I ATT0BKKY8 FRANKLIN MoNEIL, .it-' S ; ATTbn npy: AT I. AV, win ill ' ROCKINCH AM, N. C, f practice in Riobmmd. Robeson, Anson and oounties. : ' ,:. 3 IMS - ' WALTER H. NEAL, , a aaiaa i a-a-a . ear,.w.i S.I vm I .v."to ; from pi. )!'. v.. l.-s'l A. w. LAURINOURC, HaC. J praetioe hi Richmond an tfjuwl wrnlttl, , il, i , i jjONES. 'bbW saaai a wf.u f--' 5. -...YfSii.i .! '. .". , : S TOO WAS ' 3 AID COIlFECnOMIES, Suta, tkimwl Good, He;, tsd foUtack2; ' WflhiM i wrpoe kepfa( lapply o( treah and nie GUTTER AND ECGO, And all kind of edibUn, OHBAP TOR. CASH, is on motto, iul w ihall know no othtr ml'. CaU nd m. TIE PE0P1E iEE EiPPI; i , Boll. DrV Goods, OroeMa, fiha aln.j SO LOW tM 3. - -jOx n i vts r astvoi ;bd. Bofon bumc, Mil and KY GOODS BOOT SHOES. fH OBOcaomca,! SLATS, I LOUIt 140ULSSE3, . BA.COH, HHIP BTTUYT. And almaat rarrthinr naadad b aha Man;. ' ' ' Bj aun too&i mjui 910 Dolor Raying, is wjh pa l.ynrilTaUre. - - 4. W. PAHJLS, jams p Mil . 1 p 1 1 borini v-OHaaalaVM.a' s, . Castets, aiL Burial; YOUR 'O .I','.! : J AS. C. KUTCHUISOrj, . j V WADESBORO, N. O . . attHaar-aaa'prWBa,- ahnkif on BMC telegraph Citmtna tturtjr nuamtaa mm. 'B0CBB.HA4CiM.O jtH tha baat UK litoHa will alwara, ba eupplied Tivja I R O N W O R KS, 1 ; oemiy wmyea ,.tt XJenTcr, ererytmnj 707, douY It eoate iwenty-fiT Mitt to get a pt by fl, and. fifty cento for ai letter. 'Ifcthlag la coiiBjdered su than , igrlbl'iRl qnrier,hlr cutting fifty centy Isd anj Uad of meal oopta fliaad eKg' fiftroentf extn loa osaH ei pI6o 4o deep tot few than f I. MANTJFACTUfiES AND KEEPS IN STOCK j Steam Bpgiaef oa jouera. Traction Engiftes. ),... rWW MUM InUX T UWUW Xivaiv i3 - i . x. , , .: i If -i . . : .9; -ii -1 -- Steam aid3Vter Pipes Brass Fittiogi RBPABS EBOIIPTLT ATTB1TD. . TO. V -J' JOHN WILKEG, Manager. .-sjiMI : .c.. j L " ar-'- - ANDREWS OF ill, KIPS, AT. BOTH WHOHSALl iHD EETAIL: 1 I hate thai largest stock of any hotiae fa the State, end Vjll. not. be ixivjnjpxisoLo; I-' aSIK SUITS' White Front, nekt ttkcskj & Baruth, CHARLOTTE, N. C. tka . -ajs v rm 1 1 m-t- m v 1 aT v r 1 mm 'wm . vmv idera bj telegraph CibxLoa tturty imaMlaa homo. I -y- 1 1 ''"!. ; 1 W 1 . , 1 l-ll 4-. . . - -j m !.'. "11 -. . t . Aa. . I :. ... -.;.. .- . M - W M mmm M 7 T.io.t. rUaa Tlrsi-inorl . i ' ' . i . I K ! .... !!'... .1 : . . t. : year. Arna all, Mr, Matthew Arnold is siblAmaa. - Hi Oriticifltna of America were not all against . He declares that our ladies are hsrmiiig, . The young ladies be found ery engaging. 'Whfle many of the senUemeb have the ton of feeling and speech of English gen tlemsn, he oonuders our ladies better informed and. more attractire in conversation than their ' EngUeh sisters. Mr. Arnold says that America holds the future. . Befinement will come after this commeroial oentury, and . with' enormous weivlth, culture and leisure, a grand and bene fident ciTiliMtion will be sure tooome. - no pKbdurBs e(jinky,;hgs; for, the : triat aihft BejMsiietift ehttrch, hat. been iefedtedas the kmnrjr couout 1IEWS OF THE.WEEZi 4:'i?'iS?'i(MT ta: hfrto.Xnlr. aaangerons, and inst f ttttch p a - unlod! pistols and. frightening, women into fits: bj piajmg ghost, and in short the e is no end to his idiotic ireaks, ; 8orae idea Cf th& Ktjskxooji,, Mich., lastly claims pre-em. nenee as the greatest lupber producing city la the world. ' The total product -of luslegojf daring 1883 wss 686,079,254 feet, exceeding the" product of the Saginaw ..valley by seTerai hun dred millions. ' 8he produced during the same period 189,854,150 laths, and cot tlO,Vl shin gles. One-fonrth of the Tesset traffie of Lake Michigan is traasacted at Muskegon, aad over 8,000 Tessels were cleared from the port last fowttheajlt is stated tttat; 27ew York.cigai hotts koepi' lSerat hahds eonstahtly bnsyi majwuuxiQBnasooKuig cigars wua cneuMte-' lodiiM mi . Jtoittreerii-puffsft ese(r8 oilerediremKcine to fexj; from Soiith pari , olina o f aJ4fpiTua. Q'XjoioTan . Kosea'itboaeJ that he kadtoii to jgW4 V lot'ot 'expiosin .araikf1;n1t4. siAtfal oabfeei tCOf-iV fee S idle -;!:3There; tellihg what dsrainre mkht result fromabox of oiiran "aB'shargedtMyha l uiiM oui or ine nzteen aistnci asis- ,ctedjj? Jteorjt iwe forhur ,f-,vf. m ocean steamsMp-rthe uregon cas Tires toadethe-Voyig f rom iQunstow tof; Netr ! Jort: in six daytt, ten ours, ten. eaiwrtea, tha Umem)tmMxiiomtv - , -:i -..-- ? tiCi factory the only one & ftklndm ltsdfctatoM aboMtito bej Started at Tb4 second aiinhaT xhilsrttnn e-TvX ttiraaEUkCultare Aisociattoii)f the United FMladelpht tnent:BpontsMsiK!laraoi . .A fajbty, cpnjsisting of Jacob? Ece'er'nad his young ton, George Hilliker and wife and Kathan i Vrith.-were drowned wh'Je 'fls - Th mania for inreating In . cattle ranches still rsges among our English and Scotch cous ins, and as heretofore, it is peculiarly affected by the notabilities. The latest joint stock ea terprise of this nature presents a string of titled names; the capital stock is fixed at 13.- 50,000; "and the Ten dors or promoters agree not to receive any dividends on their shares in' the first three years, unless the common stock earns 8 percent.. Enterprises of this class have pracUoally superceded our railroads and, in deed, all other American devices to secure the aid of English capital In developing the hat eyonWeat. - In the Ssnate lUr; Joasyef IiOHSiana, hitro dveed a bt 1 to appropriate $100,000 in aid of the world's (&ir- at New Crans. A similar bill vtf introdaeed ; injtaa Here....Jiir. Lozan Croto the ' judiciary committpo, re rx)rtedfaTorbly mtheriUto8ndtbeCoTi. stitvrUoa so as to mtpem er the .President k td veto one or more ' Items. -of aa apjopriatioii Li 1 wbUeapproTiAr the remainder of the biti . . . .The Mil to provide a Wf orm system, of bankruptcy was amended and passed. . The bill was parsed providing for the gov- ernmenc ana concroi as, toe isainte Mane Falls canaL which was rivea to the United States by tha State ot Michigan, and also tbe bill protecting Indian reservations from the unlawful cutting of timber; . . .The House bill providing for the establishment of a bureau of animal industry and the extirpation of plouro-ptieumotiie, among castle was substp. luted for the Senate Bill, , Mr. Coke severely criticised the department of agriculture fox spreading false reports W the nature of the disease aiaong American cattle, i. A bill'wassreported favorably for the -ad mission of Taooma as a Btate of the Uni m; am ine dih ausnonang i mages across tue Kill von Kull.. A bill waanawMi nraviii for the disposal of abandoned m htarr rrfser- Tauura-i. x vvm uut o uiu auiea..mz iue Oca sister republic of Mexico is runnine too . revised statatTelaUnr to tresraasers on In- rapid a schedule. She' has embarked in sin d11 111 i& It nd Is imprfeo.imi.it to the f ne unbitionfl. iu4iama .v.i;.ki- ; already wf Ked ror . ..The 8euat con tinned .-"-. vswwumua Aiaica VI v tX4- AM - ... Kill . . s.. llUO LUPtXW7 VH aal3 SJX1 IAJ 7 J V IVA "3 1M l Ul ? U European ports on the subsidy V o annual industry and to suporess tattle d steamers to plan, and concessions have been made to an other company with a view to 4eBtabiishing a Pacific service. At a timewhen the Mexican treasury is empty, snd the government is' mov ing heaven and earth to' borrow a few millions abroad to enable it to. tMn Ant nt h.vr.n,. w mmmirimm ui,h(wju n ace newjunes of railway, it is foUxto recUess pledge ill credit for the promotion of visionary speculative projects. ' Without more economy our neigh bor wiilbe compelled to make an assignment. ana ln .inai event. 'hcle Bam wiU ba tha as. i i- - J . " eases. lhree President. messages were received from the Tbe am rem ntneutrod the an- Km iur snaa iroai a rywttoaU. ill tad. hear yerplank PoinK ' Jf. y. . i : ;v ' THlRfi was a drmi ait V -; f Ccmti U West Da. Paw, Vok 8nrtm, in a recent article, takes tha position tha V the mind, like ihamus des and other physical organs, is strengthened by exercise, and that there is no culture ithin ! propriatioa ot WM ,SJ6 to settle the avrards toade by the French and American Claims Oommiflsion. The second recommended tha appropriation of $25,000 - to pay the expenses while in this country of the embsesy from Biam which is soon to arrive here. The third rerommended the appropriation 6f $l0,0OJ to jay the Bxpeng 9 of th aprroa hing Inter hauonairconferen?e at VV aihington to $x a meridian proper to be employed as a common sera of longitude - thpoughout the , globe. The messages were - referred lhe bill to rttablish ; a bureid " of labor statistics was amended ;and passed, It provides for the establishment of a bureau, ot labor statistics in charge of a coraiius skmer at a salary of f3,!W),"Who shall acquire sil useful information upon the subject of. the reach of the! human totellert. sufficiently of promoting tbe mater.aL x;ial, intf;ll9cUii and moral prosperity or laboring men and wofln..- J la is auttioriaixi to employ sadb taif yes its twlnay 'deem ttc-isssary &tr the working of the bureau, 1 provided that tha. total expense shall not exceed f2),C00 per annum. - - . : ; - Mr. Mutchler moved to pass a bill repealing the Bections of the revised statutes restricting the terms of tertaiu Presidential appointees to four years; - Th appointees referred to are district attorneys, territorial judges, survey -oxs-general, registers and receivers, collectors and surveyor j o' crs', rrts. and presidential postmasters. . The motion, after ronsiderabJO deuate, was ki. toiU was peve (WW 'rig a bureau oi naHg-arion hi t lis' treasury !f paitn:ent. . ,:A uni was.;pa'rtii i rovicl nt ;M: JTAMIS yr. k irnHA A E W. MABTrjf, B.; Principal. . ! - ( - MIS8 BESSIE MAS. p. U. h . THflrlrinTrm will twin afaodar. Jaaaarr T, 18SA. - . roitkin, par month, (1. SS, and $li saaaia aztxa, 4. ' Contingent fas, $1.00 pa.- uuun. w ,t,-,-BonnllOr-SH per month. :. ' B iartkor partionlara appl Wtb Friaeipal. , 1' ,WHAT SOLaUEKS?' clothes cost. Leaa Than Ttrt Haadred Dollars Alfawed :. : -' ler Flva loarsV ; ' A prrv owan ne in afsJ con ate soldier in the United States 4.rrny! reeeiyes 13-aN mouth, Tatkma.' medical attendaneei foil pay wljea 'atok, fc'iijeiision ' if disabled, and a certain If '. . t All 1 III I - - co oi cioimug. me pay u um all branches of the eervioe, tut illowanoe -! of clothing materially TbA ; anMiar .nlintA, for .- iiv ' At the start he ia iornished -with ipiete outfit, whieh is renewed,. with the exception ! el great-coat, at least once--daring the ;tinie he has to setve. His helmet hae to last him until the third . tear, when he gets another one. .( lie is given a fatftge cap annually ; a uuiform coat the nrsv seoond, and ' fourth years, three pain of trouaers the Ursii nun wiiu, auu twu ihixb ua aoowuu,! ronrtn, ana mca, mauog ipun ia au, ' Ele veto dark bine flannel BhMs,'15 Under-' hirts',' and 15 pairr of drawers are ez peoted to last the five years. He has a pair 61 boots; two pairs of shoes, and five pairs of stockings each year. 7 Each year he has a blouse, and, if he is an en gineer or a mounted man. a pair of over alls; . I He has to content himself with a woolen blanket the fire t year, and another the thud, and with two rubber blankets. or, if he- is a monntod man, rubber .' rxmchbis. during the five rears. v Fifteen - white Berlin cloves are deemed neces sary to cover his hands each year, rights or leffe, whichever he may need. It he ia on duty in extremely hot climates he may have a cork helmet uistead of a , campaign hat,!" in" his first and third ! 'years;jor if . hfli. is whew he heeds arctic overshoes or mittens, he is- eiven one pair of the former hi his first and ttiird. years land two pairs ot, ne latter every . . . .Theivalue of the clothing allowed eacl man Yariea each year, and depends upon . the " rfnk - and duty of the man. A Sergeant in the Signal Corps gets $68.17. worth the first - vear. 84a 60 the. seoond. ! 43,10' the" third" ?i0. 60 the fourth, and ;? 3a.90Hthe "fifth- making ta total; of ; ' 8223. 26. .sr, This ia the largest Amount ' allorwed ' trx-vany enlisted man A, chief ; trompetei Kotaref worut or tne five yeiarsf and a private in. ther artUlery , or linfanoy, lt.ou vyma,' apparently is held to pe wonn Tnore tnan moseie. ? v IL man does not draw all theeloth ' . ing lOibwed Iii1i'the;'value of tha re '0.-;-''ipatfo1ti ?.?of .' "his "r'tenxi, Bexaiimg. Handsomer Than: JSver 16 W BEING t PufiilsBtl Hew York CltVi 'ih-.n-. ; v.- .4-; I -----1 - . r -- ..u-. .. . . . . . -rArt'&i, 11 LIABLE GOODS, CORRECT STYLES ! Guaranteed. ivr-'0'--t? . If . -. - -"r-r r'sf-.-k-' '.-?' r. pdNSTAKTLTIN STOCK A KICE ASSOBTUENT OF ..i : ,'::-r - i .- ' liH 10 FAUCI ii. ;. jU ,-.ti ., '' -' '--: . &B0CEB! ' ... Flour, Meal Meat and Salt; Sugar, Ooffee and Tea,' Butter: and Lard, llolajses, by ' the car load,'from New Orleans', and Canned Goods in great Tariety,- -' -.. J -1 v. ..-JjjBoyW aila Watt Hows, Steel Ilows, Btoea and piWWM --:t.. 1 ela, ' Hames, Traces tod Collars; Bridles, Sad- Everything Heeded by an Acricultu riot. si dles, Lines, Backhands, etc., and - ! MB. I I I (' i---" S -ri : 'Hi -ft. S- t ii tas ! fcit-'' -- ?. a - ail -II IS "Eclipse" Cotton Seed Planters, Thoniai BTairQwa- Pee Dee PlaJd. Bxwkinghsin BheettBgy MjnsVSnhfC,- ,4 F;.-tSMtBtJSpob):OolW'Bd HorsefotdV JbeaoT repaaon at. pnees axtrema tei evm-Uimar tVa rmm n..t I ; v'nvsieal and. mental d(hwatimaaA. mits, bu he is not willing to attribute them to tin excess of mental culture. On the contrary he believes they are caused by physical agen cies, such as alcohol, th various forms of nar cotic drugs, and pessibly tobacco, tea and cof fee. -These things are now within the reach of an classes, and they are more extensively used than ever before. This fact would seem to bear out the doctor's view that the Increase in mental diseases is due to physical rather than to purely mteUectulcu. ' i T we denude our" Una and slopes of the for ests which form their natural protection, in less than fifty yars we may expect to see half of the south Atlsntio states reduced to a sterile area The rainj will wash ' the soil front the hilltops first, and then from the slopes. The rered with loam and clay wfltbe laid bare, andLJSf .t the rays of the sun and increase the summer heaTsKJCS will blow unobstructed over! the country, and every change of the wind will cause an abrupt change in the temperature. The rainfall will be diminished and become irregular. : Periodi cal freaheta will carry away the best part of the soil, even from the valleys. These unavoidable results of the further devastation of timber are pointed out by all writers of forestry, and history is full of warning examples. ' -, W may say what we please about a literary style: but it must be admitted that women are far ahead when it comes to letter writing.' Ths" fetters of such famous women as. Xme. de Se vlgne, Mme. Becomier, Mme. Boland, Lady Hary vTortley Montague, Miss ItnaseU and oth ers are unrivaled and unapproaohed by any existing efforts of mala pens. Women of or dinary intellectual capacity write " charming letters, witty, jaunty, dashed with the individ ualism of the writer, and characterised by the vivacity, piquancy, tact, grace and personalty eommon to the gentler sex. Fortunately logic has aO place 1n letter' writing, and. a woman may be as fresh, natural and gossipy as she pleases.: Of iate years it! has- been remarked that the women who suooed to Journalism are generally correspondent. ; The letjer. will jUk ways oe an nnportaut feature n terature arid ,in journalism. .It is eonversaaon on paper, ited snows full play for egotism and arrogaoe. There are no rule or WpositloB io Barap.; One. j There is simply an expression of facts and opinions in the most taatural way, ' ' ; ktr tnA fietwsen ,fhe Arthur iuad) the Wains faations at, the Hew ork Jt.f pu' lican Btato convention, held in t ticss .VihatTiJL'Qr aeoaiitiott twejn t Ji end ith&,fi nuflds meiw fhr.deleg-,ts at larg. lAvVte "i -dmiiBds were -el tie I the 4' tonal flon- enfon tV voses ran.nRioma5 htof J. .: taOr.viti' r ie.ei; a , JM3 vq es nve. less tnan' a majority of theconvention. 'Judges Andrews (Republicany and Rajaitoj (Demcerat)t wars) renominated for judets of he court 0( ap peals without!! a divisioB. PrcsideatW eleo! tors wera chosen, and a new State committee Was appointed,' The latter is divided between the Utoe aud : Arthur- men.. U'he jlatfonn .aPDEOTOg the , administratiba. of . President Arthur, sdvoeatss protectioh. opro9' sfu;'tbe' silver coinage, and favors Federal eidiar ed. hca ional pm-pce. f rv,-t,' -, r ;' Kew Jkbsey OnbaVkersl at their Stistoj cmventii n in Trenfr;n,' t lee ed f ourdeHSgatss at 1 irge : and.- f otrrts a' d stii t deleito; to the ati nal jSrcenb ck, convention, t eld in 'ndianap n's kfav iD. AB the deleaces X&vor Ge ral Eiit sr.f Or I resident r . .:, - UkmsTKUcmD dekgates to the national, Convention were choren by the Connecticut . Bepubl can htate eon en ion at Bar ford, and resoltifious were a 'opted prais'ng 1 resi dent Arth r, and de larhig that if cc asirn ahouli arife t.e delegation would meet the unan mous sen injent of iheRep blicaapar y of tie tate by pr sentinx the name of fceia tor L awley as aiididate for i resident. ; s Jqhjj H. Dxake, a ew : York lawyer, arid the largest b ilde- of house) m the c ty h s faLe-t ioc $ o:',uoo, e'hiei trected otst ' l,t.0 buildings in the ut er pr.rtottha city, andS,KX n.en' hi-, e been em-preyed at oae t-me on . his stnK tures. ' ilia , as eta a: thought to bo large.y in eicessof bis labili ties ; Mr. -Tea as is p m nvfy ,identi'ed With the Baptise churca, and ljas.p:stn edtO i siihitwrisconnected W.th thatdenoiniiiaLon Over ajUu.OlU' ' " ' -1 - 1.--" - T l n ;lfeh sldop-ot-war Alrt, rjresehted. to ine 1 n tea cwiei y 'jo unu a ..guv.cw men. has srrhBd at th . 1 rooklyn h-ryy V id. 8 e iB the stron-est vessel ever bnur iorheEngli t na y.and in J 87f wjnt lurther -I uiv fc-ie Arci.lt; r ions lxu&u out uuici v had ever been. Tha Alert will a com any the other essiis the Thet s and rhe Bear-rv- as a supply whip i t the search for Lieutenant GiyAr.ttj-4rrptdidcVnv-- t r Maink -Grat'nlif ''kV ii einbl dfein .i"tate con enMon at 7 wi tfca, noaflnatei- s t.fl ti-ji et heided by Dr.- H..B. , J-.'aton, for , go4' amor u ke fo r del s ate- at arge to ihe ri t vna o.i eut n hi jndiin i oli adopted a r.i o . tii n a oriUK the nomi itt.ion o-Ten ' eral bi t or f dr2i r ndent, and realSra-ed ttia' patformot hthi Bo'conT,ntojf0iu, Onk of thi large Fail-River-tMaafeTttoh mills aanaonj, Mil.:'Ko .ilI--aai iMen 1 nrr.a t to the -round . .The fire, :a Isun osed to ha e beau ot incto Tary origin, Sa a-hore . Kr(-lr mrtir-tuni UMI 1tt Ifwxi-.'. eight lest wile, and was 'five storteshigh. It had it ,1K 0 f.pindle ; and J5'i looms. . :The mm bvu0j "8 JftFe amount o ;nnisnea cijpu m u tiauuu. Tue mm and AiMierj-"were'f taluei- a - GoVxniroB CviiAw'hastign?d tbe flf pa d by tbe New York legislature prohibit. inj the manuiaccure ex oieoniargarino. . - ' ; '-' roreiga. . : Qi'EEiv v'tCTORiiis a,'aitt a grandmother, rer daughter-ii-law. t a i)iw hess of Mm; burgh, having, been deliver. -J of adaugbt r. A steAmkp. rouiduiii? 4m refuge' from i' CtevaJ GltDVrAV,i of Cakota, haa beet: indicted- by the Onited States s raud jury at Yankton on a charge of corruption m county egaaJjtatirjiL'-x;.u.r' j, JrixwMABTrjriTWa.arircmclown.i.Ixtv .three .years oli iell, dead ot heert disease wnne p er.orming in tie riug Dei ore a tent mu Cf people at Daytaj, Ohkx . ; a . ABOO;StlO Seet OY fco washed on the Centra PjBcincrsJlroadaearTruckee, .CaL, fell and' fienlTj covering a working train and a num ber f Cbhv. S'-iftbtirers. -JSix Chinamen were killed and five mora Sartduely h'JTt." " ; i r JBiO bi wel's have been discovered near Ma- rietta,Ohio, and FpacUlators are flo.king to mat secco i in, droves . am buying . or leasr ihc tha land for miles around.- a V ' HxATt rains cajsetii partial inundationdf the tarth; The town staBds oa an immense hill, which is tmdennuied hit several laree coei mines. . A lew days siaije people were startled fry ooserfcng tneu houses and varaa suuong into tne grouna, ana nasiuy bount eafe quarters.-. ; .;,,-, xf- ; ? ... . Th t dies of the 105 violins of the Pocal hontaiVa.) rhine "disarteir have all been i- .p9VfSl&?.ttf. l.y ' v'-!,"! f' HtB.StrtBRT.recelydeceaVed, lea vis by iwuiOver at ,009,003 X tha city, of Ooveland, Obis,, fcr the jarjipoe of bitilding an art gal lfry, and $s03,00a W the Cleveland City hos pital, ..-. . i.yj-v-;- .l ThK MissslppI Bepubfean State conven tion at J ackscn elected dcle-atesnkt-large who .it':' "ly Offers of Marriag ! Hugo Schenk, the monster in numatt forns whonrordered twenty ferrantgirlsm Austria and bis actmplice, Schloesarek, have bsejfc'.'f-, hanged InVieni Austria. -'. iTVv'j !. 8chenk, his brottr-Carl and Schkssareie - for a long time p irsueO the calling ot anrdarj-, f''' ' as a regular trade and fojrthe past three years lived toui'iously on the profita ot blood, .:Tis Schenks, Saeelana by birth, are the sons Wf .j. Judge, who caussd Aetn to be well educated J. . How they .firrt took tola der is not known, but the Viend aoiboritise; have discovered that'lihey sd4k'them-j ; -! selves with ScbJoffiarek, a crauTmedvcrinil naJ , and ' with several other bad j . 1 fcT'ser5uts whonavw saTcd money ::tO.ttJ wiimtheto;pA :ajJ)l-" a.' nutm-ioA Vm.v. flninn f -rTv'V-'-H ran -. Aj." , i iv '"L-rt.-V .-I- 1 j. : WmiV ant U inoB (Hr- rounded by sWsrms of rebels, wrbniassacrei everybody on; brard. ; jy'.:kr . Advtckb tta'e that Kassala, ypt, i? sur rounded by b,0Q0 leb'i's whofira Lito the town ni htlv. . Omim Iigna, with 2:000 of the False Prophet's . t o.low irs; ropO. tji to. be again throatenin? Stiakiav ni t-Ma-, tacks that town nuntero js neutrals wdl jom himasainrtthehatel Bsyptiaqs, v ; , 4. . $t ; Ms-V. woineri andthildi-en to the number v . a v.v TT1 Mahdi's Arabs SS?pafreeofpo . . . . .SMtoS: ofBhendy.- wi.tinn Wll wifk fidiMj-A aniAlwl. 1 -r ' ' 1. I Li'4.u-4iAA arm f9 months ' oT more in i the military ot naval . service of . the United - States In aiy war, and who. by reason -ot- injuries or daease originat-'ng in that servi?e. are un abto, in whole or in part, to earn a living by, manoal la xw, shall b j entitled to a pension. .'...Bills were introduced for tha creation of a suk cu tare bureau; to reduce tha tax on brandy dbtiUed from fruits; granting a pen-. . sioa to the widosv of Co; nmander le Long to tax tbe manufacture and rale of o'.eomar- garinev: so promote ean-aaon by carrying au ot Tns horrible performances of the fanatical sect known as the Penitents, when they cele brated Holy. Week in New Mexioo, baffles de scription. That such cruel self-tortures should be permitted in a ciyihzed country seems incredible. On Easter Sunday the Penitents initiated a neophyte, a boy eighteen jears bid. The boy was first rammed" into a pair of tin pantaloons. A sharp punch was then used to perforate the ; tin iike a grater, driving the tin intothe flash. at each blow.!; After this the victim was stripped to the wais;', dressed in t pair of cotton drawers and " marched throuca the streets. . He was flogged all -the way bya stalwart Penitent until the Wood ran' down hk back. .But this Is hotting: 'A short time ap the Penitents of Bio Arriba county tied one if their number with -his own consent to a block of iron and threw him into the i river jr hew he was drowned -amid shouts i of frenzied dsliaht from his friends and ndatives. In Taos eountyi in wan i-emtent - was tcraciaed becsusa he begged to" die hv that ray,;; The rliglou frenxyof these people is' simply Insanity. Tha Catholics of Newrjdexico are -endeavoring to itampont:: tha3Penite,nt8but; they .ar mot meeting with much success. It is supposed the aact'priginated in Spahl, and was driven! out at the time bf the revolution, ! , j -V-.-i,-.. cbani .ffici, the most -colossal orim.; mat tris jnodentbnes is now. ba, nroeress. 'k'lif charged wM,wMip, iBRinofr pi; raeaaia seorat social, ' SI.r'.' -- 1 1 . Mil ( I J I 'a---il.f; I UahA IU1Z1L1 1 A. A';1 art ' " .liaaJII IJI II. W I UI1 aTWlUMaB OJUruiU' -cd back from the conmuVl ..SZWS- non-concurrence was V-";a-ohiected to,, and both bills were referil to theemmitteo t.hiniA TKa viaas oatesteu ore. case Ot Wood apart Pe'ers was decided in favor o! Pete:a, thting member. - - j Fo-ir repirta wortubmi.d ion the pro po lwomtn,sttiT"cohstt utionalaTieni ment, the majorit report bain? .alye,Be...-. Tbe fc'o ae conci Jed u tbe Senate omnanc aTjrhdments tatr naval' a- propria' ton b ji and re; s id to ca ur in'ther aenateamand-: merits.... The 8rat amsndmenU to tte postofnee appToriation bili were non-co-curredin . . r. ' ' - .. ... THE BAiXEUPTOT IWa .. - - . l aopats tfce Bill Fstabllshlng ' t'nlfertwyf tem o Bankruptcy. The bill etiabli'ibing uii'orm system of Dankrupt throughout the country passe 1 the Cnit- d?tates ' Senate by thirty-two yeaf to STventeo nays. . ' -.: g . " The biTla passed constitutes the ; several , distri t cn-tB of th United Etatos and of the Territorit and tbe supreme court oi the t)la trict of (olnrabia courts of baukruptiy. For the ptirpsea of bankruptcy tha courts shall He alwajji o;eh 'X'.''-: :fcKh:H . Qn t ap.li- ation of jany party interested edisrf?t judge may certi"y any question of liw lrvdved to th) United States circu t. 'eourfe: The decision of the c rcjitcoirt aha 1 not ty reviewed by the supreme court, ex pt ujorja certificate of diaagreemsnt between tbeWoclrc it ju ti es. -i-s ; Tm bill authorizes the circuit court in each udcial district to appoint coarmissioners wia shall have the ponejs of the mastv in chuv ery ; also a sup3rvisor in bankrupt y fr each judicial circuit to examine into the eimin stration of bankruptcy pro eedings in lis circuit. - Every . t.arty retitionirg for aankruptcy shall pay $30, aad ' every trustee shall pay one per cent o'. -the gross amount reai edfrom the assets, and every debtor miking a, compo itkm t hall pay one-half of one per cent, on tt amount of sux h compo sition. These fees are to be paid by the derk Of the court into tha treasury of the Unite 1 States, , ' ' :. Any person owtpg debts-exceeding $30i and unable to pay may. by petition, apply to be adio-Uca'd bankrupt, and e tiling of such petition smaU bo deemed an act of bankraooy. Any-pcrcon owing debts ex ceediag" Jf :,000 waa leaves hia State to avoid his crstiitors or ccnceals himself to avoid arrest MW a srtrrice of fiegal prooesa,- or malcos a frau nlent transfer of his property, or suspends payment of his commercial jtaper or open acounts for thirty days after the same ere die and payable, or, who mahes a fraudulent priferenca,i shall be deemed to hare, committed an act of bankruptcy and may be adjudged ; a bankrupt on petition ot three or more of hia oredttorr whoa bills vouldauttountinaUtotilca r ' -fi; UTira bill excepts and tempts ia favor of the bsnkra.rt tbe necessary and proper war ring poaxel of himself and Xainiiyand a jch Cyber property as may ba exempt r jm attachment hvthslawaof tha- United. State J. or - ot tha Statela which- the bantrupt-y ixcedihgs nre instituted, and the courts -may, from, tnos asiot auow cne pansxops a nii u . IamI sm:i fr hia i.'.ima t.; nendinr the pro- ce!iig9. If his ;lrcumstanoe require lt, jfeasoaable wages for any srytoes iPOff1 ' hia t.t At tt, vtuuest o bfci t-.vBtae and th 1 usual fees whan attending as a,wioies favor Artbmr, V-'ftf...- The MiiiapttKerAuicans.at th'dr Btate convention in jackeon. elected unpledze4 delegates to, the Chicago convention, ytw't Dearie a a fit of insamtr William Austm", of Allen countv. Kv.i threw two of h:'s little cbildreu into the fire and stood by while they burned to death." Hk wife seisoa their third child from its cradle and fied to tha wovxia. , The election in Louisiana lias resulted in a victory for the Democratic liciet hraled bv McEnary for governor, by .about 20,000 ma jority. .--V-- i ' '' - Kekatob MaHowk was at the head of af fairs in Iho Virginia Coalition convention, held at RicbmOad. The p'.atform adopted declared emphatically for: Arthur and pro tection, and announced that the name of the party: hereafter Would be tha Republics n - , i . . , i - - . . . - , . pany, an i mat. ii wowu acv in me future with the Rerublican party in national poli ties.; ?. Tv.'i.' " i '.'; At the To w a Democratic Btate convention IB Is lintrkn the ftnr delegates at large chc sen for tbe national convention were un- instr jC ed. hat are understood t be lor . Til fen. ,v ,'iuepiaworm aaoptea c pp. sea prjni- A FIRI in Cincinnati destroyed all but. a small portion of tha A inert an Oak - Le ther tan- ery buildin.s, the largest est bli hment of its kin d m the world.: There Were 4-",00J hide in the factory. Four hrndred per. ona nref tbrown out of impi yment and the pe cuniary lefts is t boat 40J,O0O. i ; . Th Dakota Eeoublican Territorial con mention ele tel Elaine dCieeates to Chicaeo. and adopvea a,resoiaaoa m?tr acting .tnem to vote for Blaine an 1 Lincoln aa long as there wasaptaibiity Of. their nomicadan. .. u At the 1 icbiean. XU o ibiioan ' e onrer tion, held in Grand Kapma, de'egates for (di the dati icts In the Statwor e:t -d for .he Cfci- cagoconyen ion. AHLntroir oi tht) t enty- eigbtaeititatMsareior rj.ame. . , - j Tjsk Ohio Republiusn convention at Cleve land nominated a State ticket, four delegates at larger to- tie-Xoaga oouvention, - and presidential electors; , IheidelegatjaAt large are divided between Sherman' and Blh'nx' The aiternates ehpaen. were all colored men., Ine plat. orm adopteq lsouisoosen lor protec tion. ' J. Kobinsoaxor secretary of state ueaaa uie ouue acaet nununavta, : . . , U j.' ti.' BTMtows.of Hichizan. who "was re cently nominated and con rmed as sclicite r ot the tr. asury, h;s written to the President ssttfot afjiirjheriWJoe; --' -i- ' - i. PATHETI0 J0UENAL. I.aat .Words of Dr. Ambler, of. tha . -- . jeannette'SxpediUan ; -The 'ournal of Dr. Ambler, surgeon of the Jeannette expedition,- was mtroduced in evi dence d urine Lieutenant Danenhowwr'a ex- ftminafon bc'ore the Hmw comTnitLee ot in j (.tiirj-a. Washington. Tbe. doctQjtojrjaal i.5iiM.'Ji3i.f.J8w ""T hf hrxtr whan tM 1 IY)7fl. corpses o Commandrr DeLong aad hia com- anions were.ro ."orow. uj .wviit t'on. - The last entries in the diary are- at ,8uiroA:r, 9th October, lL Te"ttrday without food, except the jdcohoL ' The cap tain spoke of giving the man option to-day of making their way as best they could; th'at he Qui 1 not keep, cp. . ,T lite osurred h,th morninp, when he had made two miles that we had to retraca, I told him. if gave uj I took command, and that no, one should leavehim as long as I wai alive.' ' I then sug gested that we send' two , msnaHead to try and make the settlement, and' that we make -the beet of our way jjvithMhe rest of ot pariy. t This was -done. Htaaerman ana 1 Noros are ahea-1.' lied eiva them aid and from Ms wifeneSurec jrach,. Ww,Mf tisements. sometimes uhdor ' piticotbeing'; h:H ' an engineer in receipt o? a good salary nct,; fx: occasionally as a wealthy aristocrat, with cotwr.i.; ft ' tompt for class prejudices, - He would meea.'J the girls by appointment, and,! after paying, y court to them for a few days or wea,induoe; ; "th ri'lv. truatine- creatures ' to draw" their, v s - money out of the bank, and, so provided, ae-f y ' coiriDftTtv mm on a wumey kx eei narasoj . i, Hugo Schenk would get out at some roman- , 4,; tin rvt. w kuvrn lin kavi arraUired that his ac- ' nmntiiuachmil v, in raaniTuac. and -tarether . they would strangle or shoot the gift eecuret ( , her property, conceal her body jand rewrn f quickly to town, as if notMnghadhappenedJ -vv regular busineM of killing. -l ' . . - ----rJR--l t A man somewhat of Hugo's stamp; was Otvj f. ;. train, struggling with & womai, xuirttar irotrt t : sUiwaDiirg. on me x oruaern aim a.j vrfwavy r a awaa . a-VA'-. n-a-M aVlA V.-;1. ma. - ine passengers were sure imj , i in the act of raising hiaarm to stab j:V lan.with a dagger which be held m hi .f, i--, man wnmui wit-h a dniro-ftr hand. Vuif; whithi rnlice arrived at Ul fcOOU .; indicated, both were gone, leaving not a 'fracef i behind. Schenk afterward admitted that BO ;? did murder a woman In that rieighborhood. 1; There is little doubt that he killed a great, s U ; many women beside those, whose 'disappear; 4 ance has been reported to tbe police. - Jwo j f ; are accounted tor m May, ooiwTOuuiaira ..- ( fnnr TCoba' rnrfchir- and at the time the , : ' i house of Schenk hao no fewer than ars on ir-r oooks, witu au or.yrawui - ,v corresponded in lovelike terms, while the ; timsnv which was toiead to their BTaveS, ri-i , pened. JSad these Austria thugs ooat&tue(t to conduct tnenr mgntxm spa wqiduiww,-?..,;, trade with ordinary prudence they iW;;;j, still at large; but one of thrtn, havhig .luUe;? a servant girl, had the audacity to, take bank book to the postoffice, with the obj t- The Woman had been missed. Suspicion wasj'ij A naturally aroused: at the. poetoaca; and .the" S three principal members of the firm were con- "i -V- . sequentiy arrested. "The Bchankbrother3acl"' -f I tScaloamrez were placed ontnai on iiwwu ; q or tass moRia snu ouhticici auu TOuirauvw death. The sentence., of. Cari Schenl,,yh eeem? to have been'bnt a tool iu the bands of. ,thetwoardrJe,?w4UvpropaW muted toimnrisonmant ror iue. un arau j ; ; t m the -three murderers fcUaded ' erdeauatrji iTvnrmijtav.n' .. . .5 ..' . . :. . ' .1 " The methed of feraOg hi. Austria ia somewhat peculiar xl'persona are allowed to witness the execution, which tab place m'a?sial'corarddonh1ef prison. Ai post .about eight feet,high ia -erected in the center of te vard. At the tout : of the post, is a small hook and a tbe bqttoml 5 j a pulley. The condemned man is brought! U - -- but atT- OVJtook in the -morning precisely! W and placed, with his back against one of 'th--rv posts.- fie isiiptt ' wuwooiaeowanr-rxoOT. w ;i i him the troops and spectetwsform an irtWH M. ;? .i; lar serai-circte, wmie in ine censer swwa, judgaof the last court oTajipeaL In brdia mnminor ilnwi Afta anrnA little 'time is mr.lfid bv tbe read'nc of the sentence; a ur- nal i? given by . th public prosecutor, for, the ? execu'ion to proceed, i Two steps are placed . at the foot of a post, which the condemned is,. W AAa y nunni: t, ia linr'a lwinnr t.Hoil-nin . ioned to his left thigh, i Tee wmh Btsouwwev - s': tuen mounts a raider, ;.ana. zaiang; cjui ol ni c, it -v.--.' i pocket a ro( e with a lonp'at.bfatJMf! fyT . " 'fj ;j t-a nirtlM Ufa Mir. tiefctens ft.-'. Mean---v r!- ! with anoth T ro e, an 1. pas .big it - throughX' the ra:l er: keens th" other end In hia-1 1 . . - .... j - -, - Xaechiet executioaer tAl with ttt nA, Ctf coitaemnaa; uhbi ov wj -i i" other end in bia 'handw leVthen givesttie. signal",, :!) of another aristanii, JUe;, 1 bis nee'e about sx iuches and hanged on tha hoo'c at the top ot the post i ne aCTenaa.Tiii ; holdinx the rope attached to hia legs, annul- p a'jes his hands on the erinvnar mouth ancl -s ,. eyes, sscnv n ami Dviuvostuea. uub . ., to this manner, t . . - . h '.-Va- mA ?A f. t.hA ' tt vitnrmta war. -Tnlnp oteveuS . . T 7 a 1.1,., fi'I nirr ! mw ntHiisr alnne. TheraBtain: cave t i . . i -H j . TrH-.irF arwi - iur MnfiAii rT -romp Bninu .mvna. u lb a iae.iio a o' tai Catholi;,Uo iJgP o- o1 V Miousns pay nuiiy raiunw w nu . R liaiSeL: fi3"sof for.oaaeiinks -: and tbe main body i or the present. Lee w rtrfla r-alforlr LabouthrokenI-rwt- Alex has shot thrba rri..ir.7"" ; T . ."""-v. -l-Brouas tor fcols atd nd we ,wi have some. lauaa w.rauBv x .:. .... , .tiiAtf j-lfi w" .-. f. j '.; n.r'rJrman m iroine on at the I n-ir -,... to . i Bidali cir ns strncrtnre fe'J in lhihts were musical:md DRA8IATIG "S I Johit T. Bathowd will WmTaperrormantjs w going on at we i "w.ctob r, I3.,18n.-rTVehye m ' tux narest, tae rout t v i - -A Tdst Y f nndar tacept one 1 in BWi. tiw spectators, f "j" ; "Vof al oho", om dra-of glw rtoeyea-. M ir b alondav tnu aocavr:-' - . . . . " . -ir V. nXai-rihiA nTii rniind. which was tncreasea by an outbreak of fire Five dead bodes and 100 wounded were carried from the spot, and many people were reported missing., s ,v Hugo Schesk and Karl Sdilossarek, who murdered twenty servant girls, were hanged In Vienna. Bobtery was the incentive to tbe murctors, tha, victim's being- in every case in duced by bchenk, tmder promise of marriage, to accompany him with their savings to some lonely spot, wnere tn?y were. iumui- . of the way. , . -.. .- ...'.;:.';"'; ; ' ' WrDBSPKEAt) contcriation, teVcral latalfc ties, and great damage to property have re sul ed from a severe euthuaka shock ( in the eastorn eounties of England. . ln - d.0 t iwns p.xjple rcshe ifrom their houses in ter ror as buUdings, steeples, towers and chnn n m were -sent trashing to the grbund; the earth tremb a t per- cpbly f or mi e around, and in one town CoaAesfr r several stree s -r,Ac.rvA dune arrius to lfaSc BO I 0117 HMBiwuw---(.-; . - . rm. . tue ' v.. had the -buildings tren shatterei. shock was distinctiy felt in Lcnrlon. ". ;' Waahingtea. i ; . . THe Hous9 committee on reform decided to report adversely the bills for the repeal of the civil service laws and to reduce tha salaries of the President,' cabinet oldals, Judges of the supreme court and Congressmen. -j :. ,. I EEriffiSKiTAisBosicitA.Kahasrrepawd an amendm?nt to the pension appi-epriaticm bill, providing that paymasters of the army" shall be detailed to act as pension agents. ' , Gknrrai. HAXKN,'ichief signal offlcer, has" decided to establisli a signal station in Ala ka at the head of Bristol bay. 4 This will enablo. Observations to be made of-the, great tilal waves that roll in upon the coast at that place, as well as of the currents and the ordi nary meteorological conditions. ' y. : ' " BT a resolution of the Senate the coihmfsii rioner of aii-jultne aud the teewtarv of the c-mithsonian institute have been admitted to the floor of that body fCl'-'M' Bv resolution of the Senate the United Ttatea has f ormaDv re oznfced the African TntAmational asjoeiation. which by this act becomes to this etyvar ry one of the eetab lished governments or vae woria. ims assor ointinn hniwed in ooenlne UDto commerre the valley o:-" tbe Congo in Africa, and tbe president is the king of eeijium. wnue ma chief exenitive officer is Sstanley. the ex rioawr. 4 It has already acquired muA teTi- tory anil established many stations in Afrt a jwuwvtarv. ot statel in a commumcattoa mte on the production and eonsumi iluirwwneat and other cei-ealssays that, tha 1nited States should b d;hw tt;wp "d-'riiig A,..mt vJ!, fnr ifJaJOJKK). buphels Of nbf agamst.l00opvbushe6 :Awb other wheoihgrowin counlries. and, that it .rarrthat the'' tjnited- fctetesr-msfi of lg:corol!U 1idukl b nbUjo ctwtro ctiTtiw. . tm; o. lavfn tv&ii othr Washing 77; ' . , .-. C?L.J Mill Fa n mnEUttUT. ua man fW"B'p w y. sav on. , , , -t . ' 1 .) v - pnsstoaTrr1 AfcTHtja hawppomtod "Robert D. tiraham, Of f01ta .VarotJiaj'serrBjary ot snd enow against a v We he been lylngm hollow to thjilrver D-mT. : -j-.. . - - :-r October 18, 18S1. Alex died last night of exhaustion from hunger and expo " f " Tr ,.. , XHOBSDAT, Oetob-T , 198L Edrd Ambl-r, Esq., Markhim Postof : "flee, Fauquier County. Va. - ' '- " ' My1 Diab bBOTEia: I wrote these ew fines, kn th j faint hope thit byGod s m3rct futrro-ideacj they may rjach youaU at, kom4 i have myscslf now vcrv Jitt e no-ieot Eurrivhig. We have b en without food lor nearly two wee' s, with the exception otfour piarmegsns among eleven hands ofona man. w mr. ina lor ili umu i . : "hianoloL We ear barely manage to get r L. J woolioughnqwtokewarm?ana&y 2-' or ttvo th ;t wiU be passex l write w J slli-hiy mother, eistar, brother Cary and nil wife aad i anuly to assure you o.. -w deet Wl'now "aii4-nave"ajya twrjwywalf . . 1 fit. M Va liawa slllill KiiaaDeen.iijoas wi wnrnv w w- ou aH again, t naa nopeu r"VV rwtw knows how nif heart has. beer bound to hers since inV arliast years. . Ooo bless her on eartn-anu : vrma peace and comfort ;aay His blessing res noon von alL- As for myself. I am resigned . aiitt Dow my neao-m - wS. My love to my t istor and Brother Cary Ood's blesaing on them nd you. , To j all tnj friends and remtioBS a ong wdL IA the Howards know, l wBV"" Jf 5" last, and let Mrs. Pe nun also know that sw Ind'Ter nieces cre ,tomailyte-mi thought God in His ijamto mgrarf ai.ai Hnoo -mnv Tljrh TOIL I WrltO tUOl . faith Landfidence out act all summer; t tlr 'Manitoba is his July objective pointy ; ! ' Rosa France has been engaged ;byj ; lence Ban ett as soubrette lor-next sea' - jBcAuSBBT'' nW:.M . A ViKov n.. ftinn a.n v other SUti" ' . ii , his company, BARByjtOBB. ontkeroad actress BatthtMe'-sviBaot'At th m-$:9'i'$ theatre, wjXork, aexa av.f JkUUUS V JUI4JUHAJA j V JVV W, - rUrrWiTi laaaaa iMmnlitf All ' S.c riOV ;"Wrn(.l.' i j.i- ) cratorlo, -which is entitled "Mors t ml' and, is a sequl.to-the:?Redemption - ,TH foresC scene m '-jaay ipiosnom, -pe ., j formed at the Madison Square W-satre, Ne . V Apfc' ha a nutnter of artincial birdJ: flrin'T J; and - smeimr. all operated by wires, in the, ' hands ot one man. ; - yf'.yiV J.-a as pretamtod to i th 4i ! Wales durin r the per- formince of "My Swe theart" at the itoyat - ; Bti-and theatre; j Loudo Juarcn at, c Palmer sails for JJewiYorTt August lat.-r-V-?-'. -"! AlXbara Bernhardt demainoiforaa AmcrJ V-'-'i. lean tour next season i $L200 for herself for r?, I each performance; alsa, all her expenseafmtt -".v : Paris and back, and hotel, and . tpawUng a,,A.f pesirca uuuiwm - V7 x A jesuaCh.-ist. rourtovtogtoot. The Bottom Sliding Down. tho ll&sfcaippi is said to be subiect I g to a newdancrer. Its botton ia said to mS- be moving towara tne uun or mexioo. Of Aonrae not tha oottom xor iae euurv length, but the ooze and mud for .maty y hundred miles is sliding down, r iiV'. ;1vere, and making the river shal-, . t j- it outlets. DQOUia tins com rnnn be "enable to dootrol .th t .would; in time .be. oonfinT Svould be fornied at itoi A , i-ould mako a great lak,v i , t M of toiiisiana and Teas. S. V f iontsi would; be :loxmed,bJi v , intime ast ohangea would ocxL C f ' k. Ktnrnimr Th ian"W ttl rjaV'til ' I V ifuo vwui,- J - .... . . - . a n0 - other expenses for theatre,, advertising,. eta v?--,? - AJtsaiCAXOTiera singers are just now eiv '.; Joying marked isubopsa in JEurope.: In ad-;:,-;; dition to the triumphs, of Mile. Ndvada al .-'V Paris ba the role. of Lucia,-an older favorites, i Jfilo. Albani, has bee-i adding fresh leaves to bar crown of laure in -Gnnany (Ta tha'' Traviateshehas wm golden opinions recently t at Antwerp, and Holland lies next in her path 5 ? .of -victory...; J..su?.v- -:-::,,;':- ' fcM 4' v Fakmt Hortojt. a once. ce'bcated acresv won her first anplausa a somewhat singu- K ,,,' lar manner. Dunn? : ner pfTionnaiwe in a i - ? particular scene thj was udly hissed 'nlf -M arvancing' to the -footnrhte. t:-sk.J. Which fc you dislike-my playing on rj?; naraoa f-- "Ths playing liie p'aymgfwaKf. ;.. il ..a. F hnuA ."I'.i . answer uvui an p w v- - r a .....v ., returned, -tnat c-usoiea way be bettered , alter l" i.w ";), tngenTi: r 1 i I ma; ror,, vara;-; it 4 fe 1' 4 i -wntud ne snDmerKeei. jjaacas wku RnnArior Or Untanarwonia ootct regmua su a COW OCOUpieo, ny- larma auu , i . n,m lui.. ..t . : inAHnAti iY rvnwurr- t ; ;fy-.5V..i'V wnnaratiott. -li would take- Jrsd If not thousands of years these aiteratioiwj wia men, 'mechanical science and human fcay be so iweiopea oaD overcome, or at least tnodiiy. operatwnf, v ,n 4 Vl'if: , -;'t ' t J". fi',i.'.i 'Si ! f miiyt- Vtt i::mmm 2?f ft ! aald Hut Jokala, 6a&iita.lm t thviltrvLepii.on,-Kwm V-ZWWiS? T -4 ? 1".t VH" 't"f f