto pfctica such a course, but it is the only way to reach these people. When I firsfwent out theife the congregation used,to ap plaud me iwhen I was preaching; ;but I finally got them out of such : an- unholy habit. 'No matter who dies; the proces sion is headed by a brass band Whon I buried Texas Jack, the partner ofe Buf falo Billj the cortege was headedrby. a brass band of forty two pieces. -Xead-ville is ! also a great place for fUtles. Everybody has a title. Captain is ipretty good but to command attention- oneust. be a Colonel or a General. J am i assort of a General; 1 belong to five nfciarji companies, and in my ca'pacityrifes a militiaman I watch over my congjrega- .tion. -f : .-'JM . i rr The Decoration of a Eoom;- Crude srhito is in favor with house wives fojr ceilings "it looks so clean.' That is just its fault- It looks so clean, even when it is not, that it rnakegl ah else look Idirty, even though it may b clean. To paint the flat ceiling id t moderateTsized room by. hand is shiply a waste of labor. r It ia onlyat greater Bonal inconvenience that one canIook long at it, while, as a matterof fact, no one cares to do so. You see it occasion ally, by accident, and for moment, and, that, that casual glimpse should not be a shock to the eye, as it is as well to tint it" in accordance with the zoom, or even cover it with a diapered paper, which will to some extent withdraw the attention, from the cracks that frequent ly' disfigure the ceifin'gs ,of modern houses! if What hand-pain ting ' we can afford may best be reserved for the pan nels or doors, window shutters, and the like; where'it can be seenthese, doors and the Other woodwork being painted in two or. three shades of colors, flat or varnished, according as we prefer-softness of : I tone or durability of surface. PerhapB' it will be best in this instance that the; woodwork should fall in f with the tonepf the dado; but this is not a point' oh which any rule r can be. laid down. The decoration should be in keeping paper patterns. It may of .the panels witb .the- -wall be much more pronounced than they, but soil it must not assort itself. One j great point of consideration in the decoration of a'room is the relation of the various patterns one to another. It may loften be well to sacrifice! an otherwise admirr-ble design pimply because you can '. find nothing else to 'go with it. A single pattern, once chosen, will often contra! the whole scheme of decoration. Magazine oj ATI. .-!' Thb wisn oiten warm upon my heart that I may learn Bothihg here that I cannot continue in, the Other world: that I may do nothing here hnfc r: deeds that win Dear vmiw heaven, STOLES KISSRS. In silence and hush of a dream, With never a sound to be heard, But a touch of lips in the gleam. Of the fire, and never a word ; The echrt will ever repeat Bre iking the silence in twain, ' Stolen ki$3es are always sweet, And love is never in vain.!" For a kia? would a maiden wake From the charm of a dreamful sleep, And a touch of true love would break Tiie p.-acc tbat the blue eyes keep. For ever the cho shall greet, Like the song of a ripening rain, ' Siolen kisses are always sweet, And love is never in vainp' . Vf hen hearts and lips bare grown col And love lies but. for an hour ; When life's romance lias ben told, And kiss s have lost their power, : Then sliall soft memory fl -ei. No more a dream to enchain ; Yet stolen kisses aie always sweet And love is never iu vain! Sandy's Experience with Mint-Juleps. i Mr. John Greig, who for the session commencing in 1841 represented the Canandaigua district in Congress (in place of Francis Granger, who resigned to accept the office of Postmaster Gen eral), was a well-preserved Scotchman, as well in purse as in person, and very fond of entertaining in a princely man ner. He had invited a small dinner party in order, to entertain a Scotch friend who had but recently arrived in America. The hour named, had fully come and passed, but the honored guest had not. Mr. Greig became uneasy and nervous, for the servants had long since reported the courses ready for serving. He went out on the porch and looked down the avenue to see if he could get a sight of his friend, when, lot there comes "Sandy," much as if he had a hundred pounds or so upon his shoulders-in fact, he was a sheet or two in the wind, as it were. 1 Greig took in the situation .at once, and, hastening down the avenue, met the happy guest, and readily got him beneath his roof. Although "Sandy" was glorious, his mental powers were yet steady. He said: ' 'John, 111 tell ye hoo it a' came aboot. While waiting at the hotel for the oor to. come, I saw some Yankees at the bar a drinkin' som'at I coodna tell by sight what its name may be. It was a mixture of sugar and lemon and lumps of ioe, and maybe some else; but the 'barkeeper shook the mixture between twa tumblers until it foamed and sparkled like an au rora borealis; then he put in some sprigs resembling meadow-mint, and then the Yonkees quaffed the Uquid through a sprig of rye straw, and they drank wi' a leer, as if it was unco guid. I stepped to the barkeeper and'speered token- the name o' the liquid, when he said it was a jollup,' or 'jewlip,' or something like to it in the soond. I telled him I'd tok yun; but, oh.mon, it was no bod to tok! The fak is, John, af oor I kenrfed what;! was aboot 1 had made1 'way wi' seeven, &' through a bit o' rye straw. Noo, John, if I had but kenned the power o' the thing, and hod quot at six, my heed would no feel as if the pipers and the. . fiddlers were playing lively reels in it, and a . score o' lads and lassies were dancing in glee a' aboot it. Noo, John, if ye be minded ever to try yon Yonkee lollops, tok my advice and be content wi six at a situn . jmna ye, 11 ye try seeven. ye maun be waur nor Tarn o' Shan tor or mysel'; six is quite enough, J ohn. Harper Magazine. A Hot-Water Kiver. The great Sutro tunnel, cut to relieve the celebrated Comstock mines at Vir ginia City, Nevada, of the vast quantities of hofc .water which is encountered in them, affords an outlet to 12,000 tons every twenty-four hours, or about 3,000, 000 gallohs. Some of the water, as lit finds its way into the mines, has a temj perature of 195 degrees, while four miles from the mouth of the tunnel, the tem perature ranges from 130 to 135 degrees. m , - A i, . . -UIl. xo ooviaie me inconvenience which would arise from the vapor such a vast quantity of water , would give off, the flow is conducted through the entire tun nel, four miles, in a tight flume made jof pine. At the point of exit the water has lost but seven degrees of heat. Sixty feet below the mouth of the tunnel the hot water utilized for turning machinery belonging to the company, from whence it is earned off by a tunnel 1,100 feet in length, which serves as a water-way. Leaving the waste-way tunnel, the water flows to the Carson Kiver, a nine ana a half distant. This hot water is ' being utilized for many purposes. The boys have arranged several pools where they indulge in hot baths. The miners and others use it for laundry purposes, and arrangements are being made whereby a thousand acres belonging to tne com pany are being irrigated; It is proposed to conduct the hot water through ir0n pipes, beneath the surface of the soil, near the roots of thousands of fruit trees which are to be planted, and in a similar manner give the necessary warmth to a number of hot-houses to be used for the propagation of early fruits and vegetables. Oriental Nonsense. Calling on a giddy girl, who has noth ing under heaven to do but to follow the fashions, I found" her reclining on a lounge in her boudoir. She wore what is called a tea-gown, , shaped not unlike a long, loose paletot, with elbow-sleeves, or angel-sleeves, looped and gathered up at the wrists. The material of the gar ment was. a combination of brocade in gold and silver with! silk gauze. Any thing more Oriental could hardly be found out otthe Orient itself. Over her bosom was a fichu of lace, laid over the shoulders and crossing, in front; a bunch flnwArs was fastened at her belt; rAv ahrmdant black hair was brushed' back with a . well-counterfeited negli gence; the toes of her extended feet were stuck into embroidered ; sandals, and her stockings were a true fiesh-cblor. A glorious creature she looked, truly, as; as she lay there in her studied careless ness of finery. But what I set out to say was! that incense was burning at her side. Yes, fragrant smoke was rising la2ilyfrom an incinerating pastile in a bronze dish. This is a new freak of the girls. The scent-bottle is put aside, and rooms and clothes are perfumed with incense- If the practice lasts long the cannibal who eats a fashionable girl wfll find her smoked through and through, like a tam, but a great deal spicier. NewYork Letter, nrlli-irffinffl i-.niTiiiiirmioiini .in iMni iiiimiiiiinrill..i...niiwi ill II niiiiilriiiinrmliliiiniriiifMniiiilwiniiiiiiiil III I win i i mn mn q . li.nn ni nn.r mTiT mni. .1 iu-i'mrrtf mf ilnlii iirt nil 1 i 1 .awi, iiij.ii- iTtiTmi nin 1inrmn.nl m LMnmmtlmmMlmmy 'mimmt .r. w.nrtn-liiiiliiW.ii .milrfarliinir! Mi.liimr(i1m-ir. -1 .lll;l CALABASH SAM. CnaatMl to Klch Take m latUe WaUk. Two hundred of the leading oitizens of Gunnison City, CoL, met in convention On a street corner and adopted the fol lowing resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to wait upon Calabash Sam, late of Dead wood, and inform him that after sunrise to-morrow this icrowd will open fire on him with the intention of furnishing a corpse for our new grave yard. ' : " . The committee of five went out to find Samuel and deliver their message. He sat on a bench at the door of his shanty, a shotgun across his knees and a pipe in his mouth, and4 he preserved silence while '. the chairman of -ithe - com mittee read the - resolution; ; Then he said: ; i "That means me, does it ?': "She does." "They don't like my stile of carving and shooting, eh ?" I "That's what they kick on." : "Well, I won't go. You haven't got 'nuf men in the whole valley to drive Calabash Saul a rod. Return to the con vention and report that Pm here ' for the season. "I forgot to menshun," continued the chairman, in a careless voice, as he leaned on his gun, "I forgot to menshun that the convenshun has ' adjourned. The committee thus finds itself in an embarrassing situation and I it sees only one way out of it. Onless you'll agree to pics, up ana travel tms commiixee win feel called upon to to j "To begin shooting, you mean?" "Exactly. Samuel, exactly? You may have already, observed that two of the committee have got the drop on you." "I see." : "Corpses which are riddled with buck shot have a very unpleasant look, con tinued the chairman, as hel rested his ehin on the muzzle of his gun. "Yes. that's so." "And it's : kinder lonesome, this being the first plant in a new hurrying ground. j . "Y-e-s, it I may be." ! "And so. taking it all around, the com mittee kinder indulges in the hope that you'll see fit to carry your valuable so ciety back to the Black Hills, v YOu may have observed that three shot-guns, each under full cock, are now looking straight ai -re. We don't want to bluff, but it's gittingnigh supper time, "Wall -cf'-o-p lrw-itinor over. I'm convinced - 1 1 u, o won't pan out low-gritrfev I'll take a walk." "Right off?" "Yes." ; "Right up this trail?" ' "VM :' " "Very well. While the committee feels sorry to see you go, and wishes you all sorts of luck, it hasn't time to shake hands. Step off, now, and for fear you ain't used to walking, we'll I keep these guns pinted' up the hill until you turn the half-mile boulder. Train march!" Journalism Forty Years Ago. The first number of the! New York Tribune made its appearance April. 10, 1841. Prior to its appearance Horace Greeley published the following in cir cular form: ' "On Saturday, the 10th of April in stant, the subscriber will publish the first numberof a New Morning Journal of Politics, Literature, and General In telligence. "The Tribiin", as its name imports, will labor to advance the interests of the People, and to promote their Moral, Social and Political well-being. The immoral and degrading Police Reports, Advertisements, and other matter which have been ! allowed to disgrace the columns of our leading Penny Paper will be carefully excluded from this, and no exertion spared to render it worthy of the hearty approval of the virtuous and refined,1 and a welcome visitant at the family fireside. ' 5 ' "Earnestly believing that the political revolution which has called - William Henry Harrison to the Chief Magistracy of the Nation was a triumph; of Right, Reason, and Public Good oser Error and Sinister Ambition, The Tribune will, give to the New Administration a frank and candid, but manly and independent support,, judging it always by its acts, and commending those onlyso far as; thev shall seem calculated to subserve the great end of all governmentr the welfare of the People. I ' , "The Tribune will be published every morning on a fair royalsheet (size of The Log Cabin and Evening Signal) and transmitted to its city suDscnoers at we low price of one cent per copy. - Mail subscribers S4 per annum. It will con-, tain the news by the morning s southern man, wniciu is coniaineu ui uu ouci Penny Paper. Subscriptions are re-i spectfully solicited by , "HOBAOE LrREEliEY, dU Ann-Si. The very first number announced, the death of Harrison, and was dressed in the usual form of newspaper mourning, the column rules being turned upside down. v 1 There must have been great labor and anxiety attending that first issue in Ann street, when telegraphs were unthought of, railroads few and far between, steam ships few and slow (the president naa sailed for Liverpool four weeks previous, and has never since been : heard from), and T7hen steam printing presses were in their infancy. The changes of fortj years have been mighty. f Mb. Julian uawthoknk writes con cerning Lord Beaconsfield's audacity: "Some years ago, while he was plain Disraeli, he was at a large dinner, where his wife also was present an excellent lady, but ; not distinguished for outward attraction.; It happened that her next neighbor at the table waa iBernal Os borneV 'and after the ladies had with drawn,-the latter (who has the manners of a city cabman) broke out in a loud voice: 'Good God, Disraeli, how on earth did v you come to marry that woman 7 Hereupon ensued an appalled hush, all eyes fixed on Disraeli. At length . he aaid, with, a quiet, friged Arawl: partly for one reason which you, Osborne, .are incapable of understanding gratitude! This comnletelr crushed the vivacious Osborne." ' The man, with a scolding wife is oyer- rated. , j . . T 11 H . I .' ' HUHORS OF THE DAY. TbottbxiK that has been brum for some time is hard to bear. To step on a man's corn is a bad sign. Look out for trouble. Brooklyn Union Argus. Very precocious and forward children - are not the salt of the earth. They are too fresh. v c : The man who picked up a "well-filled ' pocket-book" was disgusted to find it full of tracts on honestyr A woman's, work is .never done, be- cause when she has nothing else to do she has her hair to fix. . - - ' ; The Syracuse Herald don't under stand how, necessarily, a man may be a hatterwho makes his influence felt Speech is silver and silence golden. That is where it costs more to make a man hold his tongue than it does, to let him talk. Old subscriber: "What are you growling about? If you want an article that will cover the whole grouna, get a Chicago girl's shoe." Boston Tost. I Says Henry Ward Beecher : "None of us can take the riches and joys of this life, beyond the grave. Don t wan t to, sir. Well take ours this side of the grave, if we can get 'em; the sooner the better, sir. - An exchange asks "If kissing is really . a sanctimonious method of greeting why do not the pastors who practice it ever a t -1 -1 ii. a: o oesiow uieir xauiai atwuuuiu upuu uicui Because the men are always away, at their business, when the pastor calls,' and there is nobody left to kiss only the women.- Pecks Sun.- Anoby wife (time, 2 a. m,) "Is that you, Charles?" Jolly husbandV "Zash me. Angry wile "tere nave x o?een standing at the head of the stairs these two hours. Oh, Charles, how can you?" Jolly husband (bracing up) "Standin on your head on , t shtairsf jenny, im shprised! How can I! By jove, I can't! Two hours, tool 'Stronary woman!" A NBwsPAPEB article asks: "What are the causes of decline among American women?" Well, generally because she thinks the fellow cannot keep her in sealskin sacks, French gowns and fash ionable bonnets. When a single man with plenty of "soap" is around thereia not any decline among American women to speak ol Boston Commercial Bulle tin. . - " Tve noticed," said Fuddidud, " that the railroads run past all the fences that any or. you present acknowledged that it had never occurred to them before just that way. Fuddidud is more , than ever oonvinoed his profundity. Boston Transcript. '"' that these diggins ments. It's funny", he added. " but it's ! ore, land I guess so . Did any of you ever notice it?" All , iNone of the hotels at Nice is a"bealt,- - f ul American, who lately went to an " at home " in full dress low-necked, satin, diamonds, etc. On arriving and looking around the room she perceived the other . guests to be in demi-toilet. "Well," she said, " if Pd known that it was only a sit around Pd not have put my clothes on." London Truth. Americans are of a practical nature. When an Illinois farmer who had got rich was visiting Switzerland, they dilated ' to him of the beauty ox the surrounding scenery, "xes," ne repiiea, "as scenery ifs very good. But it strikes me the Lord has wasted a lot of space on scenery that might have been made level and good farming, land." They wanted to lynch him, Boston Jost. ' The Chicago street car conductor may not be very cavil but be is a man of im agination. .The Inter-Ocean tells a story of a member of the guild who, when a woman wearing a dolman waved her . arms to stop him, and then, fearing to be run Over by a passing wagon, did not move from the sidewalk but continued her gestures, shouted, "Come, madam, quit flapping them wings and get aboard." Boston TranscrivL ., A Sad Case. Miss Grace Miller is well known ass . youngs lady of culture and refinement, , and as a member of one oi umcinnau s', oldest " and wealthiest famines. Her ac complishments and charms have" made her a' favorite wherever she is1known. For some time past slje has been afflicted with a soreness of the eyes that threat ened serious trouble, if not permanent blindness, and has been Ireated by a' skillful optician of this city.' On a.recent evening, as we are informed,-; after pass ing a few hours pleasantly with her fam ily, Miss Miller retired. In the morning she did not make her appearance, and her maid was sent to call her. Whon awakened, Miss Miller said: ' s . ' "Why, Mary, why do you call mis so early ?" "It isn't early, Miss Grace," replied the maid. "It is quite ' late. I am sent to wake you." ' "But, Mary, it is so dark; it must be,, quite early. Open the blinds; let in the sun; let me see the daylight." "Yes, Miss -Grace," said the maid "thai shutters are now open, the sun beams jn; don't you see it? Or what is, the matter? Can't you see?- Do your: fey es trouble you?" v "Oyes. Mary," replied the afflicted girl; "I can not see" Oh I- must be blind," and she gave an agonizing shriek that brought the family to ,- her room. The, truth alas! was soon known. In a night almost, Miss Grace Miller had been stricken blind. ; The case is one of such sadness as words cannot describe. We give the' simple . facts as related to us upon good' authority, and can only say : that, sym pathy, the deepest and most . sincere, is offered in this hour of great affliction. Cincinnati Letter. ; ; ' A Disgraced Davghter. .'f. A doting mother in Chicago displayed her solicitude for her daughter's good name by frantically rushing into '. the station and shouting, "My daughter is disgraoedr True , enough, she r had eloped with an insurance agent; but had the mother been discreet she. wouldn't have given it away- . - ... '; Lttebaby women are not as rul, remarkable for beauty, i Indeed, it is sel dom, unless in the case of a few editors, that beauty of soul is combined with a . corresponding beauty of person, ' v -'.:s: 5 '-' 5 - -' ': i i . ,-'-fK: " . .. h 'J 7r '-5 V V- " -- i -. i. . , 1 ' ; I1 -j V ':''' '' 1: '-. ;jl?; X -1 fir m ' l ?s litii;5-';!- ?;:;- ..-4li tET' v i, V,- " f;tt-?fc'f :.: f--i T-. '; i.'- . ft O i- i5.-p":' '.- ' i-: - ' V - I '' it1-'" ' .; '., ': f r'-'f ' : i 4 - - -' - !' ;.; , ; .: