, . . .. S ' " ! , C - i jr. ' 1 ' : ': THE EICHH02TD JtOGZETs ; . if. C. iTTilt; and iVYJpV UkW filedlei?s' to urgo the' impotU iuice of 4 thoroDgh organization in f TWw of tne political Contest How be gun. Al niuut recognize that' im- . portanoe, as they will do if they can ? but be convinced or persuaded thai' ; . now is th t. time to consider, the tnat 1 1 Ur. C The month of May is upon us ; and the State Democratic Convention -.Williaeet on, Jan 26tb. It is none Ifeoo eftrly-on the! contrary; the time JiS hortJor mating the needed pre i'; jparation in the Tarioas town&Bips of K'ifWr county for a complete represen- ti;i:lou; in a uouiuj v,uuveUuo, x, ordered ubder the general plan of or-1 ganj?atiofi of toe RanJ now: wing- publieheq in the Democratic, papers, PLat in each township there shall be '"iR executive committee to consist, of Jve active Democrats, who aliall be elected by the 'Democratic voters of r tbo several townships in i meetings .,ulh'l by ;ae v-ounty Ji.xeoutive uom- mittee. And said committee so elect- cd shall e ect. one of its' members as who shall preside at all of . cbairciau, said committee meetings. ! ; At the all of the County Executive h Committe) now in office all the town.- k ships are xpected.to hold their meet- . jegs. and elect their 'respective Execu tive Committees, tbua ; perfecting a system cf township prganiiation. The Gtveral towDsbi Executive. Commit--- toes shall convene on', the occasion of the County Convention, or at any time - 1 anl place that a majority of them may elect, an d shall ' elect a C oun ty Execu tive Committee. . Butj you say,- we i have the organisation pmde two years , ao-& Cc untj Executive. Committee aiid an Executive Commit test iU each v1 C tie of th ) tpVn'sbips. If so,: and it ""W Jeeme I well enough not to ; reor ' gaiize, lb ;n the old committtes and ' the old .brjiaaizotipri simply hold over, ilut ara j pu sure eacbr township has iu com mi .tee f And if so, on the gen crai. -principle that 'a new broom eweeps cU an,'' we-are in favor of an In ire reo rganiz itiou of committees. And this yithout regard to the indi I xiduals n w coni posing, -or, who .are likely to compose, said committes, so they be constituted always of good Working materiaL " And then by death, probably, or other manner of ' removal, tpe committee organization , has disintegrated and become, to-an es,teni at Icat, not so effective as . would tbel a ' reorganization through and thxodgb. We dere W eee i onr donnty -a more thoroughly acute n than we ever bad before rated impulse that th.' K' Democrat hrc of the conntry in view tie bright and brightening prospects before us. . As will be seen in our columns to-day, the contest in our counts has begun. As usuaL it is between the Democratic and Be- - publican parties ; the Liberals must either staijd "right thar," where the favorite Radical orator of this county places them, or remain as hitherto the ( "caudal .appendage" of. the menage; r; rie. Let Soar people eommence in ' time, talk politics,' one neighbor with another; you can't push it put of jOur way; il jotL vould'; and, above .-,(. - nave anreye 10 ana aa lnrerest m ;;;4 'ittatoryeteps of the campaign. '"f:-r-.he County Conven- Viwbip is proper--r: i'v'V If the. white : d'aty to jthem- r.'tand,their couh- 1 rtant of all earn 'leouniv can ana plpjSiy from Rad- Hon, but .from the power Vr all Radical influence. :v;rt : f. . t?" From the West : The gnat, the gnat, the buffalo gnat, That horrid, horrid little bore, '.'.! Which ne'er attains io & quemtum gat, .-. But, leecn-like, always cries for more. . . Mb. EniTon: Your correspondent i 'j find3 himself "headed off" arid check-' 'Ted -'in, in extrenid hoVtBvrestern f f corner of. Mississippi, and the proba- jt ; bility is" ttat he will tairy hese yet n.oni; rlava an thn rtrirvci a!a t Vif. othf n j j -j i 1 . A one can't g( pbe tiiM slay. Forhow- Tever happy ih illustration may have I ; been the mthor of the fable, that ' "eacbes us iow light ia the weight of V attacks , frcm insignificant i creatures I i upon the greajf and noble in " those 1 1 ) . good pastoral regions where bovine the very contentedoess manifested in icViheir auietr;bfowD2.Uwo;!ire . are I C havinsr foipibie demonstratibns that v. - h. command ' the attention xu JJ . in.t.. ,i'l,k il mVVJrXi rrr:r "11 v??TK&'M? all thU;-If it be true, ' Wif,tlr. jJzk Jlrttu jJifeS. M&Mm the,pe;havt6-ay thatBheridar yp&MsC&i moett ac. knAw.them to be so. ooaaties below thia, and every day adds cumber to their' TicUms here bpg3j:oSro up-fa theli t un fortc iaUfVprey th; rapidityt and k&i 7 I bite never wen die played by anything elae.vI atnliojd thatey 4lway4:infej4b wheneteV there is moch overflow from the river; and bottom met) report it unprecedetited , thin year. 1 They! in terfere Tery much witbbuainess, trav el and all purepits incident to civili eation, and entail great financial loss: Xhejt wiU not go about stabes strange to. say, consideriDg their fondness for horae-fleah, and grease and t smpke are theif abominations. , 1 Hencea ypttr. Well greased eprreepondent sits amid thWfSmes of old shoes, burnt horn, cotton seed and so-forth, and discaas cs this pestiferous pest as comfortably as if he were writing from his elegant 8a0ctum in bis own dear Arcadia,!' It riflTfi m6 thint fu-t Mn- grieves me to think that Moses and Aaron didn't know -about tbejse terri ble insects; Ihey; could have used thetu to such advantage in forcing Fharaob to terms. : 1 111 bet a hundred tbatlhe would have let ithem go and furnish ed them transportation before the day was out.' ' . ! ? , . This seems really to be a section of country set apart by theAluiighly to demonstrate that mankind can attain and maintain ,' the highest 4 conditions of -thrift, prosperity and j civilization jftver the severest difficulties. Com pelled by the cold rainy season to de lay cotton planting until about the first of. May, and- having it to pass through a parching drought in; July anu August, and tntn tabe attacked by the army Worm in Septembervttue people here seem-' yet. toj have, pros pered bygrow,ing cotton, and, with an air of strong conviction, assure you it is the best cotton country in ; gy. Our sgenta now at work are making the world. 1 r 1 : ' x . I from $150 to $600 a month clear, and m1 . - ,h i ,. ' ' this fact makes it safe for us to make j. Then again, having po native grhss OUr.ofier to alt who are out of employ pi consequence 5(n spring and Bummer, i ment. Any agent that will give . our a rigorous climate in jthe winter, and almost annual visitation by these de structive ghat8they sjrejyet even get I-., i , 'i l t . i , ! for them. Any. agent or General Agent ting rich in hue breeds of stock, aud:wbo would iie ten or more counties confidently claim as a$e a stock coun try as can be found anywhere. Who can estimate the pluck of such a peo ple?. I must confess ' to have seen some as pretty jJtrsey cows here as I have ever seen jin any portion of the United Stateaand am told that the finest strains in the-world are rc pre sented in one4f the herds about Her nando. Much i interest is being; de veloped, too, in raising: mules and fine horses, and the jpcople assure me that a hew era,! with '.millions in it-'' is dawning in varied hues of diversi fied agricultural , pursnits, .IU .citi zens , have always claimed Desoto as "the banner county"-of tbe State, and takinar their well-conditioned BDnear- anee. their high jn telfectaal and morj ial character in connection with the extensive fields . ini 'cultivation, the numerous school houses and churches to .be seen in every portion of it, the stranger readily concludes the claim is well rounded, ut . course x nave met' a great many North Carolinians here, as what southwestern wilder ness was, ever made; to bloom with the flower and, fruit - of civilization without the sons of the Old North State having a large; share j in its de velopment ? ., And I am -glad to. note that they are generally of the thrift iest and most respectable classes. - I am sorry to see accounts of such terrible destruction: : by fire in North Carolina. Veiily, .the destroyer is abroad in the lnd in-many sbapea Frost has not yVt killed fruit here, it is thought, but to-day is a very coW one and the danger bas by no . means passed. . (Can't say where ' 111 write from next; depends much on the con tinuance of this gnat blockade. ' Hernando, DeSo to co., Miss. ) April 10th, 1884. OOHMtrmCATED. ': '' Richiflond f onnly hays. "For Attor- . ncy-(ieiieral, Piatt D. Walker of Meckluilrs.,, r While gubernatorial timber ; seems so abundant in the forests of North Caro lina, it is also true that there is plenty of good timber To the other ofiicee. believe the Rocket does .not favor the (lvruv&gnf ftnyi4ii)lar TTiAn'sc)aim8 or merits for an office. This, perhaps,- is a wise course; but 1 beg leave tossy through the columns of your valuable paper that there is no man in the StateK in the Opinion of this writer, who would make a better AttorneyGeneral than Plait D. Walker. 1 believe every mac is Richmond county, where he is best known,' would say ; the same j thing of him. ' He has- practised law for fifteen years, and has given it ha most assiduous and undivided attention. : He has been wonderfully . successful and now ranks among the foremost lawyers intthe State, He devotes himself to his professton not so much for its ' emoluments as for .very love of the law itself.; But notwithstahd hig is fitness for the, place, how shall we ethim.ihi6 Me will never pull irW'ii l'..f :W :-?PlWoit&n .Fowders'are .la itcrim to boll! If)WraU sooner or later to oopuxut this enmei or die.' AH of this howljut forth by com of ear xchoget regard to putting forward yonng men tq 7( the offioea, strikes Ua as ridkmioos. there seems to be among, that class efeditora and nor respoadents, a hatred for anything that Is old . , Wa are young men, but were, taught from infancy to manhood to.look up to and respect old age Since reach ing more mature years, experience, has taught as lasting lessoni on the same subject, i For young men some of ta extraAeQf young to clamor for front seats looks io us-through our young eys-i if we were' retrograding; We must not be understood to oppose the nomination or putting forward ofyouof men; but we do say. that we wou!4 regret to see our old men foreed to take back seats. Fay etteville Sun. . ". V ; v "5 '"-'.. :; Ihe Tariff measure,' now under con sideration in Conpressj' isno longer the Morrison bill. ' It is the bill of the Demo cratic party, approved and sustained by four-fifths of the Democratic Hepresenta Uvea in Congress, as shown by the vote on Tuesday, Whether passed or defeat ed, it will be tbe tariff, platform of the Democrats in the coming election. Philadelphia Reeord. An Extra ordinary O0Vr I Xo All Wantlnfir UmpUyncat. We want Live, Energetic and Cap able Agents m every county in the United States and Canada, to -sell a patent article of great merit, on its merits. An article having a large sale, paying over two per cent, profit, having np competition,and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county he mny secure from us. With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an article that can be sold to every nouseowner, jt might not be ne cessary to mase an "extraordinary offer to secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but in its salability by toy agent that win handle it with ener- buisnfsa a thirty days' trial and fait to clear at least $100 in this time, above all expenBes can return all goods unsold to us and we will ret und the money paid and work them through sub-agents lor ninety days, and fail to clear at leaat $750 Above All Expenses, can return all unsold and get thir money back. No other employer of agents ever dared to make such offers, nor would we if we did not know that we have agenU now making more tbau double the amount we guiiranteed, and but two sales a day would give a profit of over $125 a month, and that one of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive circulars explain i our. offer, and thee we wish-te, send to every one out of employment who will send ns three one cent stamps for postage. Send at ouce and seoureJ the agency in time for tbe boom, addl and go to work on the terms named in ur extraordinary offer. We would like to have the address of all the agents, sewing machine soUoiton and carpenters in the country, and hIc any reader of this paper wao reads thi offer, to send us at once the name nnd address Of all such they know. Address ofc abm n UAn will U, 4 W te.yt chfttic ever offered to those out of employ men t to make money. , KimK Manefactokino Co., 161 Smithiield St.,' Pittsburg,. Pa. We are a thorough believer in consti tutional doctrine, ot reserved and dele gated authority. ; We believe it U the theory of our government, which differs from all other governments which have perished, and, which alone gives us some hope of its perpetuity, it is the theory of State rights, tbe theory of local gov ern ment, the theory which accommo dates itself to the chatpges of our great and extensive country running through every parallel ef latitude, and through every variety of product, of condition, and education, and civilization and race,' The theory of State rights and local gov ernment is all that can save ns, and we should stick to it as tbe great palladium of our country. E. Vity Eoncomist. There is no. remedy known to science tbat vwill so speedily and so effectually cure or relieve lumbago, chronic or acute rheumatism, swollen or stiff joints as Jobnsorls's Anodyne Liniment used in ternally and externally, j 1 THE PROPOSAL- fft.1-My darling, you look irresistibly loveiy to-mgbt ! ; .. .. SAStDo I? Thanks very muchl you are handsome as a Prince, Charley, in. vour dress suit. Zfr.Cive the credit to the Diamond: Shin, ory, loycrvhkh J, wear fffr the first time to-night ife is thi wbic glvcj tene to my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip ping the Diatngnd engagement ring on er. finger); .-. :Se. May our love be as eaduring as the fame of ; . ? The Diamond Shirt' . . '. ' TabltaM, -'.' ' seed lus address minufacturcry Blu-- inojitrlet we i paalry Con rsv-puje. article. . We They are as much good. thig 4s I WAMSUTTA --fciaoOLINEM. I puller,;;;, superior to aH others as. a I , ' :m- i-' '.-Si' '.'.il ' -'"'isJ: jit-! :i'iV nTTR' TCN'S DEPARTMENT OUB BOTS l OHIlRENSlEPJaraENinwttt OUR HOSIERY PEEAETMEHT'islhorotijjhly loadefl dawn itU ' V U U li iu n fl aau xu i ati In fact, never in the biBtory of onr caroer Jiaye trrbad a better nd trrist to merit the tauDrcciatlon of onrananv friends and the Dobhc . The would be leaders of the Demo- cratie party will find -out pretty soon that the people will only( trust those who hare stood faithjuilly by the party en all occasions. The men; who hare shown a disposition, to rule orruii the party will have' to fall back in the ranks or ten der their resignation. Savannah News.- and all scrofulous dise&M, Sores, Erysipe las, Sciema, Blotcbes, XUnswena, Tia tors, Carbuncles, Boils, and Eruptions of, the SUa, are tit diract result of aa faupure state Of tUe blood. . j To care tttes diseases the Mood must bo purified, and restored to a healthy sad na tural condition. AVer's Sa.es apabIlul bat for over forty years been recognized by ml aent medical authorities as tbe most pow erful blood purifier In existence. Itvfrees the system from all fool humors, enriches and strengthens, the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. ; A Beoent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago 1 was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and' tbe sores discharged Urge quantities of offensive matter. Every . remedy , 1 tried ' failed, until I used AVer's S vksat ahiij,, of which I have now taken three bottles, with the result .tbHt the ore are i.ealed, and my caueral health greatiy iuiurofiod. 1 feel vory grateful for the good jour medioine has doue me. IToum reapectfu.ly, Mits Ass OT.kiax;' . IAS Sullivan su, York, ,luno 14, 3832. MW- All persona Inf Tf fcteft me lnTlt4vd to. call on Mm. 'Crltn; xlto n )mi ilis Z. k'. Wild of US liast fteth Street. JVfw vrk City, who will take pleasure In testlfylar io the wonderful efficacy i or Ajrer-e BarsapariiiM, not only lu (lie cere i or this lady, but in Ills own raM svud many otnors wlUitu his kuowlcxign. The wlWtnown mUt r on th JSo ito Utrali, B. W. BAtt, of ItcctKitcr, .V.I., writes, Juus -, ,19825. , . " Hsrlng tuifcrl sererelv for some vesrs with Eczsiua, aut hsring fulled to uud relief from other remedies, I bate ntade use, during tbe past three mouths, or A TKu's Sausafa rii.la, vbleh has troetrd a complei curr. I consider it a luaguificeBt remedy for all blood disease. Ayer'sSarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the aetfoa of tit digestive and assimilative; orgarit. renews and strengthens the viu forces, and speedily " eares RbennnmUsm, tfeuslsls Rbexunsw tie Govt, CatsrrTa, Oen'eral Debliity, aad all diseases arising from aa iaisererlghtd or eurrvpted eoBdftlon of tbe blood, aud a weak' ened vitality. : ' I t is iuoomparably the ebeapest blood saedV c!ne, on soeount of its eonoentrated itrenGt, and great power ever disease. v ' ',"' rmiUD av . Sold by aU Dreggiasa; priea SI, sU bettlss for Sft. -.:.!. IN" STORE .ND to AKRIYE. BY W. i. BOBBINS & 110. Agents for Home Fertiliser. A superior lot of Pickles, genuine Olive Oil, French aud German Prepared Mustard. Try them. '. Beef Tonsne, Fish and good sugar cured Smoked Beef, fresh and new. A new lot of those superior Brunswick Hams and Jumboes. Oranges and Bananas, fine and large. A fine lot of New Raisins, Prunes, Ci trons, and Currants. Something neVrand nice, cereal flakes aad oat Hakes, can be cooked in 15 min utes. Have vou seen those cereal and fruit boilers, the nicest thing known for boil ing custards ; you can' t burn them. - r earl hominy trom new corn. A tine lot ot currant jelly ana pre- ... . l . lL J. ' serves. ine nnest maoierei uui u known, in beautiful St lb packages. ' If you want a nice piece ui vneese we have it. .Sauces, xnustards, sweet, on, aaiaa dressings. V . . ' , ' BucEwneatana nne syrup w gowaa them. . P'. ' i If vou wish a fine chew or smoke, call on -us for fine chewing and smoking to bacco aud fine Segars. Dry hop yeast cakes, fresh and good. Kelf-raising Buckwheat at 20 cents per package. p s Fulton uaraet cornea oeei, anea Deei Imported Macaroni of best quality. Nice. Butter at 301 cents per lb. A fine lot of 'Jellies m. sugar bowls, cream-pitchers' and spoon-holders and by the pound. . - A fine assortment oi canaies ires n ana sfflr The finest Flour sold? in bar- rels, dollar sacks, , and per pound.' Canned Fish. Kft. Labrador Herringsr la .Tartar 8auce, Brook Trout, MackwJ ar mon and Shrimp. Canned Heata. Deviled nam. tonffue atfd lobster, pot ted ham and tongne. 'cOfned beefj ahdi chipped beef dried.) ; . : ( 'p Canned Vegetables; : ' Q reen Te&s. toniatoes, strinijlesa beaha, okra and tomatoeBjorn, rhubarb, (very fine for pies; . t ,.'. p;-f :u . Canned Fruits, p f Teaches; apples, "cherries, strawberries, minutes , (o cook very fine and the- best thing known .or dyspeptics.) - s - ; " A fine article ot ew weans syrup, (new), .Crystal sjrup, sugar drips, -Porto Kioo and fjuoa molasses. Suffars. Powdered, granuiatedcut loaf stand ara a, new vriesvus, raunu mu j'""- "aiteeii Coffee Jfis, Rio, Uaracaibo and isgnayra.. Tinncffl Coffees. - , .Koastea .donees, . , . whkaate in one of Uie larest and at All seasons well stoo.kfa wftb tbn fthmWjif. fabfioa j. : u m pciicuii gout ui mdu. ::lt: W JVA U r JVlillN LU'i oTHiEKa, Uentt-al Hotel ITTijiQVrSKX- & BARUCH JJave; thisay cohinienced the : : - -K. H f . ' .' ' ' - ... GitErii:? ciiiARia otjtl sale : ""' ; v --k' 1 ;-,r"- ' '.fr ' ' Ever attempted In the Carol inas.'. We art u.nr offering thef qrbatest bauoaijis ever shown in this section. jeiHliall Inaugurate THE GREATEST CLISARING-OiiT SALE EVER MOWN In he Carolina, Comprising the following lines : Silks, Satins, Velvets, Brocades, Dress Goods, White Goods; linens and Domestics, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Laces, Millinery, 1 Fancy Goods, Notions, Cloaks, Dolmans, Ulsters, , Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Carpets, i . Clothing, Hats and Caps, Buots i ' , I and Shoes, &c, &o. -Loolc out for our ; advertisements in this paper; as it will pay jrdu to keep track of the bargains we offer from time to time, and which snail bo duly an nounced through the columns of the press throughout the StateT : ' ' Send for samples, estimates on Dressmaking, Bridal Trosseaux, Houaefurnish ings, or any information our patrons may desirt, which will be promptly furnish ed on application. H f P. 8. Orders in answer to thia advertisement please address to ".Retail Te ment." . . - - WITJKOAYSKY & BARUOH, .cirARJi.oxxi?, r. c. Sewing MUSIC P. I have! just added chiiies aiud Sewing Machine supplies, . : . PIANOS and other musical instruments and musical goods, j As I have led and controlled, vitinfiereasirig demands, almost the entire sewing inaehine trade in this part of 'the State, try -4 by my fair- honest dealing and by handling none but first-classVgofrds, so will I Organ trade lief e. ; I shall not handle any musical instrument that I'cmnot fully wi-rant. . The future -of my i jtradc depends upon the quality of goods that I sell at present. I shall sell low and high priced instruments, and my prices will be low tor, the qnality of goods. 1 can sell any ihatrnment a low as any one else, quality considered. All I ask is a fair triaL -. ." P ., jjj " ,,;-p'' I shall continue to kepp a full stobk of Sewing Machines, Needles, Oil, Attaehmegts, jrarts, xc.t tor an macmnes, anu Flaiters. liepairingia specialty, I satisfaction as to price, qnality of .goods, terms of sale, and work done Save money and trouble by calling , UorrespondenceBoiicited. . ' ' For the next 4 months I shall offer RAKE BARGAINS gans and Sewing Machines raust.go daring the dall summer months. Don t fail to call and get my prices, . . , V; J- A. WRIGHT, ! ... ' EP0KINGHAM,N,C;, THe Caih Store. 4 ; Mr. EllistThomas arid myajglf have ju6t returned from the Northern markets, where wo( carefully Belecteaaud bougut witn uie casn one oi CSBAP FO& fob-the cash, and"! nuV offer thenf . , . r p.1 r V" fcr"-i r Low jpoivn, for- Tjit ffAPv rittnnvilantf. fmm titnfe nrieea. rcfiolvc hencvfortri to I.iaWrte? iivetf ont and the eJnntrvcwill soon sot ufWi solid toauda- . . - j IMiMe ftrJroods LMv lionee.will soon be fillttull of cooda and tliey i v nit narinH win? isaucc au ucaiBniuuy-iui v;ujii a uuvi wvc, . WiMli bMjfipidtuey ghall go low down for-siv So vnnier4i.iHf a will findito'onr'mntulliiilwieat. Xljor UberaJ patronage ' U nm very: every one intrant oOiTtxiBH bots arM the Tarioas grade and eixes of -Engliah, rmairt,Frerjeh?and American and niOfitstyliftb'Haxi iuc unw u supply than at the present season. - i ; i and HOD SB ! to my large stock of Sewing Ma AND; ORGANS, endeavor to merit and control the P 'Pt me oesi guarantee on me before-you buy. to AL.OASH BtjrERS, : Or- at greatly reduced prices, for cash, Ui cash, strictly. 1 Tmst exieTtenee in uavlnsr lieavy deal er c&'Kndjtop bofln Stthen Machine I nil piy J rf-e-a . 1 w . w- a. r- . 1 f- 1 ' - C H A fi LpTTEi W ; OHHJ5KEN8 JIX)THlNO. French, nd Amerion intfrJiADEPARTKENT. We court an inspection and examination tf 6n eUf d . : 7 r wawuent nwortmen corner, CHAELOTTB, JfC IHiLOTlCA:L WATCH , MAKERS And dealer In WATCHES, CLOCKS, UEitEto 6 ' : Trade street, above v Wilson's drug heAlalTy; LOUGEE & GOODWIN, - I , (Successors to I. W. Durham,) 417 and 419 FayetteviUe St., ' BAXEIGH, N. C. v SKAIiSRS ur Foreign and, American -. ' S' S i, ,: Mar tt e & Granite JVt 61 tn me it is. U vl All we ask OARRICES, PHETON3, BUCiDilES,; ! ROAD CARTS. Jrgcst. Stock ii;the - Or 5 r. TiNKfLLT eeee ee A freshiot of the celebrated LAN DKETll garden seeds. Gail and get a supply. SUB 1 ISH P3TAT1JE3. E u':v Ilor, pirv rich ! AND PEERLESS......... xneemes AND...... sis)sre . . GONFECTIONEKIES 1 Sugar, CoHee Molasses, Candy, Raisins, Nuts, Crackers, Lemons, Allspice, Pep per, Salt, Canned Goods, fcc. A lot of F'sh.: Fat jVI ikcireiw Every thing1 Cheap. J. M. & Wi P. STANSILL. DISORDERED LIVE R T and MALARIA, j ? , From these somees arise three-fonrtlis or tbe disease tb hoBtaa nee. These - symptoms mbaaSatraelFezteteBoef lAtnm eST appsim, Mwm eostrre, i SA. tallmeee after Mtttaar. averetest ST) xertiom bedy as mimd, XSraetattlew of cee. JMrttabOMs Xevr son datjr, IMsiteeB,Flnttcrta f at tlaa. nirlts. A eelinf sf havlasr sea titan, voce neiore me eves, mrsujr eei, rca IJrtM, COIi STrfXTIOal, and de- . nutnaiasius or Sk remeay tna scuqirfcur on tbe Llrec. As uLivor medicine TTfXT'il Pirx.8 bave no eao&L Their act Km. on tbe Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing-: J dt Jmpunues inrougn tnese tnree "seav" ngers of tU vatm, prcxiucin appss. tite, sound digestion, regular etols,a clear. Bktnandavlg;orou3bouj' IXSTTHrUJA canse no nausea or griping ner lnterltas i With daUr work and are a perfect ? ' ' .-: ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. BoldVfrrwhmtSMM; Ofli. 4 M n rrmy 8C, N.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE GXAT HAIB OB WHISKKSa CbUlged lB stantiv to a Giiossr Black by a single ap plication of this DTK. .Sold by Inifj8tJ at sent hy express on receipt of fl Offlca, 44 Murray Street, New Tork. -TDTTS MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS ftSL BOFORD HOU1SE, Leading Hotel in the Qityv 4 i,Teio Hotel Handsomely Furt&hed, Noted for the TastefvX Etegdno, i. Superior rAppoihlments ca-i.-.Bf : oBtr. Clrnfe.::: Ieflirablv and fashionably loeated-- acknowledged. to be tha cosiesfc hotel in the South. I'i v , N? 3 ' Finest hoc ofsarriag.es andomnibuses fat the eity mee all traiBSj $-4 ; CORD. WQOD - , Foot rood., seasoned.' cord- wood.- ux large or. snjail qaantlties,- apply at the 1 WStore to tTrj?ZJriTl it... I -aSC " ' a. asBraBTssBBVarawnflKMi S " j - ; 1 makpc it. .1 :4 ;? -! .... : mm mam HEADSTONES, TABLETS, VASES, .&Ci Alse conttact for -; . i IRON FEKCINQ, CUBBING STO , Geihetery Work of Every Description. Call or write for Price. Lists and Designs. Cor respondence solicited. Satisfaction iivt-?i. is a To the Citizens of Rocking ham and TaCinitj, The largest and beat selected stock of Carriage aavd Sadkalerj Goods in the SUte, consisting Jo pari of ('arriagee, Buggies, Phaetons, Tillage Carta, Piays and Carta, Saddlea, Baraess, Trunks, fiatobela, ' Lap Kobea. Horse Blankets, all kinds of Buggy and Bamftss material . including Boddies and Gear ready for the painter. and trimmer, j We gaarantee onr prices lower thnn any in the State - MeDO UmkLL rf: BO W&EN; i - Ladies, send your orders to - t MRS. J. B." HARRINGTON : (Fartnerly of Danville, Va.) i I ... FOB-. j ; r v . That wn,t kot Bi.ua or Kvb, - I Ohoiele and Anoene Braid, ane a full : line of Itohroidery material en hahd, ? Don't fail-to send your orders. j Tram Stkkt, Ohalottk, N. O. o ' 1 1 .,':) ': I J. B, HAHRmGTOx's DINING ROOM .. AND I . Ice Oream IPrtrloi'i . . Id door above court house. IWCeals. ar5 all Honrs. foam & woRTii, General Sliipping and ' Commission Merchants, 4 Wilminerton, 1ST; C j ..; DEALEBSIN , ' Voal, Limey Plaster, Bacon, Corn, Ifay, Molasses, Coffee, flour. " Olvte, Spirit Casks, &c'J 1 py Agents for Cape Fear and Pea pie's 8temboat Co . .' KEWS FOR TEEv LADIES ! f.f'j " 1? P '; ;''.VP ' My stock of ladies gopds is now 00.01- ? plete, and you are especially and cor- dially Invited to examine my s w" ? P ;k - Mats, Bonnets, c.t. "p beftrin4kiig.yur winter pria.:' All material for making up fXata aad 1 Bonnets, Velvets,. Ktbbons, Feathers Birds, Ac, ..P , l Felt, -Straw and Frames, lafe ntylea. All necessary material for Fancy Work: , Beautiful Stamping.patterns.. f Large lot v of "JERSEyS" for Ladles, MiSsw and P Children ; Cloaks and Dolmans, all qual ities aad prices. PP IP'"1 "" ' " P '--U'. Ia:fact,..we Tceep everything needed .' by the ladies, At the lowest prices. ; . ; p All orders will receive--prompt and careful attention ' ' j. i " ' " . . . , V MISS, E, KARRER, el YtwTntiv ftyaa:i DR. STHOriG'S PILLS 1 1 he Old, Well ;THbI, Wonderful p ' Health ffenewlng Rerrwiiee: . ' : Jjir Omaptetot, RasulatiRit tt gmes, ranfyftn, . th mood, 0Im front U!nJ Tmat- ; ,' : Saeterare foe fclW- UadackeraDsjisU mm mU Bto rwfe. , $rr.:-3's KSTtm ntisfSigJgt ,, lMHkMS,Mlwia.llM ; r escfMis Msam. sua pwi and. fcasl1 fUsbedr KDr,BlJ.rPlri'2!"i .addissiW. a-.Uv.AAiPHA'.tl-Xii J 1 if P'il. Jlij i v-1 r " ' P i i I, &&r&JZm I' P$m&& aperfor to a worthIes&.es.e. ;f- 5s..-, 111 'I . i i-i ,1 -lit 'Witl.W'W wg' :;pppi L r p . b-KiVvi'i-. r;r p.;jJp.i: