. 1..,..,.,..,,,. .v..,.-. J. u;-. J. "l I: - J J;. I: I 4 4 i r (lockinham. C, Special Notice. ' v Whe rt 'iocaCf -advsr tisementi .are. handed in for publication In the RoCkSt with no specified time for publication, they will be published until ordered out and charged up ieacb, weej at JL cents per line, xcenenioer inu.j f - -t.it-' I A ' id s 3- Churcl Calendar. ..V . . Methodist Chttroh Rev.R.S.Ldbetter Pastor. . Preachinsr everv Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., aiid atjf:30 V- Prayer Meeting every Wednesday At :oU m Sunday hchoo! every Sabbath at i p. m. Meeting of the Official board at the par 6onage every Monday at 7:30 p. . , IUptist' Church Rev. :T. i Harrison, Pastor.; Preaching on the 3rd Sunday -ol each month at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Freacn- ing on the 1st and ('3rd Sundays of eah month at 7:30 rf k.' Prayer Meeting on Tuesday of eachj week at l:iH) r. m. bun day School eyerjy Sunday at 9-.3Q a. m. HO MEN EWS AN D CO SSI P. Harried,' in Marlboro, S C, on the 1 1th, Mr. Gus Terry to Miss Francos Gib- son, both of this county. We are sorry; to learn 'of the serious Illness of Mr,. M. W. Boroughs, of fever, at-bisnome ner.the Grassy Islands. The following is the rate of taxation in this county for the current year': State " school tax, 121 "cents on 100; county isjl, oij touts f iwj iviU vvw on $100. Poll . Chairmen of pemooratic County Com mittees ue requested by Mr. R, B. Bat tle, Chairman iot the State Committee, to send in their tames and poet office addresses at once to him at Raleigh. A Mr. Douglas ot Chesterfield, S. C., " was shot and mortally wounded while cngageu ai. uis wurs a lew uays ago, J ne report is tnat the wounded man charges the shooting upon Lee, who it ; will be .remembered was with Boggan Cash when the latter was killed,! Lee himself receiving a wonnd from the fire of some one of the Sheriff's posse. v The; crops in lower Wolf Pit township ,; i are said to be promising. ' On the Ha i rin'gtoii domain where' reside Messrs, . . Harrington, Rogers, Joseph and William . Diggs, Croslijnd, Travis Quick and oth- ;f crs, the-prospect is particularly good . both for cotton and corn. This, warm . weather, wifh gentle rains at short in tervala, is all that is needed the graa : bein kept down, of course to produce a crop such as' will make glad the hearts cf farmers and merchants as well. We bear good reports also of crops in Black Jack township. ; .. So soon after ti e death of the beloved prtstor of the Methodist church. Rey. J. H. G u inn, iias death's unrelenting hand leaaoved little : Fannie Lee,"he tender babe of the household. The hearts of. all our people go out in sympathy with tne bereaved. . - " " AotlieiTlt;trnr olthf Cyciwae Noah Leak, col aged about TOf died' at Zin-inburg on tbe 17th, after a brief illnes3dSu-We: XCTviGliSS seceived in the terrible storm of Feb'y 3 9th. He! had gone down on a visit to hh daughter at.Laarinburg, This makes the fourth or .fifth , victim out of one family.; Of typhoid fever on the 16th insk. iMis3 Albetta Barrett of Pee Dee tillagej; in the 15th year of her age. , V . J ; Of" cholera infantum, Fannie Lee, eight monthsjold, a daughter of the late iev.. J. H, Gninn, Qn the 1.4th inst., at her home in Black Jck tow hip, Mrs Nancy, wife of Mr. about 75 years. Burton Vlebb, aged The lleallh of Itscklnghan. - There ia a mistaken impression abroad that our town is very 'sickly. Dr. i. M. Covington, who is certainly in a position to knowJsays there has been no case of sickness phis year in town. that, was due ,to any local cause. , Not;, case of chill and fever has come to-his knowledge. 'He is reidy to companr statistical notes : with any other-place of its 'sise in. the State., ,True, there has been an ununal '' number pf deaths this year, which would seem to give color to 'such impression, but a knowledge of the symptoms in each cose will show that no malaua m' herent in or. contingent to the place has i been cause-for, the diseases of which ..they dyd.yf r-.-- - M '' -I ----T J-r ' ,-T- I ' . i'l-rmoiini.. '.v'j ri We were pleased Id'meet Mr; Juo.'J. Jlc Donald,' of Oalveson',',Tca spn' of , 'f : t-j oooeiu vjoaaejf promi ni fc citizen of -oar jcountyi - .lie is on a TisityctHujanled' bf luswifsr indebitd to hii ; ri?tber,aiidjf.lative9'm this town. Al e left here 1S years ago to make-hi home in Texas and we -are giad to know tiiat-hejis gTOvving'lip-sacoeesfulfy with , tftit he country. It was pur. pleasure i slrto tokneet Mr. John Steele, of , Moot . gome ry county, just returned i'rom Ar kanaasl where ' he has' been on a pros - . pectin, tour since last February, He tails ub that.iir. Tom Steele, of Little K-jjk, brother of the-Col. and Kobt L., accompanied by his'. son and. daughter and other persons, left-one-day last week , ,fr Wagon. . Whoel Gap - in, the far, off,! B )Cky Mountains, where rthe party will spend a' month or: two thV men' folks .. r i in uieir imia enjoying ine pastime 01 . s'i;otiflg wild sheep,; deer and grizzly bear. -r:'4. - -.ir.!vj'- . tr-j-w AtuJ Childress,"; hieceV-of the late llti (furnu, left on Tuesday for. Lexington MrsJ L. W. Vughan,,Jeft last week on a -natoW tnends at .tlantoo ya and Bittirnorej y, h'j'ut Wfe i ' ""Mr. pockery Joimson;;fof Spring Hill, was m town on luescutyr we had a pla asah t call same " dky froi Mr., Under wo id, representing the"lletgli Regl&UT. r Remember You! can al ways get the very hest Soda pnd Mineral Water at the Drug btore Tile DemooraUc Cengresnonal Conven tion for this District is appoin ted to meet inIbeftotf 'on Jury 30th. '.The fol lowing is a list of delegate : T. F. Stan- bckrK R LittleL S. Boatick, J . M. tUtteav' WJU. lownsena, n. .u. owjwto, Sr.,T. C Leak, J. T. LeOrand, H. U. Wall, yL. II. Russell, J. D. suaw, a. Jamos, D, I. Gibson,- Jease Hargrare, F. 3GUbson, Qi T. Pate, Wtfn, Ldderick Morton, N. Al MclN air, u. Bry ant, W. A. Gill, J, P. McBae, S. J. Hun terjl ir. Cameron, W. II. Neal, K. B. Clark, Gu H. Hall. I No alternates. Next Wednesday is the day. r,v 1U. ; . - All over the State the Democrats are forming Cleveland nd Scales clubs with a yiew to :c strength and be prepared for systematic work in the campaign. Who -says, we should not take steps here to that end and try, in this jubilee 'year for the De mooracy, f tov redeem even Richmond county from Radical domination ani in fluence? Can it be doneT Not possv- ble, except with suah organiaation as Gov. Jarvis, in the early days of his po1 litical career, inaugurated in Pitt coun ty, as a result of which thatcounty, m the face of greater odds than we have to contend" against, shook off the lethargy, and indifference and supioenhesa, such aa haa-come over us here during these years of politioal thraldom, and claimed and achieved a glorious victory for the democjracyThis was simply the result of organization, local and general. Every township in our county should at onoe take steps to establish its club and gath er its Democratic forces into it ; tb.6n hold regular meetings s vou would in debating society, distribute campaign documentand&get the people enlight ened on the issues between the parties, stimulate enthusiasm,; nothing can be done without it. Each club can adopt and put in practice Us own plan of gov ernment so as to secure the best resulu in preparation lor election day ; subject of course to rules and regulations macl9 by the general oounty organization. We would suezest that the chairman of Rockingham township executive comr mittee name a day upon whfeh the vo ters of he township -po- matter how few, bo the nucleus ia formed and a begipning made may ge together at the court house and en?oli themselves in a Cleve land and Scales eiuW Then the books to remaitt open for enrollment of the names of all who choose to join us and cast then fortunes with the great Reform party of the country. ! A Wfcltrrl.e Sea.' It will pay any unsophisticated lands man to go down to Wilmington at this season of the year. ' Stop at the Purcell House,'for Perry, an old college mate of ours, is clever enough. Spend about three quarters- of. a day An the ' city that'8 long enough. '. (5p around to the Star, office, not to get your name in the rpsV popular daity in. the !te, but just to Bee, you know, . and. hear.' the news. SfaVenp-your rrnd atout 4 p. k. ;hat you'ii go aown to - cknitnviue to rtstuin next morning at 11 a. Take passage on the "Louise" at 4:30-Unot so tidy and anstoerafic as the 'Passport,'' but, nev- ertheless, a swift rocser,. and not-so apt to be crowded. -She stops at the Soeks, old Fort Fisher,. to take on mail, passen gers or something, no matter, so it- gives you an opportunity to see what-the gen- efaK government has dohe - towards im proving the entrance front the sea to Wilmington, Here is a. wall of ' rocks run out from shore several hundred yards and completely stopping Up Ft. Fisher Inlet, thus causing the main channel of the river to deepen for the purpose of better navigation. While this is a com pleted job, you'll see thai a similar work ia now progressing in the effort at stop ping up Corn Cake Inlet, thus still im- proving the main channel and tending tar towards making the harbor at Smith ville one of the best on the coast. If you ask what all this is to cost, you can only get in answer, somewhere above a million.. Stay one night at the Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, if i you can' t stay any longer In the early next morn cast your, eyes adown the river ; you see Ft. Caswell on the right, Bald Head on the left, and, between these two points, the sea, the sea. If you have poetry, in your soul it comes rigbi out, "Break, break, break, on thy cold gray stones,. O sea I" Back at Wilmington, make your arrangements to start at 6 o'clock r. u. for ;Wrightaville Sound.-, jThe pleasing contrast realised, not simply suggested, between A,BheUjroad'.and the Pee Dee nun maxes ne; twe oi seven, nwlea a oentinuousjjvnnUl yon bare -hauled up ia front "of "Sea -Side Park. Hotel.'.' rioiioi rompu cere varying, is is true, but only from pleasant to pleasant. Jake the Udea, they come and go ; so it fa pverwhere. lf Mr, 'A IT.'Green, a constnt summer sojourner here, pro poses a . sail, don' t object; it is only pleasure eoupled with safety that he contemplates for. you,; even though he makes appear . that he will shoot the "sharpie" through the- Inlet and across the bar, just to scare -you, j It John Dan iel is at the helm trust him to take you across and out into main Atlantic ; he knows all about sailing, and you'll fail to get a genuine "whiff of the sea" till you've done that. If fortunate enough to get an entree to the Carolina Yacht dub houBe,; wfiieh stands 'immediately on the beach, 'then divest and, re-invest-' ing in borrowed! plumage, try the surf here you find tiie best on ihe. Carolina coast. " If yon can't stay longer, at least put in two days and nights, as we did and then come home on time, glad that you' ve. been and oontea t tots wait ano th-. e opportunity for taking the -same trip, One single box of Parsons' ' Purgative Pills taken ' one each night will make-. more new rich blood than ten i dollarsH worth" of any liquid" blood,v purifier now known. These pills will change the the blood in the entire system, in-; three months, taken'one a nigh W . - Raleigh has organized a "Society far the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals," the first, we believe of the kind in this State.- 1 - v Jay' JtUcs3, two pronainent phjcjLans ojo Dw. Jim M4wuit;Coyington-were sold out lastitrdaj Ter nicety, Wd. the secret woirld jnrobabl , haye ,be04 kept had only one- of . thiol Veeaa . vlc :l tim." OnjiM.Wsia5jbuf f e 01 ing around town: for (two, or hree days considerably under the innuehca of wn4l key, and - concluded Oft Satufdaj . tht he would like to go nomef Ikte makes his way to Dr. Jim's office- and reports, to him that a Uttle ' child of -Darga Lampley's 1 was very kick;at nia house and that he was wanted ; at once ;. "that Mr. Lamp ley was almost heart-broken at the child's apparent critical condition, and the sooner he (Dr. Jim) would go the better. The Dr. told him that it was almost , out of the question for him to go just at that time; that he had just returned from a long and wearisome tr.Pi that his horse was tired and mvt , re,t a while. Soon Watkms left and Dr. Jim mounted his vehicle, first thinking j that he would go liome and partake of the bountiful dinner that awaited his Coming, but conscience told him that he was doing wrong, and the thought that the precious darling of the agonizing Mr. Lampley might die tor want of im mediate attention, caused him to change his mind and he drove as soon as po$tsis ble to the house of Watkins, where he WUBU luo we" pmymg soth. 3 a I .t.:iJ if j i . . a the yard lively enough. The Doctor's feelings can better be imagined than described. In the meantime Watkinsi had despaired of getting a free ride with Dr. Jim and set about to hunt up Dr. Wint. He-soon succeeded in finding him and related the same story to him., ... t-- t rVr -Cr rr8 . rilPricecenU botUe. uau m uviuurs iu uu pooae ana wouir l give it to him as soon as he bad taadW the visit, whereupon Dr. Wint' uayfted him to take a seat in his dog cart aaa in a few moments Watkins was moving speedr ily towards home. While pasng.a ell j known station on the B, O. A R, at the western end of towq Watlrins jumped ; bvr money changv out and went in to get his money ed so explaining h: purpose to Dr. ' to Dr. Wmt, who paUentlywaited till he re - turned Dr.-V. nnoerstands novT, how - ever, that the movement was only a ruse to get anothedrink. Resuming the j .;..: ..... . . . ' journey aflerthjs little episode they soon met Dr. Jim, twUirnina. who. fullv I realised by tho. Ume the- true skttp of lis litMA wtsiM a ... . i 2 ' atikirs, Jwit he remained as ctimb as an oysterWhile passing them, and on they sped until the home of Watkins was reached, when he dismounted, walked ltraigntway to tne house, entered and lay down on the bed. Dr. Vvlnt follow. od him in and, to his surprise, found the situation as above stated. Watkins had jaot lorgotten the promise ot the two uoiiars. out aeciarea tnat ne wouia not ... . , . .1 , .i pay it now; that V he had.no idea of do- . , . , . , , told him so., sliall.! ing it when he told not vouch for Dr. W.'s strict adherence to the rules of the church, at this innc- j tare; but it was too good for them to. Keep, and now one Docton'aociu Uio j Other of j'umping at theopporlunity to make the visit. ) - j gaged a few days ago in figuring up the ! town. From, his calculations we I cam that there are twenty five widows aiufc five widowersr-Tfiifr .does not inolude those living in Pee Dee village;, 'lite" manufacturing business must be dull whear the presidents find time for cenv us taking. The "boys" have all-been- summoned to work the streets a gain i Nice law this, to force a man to work tho streets- and pay taxes fop.- the support of the town, too Nora. The above items were hand ed in. fori our. issue-of two weeks-is go,, but have been crowded out.. "Steve Elkins," says the New and Obterva-y. "who Is- said tcr know more about the star route matters than- any Other person and wbe-is tbe chief mn ager of Blaine's campaign, has-been talk ing about the plans of his committee. He thinks the vote of Iodtnna "is large ly a question of finanee" which means soap and laughter." He thinks there- is a fair chance of uniting the -Readjust ters and straightout Republicans in Vir ginia, "which would make easy a similar fusion in North Carolina." And tbatr shows what Steve Elkins knows about i-L He counts on "a similar fusion in North Carolina" a fusion of what? There isM nethinghere to fuse. ..The revenue ring has already captured the Kepubliean party and turned it over 'body and soul to Dr. Tyre York. ' It wi bo tery easy for Dr. York to lose it, bo t-we see -no chance for him to fuse i with anythingt Certamly he can't fose.it with the Dem ooratic party. Elkins may know somen thing of the star route inaiters,' and about "soap," but be is not well posted on North Carolina politics. ' : Alongstrmed snake crawled kito-a basement saloon, yesterday, and. was-in, the middle of the room -before any one saw it. The inmates stood aghast and speechless for several seconds, when-one of them, pointing his finger at the object, managed to articulate, "Do any of the rest of you see that They, all re sponded in a chorus, "Yes, we all do." It's a great relief to me to know it,', said the first; "for I thought I was going to have another attack of malaria." "Me, tooj" responded ;tbe chorus, and then they fell on the snake with billiard cues ancfMsilled it. Yaaktoii Fress. KEW APYKRT1S MEXTV m COTTO.X GIN FOR SALE. One good? second hand engine, ten horse power, and pne.' sixty-saw. cottoa gin for sale. These must be sold, and can be boughVctraaper than any others in tha county. ; Apply to LkGUANItA; T1LLET r,.AU'ys,' 29tf , , - Uockuigliam. N. C. r NOIlfllMIlOLINVCOLLKUE Htl Pleasant, coitus Csix. ' The next session "begins August -4th.. Total expenses per term of twenty weeks $50 -to $75, For catalogue and other particulars, address as above. ) KSVi G.. F. St-HAEEFEIV President. The N O. Press Association will meet in Raleigh on the 7 th of October. " '&0n the, 16tb of July there wa in the S. Treasury the vast sum Off s,2yi,- M No wondetm00ey U oarce. 1 The hotel at All Healing Springs, in Cleveland eountfwae burned on the 18th. Loss, f 1 3,000 : insurance, fiUUO. ;1 Johnson's Anodyne liniment will noaitivelv' cure - ehronio diarrhoea- of Lipng standing, alsojdysentery,; cholera morbus, ana, cholera, . used internauy. There is no remedy known ho valuable fpr immediate use aa this old life preser ver.' L. ..v'-'v'-r- -- ' " ? The Poplar Tent people in Cabarrus county are preparing to have a big time on the occasion Hf their annual Fair, which takes place August 13th proximo. Among other speakers, we are informed that Gen. Scales; our candidate for Gov ernor, b to speak' there.'1 Observer, A lady writes: I have used Ayer's Sui.ran.nari I Is. in m v fujnil v far mnrT vpart and could not keep house without upon femaie weaknesses and irreiuar ities, I consider , it without an eaai." - i , ' ' , ; ' " ' ADTICF. TO MOTH ICRS. Are you disturbed at night Mid bro ken of your rest by a sick child suffering' ana crying witn pain oj eunmg teetn i If so, send at once and get bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing .Syrup for chidren teething. Its. value is incalcul- able. It will relieve-the i poor little sufferer immediiUSely. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about J it. It cures dysentey ana amrrnoea, ,,,,,1, ..i, stomach and 'boweli. cures wincLolic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone nd enrgy t0 the whole system. Mrs. Winslow Hootning eyrup lor onuaren tee thine is pleasant to the taste, and is the1 preecriptiou of one of the, oldest and" beet female curses and physicians l.'llu. fTnit-al KtitM n sA la at& Kff to'the United States, and is for sale by all drucjrists throughout the world. "The platform submitted to the Dem ocratic Convention j at Chicago yesterday r a much! more- intelligible document. ! as a whole, than that which the Repub JJ,to: It licans adopted, r ' . It is perfectly candid. observer that neither Chicago, pbttformat wa made wih-the intention oi policy regaitcfingthe of leading to a radical tariff. In , T:.'v ."""r 4lwa rfl OA rf f.haa TisafVI AM AIT IP !a aIaum liace ot the resolutions, from, the Ietiuito limitations with which ijt weclaruti.ws of policy are surrounded; ifom. lhJe ."dmissions mxde as to the acquired rights of protected industries .3 thm . d of reWnl-ini, th difT. rnce in the rates of wairea to ho. pftrnad VaAaaA A A 5n im Linla fLai' nA bore o sd in. foreign binds, that no de struutive measures are contemplated. It is still more clear frbm the recent history of the party that, were suoh measures' propos-ed, it would be i ra possible to carry them into operation x- "mcBi - -. . Not a particle of calomel or any other deleterious substance enters into the nnmiiOsit.ion of Aver'a Cutliai tic Pills. Un the contrary they prove of special service to loose wuo nave uwi siuaii .i t . j i -1 and other mineral poisons as medicines, and teel their injurious effects. InsuCu CM3 Ay . pais are-invaluable. Hair "Vaerbr ITS I I - S.S1 I HUTU ' - mtTg'" . restore, with tle gloss auU freshness or youth, failed or gray Unir to a natural, rich browu color, or UueAhiacIt, as wa? be desired. By its use light or red Uair may be darkened, thiu U;iir tbickeued, and balduess often, tlioali uot ulvrays, curvd. . - It ohesfc ialliag-of ihw lialr, and ft;uu laltf a weak iSf-fiaiil growtU to vigor. It prerent9aiMl cures scurf aud daiidraST, and heals." noarly every d.sease peculiar to tlie scalp, As ;i Ladies' Hair Dressing-, tlio ViutfU Js-taiequsileU ; it outains. neither oil uor--d!, reuders Ue hair soft, glossy, and silken in amtenraftce, aud iuiparis a delivute, agreeable, aud liati.ig irluuie. Mi. C. P. BuicHEl! m-rites from Kirlff. O.. Jn'tfJt, Ixjcj-: .1iMB fnii Hv hair commenced falling out; mid in a l)wi time 1 became . nearly baUt. t ii-i part of a bottle of Aveh'.s Hair Yiooit, which stopped the fall tng of the hair, and started a wew srowth. I hare sjsmt- a fHl hewl of hair (towing vigor-etiirty,- and ai conriMc-d that bitt for the use of your reoaraUou X should have been entirely bakl." .EYP. BirWJS,.-rTOpritor"oiFtie tfeArtkttr tObio) Rttquirrr, saj-s : AVKJI'B HAIR VieOB is a most excellent y rep. ration for the hair. . lpeak of it from mf own experience. Iu - use Tporiateet-the growth of new hair, and ' , makes-it gWly and soft. The Vioon ia also a-snre cure for d-iudruff. Kot within wj knowledge bits the pr.eiaratkm ever failed. tegivs entire satisfaction." Ma. Axons FAiRnAiRX, leader of the ' celebrated " Fairbairu Family " of Scottish cali!la, writes from Hxstoit, Mast-, Fth. 6, - MM : " Kver since my hair began to pi re sil very evidence of the change which tier ting due Twocwetb, 1 have meed Avks's Hair Vioob; and so have been able to" maintain o an appearance of yonthf ulness a matter of considerable consequence te"Hiini8eeT, ora- . ' torn, actor, and In fact every one' who UveS" in the eyes of the public' . arRS -O. A. Fbescott, writing from 18 Hm" If., ChHrttstam, Matt., April 14, 1882, says: " Two years ago aboat iwo-tliinU of my hair cable on It- thinned very rapidly, and 1 was f.t growing bald. On using Aykb's Hair ' ViKa the falling stopped and a new growth eotMRfeaeed, and iiwaboat a month my head was completely covered -with short hatr; It has continued to grow, aad is now as good as ' before it fell. I regularly ased but one bottle of the Vioom, but now aae It occasionally m wMreuing." .. -; IT have hnndfeds of similar testimonials' . j to the afBeaey f AVer's HaiitTiGoa. It I' needs bat a trial to convince ths most skepti calof 1U value. .:v ; :. ?y -' rasraaxnBT- -'- Dr. JtC.Ayer ACoLovveH, Mais. ' . SxAd hy aU Droggiits. 2v IN CASH GIVEN AWAV ATTENTION, SRIOKERS all contestants for the 25 premiums aggregat ing above amount, offered by BlackwelTa Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All ban must bear our original Bull Durham labeC TJ. S. Bevenne Stamp, and Caution Notice. Ths bass must be done up securely In a package with name and address of 8onder, and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charms must be prepaid. Oard&dou November SOth. All pack ages should be forwarded December 1st, ana must reach us at Durham not later ihan Decern her lMh. No matter where you reside, send Snur package, advise us by mail that you have -one ho, and state the number of bags sent. Nnmes of successful contestants, with number of bags returned, will be pubUsbedv Dec. 22. in Boston, Herald , New York, Herald; Philadel phia, Timet; Durham, H. &, Tobacco Plant; New Orleans, TimeDemocrati Cincinnati. -Znirert OhieagoDaily -New; Ban Francisoo, Chronicle. AAefess. - Blacxwkle Dtrnnx "Tobacco Co, . Dueham, N. C. Every geaoine package haf picture of Ball. 3- Boe oor next armouncement." Fifteen or twenty shares of Great Falls :u u Manufacturing stock. . Apply to 3. M. SCALES ; Rockingham,- June Zl7 1884 111 nil And win completely change the Uood in the entire sjvtena in tbre month. Any person who will take. 1 Pill eaob night from Xto XZ weeks, mmj he restored toeooad health U such a thins; be possible. Tot Female CoxaplaiaU these Fills hare no eqai PhysliaBe them for the CTr of I.TVEB and HJDKEY dlaeiutee. Bold eyrjwhote, or Bent by Wall for Bc 8b. stamps. Circulars free, i. g. JOHHSOy 00.,Eooo, ibas. ? mm mi JOHNS ANODYN Tt ra 1 -ell-knon fact that most of the florae and Cattle Powder sold la toil ooan try is worthtew : thut Sheridan's Condition Eiwdei" is i absolutely pore and.TeryralaaUe. othims n Earth will make hne ,f uke Sheridan's Condition Pow- toy. It s ill also positirely prevent and cure 1 Hik CHICKEN CHOJLERAJc&oi'sMlte Steam Eno-ines, Saw Mills "BOSS" COTTON" PEESSES, Iiamps, General Hardware, Barbed Wire, j Marvin's': arid Barries' Fire Proof Safes, Dixie plows, Hand cuffs, fine knives, imported avm and ' ' C '' ; W ttsiLO and Faeming Implements, of all descriptions. B RE m $c fflC'DOWE LL, M CHaPJ.OTTE, N. 0. ' To the needs of the ' tourist commercial tra veler and new settler, Hostet ters Stomach Bitters is pecu liarly adapted, iiihoe it strength ;- ens the digest- j ive organs, and braoes the phys ioal energies to ; unhealtbful in fluences. Itre moves and pre .vents malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsia, healthful v stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and enriches as well as pilies the blood. When overcome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the weary and debil itated find it a reliable source of renewed strength and oomfbrU For sale by all Druggists and PeaUrs generally. Having severed my connection with Great Falls Mfg. Co. as an operative, I fK Mr .fas A Wright aa Travel Sht fftrhft Home Sewing Machines, Organs, Ac. Also shall sell, in connection with above, H. S. Goodspeed's Pictorial Family Bi ble, the best Bible published for the money. Also a number of other good books, all standard works'.- Roping for a liberal patronage from the public, 1 am yours,. Ac, N. WILSON. July 1st, 1884-tf. ' I uiBRie nnirnw m nannio nciviuii oust jus ST. IOTJ1B, . tOVJU. m a .MINI STOW SI HOf MHm PASTLLc REMEOT INM SMi D4 othen who MAv boss Nffmi saS FtiTsiesl MbU- . iw assay f looear fianinumwa. T Btsssay Is t la sss. (Mill a BoBCta). SSntSawosl,SMlssslsjs lsMS,)aStlls S.AM flinlMklv mmA tiulto hh siiissyisili s. Psiaptilft desert, swss ef mm win assies oa spensfUga, BOX rna-' 1Att - ' WT tnr -- BsntrrtsTC CIRCULA SKNOPOK 4aVri 0..WTMAI. .A smw J , Issatatwaw- A Clothing JVittlcoivslcii A CYCLONE ; DESTROYING jALL BUT ttUR LOW PRICES ! COMA:HXSOSr IS PROOF. A preat ruanv merchants seem ' to try to make a great deal to do about the panic in New Xoi k and its effect on the Clothing trade, etc. One of our firm, who chanced to be in New Turk when the great mon ey crash took place, .says it had tio significance either on the Clothing or Dry Goods, market, but this is the season when manufacturers are compelled to onload. The manufacturers die hard but dull times at last compel them to sacrifice their stock for cash. ; It is a ,well-known fact we make no unnecessary noise unless w have- SOM ETH I NG STARTLISl G TO OFFER We have just cqnsnmated the purchase of Two IBNwdredi and Fitty lIEIViS HTJITS Which vre shall offer at'less than 50 cents on the dollar. "This sale . ' , will be strictly for casli." Men's bnits at $3.0-- Jnt think. Men's-Snita at' 459.- ; H- . Men's Suit? at 6.00. u Men's Suiti, all wool, ' i --"y Men's Svritk ." ' Itferi's Suits, . . " Men's Suits, $8100, $8.50", $9.00, , W'ovtli' Tist 3poaVble tlie IVIotiey-- WITTKOWBKY & BARXJH VirARI.OTTi;, . PURGaTlVErfi HIM fni il l II AV ST 5? 7, onp. Asthma, BroBchitts, VenraUr U$ will InitanUneoo.lT relieve then terrtbte nd, 7" Poely care nine cms put of tea. Information that will sure but live sent free liy mail. Don't dcUr a tuxaanL rrerention It better thmn cure. E LINIMENT CLRE3 Influents, Bleeding at fiie Lnnrn. Eosns. K, Chrooio lirrhoea, I)yentery, Cholera Morbus, Kidney TronUaa and ' ere. Circulars free.. I. 8. JOUiiSON A CO., Boeton. Mass. mmwm lay Cholera, Ac. 8oM seery where, or tent W mail for Sc In I ', V - ."o.ivu in i.lkc cans,pnccsi,w; ot mail. Circulars fine. I. 8. JOHSSON & CO., BoMoo, AU V. M. H. RUSSELL Offers This Week The fallowing Goods which liave just been received, and to arriye: LACKS. C Cream and Black Silk Span- tsn- iorobon, f rencn uui. pure, Brabrant, Italian Co rinthian Embroidery- Lice and Irish Paint TjtfiR. Tv- f" er lasting Trimmings, and many other Laces, with In- sortings to match. WHITE GOODS, .' novelties, ' - India Linen, . Vic Lawn, 10 pieces ; Stripe and Fancy Nainsook Plaids, Striped-and Dotted Swiss," Brocaded Lawn, and lace and welt Pique. Lidies ' arid Misses' Dress Shoes, also Ladies Low Cut Mag I nlia &lld Button NeWpOrts. TtkJijese goods have - been bought below their vaTSwaQd will be offered to the tradbat a small margineircost for cash. "Buy close and sell close''Is the motto of- M.-H. EussELt, July Dr. W. H. BOBB1TT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggist, No. 10 East Martin street, RALEIGH, ISr. O. Read What a patient says of it : "The Pastilles 1 porcliased from yon in Aagast Erove to me most conclusively that ""'while there Is fe there Is hope." They did their work ferbev vend aoy utmost expectations, for 1 certainly did not expect that a habit of FOURTEEN Y KAILS' DURATION could be completely gottes sutder con trol in , the exceedingly short time of two months I sa sssweyett tliatno fats modesty will keep me from doing all that lean in adding- to the success which will sureljProweo Mdclja-remlr." . Above extinct boa a letter dated W. Va Dm X, SSI The Pastilles are prepared sad sold only by tha HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CHEMISTS, 308 N. tOth. St. ST. LOUIS. MO. 1Sssts'1 trMtaiat JS, two nsitki S5, Ohm austki 7 ADO 6 Darn ell's I Men's SuitS-af $4.12 Men's Suit's at . 5.0 N $6.50, worth $13.50. 7.00, " 15.00. J net think. 7.50, " 16.00. ' ' $10.00) $11)0, $12 and $12.56.- SIS 7 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. m . OO r,-1 ySWZi aa. 'aata. ILL. MASS. roR SALE BY J. L. STONE, General Agent, Raleigh, N. (;. JAS -s . A WRIGHT, Agt. a Kocknrr T?. SINCLAIR has Ditched his tent on tlie west side of the old' Sontnern HoCel, and is now' ready to serVe the nublic. He has greatly improved in the art of picture making since he was here, and is getting lots of work. As he wj.ll only remain a short time, parties wanting pictures had better call soon. t Jas. T. LeGrahd. Uhas. W. Tillett. LeQRAlTD & TILHSTT, Attorneys at Law, Hockngliam, TsT. C- Will practice in all the courts of the State'. Will occupy LeG rand's law office, where; one member of the firm-earr al ways be found, AYER'S AgneOnre IS WARRANTED to cure all eases of ma larial disease, such as Fever and Ague, Inter mitt? or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fevef, and. Liver Com plaint. In ease of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorised, by oar circular of - July Ut, 1882, to refund the money. Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mast. ' Sold by all Drngjfcit. Yes. TBEBE' is a In Wadesboro ! i . And there Is the place to get SWflL BOOKS, &IANK BOOKS i ;; ;; and I ! Fine Stationery. Give me a trial and be convinced that 1 will soil you goods as cheap as they can be had anywhere. ' JOT Mail orders promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN A, DSTIS, 8 Central Hotel Block. 6m. i SPRING AND SUMMIT GOODsi N.ov? Openat J.; Wi. & BROVS., Fancy andSoUdPrints, Wtrfte and Figured Lawns,- May Novelties in Notions and Station ary. Finest and Largest stock of ladies' and muses'. Something for Everybody ! ALSO .A. Few SPECIALS ,: ! '" - 'i .: ' ; FOtt v-, "DUDES,",' All at prices lower than they have been for years, , and which in texture, wear and durability will give satisfaction. . J. W. McRae & Qro. HqwLost, ,H6 Restored ! r. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cul- vtrwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical eure of Spennattor hcea , ot Beminal Weaknetts, Involantary Seminal' Loases, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Irtipedi- ments to hiamage, tc.; .aio;-Coa(mmptioii, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by sen-indulgence, or sexual eztravagence, Ac. . The celebrated author, in -this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, tnat the alarming consequences of self-abnse may be radically cured; pointing put a mode at once simple. cert&iny bud effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly. and . radically . This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope J to any "address,- post-paid, on receipt of four cents or two postaare stamps. Address IWAIII!H(Sl(5)(a TheGidverweU Medical Co.,f : V wlun An in ml s mwi harm nf iw . I V0t.iA-?'' DEALBB IN CENEHAi: MERCHANDI Tid xrrx'T it. Y: The CHdaesi.Pfaoe ; , , In BicfhnoiKt county to buy your sup ' . plies for . ' .",'.: : 7 .- . ..- i 1 : Casli or 3artei"f,3 r IJtlst Received ,11U KHCKB Al . J S 1WIUV , 1 car load or bait:- r ?-:v 50 boxes Tobaeeot ' ?;.:.? W 30 gross tttd1 200 vvfea8tfid& mnff, and other good to be sold low for cash ' Come to Hamlet and call for . .. 4 . Ptace ;iteap Cub Sr.' W. F." STEELE. K. L. STEELE, Ja. . J. W. COLE. ' STPELE BROS. & CO., ' DEALERS IN - - - T .1 COTTON BUYERS, Keeb on hand a large and varied stock- of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions., &c, kc, to". suit toe trade, which they are constant ly replenishing by almost daily recei A special attraction of-tueu stock ia an elegant . . J Co rpe t Exliibiior, with 60 difierent patterns of Brussels,- ianis . t Ingrain Carpetings, wbicrr l.i. v can ee.i at New York retail prices . and show you just how they will look when made up and spread on your room floor. They have exclusive control of those unrivalled fertilisers, the ; , Solvable ittfcille i ; AND Sea Fowl aU-AJSTOS and will also sell i ' - K A. I V I T ; ' and other popular brands. ,; we buy our goods as low as they can be bought, and can and will sell as low as anybody can sell GOOD goods. We" also pay the top of the market for cot-" ton and other p'JVuce. , . ; r ' P- S.A11 persons indebted to us are notified that our books are ready for a settlement. -5. THEOHLT'TRUE- EH Cr.lMis It will and enrich :. V-?"'- th LIV aUS -lA-.m" . BJSaXiTa aBdVIQC especially lyiv tlon. Lack of F atsoasoa requtnnr L are. ircivM' Babtbk's Iron Tonic Tbe stfdoj 4-:.; ltrortbeorlfrtnal. Jfyou6i..- do uot experiment get the Omou. a - - - - - T7a-. . 1 .l fl O. JOOBSb SB0. IW JUJUbAJA ' 1. ' - J-. . " Fallof -rrr " assmlilorma.iW.j s'-1V ''';-'v "'. A.-v',i Pn. HAarnra inow Tewo m ro feVKS.v,-& ' - Dmxxnstsano D balers EvERvvifeH: ot'T''- i tMm of mm.'. STITUl thrWITTT DlSPENSABY. No. 920 ' MJrWIffilORfl TO flrx wci; ;)'.rv'' v. Im Iv T T .a4 r '' ua . tu.1 j..i. aw. V SXUOX OSaSkaH. his. A Suiiaeu V'-.. ThU'Ht1tW har atirMa- Mellltiea ai nd aa-fi:v4-a;, perieaoedTaenlty. Wbite tt siieci-ewUTs form ttmineM, which baa been -stahllsliod Mr years. It will aim to extend Its mnoal and surfdesd prae- Uoe. irlTtnr akllinil and cienUnc treatmeut to ' CHRONIC DISEASES &SS.taTO aMa Uhm. r ta OlM..a. L n 1 n III.... . 1 aacaa. Heart, Ltver.Stomach and Bowels, Khaam i2f'S?.i atlsm. Dyspepsia, Oonaanip lion and Astlinia. f: :, BLUUU IMPURITIES. inherited or caused tlon, Sorofnla, Fever ftarea. Ulcers. eU nrrnniimrn or the l.lmb-. 8utm by Impure aasoula tJcers. eto.i Imbs, Spinal Ourta." : UCrUlllfllll'tO tare, Wry-Meek. DImssm WC B If II CCO and -wastlns: diseases In eld and It JtrtnI.OO yonur men, atsu all diseases ol the r-nlto-Mi-tnai-T oritane. J CCIf NIC IrreRialarlUea and waaknesiee. cans- rCMAlC Ilia: pala in the back orelde, ete -. rersnnal Interviews with patients are always ' preferred. Those unable to visit ihe Institute will : be furnished with blank HsM of questions that wiltr aid them in mating a full statement of their eases aud If not reqnlrlnc a aarcleal operation they can be sncoessfiillr treated 6y enrrespondenoe. and medicine sent try mall or ezps. To enable as to Dead proper list of qnestloiis iHltants should 1 rive a brlrf statuneni of their trouble. t the Joints. Pilaa. Vistula. Iiunturc. ete. I em xieasurerof we eorporeooa mo wemosw flhwsn 6o Advertiainc A.cMta,aod vef an to the pablislwr of this er any other Dewepaperia she I UolW 8tiUmwrinaadsreardle ssewneiMlrar.' . Comniltafioa atCMBce or by mA free end nwHedi m o. d: If 2ou, Nped a Watch; Of any kind, ho matter how eorninOn'or how fine, and cannot call to examine my stock, write to 'pie giving description of kind you want and I will send it to you by Express C. O. I., with thy- privilege oT exanfirraHorf: 3 If -it suits, you" an pay Express Agent for it, it not return' at my -expense. .Remember that Ire" pair ' watches, clocks, Jewelry," Ac.y af short notice and guarantee sasisfacnaoh;' J. H.ARNES. i ROCkirighirin, N.-C Mch CANCKRS CURED; : By"a renf6dy strictly my own : 1 goar. antee to cure Canoers, Tumora, Warts Ac., in a short lime. . , Ao cure, N charge, ; r therefore do not hes ate and suffer, ba give me a triaL 1 8. M. WRIGHT; -43...1T . ' - Laurel Hill, N.:C- New Biaiser My -arrangements' now being oompletey fypsnppjyiiig oustomers v' ?--'i-.-..'' r : Light .BMm-km :-' ft.."'- v. ii w. M : P - - -"I r. ,v! i : :4i V 'h -i 1 ri ,".. Ik. i f, ' A if. ":.-.v-.; .-4 In Vt tr''i'D0i

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