, 1 i ft f ' ; I 'r ' , 1 t 2 TH5 I vv:, Cpeool rJotiod. 1 When w)v!r advertisements re ) luin JdCttu for FWication In the Roocrr, ( with no peoified time for publication, V they will be pubruhed until ordered out jv and ohsurged uswtcb Htsai-ft cent J per Iwe,; .Remember Ai.' ;- iM , -; i; Church Calendar. s MiTOobiw CmTKOH Rev; J. H; Guinn, Putor. " Preaching evert Sabbath ttll o'clock A- Mt"Md "kSQ p- 1 Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 7i30 r. m. Sunday Schiol every Sabbath at 3 p. u. Meeting of the official board at the, par? . sonage etery Aionaay a aavr. m. v Eirasf ' CHtmcn Rev. jT. Harrison, Pastor. Preaohing on the 3rdBunday of urh mntvth at 1 1 o'clock A. X. Freach- ing on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 7:30 r. M. Prayer Meeting on Tiiearlav of each week at 7:30 P. M. Stm-A flay School feyery Sunday at 4 7: HOME NEWS AND COSSI the llth ipstkt b"'riK ieapH i-t. dene of Mr. .Tliy Dawktas, toar ot ; 'towft, Jlr. 'ote.; PHI, anaUve of lnson T7coc'Syt'rSe waar'bis;79th year.""'.; 'i-.'i : i j .. Mr;Eliibeth McNeill, relief of the lata Mai.John VcSeill andJaother our townsnW Mr Frank McNeill, died at her home in tlia county on the J2tb i The Chai'lotte Ohorver is mistaken in ils reference to "Pfof. Jas BLj Carlisle, ' LL.D:, of i'urmau fiuvertity, S. t'." He ' is the hoaored P-eaident of : Vofiord " ColiegeS C. .xP.. ;;; V. .; The iJajirinburg, Juchange calls atten- tiOir'Bt . eja44 a ravelling dealer m We call' attention bthe 'wrt4r&il&u&, of Lougeo A Goodwii, Raleigh, N. C, who manufacture all linds oT tombstones and monuments fron foreign and Amer ican marl l andgraite. 8ee ' adft. on 6ecoud p ige. ;j. ' ':" : ". .' The pr )tractecT mreUg at the Metb- odist church closed en Wineaday night of Us V week, resisting in -. uitiiber of conversi6ns and several accesauns to the church. There ae hopeful signs that thel gsberal pul.e f the Church, without regard to nomoational lines, , ia been quickenei by tie revival sea son. ; . '' jp " : : j A Xev IxDUTaT.-Tl3 great abund ance of gjuberhatorial tuber which the fbreis of thia tt atfcxi, suggests to ur mind that P. l. Elalebould include the item in the nexteditsn of his work, inscriptive of our arbores! wealth. He can safely recommend the wood as most suitable for cabinet work, and; that the ' quantity U inexhaustible. j ?lG Patrick, Esq has bought the ( .-srctaolef rMaegtlbbh I ' ;- S5bv i wnfnir F5-a aijrr J earmge axleaAdQin ari VRS allne' J ceasity for wasbars, 4-J makiag old ve- j fcicles ruft imootbly.t' tjonie f ocj citl- zens are i using it and are well leased. - :-"On Monday next, 2 M i Bev. J. ' Q. Stock: nan wilt begin a'can.of our ; ttwn for the sale of ti.pttlMe Bible - and American Etiquette,., petitions wbteb, mi ter some . examtcalioa V each, we do not hesitate to pirboounK desir able in the household. He wii:. fake subscriptions to either o.ei&th of the books; and have them JmpVJ0? ;: warded. Agents wantea. i. ZetrV denounced the Rochester, P!- !, !ing ,Cpnjan'l as a' fraud. 'Opr;tdfl ' have aden their ad vt, in j f ki. i j They ddn't aee it now. . TbeGifi doubtleks 'knows more than d . we 'are! prepared with this About two weeks ago we setoBVSjdiT, and Jim Covmgton, as easy as old their bill jith'please remit'I lVja-s. Then, there's John' W.. who will wn nave we uesra "a?.. e:.lway7edUWhPS Ut . at our office: ya I . i --.: ... r-UnH. IwUit nst our-omee. 17!ar?lFT vi-. J .v. w ...,sv, l 7- i tK:FVh., ha sured tMWal WZX i:.u:w:Jl snau not cuvuige wio smuureiuj; enanv airKrieved.';W - a 'jiu.. ,KiII nro hwom .r- jt- T-f?7 V jCSaY matW P" tbe Watson boya will meet you ur editorial and therqginal matw r . ( .. . ., , . . , . .. T. V j i ' u U u illxktt- ;"wdy felleri," as jovial as broths Lhrtnld bo read only when it s printed,! . . iF . . our sboold be read only when ' and jaot,' whilst Jin manuscripty Ona dat last week George' SteeST, H of CoL Steele, had the misfortune tJ I., h :'l about half of the' middle -'-finger of,!; left hand by the aoiidental diacharg,?' ; his! gurti g- Forgetting tha.t the gun " cockedf ho was toying -with tha trigj . r while bit left band covered the tausCi' the gufe resting crosswise on the backet - : l - a A. art ' racliirkfe . ins necK,-i"v" j1" . 4"" . TT,f :. when off it went, with no worse, resuH than t bat bove given.. Boys, do.don" Ouraection has -been ;c vwi ted with nlentv of .lain and all nature wears a P brighter face. The farmers really show more hheerfulness. The 4 o'clock blow k on Tuesday morning last, accompanied with.torrenU of rain, was suggestive oi cycloiio memories, i VVe liaven't he4 r .Jthin. litre a crenerarf'scare.v bit -.J n. (hiioii one of our citiieoaj lEarlvl after light, while the muttering lUDUTCO .T. J .0 . - - : clouds were atill lowering, tue aioresiu UitizeW was observed nerveaAlyv pacing '. " .... . .-.'.. up and down the tide walk i irt ironi oi . . ' iuinw his head from a 'seeming' reverie and casting his eyes I Tiitber and. ttuwer a u . w mar .u course or we ruKnuj -L r m m-iA cimtvoti:-hs.re vua env v pPtifMisaWorVVn(nr dear t sir X hare le been washing these winds s lor two ,4ays ;. W frotnj four, fiirecnona, an exarj, uafcu I Uwb iTiiliawL'-- one pi em.vuj lwl F 3 L J"'6oe1e:tof h Baleigh. u rA Gasuro, tv. - irppoTnted in the intewtC tlw Epoai called i'Kiyl it occurred : oa last granddaughter of . . ;.;he was playing about i . fceeat. raked pat from : . tDcated M fat o! Jar. turdajr . JVV' uw fire the bak ttolt'al i na her dreaa caught and. she ir " burned, i Fortunately, hoiref riwnu. the baker, hear lug t 3 ft the ohlld, reached the seen . l.'.ito prevent disastrqiu eon eqtir ,ty throwing a bucket of wr ter t : f person. While aenous, ner bun.. siV hAt regarded a endangering Chir-wtfni editor went, a few days agot3:t3i Held of Mr. Tally Dawklns, to t&fcjrlpUt the doves which? have trh his fields in large numbers for V lii .'flae: Ps- The condition of idk't:riid'MUT. D.a family was i such aiTif f as requested not winauige m timttMJ:. He got but three shot and .acrtaaeo. n( gevuu f hundreds in the field, and our rep- aaatatire and others were diBappoint- e4beir expectations,! Of cdurse he VBCted Mrl Dawkins wishes He leiitbes it understood that! be jtlieyes he COuWi have distinguishlol himself, if he bad bad the opportunity. His little gun is a beauty, and no man need to propose either to buy or swap him out of it. ) TJntess some' "untimely frost" shall come during the. present month, our in formation leads us to" think that we shall have an abundant crop of fruit. All the peach trees which we have seen are abundantly .supplied, and many of the pear trees give? promise ot a oounmui yield. Ordinarily the month of April is a trying month on the fruit.! It is rare ly killed whilst, protected by the flower, and tre have never kEown the buds: de stroyed by cold weather, however vigor- ausit may-beu Nearly all the gardens in our tow contain a tew choice varie ties; and, some of them quite a.collec- tion. Besides peaches and pears, we have also apples, grapes and figs, to say nothing of strawberries. We trust that no disaster will befall the crop, and that bur people, in due season, may jenjoy the healthy luxury. j 'j: . ! 1 (burl House Square rots... BY JAV. i The public well is once more in order and many of the water carriers are happy. t .. : ! -. I::. " X The appearance of the square rould be materially improved by the removal of the huge piles of barret boops, &c, around the court house. 1 We don't lack for music now. The sound of the organelle may be heard early and late emanating from our re cently established music bo use. j bhadrick ba departed for the Rock etta, whither he can have better social enjoyment, bis former place of abode being; surrounded by toonuoh. refine ment. . .. . . . Wnat our boy had ia bis pocket : $taWf ndle; piece of j elate, 'iriadow hade roller, snatches, gun caps, fire crackers, green coffee, tacks, nails, pinaj paper, watch chain, rags, tin ind pegging awl, j f ! I New mode of juvenile punishment : A colored j youth of some five .summers was found guilty 6 some -trifling crime bear the square last Saturday, and bs irate mother, after giving him a genteel flogging, crammed him into a bag and tied him up as though; be was to be ship-, ped. He lay thjusi confined for several hours, to be rolledj about by a little sis ter, as the only means of amusement, when he was finally liberated by his ma ternal highness, and commanded to go and sin no more. -i ' . . . I We are encircled! as follows : Sol Gay, (it home. -1 Maj. Jones, as spry as a! cat, with Morton to talk, laugh and grow fat. Rill Rnkkina kA ttl J iU8piteof yourself. Doctor and Will Stan- UiU, both ! as clever as you please. W. Street you with a mile 1 ftre P itrxtrytr in nia ssrwi Kaai Xreet you with a smile and Bell you aomo ,. M.. v- ,i. 1 I W alk int I guess Alebie is there." A aerie1 nlesa to tthoseiiilW ydwul bndr: Wnghtgnndmg Lk. : , :,!.-.., - ... - I 1ms .ir . a. ' v j. il . j! i ipunaey w wmpieve we aispiay, , always glad to see you whether on bvf nes3 i or . not. Now step down ithe jam ; there's . Smith and Long, are ready to kick you out if you fail f Xour..'drnK'"1j Qn r tbe corner yb4nUVih Steele bbadv il'aell aome etier place in town, while Carter ,iletdy to, jump" the counter and ao- knawieige only that he is from Kobeson eouatyjl In the rear of same building E&rnes. at work on s.omebody'a wiatcn, Lojin please, instead of making a i-tiartifiVow sUn to the centre; iuStin- 1 th iurt house'- Hero you'll find $-'ttSforng law J judge matriaon ii?t wb4hinking of "UanjgumOyeir.. Vponald, the Register, farmer, T.T'' 7bng man, who looks only ca jii briaht side of lhir. ! ClrfrktAfe m 2 " " -w omow- KJU wn.Lljr - iioV l these bright anriac'davaThai . . .1 !.l ' - ........ . : usi cajur round is Sheriff Smith, who vAostly.of taxes, as th weather r. iaxes, and seems to be busy at t'tliffyk the go. ' w -a-.t,.t ' -; '.. . . r wueuure ror ma evils pf? ' "'wj iU the education of tb ' ment. If the great body oft; .. ftU corrupt, we. ahall have brtb sforrupt .MurtA, pu.tsage4 ' 1W' V s f m oanndt rise 1 above, it i sou V : Jonbi'm' . it impure, ; the; 1 ' T fefrimj wli: disti( 2r 1-' aal'oliL absurd theoned wt their oci whieb ftz eselWUon of juror need-"! W4 ali all intelliaent 'taf-n witct ri World. . Col. Baker vras kioked t of th British army beoaoa in riding with lady alone in ono of thoaa ' coops called carriages that run oo th English rafl- ways he attempted to tako improp er liberties with,' her. Tei - aenUncei waa just and" proper) for the Colonel bad disgraced his Uniform. tSnoe then be has been distinguished in several wan, and now three bundrod English women have petitioned thai he h9 re stored to his rank in the army whenoe he was expelled. We do not like this. No woman ought to oountenanoe any man who woald prove treacherous and wanton. Queen .Victoria will hardly hear the petitioners. Baker can fight, but he ia note man of honor." 8tar. , The faith of eighteen is that society exists for its sake, .Middle ago ia gen erous and toleraJifsand does not care to tell the young that they are .valued mainly for their future, and that the real work of the world it done by men who have ceased to be ornamental. j Perfect soundness of body, and mind is possible Only with pure blood. Lead log medical authorities of all civilised countries endorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the1 best blood-purifying medipine in existence. It vastly increases the work ing and productive powers of both hand and brain. , t . Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited to every age. Being sugar-coated, they are easy to take, and though mild and pleas ant in action, are thorough and search ing in effect. Their efficacy in all dis orders of the stomach and bowels is certified to by eminent phvsiceans. prominent clergymen, and many of our best citizens. NEW ADVEUTISl-MESTS. M. H. RUSSEU., : . WHOSE . 1 Bi:ilT:lPliLSTflfK SPRING GOOD - .. IS NOW j"- TUB GREAT ITTfa'N . Of the Towi USES HAREFR3. YOUR A WW,, with bottle n in delible ink and. brush, sent post-piid i for 25 cents. Address, J. BL BARNES, Kockinghnm, S. C. New Bakery My arrangements now being oon&tleto. for supplying customdrs with Light Bread, RoHs, Cakes, PIES, Ac., I invite one-and all to p!. . 6..w.. Jt0wfin Rntl cannot cdl to examine my toreparation ,of .fe-stival and Py .fctock to mo giving description of SJIpL as80rlme"t kind yon want and 'I wilt send it to, you of confectioneries. .. , by jiip 0. U. D., with the privilege y w llULil. -jp ...mmalinn if il. finite vnn mii When ytrn come to think of a tttssot odd that Htenrjr people piete spipe to a cigar. It Is handler to smoke when they sre writinKi snd ever so mooh elsaner. And then It cItss them the tree saunas and Ssvor of tbs tobsooo. ! The inost fastidious smokers amotur all nations and all claansof men agree that the tobacco frown on the Golden Tobacco BeM of North Oarohna is the toot deUe. loos' and. refined in the world. - Lighter than Turkish, more fragrant than Havana, freer from nitrates and nicoemsthsn any other. It .is Jost what the connoisseur praises snd the habitual smoker demands. The rery choicest tobaoco grown on this Belt ia botwut bf Black well's Dnxham Tobacco Oou, and appears in their celebrated BnB Dnrham Binokiitg Tobaoeo. It is known the world over. Get the renuinevwIthBtiH tradeeurk, then Ton win be snre of baTingr aba inteir pure tobacco. Dr. W. H. BOBB1TT, ; ;., WIIOLESALE ANp; RETAIL J No.-10 East Martin street, V ; RALEIGH, 1ST. O, lime! mm ACRICULTUHAL LIME and DUILDINC LIME. Also CAHB9-PH0SPHATE FHOSPHATIC UME . .. Send tor Circular. Address FRENCH BR0S.TKHYorT DR. STP.OIIG'S FILLS! 1 he Old, Well Tried, Wonderful Health Renewing Rernediee. ' LiTer Comolsiat, ResnlaUair the Bows m, rarifjriaf . r I . '2S saaiansj I smL - JL atevi. fcctesrelbr Mek It earache, CematlaalibaL 4 alt BIIIms BlawstnT'T -ri .".!" ' heswflrappaeiseood eieae eanayae shvA' Dotbttur rsw'aa vjtiiuiiiw nma, ja, preeiaiss aeasa A 1 Senatofj L. Q. ,C , Xamar c I one of the moat interesting men on the Deaio- eratio side, ai.d be has a Jiterary naltre. He la not quite. 60 years of agvwnt to school, in the north of Georgia aid waa graduaed at ; a ', Methodist eollete early in Pqlk'a administration,' or about the outbreak of the Mexican war. Mr. Lejuar'a ancle j was' the president of l exas and wrote a history of that young nation. star. It we are to- have a continuance of. law and "order, in thla, countiy.and unbroken peace, we must bave a eufS cieasy of eourts for the apeedy adminis tration of juatioe " and never let it be saiq again mat a jterm of the Superior eourt, in any eonnty i Korth Carolina, nas oome to a Close, and the civil docket not touched. By these delays in ju t tioe, and consUni failure to administer J the law, wo are sowmg the winds, aa'w5! we will yet reap the whirlwinds in riotlT fire and bloodshed, if we' do not prompt' tly mend matters: AshevUle Advaooe.V The most important office' m North Carolina i the office! of State superin tendent of pubho lustruotion, accord ing (to "our thinking, and the best and ablest man in the State ought to fill that officel Wilson Advance. It is said 1 by reiuvble persons that Sheridan's, Cavalry Condition Powders fed sparingly to laying bens will increase the quantity of eggs jtwo-fold. Try it.' It won't cost much. ; Don' t throw away your money on the large packs. k MARVELOUSrSTORY ' ' T0U II TWO UTTERS. ; " GenoJmem: ly fstbor resides st Glover, Yt. lie bas bee a grsst mrttervr from Scrot - , ul, and tbe Inclosed letter Tin tell you! what a taarwlous effect j v 1 1 Ayer s Saiaxilla bss lisd In his ewe. I tttn his blood mnat hare eout&lued Xbo humor for at least tea r years ; but it did not show, ex;ey-t in the form ; . ot s snrofuluiw sore du the writ, until about nre years sgo. Prom a fexr spots which p poaroi r tlt titiie, it f nulimily ired so M ' t eovor his entire body. I skjuto you be waa terribly afflicted, and sn object of pity, whoa he began usiug your med!ciue."Kow, here are .fsw ni: of bis ago who enjoy as gxxl health .-! a 'k-ls. 1 could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts la bis case. V lours truly, W. JCPHimM.' FROMTHE FATHER: a duty ffirwe to stato to yuu tto benefit X Lavs drireX from the ok of Ayer's Sarsapaiifla. 8t nwtluc sg 1 trae eempietely sowed with a tr.rrlbls baaor sad serof ulcus sores. The humor eaesed hees!ait aud intolerable Ifhittt, and th kkle cravl so as to cause the Meed te lew in many plsess wbenTer I ntoTed. My suffariig were treat, and my life a burden, t-eonuueuced toe use of the SABSaraaiLLa in April iast.aad.haee: used to repUarly sines that tiaae, Sf y eendlttoa) besan, to. iaiprpre at oaoe. The sores have 11 healed, aad I feel nerfeetly well to every -mipuet heief eow able to do a food day's work, aUlesb.T3 years f age. Mbj Inquire. hA.eAwroean a "g ssj-sasn. sod ( tell them, as I have here tried to UU yoe, Avra s giasAraaaio. Glovsr, Vt, Oal ) - TTou:f Brstefully, Atatfe $AMArru. earc gerofola and all SerefelsMM Complaints, Eryeip oias. ' Eacwma, KLquewoxm, Plotrhes, res, Bofli, Tumors, and Eruptloas ef the Skin, i It clears Ifte btood of all tropn ritiea, aids digestion, stimulates the aetiosl of th bowels, and thus restores Vitality aad -.iductboiu the whole sjrteia. . .J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all IiruggisU; 1, six botta for $9. ! A Q.1 ;P. 7 Ynti 0Ptl 'f.' "Wis f Alt m kinJ 'nA mattoP how Common or VI TaauikiKtwvui . m. a wuacxy J wi vi pay Express Agent for it, it not return at my expense. . Remember that 'I re pair watches, clocks, Jewelry, Ac, at tbort notice and guarantee sasisfaction. . J. II. BARNES. ! Rockingham, N. 0., Mch 4, '84. , FACTS RECABD1NS 'foEarkiVIrca Tonic. It will rrriV ataa enrich tlie BLQOn. recnlnte the LIVER and KIDNEYS. anT IUCs-tohk tub BBALIH aad VieOSKrf TOTJTHI la all those laeases requmnjt acertam ana emeieBtTVnlC. especiallT Llysnepsla, Want of AppeUtSvIadires tlou. Lack of btrenrUi. etc.. Its use is marked with lmiuellale and womierfnl results.' tones. lUKeibs and nerves rerflve ntw force. Eun veils . the luiad end supplies Brain l'or.. I A MIBC siiirerlns? ir-nw aM complaints bAUl BaO been liHiteUielr sex will India DR. HARTGA-S ZBON lOJflC a fafc and speedy ni.. It aLiyese flrnr and health; complexion. Ttie stroiifieet lestinionr to rtie Tvlue of Da. n wirtn's Ivios TONIC Is that ri-eieut attempts at coHnterfviiluKbarr.niily artclt-d l tlivpopntar. By of teeriiait jr rmi enrnffltl jr Ure tu-altli AND KKST Hed.Co. ) oravattoo.sie.j Dh. HAfrre's Iron Tonio is foa Saut by ali. T. L.-SEIGLE & CO.. teippspMi,!: I Wi? Gf O O DS ; j . "' v ' ' and oiC'ca4" rest' assnreef thjal lt win compare witn any stock of our line in the State, in variety, oualisv! of eooels and low Drices. ilt- ia wall knawn thst out nouse is always ahead (iin all th new novelties in fine goods m every de partment, but our stock this Spring is iir superior in elegance and variaty t6 any ever before, placed before, our customers. Mr. MARTIN M.iMeRAC mil b. pleased to baveyoa hak4 hint a caU fjjen; root visU. out ctar. and will. guaiaiiltee, prompt aHenttonier ,very sruiy, . . . i XVHE OBLY Tabs so not experiment gex the UuioinaL 'J d 8eMI ran sdtbwn ss The lr. Harter - BSt-IiOuls, Mo., for. our "KBEAM ' FaUol StraBawaod esefoi in.' 1BI nnraupuRGimvE wm ompltel cduuic SM Uood ta ttre sjstona la three auGha ,Aay penorn wlte wlU teke 1 rUMB night fcgdss X X wrti, aisjr ! rssSwdte imiil heslth.1T agettatbtnylwywsarbfgltoMJe Ciptehrta Chess ytOs tiais mi sfsil, Thysfcaaae them far the enre of UVXB and KJPKKT Iswusi. WM eei j whese, r sea hy mtUl toe tBe. ta atampa, carealars ftree. i a, oarao e OQwHsaaa, Msss, ' , Ml mm 0 OHff SON'S ! ANODYNE LINIMENT llniT-n sf tbs Spin. Sold ereirwhere. Cfreuhw free. tor. Dim, on laupooemi to ms ptnter feud. It mm u uu u itt iiae Doaitivslr wrevent and eare fHoeChatcnute. 8dAeemriiers.araaRhTaunevs& h CHICKEN CHpUERA,.ataaor J.Mr A- - l 'J.d leamfEngmes, I w .8- T-r.ti caa t ' ' m rr yx -x.t- j General Hardware, Barbed Wire, Marvin1 s drlA, ' Barries1 Fire Proof Safes, Dixie plows; HAND CUFFS,' FINE KNIVES, IMPORTED GUNS AND MixiLG and F a Kiiia Implements, of ail descriptions. m St fVl C'DOW EL L, CHARLOTTE, N, O. IfBr wanger & Bro,, TIIlJVErFIlOlJS ilViT D3LLIUS OflFft OP AT Krery purchaser olT tothlg will be fully rewarded by calling on ns. No mis representation, but &ctv.' It will pay each customer to purchase a suit and keep it unui uu.t season, w r wiuciion is t7Giitj We liar too tnaujr Fully LOW- prices zmz imvtmiim?, We ask sfl on na. , 'j.!eadin? Clothers and Jailers. CHARLOTTE, N. C. N. B.Att foHlie Celebrated Wintei,; Vestments must v., f . - . wleB&iid Aside'- ' AND LlfiJER ONES DONNED! .rim,,? ! !; - .' ; .4'- .' ."yt 1 " ; Nkw ftiNa-Goods 1 JHdsomer NOW BEING PC OCR RBPRESBSmJFE r IN NEW YOKK CITY i i drriyiiiff RELIABLE GOODS! C0KREUT STYXES ! WSliD Constantty in WgSiUQsqneiU ofj: , . FlonrMeal,' Meaf'.aiidi Saltft- Iroffecau .t ... A'j n - ' .. il ! t'lr.:i.'iA'xT--:"' , v i i v f i k : Ooods in!; cmt! yRf ww ;w wy- jw.ww.w ,L aw - w w. WRfli-ncft" flnftnn fioal PlanliirC."Tt)htnas H o..a 1 Tir.lw J . I yiin.v vy.vvvi Vlivu w. T?niJ.-inrrla.Ti Rlmaiinrf R R ' Milla 'W-a asa-ua. -ariK'sv uvav B iia a? : sVTs v.-save a vt s-..vrM VSV s aT. C-teVt--r CsW A sr -v-.-' ; . -- i - ' r . -..X -i-1 -CLi Vk''V.----'- -'' - '"4 ', -.-.-wi:;- .!'.:'i' . -I JW--aan - ordera: prempiif atjena ? if K; I fZ : -4:v.;w. .ftwV.f.ifVv$ .'-i.w .. , 2T 1? -yj .-.llo. -&ttefaeU'nibrattw-vl.' ' ".r -'-- ' a iV A " fi.f. . j m i a.-.a j a i-a utmtmx : . l.-. a a - ! av -aw. .st . jb k. . -a i s r i -w.,,. . ,1 w s v j j. . -, , p s . iv . - v :. n Crwapv Aathiaa. BvaswhlHa, Vewrsl. Kte, Kheamattem. JOBMSOITS ANO 1YXK UKUiBXf jfm hn,i nmtamt Xitm mil Vte) wiU liuOuUjUMoalT reliere tbeaa UirrM SJmismi, and will poittrty cars Blue esses f mo.' unarnMoan utsi wh ssvs saer VvMieut nreebjrnin, .toa't delsjsMoawiiL i VrrreutionlbeUrllMUctw."" CUM inflsema, nne st Uis lann. Rosrts- I. 8- J0H8QH CO, bostoa. Mm, , , ., W. Ji Agents. ? Mills -rT-T7'rtoi-in -r-i Siiw THAT MUST TELL. - nve per cent. goods on haad, and ! Pearl Shirt. 10-pin 1 - Than Jer J W EMI? PRRJES! GUARANTEED !! . wf i f.I VtwWX'Wr WVV utjp yuaai s V fl StllU Xj CV a&H7 A IttlVlOJj Rnnff ' X .P P 7l,,.i.C...i weekly '"'v' a.'." ' a HAKOfACTURlHB JEWELER ' " " inn -uri r.irti !!-- - Silver and' Silver-TDlated Plain and Fancy Engagement and Wadding Hings " made at sbort notice. '' Send for patented card for meas uring correct alae of finger. . Goodt sent to any part, of the State on receipt of satisfactory reference. 18-ly DR. J AS. ." KEA, . ShfilOS AW MICHASICAL DENTIST, , ; iTo: 3, iSonth Front StreeV ' ' "WILMINGTON, n: a msm PfJff MSVtitf NEVER 1 CJ P-tVt CUT OF ORDER. 30 UNION SQUARE KEWYORK. .inin tMo. .1 iAlv! lUl-. MASS. GA.' FOR SALE BY J. L: STONE, General Agent, t '1 ,.--'''.- Kaleigh, N. (;. a' WRIGHT Agt. a Rockni- P, SINCLAIR has pitched his. tent on the-west side of the old Southern, Hotel, and is , now ready to serve the public. fie bak greatly unproved in the art of picUir-f. w&kint; since be was bere,".and main a abort time, parties wanting pictures had better call soon. t A. A.GASTON DEALER IN STOVES s TIN WAPiE, . AVholcsale and Retail. ALL GOODS WARRANTED r As Represented. Tainte. Sf hket, Unrkr- Gentbai. ITotm,; Charlotte. C: ' TO NORTH CAROLIW FARE1ERS! Weatwirwecanyeeursaec-al attea-taite -''vt- ft" ff . -H V Dl 1 B M I a. -.1 1 . Crepe. We haw seeisJ airaitatss , ssmaafWetmriBc this exeeUeat arstele wh- I nisini mm mm tru u sis sf i raioa. WHOLESALE tj OftPER a.l-B--iCIlf Tor tba eeeTealeaee a( ear. eastemere. ire kaTe eetablisaeaT s depot In NORFOLK, fa. aUp) re can be rerrea. depot US altli Wa snsdte a sner.ia.ltv of Pan Saw Bones and Hiak Urn da Caesnlcals for Faursaen aiaaJasf lTotne!Ua-e Fertilisers, sad eaa fnraiaii tae beat roods UL-qoanti-ties (o asLUea-era at l.oweat Cstsa Prices. IWBend for oar pamphlet firing full descrip cm maA. whslf In nrtM at our wLtm .J.fJ rosea of Bono FortUiaers and approTed " reraaalaa. Address aU inquirias sod ordsrs so BAUCH CcSONS 103 SOUTH ST. BALTIHORE,HD HARRIS REMEDY Ca..rSaS'Ai 0 I ST CbnaMs saaBols r-S of IrTtUr.1 HAtiftja PASTILLE REMEDY Vsaav Mrm ui jvihrw. wfca mil. """eKr litx, Pisiii Sxhsaatiaa aa uwtr toanr alwamr wm m, . Tlw KsiBeay Is pot up la km. ScSO-niacaanith), fS, AwBnMBwwM)icanfUDNMlH?eNMclflSilt,l (luting three mmnUuk 7. Si bj auai la Min Vfwpprrm. rSnslai In Wm inisioymt fcn. fttM temcit . Mnf ttoillinrii-Jayid-fn-.f I P ITl rilHtflsHrm. .' $y a remedy strictly my owu 1 guar, flntee to cure Cancers. Tumors. V arts.. in a short time. " therefore do not bes ate and suffer, bu gtv me a trial. . , , . ,) ' 43-,.tf . Uuremillf N.C ; es " THERE . IS A BOOK. ST In Wrwlfesboro. ! ; i"And1 SCHOOL ; Give iwUl can. JJ- Mail Tders ; prompt If tttiende' MEilflME i-W t IT liat-lrwmsnTOH-nnuTO ' TtoAstsiiaaBattIaIiaW a ;iti a.i m . - . 2 . r .----- - f i". ' y .--'-km . i 'J Jill raera aests so jmraaaa pea pranptiT irom nertout, ti ' landlnav as u aliippcd from B sssu LO fiau uu asLsnai as ssvc se giaoe - , i , ; , - j t'fWmPl BO0KS.8LAV" 7" 'I &Ja :H?XW!k i;-Vawrt- V." - "rf'J--. t ; , Wv J :lfrf . JTine Sta6rft .) T X ; , &iV Tit '.V -Ki; sua trial aar-be convinced r , v:irv ,,v ft V i.. vM"-2V. -eUiyorj coodi a cheap as t-W' . ;,rJ,'i'' li?!--5V be-hadtoywbere:.' 1 nlV I J ,fCl,' THOS. BPACE, Or fjjf t CFMrnAi Mrnrusuhior , ' The Qheapest.Ptaee VH f 5 ; In Richnbnd" county to buy your aup- ; ;3 plies for . - ; Cash- or Bartei. ! 4 W x -s a ' . - -. i'i uuat neceivea: 100 sacks N. C Flonr. i car load of SMt. : 50 boxes TobaecoV ji 30 gross and 200 VeatsAnds of Sbnfp, and other goods' to bw sold low for cash. Come to Hamlet and call for ..j Pace ihfHp Csiwh Star. W. F. STiEELE. K. L. OTEELijJiu " ';;.' j, w. cole. .r ,p STFELfi BROS. & (oj- . r, DEALERb IN - - ';. ;. 'GBNBB1L ME! iSir. AND COTTON -liUY-ERS; ' i Keep on hand a large and varied S tock of Dry Goods, Grocerie's, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, fec.,.fec.,'to. suit the trade, which they are cxmstaau ly replenishing -by almost daily reoeipts, A special attraotion of their stock ia. an elegant - . : :.'". : ; Carpet Exhibitor with 50 different-patterns of Brussels,, rttU t Ingrain Oarpetings, whidhr: v can 9it at New York retail pr,ices and Bhow you just how they will look when maue up and spread on your room floor. , . They have exclusive control of those. unrivalled fertilisers, the Soluble JPiieilio ,' AND ' ' - SeaFowi (i UAN OS j ' ' 5 and will also sell . I - . ..... ' It J I M T rp.! :- : '- ' ' . '. and other popular brands, , ' i .! ; We buy our goods as low as they can be bought, and canand will sell as low" as anybody Cari tell GOOD goods, t Wo also pay the top of the; market tor cot . jrOn and other produce.j ' .. 1 1 Jtew P. SwAll persoas indebted to! us. are notified that our books are ready fbr a settlement, y .Portable and Stationary.;, ; jProm 6 to 300 .riore Power : Our VariableCut ofll Engine took Gol Itledal at St. Lauria, alo,, in X'pne. . and ie it. - .: The ONEIDA' MOUNTED ESMSiWi t pne o the moat highly tiqialw Engint '' f ik' '-market ai;4 uue ol V.. tiAv Kixstf MlliLS cosoplee. k ' McCOKJlfKjR TWINE BIX DRR-ahead; of a,U corApetjtiott at bosao. ahd abroitd. ine JuoOormiea: always the First ,Fm, Machine. t i FRENCH BUHR VO&S MILLS The cheapest and best on : market : Ske, from 16 to 30 inches will i grind, froin, &to 10 bushels good tneol per hour.; Every one guaranteed. ' . PEERLESS THKESHE0S and SEP-A " RATORS have been tried and proved; good overshot and undershot rSO inch, cyliuders. . " ' " ", . CAB LOAD-Daniel Tratt Revolving -Head Gins. Every Ginnei- who; ha. tried one say they are the best no CAR LOAD Peri1toftKeaDei-s. , il' The simplest and .easiest 'JJUwper ' I.. wi' .-a-X' uI-d&. X' i'itl?ii!'-c-sK pinions cosnpriae: ali Uieearfifj j. v . " 0 . ' Elailib'tilvoa , Pullies, Jet.?ym?Wm'WM:W: tors, Piping, Pifi'fBft'f tings, &c &c, The MIXim-M Gummer new Cross ut Saws farmers: and get prices. u-.- rr.:v-, prchaea. gngin.oi large machine shotis aj-eiS'sl'-Kf-vv ..n l - ;"C Gut off Engine, or write lbr';'cffFi4 and prices.'- .. ',J ' r-.fM-': ; Respecfully, , i:;.;. " ' JAESF j'HNSTO,, : 'College Street, f3iarrotte, N V. CstNT-RAij STIf o-sar?.rOTrxs,-Mcx. successors -ro ; of; toe a rooms, Os. Butts' oisfiksary. - to. 620 Loaor.aT; r cai.8. tsSAiai!, a.r,, r rst't ajhritoisa i ourca, ' Tlris JnstltiUe Iras aiiipl fdu-tlltJes- arid; an e-"'. CHROMIC DISEASES tt'- .r.ftL 1" ore nerlenced Fac-alrr. Wmiu u to lave I . ij buMiM-ss, wlilcli lis I'tiii egtMlilMird for yasrsTit ' 1 -1 '' ' n-ill aim to extend It inciifril -oiiil rurelcnl prao.' "I t ' i - tlce, aH'liis; sklltCul and aeii-oHuc Ircitnimt to ..' if tncos, ireju-t, i,ivr.?$loni.'v.-li mu aowKls.I'.Uom- . . atisiu, !pepsia, Coimtii p 1 .n mid AsUina.' ! ' BLOOD IMPURITil W.! lion. Sirrofa'a. Vrcr orc. Tlcrs, ilierlted ok caussd r impurs associa-. Icrs.-tc. ' rrrnsif irirn urn i.(n.l. ,cin.i nn. : . - V.runi-ll iCt) mrr. 'a-rj-m-rfcr JMscasos' r , , i" ofllip Jnhita. Plls. Vintufa-Ki'Uiari?., hta. 'V -. " ' . f t r rtia yittn mn, auie all -kcatcseij . - ?j lh pi;ito-Mrinai-jr or?aKj. . ; . . ' j V'tVsSAt-' "; rctlA'! C lir'ularrilcn aiid wilinf sse . csoai ; V' ;... ,v i Linn.w io pain fn li'C twcK or sine, otc. ; --"isfc :', ) 1 be rasliT,; 1rf i eg-7 A-V - " 5 at 1 it 1 : . 1; -E '' a - -I A- j-: ;;;i; i v. -.. i i- V' 7-