CCHH01TD rTftrnwli A. , , -,.,.ll , -r - ' -: . 1 I v ;o.r. ax xiuxer. oi uatawba.; axiesc f w-i5"nttt we, savor i -iWi ti:;4vi-i.i-v. cv;-.r..y vrcm tit--.-. z s. ,: -m, v.,;?...' .r-.fe .versr.--' : 1'.- ; nd year, ........... i5() Thrae taonthv.,."..... f ,4a ' BjAdTettiaiag rates furnished on ai'plioft'Uoo, - : -. : ; v . 11 - i' . 1'; Democratic State Ticket. ! ' ' ! . f OB ; OOVEENOR,' ' V j" - ALFRED M. SCALES, " ; Of Guilford. ; . .CHARLES M. STEDMAN, . Hw IlanoTer.. : that t4 ooimpeiicliabw MrsoBal iciiar actef Ee , the legal karoiog .tie ceBsar? to the important duties of our uuk jikuouu Bioanai. ; . With 8licha ticket, our party ap peal to. the country in parfect confi dence that the people' will approve its action and tnumphantly choose each Af Virtu AA Vlrl.lAi 4l. 1. 1-1 " I . fob BECRiTABY of state. WVV1 , r meirseyerai Bta- "WILLiAM L. SATTKDTiRS 1 : s 110111 " -J proper effort our toaiority . ,. - , - - t .... . . 1 mil u K-.i j .' . - J . - , ' Uf Urange. ; - . ; , Jrc llf u?'tuua auu we jeei ; sure r::'' 1 . Lthaty wheix the' campaign? opens,, all s; onr crazens, ootn youne.anid. old. will zealously itroggle t secure ..the conr tinued ascendency of ourpai ty, whose had a lanre share in' frkW ilT tbJ Pet ool Uw-i TTaW Without, burdening i ; v rr-T-" ' . pae people By xcerre : UMtkm and e State, and will make, an whereaaihere i, ttow niori thaaa'h aamubie: -Buperintenden t JfuftUc dreritniUion dollars in tnigarv 6t TnmtirnM.i'ti'-- if :'.X -i 'j,''.ivfef;' '-.fWA rrf e.i ti.- f .4 L r-rr vry v? w . s:-' - "",.Mvoa, .wrung irom snepocK 01 4futfft,;.Uerri.mbr0n;'cd- of the people by onjust taxation on didate . for Associate Justice of the th? part of the Republican party t there- Suprema iCpui;t, . we ishall only say por? rw?l?ed, that w will accept such FOE, TREASUBEB, DONALD W. BAIN, Of Wake, FOB ATT0ENE7 GENEBAL', )f -i ''$4 ' THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, JiKirP&f'fr - Of Buncombe. ' .fi. : SOB ADEHttiy, WtLLfiAM. P: I ROBERTS, cai Gtotea. , ? i' " Ton, stjp Tr03FBnBM0 nreTKCfrriox. S.. MI.I3NGER;, r ; Of Catawba,. ... : ;;: f v JOB A8SOCATE JTSTrCESSttfuair CO0BT, AUOlvSXUS S. MIimHMQN,,, for ias!?BSinABaiv. ! JOHxNl N. STTADBSj. odf Q ttilfoaL Electioa TiiwsdBi;; Ifovenjber. n , iosii. ... . . . : .(irRismamiiEi.. , The Cnvemibit which met in Ral eigt on the 25th ult. was composed ,, ' ef mote thaa eight Hundred of the f west men rn tee state and was a fit representation of the great party whose interests.they assembled to! ad- Tance. All classes of our people were. ' ;; presen in consultation as to the best means6f securing good and honest ; ; gorernnient tg' the State. A finer - body of men, both intellectually and moralln we' never saw, nor a body I more thoroughly in earnest in the 4'Work jbefore them. And they did their ;wbrk well. (It is true' that all ; . the nominees were not our first choice, f' V but we do not . hesitate to say that all P ;"j of thehi 'are men 'of hig;hi character, and'wiil' discharge the duties of the : . positions for which they have been . selected with faithfulness, zeal and ability I - Undeirtheir ladininistration ; the State will advance in general pros- Jperity. . ,. , Alfred M. Scales, our nominee for -. i Governor, is a resident of Guilford ;i.'vW r - it.' : $.' v"v uui. c ui Aiub.iui'uaui. - jae was IS-tttTlSr 'educated' at j the tiyersity. Adopting, ttie law as a profession,' he soon won the confi dgace.jif the people by his ability as i lawyer, . and his uprightness as a lii'Z- nian.. ln 1854 he was a member of "'' ;' ''', the House of Commons', and in 1857 . f: r'i was chosen as member of Congress. i.y Swing 4he. Jate war he attained; the ;'; ; irankq Brigadier" General. In 1874 't4 was-elected a .member of Congress, b i:X;.' Sd ?s're-elec4ed in 1876 1878, 1880 jr: f : jRt aim 1902, ah au me places which he ' haa bejen called' toj filV he basf . proven I frlMmselT a' man of industry, judgment 1 . ana etaitea personal character. The 7 ; 1.. 3 (;j5ate nas n o purer r better CHizen,and , , . ,he wili adorn the office of Governor. 5 v3 'i-iv?8 : M- Stedmany our nominee " M-1!-' wSSr Lieutenaht Governor, is a resident fj. 'Mof, .AViiaiington though 'a Vnative of nigh - htractei: and indomitable r clergy, ana possessed of ability amply triumph 'is bo essential'o the1 security Uife,;. liberty and property. 1 This distinguished gentleman made a speech recently in Congress in the Chalmers-Manning contested 'election case ironiAiississiDpi, which ha add- ditd. bi already welearned fame. Wie here not read it, but shall do so as soon as wecan get held 6f il. It is said frxjDi.hiBn thit J II f era jBtonetf eecured and .held the atten tion ? of the House when ho other member would be listened to. The iWkl.Sl'keva:.Ji)fi: a strong peera oaiy jsucii a speech as a. skill ed lawyer could have made. Itisfnll of point and dash, and the argument is presented in well chosem and ex act terms.!1 a diatributionof said aurplua revenues of the Getejfnnjenl tot educatknal puf- poei as may be made by! the Cotigresl 01 wie imuea states , provided alft-aya,1 that "the BameahaU be disbursed by the State : agents and not accompanied b'v, objectionable features and embarrassing concUtiooA.f.'-:1 -EaMjMdVlTbM , if i. , duie to the white PP!e "of our. :Mtera? couhties, jwho have ao"cheer'fully borne their sharA of our common burd An.''' .i A , ,1 - ... . - lrT-4 epB.or some other - equally ' effective system of county government shall Te maintained. , . ; : Besvt, That jut view of the exUtiiig' ou increasing. narmonr -and, kindly feefing- between? the twe racea itf tbia State, and a sunllar cohditioBrbh thfnra whioH we Believe-to ;l.ej;''genery;lii omer : oontoem. States, we Ideoreeate the attempt of the Kepubticaii party IU recent platform at Chicago to force civil rights as a livine issue, and ' deeoooce tt aa a hreteand and hvoo- wiucai expression or interest in the black , race,, a,; wanton insult . to the whites of the South; and tendins to stir p 1 strife between the now friendly races. and, trust to jnifa nutt mmtmm'- --,.jXi -v f.-i-.:.,. r i ,s ..-V " ..-a:' J .. i . . . . IT v"v . s . ; - - . ' . Ji . j- Zl- .-wmvu ui, our RHH1 (Wit f-.'-ff:. t t assortment,' - 'l::-,'f; j TUB PLATF0R3L We give below the platform of principles-adppted by the Democratic party in coaivenlioa, assembled at italeigh last In. no ether medicinal- preparation nave uie results of the most: intelligent study and scientific , inquiry: been so steadily and progressively ntiliaed as in Ayer-s fSarsapanlla. It leads the list as a truly scientific'- preparation, for all Parsons' Purgative PU1 make new rich blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months; jiny person who will tate one pill i night from one to twelve Weeks may be restored to sound health, if such, a thing is possible. T i. What the Demoatai part needs a strong,- vigorous; aggressive ? policy,. yi iuiio mai wux appeal to tne sound common sense 'of .ftie people," and lrx our - posiuon on tne tana we beliare " ":: ; 1 ' ' ' -'- . fff':: :C..Ki Jt s' '' 3Cim3im!ib IIEZinji 32mnJb .vtaH : vegetable ." ,:v Sidliaa REHEWER. oewin l wa Um tm prnwmtion prltiy sdsjtod to wediMsK tlw scalp, and 'the firMeadU -v: - "'ul ratoiw C Outod r gtay kr to iit MtarU oloc.growtti, aa4 yoathtal beanty. It has hai many hnuatora, bat aeae hare so folly Mt U tae nalreiaBt Medial fw. we proper treatment ot the atr aed eealp. Haws haib Knivn kas steadBy (rare uuarer,aad spnad-tta tmm aiU eerf ataes teevety o.oejrter eC the gtotie. Xt-uarAl UJed soeoen eaa be attribetod to bat one cause: Oc tafirejthM,,! it jmmtbu. . ' Pwprietors heve often been turprtted at t&e-roceipt of order from remote coon. tries, whore they had neyeriaadeee eOertfor Its latpeductlon.. :J-1-"":-'' -, ale ase for a'short time of Haix's Ha i BKJfawxs woBderfally inprOTee, the pev ti: aoatl appearance. IteleaasesUicscaJpfrom an impurities, cures all hunfors, fertr, and dryness,, and thee - prereut beldaeea, It stimeistes the weakeued giaade. and enables , them to-puebfomard e Beir-aiid rigoroua Maiehfri Ana V oaler JniATPHE'tbcaejB srusic HODrml r'l if" - fnd tlwrriMisical instruments and mnsicgoodiK. I hfLWltd and controlled, with inrao;r, JuL the entire sewing machine trade in this part o the State, bX - . 'rfjf fair honest dealing anH'' Kr i,ai; ' I slia11.not4 hiindVaTiy mosicfll instrnmf h' i : 1 , tOBISEEliOODWIf f (Succeasow to I. W. Dukham J : IUXEIOT, N. C. .V rt: . -;' xefT5J.3 sa a Til I. 0 .ntABwTOKfS, TABlETtr VASES, AC. :4V:;5i'rAlso.wntairt for;: '!; iBor. PBsrbiNa,, curbing stone fiemetery JtFork of Ever y Description. Call TrHceXisni; ; cor ; respoBdence soBted. thfactlenireii. 'if V '"v: ; : safilcieh t to fit" hin' f or occupying the 'V v-' chief executive chair should its duties V devolve iipon him. We knew him at ?. Chaptd Hill in l60-,61'aa ah intel- ' tlectaal leader in hia large and talent i ed .ctai'He won distinction as a sol- f-dier, and at the close of , the war was ' . -. Major! of the 4-4th Regiment ; . " ( : '-'v. :'' YiUiam'- Li" Saunders", our candi- 5 ' V; i. i date fo?' Secretary of State, is one. of k ' r. ub' Buooiars m iQ8 otate, and i. i r iui 4yiuiucaiions necessary tor , , ao uiuue,ny?. uuues oi WUlCJi ne nas lfi- 'C': " eo;weli discharged, for" several years jr- . '"' ;: past i .;.'X ' ''iv"'-'T;''' ;..'' ' ' i.. ;- Dobald W. Bain, of Raleigh,.who i it. oaf I nominee,' 5f6r. Treasurer1,- has i; ' ' Jbeeri a clerkfin that ofSce for the last s -conversant with the business than any V: inanin the State.. Indeed, he is about . :;"the ofilyone who is thoroughly ac - f quainted iwith all the details of that " , departmenl;, and will make an intelli gent and faithful officer, ; ; ' ? I .v 'WflliamfP,' Roberta, of Gates covm- r. An Gslner Umu-j - OCVf t To; All WantlaiGr Employment. We-want Live, Energetic and Cap able .Agents in everv oouniv in th United States and Canada, to sell a piM.ea arucie oi great merit, on its merits. Aaarticle having a large sale, paying over two per cent, profit, having no competition,and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a, deed given for-each-and- every county he may secure from us. With all thesi. advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an article that can be - sold to every houseowner, it might not be ne cessary, to maae an extraordinary offer to secure good agents at once, butwe have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the meriu of ourl invention, but in its salabihty by any agent that will handle it with ener gy. Our agents now at work are making Ju srTe? a. aAA . .. .. - - O - , rviu w tow a montn clear, ;aad ' A vax ft eWc. .1 1 this fact makes it safe for us to make AjCr S Oar8apar!Ua Our olfer to all who are out of employ- V Sold by aO X)raggists i si, t botaeaiSeV. U , Scrutinize it as you toayit is true to t the core and cuuieiy consistent, wth- Democratic traditions, an4 ieachings, and the rec ord of standard, Democratie teachers, What a contrast in-this tmrtinmin ha. tweenthe; two parties as measured bv meir records m, connectioa, with the reepecUvef platforms put forth at Chi cago and Raleigh.. We call the at tention, of white men esneciallv to th last of the series of resolutions. The United States- SuDreme Cnm . hA settled the civil! rights: matter. The T LI? . .1 . . j . Avepuoiicans in tfheur platform which Dr. Yorkj e'njlorses-r-resuscitate the issue. f Let the . white people doliber- leiy cnooae .as" between the two par- tiesu" ClajrefnlLv 1 " f" : . I '. i, i ; . J .. : . Iment. . Anv aeent .that win ri vk THE FLATFOBM. I hin'coc. . a : f, i.-, I . i . . -1 "ui'i uojs tnuuiu Mil io I , ??J that I ea.m.t foil wanit. Mbne,but renurt a long Ume.whtoh aiakes J A,e Int,,re f WJp trade depends .npoil UlO "" TTT uauty ii gvous riiA&;i58ell at present. I ahall UTlXam O JJXJj prices wjl oe low &r the quality of -oods -1 -'i '-;': - ' 1 can sdlijf instrWftent as low as any one XyHISKEBS - else, qoaKty cdc-red. ; All I ask is a fair "wTU change the beard to a natural brorm, : t ih erblaeM desired. ftproatMaeapenaeMBt' '". I Shall? C0nUne t ken a full etoi-l- of otor that wni not waehaeey. Ca-totln,- Sewing M.uJmkkjl,! Km ? susie preparation, it U applied without trouble. - . - . . k- . "' ' J ' TRPARED BY.' " ' - .' E:P.flALLiCO.,MnaJH.a' . ; -, Sold by ell Dealers in Medioines. we is a MM m WeOffe Sewing MaehiijevJkedlcs, Oil, Attachments, arts,; &(5., for all machines, and the best 1 laiters. KepairisiBDeciHlfv. I HarisfaetjnHsHu 'brico. onalifv nf oc' iv: i- . : . " Save money and tivu hie by calling on me before you bW Tf .J IT T6ie Citizens of, Uoc W- ' I ; ), "J . " 0 --- . . ftuu vicinity, . . t . v j The largest and best selected stock of' ' . ' TOR ALL THE POEMS " . . OF ; . ferofaloas iferenriel, an4 Blood Disorder, r the beet remedy, beeause the most searching and thorough biood-ptirifier7 ,T . next i& iiKnf)lis1 I shall offer IACE BARGAINS . to ATT. (1 A SIT "RTTVTMJt! S2i"iSrS5 Afchlnes m"6tr snfor eash, 1 PHiCTONSi 1 BUGGIES av TV and Cart. n vw "y: r HorTblauS ,w,k w ds ?iS ani Hartl8 material . ' including Boddies andK3ear ready for the v , .painter and trinfener. Zy 9 1 : We guarantee our, prices lower than I jmy m'thirstate' v 1 I f. '' -sO0KINGHAaI,.KC. . MbDOTJGALL dh BOW DEN 'A ROAD CARTS! :: (MmAy -' j aigestStock wife StrWrltiSM J. M, & W. PSTANSILL. if. ee if " GARDEN SEEDS! At fresh. lot,of the-celebrhtecTLAlW DRifTa garden seeds Call and get a '"Plj'7"''"''""UMilMn 'Vf- " ".... ............ 5tt0 IRISH POTATOES. eeifMeeeittetu Earl Rose,-Groodrich. j ;v.v.'...'.v...... .U..AKD PEEKLESS, The Platform adonis h Wi clear at least tlOO in thio tin.- alwiA h :liN 8T.( ) R. W- i T X-.. WU V Cil l ea : 1 w I . J i .fToaaio congracuiatetheTDeoDleofrforthem- Anv 'Ai.ift.H..1i ..' . ' v Orth Carolma on the career of peace, whoi would like'-ten, or. more countlw. - prosperity and good government on work them throngh;sub-agerjl 1M twt . : - ' tion of a Democratic State adrmnistwv-1 all nnoM unrf t - - tion, and which has been unbroken for No other employer of aeents eeerdar I : Agents for Nome Fertilizer. so many years since j upon the just and -a& 3 mch offers nor would we if we A superior lot of Pickles, genuine unpartial ejceneaiehbe laws -'anen- J?0 kno,T; t we have agents now Olive Oil, French and German Prepared tifhencroroTrrrrr mafangre- thandouble the amount. Muatard,. Tryvthemi- , 1 SmS!5? - r T 600 "l00 we guaranteed, and but two sales-aCy Beef Tongue, Pish and good, sugar wni ana the great progress made in non would give a profit of over 125 a mnnth cured.Smoked Reef. frph - ..1 K. l-JuXi, , . 7 . . ... . . ... 7 ... ' " cuucauon ana nnon t.hA MnA ; i n uue ui uurazents ran Amhjan I a new lot oi tnraa nnenni RnitcMV mnvAwAn: Jf i- . I Orders in On A ClfLV On4 I HTva .rwl TnmWnAa . ' every part of iha State. nA 1TT -1 diro fP, our offer, : and- these Oranges and Bananas, fine and Urge. IZuJS, I T WS gam1 Wd . W13h to send to every one out oi A fine lot of New Raisins, Prunes, C ' A7 - w v w 'i v vti LUifi i "kvj iuouh nuu nm Miiu um r.nrcwi nnn i latiub. miiu yiirnin r.K state of jthings and the crimes. ourraffes!cen 8tomPs for postage. Send at once ! Something, new and nice and scandals which attended Rennblkiftn iorehe" agency in time for the and oat nakes, cairbe cdoked anlAWtn tA.- .T"! boawtigflMo work on the terms tes. -' j : oursAl LvIJ - IT'TT f w extraordinary, offer." We Have you seen those cereal and fruit ourselves to exert in the fntnm as Alwrni i;fc a .L ... I iu-i - i ,. , have donaJn the pasV our best effbrU to th !' wing machine sohcitors ng custerd;. you can't burn them. - ever hrtZ 9 thi markett They are bo'riffhtf in are quaatities and Nnwfer'7l;,,""M promoteihe material interests of allseo. rpenters in the' : eountryand k Pearl hominy from new corn. CheAe fk TfiKjOA'sH, ami fnow offer : thfetn -' , 5 1u"es, ana wutSj-raciers, emons, Allspice, pp. tionstfUieStete.aAfMOnr Anne lot of currant jelly and pre J ' V V " ";' I 7' J't i . . uuw,- w wna at once tne name and serves ne nnest. mackerel that is . A. i : ii T" ' - 1 j i. i. , u KlliaThrjmae and myself have jdst 'returned from the vNoiihebi I " , , t """ wuere caretuUjseteeted and bonsrht wltfe-the cash one I of J ?riTv..Ai,. M. . cereal Aa1ca f ip ,nrnnl . "l we tosii one or. f ..-..;-.'.--.-.? i..L. in w am, '7 'ir - , V.; - .,i..l;iv', GENERAL . MBKOB0iAJt)TSE - ''"""MUIHIMN... ......... ougar, wmee.Molasses, Candy, Raisins, Gr! 1 . . - -.. Ladies,'send your' orders to MSrij. B. HARRINGTON f Vrmeriy or Danville, Va.) f That wIll oi Blub oKrrai., -sp . ynenele ahoTArecene Braid, ane a rull" ' t line of Embroidery material on hand, ' '"l P Don't fait to send your orders . -; ' . ' rence to Democratic principles as here- address of all such they know. Address known, in beautiful 5 lb packages. . . """7 ? iw-fuuDnai oi f j iww us uesi cnance- - naut a, use piece ot-cueese uie party, it is hereby , -'.. j w uio&o oux. 01 cmployaeBt) Joave m , ; : ' i w iuajic uiuuey.wi r ! i . fuces, musKtras, sweet r , itEKiraa JdAjrcrACTUKiyo Co., . I dressmgs. 161 Smitbfield St., Pittsburg, pa. J Bucawheat them. Ify BesotiM, That we . regard a full an Am. ' - I Krewsion xn ine public wiu at the ballot box as the Only1 sure means of ores ocrnxjg our rree American- institutions, and that the corrupt and corruntine use ef . Federal patronage i4 mflaencing and controlling elections is dangerous to th liberties of the State and the Union.' feedThat we are in faror of the unconditional and immediate abolition of the whole internal revenue system as an intolerable burden, a s tanding menace to tne freedom of elections and a source of great annoyance and corruption m its practical operation,', , , Mesolved; That no government has a right to burden its people with taxes bes yond the, amount required to pay its ne- cessary expenses and gradually extirwi guish its,lublfcdebtoWia-i-llL, "'ytYyt- "vwBjw,unTeo, exceed 1 this amount, they should be reduced so as .to avoia a surplus in the treasury. PITZ-EDWARD OKSfSMTttTal I on us Dacca ana ane eegars . : v r - . -. k : ...V 1 J per, Salt, Canned Goods. &a. Jl lot of .iiuijce we) - ) : 1 . .. ,, ,-j-,v v.wa t - , A- erreotWn planter from his' ast pxprienln payihgVh ' .!, saladttime prices, resolv lionreforth to dpnl Tfip' f.aa)T 'f'ony-i 'vU .:i L-.mT C?SrW?i? ."5 . x-- H' ' .-; . ' .1 Ills monet:-'pavpfei-nnH tW..-:ni. .' - 5 ' J I rrf"?-"""ft.'"'r cawnesi ana nne syruja-to gO-with ,t "wmum sowi gei on a eeiia JC0imaa f " ? J4. Jl anVi'P. STANSIL1 U 1 "V ! i i, - . T " ftvwfci HUM - - tUC , Dry hop yeast cakes, fresh and good. ",us- iaa fUe7 go tyw dofo, ch.So -bring alon raising Buckwheat at 20 cents ner JOOr ehsh aod- Se Will fbid it-to rieiWf r,U Airfii: .,", Fulton Market ' Imported iNiee Untter. nt SO cents per Market wmid beef - driU Seef S1 P?? r lifr1 -Patron vsery refullyy j ed Macaroni of best quality. '1 'h -."'-:gy T ' T :'' H. -O. DOGKERY. 1 frfl&" II II A' fine" lot of Tellies in sugar- bowls. , cream-piboners ana Bpoon-noiaers and i oy tne pound. A fine assortment of candieslresh and hew.- t .fc.'- JlHBndtsrsigned reBpectfoMy informs I . S3i" TKa finoef. :viAaiiaevv1jf-:w.i .1 relsdollar sacks, and. per u pofld. " .:JfcSiiiisa''Pi: i.v. ....-.-.r.I.eneaD ir not for leaft, than f.. :'U;:. j ..t'can 'testify .j)".., . 1"'' followed hinjuboht " f ' -y -; j u r&ivP?5u' and ."the discriminations in its 4: Virginia. and have J, metal Uirnt V ; ' f; ; ,f the timeof hia promotion place the highest rates on luxuries and 1. ; - .f lHe commano, ot, a -Brigadier., he 1 " Devfled Ifflinidnene "knd lobster? We therefore urge 'upon our Senators " A ctorf J a" i,., 'Vi' - ted dM1 andt Seep constasly on hand all sizes of and Eepresentatives ln-Con i Z e" Ir," "ITr iC" '7 . EPeeeo-f 'v' ; ; -. ,nrrirfW Vn - . e,t-4bem,elves ift i.or - of such li ll mXTi Caimea VeffStaM lfmJ i? - An '..(.-. . .. - .1 . .w. u UUU O UttUUlUCMS. .. . . . w . . .r OBvMB,nil..:, What miserv arispi'fi-nm: ;n o?red. That with respect to the taiv setting b6sbm,d bad-fittinsr neick ff we reaffirm the life Ion a i-viviii we - mi 1 1 1 if i ii 1 1 r r w-ri ria , the nariv A-mIhtoA i Vk vf f .. 1"' i.L viw rr- v.. Mvmu imm i sieevpe Tfn ehn4 i? .f : . I uwauo piauorms ana tnat the details of But now ' ine metnoa Dy which the constitutional and haonv ugraauaiiyxeached, Uutalways fits-The Diamoxd; - h Rice, pearl; hor:'. uch the party represented The tanaled thr.r1 ftf!;c. wheat flakes. oat flakes freouire bat - lA fr?Ai!zi!t!' wes at the Federal eWii ;t,.. - "1 mlnute:to iofa W'-ia erf7h'.; rrl-" 'r JJ"'w:aw .J Wadjustni in oMon the 1 ANl b u i a q i nni i t thing known rdyep kf4i4 iuortetS 'ESPEa; AfinearMceorNew.Orle okra and terna4;Oes,vcorn, rhubarb, (very Emblem, , .S.. h')r .f fine for pies)',p ;,,..'., ; : . vr; ; y ;; u . .. : MtUPnitTlire ' . c. or -.T3ii.:A.' WinclOW Shades, f'orda TnaaaTa "d;. m lu' a- 1 mum the lowest on the necessaries f life, dis- VVt;'5n;f?l 7'?vw,e JdE?bc brigadier J wpwp as 4tuvuyi.atjpo8aible:the'.- bofw ' ;.;jsi.vf.'S -' 4' '5$ Ait;AW:. - 1 gaodr to the creates nnmWinf rV. VvltVf .:-K;,::'f:t;'i- 'ifehat theeoorse of the Demy VW the. State, the establish, ?; vi:'-fe'i& ft j ' ,of graded and 'normal schools in V yomr dealer i (n6w)j Crystal syrup, sugar drips. Porto V Kioo and Cuba-molasses. itr v J powdered)1 graj4ulatedf cut loaf, stand, ard A, New Orleans.1 brown and- m-antr. lar 7 V ' a-- -Vr - " X4telafull Of-disappointmente; We 'WM3. xyvAieee, 7 - eeently oflfef ed taf our a t.. 1 ' Leggete i'Tieet? braid and evnrtnA recently oflfered to oure a; bid case or pgS iTige brand and ground peutisma for, af year's . Subscription: Arbuckle's , Ariosa Thurherg , 84 inadvanice, bat just u w ereeVeK. tidttM? rvm-'r ce, point f liftmg the shekels. ..iZttZZ thiaing friendA suggested JohrisoVi WSPJtl Urrj H9t Bojg it made ne)v, your plot ere frames-clean ea ana-pensnea ..mi -.., ,. t a JEncouraga home enterprise and see what you are getting before navi, fru.TtV Give me a all before lewmgurrw "oia BusBHuere. i ior warrantea t5at isfaction- guaranteed Orders frdm the Coantnr mll'be Bromtvflv attfcndfertii a Jtfy motto is: tQuick saler and amall prontsf 'jvaii ee'ya.1: t fv MP& floqr feizaeU Smidmgj--Fh 4Q;$l;tAtWBtJ & YOiJn. jvajtiuj I withbotiae .of toi deUble: ink and- brusnient , post-paid for 25 cents, Address, 0 :,'f . - J. tL BAENES, Jteekingham, N. C. L16HTNING SE17ER! 17LS0N TORDin nowei e is u u n r nrn I -aur . irron tiese sources arise toree-iburtbs of diseases of the human raoe. -eTbese rmptoms Indicate their existence : Loae e & BovrL IBleJr UAd Aclie, rallnesa after eatius;. &vraion e xarttoir of bodrormtaci, ErvctAtlev: V lUUBi' UTIUIillltW' AT taaemea. - - r AAA aSfBwnnlWWWab -1 ;SSi??H aearett U - eVVV S3 Ja Ja.JtJaXJE4CT Jl " -.ft 1 e.. juesa Win ear rj Vi,4 Hm. rAWtfrni 4 mAw" - . j . .... " ", SOU Ut3" uuuiu iiie use.i a renieuy mat acts au-ectiy ; oath? liver. As aLlver medicine tVTfk , MirS have no qusll -Ttaeir-aAtionon the . RIIIKlllVPi lllllli M 1 Crti t - - 4 Kitlrteysand Skin 3ah.o f.romt7t:VwSri . fV n.--:-'ti;.;.. ' ! I : au impurities tiirougU tliese three "aeA-ri fW '-.:i;l: ;-.'i j-rei of the yeteae. tJitodachuf ennA. sonatdigestionv reKul&r ettriav a Clear . elan anda vigorous bod v. gruTiws pit.tji ; muu umiy won nuu sre.aperreoii - AJUJOUTE TU MALARIA. TUTTSAIII DYE Ghat Hatb ok WinSKKas cbanared to. Btantly to a Glosst Black by a Bingle ap. t-liiUon of tats,. PTE. Sold by ttroggis, '' - or sent by express rn receipt of fi. -T ' hbw, jviurray ocreet, ew r orr. . 1 MABOAL Of USEFUL RECEIPTS fgt -mm,., m ;TaADS Street, IJhAemtt N J3. . , ;; J..HARlJDfGTON DINING ROOM f ;Icio GreamrFarloi :( : 3d door above court house. lXeals at all TlburN. -SOUTHERN METHODBT PUBLISHING HOUSEi NASHVILLE. tEMH....;.-T . if i -Thi Unrest Book Manirh.nn. p...i.i:.t.' . r the South. A full assortment of the better class of ' Duscell4neCubookicnmtrlw m k,M . tii..: i books, and aeday-echoal eaog-Wiu and lihrane i ' f general organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, . -'-; - 'S?"feiXir,tjr p5? eockw-ek-. A Sure paper for " ' ' the old led youeg. Only S3 a year. ' a r i f '" .-O ' i. -i. jLif- - .s''-'".t. J.'. . " ' ":. '' ? Jr ,oyeeito-aeocl. ; :'t- Eit pehodica for Sunday-school teachers and ' i! . LI tcaoUrt; different gradetaadpifces s issued weekly. " ttBosthhr, and auarterlv. Catalogua of books aad Si to smy address. Advocate andssitiAoorPenadieal. V JTr , I t Southarn Methodist Publishing House, - " r;-..-:r nasHyiLLE tenn: . -' ; - , ,; o. 3, South Front iStrtetf : V."-'': NO NMW TW it- vmsatennesimeaaiinr-'r.ii, 'tif-H'"-: ' rTS8. Best Ur.KwtT(liiH tANITARIVM. Biwside,' OaU The dry clixaaM mm jtose,lerost,tmaa, fall tries. 8p, MARRrAGES CAli that tha tauMfnl cnrionsbrtHooiial know. Cloth and gilt UacUu SO cts, paper triaaa SnidfulM d lficaaciaaalad. nones' c rtNI AVE tne 3. VVHinilR p,3tt2! Che sreet specialist, Nervoae DebUitr Jropeatraentrf :o Man luge, Oontoltatlon aaa Pamphlet faee, "i Ko. 6 itith EeaoT&hle Oerer. , ss.. I.. 'WOftTli&IWORTII, t : ' . t tr-i? .. ..'. -t . Xbeonlyabsolntelrflnt-eleBAW)' SXG1X&TG,L C5XIipj)lIlg ana llluatrttted. tCattKce JtiiaCttekleur fVUlllJllJtOlii i-CN" Q, 'B. ;THE .3tspN.VfirwwVpaK TTalif ncford. Conn. . f :f r,:"s i ?vmes jrfixTyUOOfxm vorn, JrRst':ReiVeaA m'ceJotof new f--iS jrirlf: Litf'ri.tA&jiH.h: Shane in- Hats, ih Straw. Chin and 1th M yaeKrxc. - t horn;- Ladies will please call and exr'- IQ Agents for Cape Fear ahdPeo amine - - - w joju. Jj. y. vatohaw. ipie sDneamooat vo - . Tuat A. ei4rft(tt mm jMetT sai.a,.u. ' O 1A rrn ! . ea iiawsnjej turtierSe T '- r: IS NO W ()( ) MPt . ttm ana 9uas re4 .aeattred tbaty if ;will H compare jdth any stoefcr of J otu- line in ; , l ttmf tatein,vanety,'tjualityl of -good . I and l0W''riefjIt'.i weawB:.that'-', our house is: always ahead- onlalf th '.--L 'M new novelties in line" goods In-every fde-.' ' j partraenti but our; stock sthi Bbrinz ist ' a.-' . - J " . - 1 iiieriein, eieganee and variety : Ut-s. nyi evebei&Vph,oeti Sbefere our ? t etomefst? f .tUi-HA'-ie;.tA v 'v " t tA hTARTl fhT.T TXnn At? V. ?' wfil be pleased hat r rrrhv a htfn ." .-, I ti:'ten!,y0tf and willi'I - A- 4a a!1 Aw deri.-tv.Very tealy.U.'r -v. s-:" v: ."? ?apH1.8,S84..;!:,iK Advertae yJw'busiDesi - " t,rwr;i4 ' va '..i;":'.?,.i,- f .