Mr JRft r '' : 1 - -jt - - 1(1 , r4 mMilm - MliJ; 4rKd8X JhPwH& iliJ Flfpy fettle rr:?: ; 'vi 1 -4-' " ' ' ; - "' "" 1 ; . ,,, ,, , r' 'Jr 5 i 4 ATTO&MXXK. .'I FRAKKLIN MpWEIl, ATTOnriSY AT LAV, JWB enwMee to SUebarAad. Kabeeoo. Ana-mead I WALTER H. HEAL, I LAunirJDunc, n. r ' WUI hUm hi Siebim4 eeaaMee Plrampiattea tie firm to all eottn T-rri-zn-, r.-c'iioiSoS? v-w u-1: ! BEVlFIBH NEVJ GOODS. ONES A J MOBTOK 1! fit Atrial ymxpom Vtipl , wfy Andk a4 aIm 'CUTTER AND, EGCO. , AbA til Una (rf idibk. CHEAP VOft CASH. ur ntto, tad wtbkHkmmt MMhK Mb; Okli ud n , 1 I j . j V ' - f,t j I ,. h t t 1 t I 11 M HA1MH TEE PEKABE SM -'-V Bath (Wi, Omo-rtyi tn!il?Sj WltMkrf t ,f - ...... j BOOT SHOta l ;ir3autAJVW-. o. ORDER MM. jao. b: HuTCitidorj. 11IIJI.U1J 11U HUM OCBTtrGHAn. N. c. -i,r'it'Wmn h.'jb m In iriifi rs;J '" S wna room, .:. u w aio.i v i n. t WADZSBORO.ITC. HcJBEOR, B. Principal TK feidiivViiia will hMrin f, UM. FaiMnn. t moutil, it, d S4; V. Wi10-U pot moaik. Germany and Cassia, 4 1 A recant revival tw xtenion of friend tj rektions between Germany and Eos-. siana6 probably not Deen recoraea in any I formal documnfc Oflioial and aemi offioiai journals diacontiniie for the time .their notices of concentrations of troops on the Western ' f ton tier of Russia,! and they rather hint than assert that Rossi nasieipucitly or pmcucaiiy joined tne . alliance to whiea Germany, AtMtri, and to a certain extent Italy, are parties. It is not yet known whether ihe new com bination Js heartily approved at tlenna; bnt there 1e no doubt that a cordial nn dentaading with Anstria is as essential element in Frinoe Bismarck's, .foreign policy. m& main object is 4ne mam- tenanee of peace, whiofi i pnlyMiable to , be disturbed by eoncert between ranoe and either Anstria. or Russia. The great est diplomaticiriranph of his life was the aentraUEation of one of the ftw Imperial Power y the aid" Of ; the othet daring thFreBchwiirolI87a . Austria which was then held in check br fear of a Ens kian attack,' ia how united with Germany v by ties of friendship founded originally on aj common distrnst of Russia. It was snlyj when ' Prince: Oor tohakoff openly " courted a French alliance that Prince - iJkmarck i formed a elose union .with AnBtria. As. lonjr as it "lasts Germanr haa little seed to fear Frenoh war of retaliation, while Austria k guaranteed sgaiast fansiavomo Jntrigaes and secured in the possession of Bosnia and HerzegOTiDa, It was a master-stroke of policy to find in the AtBtrian jealousy of RnMta a security against the danger of French resentment. 2Veu .? York Hour . 1 - . I j Thet Lbft. Nothing more absurd urelv ever came to the notice of the pnbuc ,tiian jbo accident in a Brooklyn Theatre. Wheu, .the berQ of the play eriedl ont andddenly ''Who's there?" a dnrnken man waking np in the arallerr aded, neartuy vv w Hereupon .udiencfl was seizect with a pania idAwe m$ doors, it needed soma trance a tta-4 to keenly point tttj abwardioe and folly of a popular as semblage. J . : , f THja HeinaoUsTW -Tfrnes sagely re- marka, endenuy alter a saa experienoe, 'jiwiU presently be necessary to lawprohibitiDg tha manufacture or roller Slates exeet lor cmv W war. It cannot ba daubted knnf 5 provided with this means motion wouiAt mTOMaoio." '7 'nd periodicals sent through the mails nnuDuaneza-as pound xatea are mailed WhwMMtihitW1 tomtom, fUhtoM, T" . . .. fi ' ' 1 ii M v - OTUBu A1ISQH ffiSTITUTE. 3 ' : thafran 1 fiw" wt-.-xr-.r, w-,Jrf $PtrrWft?w.rB,flw;OT r? 0? a i .J MANtJFAOTUBES AND 1 4i Steam Eoginei an Boilers. Inaction Enginea. t ft K t ! rr. fiftWitat" 'irfYWU ' j , Steam p4 Water Piii nUPARO PROIIPTLY ATTZ3Z7DBD TO. ri1Til-W ' wis r HE. ALL KIHD3,1 AT JOTH 4 4 , J hare tto largest stock of i 1 . . 4 - ' S3 dan fill ordr promptly tot eheap Chairs, Bedsteads, and anything In fbFut tare S(i jSrOohwSi MJETALIU CASES AND , BUBJAL, SUITB XL, WAYB ON J3ANtt-eead; for cute and prices. . Wkite Front, jpett to WitMrowsicy ti :') fvitno-r Handsomer 1 . I Ii-. j -.., ii - . " t , 1 NOWBEINO i iFiirehased' bv' Jt)iiF: : Repr esentative in Hra. M Qti ; , AND ARRIVING WEEKL1. QGLiABLE GOODS, rfl 3 V J J! Jo &. tf t St Prices t 1 ' 'CONSTANTLY IN STOCK lAYMUD : FA1Y 6R0CEB! 2 Flour, Meal, Meat and Sal Sugar, Coffea the car losa, rxom ew uneans, "Dixie Boy and Watt Plows, vwa Ra.-Maw sksswvei ueva dies, lone, nacxbands, etc, and Everything rJecaQa; mm ant il's ' 'ijcQpiaT Cotton Seed Titatm, Tomai TTwrrow. Pea Dee PlaJdi. Kbeiinglutta EAfttlng, B B"Mnia"' Snuff; " P. Coats' BpooJ Coltoif, and Horseford'a Bread wpartticm at factory pricM ' f . s 1 1 --i "1 JUaf T Ja4JLAiet X 'A. , 1 I JLAULc -'jriujni ?1 KEEPS IK STOCK Friction Teed. - .Bw8 Fitting y.,1 1WWM$S!BL 4' ' ' any hoos in the BUter!and .fc ' .1 A uarocn, ujhajkiai aj n u. s Donned. Than Ever r , CORRECT STYLES ! V? ' t f 5 w f fr'i M Guaranteed. j-i f. 'X. g .-w...J 7 A NICE ASSORTMENT OF' 5 .1 4, , and Tea,' Batter, and Laid, liohiasca, by and -Uanned Uoodi id great Taristy, Steel Plows, JBoea and Shor- -.' -' vveeaasy mAi,m awaennaV by Acrlculturlot. 1 "... V f V i i . ililiy'f im ' a " ' 'it' is wd II Os rr VESTMKN.T it I i . J. I ' ' :.- j AsenaMandsenefaniuiusatiknd;VW b IrWr mnrdar trials, ooearred at. CmtiiJk Iklieiiaal Blaney, ff Xikaa wboae bor was twatatly exhnmed and was found toskow araeas of aneaia & mfBdaiit vftaaWy to erw" death. easn. ttartJraWwSitav.aiid be waatevMtad and sJaeedofc trial at Oarriak- der warm, wer uodaoBd as witnes keinf plael ttptm the ' witneaiVtabis thet wtafafiutiiftr rafaawd to nttoc a word, Taeywen threatened with imptiaonment, and ware trk Neatly muak frightened, but threats and par awMioa alike failed to altoit fram tfaem a autftl ttonal of evideaoa, They wen therefore cos. mitted for ooatetDpt of court and ordered to be kept in oonfinement separate from their mother antd tkey pnrga themsarras of soa teamt far xivinr their teetimotav to ooen eoart. The aermty of tha ttdge'a aotio amder the peculiar eirctmiataaces has eatued a pvetJ atkm In the neighborhood and has tnttfta the sympathies of the peon lain fttOf the widow who hae hitherto be regarded byiaortv the neighbore ae guilty. 1 : CaaJltlaei af tfce Prop. The retarne of the Department of Axrlevh' lure for May make Hm Wheat proapaot eearlj aa faTorabie aa to April Then the general av erage wear within fiYeper cent, of the standard of fall oouditio, : The Hay average ia M. It: wa 88f to 188S. ; Barring the ebansee of the future, a winter wheat product of about 160, 000,000 baahels is indicated. j The temperature of April has beta tower' than usual, and low-lying lands have bean eat . arafced with moirture, retardtog frowtk. Weh: drainad wheat soil are nearly everywkm kearins avigoroMindheal&ygrwwth. ; Afeefreporteof tojary by tha fy hae- keen received, bnt tha aggregate loM frato faseot ; rivaget will be trivial. ,-., The winter wheat of Sew Cariand U a eeareely appreetable a foaatity. ..its eondltlon amte anuormlv :mgfc. Aue .Wddto and Seutbera Btatee aiake averages ranging from tOTo 100. The Ohio basin makes a tost favor abb showing, with httle difference : ia ike Btates on the north side of UeriteK S moH AvcaatMcB ton wulAf. " r" Theiatatea of large prodnetfon make the fol lowing averagea, 100 repreeenting not Mm age oooditioii, but a full stand of healthy emts of medium growth s Few fork, 7j nBByhrania, 98: Kentucky. 89; Ohio, 6, Michigan, 85; Indiana, 86; IUinoia, 87 Mkv souri, W; kjukftaey 10 and tTaUfornia, ftfc : W1IBAT CKOr. i In present outlook of the wheat crop ii generally favorable though a huge part of ttle backward. The returns indicate that the con dition ia now B6 as compared with 100 repre eenting a full average. This implies that the present outlook ia 17 percent better than a year ago. " The area of the crop reported Ms 6anS U about 27,000,000 aerea, and ft is believed that the yield wffl be aboc 450,000,000 buahela. i ' . 140 llT THB BHAOB. V -B is wonderful- haw Europeans Stand the sumsnar in CateaUn, but they contrive to worry through Jivfcg la a atata of perfeet idle-'' neea. Servants fan the sleeper all night, wash sad dress him in th morning. and,altetid to Xvery sumaaer the keat kills people riding in "here u toaeeb eooL ..The nhmate seems to be' -the' One1 thing' which te'fsiai td therdeve!o4 A TVatn Pleauiteit . - The train operator at ConnelttvCle, on tha Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad. ordered a earn V train, bearing forty-aix workmen, to "run rast of ConneUsville, on the Baltimore and, Ohio Bailroad. A few minutes after the train left the operator remembered that rhs second section of freight train No. M, Which was due to OonneUevule at four o'clock to the morning, was not in yet, but had Just left Indian Creek station, and was oonstsntly hearing down oft the camp train at that moment. The operator tried to stop the camp brain at Gilsoa station, but found he was too late, and a collision 00 eurred in which 14 men war killed ane many eerioosl Injured, BOLtD WHISKT. - The old storv about the invention of solidi. lofl whisky comes an in a new shape. This wner th story goes that a German named Peterman, living near Pittsburg, Pann., kaa diaoovared a way of solidifying whisk and packing in plugs like tpbacoo. A plug of whisky fs rather light in color, and can b easily carried in the vast pocket It oan be dissolved in water or chewed Bp, The investor says he can do nothing unless he has perfectly pus alcohol. He therefore claims that his solidified whisky will be the pur article; and will drive outth adolferated stun whieh is so extensively used at present. ' A NEW POWBBK. Cranmaker Krupp has a new powder that at aid to be more powerful than the powder here tof ore used. It h) called browu powder to dis tinguiah it from th black powder of ewryday use. Tha browa powder contains the ingre dients f the black powder, hut to different proportions. Tha towra powder has, it is churned, many points ever th aM-faahio&ed blaok powder. It ia good ia guns of afl sizes. It eiplodM only watighily-eacloeed space. D is noB-exploaiv when not eoeonfined. It does not flu the air with amoks, and better than all to the gunmaker, it produoea a greater valo eity. It is; thought tha. pew invention will supersede the black deatruetive agent ,2 rATBsl a laMaa JHMtoHSv 3f - The O. ft House Oomntittee en InvaHd Pea stons tmaniraooity asreed to report favorably a MB whtok provides that ail pensions now oh or! hereafter plsoed on the penskm roll, who while -or KTal service , M th United Statas - toat an ;m : W- C40 per montki and those fwh6 have lost a hshd fn:aot;,-'shaa !e.' titiedltoa pension of 30 per naanto.dif they have received a wound or other disability to addition thereto they shall reoaive a.peasion of 50 per month. AH person who have a kg amputated at tb hip joint and all persons whe kave tost an arm at the shoulder taint shag be entitled to a pension of fao per month, and all persons who have lest aa arm and leg shall be en It tied ton pension of 913 par month. - BAVMimp an-awisen e Joaquin Miller thinks tk sou th is the land of toetry. He sees ih th hooks ibat have ap peartd the first little sweat nowers niter ths itorm and winterj and tha sxmthsn Byrmvpr KaaU.sw JBheUy may yet appear and be the American poet that all are looking for, ' Sidney Lanier died just si he got a plaoe to set down md rest. ' Of Tioknor's 'kittle Giffen." Miller ys there is nothing in th land as good and" graphic) in its way, He thinks Lillian, EoseU Messenger; wiH yet be accorded a great recap tionu' t John Henry Boner is doing refined and aerfaof warn, and Thaophfiua H.i;HiTl, another forth Carolina poet, is devout sad-trae.! ,'Ths sew poeta of the touth ure fnUoi promise, . , t Krupp, the Grmah.ordnanc ajanufacturerj claims to haa settled the eoatest which has been wagtog for several years between armor plate "and. heavy gTmjLa; guns at preseht of l-inoh bore ahd 85 caliber length, wbioh weigh 121 tons and carry a pro. JectOe waigliing more than a'tofii'WKh a charge of, Ttt pounds orjpowder.'ess gans can 'bene tea te. at several nulee oaiiCe.av armor which it fa pWbl for. vessel 10 fioat wiih They bout, f 170C0 ekch. and tt'requires 1 lack gun carriesa projectile of about half a J ton, and it is claimed that at a distance ox two mHas it eaa penetrate th Armor Of the strong; ;iry. ,1. t m wr . - --- n - v u . .1.1 , - , , . .. . - - v . .1. , . y n asawWakkikiaV vf eohaikhi K af ii UA&MMM, data and If 4heui s tonkJ ' Jfl"A"lPJW,lkwT jnnweB ,nnejaeB-3i mmmmmg n., wenw K,, A reeeot writer, who is Uiawatf gambler is artlncUnaJtolacllavs the stotoatont that pta.' tearioaa) aaaMMSl haroai katoasaM. t honor asarag thwaeelvea. Ha says they are aj tety satpidoBS body of men, whose bond tahni the form of ooOateral aeonritr. Tha two ehief oompoaMt parta, he aaya, that go to make B TiaTlWtthlal&ladlaMJ nee. JSaeJ tWOhaistetllopcedoinitta aMUA'i btha eonmWto esaeralieailoatt the Han. titt tarns tsp the wStill matter iu this Way 1 baaineai that is iSegiumat in fiaalf airfdrae to Ite support otimtoals fronv every walirhi ethme. kast on- ttsfaoe be denmrant 1 b'g.1. 1 do not attempt' to tay" that 1 eVtry gaib tmrng room in tnsnm u. ine eptuaanf an ouiy retort of eriminahv bat t do wiak to fc uadais Stood as sayisg that then is hot a fame In thb eanyothreitytkawtebim(kamaaoa neialetatocalgrouadSN Cash, na matter how taipea?'ia. the . fopi .issi m s' , m. every in stance. . Jhe.eoneluskms arrived al ia this artia hira their ibdadatiok It acilld fact, and the deductions aad auggeation. are tbi otft epma tfiwt hough by eanwo Vat ad ahubjee4 4 stunyi ftoarHhe vautage ground f the dealer's e.-.':. -' l t,:: ia ; ,'.",." i1!,1,;.! .i-. tam ri . . v ttTattalMC AHjaVOUa- Atthv- -- A aroaatoant ftagUeh physkdak ears that a swat many people wlBaw -afflicted with mob bmaladlM manage to&Viw 'i good oli Ige, In his ophtkA more people are' kiifesV by Xear ihau by ,d)seaeeC" There are ianmnerable in-stances-of persons dragging along for years in dafiy expectation: of death, and yat living to the average agv of man. Medicine is valaaMe, btt it owes mors to th inftuenosof hope than it does todrea. The bndn, or jalnd organ, is tost aekrach a part of the body as the liver or the heart. The innoeneeot hope fa frequently oaaifeeted when: there ' ia a eonsultation of physicians in the sick room.1 Oenerally th treatment knot changed, hut tit patient feels th presence of skfilful medical adrisers, and heat one cans up hk mem furee to tght against disease. A resotat and tttelHgeht hopefulness and conndeaoe will do more to ward eg and CUre aicknent than anything else. 0Y, CONGRESS. I ate. 1 Mr. Logan, from the" military committee, reported favornWy the bill to piac Ckueral Grant on the retfred lift, With the rank and fuB fay of general of the army, and the MOwa passed at oneo without debate. . A motion to appoint' a conference oommittee on fee shtoping bill was passed by 28 to 11. . . . The Indian appropriation bill was airiended and paased The Senate has added about a- S Otrt more tha fke aiaoilnt reported by the Beimto wvOiniWe on apprepriatlons; ffhis paaftrf tife, whole amounk of the Senate addi tions to the bill about $335 and the total amouB ipproptnted t6$fO?Ai, about f 9 0, 003 mora than tha appaapeiationi ee Jaat year. The Bouse biU to loan. tlOa, 000,000 to the Wtofetfwaaa reaotation was offered by Mr? ofguh, dt rectmg the eommittoe on fiaaiceio. examine stato lhoUB ol ta ,IMlae sdcb of the flJifWal ote-to the-riv of a-Hth' Trk . T".ili ii?. .L t C whotlwr extjSfftV .-resulted , aromsBdr viol. e laws regulating their anawnwsuzan .irorntcnri - tftftt wfiAf wan MefVed'-no th tmrhittee on fiiMMaitopitvjntflpecaVion by-e of national bants... i. The pensions bill was re ported. The committee had reduced . the amouuVqf $he unexpended bala hce of the ap propriations of the current fiscal year to be re appropriated from tM,ooo,OJO to $60,000,000. f V !Heaimvi if'-' : The Senate biU to provide a eivfl govern ment for Alaska w passed..., There was a spirited debate oh the bill providing that no Territory shall form a constitution, or- npply,, for adnwaon as a State until it contains a pftrmawatt population equal to that required to entitle a Oonfesa district ,to a representev tire. Messrs. Cox and Pottery of Hew York, championed the biU, but it was finally tabled) 10 tO 1& ' ,.' The Speaker announced the following as riaitora to the annual examination at West Point:. MeesT Roaecrans, Boetch andH ender Spn, of Dlinobt. and the following visitors to Annapolis: Messrs. Cox, of New York, gvane, t South Carolina, and Goff... The House- concurred in Senate amendmento to the bill for the New Orteanaexbibitaion..... .The ., House T0ted down several proposed sunendments to the consular and diptomatio bill increedng the salaries of ministers and consuls, which are cut downtiy the biU, and adding to the appropriation to other ways, MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC Edwht Boots will act next year only lit New Yd?k and Boston. , ! 'MXut .AiinKRSoir travels about. England in 1 special palaoe car, refitted for her exclusive use. ' ' . -v - .' "Cosru&ioir" ia the great success of the rear in London. It has already oassed its ; SOHh night. . , HH5BT. lartifQ's next season opens , In. Quebec on September $. He left his scenery and stage effect to New York. Frau Janiscr, the Austrian actress, now eaa tour with Bandmann, will appear next season to English ia a drama by Sardou. "Mr Patwbb" has been played 1,838 tim ja, and J. W. Haguay who linparsonated Bcraggs on, its first production, has never missed a" performance. a j. MftmmM GxBtcnn, who feoatntog trom Germany to succeed ? Mr. George Hnachel as conductor of the Boston Symphony society, to promised a aalary of $700 yearfy. , ,. Mias SsuiA NsrvAnA, tito young; American prima donna who haa reoeally made a pro nounced success in Paris, is at present con siderin an offer from an American nttnaaer Sto ratarn tothie eowntry tin season. .. CowsrairTnra STxnnsRBO, the pianist, win make a new departure in bis line next soaaon, He intends to imnroviseat thewish of any person to : his audience, giving an idea of the wonderful things nr. man may develop ia "osiQ- , 4 r ,. - , Bobkst S. SrorFTC. cb mufddan and director, has brought suit against Henry Irv ing for the use of the music employed by him in several of the plays he appears in. - Papers were served on Mr. Irving previous to bis de parture for Europe. ; - , - LAjmonrt, tbe noted vocal teacher, ha a young npd charming American girl for a pupil, who, it is saidL possesses a marvelous voice. She is Mias Ida Marshall, of Boston, andherjtoic and techniqu ar attracting much ettenfckm ia musical circles fn Italy. - Bo pronounced was the sueceas. attending Keeneapnriormaneesof Mare Anthony recent ly, that Manager WJL Haydea is negotiating with the Cincinnati festival directors for the purchase of the sceneryrpropeiliea, etc., of u Julius Ciesrr with a view of adding this play to Scene's npeftoir for next ecneon. A BTAfciwima; donna ot the very first mag aitude, when taking her benefit at the im psrial operas St. Petersburg , wnseaUed before the curtain more thane twantgr . isnea, . AS last she addressed her. enthusiastic patrons a few words fa the Russian language, and then offered to show her gratitude -for their favors by siagingthem n song ia sheer, awn tongue. This wa received with raptoroiEr applause ; but judge of her surprise when, after retiring from the stage, too management fined her 2,000 francs far addressing the audience with out permission. - ' ,u A instj who was helping to hoist a safs into a third story window in New York bad kia fin ri eaugat m tne taesae ao tnaa the ropee bad be out taralaaaa Una, the great mass of aiiww -th!nterstato drill aMsaeaxmnent in JTexaa, th tofartry first- priiw of $&,000 was waroiid,to tae Lonston LfntGuards. . k "-JLfciHinssi BdL'-s had tesds iApvA of lis aearoh thrcrogh tli Lena delta for IUstst CMpp end party, ambodrlnara-deeeriptionof th country, character of the inhabitants, loeal govarnment, te of the teofts through whioh fa$ touneredt .$-?,;.. fi to alfy-, tion of conanci :U if- 4wyur'4ieUatliia 4residen ha 1 Xrantueket,, euas.f aww aays ainoa agea eigmy years.) He wash native of Kew York, was admittod to tkebar - in lSZt, and : was connected yrtih mma of the most bnportant casm ever argued; to this country In 187 he was nominated for Preaidenk of -th Uastod States by the 8trAighttttn Qeinocrato at Louisrille, and V i to&of reform wnveuriou in PhilAdelpbJa,' hut 'dmhud notwltastandieg trhiah bare-, torred ewer 20,000 votes, I?brtag the last, tweflty-flve years of hfs active Ue heWasac Imowledged to', be the jmeatl dlatenguiBhed reprBomtativ of the bar, not only of New York city, but also of the nation. 1 ' enajrr & "War8 habiKtiss hare boon founds exceed the colossal aunt . of $UfE03,- 000(0; , , ' "A ixHxisiow oocurred -near ConrietJavflle, Perm,, between a fraghc train and a gravel train eontaining about fifty laborera, Foar teen men were either crushed or burned to death; and twive more injmd. Tim TeOent failures ' of ' Jim " Keene, the Wall street speculator, followed by thesus nension'of the Marine National bank, and the faalur of Grant & WarcL succeeded in turn by the txaimtmmaaaxtt of. the Second i Ka taonal bank, led to a panic to New York flnai eial ieuctea, stick as hat not tseiitt Wifctessed sine tha memorable day when, Jay Cooke went to the wall in 1874 Dur ing the day two banka-itha. Motoopohtan i National and the Brooklyn State bank cloaed their doors; and seven prominent firms of bankers and brokers suspended. iWatt street w a Scene of ,rei mendona excitoment, and was crowded front; sidewalk to sidewalk with A rushing throng of : people. Secretary Folger, however, helped allay the erciteinerit by ordering the treasury department to pay the $10,090,003 included hi the I27tk call toadvanos of thctinis seWuiM 30 and the Kew YorkCkaring-House associa tton, composed df sixty-three banks, held a meeting and resolved to stand by one another. This action in a measure quieted matters. . TSK deficit of John Ykr Bnoj ' preeideM 01 the Second If AUoaal bank, of New York, Wal larger than was at first supposed, amounting to about $1,000,005. It was made up by his faher, and the bank went ou with tta bu&i- nass, alshoogh many alarmed depositors drew out their money. Mr. Eno lost the money in speculation. ; ij'.s s: , : , ,. Vattstoiff Ofeenbackers held a State con vention at, Waterbttry and ridniinaited a full 4feckW headed of a 0 for Stfvefrioft Chr the second dav of tha financial excite- iment in Wall street a quieter state of affairs existed, and only two more failures occuiTedi one of ,the,twd firms Of brokers supenduag baUnr the proniineHt botke A Fish 8s Hatch, the Jllmor partner in which 'Was the president ef the New jYork Stock Exchange. The Met ropolitan bank again rertuned busmeas, Presi dent George Ix Seney remgning. A rata WMipJl beke .out at lfeldck id tk rdorniiig ttlhe Papachoag inulj WorccsterV Mass., spread so rapidly that: many opera tives were compelled to jump from the uppei windpws. Nineteen nude and f emal Operar fives were injured by tbeir lend, for Uf 4 several with results likely to prdvsfAtah Tfi entire null was destroyed, and an estimated toes of $150,000 wan incurred 1 1 f j -' ranBB was aka-ge attendance' 6f deieaiee at the annaal Jsessiotv of a Presbyterian General, BwhlyNortfe :jNA to toga, X- - ' .:; JXw'!ftJU lit! b44rtiCLJpL . Osvr on . fafiure ,,was .reported:, m , street on h? thdcliftncM whirk Wind " B0 W$t&t& WW ewari kuvtrttin tarfritnHibMyllii -eymsf ftred one Of dhe stsstohest ikksitari Jinlhi 4s stated waa, forced w,aiiflpea ana go wm hands of a receivetV ,v the battk,topubkjTral r .is,. tr-" T " "VtKr" v ' Cfflfs ft: MdCoftttfWf, head' ot 'the gr harvester' msnafacturntg tthpanjv nf am pneed to be one of the richest men i Chicago, (lied at bis home in that citjthe other mom big at the age df SByeniyifiv.. " J . -'J'r ' C jQtbit PpRStTH . and ( his wife, redding neat Salem Church, Ark.; were oti their Way in a a fy to attend the funeral of kli-a. Forsyi,t bar Wbeji they .were- struck by 4 lailing arid both killei h'H' r j,, i- -..i, HiOBWATXXif attacked. United States Pay master Whipple and party, in Montana, and killed Sergeant Cfcmrad and seriously wounded two privates. The mules attached to an an-bnlaaca-wagon to which the paymaster, his clerk and the enclosure box were, ran away and they thus made their escape. , , ; K W. Bogak Oasa, son of dqtoael Cash. Com siUc shot and killed, Deputy Sbwirt J larda. at. Cherawi Ci,'. arid. With bis father helB at the time sdeceeded in jescaping , posse eent to arrest mm. ' A few uaye since fiTT a barn and. fired upon his pursuers, when a volley was poured into him, and he fall dead, riddled with bullets. ' ' Jvdok Rkid. a prominent Kentoeky Jurist, eetnmlttod rawide by skootmg himself at Mount Sterling, Ky. r I knig Since Judge Keid had been caned by 'a lawyer named Cor neilson, on account of trouble- about a ,1a w case in which the latter was interested. . ' GKOHoa'HoRN and Wuliam BL ' Gibben, aged- twentyfour and ttVenty-hme, '; were banged at AshlaadV Ohio, for th mttrdsr of Harry Williams. Ten thousand people col lected around the Jail, . and nine companies f militia were called upon to preserve order, as it Was feared that the crowd would tear down the enclosure about the scaffold in order to see She hanging: s On the same day, at Greenville, B. C, three negroes Riely Anderson, for the murder of Louis A. Griffith and daughter, end Alfred McCullough and his son James, for the murder of Ephratm Saxon wore all hanged togetner m tne presence or a large cro wo. - i ,-'M'fc:.WstoltfagtOT.Vv:vi : j: , Thx Howe committee' on elections in the contested election .case of KnglLsh versus Peelie, of Indiana, decided by a vote of five to three to report in favor of seating Mr Eng lish. r r-p. rti TrV '':':- I ' :'r It w unanimously agreed by the House committee on invalid pensions' to report fa vorably a bill whichprovidoB that all pensions now on or bereaftflpr placed en the pension roll, who while to the milkary or naval service of tbe United Santos lost an arm or a lag. shall be entitledkp) penskm of $10 per month, and those who have lost a hand or afoot, shall be entitled to a pension f $80 per month, and if they bave received a wwmd or other disabihty in addittoa thereto they shall receive a pension of $50 per month. All persons who bate a leg amputated at the hip joint and all persons who have lost an arm at the shoulder joint shall be entitled toa pension of $50 per month, and au persona who have lost an arm and -leg shall be entitled -to a pension of $73 per month. -' v' ' ' ' Tan American Fish Cultural aseociation has held Its annual meeting in Washington. 'I Pnorx8Soa Jaxxs Law; of the cattle oom miacion, reports . that there - is no foot and mouth djaeaae among the cattle ef Kaunas, Illinois and Iowa, aa reported, - - ; JUVssaAtrra bo wxaisGof Maseachu aetta, who recently introduced a biU providing for a pension of $8 per month to all officers, soldierB and sailors whoseryed sixty days or more in the civil war, is in receipt of petitions from areat number of Grand -Army, posts throughout the country urging the passage of the measur. j t ! Tax House, at a recent evening session, passed tbirtywo pension bills. . ,t A MOrHW to censw.theXlad8hnnuW for not taking measures to. rescue General Gordon at Khartoum wa defeated in the British house of commons by the close vote of 803 nays to $79 yeas. The government's policy in ths Soudan was bitterly attacked, -i OsgramAJCCtonnoar uieifenf recent attempt to eaoaoe from Klmrtoum. but was compelled I -"tof return to th uty - MtTCH xcttement wm -cansea lu the Jjonson Exehangw the paide to Wall street, -Hew Yerkv ,4 1 i 'i'V (44,4 Anranrs Ipassacred f-OeatAv-l aewmtj one SnoGy onear Tanianieb. took forty ;w.aa j . ierr end captured iJLiUrMmm'-- 'Weawejasnaaswsaaew)' lW, Tan Stadt titenbeatleading placeof amuse enbto Yienaa. hae.hamiarasillyelBetoPved'by Tstrmm WOXWl las accented the resfc nation of Prmca IstoasxfttrotA tbe presidency of th Prnasian cabinet, and tow appointed as hfesticcjMsor Herrvoa Boetticber, the Frua aim minister of state and imperial minister of Um interior. . 4 - vtfsijpHwetnwwww-fyt - a revolt rear eana Mf. astes wer trc - i ttr-i s rebek tooopa WBed MIS EliAKEOV A brominent harrlskar ofWitahenes! raii off with t7$,O0Q of other people's money. u tti ' The exnected. results of Canadian immi 'gratiou are greatly lssend by tbe number of person wno immediately cross aber apruer sad setUe in the united Stotes. J ' Tho Norwegisir bark Theresa, having on board thMmainder of .the survivors of the ooUhiion between the steamship State of Hor-j unv.anu romans, na arrived a vmeoee.: ; ' A young man named Tall beoame through - accidentally killing his' mother -in BufSEX county, DoL . , I .l : : yu -K.f :rTrqubla Is feared among the Choctaw In dians owing to some uf "them being dissatisfied with aVt recency, enaqted lawr regarding -the trial of erlmifaals. The militia have been called out and Stationed at different parts of the Na tion. . . ., t The spinners strike at FalTElver, Mass., k practically endedand OdiiaBbfoutly for ths epumers. , ' :.'.-,. ': ' ;.. - i 1 f ,-'' ' i ' -The Stadt Theatre in Vienna was totally de stroyed by fire, hut f0rtttaateb7 .no hre wore ioBt. . . , , ,;MT , ; ; BismarcVs rosignstion of the Presidency of the Prussian tUibmet has been accepted & .: The bodies of two fishermen In a dory wer picked up by a Gloucester schooner. . After a fight In which1 he was 'stabbed, a man walked a-y and Jriad, to deajtoj im. the streets of Utic. . ; ,, j v AThe officers of the KeW 'England Tobacco Growers' Association have iasngurated a move ment to secure the repeal of all Internal rover nUe taxes on tobaooov ; v, .- xj B-The bill providing eivil service examina tions for the employees of "the' cities in tit fhat of NeW Xork, passed ih Aasenbly and now goes to the Governor.' - . ..r ' --AreduCtlonof $2,OflO,e(00 from the New YorX State taxation of last year u maue in Uie buls which passed she Assembly, '' M-it hss bbefi discovered iliai the eivu servfee law practically prevents all- federal officials of every character from acting on political cam paign committee,, ad all Senator aftdKepse sentatives will have to resign. .; .,, . A bloody street fight between ' a wM( fitfn and a negro, which resulted in four deaths, oo ourred in Baltimore. The necro had three ' loaded revolvers, and the deaths were at his linds.:ir,-:- ,:. :.---,: v, c .' - t TnTAKtintion into the case of Isaae D, Xdrehi, in New Xork city, who shot his son and Wife before committing suicide, shows that he Was erssed by the taking aWay of his child by it mother. fllisflfn ti'OorioT. tha noted New York law died at Nantncket on Monday afternoon. His remains were token to New York city and deposited in 8b Patrick's Cathedral where the funeral servieos were held. . .. -tBoth houses ot the New York Legislature passed the bill to compel telegraph) telephone and electric fight companies to pus their wires under ground in New York and Brooklyn The4 CakotoBemocratie Territorial Obn vehttoh elected delegates to the National Con vention, they are uhinstructed. but are be ttered to be for Tilden and Hendricks. Kesoht tkms were adopted favoring revenue reform according to the Morrison bill, a correction of the evils of uus present tarm system, cita ser vice reform, and 'a land botlntv frtr' soldiers. Oppiringepjuptoary Jaws, and if sli(ormg a W rency ol gold, silver, ana converuDie papec : . 'TWY&montscHtfte tAeenDac'Oohventiton PMiiU!Whie.d pr- meni of tho public debt as rapidly as ' the tooaetBbAll acetfitrtlatd iirtheTEeaWry thkt the imVEntnmnnt shall iflgue irreenback monevt Ffavot inters tte' nMuerc'4tBtion, add extend tnanas to tbe anpregae vurt jcor Vf n tnat tne greeuusus is a giu wuuw.- im gaJtolfciNrSlbn. Baatr.skq md If n Oiish, the faeitrve..asnrderer, was ,rJT n'er imp txi,i .inijn ftuo ae itu t . VI it 1 V t f r l , . .1; I wanting arong imra avenueyniejBi aura mty, ai .noon, was n Wm inbo a'' tittacked by three men, whe dragged v naiiway, ana; "aner- iwuuk - mm. choked and beat, hijn to def th. v His murderer -' In the New' York State Senate a biB allow ing New York city to contribute $50,000 for the Bsrtholdi dtatue of J T.rty Pedestal Fund Waspaseed;; d'r ;-rr' ? .: j V-: Lientenant Emorr, commanding the Bear, reports from St. John's generally favorable oonditions'ia the, Arctic for the relief of Greely end party. J '" j .'.''-- " 'ilnSoutii Worcester, lfa;;Jthe Papaehoag mill, ownejytry Gcorgo Comptou, was binned. The mill was 'four stories high and built of brick.; It was need for,, the manufacture of woolen yarn! and was runuing day and night. tEb.i flre-rigint(ed .in the picker room,, and of the operatives had to jump from the upper windows. ' FuDy 20 of them were badly iujured and some of thfm it ia fpArfid fatAllV ' t ax-Assemblrman. was sat 'ex-Alderman and ax-Assemblyman, was surrendered in court by his bondsmen arid east tolhe Penitentiary to serv the two years ceutenoe impqsed upon j him by the Court of General Sessions id May. . ' - ; s -4.The .Grand Jury of dncimtsn report their findings in ui not matter witn mty-iour m dictmnts. -r- ' - - ; - . ' ' T Captain I Monro, j of 1 tho .' City -of Some, positively denied that any. signals 'Of distress wereobserved on board the ship Louise or that any eigsals at ..all. were raised by-the bark Theresa, which vessels bad on board the sur vivors of.the SJwte of ,Horid disater,;:-' A; The - witnesses -who acknowledged their pel-jury in the Hut-Sharon ease in the San Francisco Wal haveboen arrested and placed under heavy bsu. f-,.v, - ' ., r Two fatal cases of criminal negligence on the part of druggiats pecurred in Pittebnrg. ; j, .. The Seymour Satin Company, of Minne apolis, is in the hands of 'A receiver. ' 3yrue H. MeOormick, head of the great barvester manufacturing company, and one of the richest men in Chicago, died Tuesday, aged 75, He had been an tovahd for several years, He. was never known as a politician. The Governor of New York vetoed the Broadway Aroad or Underground lUiiroad m 7 1 Caan Axjixaitdbb, tbe Emperor Frahels Joseph ot. Austria-Hungary, and ot'ier ro . er eigns and leading statesmen will probably meet at Nic this summen.' h . - - . ; .- i ,: Mja.T PaskA, tha great - Turkif h states man Who deposed tbe Sulttn Abdul Aziz and-was afterward convict ;d of hu murder and sentenced to inipri onment for life, is dead to his sixty-tiard jear. 4. . - " ,Th Norwegian "bark Theresa, having on board the remainder of the survivors oftb collision between the ste m shin State of f loi-ida and the bark Poaeina. arrived at Quebec : . ; 'TTnxurs! and China have sismed a treaty of peace, tiie latter agreeing to w ithdraw her troops from Tonquin, and the form r aban doning all claims to indemnity for loises sus tained daring the troubles between the two ntionsl,i.::.,..i:J,;.;..,'' ;;. i' ..:."';:- In th Senate Gen. Logan, from the Military Committee, resorted favorably the bill to nlaee Gen. Grant on th retired ha V with tbe rank and full pay of General of the Army, and ths bill was paased at once without oeoate. The Indian Appropriation bill was amended and passed by th Senate. The' House passed the Senate biU to provide a eivu government for Alaxka. -There was a spirited debate on the bill providing that no Territory shall form a constitution, or apply for admission as a State, until it contains a permanent population equal to that required : to entitle a Conereeff district to ajsmeaentattve. Messrs. Cox and Potter, of New York, chair, " ptoned the bin, bat u was finauy tableau ,.;.Mwr from twenty-one tp;1 ;' age may frequently be ff-ih: in tne streets ox Angr ts: x he new city nan. .. - r rmadv cost S-s.i5l.(jC ' i- ji One of b features y. be 830 feet high; -.!t naa,as appnsnuoe wiu .w.-.,,. j . ' : fA. for 'Anotr Sf,400 about the auarrieS which ' about 5O0 . shipped every month. Th world reports -ef thesa ithe Unite Buima has lL9i2 """i""ll swenty years. AV; ' tNWi' i persons are employed ip ad i w , ' -,-i ?y. t- S frat V ? of Rutland, vt., trom r -v v v .'.:: '-. V ,,4 -i carloads Tmar. ..- " i "V svf V V:'.' ? , thatithasw.;, ;c in;f4'3 featov the number named wfll W?C Ax h$&ZH X i f this season..- : T V' Tvi.V?UiV j frsteK'-'. C o A heavy frost took place to Wisconsin. ATbtoS nswro murderers were hsnged at - Greenville, 8. Ov and two white men for the , .- worn miwi aauiano, Uiao; , , vAman axtasted in Philadelphia for ma-' practice, was foutu dead in hU celi- ' " rpiia Aaav AAKnf.M. ' " ' ' -' -AAia wem wSLuayi (jr. Titltt sMll IITtITtIT ' J- ' togcompanles for AptAi Vnranted to 8,828,209 . tons, an increase of 816.499 tons comnared u mm uwKyuvuwo mvuia w iwi yw There wer 187 ' fatlttMS and Uspenaionr .'. In the United States' reported to the agenct -Soring th past week,, against . 132 ia tha rT Mdi iwAAh. and a im, 119 ana es in tne ee" , rponomg weeks of i59Sii8ffi? ana v , --It is rumoredTIn Paris that rrinc llia march urged China to concludea peace with r franee, and that therein he was influeacedby . a benevolent and hnmau motive.- - The court martial assembled at Pamplona, Bpain, to try the banditti' recently captured in a fleht at Navarre, hae sentenced them to im prisoument, with hard labor for life. '- i f A family of six persons'wsi murdered ai HueEsas, a town of UaUeea, iu Austria. . Obs child hid and so escaped. 'The motive prompt ing the murder was robbery ..tEhe. jBiwaresits MKHTtAll. . - ' ...., V 1 vs. .w . . The Paris .Tempt, hat -a dfopatch from Aden reporting that a revolt has occurred near :' Sena, and that 800 Turks have been massaored. ,vi y An earthquake has oooarred in Turkey, to the region south of .the Sea of Marmora.' Bom damage was done at Pandemia and Er- , f dek, to the province of BrouS'a. Tiro slight shocks were felt at JSalikeas, but no damage " WAseauBed,.,-. j t rj '. . Of the toaas ef the Marine Bank, ' a little , more than $2,003,000 were made to Grant & , Ward. Of these, $800,000 were made on good -securities, which- are available. Tbeie are ' 1 $800 . 000 additional made on aeeurities which ; are believed to be in good part rehypothecated. . and about $900,000 loaned on noseounty wUt - t eter. '-sv ;-.u.,v-., T As ilkwtraflng the profitableness of, tbe Oratit A Ward pool, and Indicating where ta . reeeiptahave gone, attention wa ct(d So the , fact tnat witnin lees, tnan nre years rrara nas . 1 acanired at least $750,000 to real estate. , Fita about 11,000,000, U. B. Ursnt, Jr.; $500,000. and W. 9. Warner at lead $250,000, a total hf $3,600,000.- m ;; ;V'';-. Among the heavy loser by the. failure are t mentioned the fouowing, though of ooneee it i ia impossible to get ary accurate account of ?, the losses until the several statement! are com-. - ' ' pleted : Erie, 1,500,000; Nickel Piatoi f J,- 1 400,000; Buffalo, N. Y., aul Philadelphia, $150,000; Work, $800,000; exdenator Ghaflee, ,.v $600 000; First National Bank, $213,000V War-It" ner, $700J0; New York city,41,'5l,T3ob;'r H loses 1.B00.(K.'0. Gen. Grant about $300,000. i,' Col. Fred Grant, Ulysses, Jr., and Jesse at least a half million each, and Ward estimated himself as worth a million . when tho crash, came.-; ' H ' ' .- -:- t,; ' r-. The 'German 5 Anti-SocialLit law has been adopted by the Beiohslag. Y -. I . ' The Swiss elections resulted in aConserva- - tive victory; all the government measures were rejected.' ;-.?v. , -,.,:., t ," :;-:;, -s, i , -' Zobehr Pacha deolares that he will hot rest untifc he has kutod .Ctoneralflardonv. c; 1 1 afcs-A.treatyof peace.habeenslgnedjetween France and Ohina. The latter agree to With- '. ditroopjrroma'ontuB f . -r-At a mrtlenalhjt meeting at; Waterfprd. Mr. Davltt sigued' tfnrtiive-yea'iret'W6md'ije (i jtMas cbmaneitiB l era. rf ..r , ' T. Snamsu flour naercjhaina'oomplaui of the treaty-wita Vhaumua states in vogaru to amaa. Mf-lmm ahdthb insurncAvtiniie f to iilT-kfeitA ionffrte8:.'gtkitt Xeeidltat Geieaalesw autnamty.. onai:aor JO01 - ' ,iujrj r..vs s wm -zaiuora vwefvoxw ipjsuimu mntjOTiinmuorawBewpiipriiHeu s tor iTfaig ptripsted , S t Enii goviernmwii ha?!njtr- muiea 10 huu reuei nuwuuvii w i mrw dan in Jury. "Chtne'' Gordon has toad a SBOcessful sortia from nnartoum. , . : r . -The struggk between the German1 Im- -periaX voveCTment and tk German Xiibarals v becomes daily more bitter; '-Oorresnbndeutit at' Haiphong cable the- re "''.", 1 newal of hostilities against the Annauute and , -i! Chmese pirates, ip. Vat mountains the French r'i captured a fptt,?, -:-1 iJ" t .. .-utbreaka; between th aoidiers. and aa I tives at Cairo are of daily occurrence. It ia ,t; reported that Lord Woteeley wiB -' October expedition to KUiaunv frv'i' " The Emcress Of Chink annrOTeS of neaee s. lhwafrflMAiHid Ws&m&--hJil??'3. A band of .Persian nomads kave plundered National Omvention,Jor,s the1 Antl- MonoDohsts' nartr met in Chics co. The plat form calls -for the enactment and. vigorous executionof all justtowa and eqkallty in rights, burdens, privileges and powers; asserts that it , I is the duty'of th .Ooverntoent to-t 'onoe regniAte commerce mug.Dj,BBj wwu bureaus of statistics must b estobhshed; the -. ; nationalDight hour tow most be enforced, do- - ' ', mands the payment of tbe bonded debt as it - ' falls due; holds -that ' to election or United ; (UJu Kimm.m hnnhl ba hv a direct Vote ftf ' demands tnat to tann, -wmoajs ti y ,; people, snau oe so jeview an .o mw,. , , v- M-possible upon the necessaries if r X , . L - nounces the present tariff as coin, ; 1 - s the interest of monopoly, and dec'? , f- be speedily rsduoBdV- - j '.i yx , i-f Skcebtabt FRXW!oirrftKS,he4 e fupbV4 , - lection of mosaics.. ; 1 , 'V'i- PranCm' Mubpht has boeu' holding' tenV, 4. : peranos meetings in Chicago. .,''; . Hkitrt Ward Bkbchkb hae been thirty seven years With Plymouth church. '.-r' t Vox Cablos, the Spanish -pretender, fa sta ying at Naples, under tha name of Cpuaf IjUcar. -, . '",-; ' do Thokas Bast AiAatcd, the American author and poet, is fair and slender, with at fine profile and a blonde mustache with waxed ends. f . ..- 4 . ( , , Lord Tknhyso's' wife has been an Invalid for tho past twenty years, and never mixes in general society, as .she .is unahl to leave her sofa. - ' - . , c - g " Tnn Esirl of Dunraven, in a paper In the I Nineteenth Century, prtmounces the United w Btates Senate "the stoongest, most efficient i and -most capable legislative bodVt te Abe world.", t f '. uVf;(-5. sC h CoifaBxsswAir O'Hara, the &ored men ? C'V ber from North Carolina, fa; a graduatef j , ( Harvard and a lawyer by profession. H fj W Uves in good style, and has a white tutor for . ' his chikbren.' . , , f y i r L!.Ll..l-r !-! IA. ' I ' to his signature when, solicited for an auto to- j " V graph, "itaty done is tbe soul's fir aside." the sentiment. - t , , ; - i Mkssrs. BBETTtrwer and Houseman,' tbe two wealthy Gertniu iwpresentokives ia Con- : gras, from Michigan, were born hi tho cams town in Bavaria and afterward were - poor clerks fat etorffli in Kalatnaaoo,and Bittt ( Creek. - , Their Good lack. 1rr" vmanyof onrtuo ' f- At vnoe .general ex:' t'-JlV-k ft.-: ' u i wiu mwi jw - y " V to , some single) , ! 1 .1, V ;3 "it - rm. mnaMner , -He William E: Dodge V WW -""-. V; vllKlV .-WMnl 'aaVlf '.... HC,.fn IMA : , - j-- - .hot t,? t Sat-.- r ' t I 4 r'-v i, if 1 4 5,' ' - f